Whitby Chronicle, 15 Aug 1884, p. 3

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A GENUINE, i 2j s BILVEBCOISE, for $12.00. AMERIcIN STEM* WINDINO WATCN I In 4 oz. Case for $17.OO. DEST STOCK -LOWEST FRICES IN1 THE OOUNTY AT Brook St., WHITBY. MR. ROSS JOMNSTON le Colaector sud Osuvasmer for Tirs Wmr. ai Ohacaxcua, sud la suthorl.ed te grant ruees for subscrlptlous, etc., sud trauac roar"bu.nu.s WIjitbp Ulljroniclc. AUGUST 15th, 1884. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. "IAT le SOINS ON IN TOUN AND ELBEWHERE. A BUOSET 0F UVELI NEWS NATTER GLEANE O BT COISONIOLE REPORTERS ARD OORRESPONOENTS "A 1alel.assusug y., takin notas, Au' faitiheol], pront It.Il New ItH Dry Goods srrivad ai C. F. Stewart'e. TwENTr.1m E OITs viiipsy for the CaRms 9M liiDec. 1. Laties, ses our n.,v Opera Sbawls, aIl colore, ezoodingly haudmoma goode. C.F. Stewat. Port P.rry la rî.buildlug rapidly. Whitby eotractors are dolug s large share of the vorn. .Ou£ Panmum.-Tha Torouto Wéek- ly Neya ou* yalar- frae for ont yesr's oubsriptlon le th. Ouaor<iOLE. Farners sud consumea o f OU viii do WvlA oss e .Quain City OU Q's* colbrald PENELESS Maebxcy 011. for sala by li israu ls.dealeus. Boa ihair sdvaitsmsuL. PEEL CoîaUTî TEE 33 RBT 0P TBE New WEEJT.-The firai baicof the nov orop of wheat made îls sppasranoe ou the Toronto market ou Tousay. Il voae brougbt lu by Farmer Colusn or thb. oosmty ofPeel, asd lolaJames Nhl. oodoge »i aou, r va ase houit .sJug iiisil,.Our <ocde lovait, 0. F. Stewart. Ksauw ÂRTnvzwzso VALUE PRON Toi Pu=ss.-P. T. Bamnum Lbe talauted désiguer of the mormai »d tb. wooly hons. sud the Dow millilouaire proprio. tori c b. alaged whlieliphant ha. ansu li a u sdvarllaiug agant sud es *vr@acsthroughont blés sucoeasfnl (arear pluad bliiifh firmly te iba- DeWîpaper saitheb98bapossible advar. TmmuoXzc FACU.îîrs.-The Bal TéléphonéCoc. hava liais gangs ocismin all vork cnstruollng astlélphone liue froraWbiby nortb tnBrookliu,Mlyrtle, Kaaulu4, asudPoit Perry .héra ht VM lé etilby anialcuelon cf thé lin. from Lluy mathlbaloug h.visi sida of 4&k Seong. Ai Knoesoie s bratoh où" aover la UxbridÏe and tbiso. le Karkbsu, Newmarkil sud ont oaislo, *Thia viiibuiau li-. portant à.t4« gte .faclllis for lh. lraasaelo f huinessfre. th. oouolty town wll lb.thlé esnlloî f thé eony, sud viii aie Cive anobii routa le Toronto. .BAILW*T Nora.-Balu o au iheb liuas cf the. Mldlatella pored viry brisk. Thr@ an csoata midi for titubéer vhilt wM rénuir. al avallabla rollut stok for iv. fuil moulhs. This, wllh the.grain skpmmats, vhlob beglu lu a moulth or lma vil!a usre s busl ya.N, atim.-Wo hast frouu lh.boniut lbMty i b . hGrand Trunk hllvy Company havei in l cuntemplation (u sn offait te ne cf the lois cf th. tovu station) te build a uew station bei., aud rémoeo b. dlulug. roome froso Oobourg la, Port Hope; also 10 maite Ibis a coosllg station.- Guide. Aocouxr.-At Ova o'olook Friday afternocu, whlîo lessing ulp afîci bis day'. work linbahelassrs. Kiug Brcs., Taniry, fllcry Dalby, su apprenîlo., agod 17, cerulael)placsd bis lait baud ou s (ourm4noh bail sud hI. atmvas drawnuàaround by 1he revolving pulley. The tbarub avdl Icudolegotehéb elbcv vira lOin off sud th. arm brokàu aI thé wrisl. But for thé- prompt actiou cf a follow.woibman luatoppiug lb. amblu.ry Sba rassi uMu1avi éein ftaliOc bsilu Aéken te bis faîber's hun asLêî Gouis fle o.4unDlotblunobby* Tveeds, lovpnlos@, Vfeot el il . P. A Bue, SaÂeOa.-Mir.Wm..Malbiv.. sou, buildir, reporta bis line. ,ot homaes. aslvîly ilu Oves Soq»i vhesî hibhasaoma large coutracte. - - Muà.A u Bssrura.-A ftiriaudiancs rietdi is lady ilutlb.1TovwnHEC Wadnosday vulng sud hosly a*. plaudai ber Wtilosta ioumaauea on lbe piano. Juil te band-Boing Shivîs, la vite, ram, sîvy, cindinil, grenat, ligbl blue, &ô, ai the People' 1cr., 0. F. Stewart, WSitby. AN OcToasîÂNwq.- Mis. Francesl Jamn, elm 82 yesasasd 5 monîlss, dilciTbexdayeaithie ieeuia-on Baglan atroal-othar co, Mu. Williams Griffis. Tha Lonoual lako. plais Ibis atternoan. Dcvii come the pruces lu Watcbs, factoriesacutling lu pricis. P. Taylor cau sali vaiches chespar Ibm sony other hou, lu in -i Couiy. Try bis betore purchshsg lsevbar. aud ma** monay. Hie cannot beundireold. RUNNINe IN TEE Gitasai.-The Chiot Constable sud a posa. cf apecial polics pouniai 60 <ea.oun Fridîy. Tbey yoe ovned by ciioens ai "tth. Bay" sud 10 conte a heau va ps for thetu reléasa. ARTIOTxC.-Mr, A. G. Hendersen, wbo bis beau îtiaudieg the ausmoer Art classe. il the Educaion Dopait- ment, Toronto, bas pasucdi n lb. mab. jacta ha took, Priotioal Geometry sudi Lin: iarDuawung. BîocLîiN.-This sport grovs smr popûlar erory vcek. Sevoral nov machinssbave beeu adai th lhelistinl bcwn sud susoug ihaoau excillant wheal vblch Maatî Jce Ring hougisi cf a Monos! ldiabmn Iis vcek. Là,vn.o rasCoansas 8ioao.-Tha Qis é,Paclchflast yack, dascniblng s finesidaeidme is Mu. A. Tai la oecclng lu lIai tovu, noies Ibal lbe cerner atone vas laid by Mian Balla Cormack. Whithy. Tha youq lady la a dioglaier o e li. Cormack, Bsq. Sà,LvAx-ioNAoe Novas. - ýprs- hioue for thi groal iiuionetralion ou Thnrsiay hava beeu displacitag lia realsi Ar, y orkie uveo-Ospi. Paal,4hbeoffcer lu chargiecfthi eWhit- by corps, fell down a coleriare la thlulb bouse vbiohbehobas lstely lakin.Tueas dey sud viaucha i hlm ho..but ibe pliclin luatteuisuca bl aaugci la briug hi. round for Tburaday. Sst Bar.szEs, MussoasLam.- Ho 1 boy refrosbing I Singe sud ex- ceisice tickae ta any sBd av7«yplace by &Il rail, boit or mcan trari, guar- aulecd as 1ev se thée lovîst rata@. Sire xnesy, time sud mistakas by buyieg a&l ycur tickets (the previona day if naesasry) iltIsa Wblsby up-tcwn Gr.ud TruS Ticket Ageucy, fions E. Stephanson, Taiagràpb Office. Scs bie woekly idvrriemanî Linlala paper. A VALUA13LF I3PIOVEMENT.- Ton men arc ai vorS ibis veS replaciep tIse nesigbtly double line of olagispi. polos n Duedîs strict wiib s single row, tha poles meassuriug 45 test aud in tia business part cf tha love 50 (set higi, ibus oarrying lb. viras abova and obvisîing thb. immiug of the fiua aae atries vhicb idoin aur stracia. Te mako a perfect job, sud folow tha commnanabla axatple set by lia Bell Tolopione oc., tb. G. N.- W. T.Ce. should forlbvllb pait thèse n. ew polos bofoni tb.y axe disIgurai w-us tha placard& et patent sMedicinos. Tas CATTLE EUI.oRTvaL-Ur. G. F. Fraskland. of Toronto, She veli-Suowu exportai of cattle, baves ibal ciiy ce Saturdsy for a trig ta Eeglsud. Ila takes vith is I.ba but cf the cstia contractai for by hlm hast violer, ln- oluding 100 aier, aveagieg 1,8(0 ponnilba sesd by Mr. Gene. cf tbe township of Tborab ci tiisCouly. sud about 90 head trom parties veut of Toronto. HIa salle by the Colina oue of Use Clyde Lino., vbiab eares Mou- treal ou Moudny. One o et l.bief objectsetfMi. Franklands risit ho llug. Ionin, ta repraseni to (ha British Gov- *iLuuAflI th@. dP'10r sud usal9eÉ8sOf Sharif Pixton la iututtlug lu MusSkas Mi. JJI 1. MoLel"id lalu bun tlIsa Mr. Wm. JTaylor is hollduyiug le Oves Sound. Mma. JOB..IH. MOeLelîsu la viitlug l Belleville. misa Ohaypole la epeudiug bor Vacailal Loin. Mr. A. Hiavveod in spenaing hi, vacation lu Rockwo. Mi. sud Mu. Jas. Rutiedge are ai the seisida, Poîtllii Mi. E. Van Carson in holldaylug lu Riochesear, N. Y. Jâr. harlsîl Lowe., Toronto, lisependini Usa çack lu tewu. Mi, Adam lBoirowmn, Toronto, lu kholdayiug in tovu. Mr. Jas. Lsarder, uow aof Monieal, la bclidaylng ai home. Mir. Ralph Mowbriy, Elumabo, loti Thora.- day fer s trip te Gianton. MIsa Louais Bcrroynmuin rliihng friands soi reatiives Lu Toronto.' ifra. ilu., at Soswbota' ielmIOan spn. un afeu- isys lu tovu. Mi. W. H. Huutena, Principal 0ohPlcSe7las Collage, la hclidsyîng lun teo. 1 Miss Carttt Wethaiald in vls in utovs5 the guemî cf Chare Taylor, Esq. Mua.ïGoo. Giiaby ilu Ole4eap, Oble. . Mr.Dsvi ViScer lianilnuàg tisa 1.6. P, meeting it St. Thsom"a, Ibis viS., d<lss LIly Coobrane 0f Tara, lu vlulilug lu tovu lia. guasi .t ZauMaggle Hays. Mi" 4ItýWl,ô,J B.ovoi -s, apho Mias MîÙiuloflat yoteay for a trip te Mn, A. G. Hcndereon, lasvaý ."y'for cela . v1 n h àlllaa!ssnl aGI:ia aaswaY on s trip v Saîlu. su E~~EOILrV- uwuwa M..wa abo5iuoiU7 et1ï, UBueà ~A" sud bs aisbahvé béeauvaled et wrbo dled seoostly eta isadenlc, ws a strlkl r u urabuof tbe axtant te vbiob, lu tis slnd= nupromotion iu open te u Et Hbegi athe sou cf a us shopteepr : ho eded ll sua cont cfiii. Ruuslsuempira, sud l in bt tcaràpalgu ho vas omonaoiuohl of cfheb.Rusuls arm n lu lgs4a. Tisa fofloviug sýoasddai fom tise Whltbe Oofliglai.Issitule, aid lb. cih ibcolu of Osawa. Port Periy ani Uxhuige pasued thse neont non. piofesiionuiOexainualdous for econd. Olsua Omtifleates. Iu addition 10 Ihas. a furîber a"-be ment viii appear raspscliug 1h. candi. datas- Who piamanici Ibemielves for' bolh second snd lblnd-claue tauding, suma cf vhom viii obtain ceaond-elaas, bol their namas arc not inclu in l bb prameni list, wviih coulaine thos. vho triai for»nscod-oissaonly, tlb.eams- luere net isarlng compieied Iheir voiS. WEITBY.-J3. MoSuntee, A; J. A. DUdaîil, A&; P. ]H. Palmer, A; L G. Eastwood, B; T. O.'Dodge, A; J. Bd- varda, B. OsaÂÂ.-A E.MoLean, A; J. M. Broyai, B; F. Goddard, B; B. Bob- ails, B. ! - PosT Paaay.-E. Loftos, A; W. A. Falla, B. UrBa&mcx.-S. Douglas, B ; J. Doug- las, B ; J. Leon, B; J. 1B. M. Bis.. mer, A. Financi an d QomnmroaL Office cf Whilby CEoitoz, Whltby, Aug. 15, 1884f BUSINESS AND PRODUOE. Traie linail branches smliipumas the situe do»itanor of h itsy, barvaut veather continu«s as dsllghtfli iad favorable as evr dthse oulook fi tb. future bacomas brlg an sd more asaursi cvaiy day. TORONTO PAEMEES' MARIT. Owlng tefarmeru bolng b1sy barvesatng, lb. recipleofohgrain vara vaay lgt the pasi vcek.Tha total amonon fliSsaIhast offered tbis veek vas ouly 400 bushl4vlt about tieseaima quiutity of oes. ér vers sboot 150 loais cf hay sud tvclva loais of sixav. The mnarkelt toiay vas quiet - a bad cf nov fil Who"stoadi at SC, auid I t75 and SI.; goasa fa vorts70o te 75c - apiig vhmat w nominal st Me ta Si. Thlsrc as cf cs&solu a ichper bubel. ouer rin nmia, thora &oiy bout 30 lmioaiyal $Oa ton, and 8Slouisoet slraw et$6 60 te 87. Hep aura sady nt 88 U. Beaf sioady ; hlniquarleru $7 te 89; forequirters 04 60 te $6 60. Mutton caresse, 08650 te $8. Lamb, caresse, $8 la o 50. MONTREÂL CATTLXI MARKET. The isclpu cof liva stock ai Point 8t. Cbsrles mince Thuwaday vexe 98 osai, cf visici. 31 cars (558 heail voe expert catle 13 expert ebeep, 48 butcheia' caille, ï buoeors aep, sd ' hop. The.exportaé of caille lasi voiS voie 2,284 houd, sud of &hsap 7,696 hea. Tha ttaliexpertsai caille te datceaa 28,697 hau.d, iut 29,870 during tbe correspcndlugpelima year-a decresse oi enly 1,183 head. Thé total experts of sheep to dite ire 2t,610 liead, 4i~anst 40,489 during the correspond. ag 1eo. ts year, shovîng the onsader- ahi. ~ ~ i deraeo 589heai. Laie cables quoI.. a iligIsi improvemouat in tsa British insîlets for li'r cattla--Liverpeol ani London ai 7d te 7kL sud Glasgov ai 75d. Dremuc beaf lu Liverpool is cablai bigher ai 66o i8d. Thse marke for shippîna cais" thlu morolng vas quiet and lover, prIoa havlug fallen bick te tseir fermer lovel aller the urgent vanta of ahî Pmars o BIlaid on Thnxedy. Th»o f=elu ers liitsud Irsae siher a slo t Sictabi par lb. lava velgbi, vllb perbépoebolce aotsst6c. Laut Yeur at Iis d" .sblpplug oetie ci ai Gocta jo. Sbo eep vinlufait demani for expert ou the hasi. cf tic. Lire bona ver. sieady ai Oie ta Sic forgeai lotm. The receipte of catile at Vager Max-t i ve.3W0head, foi wbîch Usera vas s generslly fair damani. Goci taolce catle wve.scax-ca u a iemsod ai te ta 41 o, sud couumoner grades ai c te 8i. Inferlor sold ai 21c te Sie. About 600 se.. p*aliambe wve.off rsi sud traie rulai [fur. Sbeep sol ai $3.75 le $7 ach and jambe ait$R.60te$4 oaci.. Calve w-ra in moderato uopply (U) head), rsogtng flous la te $8 cach M tequalily. MONTRE"L APPLE TRADE. Âcoontas fromt meut country sections &ra cf à uuiformiyivosrbio.teaoor ith regard te the ciopt, vbicb, inlu it cfqueâtity sud qual iiyvii tamue b superilcite lut Yar , &alog i imay Dot tpuulseg asgu n1M. A feu lots hava beau reccived,ocousia ce f Autx-mosu sud Ducheavax-ettes, Ue boat cf vhich bave sold failîy veil 4 $4 te 84.60 pur barrel. Aineriesu stockr in ralned ai 03. Au far as eau ho sein tIl ui inlueUs. suce s apple trii. viii boo=-bot ai laver pieu 010 01 Osbhegiper i .00 * 0gi CShbota-"-.:0 O 000u Baha,.........0 aie0 Wcc, nvahe...... O *00 HAlI -1RBNEWBR vus the fiaiprepsialcu ped"lsttseata cure lucases0cftise .aoap, SM ttIh Ara m cetlu testeur ai laded or gray bal t i fnliéa hai t e t imtua esu 4 -fer.. TIEEIS -z~ , ,New CrpetS Lace Curtainsi ANDA FINE ASSORTMENT ANDREW Don't Don't aslow prejudice tb stand iu the vay cf yotr jndgmu.et. If yooueedluvlgoraih if yourisystemn a.braciug ua lf yousa oonetpated, yrour Liver siugglub, youir he "ae; if yenaou abeltea ck or ucivoxus h«heaa, il you iak aurgy iu the moru-, in sud vaut ambiion at nocu, go te vork M tryour ILive. sud D4gStio vlth ZO-PE-A. e 70MyouBweansd -»«g yqi..-ma J liigaz% , eedy and plautuidotea b a11 troub lesludg Fre. 1h. Lilansd Stozuaah. Try ameampla «7Lova iaugbg nai 1ockmlthalg ia an nid adage; but dom. [t at vailook P Eks mi-"TaabeMr," Rh. ew sud exqusiluit 1111.gem fr lb. Teaib sud Brestibuha sbautifuuly plateilmetalscraw If amsu'$sa inugooinutld world bhall probaby miss lire l in thoeil ThoumadSBay UoW Mr. T. W. Âtlns Cliràrd. Km., vilas: 'II nover hesitate te naconmisi your ElecirtBittais b my euuomaulbayeglve outira satisfaction sudl. saierapà:Lsalr. Biectrie Bitter. arse i.pureat sod bout madiclua know u d viiipoaitivaly cura Kiny sud Livar cou plali& Pnrlty 1h. blooi sud ueglaia the, bovelu. No-faml oau aBford te ha viîtho ut thom. They vi savehbundrads cf dollars luindoai bis or ya.SId et Il ty cants bottlé by If a dog loses ie psy, sud a rooster louai il Mav, ame thay orpha.ua? Nov tbat thora in a rallable romady for klnytroubles, hall the touroru aieached tehecomoplainte bave beau remnovai Forthalot mI e hibaukW nisd to Dr.Vau Baona& Kiuey Cureawau-alal praisa for lavigbus removai a hithorto obusldorai fatl dsiae fomoui puais. It vms nover kuovu te isL. Why i. lovaelise s canal boat? Becaue Il' sa uuratransport. aiaLUs Tan Stx.-Eqn ", sae, .1 cacicus sud vainabla lu bot e a ucli cli. matas, Golden Fruit Bitters havaef ouid aoccipisue vW" avery nation. VISIT TO WHITBY. Fiftg Thouaand Dollars wil be Given Awag. tu2 SPIco a"hm " 727 Q7.N cru M tdiomi Pvofu. asufr pe., Acta, BroachiliW cah« Laange and Oomupha. My motivaelasoti oue cf Malcv oui,,but for @dceansd the. gSocf uerg hwnanity. h seprbl. To cnvino.thepublic d roetth acapgtistisithe Splausutaxla 1sh. boat lutrum mis iilvasuortal ii.tratt cf iameesafor Uichir sd that Lt 14 ail 1 aaci e il, asyo.q ai h. lr aaidms ROYAL HOTEL, sud comuat thésrensuof tha Inlrus. biml ITirost m.d Lung bInatet, VIII h. givon a Splxeraibeü7ra, tisa meioles sIo ta be*psldor. 1 do" tlsle sow the coulidanos Ihavin tlisetrealmaut sud to Who aréam11 sule!<onlstslllb h cf paepm vtobaveau oued lu h" Irmoa bv nvectad a.-tmaec s gpuuole s langet tots e uidl..tisas vho oirimithsud Grad nak RaoIw#y and Ocea &lam*ès> T1.egph bOffice, Whiib7, out. nI *ni toh. tut ku re 4Dwie ci Cam ean atou Londondeiiy, Liverool, Glasgow. Alllan Lino.ý Roya Mýa l St*mkis. Great Ikuoeion!1 MINPASSAGEBATUS. SAILIN8 PRmi QUZEBEC. Ssmurui..............Sd OmCAaffl ............0hAg -P.msux.t..............dSet POLmSux ............. 6th 4 *The Parme , Sept. i,rsdH etmm.- er,~ ~ ~~~o ,, iiotstpa oil, but ma dietuQuebea to LirrpoL. RATES 0F PASSAGE Through tickets from fWb Iib, $1 81, sMd 81Snccordugo eostlufateroom. Betu rk'i;U .,8 Wm5sd 81$.M0 lutrmeiate, wth 'lcàirml teo(bec "" lw e&&Mrflticete eiirt rfr= te old cohutry at uearly "uIl the rates chsrxed lasu W. Paris eaudiug for their friend u islh.idconm try eau cbtasl U aId ugertims oepamSougers me Boati, 4Giasg ,Quesgusiv. 0,1v. Limerick, LoudoeBrlioland Càrdhffvib out extra charge. For tickets sud .an nforsuatlou, apply to Geo. B. YuIe, Agent Express 016. WmlmBY, ONT. Dominion t/ne of SteamohIip8. DATES OF 47AMG OUC QU EBEC TO LIVERPOOL Ous'iÂEaa, - V&acauvxa, BEOOKLTus, Tosaxiro, MovrasaL, % e "i33 RATES 0F PASSAGE. C&srahtby ta IÀVsnPUOL 1,64 1m Ail cutilda rocs...Isltoiee .75. SteogstI rey lamnias. nm esssse arryM noli saicae mai »hosp ani bar.e sau sund sateroaos muid- abïp; w7ber u11111ema is L at B"sidstmeubltfcitoi huaisilloy- ust iSes DAVED TOBRANCE & 010., Omuera Agents, Mastros, or te Yu ULolalAget. Wbly. DAILY LINE TO ROOHE8TER. <G. ORAWFORD'Kastoe.) w La1 er r umtripe on this aust unia e and SJO M9.Do'cock. en ariva ci rand EmuhlvsQ y tralu fie *ut mii u oti, --aeotu- il4 cb. agier vilS theaNew Yogs m isal Ntbors contra BudoEut.al vws Mi 1h. la". Ontaio ivw 01 Waiiiovs cbelettae bave ai vpn O1 O. E. ROBT OC#IPBELL Offers for sale cheap and on liberal terms 50 ACRE FARM 14eur Greeuwood, under, good cukti- vation. Conifortable flouse, barn, stables, sheds, or- chard,firewood, etc. 154 Acres of Bush, good land near Southampton. Two-storey Brick flouse, 2ý acres nice garden, grounds, etc. One of the most desirable residences in Whitby. 3 Stores in the Ontario Block, 1 vacant lot adjoining. -1:r ALBO HIS STOCK 0F Dry Goods, Carpets, Clothls, Millinery, Groceries, etc. Are being offered at and under coat, in order to effoot a speedy sale., ROBERT CAMPBIiEL, No. 2 and 3 Ontario Block, Whitby. 1833- Established 1833-. FUTRNIT7URE, FtIRNITURE, Cheaper than ever, at his new store BROOK STREET. WHITBN.- The undersigned in retuxning thankia to the public for the liberale parnaitezuded tb him, begs tb stato 11at Iaving romovod bo bcomdIaua nov promises, ho is nov in. a botter position than oyor te supply ail blair wanbs'. Hîi stock of Furniture embraces very handsonze sets, gu evr tbiglaI eaub.e Sied for in bis lino, san o xamination 'vu eovneblthé pria.. ane 1ev onough te suit île-limes. UNDIERT-AKING. limeras füuy supplied. DQ T P O CALL QÃ"N W. 0 E. 'RIEN' WHITBY WM. TILL ; - & PANTINGS. M NOTHING LI ]las now -ou lis shelves A WIELL - ASSOR TED STOCK 0F BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladies,' Gents,' Misses' and Childrens' sizes, and in a great variety of *makes. Sefling at Unhea rd-of-prices for Net Cash$ CUSTOM WORK A SPECIALTY. JOHN SAUNflERS, 18n20 No. 1, Market-Blook, WHITBY. ttnGr3nýýd ~U~~~JsIaîian ua e d n / st, 24.St.James1, 5IONTRSÂL. BLAURANCE'S SPECTACLES. The failowing are the names cf somo of thé parties in Whilby ana viciuity Who have purchaseda an are - 0W ýusing B$ LÂURÂNC'S Celebratèed Spectacles and Eye 'Glasses, For the monits of goods, intonding puohaeors are referre, ta any or all o et lm: Dr. Bogart. Dr. Emalycci. Mr. W. H. Bh1ingu, Bizisier. *J. B. Pareveil, Crovu Attorney. "T. PartouSerlf "MsjrHsiox-,aioMaglutrat. "TIsesLawien, Morcliut , ",Joi-o.WaiouaoTeiohei. "J. Orirfortis. "A. oelsd i". morKal aem hequsarier ct$ TIi prcputatarsbaveq îi bisaroelipt of ormox Parasol.s, 0F SUITINGS AND qROSSO R TI S EM E N irS.a- IKE LEATHERS le_-- -! --oo- SAUNDERS ý J'O H N

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