-OLJJ) Wedding Rinigs, Baud Rings, Gem Rings, Cameo Rings, Children's Rings, Seal Rings, DIAMOND -RINGS. Woddi-ng IRings intîdo. of any wceight ini 10, 1-I and 18 K. Gold to ordler, -AT A> BloejSt., WHIITBY. MR. ROSS JOHNSTON le Collector andi Canvasser for TrsE Wur-r- 13Y CUBONICLX, and 15 aUthoriZed te grant rercîpts for aubsrptions, etc., and transart LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. SuAT Il hOtuINGONIl TOWNANDILESEWHERE. A BDGEîT OF LIOELANEWS MATItS ILEANID 55 CHRSONICLL IREPORTERS ADtJ00 LiiDnT A zie mN tiiis t aaiîg o, t.asîlon t-rto-a Ail, tattaliit 5 rs-lit t. - The lîheasiant season eîced Monday Bosse ut, ssitSNky.-Tbo festine cysten. New flti ry Ooeaarirî t-cl IC. F. Stewart'@. Iten., n.Onmietona preociioô in st. Andnaw's cburch Snndoy. Special bangains lu ToNvois, Table Linons, Ilontea Furulishîngu Rt C. F. Steviart'. $2 Pà ys fer botb the Toronto Week]y Nesanad tha CHRsOauxrrLE for ue ye:ar. Seuil >oun aubscnuptuonu te Ibis office. TuE MxccuaxdîcsINrTITUTE elücutire sommitteo halais ils regulanr nes-thiy meeting in the Librany nootu tiais evoniug et 8 oclcck. NrON-ED. - Mn. Winm. Bau-n, bas moved ieus@houebusanpees mt bo cbin r- modieus store aouth of Andrew M. itoosa. in the Richardison Bjlock. Gente uneedos-ri Cthing, notrby Tweeds, 1ev prices, pasfet ftsat C. F. StuvunCua. ANTIDOTE F011 I-n Poi,omsa.o-A "~sure cura," as seportod by a sufrrs frot Ibhe ffecte e!f contact <tubpoison- ouivy . ie eapplistcae oou us- wai andi baking soda. BoW To DO IT.-A, quesition Oe t u- SorltnDop- te tovnuîîecpiae huttir.g up aas for e holiday seasen ias W'Iaaî shall evo dc itIs tbe bird or cati? Oua goosi vasy usta lot theaeutcalvlissita bird andl <heu billthe eut. Jut ta band-Bootin-g Stit-swt, Ilir White. creani, Davy, cas-situal,. 1onâ< llghl bine, &o., ut the Peoisios Store, O. F. Stewart, WL-itby'. PICKERINGiPsà tAlî ursyW vould li#o te bnov whaut@oste matter with the lu -Pikering" brîv vIoc came dovu bées asitn tdi aternoon as <bey vene sick taon two or Ibrée aiys atten. Ana§-Gua-asita-y got lotI. BAPTIST CaîUsaats.-IlsV. J. F. lisîken, pester e! théeliaptia-t chus-chianluWiitby exchaugoal pulpita Sunday oecuing vith Mr. Lee, o! Oshawa, un unorduin esi studant, and buplisosi fer bna. anJ ut Brooklin lu thea fterneen boptioeda lady. Sonday next le cemunian day. Na boguesaelliog cnt, but vs atwaya are reaaly t8'bow tho ficett qnality o! oboie. Dry Goodue t au loy pnuces as honest dealiaig viii allov. Our goosîs arc correct in style ansi the pnices the lovest. C. F'. Stevart. Nstw BE5IDENT.-Mn. John Eltie, a vealtby fariner ln the township et. Wbitby usan Ibm village of Bateont, bas purcbased tremNIrM. Freai Mudga, a confortable miodern brick bouse ou Greene treat, eofvtîicb ho tukoes pas- session Oct. 1. AN Acrivz ÂOET.-Samrae: A fats-m in the iith con. et Wbtby. 1I1t : hen the 0. - Q. cailvuy ight c! way vas haiug porchasci. traIe Fienîter-I'See hore, air. If yon as-sgoinu, tos-un a raitrousi tbrougb my tarin I wauî $40,0)00 damages." Superintndent- *iForty thoDtinauid dollars t1(Great Cifaan, man 1 Yen onty paid e4,000 for the vbole pnopanty tbnee meonthe ugo 1" IraI. Farme-'Yei, but a nails-aus tbrniuh il niches i e i upmese- veluahia.' NEwae Awiatî Fî-»a OME.-Tba JBob. cuygecu Jrsdepcîideîi f e st veak says :-**On Tuosduy, Mns. Eutvacd, et. WhiIby, Who in snmmening aI -tlb.- Cmmercial Bouse., vastaken secouly il), andi e lotagnapb vieasent fer Dr. Esaîveesi. Au thi. ttain soe.evas unavailebla, the Docleor rode bis horso froin WhiIby to Liudsay ansi caught the oreniug boat. The hne vas hrcugiit dovai en tha' boat, sd standing lu Ibm chili night air, after tbe hsftaig et the jorey et 48 milosi, bnaugbt ou inflummaticu, firein vich' ha sued ou Wednesday uligbt. The haras vas a vaînable one. Mus. East- vood la receeseriug.' WHErAT CuTTNaw.-Tbe Tiluoung Ltberal of lust wveak uys :-Reeotiy a - veo f $100 vas mado that the "Little lBrantford" binder, a Sfot feldmr, eeuld ne& ont 2W acres et vbeeî lI 15 houts. On Wedusdy tho bluder vas testas otf the /arm cof Joseph Grandy, oee hef Ãmil.veut of-Culloden, lu the 'lovuship cf Dtinohain, snd Il proveel eq uit tothaeOccasion. Tho grain ou 20 *ores eud 24 square roda vas.culten14j- heurs, Tbo drivar vas Mn. Graudy, tb. proprieor of tbe farm. Mr.,B.B. Il, ini, lb.cowpaneuy1o0ou egentaIet lçonbucg,, sud th. genensi egouýlkm, JosHm od~ss Or!mux c~'oule"aop=« u u Thnruay vl 'amaie, attce4Audofo Dr os> 'rTasO4us-Mrs.Roaor lu tlb at Ias. <f Oefumptioun * on th- exprèestkamis gong eaû t ,Ro. manvilie ou Weduesday night. 8h. vas on bar Wv a ts linticu, mas., sud eaIlrely atone. - 8h. vas from BaIll Oroal,Miohigan. Heu bcdy Wau lakantb G. T. R. treight sheds ut Bowvilla. hTuE HA1vEST Moot.-.Fair Cynlat"s boMe, flOocdng the streets cf oua beanti. fol tovu aud the Waters cf lb. barbour aud lake with a calmt dean Ight. hava mada the varua uaghts cf tlii, voi e>cabntiugly loveiy cut.cf.doors. ManY ahanming maidono bave beau making sud havas with heurts while lb. dimplasi archer Opid ibas sinilesi aucn. AN ADV1u<Cgu AG.-Thare 8usd ut the reaidence cf lber buabansi Dr. J. Foote, lu Brookîtu ou Tnosaday, Robins Dov, agasi 71 yeunu. The funoral vas heisi Thursday &ternoou, Ibm inter. mont of the roanu being at the Union Cemoteny. The deoeasad lady vas à sien te Thos. Dow, Euq., Manager cof tho Westorn Bunk in Whitby. A -EtY iOPULAR M~ATURE cf- the Tenante Weekly Noewsleilu tstonleea) sketches, and pictua.es. Théestorias are vol eloctod, often nioli lu dramatie iterest, and I aways pure andi whcle. moeulintoue, rakiuthe e okiy Noe eseîeciatty veiconta lu the home cirale." Dont forget it. Yeunceau gel the Toronto" Weetety Neti-ajor oe year fer uetbing in conuecoîon wiîh the Caioh- IIELPIlNq Tit.ll:1--ITUIIN.-A case cf conaiderabie sizo coutaining a quam7ity cf ciothing and ueroful articles cf varions kiodu bas been sent by the ineinens of St. Ant,cwa Cturch te the Nov Hlebnidesanad SouthBSou Ilandi Missioni of the Presbyteeiaxi Churcli. Rer. Mn. Roberteon, mîisicnary ta this far away land, andl ,aîprsont in Canada, smesste tho ste transportation cf tbe goodu. Soea 85 in cash in addition te mar- chandise, vas&aso conibutesi for Ibis purpose. ORANGE: BLOtssýoMs.-WednOsday af- ternoon a veddiog vwas coiobrated on Euciid street at the residenca cf Joa. Lnki., Esq., when Misa Mosa&Lulke, his second daugbîen vas joinesi in tho bonds of holy nsatimcny 10 Mn. John E. larvia, of Jarris & MeDogall. mnenchauts, Fourblu Falla. Miss Saon- ders was bialomaisi andi Mr..-Fred Lulle, brother o! tio bride, groomusman. Revo. N. R. Willioughby, M..tied the kuot. The happy coupla loft by the jt>pm. Midianal train for the north- ern labos. Co.-rzrvtAtTu-Tbe Lord Biahop of Toronto porforusiesithe oanomony o! confitrmation or iuying on et bauds, in St. JoliasChurcb u% thte Bay," Wed- nesday evensng. The incombent lien. \V. S_. Wesînuey MA.,-read tha evenine tesson. There were nineluon candia -istes, î,ine boys and ton girls.- People from anl parts o! the towu vere -preeent andth ti nat littic chutrch, wshach by the wOa s te<lc itu Whutb-,. vas coin es-ai * tic tlattc Tam.tiy uliiytîn liel lits doulî-r, ogetl 2,1, vto dis.! Oic oatlai. Tr.Jay. and vero turied tal ttie r.uotirtnete ot iht lesThnrrei inornang ticcesciatlnt: thse imnItnîonts tae of te-o icurecat hicsrthon si-dl-%-0 bilasfo iw,.n procession frein the houe,- artCmtrcttr-cet eorth te St..lobu s et. s-y on lihe tri con. Tim, as ha vas i.C. Church,ettd front thore te the Cosi- faauliarty huaisn waus ixty yaarr 'Iod. forty of lis lite havîug beeon upent as a citler n of Wihitby. IIe vus a victiru of I.upciý; Ith danglitpr haid boon in a lttofor lb.- prist Eix mrnths. Two otitîr sI:nghters o! te tà cfîiity il <ci le s- d i jse alici tlatn a feu- dnys o! ce-' - i s- r tiî Iairiria. 15.ý '. val'r-q -,:-10 <'iSebt, after i a d a- St j-- l - n ( là l a . rs-)arer zbi 4t.. p - , j1)%.týe atm oui hear.! uin tch ;zr,,.zgy *, -r, t!ia- voacc ai -N J itl unid( ti cuerbosuaieLino ak wLero c.. 1 tis ot soute bu3ge.' Asn ti..- [r- o ir t a utta -start the young taaure-as.y ttýry isoiienv-as informas - -bit - . ' -It th is-nsk ho rtsnof L. i-a .*-anpAiguiîrue yacht was niaurd as flievs -Cap~ J. -r. Mattiewe; Mata Aid. J. E. Mî tchell; Chiot Steward Aid. J. Jatme; Lac$es' Maiii-C. E. .Maddiuou;- Cook W A. Littiejobu ; Chiot Engleeur, ibI. Wilson; Able-Bodies Seaumon, H. E. Hughes and Chas. I. Bitchie, q.o. Whula irn tevu, the ftoyat Hýtel vus headquarters, but the party vas prstty gcneruty eattecesi arne ciotizen fir-oda whoao ges tb ey bec*noe. The PSuadron sailesi for the Quocu City at Doon Sunday. SALVÂTtOsi Asix NOTES. - Capa#in Peste Iîfaroelaled" Suudey ovecing. -Tvo female efficers are t e bugivan charge cf the Wbitby corps.- The 75 cent fea r to days raturai tickets, iuduced large nembers le attendi th. S. A. Aniarsary gathernin luToronto on Monclay. Thirty- cf tht Wbilby corps vith drmema huting andi their lianrom-e banner flyiug marahesi from the Barrnueku le the G. T. Jotion station, vhere vas alréady a largo body o! soldions froni Bcooklin, and t lee b 8 o'clock express 6f- vhioh t MW@ ir ver. alroady pachasi hy solîdikns frosu tuther uaI. Tue day's proeodingi lu the cily made p u extfnsive pro-. gramme. A piae cf groudon Jamesî streat. unues!lunformer years se aupoliti. cal airena, vas secunesi recently, and MaI noen vas dedicalesi vith tue noai se-i companimonte. Ailer the oaremouyi tho soldions cupeirasi toe.. Richmnd stro& barraoks, where, amisi great on- thusiasa, tb. marnage net vas tiesi helveen Capt. Wass sud Ospt. Toaste Hall, reoently lu commauni of the Aty lu Londocu, Ont. A Mrat macniage fatss&followes inluSt, Âudrev's Hailt after wbich~ a mouater proeasion loch place. The demoustration vouds up vtth a gAthering inue Ib ortieultaral Garde-us In tbe eveulg-ýA man vamesi Cock, twbo tteuaed l, thSuava. liou Army domoustrile n lu Tà irouto, etarled-fopr home ou a No'rthemr ivay bu jumposi froua lbe movlug trai, sIktheLb.feoe ia catle perd, wu. tbrovnu tndon tha vheelà ansd eruahies todeslb. - T'HEB 8I0i8OF' WQBJIe*are svui 'ritSa, but ÃŽihuroâwd'y ià mot aeshas sa tell thoni. nd ,m o -tUdeto r.AawdJO o71otwWe, it" -rui Ur. Oe. lKpburu, ci B ID. lu in towu itis eult the g IL lae Bam., Euq. , - Mmu gtHebhummuafsainl e L1buu of Preston, Ont,5 are the gu isJuge Maggla M. Boas. Pho¶aseer 1indul~ouefthé .mut noteS soletis of he doam net know the yaar cf Mbibrth. à [r. D. C. Dovuaey, rotanteS Mouday evenlng from a short Vigilte islaformer home lun Xpene. Miss May Greeuwood, left on Tuesday ta assumae bar course 0f study at Loretto Couvent, Tononto. Mes. Wn. Harvey Crosby, ansidagtr of Bsrrle,sre vlmtlng lu towu tus veek lb. gueula of Wftren H. Crosby, Esq. G.A= SAI0athefutons British' by vayo01 Auctclaand Ban Prancco Gmneral Boler, a candidate for the Pros!. doucy of the Unitedi States in, peverlheless, it lu statasi the bttaisst letter-wnlter of the day. Meurs. Bob- Campbell ana Dock Waltaeu neturued Monda y avoning froni a ten days' trip down the St. Lawrence sud Ibrougis Newr-York state. Sir John Macdonaldi ratnrnad te Riviere dlu Loup 1arthIis wesk, ansi romains there untlabout Stember 151h. vhau lhe de. parti for Ottawa. Lieut. Gnealy, the lateat aretia haro, lu recognition of bis distlngulsed services61 wilii, in s saisi, b. made Assstant Chiai o the itedSiBttuaS igualService. Prnipai John Seath, Esq., M.A., of Si. Catharines CoUleglate Institut. and fanai- erly of Bramp~ton Hligh Behool has beau appoiutesi an Lispector of High à chools. Mca. Davidacu, daughter of X. Alexander, Raq , Oshaw'a, ansi Mru. Masidox whe has ben visiting thora 1hi5sutmeor lait on Monday for tha iatter's home ln Boston. Mr. James Gordon Bonnet, the ecceutnle 1reprieter of the New York H.-raZd, la haï.r sng ronstrurted by the celebratesi builders, Thornyerafî, iu Englad, a fiue steani launrh for use on the Sine River, Paria. The lannch wiiihb.savonty foot long, ansi wiii mnu twonty-two miles an heur. Hon. Oliver Mowat, aler lsaving London, Englanin luthe e aaly part cf lait woek ta spausi a 1ev days iu vîsitiug the International Forestry Exhibition lunEdin- burgh, sailed froni Liverpool for Canada b7 the St aie cf Chicago ou Fnlday tihe281h Auguat. T ha demonstration iu houer of bis rotuon for vhaoh great preparationu are being made, tekes place an Toronto, cn Tuesday, Sept. 16tIs. ]Business Notes. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS FSOX WaEITBY MERCHANTS. Cali and sea the large ausonîmeut of nov stylos in dry goode at Bos Bra. dry goodae emporiumn. Boy your Toronto and ail othar tick- ae nt Taiegraph Office Whitby. Boa hie wookly advt. io this paper. Farmers and consumera of cil yl de veli te uose th.Queen City Oil C'.. oelebratsd PzEDLEss Machinecy Oil, for sale by 9.l1first-ctasdealers. Sou their advertisement. If yonc purse lu liglit andi yen vant te boy a nov Dreus for about a dollar aud a pain cf Rii Giovas foc a quarter on a pair ef slniped Hove for 10o go to Boss Bras. Dry Goods Emporiumn. Tni CIIEÂPEST YET.-A genuina Waltham lover vatoh, 7 javels, lu a Bar. aunver case, vith gold peints, ouly $12; sanie in 2lez. casae $11 ;item vinders $16 at r.'raylor's, th. practicai vatci aker. H1!oit MUvtTEAi-G rand Truk Piailway, Dominion Exhibition special cheap excursion on Sept. 111h goosi ta roturu 1a Sept. 15th inclusive. Round trip rata frein Whitby only $0,40. For tickets, &a., apply te E. Stephenson, 0. T. R. andi TelegrapliOffice., Whitby. Gentiamn-cur stock cf Tweedsansd Catings 1cr tib s se sonà nov ta baud. W. are uhcvwing smre fine liues of nov Tweeds at pnieus avay dove lover than vo aven uav thein before. Our facilitios fer tlning ou& fint clans work is second te nnoelu the coonty. Ros Brou. Dry Goodu Emoporiumn. on f Fon NxAoA" &FALL.-Grand Trunk Railway cheap excursion te Niagara Fails Mcuday evaniug aud Tueaday rncrning, Sept. BIb, goosi te retucai utlil Sept. 1811, incluive*.lRate, Wiaby te Niagara Falls and reluro ouly 82-00. I'asuougers takiog advan- tage of Ibis excursonu iii have the pnivilege of jonrneyin tate oFalls, either by the favonite steamer Empres r.f Ilicila. witb a plouaat sait *Orom" La141 Ontario cr by the popular Great Western division via Hamiîlton. Al aboula sec Niagara Faits by electrîc light. For tickets and furtiser inforin- ationa - 1-t 1 ------ens n Tel stock, machinery, onreed graine. Ho sud bis uaigbbor, Mc. Samuel Holuiu,- punchasesi for their evai ue, this Foau, al New Modal Vibrating Tbreahlog machine cf the Hall Company, andi Mr. Drydon's cpiniou vo gir. ble,. Every oue wbo la acquaintesi vith hlmx kuovs that ho vouid net put hlm usmoe to any altament vhieh iuot corroat iu every particlar; thareforo hlm opinion of th. New Modal ia et groat value te those vho de-ire te purchâseaa tbreshiug minsu: l3cooklin, *Ontario Coonty, Dee. 131h, 18U8à The ,)oseph Hall Manufacturing Dom. pany, Oshawa. GnUTEVEN-Weara highly deligbt. asi vitb tIbm10 Horse Pover ansi Nov Modal Vibrater purohaued from yon tbis asson. Il aus amoeth andi $asy: Ibrvaesaeprfoctly;sep'aralas thQoeghly; and the anflng miil doneili& work o oompIetaly that il connutt ho excellod. 9iiji b aoe féer thefermais t<> boy boom s l i-e0oblay te utvoL. l-- ie compartlvely free froua 8us$, <hero eau bhune, ast, cf ps.iii5 audit ia bonusi tedo good verSudor aeory clroumeauce. W. hseactly cougratu. lâS. you eu th. - irtoduo of o!8 complote à açsparator,'a puaaI boen btI to tbraihersud fermar#. Very truly youra. Jouir DuyDnir, M,P.P., pfaBlokc7s.sTan, andasif ai teMsfflons 1884. NEW STOCK 1NIII OUR EWERY~ NEW TW EEDS f ALL 0.F FALL HAVE ANDREW at 400 te 42eô for aid. Pausuad cl-o purely nominai. Hay iu faix aup 1 sd ptices steady; nome thlrty la s ol dia 810 le $15 a ton. Stravusold KtI8 te $9a ton, en il scarca. Hegs unchangosiet 18.25. Beef, fanequarlers, %4.50 te $6.50; hinsiquarters, $7 te p9; mutten, csrcase, $5 te #6560; tamis #6.50 te 07.50. MONTREAL APPLE TRÂDU. A &=n toue provails ln. the market andar a lighl supply. Pricai hava adrunce&i Quelatleus ornant are 42 te 08-50 par bar- rai as to quslity. BRITISH AND MONTREÂL CATTLE MABXET& as oghucomparos i vilSa vaak ega, tihe esading iis ctlmaksshwn banRi ai a radical ohanacter, yat, oviug te' a somevbat improvosi damansi, a steaidier feeling provuilosi lhxoughoot the traite whicIsÃŽhua rosolted inluaefniiy mUstaÃŽuar range cf values. Tisa top cf the markt romains atI ii, but It in more oaaiy realizei. Inltct uthvllhstaoding tbm faix amount of aupiplia esbts lu quantit ansi quaily, vbich iare belu; relvesi thora in a more hopeful expression tIsaI trade vill becoma boller. A specl cablo froni Liverpoo on Tnesday mayea ta the roeapts cf Canadens sud Ansericani at the priaicipal potshava beau cf fair volume andi fllyu t t 1 t vuskls vIiJ tise gon"ora Upplloshvlikevisu continuesi fuir, but likely te b. à ai auesi. To-day the"o vasa staady demansi for aU grades, andi a goosicisurauca as afeceas. Thare in ne positive change lu pricea, but thoy arm more staMduly ha. Prîmu aleoarsent aI 151c faix te choie. ut 15e, pon 1temedilum et Ãde, and infenbon ansibuise llc@121c. TIse sheep Iraite, hovaven. presonts a ver diffent ansiut tis amse tlas a ver n- favorable aspect. Thano bas bean asharp doclineocf le pur lb a& rondî undar a langaly inceaed nun of upples.The offoringu ai Liverpool and othar markels te- day vare bea-ry, demandsi low asd pnicos veak, tise mnkort eing altogetber sn boyers' flavec. Transactions vern made on tho:basisof 15o for Sul mb.ep, Iffic fer seon"atry taiean 121a@151c for mormonos, -ansi 1i',Ulcfor infenior ans rama. Dreasasibief lu Liverpool las 818 loverthauaveek ugo atOsi. The reolpts of Uv. stock et Point St. Charles sincesTisnadty 130 car-boas, of vhich 63 ca rs e expert cattie, 17 can export uboep, sana50 sars butchor a" aIl. TIse aforlugu otkhpplng caIlle le-day vare laà o5 but m--y romainusi osoil, ou a' mieaedevmai exittng. Theief obstacle u is te vay oi busineslan1the scareity of freight rem. If tiser. vero more space cifaxing 15emaraket voulut b. mareuativa. Au eay ton. prevails, sud sevaral goS Ilots soli et 6e. Pnloo ara quotud nominall! 4jctoSIeyenlb, Iîv. vagIsI, aste qulity. Exponi shgp ver. Kuit tete 4 par lb,ii ve veight. At Vigen markeltisneva a langer suply f csasll, 40 5usd bain; nuceived. Dmad vas good aund esteesy. Goosite choies iteers sud ieifrsbroogist di te tie, sud madium te fair Sioto 4o par lis, lie veight. Offartoge f ai p ans Iiambsevare hsavy, about 1,200 hesi Damansi,- hovever, vas goond t $2 le $4.50 euhS foc Iambe, sud $4.0 te$7 for sheep. Caivas ver. oues at$teiOeciaseqsliy.Alolof87 live Saga soIsi at 610 par lb. WHITBY MAREET PRICES. Fil WIle ............ 0c95 Sprnug WS.at...........i1 0() Gos iesh ............O0 78 Fionw, par cwvt-.......... 280 Barioy .................. 05 Rye ................ .. 068 POsa..... à ............. 070 Pesa, bhitesyasi........O* * 90 Bitte Pts....... ........O070 Oals .................. 040 ... - -900 Clavarso;;.........700 Appiai, per hua.......... 100 Potelcu................ 060 ÈMP................... 014 'Butter .................O013 Ciosa................. 016 Wood ......... .... ..... 400 Ridas, pez lb............. 006 Up'e pr.............00à Oe.crn 'Pem........... 090 Objou«s, - OU08 Tuttou. y« le........... 0137 Boaea Pau Mmr's......O OSW Reus "..y be ..010 Vul oru 4i O am.. 0 B. 000 Shaita, s' 000 Badl..s....'000 .....uasou......oi W00 vas-besi.... .... 0# 81 00 *105 0 070 00 *078 S095 *076 0800 1 125 *0O75 *016 *016 0600 * 125 *011 *700 g oU * 075 *009 S006 *006 *000 byatorpdLtvor. Su»a"mitvdMOm. t thpatBilioumemm ote. Thie rgevesushut l.i Headace, Kalrl orFma A55 $g aNty carnet Th3 . uy l94 t. 1ue 'uhlem TI CI no r=^oY, ma, l avlnwmh Badas$' 1ead of a&U or rsmeliia à LimmiSa wx4vou. I s»unsto e et la a romarlablon ta wayupým that ergan--it oorrSb the . bi, Frie crou.«0u à Law'yes Jan-im iof ito3U1 oh to aJ J. A. Ttwue. XEsc, allgtoano Grand Trunk Railway and TICKET AGENCY, Telegraph Ofilce, Whitby, Ont. The Grand Truk exrespassenger trains rua Uwrougb Whi r- tot CicagosIlutroit-andPort Huonviout Lagpcecked through from Whitby to destination. Special attention te pasungr tickets for antbNorthernmicaanD thelb lnrternand NorIl er th tesrth uouLi ni Osilornla. Siglanrtu iketsteailontson thb. mrn Tunsud Gre t esenDivi- anCiaoand Grand Truuk, Detroit Grad Have sud Milwaukee, snd Inter- colonial Rlway. Thrug sig1 ad rtu ntickets tb and from feaYen, Pilsdelphl a smhington, Doen Dl. Jackaouvillc, FIa., a specxaty. Tkesfor Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec, Boa' ton, (via Montreal snd suc Stujso Bridge), Susenion Bridge, Buif o, Do- troit, Port Huron, Chicago, Winuipeg and au 'Dtsof ny mprtacein Canada sudn Oh-for Europe. Cheaper than euer. Firatclaas Railvy Tickets f rein Wiithy aud stearaje to Lâiverpool Londonderry, rQueenown, Glasgow or B.fastonly M2. ,ound trip te and fnom Whitby, $50. Parties wishing te sud to the-Old C-untry f or tliair friands ea hava prepaid teerage and rail tickebts hxoigb to- Why, witb choice of four bout ocean lines, for $27. In- terniediate,M8575. Cabin frin $50te $110, round trip $W0 te 8175. Âbove rates include rai]way f ares to sud frorn Wlstby. For throuh, oca4,f oreign, single andi round trip nailva7 aud ocen tickets apply G. T. Ry. and Oces Steuinshp(Wldte Star Cunard, Asersa, And.orsad BRd St.;s Ticket!Agent. WHITBY, ONT. l'or the tralnin of Tocera, WILL RE-OPEN TUTESDAY, SEPT. 9tb, 188M, aIS ar&. An Assistant viii b. provided tual the Principal may davote has time te the vonk anDi supervision of thse teaeheuu-tiin 0 Iatendlng stusients are requseteit otf the Priucclt1,Jaa.Brownass son as possible. ThePu Uil ScSlDepartinent vil te- open UMnday, Sept. lat. D. ORMISTON, DU36 Chail' Bd. Ed'n. THE , .AZOO. Funnieat Animal You Éver Saw. a= 1? AT J. S. ROBERTSON & BROS, 0cetnt 10igaign. Londendeîîyv, lliteQool, Glasgow. Allan, Li.no. Royal Mail t eaà Mski>-s SAIUMG8 fOM QUIIBIE0. sOLTzAE .............Ot 808 T. C#IMPBELL Offers for sale cheap and on liberal terma 50'ACRE FAIRM ]Near Greenwood, under good culti- vation. Coinfortable flouse, barna, stables, sheds, or- chard,firewood ,etC., 154 Acres of Bush, good land near Southampton. Two-storey Brick flouse, 2j acres nice garden, grounds, etc. One of the most desirable residences in Whitby. 3 Stores in' the Ontario Block, 1 vacant lot adjoining. --1:f ALBO HIS STOCK 0F Dry Goods, Carpets, Clothls, Millinery, Groceries, etc. Are being offered at'-and underý,cost, in order to effect a speedy sale. lo à th T - o il iti RIOBERT CA MPBELL. No. 2 and 3 Ontario Block, Whitby. DON7 FAIL TO OALL ON W. E. O'BRIEN, AT Taz WHITBY ?haiographGaly For fint cia&"vrk Copying and Enlarging BPECIALTIES. Large stock of FRAME8 on bauid ai all prices. A TRIAL 8OLICITED. W. B. O'BRIEN. 1Wbilby, luin, 864 18au YOIJRFiel, j PPLE8. À- APPLE8. ~DECO. U~,ITIrufL.r~ an IL~< b &7th6 ww ul, GOODS ARRIVED. M ROS S.l fNE' AL>VIRTISEMENTS. New Attractions! AT TE WAREIIOUSE ! TRY OUR 1 POUND PAO)KET 0Fý IDzERfI Z E lIn Green, Black, Japan and mixed at valuable prize with each paoket. a free i stock of NEW SEASON'S Tz mi 50 cents per lb. a We have on handl TEASY ' ail grades, from 20 cents per IL Fresh roasted, fresh grbound, pure, fine-flavored Coffee at 25 cents per IL, Co- coas, Chocolates, pure Çream Tartar, pure Spices, and al inds of Oanned Goods. Ail other Uines of -GROCERIESP CHEÂP AND GOOD. WVo are shewiug the lagest stock, fineist varieties, and cheape-si CROCKEIIY -AND -GLA88WAýlRE Iu icwn, ccusisiing cf Handome DinnerSM sfrom $TJO per ett, New, prciiy pattcrn China Té& Bette.from $5.00 air -Seltr, New celoresi Tea Set reiailed ai wholesalcprices. -(Jolored-O hamber Bette ail new designa val vorili seeig. Wc have in stock Ladies sud Geulu, youu and oîd, are cordîa4yiy vtcdo inspeol oui stock, aud bc convincedthai -wchave the m ionsizmve and - eheapest stock cf ohoice Family Grocerie, Croekery sud GIasswà re, Lainps ana Lauip Geods ever offée ii the lova. Noirouble Weshow goods. -S Yonr ebedintserant, SIMON FRASEmR-9. Deverell's Block, Brockl Street, .L. folio, YOU 8EEN- JPREPARE FOR. THE, les ils i WR AIRE NOW- RECEIYING - OJR- :DE El:DAJUTSIfEE JSFT- BRAZIL IAN -a FAMILY I.;.m