A GENUINE I 2ý 01,'SILVR CASE, for $ 2.0 -AMERICAN STEM- WINDING WATCH Ili .1 oz. catso for ,$ '17. 00. BEST STOCK: -LOWEST PlUCES UN 111E COVINTY AT Brook St, WIIITBY. MR. ROSS JOHNSTON Iï Colle-tor and Cativasser for Tii WtîT- andC îîttî. ti eattligrtzed 10 graut rectipte% for suliecriptiotii, etc., antiditrarisact ordinary busînes. Wljîîbn Qfljtoiiidc. .Xt'(iI'S'I' i-lui, 1884. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. WHAIT I8 60iNO ON Il TOWN AND ELSEWHERE. A BUDGET OiF LiIVEi NEWS MIBIER Gittîti 6> CH-{ONICLE REPRfTERS Al CJiltSPJ4DE4Ts A tî\i tmamaîîg yt-iri t oîs, um'.tittit itr«ii îrî t t. - Kaoo-wiît a big 'Ki boys. A noie>' council ou Mondey eiseningý( hast. New Ituîh Dry Good@ atrîi tin C. F. Stca artes. itie oard of Educ~ation meitâ\\'ed. îîîîsîisy ecenîng nuit, the 1:îb. Ni'w aseortient Fedora lliaîs A. M. lklte. Sountidlite Kazoo on lte brîglît bai'. for Mowat lias riimpited anît hbeston John A. Ladies, e-e aur nrw Opera Stewlo, al colore, excoeetiugiy lantsons gootîs. C. V..Stewart 25 CEaNTS for te ClitONIumL-to 0te lt Dec. nexl. Sent in your name andi te money. weiatlmir for harveetiu,, when t ramnes lýi.itaifiike, at itt bas it re more tîsan ot-ce wiîitin tits pâtit week. New Tweede, a fine rangesut-abie bfor faîl, juet atrut-et . Anii tt teM. Rioss. Tite SaI'à ation Ariîuy temonsîrmttmon nexTitnhriitlsy promuee la gta-e dtizens a new and uniqueo expermettc u ite Wy of il iftls ST. ANDtîb.%- i CHuitcii.î- The Rt-c. Dr. tit-tLbitan, of Seis York wii lirsaà c in titis riturcît neit Sitnîaisîornîng Tht-me wiiî bu no ea'ening gesrvtci'. iut la10 lant -Battig Slitwle, in whitel, creatn, naVy. Crtdînal, grenat, ligiîtîlUe, &tC., at lts Peapies' Store. ýC. 1'> Ste-wart, WI.it iý. A SOO INi tiStAsuWc lst-tuns- beii u 0 t i wsts s ntti u LIet lte kît-,'n applo t-als m at-.4 ts! i i bi-':: \Vsý ure cranipîng 10 ntglitt îtmIhie)olti dratoît groqnd '" Lt-ave ytaur moapurs wîîlî ne fori fitst ciÉ4suiîmt. Omît-ns'w fali Tweed hiave arrivsmd. Anilrew 11. oss. LiCt-CLI.'i- Mm. ISol,. Camnpiteu) eiîîet son of M1r. IL. Campitelitmer citant, liongit! of a Toronto deiteir tii week a fine at-itel of Engimait make. A TttÂVELLhINoTmiii.- Mr. Uleo Cleme8nla, now one of Wiinnipeg@ load ing met-citant ailors was in town tit weelt on bis way honte front s put-cIas. 111j',ltour iniEuglsud. LRewaationce a -kuiglit of te gnose in Witty. Naogps ý11Ileellinlg ont, but we stwayé at) reil how lte fie&tquality of citoice Drjl.a;odsent as luw prices at itone de 4ig yl llow. Our gouthl are correct in style an'l lte pricqe tite laveut. C. F. Stewart. TuE, Oaiotsi or *tP0p.t Tie Lars-e.t rau ste Do rtahnaI basis for te populat belîif titat nalurel mineral waters mrs bollert- lithe I artiblciaî. One of te writers mtnas lIme curione fact tat ..u euorntous trade in aeralsd waters bas arbeen eloce Byron, lu 'Don Juan.' commuindedetlirtrneso!fsoda waler.', Parmuere antI consumers of cil wihi do wull 10 use tbe Queen Cilty Omi Coe celebraîtd PFEuLj.ss Machiner>' Oil, for saIs b>' al l rsI-elase dealere. Ses ltaeit adverîiee-mon I. MORE IMEbFRIOt<t. - Titere wems ttroes tpisdms aI lite Wttiity citnrrh ou SunîllaIst. At lirookîhu nexl Suntîs>' eflernoon aud Wlîitby in tîhe oeninig furt-lliimereîane wbhl take place. Ret-. à r. Birker, lte pastor, announucs thte following sne bis rioljerhs for Saitiatli :t cm., "Tite Sabbta" FIS Fînroi-TUIE Ssso.-Wednesde.y ntotning early a usw aud sîrangessaint vitistle aounded fronthlie western lim' its of tlit ove, aud invesbbgatbon prov. ed t il beb tai of Mrt. falietta aeteant tlîtesiigmachine, lte ]&test atyle of lte Jus. Hall Manfg. Co. Barley vas bcinR Ihresltsd, and ltae grain itonsed before tse receus reins rau fron thet cîsaner sud ftatI io th ie boxes a golden atreant of brigiti plump @amuple. Titis b. ltae fires t iresing of lt emsaaou iu tiiseactioîn of countr>'. Bà NiScnlosM. Flood is acting Manager of te Ouftaria Bank durlngz Mr. Bsltb'a vacation. Mr. W. H. fllaokwood le lu Boveusuville, sud Mr. Johnu A. MoDonalti,-a Witb>' boy, takan hi&î place bord at hcms. Mr. L. Cassaîl'o, cf ltse Dominion Banuk, le awsy for vacation. Mir. T. Allen, cf Ouitaw»e lilla Mr. J. 0. Joiatsn'î place at itseWWturn Bank witilalte latte holitisye. Popro CouT.-Cblaf Bryau on -Monda>' eiptured on te lake sboreo-cf ohue,'abhal bread Taind" ivlng lb. naeueof 'Heur>' Parler vwehad :fthe previnus aflrnoobl, e-hile- ltse cvosr e-es at obnreb. broken tâibe'Mr. iec. Rowneu'à bonts ne lte SDM1 au-t - Q P1cke, ad stoien 1.w.lley - ant alo"g injIavfrom. -Po] -ia Magitrat. Harere.mittd the bargiar for trial. eç it1Y-À aaebling. 'barn e-#b A Kazoo Club for Whitby boyS. New silk dros 'ilng.Adu M. Rosa. Reed tha Blvation Army7 £oneO. Ment in Our dvarlislng columa. New ChenilleFrliges asud mangie ornamente. Audraw M. Ross. 1 A STRRit'efRASH ACT.-A miser cm. Mitted snicide near Lucknow b>' bang. lng himeilf 10 a willow bush by the horne. Ais usual, no reasons eau ha asbigned for the remi ac-nol even S, failure in the root orop or probable eborlage of obop food. Speolal bargine in Towels, Table Linens, buse Fornishinge aI a. F. stewart'.. T-o BE OpsEnH ON MoNDÀY NEIT..- The Kaladar sink hale of lte Ontario & Quebea Ry. la a thing of the put and Qeneral Manager Whyte makea tite announneenent tbat thte road will be opened for ltrongit pussengar traffie on Monday nezI. New ooaches and new equipmntth irougboni. Have yon seen onr new Pantinge 2 Tbey are fiue. Andrew M. liose. TuE Cnos.-In our Commueroial col- nmn titis week we pni.lieh a anntmary of reports hy telegrtepb 10 the dail>' piesa of Wednesday, setîing forth lte et- fecta of te reent raine on erope. Everyone i8s8so ntnebinterested binlte grawtit o! crope Ibis year,tat WC nMay eufely ciiayltat everyone wilread te reports. fients fine ordered Clothing, no Tweeds, how prices, perfect fit et c. Ste wart's. 'OUNG MENS WiiRm- On Site Ilst tite WhttbY Youa)g Mene Chriet l3and vitteil liowitaimvtle and, ji wihthlie lBand aI lItaI rlace, in t tiucttng thtee services in lte Met diet chutrit. A consecraton nteet n lte nomniag, folowed by te a!i noon and et-ettîtg service, were e well attended, and goatl work a&c Thte imneral ofMr. liobt. Yoiung,v aftir a brîef illness dît-J Salurday ev ungI iteh@fattily honeteeead, lot :rd oon. af W'itby. wag followed M day aflt-rnoanti ite Union Cemeti witere lte retains were iterred m Masonic ruEe. by ane o! hélts Ia proceeetans tat humetaken place @ot-ut ltime. 'bhy .F. day inred Don- tho- ing fer- o. Who tn ton- ,el fair Sur--tic yOFTtbi JibNSaTOiO ScUitE,'Kyî l'At>îi-' 't-mi--Piefollowing t-le- Rrant uts been recpii'ed by lte ftîmiiy n lib Sable River, Ont..,sîiî Mlaivaan Station, Ang. 5,-1 reacited lte camp of thte Jantneon surve>' party oni Salîtrdsy ; fout) ilitent aHlwell ;no accident hat octurrt-i. The report of tîLP irtwniiz g ae witolly incorrect. Signedhi\V.t0. Ea'itwood. CittttatCiNVEN-'oTIos-Titere is ta bti a coinvention of chirîtian workers in connectu ,n atitlte 'iVitti>'District ofth fit itodLtît 'iturcit ield in iBrook. lsi i-it Tîîîeday. lfthit mt. Not oniy th lu- uinitore. -biltaIl profeesîng chris hianm ae uittvitedt o attend, in orîler 10 pilître for groaLeruir eciînegs. Tteire wl île io-î'i tnt' ut intieforcnoon, afut-r noomi, titî ct-coinz. fin neil Mot-tdav evemutng tiie-'Nltitmiiy Yoistna Menti sn wîi i cîîndîct a eut-icittalbrooli iii. an,] toeeisly tut-y mniai-tute-tdon Tuisi- v.imLtltg aie'ý. S,% sui.%ï-iîs Aiit utc N ,-rt' t- - TLtûl, ai - madLbi. -scroa-d Sunilaytili- Mmn la-y t!JI t usîrrsand SOldIcre iii -tar rliariole - avut ta Oeitawa aid îook part muntCie dciîtuinLralmon ttrt-. --u'i4hiaica \rtny t-canton ui Sconiay and Mo'atay i-ati auniene mîcss. - -- jývy lreparalion te bain, muadîefor te 14îù, usItTiiurslay,witen Maujor C-iambe and ifAti, and oflisere andîeo!i-et-s front otiter Canadiman compe aI 1,,v, à i,-agreat meeting ln Whitby. Tliti'brli Shed aud agrbcltnral groundse ai Lôib éit d amit i î eexpocled tltici will bi a grcatc-m crowd mnlt-n tuaIin là iy tian lIcre i-ces on tî t!i-ti B oit l, iv. I it l'At:- l Titi. Ai-\ý List.. N:~-~.-niiai ili boy s Rtcf lt i i t1- ot fr-uitîWVb.liy te Lit-or ;ow. . ' n. listc)!î, trIf.Lonidoa. -il 1iat. y ttr . Gtiuav,. Lui, î tti-I (o a i t- , a 11I pArtici- geiirg iltliti r iristican abt&in ticketi -,tIl)@e esme low rate litlite -t lin huIikn - t' e. mi dfrotuautinv ,)r t lit t i; ic e i.ut tiIl(iti it t itit, lir io'-e wlio %Waut a to L!-}. t i i - o rîit-ttre la tir o-u iipte riti î, LI l tav' le F%ii. Ai i-rt >)> 1 iit) i,.%Tt:4 tix Miii N-A taiac cédvit oteurreif at i: '~t.>-ruf-day af1Crnýutît ibîLEre- bî à i<utb:t oaa -i~t:tî,sn eit-, (Jflige, ena tof Mr .i)i)trj uwble, trarist rlork af Piýl t hope, attul a at-tiljtsw if thé 11tliops tire brîea-ie captain, litt! ii biei. I t îip)eart t bat lie et at autxione lii rt-achi itîly on accostt of lte Civ-to holiday, andti miitnM lte regnlar train lie trie.]f lt rt ado ili-Y a freight. Ele enileuvolrej b el etabouaril lter te train waeta motion, but fell on tlite track, wbemt 6ot!t loe were ont off be- lIow thte koaeeB. The fater wae int- utediabely RUmmotied front Port Hope, but lte boy watt drat before hc arrived. H@ onily iteetibal! un itour after lte accident. IIARD ONci IiLuAwvtas-To titres Milwankeet lawyers who put in bille amonnting le $25,000 for servicesi settling an eslale Worlt $32,000, Jndge Titowas Drtimmond said : Gentlemen, yon cousidler yourselves good lawyers. Uow mucit more are yonr services wortl telayonr liente than mine 1telite people ? Yon bave citarRed $25,000.00 fr ixîy daye ets-iice. Conld you net be dont-nt, eaclî rf yon, le takle ny pro rata for the sanie tinte ? Tbeee charges eare infantons. They are sncbs scoundrels and ftievee wouid make. Tii charge of $15,000 is cut down to 1.1,00, tose of 8.5000 eaoh te $500. Repeat sucb a piece of rapine iu Ibis ossuft anti 1 will (i.-brar every ono of yoto", Toi-tN CaUNCIcî.-& terular meeting of te Town Coiîncil was elId on Mou îlay evening. Itfetur Mayor Bogarf, lbtîet-e Long. Mesers. Foi, Smtitht isasîl, Cuno, But-nel, Robertson, Wesley anti Stewart. Contmunidationi front N;. V. Palet-son, Part I'erry, a4kiug aid fur thte suffererstiirangi thlie Port Petr>' ire. (Reforred bo Finance Comnttîee.) Front D. Ortiutou $61 for datmages te Eltza Covaecaneed tituough a defea- lit-e sideuatk. ibafet-res] 10 Finance Commttes wit instructions to cunsoîl ltse town Solicilorýad eott h Coueilat henext meeting.) Frot (Jiief Constable Bryman oalling allen- lin1 lte estale of lte aidawalke n l te Soutt Wtrd. Front H. Candon askiug relief ; f ronthtit Board of Hlealtit- ask - iug Ihat $100 ha plaaed tola .ier redit; quartant>' repart of lte Anlitore. Town aud Market Propart-y-Mr. Fox front tie Committes subntîed ltseacconut of Mirs. Allun amntng ta $7.40 for alationer>', andth ie Report vas adoptd sud payzpeut orderéd. Rlelief - Mr. Burns front the Relief Cantntttes re- ported ltse folloviug accoun: os correct, recormennding payoesut cf tse sane, W. J. Gibson $17.00. Rspart adopleti. Fl,. aud Watr-Mr. l1obertson itrongitî np te report of ltae Pire sud Watcr Commibîce recomntonding psymnenl Of teé accouni of G. P. Hall asntliug te $5.50 for Sisaning bhss. ,Report adopteti. Sireets anti Improvezuue... Reaardlng ltaecomntnicationu fron Major Hlarper sud others raqueoliug ltai Itébmretr cen laetarelha beaned 0 'ul, thm Oonimlttee Ihougiti van>' litîle Rondi coulatitnlfrem ts un. les@ a allah b.eut lbrough lte Rey- nolds property, sud veulireomnpnd bitilté Kayorsud lee-u 8ol1loto be au!bitoz to malte thm awanResiussen vhoreby tlÃŽ.-Ois eu -ha oecnplihli. Thsy would-lai' beforo télite flasath4a B~auzu'm BE&?WUL glO0li eGabE thefoliny mr1aeoangeofaa Vry beabm foloand acoduiaexhibitionrof ImilitMa 'drill recntly givan in à rick b>' tIl 'BronzBrigade," oompomed cf fort>' young ladies of thal town. The procosed werq in aid cf the fine Pros. byterian ceuburhwhich hbu latel>' beau finhati thora. It la atateti thaf lthe manoeuvres were exoellantly parformati, 11apaclally ltae wheeling in ot any and th forming fron thlb.rlght about, but te prettiest sight of ail was thte bayo- net drill by a pioked twenty, whieit exotted great applanse fro theit spea- tators, nnmbering neari>' 800. Thte dresa was whitf, bordsred witit a deep acarlet band. with Wat and coliar lte asme. Tietisogethor. wlth the acarlai duaipansata thei aidas, formae a pratty and piotureaquaunuiforni. Al oarried amaîl brome, wilh ltae axeeption of te oaptain and two lieutenants, wbose sworda were represenîtd by feather dustera. The exhibition btas been re. oeived witb snob favor that viaitle b Orillia and otiter snrrounding places are propoaed. lIteye fot in Ibis a suggestion of somalting novai for ltae oitarnting young ladies of this town? There is in Wbitby almoat a surfeit of materbal ont of whieh tb draft a IlBrig- ade,' sud-titis iteing ltseitssdqnartera of tse 841h Battalionuno laok of Rai- lant offlcers to Iltrain te idea bow to Financini and Commercial Office of W5itby CHELONICLE, Wbitby, Aug. 1, 1884f li USINESS AND PRODUCE, August in alwacs lte quittest mout of t ta-elve n business Crrles of et-tr>' itraucit o! Irade. Il me y bc lermed ltse itustb of expectano y, and lsesepecmalty the casti tyeax, atheu 80 muait depends on te future.- Iu Ibis respect it le pteasing 10 seront itatte onttook continue, Ibis weeti îîîeî as citeeting as for lte pasl two or ltree i-teks, a contîuanoe o! whirb for about two weelis more wilt place att doubla At au snd. Il was feared tbat thte t-ain, apiicit bas fallen more or les seesrsly in ea'ery section witbin te pais week wUld bligbt these rrespedls. Reports however, front aIt leading points in lte Province, tehegrsphed te lhe dait>' pressaof Weduesdsy alaIesetitis in noS lbs case. The reports mun as follows: Thte recent rainebat-e on te -bote been beuefitutal la the rroys, especiali>' Lb. late soi-tn. The on]>' damage dons worth mnen- hioning le lte disrolouration of barley but as a good prprtion of thal rrop bas Leen well and afl io dilm..y t.sald t.bu stigit. i.toot cropsanad pasture are im- mene.-The recent heavy raina have brlped ruaI crops very malerbs.ily, withonl dloiug au2y st-ins daumage 10grain. I3artey whbe geterally colent-pJ, aud soruehbat deprermaîteli n tvalue, but te saupte ta fine a lîd aeigitl gotîti, aLd lut consequence it ,,,,ll mtarket et-'aknonthlie aciole ciiutter.italanced by lie b eue lt lu groae-mng i-t-lps -No danage b dcrops by ran-- The weatiter foîr the pasI fo-w tayeB bas beau cool anti showery. Thte reilin Iis uighbbeut-itsod bae benflited the meadoacu anud rool crcps-Tbe lte raine have nul iijureKillte treps i titis viciy.-'Reîu q'1 tii thee treset iu as hetpeî tater titan utjured lte rrsîpa i titettic ity--Nol ni-s t au i i.-isus ta the crîîps in tbis îic iî, tî ullite erev-erse.More xcauid /,reatly iteietil lite late ct-opa, epecmatiy rote. -lu tbii netritbirliood lte laIe r'-aLta lent-c dîCneto isitiiegel but seet-nl aýVe iîrttpm-ait-l al (i t-uîi-Wilh an out- -i suci 6i î lisait-- ly tbe abate, te n.st ia!) itit t-I rt-atiti1l es! tiitf tliîe fuitur. .-IUSTtiEAt CATTLE MARKET. Iit-t-1t'Pieoh lise stock at ituizit St. Cbat-hes îîîîce 'rhut-day acre 9-4 rare, o!f>hirit 39 , tirs i 71(Q.lbeadi aet-t-expott attie, 2,2 expert sIeefp, 1 uit uhers cabale, G batchers' stsep, i-td 3 tige Tht- total exporte la date are -,w t26,403-t bad ratte.atd 16,914 eheep, fLaittt 2",928 rallie, and 132,221 sbssp ,IuiLtg lte iaine pendd Isu year. Âdvices trisutheUic itur smde repart that tbe firet ,iit iîOerts o! sbccp met acit a faimrsale, ua ac -ioie at-' le ratket for a4ippiug at- i-Uit- tvlurias fairiy active and steady, Illte ti rt sittit' i-ing 5Vc b ic, but sartie i xut-iti,s tîjit- cià îsîce lotsi brocitt fr pt r IL ils-e wemtd- 0lit i-xîotter porritasrd about i-lbrai lt titt abat-t liguores. Last yers 1 ric-s at-rt-ft.. La ie ltrt- as a fatr îisunfîîrSîiis.rfosr -xl,(irt onthe bassof i.fý-r gîtaîlolts- Li'e iiis- at-e ri intîbor .supîily ai li etic. Ati Viger markt-to 50 btt-itii utf-aalie a-ere recei--eti f-strtte btet o! Wtt t -lt-uait mcci, goodi -Chioîca t-et-s and heit-tht-s ii-iat 'ctoi le 1. andfair te i-id c (aîti- iL4c toi- -ie, au ntftrmir dowi to ils Aî.sit 111,1 , and ]&su tuit)& were ifferissi tirrp »-at $ tSO te 3Cand ltasitt a- tl ) l$ 4 Atieurliîas to qcality A frac 4ii irei--r-tt- Cied, rarigiatg from $3 to $101 asi to -t.liy 't ......- ........ tiLEs Vii r.. rwt ...... Ait.. i(4 2 60 0170 (4 0 73 .....tîai.yti...9()1n0 fi{y............. .10X u6s10 00 Ctoverrst-d- - --...... 0 w C 8 00 REt&t-----------------..... 0 0 0176 Butter ......... .... Ã" 1. 0 O16 Ch eeaL,-.-.................O 0 15 0 O17 WtooiI......... *... 4 0 6 00 Ste iitut............... 0 60 @1 25 Calfib7----------------.... 010 t0 O1i Ubdes, partt-------------0 06@ 0 6j Perk, poewt ............. 00 @ 7 00 Turnips .................0 156 < 0 26 Celez>' perdz........... 080 @0 40 Chinkeos, per pair ......080 0 O75 Turkeyà i, per i ..........0 13 50 16 Seat. b>'lte crtcase . 6.. 0 @ 7 50 Retait-lO10 t124e. lLntton,L.y lte caesscee.... 00O7 0 0O0O Retall-I0c--Ic. Veal, carcase 6c,7r, retait.. 0 0t6 <@ o 08 Bacon, Farmma'a.......... 0 08<@ 0 12 Rlame, Il ........0 10 50 18 Parsnips, par busitel .....040 <0 O60 Cabitage, par hsad ........ 000 O0 Shaet, ...."."-0 00 50 nu Radshs,0 " . 00 50 00 Wooi, unwasited .......... 0 9 0O10 44washed ............. 15 50 18 TORaONTO FARMERS' MAUKET. The receipt i-t-ee&gain ver>' amal the pasl weck, and prirea in masl instances are nominal. Thte total receipta titis esi ,were 250 busitets of wheett, M00bi-talm io este, 115 loada o! bey, and 16 toada of strew, Tite mat-ket to-day vas quiet, tseoui>' grain hoing Ibree loada ofo! ete, bicisold et 44e p er bushel. Wha la nominal et 95o tu 81031 for taîl, SI 00 ta $10O6 for sprnansd 75o for goose. Peue nominal aI 72e te 75. Ray in biiled suppl>', andt the demand sM'il ; lwenty loadr sold $7 to $10 for uev, imd aI 812 for oId. A few boade of abrau aold at86 to 86f50 a ton. Hogs mute at 88 la $8 25 Ic r bulrhems' use. Beef stesti>; iînd qîtaritera, $7 5O te, $9; fore quartons, $4 Su $03 50. Mutton caicase, $5 50 10 $7. Lamb, crt-ase, $7 10 $8 50. PROF. LOW'S 3L4G10 SULPHUB SOA P-Halng, soothing, andu cleaauïng 'or ail eruptie dîoam aof the akin. De- tighfaiffor foilet ase. There ile attiug abonu a bouise wviia seldont faits but neyer butsi the occupanti Whou il does. Thatfilte rent. 1 Ftsa xcz.'ITeaberr>'," the nov sud exqnisito 11111e gem for tb. Teatit sud Breath bas a beantifully l>' moa ce top. 2îry a sampis. pat4maica A Vermont man proposes te manufactura butter-color ont o! potato bugs. Te mocrasse lb. spe111e sud arngbheu Digestion, te driva oRit e Blues , sdbrins cootot yonr akin and teompramuent, cite. npyonr Liver wiit ZO.PE.SrA. Il re Plaa th e m ytnnervan and brain, makes >our eyesbrigltl, your work sas>. Thes fit-e ositions bu dancing wqro Atre; ducet iüLnte.nglnnd %aouItbl>'in. t54 Nov Ihst thera I. a t-diable reutady for itetrourbles bai! ltae terreraattà chel 10 these complis h ave beau *aucod. Bu ha, kni Km y4 r e TU )i- New - .'~- - -~ 2 TEÛES Carpet s, Lace Curtainls, Para.so.ls, 0F SUITINGS FINE ASSORTMENT ANDREW M ROSS. (Lis' s .* i ________ Don't. Dont atlow prejudice 10 stand in tité way cf yonr judgsnent. If you need invigorating if yonrsystemtneede hracingnup if yon are consttpaled, yonr Liver atuggiab, your head aches;if t!yen are subject 10 axek or nervoua headacLes, if yen Jack energyinuthé morn- in29 ad want ambition ut noon, go to work Mu sU.2tr yonr Liver and Digetion wth ZO-PE-BA. Regutate your Bowla and general systent with tbis sure, gpeedy and fpleaaant andtidoestoa&l troubles arlsing fron the Lbverand Stomach. Try a ample anyway. "'Ton see, I neyer coutradicî, and 1 corne- limes forget," said Lord Beaconsfield, w'hen astied why he was a favorite with 1he Queesa. Quack Âdvertisements Are raptdty beconîing a nuiaance, aud we into the merits of many artictea pufled up iu theb.r cotumna. We do not deny thal many nierblorions remedies are properly to, bc ciaasd under thia heading.TaLke te itundreda and Ibensands relitved f rom severe suffering by the use of Potion'. Nanvusa, would fi nulbesunreasonabte 10 expect bth10 ocondemu that Iar-famed resnedy. Now we knew for a facl litaI moul powerful, pleasant anderttain remedy n the wortd for pi. Xitca not fait, fer il goee rigitl 10 the betontof pa=n'penetrales o lte nerves, soothes f.hsn 101 quietness, anti aflords prompt and permanent relief. Nervitmne la sold by aU drnggise. Saumple only 10 cents. Try il. A society hotle of Columbus, Ohio, hirs a messenger 10 carry ber BarbeI ehen ase goes abopping, withe he luge a nitîs ponnd An Editor's tribute. Theron P. Keator, Edilor of Fl, Wayne, Ind., "Gazette," write. "For the past f ve yýe&rs have aiwaysusned Dr. King's New )iiscover, for con g haof mont mevere -bamtcer, as wetl asuIor thosof a milder type. It neyer fails te effect a apeedy ctire. My fnienda 10 whom I have recout- mntded xl apeak of xl lin the aame bagh t, . Having beeu cured by it of every cough t have had for ftve years, I conaider it the only celiable and Kure cure for Coughe, Colds, etc," Cal] aI G. B. Gibitard'a Drng Store and gel a Free Trial BottIe. Large /MA A-Plgri. UDè op 1 t'ïej 1J<.Tv Ffii~H~sa saoi and prokc fli sai4 ear O/ýTxto uE rs y5a i1'rï%a- il. .giQm p .. Et7CI* "jl itor ý%DI>r 1 W Çb~~nYyJvw 'têrf > *prerho ope. IIt*as3 skzqu Of w", je me Çlmry ofmtrPx 't 'KAZOOe" BOYSi Jl ,sa RObsîtaun& ias,' Grand Trunk Railway and -Ocean Seamskip TICKET AGENOY, Telegrapli Office, Whitby, Ont. The Grand Trnuk expre trains t-n titrough dal>'frntM CbicagoDetroit and Port HUn ta anLga "kedtitrougi f roma Wlti>te destintion. Spenil attention 1 pessenge. ticket or'o Manitoba, NortitruM iiauDa. 1 it Nortiter andi Northt W etern tatesBrtit Colurnit ie ulCalitorj SIngleand ratant tickets teail pointa ou teGrand Trnnk and Great Western Divi- sion, Citicago sud Grand Trnnk, Detroit Grand iHaven sud UMile-se, sud inter. colonial Rfl!mve>1 Throuos nd reiptieUkets te sud fo e orPiidella, 4Waaltlpto Dover, Del Jacksonville, lua.,speeiety.4 Tickets for bttae-a, bMontreni, qebea, Ba.i ton, (vi e M o tr es i su alm thWuite tnoinusad Oh for Europe. Oheaperthan eU$fa aud aterget itigation. Londondeîry1 Liverpool, Glasgow. Royal Mail SIcamships. Great Reduction!1 Wl PASSAGE RATES. SAILINGS FROM QUEBEC. CICsaAsea.............. 191h JuI. POLYvSImxsN .............2th 47 PARISIAN ................ 2nd AUg. PEBL-VIAN ..... .........9 9 RATES 0F PASSAGE Tlirimicbticket, frontWhitby$911, $81, andi $71 9 accsrdluglpeiti=n e fater-ont. Retîtrn YYaketa 8155.50 $i51.SOtsndSl$M.60. Intcrmuediate, witb firit Clansrai te (3lehec, t4-3.75. Steitrage greally reduced. nmnr tickets at very low rates. Steerage tickets eititer tii or front the oid Country et uearty half te rates cl'mrged lait year. Parties aending for their f riendn bu the oaid coun t-y rau obtebu prenaid panae certificatfe at t-ery low rates. S;teerage pamSneger are bortked ta Belfast, GIastw, Queeustown, Gaiway Limerick, Lond5on, Bmutol and Cardiff witb out extra charge. For tickets sud aIl information, apply ta Geo. B. YuIe, Agent, Express Ofice, Dominion LUne of Steamships. DATES 0F SAILIG FROM QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL. Moi1rrasa, di. MSS500KLS, Ani;t 5VAicotbbta - - - "23 Toaos,-o, 49"30 RATE.S 0F PASSAGE. CAnN-WNhitby to Lit-epaol,$61. $71, $743, 891, returu $106.50, $1A50, $133,50, $16050, accorditg 10 steamer and berlt. Ail Out.aide moosai. Itemoudiate, $#3,75. Steerege aI t-y oirrates. 'Th-e steamers carry usither ca±tle nar sbeep and have saloon and eteroon a aiiet ahip, wbere but liti. nmotienfi felt. Prepei eteeraga certfcaten mnued et bu- est rates. DAVIbD TORRANCE & Ce., General Agents, Mcmtreal, or 10 C. NOURSE, Y19 Locial Agent, Whitby. DAILY LINE TO ROCHESTER. TE" STASiE (G. CRAWFORD, Master.) W ILL make ber regniar trips outitis coute. Iea'ing Cébourg evur> moru- ing et 7.30, snd Port Hope aI 9.30 o'clockr, ou arrivai et Grand Trnnk Reflue> trains front the eat and veit, cennectîing at Ruait- ester with tse New York Central Nostheru CetaLad e fL" ad tl"Le and Ogdeusburg RefUwa>'for &U pointsesait west s»d soutb., RETURNING - Wi l ava Chtarlotte (port of Rocitestuer) deil>' abt9 o'clock, p.m,, except Seturda>'. witmnab@ wull mseet 3.45 p.nt. for Port Ropil diree. Deslers bu stock wll fflhiulhtheet and. mont expaditioua rouite Ose-8g, oa t.ý lbay, Nw Yrk, tcetc. or G. CRAWFORD, 0. F. GILDMR8LREYE, Port HOpM F t*" Kinptm or IL STEPHUN8N, TOUR- FÂGRU en frsai. Tan à 1oLo6oi& Miuer,« mo.-g-ovg SoldbyallDrumina S ITU.ATRD lou a sexloit, clorner o! Gxmend 8. et t. e atu b. Townof Whbb en. C-4mtiuing iine o wn s-dm tales sud up =g14ry&7.Aifryseslr,-e-ithý w a e r l i » I u uu i a m a i nt b i l d i n , cumulIbm 1v lIos 4welng~ BOB T. C0IMPBELL Offers for sale cheap and on lîberal terms 5-0 ACRE FARM Near Greenwood, under good -culti- vation. Comfortable House, barn, stables, sheds, or- chard,firewood ,etc. 154 Acres of Bush, good ]and ncar Southamupton. Two-storey Brick flouse, 2f acres nice gardon, grounds, etc. One of the rnost desirable residences ini Whitby. 3 Stores in the Ontario Block, 1 vacant lot adjoining. ALSO 1113S TOCK 0F Dry Goodls,Car/ets, Clots, Af illiniery, Groceries, etc. Are being offered at and under cost, in order to effect a speedy sale. ROB EI-T CAMPB ELL.j No,* and 3 Ontario Block, Whitby. NEm A DVERTISEMENTS. LIKE LEATHIER. --Co lias now Dn his shelves A WTELL - ASSOITED STOCK 0F BOOT~SFIANDwc- WE.&BJ Ladies,' Gents,' Misses' and Ohildrens' sizes, and lu a great 'variety of makes. Selling at Unheard-of-pricoe for Met -Cash. CUSTOM WORK A SPECIALTY. JN.l aktBok VAUNDER 18n20 No. 1, Market Blook, WE[TBY. Ne w Spring Summor GoodS B. LA URA NCE'S SPECTACLES. IN GREAT VARIETY, AT THE Choice goodsaend the best value -in every departmnt, contprieiug Staple & Fane D ry Goods, Killiuey fresh ami pùue Groceries, ]Boots and Shoes from the best makers, Crockery, Glassware, Pamnts, Oils, ETC.) ETC., ETC. - VERY SPECIÂL VALUE just now in WHITE (JOTTONS. L&CLOTHING ASPECIALTY. T. J. HOL LIDA Y. May, 1884. 18n21 1833- FURNITURE, F URNITURE, C1eaper than ever, «t hi8 new dore BROOK STREET, WHITBV. The undereigned in returning thanks tu the publie~ for tie- lIberal patronage extended te hlm, bego tb state that hâ,ving removed te bIs ommodjolus nov promises5 he le no* ia bette > ostion titan 'ever te supply aul thfr wmnýt.j 11f stook of Furziture embraces Vary handiome sets, ana everytbing thst can be emlod for iis line, tndan examination vil oonvinoi thit 1h, pxrioos are iow enoug te sunit the ue. tTNDBRRTAIKING. F=ne" ls uy mupplied,-- WM.Tr t The following are the nmnes of some of the parties in Whituby-anda vicinity who have-purchased and are now. usig B3. LÂURÂNOIE'g Celebrated Spectacles and £ye Glasses' For the merite of goods, inteuding purcéhasers ate referred c, to any or ail of tihemn Dr. Bogart. Dr. Eastwood. Mr. W. H. EBiings. Barrister.- "J. EB. Farewell, Orovot Attorney'. "T. PaxtouSberiff. "major erpolioe Magistrat. "Thon. LevIer, Merelmant. "Jno. Woodlhoune,-Teaoher. J. Crawlorth. "A. Sutherland. "Jno. Bath. CO. Sea>oy'Gazette." <Win. McCausland. "m. collin Mus. Hath. "eJ.RHett. 7saAm-iusOsbawa. SOLE ,AGEN Mrs. R. BRosa. id.Courmack. etJ. -MoRenaie. "H obson. "eBrown. "Helurderac. diGilmora. 48 Clarke. Mis .Cochrane. f, FPae~rson, .Jos. Daim Bey. Mr.i Huon Mr. Geo. Laing If 316. Loclke tan., -I part"-,wu for lti, trio sud raIl-ti choie. of!ou temndiml round triptg rela>' Yfara For' tirce -rtund trip ra G. ek, Il It seen a thona >'eur i sud1 ai~ R:~J CE I~TE 13 AND PANTINGS. NOT-HJNG 1! tper. e clou- l>sauny e ope. in for t velu. vand aint a liera. (s(abu, 1 folk* at'Oîs A Pain.' tcf thse îià kics Established Il "" 1 1 0", DË,ý 1 sitool. mi"" 1 .-M 1 1 1 1 1 oe 1 Que, Rm m l3n2û 1 May, 1833- C&N in SE" à 'T ru Ts AND ANDREW, q ROSSO JOHN BROOKLI# EXPORIUR !