Whitby Chronicle, 1 Aug 1884, p. 1

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YEAI1 'EUTIABLI% THE WIe BOIL F RIDAY MORNING, Front thffetCxoucnBuil.ing,Bmek than n ay iber Paper ithe0Absunty cf ou- tarte. J.S. Robertson ïf Bro8., PROPRIRTORB. TEBUS OP ADVERTXSING. FInal insertion, par lina, 10 conta; saoh suheequeni Insartie, à couta. Diaplayofi Advonhs.mesu aemeatUned byàe0sosioelid Noopareil, and oharged AdarvOnienutt seul vithout vnitteu lu. struotious inserted until foinhian d char ad fer ful ime. Ordera for dicoentinuing advetilsemeuta muetbcein vnitiug,othervite the publihena viilnet h. responaîble. A liberal tiscountiforc*ontraci adventiae- mante by thé vear. Cepy for changea of conaci advartlsemelitsasbould ho haud.d lunet lIner thon Wedtesay a.nd notioe of any luteuded changezabshuld h. iven h.. fora Tuesday aeon. Other advertismonta necelvet up te Thursday noon. Businaesnotions lu local or nova nolumus tiret Insertion là cents peir lino cf Nonp. rail- 10 couie per lins each aubiequeni n sertion. Five ceutsaper lin.par onnum. Correspondance seliited f romta&U parla of the Conuty or nelgiborluqt twnahiÎa Cor. nuapendanta ara «raqueated te sond in tbeir dioimniulc&itinsai promptly ai poaible. 08- PRIRTIIIS DEPARTUENT. frhis Deparimeut lanveil suppliat villi the ttawest sud Rendeomeat S et of Type sultahie fer esry cs of Jeb Wcrk. lune Prntlug a speeWtiy. The CuuoNzcz>a'u equipmeut lu ibis respect la triotly tinit- cias, and i t. e xoulud by suy "ooe in Raiteru Ontario. JOHN B. FAREWELL, LL.B., B ARRISTER, County Crown Attorney, sud Ceuuty Solicitor. Office,- South wing. Court House, Whithy -48 MES8RB RITCHIE & BILLINOS DARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY &C Torouto. Wbitby. JAMES RUTLEDGE, B) ARRISTBR, &o. Office fonmeniy c- 1>OU led hy Farevell & Butledge, nerf ta RoyalRote!, Brook St., Whithy. DAVID ORMISTON, B.&., A TTORSBY.AT-LAW, SOLICITORU .à1Chanoory, Cenvoyaner, ho. Opriu-lu lbheOffice outh of lb. Pett Office, lu MoMLlian'a Block, Brook Strait, Whltby. l'o RODINSON & M ENT, (LarE DuoOÂU & Roarcson.) BARIIISTBRS.AT-LAW, ATTO RN- 13 eya, Solciters, Conanscera, ic. opFICE.-Il Victoria Chamh..tt, No. 9, Victoria Street. 3..Reaasea, ax. &. ERasaîgaT A. R. ar. G. YOUNIMI19TU4 L L. B., BARUIETER, &o., &o.-Money te Loin 13Issuer cf Mirntage Licensea. Orvicc-Ovan Dominion Bank, Whltby. Tan. 22, 1878.- t- J. RAMER ORENWOOD, ATORNBY AND SOLICITORI, 4ON- ,jyacor. 'Netary Public, kho-Paît Offic,»a ier No. 11, Whitiy, Out. Ferme bong lt &aid seid Mariagl ettale- met, Willa sud Trusta made Speciaitica. Loin. uegetiaied ou ail kinds of Pnopety. 42-ly JOHN HALL DOW, B ARIRTRR-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR luinChancory, Cônvayancur, &o. OffieeDevan l ock, Brook Street, OFFICE-That iately ocouplcd hy Mr. C. ionnie, Inannano. Agent. BROOK STERET, .WEIITBY. W. . AIDAMI DOONSOVEBJOHN FERGUSONI8 Whiby. UMoe un trom 9 &.m. te 12am., sun&trim 1.80 teo. . m R ldono--cer. cf Byrn4on utQit atreofl. wma ot hewekeg.1.iat&Bd 10 euale.or 4 ILI antgsd Wa Wini leail youen freanyal MUUea leebox cf asieoia ti iliput 03 e le the vaY a1 =hiklag m " eyla afsv <lay an you aven tou1 poîhe ah my The vevk la ublvarasiy apdtae * otmsxe, coun and i. Youce mestlyeronom5 aet. tamet le nota maIMe thloAiSlelgnprl lledeoffar: to lwho auaeetveildod va evIll Bond Il te l the Iatroubla ce vntting aui. pull paruclm, P"= umet M a * une nes m1 b Sakby thmo ve 1, huwbob in ita thé wonk,G(bot susa, baëlitli Sut!. i0Do" unatta arpeai oe sente yar de& 100 C*J.ba a-Mo 00Eupraýdfag- e - ~WIth tuiPdt4'wodgai theughts. al4 ilwig in nds VOL. XXViii. £Uanttargob T ME WEUTBRN BANK OP CANA&DA, WH!T1Y, - N2'ABIO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. Wbitby, Nov. 7th, 1882. IY.47 ONTARIO BANK, WHITBY B.BANOH, Brock Street, - - Whstby. J. Il. ADDISON, -FINANCIAL AGENT. *~ 0 : BoxlU4, 51y WHITBT. MONEY TO LOAN! Sioo.OOOl Fuit INVESTUENT. ON REAL ESTÂTE SEOURITY. At lOWUt UYiDE raic of inteiWi. Mioney seeured vithin 10 day& of ap- plication. Apl o JOHN FARQUHÂRBON. Whltby, Pebruary IMt, 180. 9. C. NOIRSE, Insulance and GeneraI Agent, R.proenttng the f eliovinfi companios: Phoenix Fire Insurance Company, of London, England. North British and Mercantile Insurance Co., of Edinburghi and Landon. British American Assurance Comnpany, of Toronto. London Guarantee if Accident Comnpany, of Engliad. IPPRMIEKR poulTEE Canada Permanent Loao & Saylogs.Co MONEY TO LOAN, On Improvsd Farmia(ai 1e rate of Iiteroat Alâo Socretar'vTre"aur of the County Agricutoral Society cf South Ontario. OFFICE : At Post Office, Brook Street. A. A. î'CIST, (laie with Lanloy. Langleyh Burke, Teýrouto.) A RCHJTECT. Deaiços for Churches, Villas and Cottagea as peialty. Drawinga prupaned for r.- msdeling exlstiug struoturea. 0",r,,, for Lb. preaut .1 ai bireaiden. on Kingaton Road, Piokeriing P. O. Box 2M2 Wilra W. 0. JOUNSTON, PROVINCIAL LAND) SURVEYOR. Can h. feunçi at th. Law Office of J. 0. Kelly , q, Wtby, or ai th. reaideuce cf Mr. R~jhuaton, Ferry aireat. Dominion Wood Work8, WH ITBY. Geo. Cormaeok, Doora, Saab and Bilndai. Medna LUEDER wboleaale and rettil, or by by tbe car load,. Planlng, Mouldingaet every descrip- tien, Flooning, Sheetiug, Shelvang, Re.-- aawing, Sbaplng, Turning. Scirofl-work, etc., etc. Wbitby, Oct. ltb, 1878. -ta IGBROTHERS,- WHITBY. ONTARIO, Importun, Dealer and Manltusra of a&U ind of LEA THEI? AND Ff NDIN&&8, Cu apu tfor Rmd., BarI sut Luatlaak. Leabhier siretcbsd. M-BILTINQ SVAD13 TII OOBDROn, BHORT NOTIOE. May, lm7. ,3 MR. 1HI. DATES, NevipapPo &dvertinfutg Agen£,,41 Park Mette la the CHRONICILBE jai Our T RI PAPR a=y bu teu on 16a1a T eao. P- RevU eilhO'g$LsNi" A vrtitngBurean 10Sruet.,veoa. vartlaing cot aa >'bu matai-t.z LUMER LMERTe O. li H 1N T -- M oney in the Pocket of Every Newspaper and Magazine Reader. &A L ftzTICUr. xir COMEImATION KRATES. Tl Chronicle ($1) and Weekly Globe ($1) . 2 00 $1 65 $85 chronicle (1) and Weekly Mail ($1) . . 2 00 1 65 85 Chronicle i and Weekly Âdvertiser ($1) . . . 20 1 65 35 hronicle1 anl sd WeelYWItness ($1) . 2 00 1 65 85 lhronicle1)and Weeky8tar (S1)U. 2 00 1 75 25 Chronacle 1) 'Md Rural Canadian ($) . 2 00 1 50 50 Chronicle 1) a Leisure Heur ($1.50) . . . 2 50 2 00 50 Chonci 1 ad8nday at Home ($1.50) .20 2 00 50 Choil )ana Boys' Own Paper ($1.50) . . 2 50 2 00 50 Chroniole 1) and Girls' Own Paper ($1.60) . . 2 50 2 04 50 Chrenaol0 1) anad Âmerieui Âgriolturaàlit ($1-50) 2 60 a 10 40 Chrouicle 1) and The Householil ($1.10) . 2 10 1160J< 50 Clhroniole 1)and Grip 800 à* o 60 to Chromecle(i and Sciitiflo Americau ($8.20) 1 20 a 70 50 Chronielb (1) and American Farmer (W) .2 10 85 -6 Chronicle (1) and Bottiah Âmerican Journal ($2.50) 8go 8 5 o 50 Chromai. 1) and Truth . ..2 50 2 00 50 Cric 1) and any two Dollar Weelie or Mothies-three poriodiSalh . 4 . 8 00 2 50 60 Qhro4loe( 1) and any threo Dollar periodioala--four priodicaa 4 00 800 1 00 Chronible 1) aud two Montlfios publised st $1.0-4 poriodiU" 4 00) 8 75 A VALUABLE PREMIUM G o1rltork por""t~im ua 2e..of imd Lansdowne (4Caada's nov Governor = ,)H i.OlivOr MO t. Hou. $à r Loba LwMoeald, or BOPr, U il beseutea fr-ee t.v obo ft sù oV 1< lb zo th oxu, holbor lb.papoeis sm alone or clubbed with any other pm6*dieL tWMm fottaýts r. s.Wbym 10Ïôcenst. e* n muube-a. ded ta caver cost af postage ana proteetors.) ItiseyonirsVo take advantfe of these liuiýeral .tonnebefore it je to lte. je se Chironiclo Building, ROBE RTSONý Deveoes»look, WfflTBT, union1 'xi. ndveca* ?eace, Pregrema, Knowledge, Drotberhood. WiIIB, NarO IRflY, -AUJGUST à840 PA TE NTS ea euuplits nth*lp !t1ed Statua on iiesmeta~iaaWOl'ten itainboulte patent fire naltheb.Si a. tdieuring ai17 Wan patent ;ctlaarW'lae lim vii lmitai i.yesn. Total ceaI et Unitet 8tsf.. Patent#W 10l 90ou kng appilcatien eb.bayn nIly vien 1patent sivt for~ ~~~~o =74.na54 u uup c ac.1t, Afidrms, V. A. SNOW h CO., f ellilore ef Patentac %=t 019ce.6 Washington, D. C PIésa mention whene yen a«w ibis adrur- "mt.amat.1 ;PIANOS TUNED. G »O. T. GUMPRICUT, Tuner, Yfor Mesa.Maien h Riah obTeate, wii! ho in vhltby &os hoMidlle et May. Partiesavigtahier Pim«oapropolytune vU2 pl ase isiva their entera v$lb ;Meams & ZUPEETt Phiera*npeusWU 'a RIco. Wbtby. Ottonsb>' i"i te. V whlietlvaprompt attantion- iy-15 i - .-- I. -....-~.- a KID GLOVE ("LEALNER - 20R S4LE4 BY - we R. HOWSIE, CIIEMIST AND DRU GGIST, WH ITBY, ONTARIO. Little worcij Six litie wovrds lay dlaim te me each pasag day- I oughi, 1 muei I eau,! vii, I dore, may. I Ough ; ThatîLthe 1aw God oumy> heart bat vrriten, The mark for which my seul ia with strong yearnlng saitten. I'muai: Thot la the beund et eiher aide ihp vay BY nature aud the wvend, se that I ahail net iray. I Cao: Thot- measurea out the pewer en- irated me 0f action, knowIedge, art, saIll and - dcx. terity. I WM :Ne higlier onown on humain leaa eau reat; 'Tit fneedemn's rignot suai upun the seul imeressed. I Damre the device vhioh on the teal yeu By!reedom's open der-» bolt fer lime cf need. 1 May -&o=g thezu aberaura$1. The momeont Muaita 1e t a t4~vb Ie ibtmut, Ica,Iv1rn ItaoM Tht six laY cdaim te me .50k bâ t f«~y Teaehmeoh Qedoa sd Uhenthon siMilI ,knovoanchday Thât mhi# 1 Iouïto ede, muai, oe, vi dmand nu my. Ber Bonnet. (F1rom .<uguetf Cmcvav *tBi o Wheunumeelna-befla begau te tofl, And ouaelM began topait, She itlytied be bneton, Ainl ber neal, vhite-urWsiud reom, be fore harlny looking-ghat 80ozucely, round W 1 ady-obekl, 8h. smoethed ber banda ef glossy bair, Amctlunoceutind vea ndif H bne Înet- mamber fair;- Thon asrnly chid ber foelia behart for harbering such fauolea Ihero. Be square abe lied the satin atringa 4nd sbibe bova beatil barOr ia- uhn amilea te s..ey aveewot ah. oolced; Thon tbeught ber vanfty a sin, And ah. muai put snob thousaib ay buter. the aermon sheuLld b=in But, aittiug 'ueaih tbe preacimil word. Demanely iih.rfalhe'tpuy, 8h. tbh t about ber boinet slffl- uaaUIeparseu'a soeon tbrogh,- About ILi prettyboy. %adIm ua vhicb botrtmtetexi ah. knmv etsiitgfie. itIxh ofuni face, Thé reflux et ber "PlnIp sul 8h. looked ta e a. a yti- And mybuseu e, on the vhee- Only =bt erpretty bonnet lepI îvay the Mary S.Wira. ER IF NE JaUUUiq wuy a lavyer-hbat is> ho vas golng-to bé,one. M theb.posetblaid heau plssa- mteuough t=olalmZuta ecoua effoot nipo a. Young asa, sMd -the -ot 9là mn Ma,@ «sse.-lia ot bMon, ina leggl se, eatlfaory 'ie 1111e fortune vas"Pady'dis- *apmýaus n d at lit ,tvs o, el Weolla conuniau a smeaous vrd datre mua, Wlast muai ho dot '1 1Usd a" he iaislii. ju" té aOntoseery boni lal.ly, and bail Mevr £et butocs asevu- NO. 33.1 'Oh, dear i. Did yen thiuk 1 vas geing le marr>.yen ufor Abat?2" "Iu aIl Our plessaut lutile .dinnens, sud driveso, sud daneas, isthler. matri.- meuii a peculationP Tuât would, iudeed, be dreadînl"l "8h. leve t1he profsson tee tmnly;-, ah. a bo.tiel aimply ple atag~d ýfrieudiy tle bim.aeaiobh a Ze ea other gentlemin friands vho, however, badto bemuai sens. aud medesitet muiscoutrus ber Ilundnu." Theu tii.wenut b ths aviany, and, began cooiug te ber burds. 1luliut barilly7 rsmemubered 'viatý passdi aftorwanda, exeept Abat ho re- ceivot a cool, ceurleous "Geod night, sir," in saen b bo is "Farewell,"ad, tuat bo feuud bimoeif in a vsry unen- viable atate ofmind. To this apeedily ancooeded the tlionghi al of Nora. - --- of Hl suetaee *r $o-nigbLatiw - To-mornow Besals voufl givs bot, -ivun version of bli contdUo sud thon- wel h. o ald net. aclinedige liaSb a ibstaonlil mako any difforenQe la Nna'a- wliking for him. . i "Andl yol," ho tieughil "ven ara anci uncerlain enoatures." bu S Wberes h.own interneasvers con on cernusi, Julinas unet vantiug inuàafi 'cortain strengti sud decition of.cbar- t acter, sud in floistIbn au heur sfter bis ti rejectien by Bernai. Bal, ho bai en far pi coDmpoansd ancounagat iima.lt.as te v doterminùe upon a visit te Nons, Ihougi wbtberio s houid ofisn bimeesoîf ler' to or tiot, wvsàapoint holoft to the de- aid velopment ei circurnatances. , 5au R e fount Nonsaat home, sud, more- er, te.seemeil diaposed ho wvocome -aina wilb extra ocordislhy. go uot.d vitb a friab admiration lbe reflied dculursi aspect -of lhe roona-tho rici silk sud lacs tiat roici lhe litho, graceful figure ot Nors. Al liahs. thinga bail a feuan sd do- iigbtfnl chu in u hecu. - 1 Re acon drift.d lie couversatio thl towanil annoie. Il "Woulheabshb.mannied vian lie in professer relurnoil frona abreadl2 "Oh.,lien, ne!1 Net until te.in gi tvanty.ono. gi '«I. il net ration a mesalliano 2" ho 6ea quostionai. 1 10 Nonsa ys oaflaahed sud grsw don- ,DO genously brigh. sM "«Cerlainy net. Professer Mr1bu Tyler vie a man oet vend-vide famo. jbel Il vas an honor for Bieus 10b. loved I J byý snob s gt-eal senl.*' fte 'Ah, ladeuil, ho bai net thougit tf ti il la At hîlgit. Paople uualiy spoke L-th cfaà màasiisue vihregard tle mouey li afùlrs.t' . 141 "Yes, I kne," réplisi. Nom;; *sud- 44, jual tiers Aley are &tniily wrong fqs tiarearem verse metailanoos -thi:bi diaparities ei fortune, but,, b owvern, wu her, thora vu. »tlany kiail;- lhée11,ià profasar ,bat ,feunt>- eienlî*i a.t 4 snffeiaaly zrici siembie, vlthi rosie. mi Alunas ealmittlng etfno bina of uloubtI "$Wî! you be gMiaten ho marries P" t ho" ased. "«Yot yen vil! Ieeyour fred" D home, ast thé prooleaan d ans Vary..ib cia fiénila;hoe me mu vin 1 vas a n111 es& PorL" "Idei. Pebpo ycu may marry Wh 0ime tiieGd l is icase vhat baS Ifluces woevetry - bsaiensernoes iu 3entact *vii h~ ir for godd on bail." *Johns. wsnt eteadily te -,vonk, uset, rith econoral-.the rasc.tfi.paIn.ý lpuy. becar ekitovuaMoug Iawvyans a a hada ueerbaosteudy- rbung man«, i l na - lils leMore tiaa, mWo yesrs b.0evesturda- te eaU again on, [oa laie- t aak. beîr a certain' -, - Î.hieh ah. answvered,vwitb, Auetbséuing asa d ilNora. ast pping thain. cffee -tegether il- tâb oomu f aû- arly sumumerevoniaf. "6Besie," isid i r, "ins Maà y aksei mo lestVnigii-loulry in." "Qoin g ldNns 2"l Yp, ds~Isigin t ao r )f him,' atdis igoing >i.o tace cane of -Tht is àIiýà11 Taupooe." - &£Yes. lI ÏMqlttt set itl udu't bh. mten. Bonith gil a~.neta ilosu 'd bs onssiu iy 'II have ben vodeng how mauy )d huabanda might, batî been, gond mcs, dia woman -sWaji us e thei la.. îneeqfor noble onde. Th-ien.onügii hab a saving power in love, If -il la use love, aud lier. ia, for .1 have )rved it.; aud-vit I. have doue otiher oémen eau do aios." Ged grant liai in- hhe lange bàny ôwhieb voman sapiro, ehis May con- den bow vasta spower. la ber influence,,- Ld use il ouly for.gnseioua oui.. Pô*fy. ITS BEMMFCgEr.nIFLUZNCi.; Prein tthc PsU Mail igzettè. A working man senduils.tie fc1i110w.ý ng aconul of bis ovu axe:psinaasl h0 affect cf pootry -on1bise ""Hf,. :t only recommanùdaion, ho ramaîkai," ilfs strit sud literattrati: "ile lie pooti, sousibity ,,really, a- :aïn V" Yen ask lha, question ; l1.1 mi ivos briét nd plaiàrvio* of my»ow aperience during m a î_ reuticesiiP olite. Iwatboruumorfittho iTwod. oitb ton, Bonn appoared im oi, adi 1 *as casA eut, on 'v'bat.fouud tao ean te ausain fats and) auna,)., mli 8> At t M MEIC I LL I On. E. GIBRARI). "Oosd Inm Éo "à' love» Perbaps ihiere vat .ýnever penad a finer pioture porryiog,.Ah. entiAMent àu luve in 194-bjind ea - rdgar Fawcett's IstopA tor 'mired ALllaire," Dovwrunniin la lb.biosgq Tii. limfetbaju t e b 'o rrticeneg everslaerybeleenthe iNortli aud South in- the neigboriing Republio. Preparaliens ame Imgàt complote& for ihênutial ofCû~taeair aaugh. Avoua dt, y - a .ndilvr aon-bis-bride sud'ebeosi Abhoçianeet Il sorè rane vbwoi unhu ôva le tly, but .hopelally. le burrieail aeg by thei.ni ideàirs le save Ooustanc. tieateuiuig i, bad i -uA vent sud -eagelî spoueb knoving Abat oedid sue by thi. stresa- and - mi "SaWalter Q*odff euenoment-audi in'!tneuôm a wiflbïait muite wmTaT, R. H. JA-M:ESO1ýë. PURE, LI-QUORaS. Walker's [coming -thro Rye] Whiskey. Dek Gn St. Emil.ioii Claret, st. Estephe B. &G.Medoc Hennessy Brandy, Maxtell < Boucher I T A- LIA -N the FImAst, Port Wine, PiTiest Sherry -Wie,' Aise Lime Juice Cordià Aie and Porter-on ara# bottied, W A REfI 0U SE. M. Ctirdt~g< Offona le Ibo publie s coveroil Phastous, Bu Bon, Sido a.i 8pecial Clubbing Offer Whitby CHIIONICLEI --Ma- 1e Tw ork. lyoI ES r 1 .Fe 1 1 ; M

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