Whitby Chronicle, 19 Sep 1884, p. 1

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4s rUILt#4i» ivui FRIDAY MORN.ING, lero thtie OfficeCubOiicLi Building, Brook Streot, Whltby. TEiIMS PZ 'K5AxuXCUN IXADVANIII, The CiiîttrNICLs ha. a larger lcu&tlen -titan ,y otites "pestlunlb. ontyef On- R7~hobertson cd Bro&., PIIOPRiBJORS. rFiMtm 011 DVBBTISING. pirt insertiou, par lins, 10 cents; eacit .ets)equelit lusortioli. 5 conta. DtspIayed 1IAdvottsomentu areuesonvod by as, o ,I oid Nouparoil, andcharget acoordîîtglY. Advurelleflts sent without wrltteu iu- sîructions însertod nutil foritiden, sud charge't for fuîl tireo. oiers for ientinýneg advertismesta must b' ini wrtig,oenotite pubUlahors weili t bo responiitte. A liberaI discount for contrset advertise- mbute ty tise veut. Coliy for changes et ceîtract adrertisemets abould h. hsnded iii nelot tos titan Wedunday ; anti notice of ,,.y ,teîtded changes miould ho given bes. tfore Ttteedty noon. Otiior ad'urtisements seçýeiveti up te Tlsursdsy accu. Iicttesf notieOis lu locai or nova celuîiins irt ittertlon 14 cents per ions of N>npa- reil; l10 cents per lino catIs sulsequent lu- ,ertlcît. Vive cents peor lions pet aununi. Correepondeuce slicited tram It partentf thte Cmittty os neighborlng townships Con- sepond'itts are requestedlte seuti luntiseir 0011t1ntttticallons as PrAuntîly as Possible. 41Bt PIINTItO OEPÀËTMENT. tiisIepartinent in well supplted with cli, eWest anti Hsndsontest Styes ut T1pe ,nitatte for eveeyclnsa et Job Werk. Y tne Prittting sa, caly Thét,cc CuuouîL's t-Ilipment lu Ibis respect tn stslclley dsst- dans, sud is net cxreloed by any office ln i set.eru tintanto. JOHN E. FAREWZLL L.0-9 B A1111ISTEIR, Caunty Crovn Âttaoy. aun County Slleitor. Office,- Sentis wing, Court LIeuse, Wiitby -48 S.IZ IiTCItIE à-,BILLINO s BARRISTERS & ATTORNEYS AT L.AW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY dc ~H. RITOHIE, W. H. BILLINGS, Toronîsi. Wiithy. JAMES R1TTLEi>t.Ii BAltiSl-TEIt, *&c. Offie forne-lyce. b~tly Faroeci & 1tttlge, liett ito vI lo&I teol, lirock St.. wlitty. DSAVID> OIIISJTON, B.A., TTORIIET.ATLIAW, SOLICITOR IN -ACisantcery, Conveyancet- &o. Pri-it ( te Office sentis otithesot 15ir, it MMilana Block, Bt-o-k Stret. B013INSION & KiENT, (LoàTs DrîcoIt td& Re,-t3()N MllSTEIMS-Ar-lýAW, A T TO(ii )Iry%, Solîiltors, (Xnveyanc'i-r, t.. tiFFiCI-In Victoria Cl..mbois, No. 9, Vctorts Street. YOUNGsieis, S.M.IiTH5Il. .R., >AtRISTER, &c., &.-Mtiney t. Lotou 13>Issuer ci Mat-stage Liconses. iI~E'~ Z t~ ~ WithsUlin VO.XXVj~~ T HE WETERN lANK <IF IITBI', - ONTARIO. THIOMAS 1DOW, Manager. Wbllby, Nov. Plis, 1882.- ly-47 - NTAIIIO BANK, WHiTBY BLIANOR, Break Street, Whitbroi J. Il. ADDISON, FINANCIAL AGENT:- 1' 0. Box 114, MONEV V o.LOAN! ON IUEAI, 1STAM'E BEUItY. At 1Â%owaîVto rtas of int«eot. Mono>' snonnod vithin JO0tisys e1 Sp. phoieson. WhiIby, lebruarp 101h, 1880. 9- C. NOCRSE, Insulanct aîd GeneraI Agent, Rrprrettng tise f ollowlng aumpautus: Phoenix Firo Insuraince Companiuy, of Loutlou , Eengland. North Britisti and Mercant i/e Insurance Co. o flbliurandtLnd 1on'. British American Assurance Coiîpany, cf Toron;'. London Guaranie à Accident C7oîpanty, of Englasti. rAitsgit Fuît TUE Canada Permanent Inan & Savinga Co MONEY TO LOAN, tit 1 mir "it' ar-:=,%ai tw rate of Intoresl o),-scr -Oves Domuinion Bankt, Whllbiy. t Al-)' ;Ltri r rarer cf lte CouutY zk 1. 22, 1t.878 1- Agrr&!tu' . Sueieiy ef Sontht Onlarlo. STTOItN iT AND SOLICITOR, CO)N voyattcer Ntary Ple.c,&.-Post '-Offtce Drawer No. i1, Whitby. tint. neo#isbeuglit "a old MOevdnp . Loins negot.atOtl on AUl kis ot Property. 42-iY 3011N IALL DOWS, B AIIIISTILII-AT-LAW. SOLICITOR lu Cisaueery. Cenvoyancer, &-c. tililce-Devo-i.ll's IBlock, Bt-ock tret-et, Whithy. MONET TO LEN-Prlvats Fonds,- lunseums up te 168000. staI a 1erate cf ln- LYNIA N ENGLISI, L L. B., B3 ARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN Chunoesy, Couvoyances, 4e., dc. Sim- coe Street, Oshuva. Wm.. 3ltBRIEN, M.D., M.R.Cq.g. (1U'S HOSPITAL, LONDION, IING., Gr lte oye B. . H. L., Oshawa, Ontario. CIDJR. BOGAIUT, Physîclan, Surgeen, Accouches, 'de., &»c. %iitity, Sept. 50th, 1874. 40 LATE Acting Assistant Toronto Amytuto tesorInsane. OFFICE-TisaIt atoly ocopied by %Itr. C. Nousse, uesuce Agent. BBROM STRUBT, - WIIITBY. W. "AAS, OOMS OVER JOIIN FERGUSON'S R tibotiîugBelabisinent, Dupias-sI., Whttty. ' iie housfrein 9 &.m. te 12 m., and trous 1.80 te 6, p. mu. 1Rssldoe-Cor. of Byron aud i Glbert treots. Buitablo for wrapplng put-poses, layg nuder est-pets, etc.,25 conta posrIsntir Appiy te if. THI8 OFFiCE. AMERICAN AGRICUITORISI, 100 Coluinus and 100 Engnavinge lunosaIs issue. 43rd YEAR,. $1.00 A YEAR Souci tht-e.2. atampus rSsctpio Cep> Illuglih on (}rn) et lte OuuuV .OT ss BIsT AealCULTUBtIAJ cUatean tlIe werld. ORANG JUDO Co., DAVIt) W. JUDO, POES. 751 Bsoadway, Nov Yorik. i*i yi te warklng clam.ssi10 set. tes ~hPet~.AndI W@ wltita51l 7Yeufi*$, 5707., ý,ou llito i y eth e klo 1 arm ensou«la a few daystait 0 .evemit pesotit "aIay l'osiuoe. Ca W pla cal sqell. Ws vOl styou.j Yeesan wask aili b me Iseo njPssltas oui>. Thte wrk lae'nvt'slyaa bl ses yeog uni ed. Toit saWIaeisaufont5se. wte sse'oeul5g Tkttâe gll whu aewor na> tole odr: teail whoe net Wols mtldêet in s At Pot ficBr et . A. A. PUOST, (late w-itlî Langle>', Langlo>' 4But-k., . FTrento.> A RCHITECT. Dosigus for Cîtuseite, Villas RuadCottages a spocialty. Dravinga proepaveti for se- meieling oxtiug structursa. Orries, for thse praseut, ut bis sosidonce on Kingston Routi, Pickering. P. O. Box 202 Wursov W. 0. JOIINSTOT4, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR. Cao l'e founi ut ltawivOffce et J. 0. Kelly Esq -,Whitby, cruatlte reldonce ct Ms. L'ossa ohlste, Porryttest. Dominion Wood Work8, WH iTBY - Geo. Cormack. iitgs, sud &a il na etTvlated bMoldlutgs, Doors, $ush and iBlinda. LUISBER wvtele ansd rotait, on> hy theica ia. Planlug. Mouldiz;gis of ever>' descrip- tion, Fioorlng, Sheetiug, Sbelvlug, Re- sauwlg, SIsapiug, Turulng. Scrail-W0rk, etq., etc. WiiILy, Oct. 151h, 1876. béa K INO BROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Imtporter*, Dealera sudciManufacturera ci ail XIndi et LEATHER AND FINDINO8,' Cash pali fer ues, Bart uni Lother. Leathmr strulehei.. #1;' BBLTfl!G MADE TUO OtDEB 019 SHORT NOTICE. R. . B ATES, Newsse &dvenltlno ot,41 OPark [edlngll 4 monts la Iths CHRON!(P;E a% Our boul sales. T PAPUR nlay be toaud on dil Ata "Geo. P. Reol & 'aNoeP¶Psd. verdtllgBiLunoa(10 Bprnce St.),- - ad. rortling c ontracte muay lia;mte foesfilm ILUMBER!1 LUMBER- 1 iLUMBEB M'RQReÂT, W a 1'BY, PATETS CAADI ANS, -=mmcrepaten t u tnileo s",»o tIse saine ter-measa. Otiens. t ià bost te paet firetinutheStaltes, thug aecvn i î,euptt;.othorvaso liste WlUinit Sr TotaCdl cul tUilt Bltas Patt, $60.nul y 80 on muilng upplication, the balance oui>' vIsn patent la oJloweti. fow$5 eas$74. Ou racalpt et modelos a Wln vd desription t i nvention, vs viii son aailco.reoreuces ana circulasf»S. O~1,esIl U. . } oUcIeors of Patenta, offce, Wssblngtou,D1.,O. -. Pieuse mention vIser. you sav thia adror- tihainent. -t61 NOS TtTND. ~~2 Prinoti end, sa tiIs ,sud aiiIi~ udut~',~v.advenus Peàce, Prog~sKoîtgBchîod 'i -o,., ¶rs,-and ______________»rothchood WTBY , ONTARIOeRIASEPTEMBER 19- 1884. FO8~I~EJR7S KIIJQOVIE CLEANERi -FOR SALE BY- Iwo 'R. HOWSE,ý CIIREMIST AND DIWG(*IST, G U.T. GUMPRICUT, Tuner,, frosan. Maen & Bisch, Toraes, 'il 'UÇV a permanent rsudent et Whltby, ,' Pastleswisig thior Pianos prcpeviy tuned wli pîase bavethoir ardora aI hi$ rosi- dene,onByrn SI. nortls. Osrs bymaIl I B N XR @ E*Mýà là, TrSot, vifi *W 1T Special Clubbing Offer Whitby COHRONICLEI- M oney in the Pocket of Every Newspaper and Reader. COMBINAIfION ]RATES. Chirousclo Chronicio Chreniole Chrouicie Clhrouice Chronicle Chrouicle Clîrouiclo Chreuiclo Chronicbo Chronîsicie Chroniceie Chronicbo Chroniole Chronicle Chronicle Chronicle Chronicle an1 sd Weekly Globe ($1>) an sd Wcekly Mail ($1) . an sd Weekly Adrntser ($l) a' d sdWeeklyWitnc8s ($1) an sd Weekly Star(M) . an sd Rural Canadian ($1) an sdLeisure Heux ($1.60) an sd Buuday M Home ($.60) an sd Boys' Ovu Papen ($1.50) 1)nsd Girls' Ovn Papes ($1-50) ()anti Amerieffu Agioulturaliet ($1.50) (1) and TIse Houseboldl ($1.10) (1 aud Grip(P . (1 sud ($e8o nero .20) (1) ma Amenimsn Farer ($1) Il> sud Beolliala Amenican Journal ($2.50) - (1) and Trth an) sdan>' twaDollar WeloonMonlhlioe-lisroe periodîcala an sd an>' Ibro. Dollar pen'odcaia-four pencedicala 1) and lue Moullalie puliaed at $1.50-8 periodicala 5551 Lai oea matra Magazinel 1 75 1 50 200 o 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 10 10 2 w 8 70 i 85 S800 2 00 2 50 8 00 8 25 2 5 6 5 5 50 40 60 50 50 40 50 g0 100 75 VALUABLE PREMIUM =one ongflergslit hph fO-hepOrtrait-Sim 22x28-of Lord Lansdowne. {Canada'snenovGovesr n era) H o. Oli t aRoHn. 8fr John A. Macdonaidor ne,. Dr. wiild, il be presented freeta 0v" 7subucribr t e b. uscm=L, uhether lb. pmer lesenti abone or labbe t vi n> uber «peiedimsl. (lbanportraitsaram at by mal10ocents extra m aI&b.- ded le cover ceaI of postage sma proleo&) It îs yours t tfkO 84YltL f t heu l08 ibera1 terms before it is, too lae, j. se ROBERITSON Chrouicle Buildig, W.IBY DeveneWs »look, w MTY & Re H. JZU[ESONff. - PURE LIQUOIRS. Walkor's f coming tbro the Nivo qWine, BRye] Whiskey. Finest- Port Wine, G& Dek Giîn1 al] st. Emiion -C1aret, Finest, Sherry Wine,- [Gôr. S3t. Eâtephe do') B.& Gt. Mdoo Lime Juioe, 'Hennessjy Brandy, lAlSO Lime Juice Cordi Marteil tg Aie md Porter on draft, Is Boucher "boted -ITALIAN -W AREI-Ã" S . -Carnriage Wýorks,' 13med PBoSide i és lwpie Bnisgs M e aboya atooSàriou sud vii b, oldt" vaeeêowm Union Block, TORONTO.- Oleopatra. Deatit larked within tIse veiret ut hersshesk, Audtinlu temyriati tangies eof ber haïr, And lu he"~yes, viticit drew mon te dos- pair, t Andi on ber lips vhcse Ibsit made stroug mon weak. Tes, aIl theto noved accent.sitec did apeak To mon deatit-laden were; but, unavare, Rnvapt tey liotened, iteedlug net lte suavre Which caugitt thets manhood lu wild pas- siou's freak. jBravo Antonyl 1 eue'er Ip anse te titu O1 aIl titon vert, aneati Uton migitt'st have beon, Tity soul. onmeshod snd oves on the brink Of curetosvos, when baunn by Egyp's Quon,- Frein tears et pity 1 cao scorerefrain Tisa in uber asme did mol uci seul oui train. In A Ste w. Pretty soon thefestive oystes Wilonserge frein ont tIse closter, Where hebc&spent lt.edrosry sumamer al- Mot pait, And lte young tu a' hioart soicoMasr As ho thliab Uliexog14 fliio To hie Oesi huwutmuy lunch limes ho Win fiut. But yet ho nervos np bravaely Antd agka ierout motesi gavey, Hoe.kindling np s dame witid.hi ThotI the oigus mu, net ho piteil Nusrlte sutumu air ha talutei With doicous odes et the itew, TIse Boit. NELL'8 JCOMPANION. Mss. Elinor Grs>' vasa youug vidcu ef about tirentr-five summere. SbIe diainet look as if she bad ever ooen a vinter; sud aithongh oh. Issd boul à a sbauti voru se declaseti ohe b.d * ovoti devoedl>', hon fair, fresa face soouoeme to el yeun u nielakable lisgnage tIssIer hon Ie.lite muet bare beau madie op of gentie apringa and faiset nsomer veaîhen. 11h, vas a preot>' oresture, Mrs. EMinon;; snd boing se protîy, sud bei naine converidto ànt adiminutive by ber meut intimnate frianda, an admirer besteveti on ber tIse titis.«cf a popUlai seng, shîch secmneti se approprialu tIs ae-"islong kuovu as "Lovely Lovel>' Nol> vent te tevu for or tain nientho lunlIse vinton pesosn; bu dnriug sommer she speul al th. fimi lu ber sesalde rmsidence. inub ls numor soason man"'fiahion, abIe hutterfilas trooped thitheir t epjreati their wvî nge u 1e fresh, svoo ar, and Naît>' had pleut>'fcf oloveri te pour thée inetes-of atter>' mobaho -i et»l m r. i > - Oua sommer, smong lte hutterfse came îMtortethât -ýprcVed on as qualutaibe. lo e oomething more euh. éatial, allbongh st irat ho saisat h ba ouiy àahntterfly mare gorgeons Ibar it wasyuugmavitb brnuinl aide bis good-Iooking bond;anisd equail>' remsrksbie, heant vitbin hi Isantisome body, lusesed ofthtIe qneer ahspet ussobineofe uuolesansd bied, vuaeie'vbih generalI>' dos dut>'foi that Importent organ. Of cura Clan. Allenten sean beari tise tome cf Loyal>' NoS>', sud vp cne Jant long te jutige, of hon charmeusbj hoamsy. A triantda airar hressgbt,.bi toe d. » rest-, fnlsd va.mbanbs p àbdteclm etisat b. dia D~o fol Pretrae ho. lke o,- of4deki lieIoyoung imaukssnte'diuse- fi"i.Bis, the'on)t ef peréon zouý ofe reaion et éMir. ns>' sZ eaeet oim <antre lrisüos <00 hbtI, 5I mevr; boesue. MieUBllM r neiton saulin or uamiitstht ve 06i k5barwIollki....sgSO& Oguo»su a MMepeeleté. WILL 1BEr-OU.ND' The tes as a tes was a, great suocese. What They Mean. But to Clave, the conclusion cf il was marred 6y one littie incident.; Mrs. A, mari, pitbv, or humerons dodun- Gray csngbt&ber eleevo in tbe nrn con-iinu nfonse apy illustra- taiming botling water, but, with an ef- tieo eh proverbial brevity whieh i8 fort, savedl hersoif frein eny il effeot tbe seul of wit. therefroin by def&ly turning the uru in 4"Show hlm u gg, aud instantiy lbe the other direction lu suob a way that air ls ful of feathers," soi-i a bumoriet, ilesaetire contents muet bave been delluing a èanguine inu. '"A moral poured upon Clare but for Miss Bulis, chaieleon" is a terse reckoning-up cf a Who instantly interponeâ lier arm, re - h- 'bug. Man's whole life bas been csiving the boiling deluge upon ber- cyziioslly summed up lu the sentence. self. .1outh is a blunder; middle life, a There was cunsiderable confusion, struggle; aud old age a regret." evory one but Clare gatbering about Wbimsical definitions are soimetimes Nelly witb exclamations of slarmu, aud quit.as neat and telin i those of ho iug ehe was net burned. a smartVr kiud. fut se replied te their questions Pr. Jobose'nconfessed te a lady that with au impatience that mulet have it",'ss pure ignorace thst made hitu eounded querninus froom les. réf d d tne 1"pasteru, thoe lic utofa huese"; lovely lips- bt ho could bardly mate the saine4 "Don't yen see 1 amn net the heroine e*Pluse for deflning pension, "an allow-1 at a&U, good people? ILt is that feolish nce made ba eny one ç-'thout an Sama, who is always making a victisu et equiValIent." herseif. Sara, bow coutl yen be sunob patriot. saine writers tell us, ià a goose?2 There wasn't the leosot daw- 'me who lvos fer tbe promotion cf ger of U1r. Allenton being burned-sre lis conutry's union sud dies lu It" ; P.id yen mnchlinrt?" a,. boe, 'who, aller wsrming hie Othere now turned te Miss Bisi with Ïaei"os, is teastêd by liii triende." the saine question, and offers of as"et- '0'ju eule deftoitions, "dnsti is mud auce. 'w1thihojuice sqnoezed ; scarcely se But Clare had already eut lbe thin S'qierÀific as ?almeraton's, dofinitien a uansiu leeve (rom ber arm, wbich ho of ilirt as "matter lu the wroug place." wrapped lu fleur sud bound up lu bis A fan, we leare, is "e thing te brush ewn large linon haudkerchief. warm off witb". sud s menkoyr, a And althengh MisaeBlles waa very oimail boy with a tail",; "sait, wha't pale, sud her eyes glistenn wiîb tsars na.kes your petalesteste bail wben cf pain, abe declared that oh. was net yod don't put any ou"; *"wakefulness, mach burt, only bagRed te be excnsed, eyes aIl the timè coming uubuttoned"'; and alloed te retire to-her own maoin. sud "9ice, water that sîsyed ont tee late Clore leit st an early bour. inftIs cold sud went te sleep" - And when the lest ef ber gnussa@&i A schoolboy asked te define thse 'glood-ulgbt,' and ah. fonnd hersoil word "'sob,,' whimpered ou(: "It mens alone, Mrs. Gray foîlt tsaI ber tes party wben a feller don't menu te cry sud il had beeu a terrible lailure- bonis eunt itsesIf" r It was very early ou tIse nemt more- Anol.bsr deflnid e comma as -la ing when Ciare Alenten bout bis stes period with a long tail." iu tIse direction cf Mrs. Oray's home. A yenngster was askeil tu givo biis Hoe had dreamed ef Sara Ellis ail ides cf tIse meaninR of "Irespousibility," night,snd bis mmnd wss quit. rmade up. eG ho said; ,Wall, supposing I bail Ho enterod hy tIse garden gate, sud only twe buttons ou my treesers, antd weut round tiie petb Jssding te thse ene came off, ail tIse responsbllity @pot where ho had druuk tes thée night would rost ou tb. other butten." beforo. "Giv. thse defluition cf admittance," r Andt tere ho steed for s moment si a teachertte bead boy. Flooking dowp ounlte grass. Thia went frein the heati te near tIse r Hie face finshed up, sud a dowy feet cf tbe closes.&Il beiug unble tettel rmeisture dimmed bis oyes. i the moaning eof it, until ht reached a 0 "Thse darling," ho murrnnred, -oh. little boy wbe bied seau tbo cirons bille Ywss afraid thel I weuld be.scaldod, sud pested about the village, andi who èsx te ahiold me she intorpnsed ber own cI essed -"sAdmiltanos mneans oe >sweoî atm.' shilling, and obildren baif-pnice." Thon h6 walked up lowards. thse &What is a jonction, nurse?2", aked ebouse, and iu reaching the front dccv îa, soveu-year-old fairy ltse other day on ho wss obligeileapase by au open. Wiu- Ia rallway platfotm. Vdow, wece issuedthIe -feltewinrg -"eA junetion, my dean 2" anewered 0wor$s tIsaI ho cenîti net help orhoar-* the nurse, witb thse air cf a' very EU-, It ina, and I'm afraiti ho dido'l lry, perler persan iudoed ; "wby il'.as-place ~ other-witere fteernde soparate." r "Oh, Yen eau nurseyens at-m ail the >Teobit off a jury as la body cf men roseof tIse day, sud yen know 1 muFt arpaizod te fiund ont wbh-s-sido had lahave that bine -muolin for thse pic-nie lb.ésinaflest lawyer.,"jeies ta saiis te-day, and Bridget cannaIo iront fit tae rnuy ef our "4intelligent fellnw -eountrY' *bessoen" dieu."- "But I ean'î iron wiîb My bit baud, The Word "suspicion" j99 in lb ElRinr; aud it is my*rsghtarm that 15e piÏien cf a jeaons hIssatd, i"s bfel. hurt." Ing tIai compaIs Yen te try te finti ont * "Bpi yen cen us ilif yen trY. Yen nomaethlug-you don'% w!sh ta nw! la knowyonu ;n;sd yen muet-"' A good dofinitlin cf "P*ie i Le The luit words vero aecouspauied by "- îaduanwh isslong- prayetsa ran angi-y stamp cf a pretty foot. ansd short weiights" ; of a "hnexnbng,"e ne, Clore heard a snppremed sob ; vIse agrees wltb eonb -a"nsd cf si Ir thon- "1tyrant, lb. ethor version cf somehody'e "I1 wili net de it, Elinor,"-said Sara, defiüonito f a beoeý1 ," - in lu s firm, voies. An Amerlcenlady'. ides cf a ballet-, " #Oh, yen wou't, yon ungrateful girl girl vas, man 'pfn, muslin u all 'y -pea'hps en are setting yenn cap for ,ïnt w< piu.k bondies"; sud a Paris-, Xk clave Ano tn -- IsUnof i"eeso, a Iumaie substitut. for,, 01er.Albenten puehefi epen tbe deor, hbirdlabor." snd stand inilte doorway. Thin eenp, cooordirsgte au- Iriash, ?*$o occauion, fer tbti, lirs. eay", qnaindl t,,i. "â quart cf watpr, buiIedî h im lalrrup$od, ibis .poile i e.délia te p& ttmako It 'e WHITBYO G. E. GI BBARD. The 'Little Busy Bee. WItY DO THE INDUSTEIOUÏ1 uoNY-sIâKERs ABSCOND IWUEN.SWAXIMINUi A correspondent ci thse .lreri.an Bec Journtal says: Uuàer differeLt air- cumstancos bow différent i lei . b3 liavler of bee becs. At limE;s it would secin tIsiàtbeir owh-dge almoot complote. At other limes sud ndor tise mosl favorable circumeitnc"- il would aSern tIsI they wene vois) of even tIse loast dogree clf discretion. For msuy yeaLrs maey cf *thse moat careful aus cboe.bsevin . ouhave tUdied their waute, habits, sud mode cf living, sud have p.reparod fer tIsent ,lmoset , very canéeivable fermn intziae t bive, in soma cof which thse bees finti more. aud groater, advantagos than, lbey ea-cu flnd in suy hellow tree or ameng-, Ire rocks; pot weoften oee thein léemig s bure cf the most appreved ityle, Inu fugitive. and ahoconîl fer tho woods or caves ie the rocks, where we otten fii thons. Iehoning undor tIse ment dis- counsgiuconditions. Somotirnswo notice (bat ,yeung swtris et tees seem te Rladly Psaqefpt cf su old box or eau kog, sud at oiîher limnes will, ie e few bours after bo-ing- biveti in oue cf eus beels rst.&m whivling o'ut with a pe9rfoot' rn&glinsd leave in spiteocf ail that cngv thons. Now, tIse question ià, w > j do they thus bhaie ? 1 have learned eue roasen svhyyoung colonies leave their hive, sud I will tell il. Some aixteen pears ago, ou Joly 4, 1 stoo'1 nnsa a e-olouy ofye0ung L'eee (Vitîn I hac -.±vod thýr day before. L t ,wus vosy Ûot weatLer, sud- I -wais ifearful tIsat ty bees weuld leave.Il was a. vony large ccouy, sud I ha.d fonuihitÙat those largo colonies were mucIs more epi te beave e Lire thosu ligfiten oi 1 bod brou watahing tiboin ot five mii;utes wben down oSmé's a sa eé f bees (about a quart), nssking' quite sà thump en tIse bottonsboard, whic ee-.u bang teatIse lower end-cf thse box hi-ve with wire bocks, aed oen oüe-balf un îW h ail arennd, siias le otIse 011vir Reynolds Vermout hive As' Ti cbées strn e b bttons board 1-they,, càte rnshing out, sud, I th ' ugii tIseý would baâve; but-tbey sotuù wetb4ck a ud becaîne quiet. I slood watcsiug* about ten usntaogn hz lownteaCnmu the ,Whole 6oeu aIonle, 'a 1d-6o1 Ituuey vent, wilh, a perkctrnsIs, à wu4tli6*tinte whoeewixo. , ýUped at:shiiue I 6biveti theus; eIl cre opn Wsrdu nthe etige' cf tire .iýnt cmi _,berd..y 1 caughilber and-hel4 ler about five rminutes, wbile-tlw'e awavm 1oaiu. bgais te'thinW th.>'tiï lsad aýnothensiee. udhsd ona- - But wben Clara teck, ber baud, sut ïied Use humutanuso, ahe. maàd.ýni ijotic, ns eea anet hough fiii MnGny,,vIsiIe a. bas ovu snovy seulr »kico,hi asean sd glared 170$- TS. ITS, UîTS, EN s ce. $0] IL. 'is vwgIpi rote 5e C.11,bd 5.1> pith 1>1, Cui .p-I Esu ,Uri, (vi ' Mont&e tt.kla t' iu thse heu ulteland. ÀLÏ NES 1 NO. 40-JAt the mm 1 1 P.Bot'Làs.

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