OQOOQO0 COQ0 AÂT- 10 CENTS 15 CENTS 20 CENTS 25 CENTS 50 CENTS O0 0 0 00 00 0CO0 0C WA TCHMAKER &, JEWELLER, Break St.. WHITBY. MR. ROSS UOHNSTON In Cofletor and Canveaser for Tona WHXT- Sr Ciraoxcx.a, anti le authoiZet ta grant roccipta for subucrlptians, etc., and transact ordlnary buiness. AUGUST lst, 1884. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. WHAT 18'bOJNG ON IN TOWN AND ELSEWHERE. A BUDGET OF LIVELY NEWS NATTER GLEAMED T CHRONICLE REPORTERS AMD GORREPOOEl4rS "A zhel asinang ye, takin' notem, Au'tti, bell prenL t." Civia Holiday, Tuesi ynext. Big day int ova.. The. Town Cauncil metis Mcnday evening, August 4. "Navy bine" Senge Tweet Siits matie lu entier lu best style ai C. F. Stewart'& ' PîCKal;e oCOu.xd.. - Fivo yaung lady studeate roIb tis flourisbing in- stitulion passothetbsreceal voinsa loal examinetîon et Toronta Univor- siAy. Tas Tows BitLz.-AlAbougli tis fra- turet tovu bail boasbeau shippeti severail veeks, no word bas yet came freux the beill(ouatera wben thé ne.' one viii be finisieti. ifermera eut constiumera cf cil wil do well te use he Quea City 011 Cols. celebrateti Pszax.sss Maoiuery 011, for sale by ail firt-cle se dealors. 8eeo ti ads'erie.ment. PPsraxr.-The annuel pic-uic ef St. Antreves Suudey asool, au, cnnoedt t ake place at Corbett's Point ou Tlinday, bas beau indofloitto ly posîponeti. ALL Saievi' S. S. Pîcxirc.-Tie pic- aie cf Ail Sainte' luntey achool bok p aee onbsî's Point Wsdnoaday. Tie daay wes fiue anti a Most pleniint ime vas "peut by young anti olti. The town baud accompanie thie pic.nickens. Gents Cotton soi 5a, extra goot eut- streug eM 1bo, flue balbriggan et 20c, gente menino shirts at 80c, fine unden. clotbixîg (nom 45o,- acbby Tios 25c, streng Braces -fer Ibo. Orebt bar gains aI C. F. Stowart's. PacorîOT.-Mr. Frenk Higgins, vie bas ha b ire of lb. mails ou thi railroati froux Wiitby la Lindisay, mc sncb vereesatablished,iea tua week i.' csîvsd notice cf promotion. Hua uîv fieId cf labor yull prcbably be ou lb. Ontario là Quebea reilrcad, vbmcb coin mencus ou Mondey rontiing Ave Areuglu oxpres@&each vay teily b.. twoen Toronto anti Montnlal. LET Hue Ettia FOR Yen l-Mr. W. H. Thozupson, of Toronto, e flret-clesa -peper-hangar anti a nephe.' cf cur cen- iai citizen Win. Tiompeon tho sadîer,iî et vark Ibis week lu cne cf Byron ehnat's moît bateful reaidencées anti bias decidedt teremain penmaneuîly and cultivais -bis lin.e ci business lu WhlAby. MîvEnîar 5 8. .Exccastoxr.-Ahouî Avo hundreti people exorirteld on Ais Haxtings te Toronto anti Vietoria Park Tuesday. Tbs vsathor vas fine anti ithtng manredt h. day'î plisure un- les it vas Aie tieley lunrechlug homo. Tié steamer loftIh clty et 8:80, vas stuck iluth.e Bateru Gap,balf.eu.bor, and lonciedti h dock bars et 11:55 p-m. Down coins the prices lu Watceei, factorisa cuttîsug in prices. P. Taylcr enu sel! valohss cesapsr lieu any otier bons in the Couty. Try hlm befors puresing sîseviere eut cave mousy. Rs oanà otl b.nudersoît. ToEINo TEE Mtà x.-Tbis vesk, be- fore Mis Wonsblp tie police Magitrale, Wm. WIlland. inerchaut, laite et Taon- ton, ne.' ei Raglan, vas 13usd $5 anti caste fer beving, vithoot a hicee, a potier on Aie roat. Rs beti hasides le tek. ont a liceee, peylng Abs fnll 'emount, cuti oely fer the balance of Absi A Wtsurro.-Graps groweîq shout he on Abs lock -out fer 'a vito cttan'- like enbtanc..attecbed' tote b. tofe Aie vines, In thAinootb of the oeIl of lhia anbtace-vhbois vhlteasasoaes il easlly sen-is a brovu pot, whlci, Wheouetanti exabnetivihi th. ait of = "iersope, le fcund tl coutalo quit. a numïber cffinty egge. no tioùbt lhe germes oa future vins pest. OUI ow nçs LcortJRra u ItTO TBI Fra-Eýsana Buixvns.-A DetroitJ dlPatch et&$*$ bat aouhfostcy evon. * S à probh al sjsoldaut ocensd nto :0, e 4Oo*#. aoine, on - W&Avenuue. Dr. IlosvaU.ey,1 ballon inovu ste ,C"onverted 'Jov", and yh llb. el r tbord as doinl é ' titis bnaota yean ego,0Adventlu& os Ire Loek oui fort ibm 4~ o~R the Olvie olouar. *- $jiree idtoit applemahs vin b. lutereteti. Weas.-Wille Armastg, the au eer fîrozu t.he couA gultl4 .jeaccîiç at the prssent writing h. sla Aa e critical condition. -ý' Six MOUIrvîS IN TUE CICNeRAaz,-06 Heath, of Uptergrove, in Mare, w trieti th6 Other1ç Ob aeqiag seuil of th.eCui4 !ul s aim hefore wicih lto ab. triedi.mi vas foond gà uty f ilngmidll and a watch, andi sentenced tb à mentis la thecCentral Prison. BAPTIST Pzcuc.-The ibpgt .iSa da;y echool ai Corbutt's Filday vas1 onjoyabl eon.. Fin* weather, a 1cr attendeuice and pleut7 of goiltiul b oct coombi in I e it so. Im John Dryden, U. .upresent. Là ong, Beo,., anti Mr. D. C. Downe p ad a viat 01i nspection te Myrtie C 'Unesday andi have sumeooei ini indu ing th. MilndRBaiway authoritles1 p lace a switch ai thet station on tht lins. This i. noeary te rotait fi Whitby the shipplng tii whioh wi Dow have as e competing route il Ontario and Quebec raiis'ay. * ~uêAlelldtretsTornt.? iurupTWX)ý Puas. : epublic Peu menâs ae~dying ver Vhf the ti beêtat for theoe, ta gel Marred\d b. md i -by Ias o- e oain opie, - ..Bargaîne--for 3uea-Ladies Cotton" 0a- U-10ý 80, d lv8for loe, good~ Vas 16r58,tpèdâu ineet 80, 10, on asfcily cireseGooda' n, a 10e l ôta,5 agi pam ai 2e, ad et2tra gooti 766,, andti hb aipa in, l si lb. county fe«'41.00 li et . tà wit. 81X. COUNTY BUfl.znîoeITEI5L-Duningý th. choiera acaro lestiee rnovations' lu- ver. matie la jail sn&.prem4as ty sir to Sud thmleng.eonghî orlgiî ofie ge sinoli Wb"ohla sometîmes où a i leog h ig bird.ront on fi. avr toui that [r.ý tboire bc nver baien uouiffor air 4eined wvtiA ble l. undation walla il. antithe botte=i of the fin i loor. iyMr. Till hbas madie au excellent j ob lu on laying 1h. hall of the court Uoua. e. winth 8a pretty pattern et linolem ta J)on<a à Iuaa Buass.- The ir largest sigle document ever ocei for- ro nsItration et tb. County officenl iilW itby ie lb. oopy of à a vealthyEng. h. lishman'a yul whucb Mr. T.W,.Chapple, cf Uxbridge, in thc interesi of a client, id procured ta b. registered as an exem.v byplification. It in on ton oots of paroieut, each shoet Ave test by Ave. >y feoi-and-a-half in dimensions, andi con- t Io taine one hundreti and flfty folios, or in k-common lenguage fifAson thousanti W0 words. Sncb a vaest "lest will anti testa.- ad mea4t" il is right in supposing, dispose.& ai a gréait deal cf property. Tie testaosi by is the 4ete George Stephen Gibson, a Sbenkerý cf Saffron Walden, Essez " county - Englenti. The personality of à StIthe ett n£4,5.8. or nearl' lais oug -errency. The-ostof regiater- ~ing Ibislarge instrument vil exei hi twenty' dollars. Thora vas officiel E regret expressedti Aat h voluminous Il falds cf prepaned, abeopein ocoi isingM n- the perchinent bà à moi arivid tileC ,te sooner Abat tbey migbt have tendere Ic of for Abs Long inoleum contrat ta lai 'à d- Ahe corridors cf the. Court Honse thora. P in with. fe Scoovi crNoTx.-&rthabaaîa hba Ad h. prondtidistinction cfbane the finatl' Of cou2tyt>! Quebec ta vheel inso line,end 6 a. taleliat done it witli a voe whiob C e- shows Abat her electors are tboroughly Il ce rouget! andi intensel? in sarneat. The 20 maior*tyw&e 1252.-There have ne.' 0 enfort contesttslapon h. Scot, dAct. tn six cf tisse, majorities bave T 71 been polleti aginattheAiect, oeswvas 5dlest by a ie vote, andti n thirty-four là 0- bave Aoie been mjoritiet in ils lfer. 26 Every agitation for reoa iesu beau de- V r feeteti anti no Scott Adct eunfy hm B In ver geone-back to icente. The growtl. ca f public opinion is viii ebovu linAbse ci Ofolloving facis. Et la ne.' nearly three byoara sinon Ah. aati-Soott.Aet parti B Cpoiledt boi lest majority. We have not lî been beston ince h. Privy Couancil sustaîneti the Act. For the four cou- Steêts AieA have taen place during the *,preisent yoar, aur niejarities 5ggregage t 4,477, vilde the ageregete majoriof si aur opponei nia u h. i îlvictorIas Abat tliey von se long aso vas only 8 id.8246. Tie total vote nov stands: For the Act 50,590; against h. Actaitl 27,179; majority for the lot 23,411. 0 10-Tiéc fi sof theCouty cf Sia ta: coesScottActAd Assciaton doi ili bir pétition for th. submisst.mi t.eai Ad wîtbh.eSheriff of th.e uinây onua ,Tnesday. The petition hbau p dti i ~ 0 more than 1,000 sagnatusarve a rb - ta 0quired 25 per cent. Prom lâteb.oi .BI ni ncn tbs tezuperace airkrhave beau n active and energeýc, andth egeera" opinion le Abat Aiey yl beo tucoesul intheir effortis. FROUToit SHEAD or Tait Lsxxs.-Mr. W. H. Blaokvood, Who vas sent lest fal rom tbe Ontario Bank here te lbe braneh nt Port Artiior, th. terminua cf h. C.P.Ut. on Lakee uplr, " lij turneti. looking zon. the. varse for bis e intertng et that beatiful. basy anti hati towu on Thunder Bey. H. Beysa ho Fituation andi mrrenndiaigs of Abs Port are indeecrîbebly beautiful; Abat from ilA&being the distribtigpoint cf r supplies for the ten or fiteon booaa e mon at work on h. railwey narth of Lake Saperior, business la ef course vary liveIy. but the boom cf "Ahi pring ia alroady declining anti vben he rail-.- * ay i. flnished tlies iii assume e moe normal condition. There are la, lite tovu juat Dowv flfy.threelioans.d 1botele, prednaîag a revenue ta tbe mon- SoxitTujitt NEw.-Single anti roa trip tickets neow ieus-d t athle Nhiltt Telegreph Offico meailing Wiitb tirougb to Albany, Boston, SuifaIj Ciippewa, Gonove, Lewicton. Locl ç ort, Niagara, Niegeara Fells, Ne, Yerk, Queenston, Raciester, Rei Suspension Bridge, Syracuse, au Utice, N.Y. G. T. to Toronto, Aben b the Niagara Nav. Co'&. steainer'"Ch cre"te Niagara or Leviatou, elso b steamor 'Eniprese -o! Indla" te Pcl Dalhousie anti thon rail an to destiiî Lon. Also tirougi tickets fronu Whîi by via Port Hope and tiâemer "Nons" man ' to Rochester. Byoy -ailyox ticket& frein E. Stephonson, Tslegrapý Office4Wiitby. DANE 'RuuionsFo.y-Montieyever iug Ah. bewnwvas tirown imb a stel cf excitet enxiety by h. circulation c a repent tAbath. onrveying partybead et by Mr. W. 0. Joinston, P.fl.S., soi cf RoaseJoineton cf lb.he owrcx. tlb cilers bebng John Euabvot,econ son cf Dr. Eastwobd ; R. J. Gordon,c Toronto'; cuti F. Blakely. ef Bovmei ville-Aie satire psniy drowned. Tel, grapbing in all directions vas et ont bagua anti Dr. Eastwood startoti for t sons ofthe supposeti eocdeul. Th relaliveanti fienta voes n Ae'regge cage cf barrowlng doubt whetheî t reports vere rn. wbich vers publiabei by h. taily papers aIl over h. Pro vinas, anti whici emenateti from lb, parier cf h. G. N. T. Cas. ateeme Atlianutic, il! W.d nesday evenicg,vhsi the following telograin vas receivei frozu Algoma Mille. whin ae t tAi menti cf the Spanish river, np whicl Ais party are eagaged in surveying etownship : "'Algoméa Mille, WhiILby, via Bowmau-xlle. "Mau returned frow Spanisi river wvi v-a3 irstructed tao nd out particulars; &av ru»r in entirely fale; noue of party 'i tirowned. C.B,.j3otuca, operator.' A TaIRiT.-Tliose who have in lion lb. pre parations for Aie concert L tatki place Cie Holiday .veniug Ire beav ing ne atoneaunturned in sure an at tractive programme. En addition tc Mr. anti Mng. Obrey, cf Boston, vhi verieti musical eeconiplial.ments, maki theina bhast in Abenslvea, thsra havi besenegespeolally for lb. oceasom Me ariffot Bovmauvîli, vie vil b. weil remenibersd s acompaist tc A'je fcoos singer Mr,. Caldwell vir boe, and Mie., Mini, ilallott anti Mief Muueton wiîc algto wer. wiunons cf apý U b'ation aitctctentertajument. 1Mr. cEci arn. lately adtled ta cor eom. munity, wîll tae. part, anti freintihe goodl Aiice hat are @&id ofhlmnasai;t cever put.lio einger higi expectetieuz moy oonfitionîly b. formeoi tldebut hefore a Whitty audience. To Mr. Albert JeweIl, long a favorite witb Ahe nanoîec-lovitiR publia <f our towa, wbt wiii aie aeupin tbis ovriinimitaLli ras'. t in uathe binging to-etheofc suci an erray t-f talent. When a lensi of 1n ;-ic laIte thir.i. beinv prepared foi thoneu. aueed net Rate the -reat piv' ilege-n,& in gey duty cf every citizen. SeLV-AvION AituaxNure:,s.-Tze vo- Mau *ladgetr,' Capt. Word, ef tie Brookîhu corpsedrov e great ccvd te Aie Bannacks Thuns.lay eveniag anti ber sarneat ploatiing.cati splendid siuging woe weIl recels-et. -'-Fridayaligit Boit. Bell. vie ia ta bo a lieutenant cuti ges te .Colliag. wooti station anti cadet Huan, is vite'. sster vie vIiib. eltacis t t tbe Kingston corps, farovelled.-Sun- day nigit as utile! Aie Barnache vas crovded cuti efbbn lie eburcios vers ont thons vas only standing nacin. E erybody RgesSuntay nigit.-- M'ontay et noon tRis corps bers lofa iu ibrce '.'cnchariots"' fer Bavmaaville ttak artn thAismoaster gatieriag tienset unconsequeuce ne meeting vai helti bore AieA tay.-Tusty evaning *"eoldiera' meeting.".-- -W.d- nemtiey nigitthle Bannaces as veli filld.--Suuticy and Moutiay Major anti Mn. Ceomis inspect Oshava, anti Thnnatay the 14th of Augoot is te be tie big day in Wbitby vieu capreat ime viii h. "put i.'-Thre days vene tehen up viti tie dezaonoelnetion lu Bovmanvillo. On Saturtay oven- lng Capt. Wase, Dominion Overseen, anti Mis. Major Ceomise rrived by evsaing train eut receivet c hearty velcome. On Suutiay crovtiî of peo- pIe came lu-frein Aie country Airongiug Abs large dill sedstdering the atter. noca anti evoalug meetings. At 2:80 e monster procession cf soldions, bear. iug beautiful bannons, mareat troogb King etreet headeal by their f. anti dram baud. Tbe best of orir preveul. et turing lis Mostinge,vhieb vers batd by Cepk. Wase, andi e deep feeling cf interagI vas eanifestet. Mma. Major Coomba attinaseet beli Aie eflernoonà and eveanug meetings cieeling a very tavoreble impreasiu.- Manday after- coon Major Ceem bueutn staff weie re. clvel ettAh. station. The Bavman. -ville soltiiers, under Capt. Hinti,. ver., eut lu fuliforce; Osievea und e i CapI. 'Scott. lurast eut 20 sfrcng; luilby, Capt. Pate, 40 sirng; Brookma. CapA. Wart, 20 slreug. ARs he at e! le procession e preity icunne a'borne, on viab vere' lira creusas 'ith- 'Ah.- verts, 1"Dark Calvary cuti Jeans Died for hie; " on tIi. nevggseaide., "Weae. velking la lbthealgblg, 'Oveg 1.000' people teck t#sa,'#Ad 4e -.*Diog uuoal- vug vslitereýlly *jammet. Il le ex. peoa'barraeka viii b. eraçct hae.ý Sries vais bcbng examinet by Major ýCoombon udi CapR. Wae îta day, al. týbougb lnothing dotait. ba s ylbeu i!eldeti -u--Majon >IMone, of lie kIa4vagon AAmy,'tieclares NovwLandon Vl .1.) Miss Kate Ragera hicigene b Detroit. The Hon. D. L. Mapherson hms beau Krnlghted. . Mr. A. B. Hwtorne spent Sunday lu Brantford. t. Boy. Mra. oMiIvry,- fPtirth.t, a the C giteat of Thos. Dov. lRsq. - ! ; 3in. Colin MeGlashanformerlycof lia oter drug store, vswu ntavu Tue"iy. Ëai. J. C. Ritchie, of Cinclnnatl a former Mu reident et Whitby, le in tovu 1114 vea. X« Xfr. W. H. Huton Prlclpala01PleksingCo CoUlage d ui vifsare rutllcaticn B Fonill.th 'kt-.G. Y. 5sie;bJidM'isBneSmth *-i Éave etoirà ed * fona nlp div bs Et. $ Lavr+eace end ta Ottawa.T M. r. Mcorlîy wof aIT6ircto rô Cdllegite lustitte, andhfcoullyanshollday- Do, ing î t ovatheaumate.-of iesStanr. lie --Mr. Zeolu Burnbain, nov ýwittli. Y. Kan ýtûa titiè ai Lv merthant of Brent. Eu fôertissend!jigiliiéaAjn lu tc*bj. -'bou Mr. . . Sh rapnel, A. IL. C.A.,aid 1Mr. an W. Blb, Manager of the i>abt&Éo BEpi b. esave tomorravwforAhe annualeompmeetus- oh *=Q= e de. of the aft Mioi-IMi 3Rrtê"fl eut1 Aa C EuvelWOUA sut! fà atf"i* Mr .2n#eto, Fa, ns#dud 11 O.l o ume et nWI 05Ê0fr 1qw ork.,w'iencNbuun "H _Se TIIIS p ~ New Lace Curtains, 0F. SUITINGS -A/ÀND P4INTINGS. FINE ANR E.W was fair and the me!rke!t trangeerKt higha? i1i6& rnices.q Cice atmlshr 50 apet b. iv.' vogbtand Ahe general range vas frm a dovu ta 40 tor faix grados. A mnederale supply ci shoep and Ilambe vas, ufeéreti. sheop moidt $13.0 b 7.00, anti Iambs at 88.00 ta $4.00saab. Cslvs ver. in 4igt une t 88.00 tb 18.00 eecb as ta Juliy. 3f.. RIchard bougit 96 jamube WmITBY MWAUKT PRICES. FOU Whomi.........Q.. 0 95 lprlag Wheet...........100 inose Wheet ............O078 P'lour, par out ........... 2 80* Bsrley ................065* lys ................0..Que Pou................... 070 >ees, blaak.esd...... ..O090* BSînoPes.............. 070* 06a....................a R&Y................ 00 Oloverseti.............7 <00 n os pr us ...... 100' pêto .......... *6 BC"................... 014* Butter ..... ..........0138 Chb«............... 0165 Wood ................400 Shosin .........0609 Caisis ........... 1 Hides, per lb............ 006 'ark, peravi ..........SUOD l'uripË ............... ois5 basyper dos .........00O chi tn, 0 pnt .... 80 Tunkeya1b. *......0 o But. Pythecaeae&...600 Betal-10 te lio. mutton, by the oan.a.... 007O Betei-loo-1. raloe e4 ort.. o008 * tacn, auoera.....O OS @ [an.s.....010 'arun4s, per buae. O £ ... 40 Is.bb..gs.per boa ...... 000 bealot, "f " ..0)00O Iwsblsia «I u ..:000 FoCM, unuvaabsd........ 0 9 doesheti............ 016 1100 107 O0751 2 W 070 0 O0 073 096 o076 046 1000 800 1 u 0 75 o ie oie 0 17 600 126 oun 064 700 0 m 040 075 0 16 7650 009 008 ois 0 1I' 050 cos 000 000 O010 Oi8 TORONTO FARIMR8' VABRT. The receipts i" vs ers mveay inu aid priesaà & amis vers easy.iAB bs rinored daurlng- tha vosi cesalsi of Jbuahle ofvheeiantheA. smu quman h mr. 90 bt.Temue elue wa vey quiet, tiers bolabut Ii.bd d vheat, Wh"ci oldet Uc o t I Oafor Il, anti 750 for gooe. séiat tc#105. Olest@ gIBO -,<II44e, id po esaai omina t lite say lul; about tweaty lo"d mS a 9tii vetoff verjsl.y net 67 .111laer ne. o 7 W a ton. Hop- *iWaaM $OS& seýt4> tadl ueitlssllte*;fors UTW M t 'O~rVu AIllan Li ne. Royval Mail SIsamskios. Great Reduotion!1 IN PÂSSÂGE -BÂTES. 8ÂILIGB PROM QUEBO. Cnuma . ............. lm ilJuy. PoLTNxmAn ........ Bth P&AMX ............... 2ad Aà ag. RATES 0F PASSAGE oickerates teerageticets eitler ta or fr3m the cad ooutry et neSrly haeu the.rates caed mleear" .at:c sending for their-frieds laAhn ad co try cme obain prseai w pa certica Rt very la.' rat.. Steeragepamasen e ie kd ta BelfatGlasgw, lnn,Galw~ oLtmerch on an g..i ForÇ. tikes ni ilInmatIon, eppiy to Geo. B. YuIe, -Agent, Een O9%ce WHITBy, ONT. Dominion Lino of Stoamahipe. DATES 0F11Al.flG PRON ocaEOcSa ' fi 2 Mouru&lwAuç; Tasoso~ ' 30 RATES Ur PASSAGE. CArn-WhAby ta Liver04Ma M$1 $1 $74. 0 S',rtum UM $6Os 5 % I 0, 10.50, eemoding t tea"mer smut huAi. AU outalde icone. utermudlto & TL7 eteesage et V«7lraivrem The a seme r anyalft«estcalAI.ni Mhapsd bave saboc mutatteoorm ai. ore atSfltI.molles l boit.lw DÂVID) TOMM2iE & 00.1 Osserul Agent%, M&Del, onrt. yu- Local Aet hty DAiLY UNE TO ROOHE8TER.j TWTLLmaeberreus j.u asterw vthIe New' Yak OeeUl ot *otnlem, asi Brie2 Eaiw ,,anIlb ". SELLING OUTI SELLING OUT! ROBERT OAMPBELL Haî deoidedto sel out and go wcst, andi in- forme hie aId customers and thte publie, liat ini order to affect a comploesclearae.nla short lUme, hie stock cf Dry Goods, Millinery, Carpets, Oroceries, Crookory, Etc, GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE. Stock all New, an4of the Lateet Style. ALSO FOR SALE MaHieHouseand Onrounds, lhe stores in lie Ontario Block, thie vacant Lot adjoiniug, and a flfty anrePentu near Greenwood, etc., etc. Ail musi 6e sold withou5 Dea>'. ROB ERI CAMPB FiLL. Ontario Block, Wh.itby,buIy lOth,1884 New 8pring d, Sumfmer Goods IN OBEÂT VÂ1U.TY, ÂAT TRM Oboi». godsaadthei.bor value in every depa-rtment, eoxunieisng fresk au&PUre Grooe 84 , Bots aIdc Shjoos frorn the bedt mairers, rockêry Glasswae, Paà uts, oil. ETC.-, XTO., ýETO.. VERY'8POUL VAuEet;,ow in WHITE 0'OTTONB. 0OLOT H1N G-lA SPEOIALýTY. T.Je'IOL LIDA Y 1833e Establish-ed" " 1833- Pârasols, NEW ÂL>VERTISEMENTIS. LIKE LEATIIER. --ce- Hlas now on ià shelves TPWELET -ASSOR TED « TOCK OF Ladies,' Gents,,' Mfisses' and Childrens' sizes, and lina - great v@.riety of makés. Befling at. Unheardi-of-prices for NetC"sh. OUSTOM WORK 'A SPEGIALT-Y. JOHN SAUNDER'S,- iSuSO No. 1, Manket BIoek, WHITBY. B. LAURANCEIS SPEGTAOJ The following are the name of some of ý the parties- iniWh viciaity wvho have purchaseti and ,are now uamng -Celelirdted Spectacles and Eye GI For the menite of goode, klntendiing poirehasere Dr. Bogart. -Dr.' Etvo., "'T. Pexton,SI, ThM ajorere 'Jno. Woatiit Ak. Sutiherlais Ãw- Batb, Crovu Attorue;y. uIc MagItrate. Tacier. - Oceaus-Smi TI0KET A Telognph OmS., ASSORTMENT NOTIEIING Boorps -- 1 w WILL BE SOLD AT lan2o AND A q ROSS ý@ctn eût-gation'l AND « SH'