Whitby Chronicle, 8 Aug 1884, p. 4

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-Our Town Churches. IXSTERS AND HOURS OP' SERVICES ILL BINTS' OHUROH (lpiacopal). 8ev. A. F. Fîdier, B.A. . Itctor. Servie atIil .mn. and 7 p. m. Si. JOHN'8 OUUROH1, (Port Whltbyl. Boy, W. S. Wasîney, M.A. Ineumbent.J Oervice aitllCO arn. AIe7:00 p.m. in TQwn BaiL CANADAA MBTHODIST CHtIRoH. tltsv. N. R. Wlloughby,M.A. - Pastor. Service i 10:80 .m. and 7 p.m. S-ET. ANIDRZlWS 01613CR (Prettyterian 11ev. Juo. Abrahamn, Pastor. Service at i1 arnm. andi 7 pc. BAPTIST CiIUICH, Bey. J. F. i3rker, - Pastor. Service at 11:00 a.rn. andi 7:00 p.m. R. C. <JEÃŽURfCS, (SI. Johu'a). Rai. Fater MeCani. - Priest.1 Service xu t03o) arm ncd 7 pn. ON THE WING. Tine sor ArrivnI nood DLepsrtioc or eoni l lit.Sio;' SiAMSltl, -.:o7 o ri otiSoNr aseT. Entre.. cfi:<7. ffl iti. 8Li1,li. E .7 t Tt vt . 201'< I E îr. M'ra 0 0.trdi. 12 ?1l'o l Eclres 8.40 O<.iià :,à Ex otoctb. 4 lTm 65 I it . liait i I a 5.0. <isait. 7.p 15 llt' o.inl7 16 il%. Lo teor )o 10oari.tOFtii 000 i h50 ao 9 4 sî MOU Tris WXT. CL711Kriooie T Cs. ":("aa. n 10 ai . ro rp. lm s? ea t.oite lselose rm0cidatee, tcDue tiseaNM tu reatircitin- oSe rjons fbo Pii Oeotiic ateli eil iii Mtehonlr of. tc<ti rd oulu, 5001.00 bStatooo rvt Oitinte UtIlesrtocoiro s a. n rthea :0 culatitos of t- 4.1n, nuit 0.3s0 p. M. b Catil Ltt er t oneoooitO i15,lmintai M foile th citéo ai nI1 l,<ir Aboures.ànOjlui. W10,ioooonrO,,tiao% ex:-<o Fratomn, Alguia, Uro iloalt00i.lar. ireco biri alti oind<îIrctnd. Oeî,.f0' s'ot'cMita, Moititeieioe&,. i,oi<ccland. S.o.s,. e, oia.. [cciii gi, %zoret.iino, l i . <Pirre, ina 8pai.lOs the niary islanot,, Slwcieoi. nisitc,-riaooî(i aloioI'taori.y. Aid tilaiie îO-l 5000.SI ticooio Bahamas. DCtba, t)tuioloi0<IilleSito. Ttione, Bt. Job'), st. Croix, Oxouisla, .ilinîoo, anîd torto, Rico. iliawlooodland 1 1, It ktle O'o'<ctîl oc bout thae ottsl Bate& romn a ore.> tetteca i cent aiepr jOe.io Postal Varola 2 cents caici. Newsgpapers 2 cents fer 4 ounesn. tgitrtion fesciôoeb Fur Adean, Argentine Confedaition. iBruztî, Britaih Glea, Ceylant, (retiasdFrenochoCls- vioae nAi.. Afica, Occailca and Anerica. eacept e t. l'lsrrsud SMiquelen, t'srsla, vîs PertnGoel, poCtu om OCelonesa in Axit, Aines. Ooca Trltldabt. Spatl Colonies lu Af rica, Oceanlesan Ainertta, eocept Cuba and Porîs e.)lcitratta Settlements Ite Elesapsosa Peang andl Malacea:- Lattons Iue, por se. Osk, &c., 4 et.. ler 4 z Otlter Re6atrtlissli 10centst. West Indit andscootvia IHalaxsoins rate, as f rosrly. Preoaoent ty stamp u I le Itca»s Auotrotta, (atoepb Ne* Soothl Waes, Vlctooî.'i -amit Quauiolanol: -Lattera 7e,.Il'aj, ees4 A'itralia, New South Waesan toria, q ceen.- and, Letters 15 et&., Pape r t. Nw Zealanol. vinSaOitooFeencises -Lctters 15 cent$,. papers 4c enots. C. NOItOIE, il'nstee. Always the Barie. Hes sau it' WeI,at iraIteccare neud wont As otters titi1 te tatded toe ocrain tbnc His mlnd ou tarong auddeuly waï bot- Ile seemed ol airos a esry t ie ,arxi Ha tolil the beys cf evsry fondtiajuent, Totîkeit situ hesonotier o!litemrbpatet The fiattered tather faIt liomsit morsesise, Snch growlng intercat lit tse straugerti Anathoitn, someho ioe ocaps yseemei Lu A vacant soat ty Ltucy ; ant ite teck Te holding akleina for heremsoalhande te Sometimes ses eanlit a ahy, admnfrieg Ie bis tresen eyseq,a gestore moestan kiol Of bis stmong baud Oue day ses ond a book, Gtlt-edgod andi nies, ameug aur Lucy'a A nae godband ot-atone hem otter rings. Antiason on eeeSby the porct ai nigtt, Fergettul of the stiumer tiers tbat fetI, Wtile Lucy dwit bar bInaepes aIl aigbt, Wonbl ng bar weary father tram te A ecligdalitt;afthon as if by rghtt HJon er hmtlors, there seemedo muet ta tel Or hea-It matters lititîs te my myms- Rtptheotverflies a dezen imes. go thbngasent on, until the mother tound, That Luey, sehewsau scb a caret ti obilît, nad tbrtcs torgotten,1 lu hem daly round, To sklm Lbe miii, and like emtangled seil Grec every day hem bit of gardon groomS. Whera once terases ansi carnations h eawu the*old, Old Story, anti yon knon Thet natoght 'but marriago oui cf that eau The Mother-im-Law. Since Noah lautieti it bis ak, Aloi 1 I've beaute patient mark For wittilcismu ceaxa. anti dan . Ex= pouimcd ongue, And 'lace the paagnapher rose I've boon ae minegr te repose- My looks, complexion; gait anSdalttes Rave aiU boon sung. No serd fer aU te goctI'va dn- 0f pattant toi from. sec te amni, And*jaabbmabadtWhatabrldot Ste boltheiite dtihast oulti be fieti, And icokba Btainbsruns te bide Whsn friecela appear. The dirnlrleg tuauti caneot tsar Hia "'wite'o. off mottor spongiug thero: Hlsqutia tfrget ber fsnder cars . haot dewu stev oer ; AnS etUle ste meoets bis maüy neetie, Bis causses fer lite bourecsde a I thueiel ci ciever or cantiemon @codea Thta fntdoceive lher. The paarpor-ov ita 7 zwoTdbutt io theme or i ier ists, TIo ~eu bat, ms toey ae m ai Vento it rai, they'vo ratisar bataf To votaf i aasa usrlsonated Igaloisi Lb.latter. l iumd ieab raiem LUa. - trim«tcd a follova; Ffrt, i. îi a hObodY liau double tlSd ~auusbo;of boure tui lbe day; oeffld,) 04 #9f 04s ay uWb ebor bé u iedfor ait ted yb A Star ini the World of News- paperw. [Eroux tbai Aercu JouroniiUst.l sketceseof inany of the more promi- tent wemen journaliste je the Unitedi Sttes have appeareti freux ime to tins., but 1 believe uotbing bas toton saiti s yset a southemo star iu tloe jourualietio firmament, Mise Haitie A Paul cf tbé MewphiaSccimii. Miss Paul was bora iunFardeonan couuty, Tennessee, and ceoeived a frai oleais edeoain t iSt. James ll, liclivair, the conuuy seat cf Harimawn, iu whiet, iuatiiutionebstegraduoxîiol wiib bigb honore. At ttc age cf 18 Ibis lilenicol yiongi ladly was intiiocs. by Goý . G. . M. Turner, prorieotoit etîlidior cf ther Srimitar,to culer tliiil,1 of joucî<oiloi-m vit the very inceptiîon of tic [lamper.,ofinit tas conlinoiel withi o er r inr'. Sfic cpprared upion tm ir t orel Cl,")oii paper lire as n plain), *toi. itilg country airl, ttb Iuît sL -<so tlite-n cf sunoplitiulto for jotirnîl-iii tluit %stas trtily wouilerfîl . Sior.' Lur noilioo te, eh tc la opiolfy ,er aoî.i <o.Ir jooornibiool iili ta o oo i i r. . eutoosi [il r iîiii-iterstiiiiic;ty !" p1oio tlie lest mrr..liiî; til; toi ho I'-nL :ftir wrlrg croo.p looragroiie or i:,rsfi svhicbo are unria! y cf oa p,(îomnt or Liion. erîti cfîsrooct' r. andol un' ri) s' ot avidîfy. Il-r cloîrgios s ti:riî' pi 4d,ts îei s i i l I'.v ifi' f-.Ct îlîîîî ostî)!11111 t lrief Fo-îc(' o> thfore pisonaiefîins ho. coton muianilolioibo bar, i)ooolliotcippr, catbmoor, oandîl hioinisa liiiflulîoi<r cllier j ournatl. MosPati n) a ulitse )oaî os maly termnoî a wo-mais rigfmlc wooiiin. )le tas wrtlrîî 8011100 ioitli tticîc' againoot t e to looofl thit aua o! fetialîs wlîo recou6Lantlîy blrsiug tlosuiselves before ttc ptublic as tro. cites cof bbc rigliot Iir tex. Miss Plarilo teostineol loi wmian envi- able natucoiouthe fiebti ot jourroalsm. Ste ite a lv of ruaeuiiooot li.rtonal appencance. Uer vessarelariz oando lustrotns, andl lir exprfi<s1ioi@lavo si-Y1 teîîeCtural. Ste (e tiret ibnzl *V aii< and fi' ber iioooededniomnnor bac wî n many frîsuibe. Growing Better. Mm. Spurgecu toIt au iuloýrvit-wrtil~e cter day. tbait e iboongoi, on tioe wtole, that te wcridt bcd growoo betier soncpe te iret knewseil. "-'Ifîrro l<xs been many ouprovemuente,-lie ,niob, e inealv uthe. direcoi of 01 or. auce. A wtcle efaqs of m wlic oirt e vers noomemcouislie n 1 ir Ilc.: esoli,) L-oulou have bAcotnoo erbiro, 1 n f. te tîose gonîl anti rio-l<o tibo i.: ;îî mn ewImîoutevegotO <Iunkloiut vs.i wiire jenLe habit cf co'îlîo.o. st- -. it ne say toc-msly ieloîr \iio: <o% r coinseecrotie nue cf lîrse no i :Ixn..X Itai 1never do. Itlf,ii.i, lbeci linR, alec corniou ctt nimproiii',i i, i ho attittiole if mei'llo e~ îi. licentiotis filurr.tun. . Iu ini t'es readît tac ite vtot ne danglhi:es woni.l lic as!)îtie b b oîo1. 0i;i [ oI<îoe11Vic o i iii .î< ,i lias grî.ally iuîî et t. 1î, : tin~tl<othrtv yi'srs ugo oiltioot f, a. reetrasilnt btlltiîy u<î i).f cirO(el<t000.0 cf doing uov. 'Viore l.c a.foi greait progrstc. Like Georgie Washiington. A eelI kuon PIlori serni domoî le tte bay ftqihig the itter day, but luck wae tati, ansi wbene veimg aroved i bmo basiket wscs cOul etrely cnply. Toi makett' i tg more aigOeiiavLi:, o citterc(lol dtcbap. whcco sa, o was cloaeco h icl uce tbaob:îg up flot cfîîr fit. appareutiy saittte grotioi te-m Onm triel dil not lioete go home oitfo uothing ot al b to infor lboa dr r sport, aund pet le oicliraso-front ilie leekier angler a baoito-o-ftl Lf it Ijandt palm tem inffas bis oon caltc a st-ai expetiient net consiteel a ii iii 11ulm of sitandard mcraliîp. Lii, fîen cisme couitation, a wsy oas folnni foi-, e'ît11io oui cf ibis diffictî)îts. Arptroacfîîn, sa-thi aficw feet cf thiollil foii rmik. te onaîte nbartoatu Oitîfihou tir oa baeketful,blott sit b tbîjû ieoîsnfn lIt accli fihbr.u--I,t pou-bt br a o ici tîointe nL' onfl eîîo"le-sor Oc oîirbi t. Ae hte i'plani, htoc coneciiosO, seoulti net perîmit Ihotu toi u 1 î (oi- aund extibit fî.o ic bd oniOt c!igLîl. Ht' mnsue,-<l bores cm loi cA' 'io- v ont, and weoîl tome to ino ,,1 a owc-oi l deser-ceti ovtionufreinan'aduiing houstolti. A Girl, Learning To Swim. "Yeu kuose seat on scaraccese 1 uccî Le te,' cail a uitile tPsmeootattht' write-r last seeci ; "clip, 1i snac his bundîseof ues-es to hegîn sith, anuliwc pears af Miss Nppro r aioenbîe boartiieg anod day isctool bcd tammer- sti the litte phock 1 bcd oigiDally quite ont of me. I seas afenisi oftgtoct anti burghars ansi dorse; wseaven the wriggling cof tht' tre useil te maike me aivar. But bines I bave legnedtat situ, cundtas only atuce Al, y, sleop like a top, anul cm se plpcky; wby, yeoteedcy I met a cose wv hîs'nI cee eutnt Claemon,aed 1Ijnnt tocceti ber s if I ted lived on a ranch al nsy bIta. LaBi aunsmer I met thiia came ccv, anti I rau tom tiaIt a mile yelling toc my lite, climbeti over a tigb pieket tece;spcain- ed m nkl eî,anti spoiheti my local otambmay dresicyisig taesccape freux bar." oerco thie youug cumancer took i&adive, anti coming up, tilteut up onu te tha sprieg.beacd anti cotineti: "I laugh overy time I îhiek cf Lb. iret tise I toei n Bwimmieg leason. I cropt dowcetath e waicr, anti Misec Knepperi beug me by ths beli on te tet book. Secse.bac gat a girl ou nov. [ont eabs tnny in ibat iellekin cap? PWefl, 1I mec I coultiet drosen. but I w"s certain I choult iste, se I shni Mye yea anti saiia a tuila prayar ; rightinlathe midet ef il Mises Keppert calboti ont: 'Nov, Miss Blank, lIeypor bauds flat, siaw peur kues e el np, and thon kickiont gooti anti etrong. Rsady-one, two, tree, kicck.t I tat] ou a greon batbieg suit anti nu cil-ekin cap, anti as I @truck oui 1 opeecol nMy Peestea se mysett drosen,nit I loclest se luke a trog I teid to latîgb. Thai sasmeti ta cure mp feame. Tha vater seas cars anti dsliciousIy pleasaut. Ail the other Mirlavwera flocliug aroucti like the picinraeue cees efthlie Chis.e tien inartyr,witt ber beedti eut et aer, and I tuai courage. Dfortonhie oesrl vas over I know il la ossier te aim thon Iti ts te &uk; ;andi vbenjoyu kuow ibat'yen kuose a hcap. Ait te secenil esson I aippeti off the ' pring-board just 1k. ibis," andi puiting ber ebepeîy arme, haril-s mamble, *itb sb0cy muscles tuder tbe poliabo4 -skie, anti polnting ber flngors fer a 'dive, My raconteuse dissippoarod in the lais like a yonng orai. Notbing 13tatlingr Abouit the Theory. son»uuent4at bau coue te the front, With à nev theory. He bolda liai .very hÃ"ught or impression avolved* from orî fe4 lbyl>thertin ,predumes , màusoIa dntiwationîýwhlchaskil'dl périon eau detect and li carly, andt ta soma " ezelnce liai ibis uîO n., W4= uap»te$ùIgrl puts her arm around A Paradoxical Itinerant #9How la busieess ?" iequired a gentleman cf a eciseors giuder ou the street. ",Fleunitbing, bic, nover botter. I bave mors iban I1 eau do. It'a oy dali coaeolo, yeu nkow.", Ansi teo outinued te giud indus- Dividing the Baggage. Tloey weme goieg off an a jouruey. '-Vtich eloali 1 carry ?" lie aeketi, "0the baby or the tiog ?"~ 'lYon bond betier cary ît'ebaby," ase rteplit-dt, -and I wili uski- charge cf lie auy. dear ltîto tellowv. i wouîtin't haro. soytling tooppen Oc tom for LIhe W'here the Best is Ma.de. TFlicv sacre taikiug about ice creamu. Ste IvlIllte Conversation, wtile Ge-orge s1-ii. 1îd boEat n jea sonotyllabto c, Oci ln 0,e.nt al.' ,,\' rv rie." rsi oitl bGeorge. 'Iwiiiii t'Rt ice creatun uiraes I CoUL 001t téb t-t, '-Nom 1. ' ' 1 ,Imio,îclbave bue bvraior nous i ail . IDo on kb.w George-, whoe -, .vîc.*I Lad Preferred. "I oiv'on*vfe, otIb<isccfotin(led cps- mat 1aian,- ii6eeit Pnkett aitithe breakfast table. 'Yet, dcari,' emnoily cepliesi the ladiy. -1 gatit itcaner yen love t.' '<MNe lqvit-o oadam ? Ugli.the vscy Fm(Icl of i milttes ne ticL, . Wto wcc soi Wlkp R St Ic iîiitt bat I love cps- breail <' Fiiolv ;n:i, roi o st Mmc. Pfuok- e-t, 'ocio t icIvonti îr9 Fitzo lier e t-w ~ ago ta yen prefecrild cveetbcor;;, anîl1I idtouknow ortat. y t11 eferre I to, unoseêe it wae breail." NVI.i.ri tewent la st-crIc lnulîtl kicbird tiiumocif out of tior dccc. The Basbhl Boy. Iloiberi, nalonttfiii youeg Atiodut eof Cupit, rcco'niIy coomucurd up enouglo aniorero ho -eorb a Vîlung ladîy tomle. 't tlîr briCoti licut monint,' Il til;er ci1 i. yi o- . di yon O OC hIne 'M - .0 li*N ofî1iî i i t oui 1 l t 11.ý1 il t ar, tnie Warren, but ws mt 5cro bothe' turri of ttc mccl [je ot .' «t a Sa hmos bouse%.' -10I h i (nrk y'on migittbave <«l i il0 o-uul If i. r vooce," eBaia !iqi fs!i r. A. k'ore' Appropriate Name. 'aIi îîoo f thp do-tp-ct, ' ijncluw, ic eciarkedt, as te geizei L ~t ti' senv farrow litile .oece o0 wtcriit<anrly je ubMot seme c; ent tion, *Ifliat isac .I I bondIs rail tbs à esc t'r t., "Ni-,, lat n ouA I ea nlil ?-tAie "Anu aco A Suggestion to Dentists.o lieutiet -Atli 1 oodiuxornu. sir, yen Stiebi unottir tbort i itroaed, 'à Snfftce.r-' bnei< l le jrit as bal as îlot otbertc" n 0,04le a . a r.- utsi o s 0ýu cri.lgt10n te col yoer -M .y dtugptse'! fttj 'Iiiiro<too o, lai îoe 1ou piled ,L r f' uv Ie-»I, i.u<i tilt os st-tp ratiL, teck de 3stî <Ltiet-tl Of gomog te ca Li mrt r o(entist . 1i1tongtt il m'as a rs-g Lretliig." "Iî osaSa mea-iccidelit ;but doe ou 000i cOuIi lo aYv ou sro-ond ittc to tare Iser pin: agamuin NiloI 1 opcrating?", Oi ssber Emoisie tacs thc pain?'t - 8e. N(IttiLj,'lobrongo Iorgstfuess ofautl at rcîco euucelàa agrenier A Story With A Moal PFrom ttc Chicago Tribune.' llauilome Young Milion nairo-"Boe prieoul snl ie a îonitiou as companion ao my Bster ? iîrsoîî Girl-Ytas, pîcase; I seould do ny very test t i îtcetistaction.' -Cen Yen ing ? ', -No, 1 cui carry Oeo-y." "Toti pbay the piano, I cuppose? 'No; I ucve.r tudlîcl oute." "iAli!b Prbalily thben, peu peint1 ccockcry an-" sIt le ceeilepeslecontinue Lie list, sic5 1 have ne acoomplistmees" "Iluteesi b y, bow bave ypuiet pour Lie ne seYe e Iti sabo." 'At home baclpicg motter. Yen Ses-,, 'Pardon me tor n erruptieig. Yeu bat-e saisi eeongt, cund-" ,0h01, do net aay I vilI net de. If eecesecry I eau pick up soma accom. pliactonetinm-ù, reacenablo tisa, I am ,,Ton viii pot deos a aIireti ccapan- ian because yen tins snuicely tee goond for the position, but if You etît aie haIt et My fortune anti me wiih ht,I saal coasider myssîfthie luokieat man inte b sorîti." Politenessa Rewarded. "Witt pou Se kinti euougb, sic, te bel titis castovr me otite I openthis gate? it is taîtenet on ttc insitia, ansi I muet climb oyr ." This requsat vas made the otiser day by a mate vbo vas standing at a gale on a lonely reasi ced il vas et- dressedti ee a taîwseaiseler viehati jusi coaenp. Ttcoulycter living objeoci visible on tis long, striglt rcati vas the large black ram, vices massive orookot hurnes vere Sing Solo) by th* man as lthe Lwo altecdqit. .1111 Iu: front of tIhe gate. 1'Wty, sarticîy, siipmâtle5" si ihç opltgiag tan, as ta soizedti lia îlg hon( inti telied thle firoi Solder. latter limisied quiokiy over thse 1"I ib tani yen very muci,' ho saidl pôilely wienl- Seogeltitoi e othéwtda ~"u vilI te aurprisecTte, < Sor tsaIt I JPO sawtat rm beure to-da&y. The t~ue attaoke tu e >about balf an heur a ,andi vo Shâve berna uslinig. t- géther - eè & Ince. '4. slong -se'yen stand béfrs hlm holding hii bornes &imly Se cn' SurtiYeu nmuei. Goti bye X ope Yeu vWitb.hoas llky- W getting alwyfrom 5111 as I bavé b èe*2,t The sailors qrepîy te8 eLo, eécl fer pulicaion, *INVALUABLE TO EVERY LADY. "MAYDEWi The great French Lotion for Beautifying the Face. It concesa the eVidene otâe.a One ap- plication wi.l stake the most tubbornly red and rough banda beautifully soft and white. Remernber that IlMAY DE W"Il e not a paint or powder that will fil up the pores of the skin, but s new and great dlscovery, à vegetable lîquid, that causes the cheek to glow with healtb, the neck, arme, and bands ta rival the Lily in whiteness. Impossible to deteot in the beanty it contera any artifle- ial character. It curesa Greasy Skin Freck. les,Wrinkles 1 [impIes. Black Reade, Orow's Feet, Blotches, Face GrubaSou Baon, Tan, ttingworm.Chapped Eatids,Sore or Chappedi Lips, Barbera rItch,Tetters,etc. [t frees tbhee poese, ol glanda, and tubes tromn the injiarl. i one effecta of powdera and coametia waabes.1 13y ita use ail rednsss and rougnoe ietapre vented: it beautilles the skin and will make it soft, smootb, and wbte,'imparting a deli Cat. sottnegseprodooing a perf.tyh althy ; natbraI and yoothful appAarance. The best face lotion that the world ever produce. -Wr wll tend a large bottîs to any addrsas on recelît of prioc-one dollar. Wheaorc dering mention tItis paper. Addreaa al lettcrs tb THE DMAY DEW AGENOY, 71 YoNns-ST.,TORO)NTO. 5rs- Parlours and Iteception PRooms for Ladies. 1M 1 fjVurets flizzinc.ss, Loss of Appef o.ic, do(lgestaonz, Biliotsnc.ss, Dyspepsia, Jaunicce, Affcctoon of -the river and Kîdneys, @ e i limpies, Blotches, Boils, ilumors, Salt ILkeum, Scrofuia,U Oum Erysipý1as, and ail dîseases arising from'Impurc Biood, Deaged Siomach, or ir-rquiar action of t/oc Boweis. How to Handile a Gunc. Burnetts in Ttc lasrktye. The iret <ing te do seben yen go ont guunig witt anothier boy is te guard pourseli againet occident. Tihe test way te (ti is i te shoot thecter boy trfuo e tas tome te bal hie gun. Thmn take tot guestatht uearest j crec andt trowe linu. Ttrow the the powder anti shot rightinl aftnr tem. If yen bave aey matches about yeur cloihep tresethonl ise. Then set at once ansi go toma as lest at et- o-ryn cmn. And if pou are entierit ei:ghlen y.arr e, onug thachances are,1 et-en sitim tre s precootiana, iloat pou w oll)iet totb lesand a secction et pourt bondi fifled ta Le brion witt bird abatc before von cemot tome. GO)I(o<tuo's ony kuoses base. oy son, I den't. I havi' often eenilemeti bow il çltîl ipeu, tout I conlol never accertain.i I t nouit eeutoacittance inoocutout OfIîce, t-ni înirely tea nato colt facîs an 1 i kuese' la nboy seit a singleii larroI- clZn tw'ic<- ct Ii.r.g as; tomaiif cri omaxage anil e to hoot b;ooîselin te tDore pierot oce thon tn mau eau do i oit car,'vru Bbocter revolver. Âud o aon I gaon(a L npyYen a cen.- Yet, 1 1 aon; PI.teileioin tht'inte clong vaea- titu holon e bauge bû'avtlp um bandea, anti I think 1 wouît i3ejoy su- tiîrtaiuiug poîn by piekiug abat eut oft your legs nith a cut pick. "But yen wceld be cary careful wtt Sa ie a seeman vecy cael) iii an noobceia, onv son, antI petscience te nnab:v ta acceunt for tbe stactliig in- cie-nec of ocne t'ed mon evemy suonoer. Mon andi Thinga OLANiGLe-AttOisoo t0ASSy sorowct 0ON A VÂOOtTT (OF SIIJECT&... h e stimatetî troma sa tatitical poite!f vise that losesof appatitoacoecg ycueg people On aecount et love au- eualîy paves thes country s5.,bl0O,0{iO. 'Rf LtI" (let.g>s ias 5e li 5t& I'..t lt.o5 -'ta li,'tio i ciian. odis- or os e -aoc 4 Boye,ioui odruog'ieL IOSE le' l o-- iicure sVoir otioo as- oigb. It me- cit<oet oigca Ao.k W. 1k. llowoe <ose 2 tO t 01txttie c.! ' H UBt' COUGil (l'îE ami d di-'t LUte bt 'il! with oony OtlOsr. 'Ttc razor cf Daniel OConneîl" in la belcI for cale ln a stop wlulow near tse Seven Diala, London. A St. Ân's Victory. Mrc. Jobu Meorrison, sesîl kuown Si. A.en's, N.B., bal serions Itido Comuplaint that bordareel on droit After top ad ed arby fieti. ha w cureti by Burdoek Blooti Bittera. Foattares ecre fOrsiusee as a tel dreas by Marie Autoinsite, visetir itemr affect tran cuiesity, vasl plea, vt it, and-i-ascttha fabicot. A Remarkab le Record. Tise maoat ramaniabla cure et Se fuie ou2 record t i ktiof the Rsv. 'W Stout, et Wuamîon. choc. case et Se tuions Abses ba¶aed ths atilf 1s8M tten surgeong fer tvssty -tire yulë le secs pertt'cily curet by Butrd< BloolBittera. Tis milkmexn are rojoiciog Ove' medical decision, chiot sys tbat oc muiti is net goctifor infantsU loisý luted viti ceLer. A Cure for Cholerm Procure tros pour dmuggiat on.e ils et- Dr. Fowtar's Exiraci ct 'W Btravberry andi take as direototi. cures al Summer Comnplainte. Loendon tas a élolb kiiovu as thse hemnarle, chsjaeopen te mea andti men alii., wvis sar. everytiiisg Wethaveoa epeedy soof pomltpre Cetamnh Diptterls, Canker ment i sd 1 Ache, li HILOWB CÂTARRIE RI EDY. A naal InJecter fiasVilS s botile. use Il if yen festre iseaihi mwet bxeaib. Frics 60 cia., IçaltbY R. Hocie, seboleuianaofretalAP Wtitby Ont. japanese girlé, speati &UI Ieir oi mnuapinsast-es andimtescppissa for iaircdjugero nttrelý y >ti tvo delaile, - t in Ipa Sooncone asks:'."IUow long te a [Dne a lridsigroomn ?" Net very long. In a majoriy etf aces bo becoites "short' befoces the woddig tour onde. Boilenae Arnica Salve. Thoe Beat Salve lu the worlti for 1ruts, Bmnisee, Sorea, Ulcers, SaIt libenon, Fêver Sores, Tetter, Chappedliauois, Chilbîcons, Corna, andl aU skinc Unptieona, and positive- 1ly cures Piles. It os guaranterd te give per- fect satisfaction or osoney refunded P rire 25 rente per box. For cls by G. E. Gibhard. One huudre-l tons cf louman lbair cri' boooughî anced cîtace yoar. rmuet of ih beiug freux the . bo o f tho ferale cou vice cf Europe. liitween the oge cf fif teeu ansi fort y a womuu eau raose sûeru crope of boum. Shilobis Conaumtuîoo Cure. This is boyonti questicu te mot succeeful Congb Medicine wo- bave everpol, a fcw dores invariabîy oce the worad case ofcugb. Croup, aud lirorocio, while ifiswenlrfcl çceaces in tecure cf Conosunoptioin oswitlîonî a pamnll in îte hotîcreoif nedîc oie, Silice itq Orsi <lîovery ti[Oha no aeiii oi a iiorS.bo.a toit v. tir-t ti otter tutdicue cati stand. Il %,on Ions o a Cougi hwe oamncstly asIe von tt r vit. Primo 10 C'a c, l ta. andSi 1,100, l I v r luRs are tore, oeot or bock (atntuoilse 8hilohW PeroUa Plusters. W. R. Uloxvse, w1jeleaale andf rpt'l c.lit, whliibv. Bbc kueem'i' andi Poonting, anti style, andl pcasi'.y knew how bo flirt ; but-anmintf; 0l tii. itceto !- ';ho neked foc a g;ril imoto vet wlàiclo la iran a shirt. Dyspepsia & Liver Complaint. [s itnoct c'irtifîthe oenocU prier f rot eitt "sirc eoilintii, if yî. tfili>iora<'il M c'ti xo.if-i ga't a 1 .10 f S h IVitalo . . r y W ntle Il" ac locnti oi eac- auftî'e 0o Il, ii.- aci'cdnogiy amoi if id die ou lo zool i %TllccO pot n'ttioog. soli Agent, WhitLcy Ont. Soit. whits- ais are no longer con- idered the greatetrot olàsisemciuxiy te girl cf thiii' ot. 'Instea<, ebe pelles hereaf on et)te caiîcuapalme anti rot keuckles whist resoltl rom vigorons athîetic elourt'. A FE W1f HINTS Y ~ Dsa,- 7'àTortse ie loose elàs emiirs 2 t0 4 Fait dofiesclalo, 4 to 4; Pau. V% ~ ~expereacse"Ii* nuloe i p",re.edose dauccAMcS& Fer CosUatim, or oad O±ve~nege no. ati reumdy li soe efciveam Avu'S Fooui. lsed Tu" nmeregelar bAlp attooo, a"os ted ste be loocols$0a beelbbp cotlo ForIidgsdace»salaAva Foaoa ae invagqgta~ad aiero urm uaat-lurz, -Imm5 er ajpetoFroii inslae.aUSazarllaaof cr-and, curoti by4WflIPU&& gim rinf dom IVa* l*Ue,~.t$IM.lea.tb msa a »oitgmaStabea. oitbe Spdmgbse bo. Ur OW44 a kta D*."Wsea, aisE Ofls Via tharpmeuof laibtoneOc!tjotoa mdI ForU"is 4abe Am' POL5 op AI.stddoa eulMds able tcood, etc., AMI&' sec- Pee.rsar e .tisaremadty. for - u4us, r Owg, mdemovtu« 'esd the cuse i ba he ai<AsEsa. Oe& sf Jair tdC ascaiMd 'y deQf cQ - W ulsbrostoei aeurnlo y AMtrl5 PZLSU ont, Mdrsscp antum alatal - ti m;, ave mte suf rosdy =ràîtin t ::AY ER'S P41ýLL$* NORH'Ii. AMEIGUAJ Lufe Assurance Go-. liIa&n 1rocE: 23 Toronto St. Tenonte. FULL BOVEBNMENT DEPOSIT PRESIDENT: -HON. ALEX.. MACKENZIE, M.P. Ex- Plme M.tniter of Canada. VICE PRESI DENTS: H3ON. ALEX. MORRIS, M.P.P., Ex.- ,Lieut.-Geveruor of Manitoba. JOHN L. BLAIKIE, Esq., Preaident Canada Landeil Crodit Comnpany. MANAGING DIttECTORo WILLIAM McCABE, REq., LL.B., F.I.A. This Comnpany fueniahet inturance tutted te the demnandes ansi nîeseities cf ths iu- surng public. Special atbention la calînsi te sCoon- panyp1a popular plane cf ituorauce, wtich are meeting with great appoai wtereer presentesi. (1) Ttc Tontine andsi et-Tonlins plans combine the advanfages ot Lits Insnrance wîth profitabole luvetouent. The insurcil ýa@ tte option of witlîdeasing thes entire resqerve andî aceauîuatciî profite, at the enul of ttc Totîtinto beioo-l0, 15, or 20 year- crîoictodîlly loiîîîeeît. (y tfîis moncs ttc two thingot moît drairablo in Lite lInsurance cres combine-b, vi: Gcrtainly af P[ateation n larlï Baath AN"t J>rof/s ÃŽzu LonçJ L Z/C. (2) Tlti Commercial F.uoowment plano yiolds tnaxom'otn insnriince for minimutm outlay, and an Endowcoent at the cool of 2o years. This plan places reliable Lite losurance within C.oe reacli cf&aIl ai an estimnaccd cost of about 50 per cent. of te lowest lite rates. Aftter admission has been obtained te this ciasa, paymnentfi only are required te bc onadle 'heni calle(l for te nicet deabli losees. *(3) The Reduceol Endownoent plan fur- nishes fulli nsurance for the perioda of 10, 15, or 20 years, nitît an Enobowment ai the end of tti loe for a low rate cf preosium. (1) Ttc Comipao<y issues aIl the appruved fortas cf pîîîieieâandoo anctoîties. Ail ordin- ary policies ora licn-forfeitahîr cEler three ceoit)paytnts have hotu made. (a; It, îoliece are prmnted in clear, largo type. in plain, fio-p le langnage anderstonod hy aosy poeon aile te ceaiJ. They are froc from thc usual onernus conditions te ofteni foutoo in Lite Insurance policies. MIl policies issues are indisputable afler three years teon date ot iosane. Circulars gvonig full explanationa cf the Coonpany'a varions plana cf insurauce will bc fornisees on application ta the MAI;AGINO DIRECTOR, Toronto. SHAKER <suce!ý, *irrr. Itic~izniatimoa. 1 Ittzrrit. niffl Mtias.asto; roed is)ae" e v eery dcscrlp. ris.ne pa:riclo ofMercrr, l1, , l o o.ut."ci.or any zmineraI aub- sicOce. SOLO EVERYWHERE. P-24n. -.^L Pr tl. o.r ausfor M.. Fojr sale by W. IL. licse, wVlitby. ovarçdaa LeadingL FIV~E Linoes FOIR SPIRING 1884. QTiIR>E8lm SUJPERFINE. NOTE PAPER IN NEAT WRAPPER, FOR 25 CE NT S. Only the ftact that buying j oint- ly for our Toronto and' Whitby buses, we -obtain the closest prices from the wholesaler, enab- -les us to seil at so low a figure. *THE PA PER 18 F/PS T GLASS8, J. S. ROBERTSON & DuOS. ONE THO USA4NU FINE WHITE ENVELOPES :FoR $L00- Notl»iig t E qualI litent in Value in' tlle County. J. S. RIOBEIRTSON & BIROS. Cents 9 WILL BUY A SETT 0F C'RO0QU ET!el No -such Value ever before Offéed in Whitby, New Stock this Season. J. S. ROBERTSON BROS. IFOR 99 CENTS.!I REGULAR PRICE, $1.25. BOYS' EXPRESS WA-GGONS Warranied Strong -and Durable. yo~ 3oy ~êWPT ~F oas. eLîckct enîz CHEAP TICKETS. Firi heap Sxcutalon for DAKOTA and MANATOBA -VU TEE- OREDIT VALLEYt and CANADA 6SOUTHERNx. Leaves TORONTO at NOON on thék 27t1o of MÀRCH. THIS BOA4D IS NOT BLOOKED WITEI FREJGHT. ý0 Parties gcing West wiÃŽi Bave tiona and expens by taking thia route. For tickets and turther information apply to JAMES LONG, Railway Passenger Agent, Office, opposite Rayas Hotel, Dtindas-st. 18-tf Whitby. JOHNSON' In Deuerell's Blockt for your FURNITURE! DRAWING ROOM SLITS,- DNNG ROOMf S UITS, BEDF400M SUITS, KITCHENýý SUITS At Puices tIatDefy Coinpetitioo Corne One, Corne ail, and see for Yourselves. E. J. JOHNSON. UJIDEflTkZflX'G ALSO A FIEST .CLASS3 BAB3E QUEEN CITY ail CO, e--<l - l GOLD MEDALS Awarded at Toronto, London and Guelph, in 1883, for AD OIHER MACHINE OILS. ru Ee taby QU Pizst-0131~1oiU.0 Every Barrel Guaranteed. S.AMUTEL ROGERS, Mamor W0 ront St. Euat. Toronto. $66, weeh at berne. $5.00 outit fres. Psy abselutely bure. No risk. Capitsl..ot $6requtred. ReniIer, If y aoit business et wbtch persens of cithr t ex, ypens er oîd, can mare great psy ail clos bloc they wcrk, with abseluts certatnty, write for partinolara te IL: HALLETT & Co., Portlanld, Mains. A Lecture (o Youtzg Men ON TEE LOS0F XNANHEOODq We bave recently publishea a rew edotion of-~Dia CIMYss- WZLL'a CELSEIMÂTED BsBAaYren the thdical and permnnt cure (witbout medicine) of Nervous DebiIity, Mental si Physocal Incavacity, Ionpedîmeuta te Max- niage, etc., -reaulting troua exosasea. 9ýrTice, in a aeaîed envelope, ooly 6 oa. or two postage atampa. The celebrated aut hor, in thia admirable. Easay, learly damozotrataa, fhem tbirty' years' auccestul practice, ibat alarrnsng coolsequences mnay b e radioafly cuned with- ont ths dangerous use of internai. medlicina0 or the use of the knife;* inting ont a mode of cure ai once sipe, certain anaf effectuai, by rmeans of 'which every sufferer, ne matter what Ia condition mnay be, ÎÏay cure himef cheaply., privately and radio- WThis Le cture ahoiold be in the bands ci eer-y juth-and evemas i itbewlindl. Adeau, THE -OULYERWEU. MEDICAL 0M, 41 Ann et, NýevYork. PoatOffcBox 4W.I* lySi ]RING OF A Âu) -SEWING MAÇ-HJNES.1 J. S. ROBERTSON THE FRIDI Fxom t'ho TEBI&3:: Tbe Cw. bhm Sanyot1 TEE Pirat ma subsequent Ad__ straoticua ' muatbain, seUl sort e A liberul zpmat5 bp-l in not latoex any Intende fore Tuedw receiefup reff'7IOl sertion. corpo the cunty rasolnda lamuié the level suitabla!I Prinfine JOHN 1 wing, Cou% BARRIST AT I C. H. RITC91 »ARRIST 1 e Red tÈ .YI el -AlTTOREsc BA l'a om, LERS C 0 L ý-,R A i F-'A T U M ALL ýi

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