27 VEARS ESTABL 'THE WI1DïCHROIL[ FRIDAY MORNING, Fronm th. OIceCaauaseuuBIl4n&Brok TERM4E: 81ipas ùmvuITI'AB.tû 5 Th'. Cenoxicons ba larger circulation hban y thor paper in tbe Countiy ut Os- lanlo. d8.Robe rtson cf Bros., PROPRIETORS. TBI(geOF ADVERTISING. Iirit Insertion. per lino, 10 centse aoh etibsequent Insertion, 6 conte. Dlaplayed Âvertlmomet ane mesured bY asue& et solid Ecupareil, snd chargea acriordinqly. Advertaomeuts sent «wthôut wrltteu in- structious lusertedunutil torbidden, aud chargea for fu tinae. Order for dlacontnuning advertisemonts muet b. lu writiug. otherwlse the pubuiahors wil l o erespousible. À libere.l discount for cotract s4vertise- menti by th. pear. Copy for chqiges ct contrant sdvrtl.emeuls aboulad 88 hauded ln not lai-r thau Wedueeday; suid uotice of &iy luteuded changez ebonld be qiven be- fore Tueaday noou. Other advertxsemneuta roceved up ta Thuraday nous. Busines nticoe In local or newi colmmue finetIgmuertiot 14 coute per Uue ut Nonpa. rot!; 10 conte par lins saab aubuoquent in- sertion. P' cnt. lrnoueper annem. Orresondee =liled trm aul parisof the Couuty or nelghbunbng townships. Cor. roapondents anr rensled 10 seud iu, beir enommunicaUgons tai promptly u puibl.. JOB I'IINTING CEPARTUDIT. This Depariment la wel snppiied with lb. r4ewest aud Handsomest Styleset aiTy suitable tor every cliiutfJob Work. Vl"e Printing a specialty. The . CmiïîLI; eqipmsnl in tbis respect is strictly firaI- closes, andà t.u excollod by any office in Btatern Ontario. JOHIN E. FAREWELL, LL.B., B ARRISTER, Couuty Crown Attoruey, sud Couuty Solicttor. Office,- South wlag, Court Hanse, Whitby -48 MESRS 18RITCHIE & BILLINGS BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SOLIWITORS IN CHANCERY &c C. H. RITCHIE, W. H. BILLINGS, iToronto. wbitly. JAMES RUTLEDGE, ÂýRRI§TER, &o. Office tormerly oc- up ted by Fearewell & Rnticdge. udt la Royal Hatel, lirock St., Whtby. DAVID ORMISTO'N, B.A., A TTORNET-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Chancery, Conveyancor, &c. Orrci-In the Officeoeoulh outheb. Pest Office, inMclMillan's ]itoek, Brock Stree, Whitby. yl ROBII'NSQN &IIENT, (LAra Du"à & RoDesox.) BARRISTERS-ÂT-LAW, ÂTTO.N - B syl, Solicitors, Couvoyancera, &c. OFFICB.-Ju Victoria Chambeze, No. 9. Victoria Streut. JO0. Roaresou, a. à . RienT A.. E Xe-r. G. YOUNG SMITJI, LL. B., D RRISTER, &o,, h.-iLney ta Loan .1.> tster ut hiarriagoLouns«a. J4ý IRONILE*' Wihh ulm Prlntd wordagrat oug 'laà d uning lMarj,, we idctê Peace, Progre, Xnowledge, Brotherbood. VOL. XXII.WHITBY, ONTARIO, FRIDA-Y, AUGUST. 15, 1884. "N~ 5 -UEWESTERN BANK 0F WNITBY, - ONTABIO. THOMAS DOW, MMe. Wbltby, Nov. 71b, 1882, ly.47 ONTARIO fBANK, WHITBY BRANOH, Brock Street, - Whitby. J. H. ADDISON, FINANCIAL AGENT. P 0. Box 114, 51>' WHITBT. MONEY To LOAN! 0100.000 POU INVESITRENT. ON REAL ESTÂTE SECURErY. AI loveal livuag rates ot inliret. Money socuned vithin 10 day. of ap. plication. Appiy lu JOUIT ARQUIHA SON. Whîiby, Fçbrnary 16th, 1880. 9- insuranct. C. NOIISE, Insurance and GeneFal Agent, Rleprementing the t olloving companiee: Phoenix Fire Insurance Company, of London, England. North British and Mercantile Insurance Co., of Edinburgh and London. British American Assurance Gozupany, of Toronto. London Guarantee if Accident C'ompany, cf England. API'RÂI$ES FOR THE Canada Permanent L0894 Savings Co MONEY TO LOAN, Ou Improve i Parmi at low rate of In terest Orcs-Oven Dominîon Bank, Whllhy. Al'-o Sçerctary.Treasurer ut the Couiaîy Jan. 22, 1878. (tf-6 1Âgrcuiturai Society 'ut Southi Outaria. 1 J. RAMER GREENWQOD, A TTORNEY AND SOLICITOR, CON .~voyaucer. Notary Public, ho-Pout Office Dreyer No. 11, Whitby, Ont. Fane bought asolS I"a 9rniago Saile. monts, Will aud Tmousamaoe cialtie. Lomme uegutiated ou .ll )duds u of rY. JOHN IBALL DOWV, B "IRISTEBR-A.T-LAW. SOLICITOR ln Chaueory, Conveyancer, &c. OtUc,-Devtrill'a Block, Brook Streot, Whitby. MONET TO LEND-Prlvate Fana- lu ms uop la $8m0, at a low rate 0af1n- LY83.êN ENGLIS13, L L. 9,, flAB&STER T LAW, BOLICITOR ni eoueStret, Oshava. Physicien, .8ITrgouu Ac oe, Eho., . DR. W. CUrHBERri,90 LATH Acting &gsoetsToronto ksylpm t or Insane. OFFICE-Thal laloly ucoopied by Mn. C. Nonrése. sIane Agent. BROOK STJRBET, - WRTTBY. W. ADAMIS, R"001s OVER JOHN FEIIGUSON's [%#Clothing Tf tabiahmont, Duda-t, Whilby. iceoustmanlu1 , eta frum 1.80 lu 8, pm.Residonce-cor. af Byron tuS Giliber streela sutableý for wrap iug parpoes, 1axu Ua4er ,eposcu 25conta pan hunemd If. TRIS OFFICE. 100 o0umua and 100 Engrarine lu tacb Isue. Sent i bre.20. clampe, for Sarapie Cupy or"h Grmaut lfbthe nama,&»N 1sel u!iOLT4iUL JOVi*à L linlb.henrd. ORANGE JUDO 00.1 DAVID W. JUDO, PIES, 761 Bnesdway, Nev Tork., ,euia for OFFICE : AI post Office. Brock Street. A.. A. POST, (lae with Launlcy, Langley & Burke, A RCHITECT. Desi4ns for Chnrches, Villas and cottages a specialty. Drravmgs pneparod for re. modeig exisllng structures. Orract, fur the prosant, ai bis resideno. un Kingiton BoaS, Plckanlng. P. O. Box M0 Wismir W. 0. JUilNSTON, PROVINCIAL LAND SIJRVEYOR. Cla u b onS at the Law OfficeoutJ. G. Kell, E litboralc thoeidence ut Do minion Wood Works, WMITBY. Goa. Cormaok, IrUBRMERCHÂNT & BUILDER. dp ply ot Builiera' Furnisia ings andellkin utofTwisteS Moldlngt, Duora, Saab aud Blinde. LUMBER wbulosale aud retail, or by by thecar load. Plaulug, Mouidinge of every deecrp.- tiou, i"oornug. Sbeetiug, Shelving, Re- aawiug, Shaping, Tuniug. Scnofl-work, etc., etc. Whiby, Oct. 151h, 1878. -08 KlGBROTHER-S, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importers, Dealoesand M=antuou Kindi ut LEATHER AND FINDII<68# Cash paiS tar RiSese, iizk anS LýeatheL Laîtlh-on ulttched. tà r BELTINO MAlE TO O ftilEB On SH1ORT NOTXCE. May, 1lem.là NR. J. IH. DATES, Noepapoe LUl noiaeugA g est, 41 Parkr RDow<'l'imes B.iI ding), Nov York, 90 dulhonlzed tu contmaci-for advetime meeti 5 in eCIIRONICLE ei uur best rates. Bou.. tv eiCuNewpaprk&s4 vrteiig JBureau (10 Spruco St*) wher aS- verlsasg conrcte mi>' h1sae ;efor Il r 5ev Toal. '18 LUMBER MlCÂT EU-,,' ,rfVTEY Rao a rse0nppifii I8e ~ieuaeBaou-,*$ mi tunooaw PATENT-S cen soecure patents lu the UniteS States on tha eamc terens aCilizons. It la besi lu patent Iinth le States, tns aeoouring am17 yeane patent ; otharvime lime vil!b. imiled tvu yeari. Toalicuet ut UuitedStSates Pa'tent 10,uniy 5# on maklng application, th* b =anc ony vben patent te afloved. Toal coet uf Caà adis.n6SYom upatent, 58u; for 8156yan8 74- Ou recelpt ui miodal or drawlng, vlwth descriplutio l nv4Lt1un vo vili senS adrioe,roforeuoesaend circuiar.O Addrees, C. A. BNOW & CO., OrppositeU. S. 1Solicituru uftaents. Platent 006fic, Waeh!ugton. D. O. .2wnlo hera you sav Ibis &avez- tisemuft.-51 PIANOS TUXED. B O. T. GUIRPRICHMT, Tuner, ton Mousn. Muon h Biscia, Toronto, vIE hein vhitby &boutl th.middle ut May. Parties vishlng thelr Pianos proely uneS viil plesa e ave iheix onders vIausra. ITON 6 RUPEET, 1>boormphers, WIII bdnon's BluE, Wbiiby. Ordens b ymai. ddremed tliMeurs. Miaun &RIsb, Toron te, vii reaulve prompt attention- ly-16 ~'Os'rEiE??8 KJi~) GLOITE CLEANER -FOR -SALE -BY- we R. HOWSE,9 CHEijMIST AND DIUGGà IST% WHITBYP ONTARIOSel Special lubbing Offer Whitby CHIIONICLEi Money in the Pocket of Every Newspaper and Magazine Reader. COOBINATION RATUI Chnonicle Claronicle Chronicle Chroniclei jChrouicle *Chroui-cle Chronicle Chronicle Clironicie Clirouicle Chrouicle Chroaicle ICianicle Chrouicle Chironisie IChrorticle Chronicle Chroniclo ($1) and Weckly Globe ($1) 1) atnd Weekly Mail ($1) . 1) and Weekby &dvertiser ($1) 1) and Weekb>' Witness ($1) (1) sud Weekby Stan ($1) - 1) sud Rural Casadian ($1) - (1) sud Leisune Hour ($1.50) - I\ sud Sonda>' at Home ($1.50) 1) aud Boys' Own Paper ($1.50) . 1) sud Girls' Own Paper ($1.60) (1) sud AmenicLu Agriculturibiat ($1.50) 1)sdThe Ho.asehold ($1.10) 1) sd Gnlp ($2) 1) sud American Fariner ($1) 1) snd SSotlish Ameriosu Journal ($2,50) i) aznS Truth . . 1) sud su>' Ivo Dollar Weekliea or Monthliss--threo periodicala b) sud su>' bree Dollar peiadial-four perwoica ( 1 and Ivo mauthliea pubisà hoda t $1.5o-8 peuioiwsal aa.c"% $2 00 2 00 200 2 00 2 0 2 00 2 60 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 10 8 00 4 20 2 00 8 50 2 50 800 400 4 00 ô«U nue& rm las ave. $ 1-85 1 65 1 65 1 65 1 75 1 50 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 10 1 60 2 60 8 70 1 85 8 00 2 00 250 800 8 25 a&Ires $85 85 85 25 50 60 60 50 50 40 50 40 50I 95 50 501 50 1 00 75 A VALUABLE PREM IUM consistig cf la lithogapli life-like portrait-Size 22M2-ot Lord Lansdowne, (Canadas nGW (lovernor General,) Hon. Oliver Mowat, Bt. Hon. Sir John A. lMacdonld, or BRé. Dr. Wild, will be presented free to every ubscriber to the Oxaoxrcz., whether iii. paper à a sent alcue or clubbed with auy other periodicaL (When portraits &eSemut bynnMUR 10 cents entra muit be ad_ ded to cover cosi of postage aud proteotora)- It is yours to take adv&ntffl of thes liberal terms before it is too late. je S.0 IIOBERTSON Ciainicle Bildmng, WHITBY., Dovreol'uBloek, WmTBY,3r & Union 81108., Bleel, TORONTOS R. H.jAMESQ&'0 PURE LIQUORS.- Walker's [coming thro Rye] Whiskey. Dek Gin, St. Emilion Claret, St. Estephe B. &G. Médoc Hennessy Brandy, Marteil 9 Boucher c the1 Native Wine, Finest Sheny Wmie4, [Gor. Aiso Lime Juice Ooriidil AendPorter ondrfao bottiea. Noblesse Oblige. ryront the Youth'a Companlon.] iflI arn v an sd yau are strong, Why then, why thon, To you ilil braver deed aeong; A.nd su, again, 'Masyouns wllb bruer grace toelire. Thau Il Wbo gities, sunlesa, stand, Witb barren life aud band. We do nul ail the littho brook Te turu lthswheel; Unto tbe langer strearo we look, The streugth ot steel We do nulaask tram alikon bande, Non heart ot uak in willow wands; We do netu aithe wrou logo Up ta the hoighta the eagles know; Nor yet ex p et the lark's clear note Front out the dove's dumb Ibruat. 'Tii wiidom's law, the perfect code, By love ins pired; 0f hlmuon wltom much hs bestowsd la muchreqnired The ltkllIrout te bid lu alng, The ui& muai relgn tb. forosl'ekiug; The rushing slream 1h.F wheel muaI mov*e, The beab ee cl ils slrSugth muat prove. »Tis glven untuithsenlées eyes To face the mlddà y smkes. CULOTTA Fr-ar. Moy NeiL. O swsel, shY Muy Neill with yeuur qick, dalnty lripping. That scare turne the vêt graus beneath. juur ligt tread; As o'rer b.dsmp turf evsny Murnlng you'nî akipping, Tco mot the brigbt sun ere helli np trou hie bed. Du yon knuw tbere'a une walchlng yan, cbarauing Young rover, Who mourus ho'. a man, witb a heart For iflunaiure had made him a pateh ou brigbt clovrz Re might kuuw thesweet joy toluie trod by yuur heel. O sut-eyed Muy Neil 1 'tis the pare azure splendur, That's nubbed front the luvelleat tinta of the sky, By some vandoreng chesnb wbu loaned yen hie pnder That tormii thre deep blneut younr swift- killiug oye. Du yon kuow there inaune yon have wuunded pal healing, Who longs tebelturned tu a drop ofthlb That dovu pour fair cbeek ho mlgbt soine- ie b. stsliug, But if ou ue'or weep, oh, whalnuewuld Ah, cruel Muy 11.111 il yen e'cr look albout Tu oseo ailtho mm yue beauly hae made, Yeuw viDnd thoe. lauone Whuoinlt live Iritbout yu Whuoverm ,luvng hoart ai youLr foot bai bean laid. Il b ainelubenasu long In ils humble de. O0'llt ld oauwhal I *Snted t10t0ll; Juil M auanexohange, for the tuni ut the And youzs, I a=n erre will do me vezy RID 0F HlM. BT IL LISWOuD BEIT. Xnu. 5111.looked up from ber sov- log ait - the .lghil.ay alool It v u tlelag avaypbaoidly froru ite shad>' orner. <'Corne Neli>, il lse narl>c tour o'coWk, anSju romomber Mn. B.d. moud is tla ll for jou a balf-pmst, for jour drive." x Utwa Fmy, vîquméface' Bednead ieoamgeet, mamma. 1 viaIayeukmmsv boy Idepisod hl." %Ym*pe nver>' iguoralt] sud childimIal>, HelU>'. Iouthialserons- ly, jeu ci rve n eusn for deopfis' iag Mr. Bedmond, vbom bull I ad your lailer resimeo a Md sue, d 100 solI Jsmosdbybiseor c HeIy- o#bnugged ber mbouldesm dia. =ï,. Eihu b ovqA a oreferrprov. ýlEre:Bjeu refernmeS , u ME.dueaê' p*npual ppqV=ée' vim, aâ tIern m c. bjoctiable, iu Mrw 'Imammm. don'ê O&Il.bim-a.jo *ing but obus. ai!,d av11> iar. boy beooî th exelamining cornmitfee. "Periaps I hi 'idhetter recali my-.-" "Not to me,' NelIie interpo[ated. Yon made no bargaiu wfth me. Go to my father sud4tell hlm you've corne to yuur seuses" à moment of silence, thon Nelly laughingly declared she muet go. Mr. Redmuond drove her home in a etate of confused silence, whuie Nelly saughod aud gossiped every foot of the way. Theu, while hic-. Buis and the elderly suitor arranged ' hings downstair@, Nelly oolly ohanged lier drese above, lauginfg ail the. While to, tbink 'Iow Bho lied managed it. 111 sud I woold't bave him.mamma. and I wou't; and 1 have said I wiil bave H"rryNewell, and--" She neyer finished the defiant sen- tence iu words, but before the sammer came tu an end, sômehow or other she ware Harry'e ring on ber fluger iustoad if ou the ribbon.-' Anud the old fcifli didn't znnko muchi usee afler a&l, not, à eu ihog i. Red- nond married,14iueJobann&Yri6by. fi~ebùWzFeat. IIOW ÂLN ACROBÂTIC PMR CAUGET À COUPLE 0F SPA5SOWS. -AND- TOILIT WHiL BE, FOUND At the MEDICAL HALL 1 WHffITBY'. G. E. GIBBARD." The Sigmifrcance of Rings. (Frum the Brooklyzt Eagle.] - - It Who the le ta th dleanl tho r little isdieg the la dicate offer. Young une 0c 8h. fnowued, mucla puzzlod, na ah. i arrangeS ber daiuly siik tio, sud ne- momberod ih waa Lb. veny tint flînry loveS best 10 ses ber war-s pale, oil- roT>y bine, thai was snob a perfect foui to ber golden.hair, ber hnighl violet t eyeesud suow-and-rose complexion. Snddeuly a laugli came rippliug over 1 hon beantifal monlh ; ber oye. fairly daucod se if a magical revelsition had a beeu giveS b bon. . I Thon the audible, musical laugla euh- eided intosaSemonse mile a3 abs siowily descended lb.e taina, bultoning hon i kide. Mn. Redmnoud'. lisant fairly honuoed i asIlle augbî bhe fire1 glimpsecf hen a freala, sweet beauly, somarvelousi>' su- haucod hy ber siylishly-woru attire ; a sud lie eecnetiy fetit so glad-finet, i thst hoaslSovercome lais ecruples shout wesrnug hie Suda>' oloihes: i second, that Nellie Redmond would be c a deoided impruvomont, as for syouth ia and beauty went, on ber prsdeoesora. il She mot bhnm witb cordial oveluesui, sud Iho>' drove off at once, leaving!Mme. il Blle la emile sud noS hon hesd con- n tenbedly as sllo waicbed them out of iglal. "'Ail il ante lu dincl th. sailis for Neilly io ses the bonaostoad, sud the comionla sud couvouleoea thai vil! ho bra-ail tb. prudent saringa anS ernu- inga cf tvao cunomical vomeu." And while the mothor neturned tu aber seoiffg, ta build vony air>' oplest shout ber ouly child, Neli>' wae niding t aalong in the nather old-faehioned car- riaRe heelde hon eldsnly lover. "Il'e a vony prott>' road, I lhink," se. aid sa lhoy drore helveen ruws cfà I cool, sliady trocs, ti "Nous prettien; iI's usefol, too, as it a lusSe stnuiglat te tovu. Sarah Jane CI useS 10 eay she liked lu tesbhoneggs o anS butter along Ibia wsy."b e Nelly winced st Ithe name of bhonf prodeceseon No. 2, tben auswered flp- ai r panly-d "h.h I dou't kuow auytbiug about t Ihat. I mesut I should like tb bsvo ay phuetun sud pony b drive about bers l myseîf. Mti Mr. Redmoud gave a 11111e luvard grurt. I B 4Paelune anen't cf mocla account. ri À. good, clroug carl ie wortb a Sen of- them. Tbsre'a the bouse, Neli>'. Tallev a good look aI it as vs drive up, sud remombon il has besu the home cf the Bedmoud'a nigla ou two hudred tyoare."t Neil>'dissipatod bhis pompoua pnide , ver>' soddenly. li 1Well, I should lbink san!1Su thie 1 i ie tn ho my foînno homo." il 8h. dinecled thes batlon> f ber bho.e vildoeriug eyoe fu upon hie face. B Hof laid hie baud ou bis heant. "Ifycu vili su ho;aoun il sn&me, Mies Buis." nt A A tny mmii. parleS lier lipe. t His effort st gallantry mado ber no Ibink cf auelephant ssyiug te okip t El, s gazelle.si IlYou'll fiud il very pleasaut auS'e comfarlabl. juside, villa " b: The> hadl lot tbe carniage nov auJ-t vers wslkiug up the patl. t She inlerrupted hlm innovenentliy. th "Nover minS the lumide just nov; il t la the oulside abat le nden cousider8- >' lion. Why, Mn. Bsdmond, yen dun't a mean ta tel me suyhody evon lived in ai that bouse with Iliose solid woodeu shuttora." n'a Mn. Rodmond fluaîhed even mure ut a heet-red than vas lais normal bue. b 'II oertainly meau lBau woo M-4 vies-"by sy loà fm Xely fittd lerparasol impabionîîy. fat ilOh, I dou't mae auytbiug Ibout tbem, yus know. Every shulter ha gSotl to ie off and the bouse puinted, and green Venetian blinda put on." Mn. RIdemond, sitenoed sa f-amulh' oreS " Umph-l" but 'at on, leading chi lb.'Wa ta>'luheasfront entrance. piuminà g O9 ,nüter a huge, far-spreading tue vth a go look of intense atisfaction oR bis faie. ilt~lasgrandi, m.Ellis 1,'This obi treeýisoeertwo hunded Yparséla, axiS wà ~st&b yget-greatl-grand- U fatber-When he"ai*saboy." ' - ée NeUï frpïeda.dknly. ' ,-1'b. "Grià ad1l !'~est iuet dgroeable, lot b1lam'bnà erhaùg hing 1 eern saw-fà U of nasty vrma. ,T1weuidn'l hivetbis fr*. bore for anythiiig." i .lokdaimost alazulea. ~ S mu le ur-Senstood that a gentleman dosires to mnanry weans a plain or ;eS guiS ring oustlb.finot fluger of ofb or bodrL baud. Wben be ho. ae engageS the ring panse o the id fluger. Aller enarisgo il puasses le third fluger.' If, however, lh. leman Seoirea bis lady flounSa lu rly uuderebaud tbat ho lamotul 'in - naikot asudosce fot vlsb 'Io niry l, bue weura the signet spcn bis Bfluger.- This will isform ad es Ihat he is beyoud nesch. . With ladis a plain on chaied gold riùg le litîle finger cf lthe lefI 'band in- ,s "«nol engageS" or, read>'for, un r.When engagea tho -ring puses ithird £Loger ai 1h.eigiat bond. nu marrieS lb. thîrd -finger of le 'h n reoei,'ea-the ring.Wbeuaý og lady domine e l Si>'ail suiteSx places rings-ou on the firet and on tho founlkfluge. -A niter on Bubjecl uf rings maya: "Though lthe ut golS bus long bues ioleS supoit bnouessit>'inlu the marniage sis i, 111e b>'nu osane indispenpable, civil marriages may be coutruted OUt it. Th. Punitaaolised tie ýor, raîber, trieS l tusu;tb.y Se Spcn ite r.se, js superstilious anS tathen onigin. Quakers gseraily et ta liae ring ou adctnt of ils ion origiu, but the ladies ,of Chat nasion haro showu a decidod- prof- ce for lie continuse on accouaI of aviSions position lu vhich a mar- laSdy migaI-bo plieed for lte vaut Wedding rings are plueodsu the hanS ta lyphi>' obedieuce. Thé erac le probhl>' the rneumon why eugaged band la ilamed on LIII rigbl.hand fingerof-.fluzaaI,who poseessos a large amuat cff tu. sud frequeul> exorcisesbepou arbitruny asanner."4 Language of Animae. ugoage and IthepoWer of spèec ifts- à I wve Creator. By Iheeklý 1 cnrey thein Ihonglhts tlu qui )d hbasliten.,a sîmiliar powp-rt mi.T Ms.cnol Wak aas mou do. ITALIAN WAREHO1J$~S Carriage' Offes t. tb. pùule lai oerdPhaetune, BI? ThTq ma iib elS a ]3efore E Works, la FÀ«er .vSlt Oue varm aflennoon s stroiler, cmi- Iring; ing ta the bondera' cf a smail pond, as as hnrew bimaelf dovu baside a 11111e ires Io n bhat IssueS aven the vaten, sa Ihal litansd C looot branches wers bot a fev feel vithe abave the surface. While necliniug iluring tho ebade, sud idI>' vatobisg 1h. baves 1ook, bhat fel upun the vatet sud salleS af hi a>', the strollor soddeul>' beard a bjeai lainpiag orerbead, and lccliug oup sav beatl un s long limb .tvo email eparnovs. peen Near tbsm, flulleriug in the air, nising, erenc, falling, anS nov aligbting baside them, the im ras tho mulher-bird. ah. vai - rieS 1, deul> engageS, in giving tho fiodgelings cf it. thein finl lesson ln flyiug. But lias îot1 ycuug birds could - sut o induce'S ta couve lBave their support; tIi.>'morel>' ruseS Ilie thein 11111e vinge sud fo'llaod their Ihird mothor out fnom - tb. Ire. by edging îuiUj along side b>' aide on the 11mb. As tbs dom f reneved hen efforte the faster lias>'iluau rouI, outil Sur-h>' the>' ver. out ou tbe or>' tip cf the brandi overhssgiog- lb, rater vitica refoleS Ib tein ever>' movs- ment.La For somealime Ihese motions ofthean motber aud yonrag vers kepl up, anSdaei enliapa cur observer sanji im a donc, anoli (on ho sudden>' hecame avare that une e;c of the birds lied Sisappoanod, tiat a .1 nreal splnsh liad occurred: under he jot il lmb, anuS â Ibtheb, mother'bird, bad ;mali 5hangod bar criai lu lIass ut alan .ý-m lut il waa SsavId t ram, hlb. We4ý ird'a actions lIaI, tlIas t11e b-h p" aIiotlavu mvayi. Tho stroior oçmss'Ilec le ffal Il baS fallen mie liasewater,snê d, v ' a>'., rse lu see if h. gosid.recover -il, viau vi lae abat up ftrasu lbý . ator a en,anm deuder fiatIaalquiokly <ateSar à lIe le ait - anS ole&ll.niam n à &epondwith-aaapIClhanarlku roug bird. . Peoq The pike vas.evidently.osl hnntilog, i i a e.pyasg 1h. birds-opun tIse. 4iitj I~ tad carofoil>' mneased lIe Siý Oeaicj, aSd b>' tvo vigonos.a mps had ouplun. -delani d Iheni boath. Tomtl>.h a etb grived -suad azed b>' tIi. sud4fen g ýIamit>' Ihat bad ,hefalie te - ia.foge- orieop aganbere aple qanie iils %te fonrsa h onByave'. - tons 4I A Caudidate'a Mistake ,p "'Madune, ia> I lis heme boautilel --Bir jîldron ?"I'inquired, Unce. Iicol f ala glesby, as bu leancd' orer thIifreni vhe t aftiilvia Thba'sSee litisi.. Ji 1