U eA famsr ini Jsav&ng Ai --b *.Iat Ar ORBON104BLS cjlc qi.eat .aU4 db7asa eoa ~f2b-eng. ( ) Pres.asour gkt.ai Cat/t. - anîity amt ar/ilau 8..yn,~ ) Theo iro noie gi 0t/t eum'w ofttoe CHRONICLE al~a'avig ltor uIs~pirtnted aitht ILce, itse<f aanirrforeranifer #UOWÃŽsfaaale. Individutai te'stit on ( is jit it s ot di/ieuit tu T/to VCHRONIOLE is not a 1 vit a circulat ion f afî'upatra;j drods, but i., note beyond tu'o thoui. and tais is biny fur/ther incresea Juil, ttrouqh tte erert iotas o aFr V<WI5 aents noa' acti'eiy ai il and tte apeçi4l and lberal club ofer bang made 0 nanu,çiibsri bares. *aimspletmnatter of buin'ss-arqii or"'$ sulf-it asyjy bate bile ppr ro) j'il) ivor, ut the CHRONICLIj. J. S. R08ERTSON & B8110,, PROPRIETOB New. Advertisements t/ils Daj Spécislu-Ioss Br-os. Specisls-G. B. Tulé. Speeiloi. -Powell & Co. Speulal -E. Stephenson- Psu opeing-Rms Brou. The Westernu Advertlser - Orgen for ae-Fred Mualge. Notice to Debtos-E. à . Waterbouse. Valuaà blo las-m ter @satm-Maelun, Gibso sud Gaasby,Rs&miton. To PrInte., ]Reporters &o-ilernBI Pilla. Notios to erodtors-P. J. Kinrg, solicitor. Court etfÂ.sse-Thos. Paxton. AUCTION SALES. Ou Thurst¶ay, Oct. 2nd, bem draught homess, higb grade cattlp,i peutu, etc., thé propos-tv of Fred. Uy/aud, aI Iota, 16 anal 17, bd con., Wbiîby. L. Fairbanias, auctiont.ou-. ONLY Si oo PER ANNUM. Whftby, Friday, Sept. 19,8.S 'r ~~~' Ganted circulat iona Canoia 2250. - Our Extraordiary Offer. WI/ttis issu. cf the CHUUNî<I mveny ib.csibcr receives (réa cf cnet specimeai ,py cf Ibis veik's Toron Wookhy Nows, wvicait e as-e fforic asA Paeminna Lu yexriy aucribèr Thé effet- cf tva dollar ve/t/tes for Lt III. O eul bà as-y etbia ares-abl pr ia.eone i. à em ec iastaitng imtent mad. v/ah the. euterprising pu] iîtsheof lte Nmacu litI vuare eabsle &0 t do m, aud cannaI @&y boy long j yul beld gecai. The cpperlunity uxiat - nov. Remit yens- dolls- and gelt t Ive papes-.for oeeaa. Ma' G".rox. lbu bteu vîiing bis MfidIlalan fr/ondes ad suing ltse 1as-y Orose thnough ths-oonnls-for te - jolea e lteFranchiPes Bi bylb. Heu.. et Lordm, Ha4 i.-ouiug lb. -People " bih/gbpilcit cf feeling agaansî &bit action of te Lords, sud ov/duntly hope. luites autumu Sssionb ae-suit- mitt he Billt smtuuah popular feeling Ibat filém ueatien by th. Uppur Honse veulai bs dinguan. bethe existencoe of tat-body. Mes fies-y rhetoric won t1.8ladgénéral éleotion for lie- party, sud msy nea- asal lte defeal cf lhe Lords. Tas oHOLERA alilcontinue& torage -lu Europe., '1t la Most violent in Itsly oi/elly about Litslovely Naples wu-be uaierunbteiy 1h.e suitsry condition cf1 Ilage a lU l ies harpesî coulra-ut viL l the besaty cf Lb. landucape aud de/igbtî.i fUSioftécfliat selu Ibeme levety ragions /4 vents! seem ita t nains-e bas doue evea'jthlng fer man@onafont bat thaltah populace abuse lt.e slnplest lavsetihoalî ansuai uiary sciencs. Houcs a-bon lb. plague.ocornesupon invitation lteor. i. nctbiug but abject m/sot-y sud despair. The boarible seenueh reniled of Mas-mllIesud Toulnasfev v»a& go are being ou- aet over agaln. Naplesil ul(nl cf0 disosse, desib, asuaperstitions bora-or.1 ITu s BAnthat saeeng effort lu heing madie miter te brlng thm Mail in- te botter barnony v/it iterespectable portion- cf lte Conservativo pas-y, cr te otar inluToronto anothea- papes- that v/Il dévote emoreatention b t. hele git/mate aii.cuuoicn ef politiocal quee- tio a /nsd leuss bseu-e.ious abuse cf Op-A poneantm thon lte Mai!lbau ever done..a A complèesrupture betvee lte, Dem/i/ion Geves-uaunt snd the Mail i la bellevet te b. imminent. Tiis aT partliy cv/g tb the stand Ms-. 4uuting ci Sa ton o teé vago. question, asdti hie biemphti/o retussl to b. bull-dezed -b Ibé polIt/est leaders. Ms-. P. Olarke, ol the orm BoS.Mnal, ii le 0 .4 ha. ,bubeeu poenadeai te ineerviewi te Goa-nn.nd utilh.oai securs tem a upport b.hile h ave cents-el cf t/as ropead ama-dat/y. i Hishente -iasve be/tes!aipon. ta. EgjUplla probI.mm - pettor. in. ltuoalmtla te suous cf Engmà io, a ma th lb u aa/Wethe poputan heno Geaarl, Ooraou, But lte oppoins. menteci ard 4Wotasey to lb. comaiiuj et a rsilevicg expaetIt Cubs i. vitioea f. Canadlag #0te fon the ux. "au« .he u met ani eje.upOnite Ivofle he /.Nil@ a4ad »tmnt à a1thnl1 liart4mdee llaieuaia e lil ha1 ýâj 34. CLE, île b e lof wu artilgaur,,* 9 W. usud scareuly tel' , outro tat 1h. promieut uxpedîtia fte foi T# dual purpome of rellevinqG ou GordounDow fer #nsany umenthe obh in lu Kartoumn addfor etoring tose pper Egypîsud'it ioimbltýlo - Is once encre usa/or tbé' sv»' c L-rt Rhedivu.englnla mc0uluei javc MO finsncislly a b tgomI u l tït ltatit ta impossible for ber soi Sdraw (rom tdiu conoitry mtlrely - bavo ilto ite fate. As eh. canos wet up ber intéres ts1h. countr'm bood 7 yuuwilling 10 pund 1 sundad truasuru in pruervtng9 ndbas been for suoe Ure a very troi somu conta-cl. The fuar as pre &btat the relluvlug force.j s e ensuugla te coes ith lb. grosstdan -tha& ebviouely tbreaton il. But to noed hardly venture upon speculu We maay taku il for graaeud thal Swaril tried Commwandfir, Lord Wolé fa hbu with ie usuaîlcaution sud -douce sketcbed the cairpalgu Mty mWeturud ait the dificulties.l i.te comn e ie isway. He la -r iod canipeigner now sud hi.eha-ili er eouss«es len our can 1Norîbet liAbyeaaiuin iu gypt iséelf sud elsew are god ornons for te prescel ni dtakan1g. Ihi. supposeed that Euglaeb troopta viii haready te b Lsthe uaarcla by the isi of Octobur. Fropoeed te hbave lte trooepq couve by tbe Canadien volagcter8 (rom W k, Halfa on the Lower Nile la Dengo -place iu the bend of lte Nile bel% "SI tîte third sud foua-th, calmaacte. Splace h. hope. te reech about tho o f Nuvtrmthr. The Artny will le roi thehate ai Dougola ie chargec -force tarze euough ta protecît&hemn -d procead aloug lte desert ta Rhsa-îo [t is eot likely that the cause contingent Wit buexposed te ta actuai varfare as the tribus along route are friuudly. Thuru is oc ISdonbt if Ibis plan cf the campaigu1 nos roquire modification. The Ni] y.faiiing sud nluse la au -ho navigi as deired tbe preuse plan wil bai be abandonuti. But we @hall bav vait developments. Muantime wish our conutrymen @ecces&. T cannot but give s gond aceount Ihenaselvus. Happy ara thoy se se tbe Queun!1 Happy luIbmthéQeea bavueuob sua-vice 1 The Mowat Demonstration Thé ruceptien tedured te the B Oliver Mowvat in Toronto on Tues( vas oeereh wich any etatusman mi, wel fuil preed. Whou thé Mail ne, papor says it va. secuassful s a-e deuionstrations go-yea, as Mo% 'Y goust, it migbt have adned-and tJ *there was by sea cuen ot oely 3,( porions in thé procession, il sun2 sîtaes a deliberate Ialaebood ; a *thousande cf nou-partizan obuera, wostood on Lie uîruet8 cf Taret atud 60w for theinsetes the processe pas1, a odily estfy.It w -thé larguât aud, ga-atest polii deinouetratien ever bold iu Canada.' The procession foa-med et the Uni station on lte arrivai cf Mr. Moa train from Hamilton, sud pa-oceed aleeg King su Tonge st. sud up in the Coliege avenue, vbere a/iset le, the " plucky litile premier " vs preseuted sud replies made. Tbe Banquet in tbm Granite Skstil R'nk iu the eveing, vas an imet @cces,1,100 citizoe.of Lb. Previni Sitting dovu t'O tbe tables. The rit vas besutifully decoa-ated vitb banne and su/table mtte.., sud the galloni filud witb ladies. The "god titinga cf -the tables having receivud their fn share cf attention, ae excelet pa- gramme cf toasts vas presanted. ti principal eue of vhich vas, -Th quest of tbe .veniug." The chairuos Hlou. E. Blakeu, in pro.6s/eg thtis teai sbty trsced the petitical bustor7 of tl local premier, and the wnrk liu hi accempl/sheal. This vas drank arnidi 1he heaatiest entbusitsm, cleer upci cheer srising (rom 1h. large audjunet sud handItsrchiufs vaviug on ail baud, Mr-. Mevat rupliea iu warm sud abl terme. Folloving tb. Premier'. repli vera loqueut speeches (rom flou. I S. Huntingtcu, Sir Richard Cartwrigbt Hou. H. Mercier, Q.C., M.P.P., leade cf te Quebeea I/hrsts, Hon. T. f Pas-de., sud others. UT rIca. semOUN UIsu moaalNuser i.-but frouam s tétustage, To nk - it thasééblainte sve,- se té defmadîna- theaie s-la-ttédatsa tais vs-eg, lu paO-etîthe lb.vsk end outu-tîtt the ssou aOton DOM 90go.but ais oaevmay béas- Té haiber reneo, te uitie-poer;s Tae ie atdand thIl.. Ls-mae hm wo-n a&a-asrmu st Ith laUamoet s-m tcai pat,-taboss-I. Iaiat u, abut te hate alIi mvii; a-bulbes-lite e-maie,oca0sor civtil Su - nda gnd oait-s lai- hme To wertd. ¶e I c aai. -ouarslametu, Te o aUA* ent . u b at-us c i lad c-ét iouétry ha lauglast aegas-. Ins wha spid id vatuen &su-Taie Iouadars- On. d vetdlin a 51Sir jean nov utvu.va Th nnn apae e ai utieval WsIall lusgieIa-tat, that tlris-ea-ut lai be;to!. athst Powes-a enly hbééed a-bebaudtapon a-es-l. DuoSaston, ont. Plny Answered. Tie result cf thu vote ounte Scot Aot iu Hattou bau mnaté vsry sImple îey futur. as-gumetou tii question.- Mrs. Doddts bimueif, in si speech aI B t. Thomas itefore bte Halton vole cat= on, nud ltes. vWords; I"We (naoanng tho liguer party a-itm he repraseatei> ire quite v//ling te stand on fal by lte lton vote." The pr-oposiion-a-sa souais. 111 seaueasy malter te theor- le, butoe splain living example, la a-es-I/ moe.tian vcolumes cf aiars thseny. Im the BeautI Aot ver/tbl, co- ist ait? That fa b. qusaticai. a4jA4 lb. anuvonoepd #t,"Ms/ta.D6d de. 'Ta/te Haibu as su iUInsta-toca. Th, conc a s~ h bat lta-. yeasp nia) -f /i t. Ilte peoplueaunu ieertam qustion of vonkaileues, ont ôci lir ovaiexpr taioe.." The raquest a-ai- conap el vat/t. Thé vote a-s ta/as,. TWa copie sait noechange, for ns. 'Tha eaU Au ta a-entble li HaIs. Ana rr/able 'lu HsItbo ê n br »oddi* - cn t utas Weil aïa 43 et o8 I p1 *1 19 sAlexander, netvey, J. Alei. Pattien a- the etc..;-aermcns by the Editor and ,- wetal Mod r poemèm Mr..T. LK. erveîl iut ip ongfllo, Iado/iia. S. ]3rldom, etc.'ý anc4 sodmerlan sui m et Mlez, ekewbeï *isâ eC555et rep8246 gvith lDtet, §là F :4. 1t Tha-ough oSulla Hollanta, H alvt teroal Attrbotoum cf01UVowoo i,0 at[,~ kgypt anmO Beligicûs Patnllng§#I'5 "chItltu0 Ith- AIl Nationo,"eéta. i WIi stl ropay tlb aud neafsar; indeed, te pages teena vitb tgivu intereât, unterbatument sud inmtruttcan ille le TbeMagasins should i fnd ils vsylitc more evAry family circlu. A cingle oopy il vhat 25 ceuts, or $250. s yoar, postpaid. ublu- Mr@. Franka Lemle, Ptublisiier, 58, ôe eut te sud 57 Park Place, N.Y. largo ugers Our. Town anid Oounty. vo - tioe. Moitreseawo MXNHOD-WOBDB OP wae tthe DNie ONVEYED IN CONVEYÂNCINU ce- taItay LOQUILua-" TIiAVSLLEtI" ItOUNTS pria. TUaE PiLa-T. and (Ptégalar correspondénce of CRIIoIicLis) ikély- WVîITBY, Sept. 17, '84.-Havieg fait. a anu ual for the prepeeete galber op suffi- liant cient information toeueable mu ten cou- au in oiue the sketches cf the Tovn herai Churches, 1 am rn ivun te rny wit'u end daar- to know whaî 10 va-/tu. IHving taktea the peu au band bevever, an effort of soe egan kind mubt bu madu; sund sbould that It is tiffo>at aeau! t ienothing butter than a eYed litl, barkIn.g, yon will net I trust en VelY that atîconut conuider youa- servant a Olta ai dog in any lover seuse thon lit of ta- wcnt ing to do you faitbful service. This ai avgcalurig a part eofoay patitlite ý 7Ii ,da goddeal cf uxperie nos in Con- envol veyauoang, I bucamne quise famiulier 1ai W ib th. procéés ot drawieg merîgagus, sud sud sncb like instarumejnts. it uued uni. not therefore be voedered at if at limes flan bocamne semeybaî familiar aise witb auoh the character sud circumatanoes of tb. semas cf tb. parties, vbo4 through pru- vali dence, imprudence, or dire nocoesiîy, as w i l t h c a e m g b t , b e , v e r u te d t o m o r t - i4legage their property, suber lin securily ,edtr a part cf the purcbase-monuy of o %e sial propsry, for the ru paymeut of v0t o ne berroved, visely raaaawisly,r bhey claimaul, insisteal on satisfaction. It cf The terras cf paymsut are se ?#aried ei v l e c esa mtances cf Lbe partis con.- sut om d Lb.h propea-ty morigageal. It frequently itappon., wheu any doublt exists as te the icaeut beg ponctuai. I. ly paid, thal a compound clause lu in- mosted in the ternie cf paymeut, by Ion. vhicb the muca-gagor covunnts ln uae iday of defauicf payment cf intereut ai tb. gbht Lime or tumes specifleai, that the.!astal- meute of ines-est sei due sud nnpaid ýwe shall hear coimpound interet ai a given err rate outîi fuliy paid snd sstisfied. -It ýwat- is easy to cemprohoual, if lbe raie pea- bat cent, je high, sud thé interesi payable 76at Irequent puaioda, say quarteriy, that ý06witini a pt-riod mucb le». iban a thons- iPly anal years, a vea-y valuable esiate May and ho piacoil beyond thé poera-of redemp- ?rs tion. nIeo But you wili paobably wonécir vat I ýin st daiving ai. Just add Patience to au, your othea- viatues andl yoe sahé uen- one lightened. To begin, ltéen, thberé a-e nI, othea- titue wLe a jeopardaeed as vei icat as reale or personaxl estale, anal thine tee oftrmaoh groater imprtance botb te on individuals aud communitie, sthougb 'ts appsa-entiy net se con.idered by mauy. led Take fer instance bealtb, bappinss, 2to benor, se/I respect, repntajien, eharme- nes 1eor. Any or alilof these may ho pilaced ers in positions cofgrat puail, sud if net paoperly vsîcbed sud carsfully attend- ing ual te, may #con b. very mnch in lia. se position of a merîgage that bas been si- c. lovmd te aun ce ai compoundl internest ait til lb.heviole ectate te svalbovcd op ans vilb the accounilated charges. esn A parsen'. ama/Lb, hsbppines.,,or repu. a" talion May somolime. be soricnsly ait affectied by causes over vhicb heocor-mhe o- May bave little or ne conta-ct. à ansd- ae den change cf veathea- May affect Oeesj be healîb ; su unleokeal for catsmity ea- u,$ beruavumong, ene's bapptness; sud lte as maýice cf an enemy, or- the flippant ie Longue of scandai, oees réputation; à d but one's houer, ssII-reepect, sud char- lot actea- vilI remain nnla/nited, uxcept by in oe'@eu-n sot.- s, Nov, observe, tbere ie a différence e. bélveén reputation anal chas-acter, ai- ta. theugb tbsy a-e frequently coufuadeal Y, vith snch othea-. Oua- repateae con- L. sista in vital ethers repont unste lb.; t, but oua- clarad os- consistaeu in htlv. as rosI/y a-e. I. Thera are mmuy vays in which ycuugh cf tra ieidoni se ltai ho nay orcda er bis elepa arigitt, eus-lui h p w/U as W encrs-at lte maximis cf piely, mte ai W nugittheIbmceensela et tb. vise sud gond, laye théeline loosaly upon tb. neck of bis tuste, learue to indulgo li~ procfans and indecent language, awnd tt fto roundhli. .sntenc.m v/it a flippat osila aocopanlsd perhape v/lba -gr iqula-t cf ihacco joie, la there not' fat geod reaaon to &&y in. regard tû h/rn, O "1Ai, peen felow, Young, p emueang mi and r/chty endoved asuitho, as b ne managed atreddy ta' uneunabr his fine a possession$ v/lb sk y iaig Mcrgg, ltet intea-est of vhieb laseenapouudiug rapti- c IV. aud lu liksiy accu 10est op bis spien. t Oit asiatet?" mi Again, vlaeu I sue a yong man ce- casoioasty drcýpp/eg lm s grog shcp, il nvu maybe ty for the purps-eOe seink JO, v/atis going ou, cr-- BinVtg a chat toi vatia an sequuoatanoe, y*t, I think- go lia nay.elf, tiauf yowagà nas ane.. l -T.en ot hedose rie gel s mor.' ais gage sadalid on li& baciabet<re Ja;9F knowa wht hoei deing. ý tit: ol ia l mI ýa bave go- icîulat ngtltiag 544-6L. Whn[Iamsum.e ne,e r It may l ho theesaine younq mua -at sa mÃ"r. abd. Oi! wa*eqê sgage, with dialpatio volh g" te abshw ite trams e.'eu e laa.s, revealthathe radt faL'$l*l lIAS o",otevthabitehave ÃŽakmxôo.t.at mt.jidtylelsgmthonI ltu& in se, ' PIev. 1ryedha" ava as/' *1 a D lumm" Womaa11 bas .oas 8iarchb 11101 OUR R-AND. TrHi SÉSASON WILL ,ECLIPSE ALL, OTHERS. ESf r4 of 't- la/ co- 12- 'o 6r. Ln le le le le ýd I bave coutraote.l for ke 5,000 black vainut ta-ses, foutiM(s higit, r- le ccoon fa-cmltae Western-8lalas. . T/a s cuit ii, 1.ai dovu ltrot an a dos, &ot., uci ecusai lenty cnt@ s= caha omiug in caricada. f bongit &hem fer the pua-pose cf indue/cg Lb. >- ramsdents cf fieinaz, Emmi sud Wept a- Wbitby, Beach/ansd Darlieglon, incluti. L ing te tovus sud villages, ta ptanit lhem inaanal about thuis-home. 1 ailI tir. lhern toesny ens e otees tu bm (net e:ceeding tee) aIst aI ceaI s. They are s vms-y rapiti grever; make a besucifr.1 Maade ta-mo, bear a doliceuis = ulsd are very valihbie forhumitea- vhuver il saighbu e de.isble leont tIbWtlitdca-n. I bave tlaccgit ltaI fivo -r ossix cf ilacm pianleai in s cia-cie, ay 75 féot in diatnalen, sa ne n ultse centre, ventai mako a vory beatful à sud desia-able ga-oap cf ta-eas for s/adie tes- cattle. Tbey "Iul aIs add 'lelteE it.suîy said SfemIet homes, wbna pianted in sud about 1h. hous.seati baron; hait, 1 vpuld 'aggeul bo thon vite plant ibatuic taItlaey tria a/aun viten veay yeoiu& bly tegreesaut Jeave te main truk 18 cr 20 test ligh before suy limbeareu glovuai b braucit out. Tite i.yl sai b ltir valeoi.>tit.utufronlunabur. Tha-ee ta-eus ptaat.4 uà srHsmilln, 80 yssau acotsre aaid le b. sou- u-eatb $100 esc/a te sutldeve for luaba-.-'t I Win ie *D ay eppliestlona wb/eh are sotaa to ndee fr>& ut-wi1ora. tny i t/tee ire, butZwcAnd I U ln aI' st#é,erl 4TA@y.a 1s os -ly,,a coflolita Jst aos l ýa hq he t/c trouble o vRe /se as eïtôW asa-s chhdaec t ftbm one is i 44-ti. ne lAafl saioya ce ai eacilstea tbfrd jeian atd- lsaîfng. e "d 1 $bat ea chs/rou,â-m niOîUty, 1 PW.GLbe tu Pa usru* sla.ni aufeuf TC fo Ma-. 060, . 1&Xeimayo f Peterbmr,, T "a-sair ai wea,"dy. 'TC j1:lInk0L1ee-fPlotoe, 1vas luea i In. P jute day> a/llsgos fs/oss. .,' Un, .. 2Y. Buk*and& t.lv et PotAi thurnr tashe gpesteoet UMs-J. a. Oea-nu. Mm .HenySastia-of Toronto, sud ber ,' d tsr, M isa K a n à v e y , #p W t ..B u u ta y 1 1t'itWBa , 1 1 - . -- 'ile Mr-. Msm, bathrof Mm .W, R.Oa-osby, li a-bo bas upentî eeine fial",inteu- altely,-- R e r, N i.R , W bh y . i , I 4 p as/ca- o f 9 ( lb. Metlaolmt 4bonrelaI, apta-ai es! W -.-1 u e d y fro m W ih / e v e e fk a ' s l e . ' n Osidaapaedas sl ailyre e in a-eu b.rpoaed /s -ath. the baib-recmluufseagnt a- bloom/zg 9ea-r-garen, tlb. mmd beceat. Dysuln azncdllr -b res-u/e!auJn PnlMcnazy cou.mpin lu ibe anas et mai' th* 8.1./ea-oaroi f BuibhaveidM t h e a s s e t e t h é b a t ! r e a i l h a t l c o fe h s h o o l - T.2 DAYS 3ai Ma We are daily receiving cases of New GQoods, and will undoubted ly- show on SEPTEMBER 29th and ý3Oth, THE LARGEST STOCK 0F DRY GOODS IN SOUJTH ONTAIRJO, "STAPLE AND FANCY." It anay b. .aid that the youpg man Whoo Canet sconn*ulate the v.nall anienut of property or obta/n tbe lb. soma necoegary for a vote, j. îhiftlnme or doesu't deserve à vote. Tbe average Young man entering aý pitesion er a. busineÉ s. donet wait tu wýuum latd property, ho devotes ove*' cent h. car, bouestly obLalau as volt as his Ume. b self lmprovement snd education s50 thst ln tbe future lb.érevardb cf hie. labor sud hie change tof ajacesa nay b. greater. This franchise systena dis- annijnstas against snob energy and puh, as tbe proment system cf amusas- mput of ruai estate dlscriminste8 sgainut inJprovementa by raiting tb. taxes correspoudingly as improveruent. are added 10 Lbe property. Muset1hbals Young Ment Who in th. future are liku y 10 b. tb. mon cf the country, stand by vithout a vois, in th. mattur vhilu futur. bardons &le being irposed aud monopols. ustab- lisbd, wbich b., in yars go corna iii Ihavele cp. viîhl? Mr. ditr, if lb... ronarks sould bu the meaus cf gutting you 10 advocate in your editorial colmue thiu extension oaf te franchise they viii net b. ini Vain; uer vil tbuy b. in vain if coming te Lb. attention of our local member tbuy 1usd bim Le tend bis influent,. ie furtherinug à reform, vhich lu ueed, and in a short lime, iu Ibis progresive agu meut coinu. With tbanks fore l. pao. k/id/y furuiubed mu. Youre,, YOUNG MAN. Whitby dept. 17 '84. Practicl Foregtry. To te Editar of the W/tUbi CitRoN. D aSin:E Town Oouncil. A rugelar meeting cf the Town Couecil vwas buld on Mouday uvening. Preset :-Mayor Bogart, Reevu Long, Messru. Foi, Si/iitb (Est), Cana, Robertsaon, Weley, Stewart and J3ovuey. COMMUNICATIONS. From Wm. Robson requetting Lb. Counoil te appoint hlm as s Coastable in a-dur that b. migbt arrsst pur. sons damaging bie proerty. Froni George Cullen, captain cf thu Fîru Company, uoliciting a grant cf 8200 towards paying for Lb. nuv suit cf clothe. lately percbaeed by tbe Coansysid Cornpauy 10 psy balance. (Roferrud 10 Pire sud Wster Committe. vii.b instructions 10 reportaIMlte nuit b FINANCEsAiND SE55KENT. 3 Mr-. Long breuglal up the budgetî te Finance sud Aýssegmmt ouCmmil tee. The vaine cf redan sd persons preperly lunlthe Town cf *Wbiîby s coa-ding tte t.reviseal &sseà smeut l cf tbm present yesr. as aU fol/oem Nor-th Waa-d $864.109; Centre Wari $884.955; South Wsrd $141.996; Nen remadents 87,120--total 8898,180. 2nd. That the exemptions amounl f 828, 100) tesving $870,080 ou viioh tevy Lb. taxes for the present year. Sirai.That the pa-epestyhbessumeé aI tea-atm cf 23t misleonlte deltar 4th. The Committe. had iad ai interview vith the officessof Lb IMeobsnice' Inatitute in rap(erence tu pet/lion prusentea tu the Ceaucil, aél iu2g for a sum cf mouey te pa-ovidt boek@ for ta.bo it-ary, sud fs-cm Lbe efforte being put fcrtb le mainta.n tit library in a satlafstory s&tansd s- teb/lub dravîng clamues, yens- commit- tee tbiuk ltai<e Istitaile airervom seme practical mas-k treoognit/on and volai Ilareore roomandat1he malter receive tbe favorableocousder- at/on cf lte Council. Be pont adopteai Mr-. Dcvuoy rosa a by-lav pirovidinjg for thseaassment cf te levu, hicl vas psmumd tlareugb ate meveasitagai snd adcpted. Ma-. Long introfumdaisby Iav Sp- poanting Wm. Wucks, Tax Collecter fcr I/au proasu yesr, ai aslas-y cf $125. By-Isv safopted. Couicil adjous-neti. Pickering Tp. OouniL The Pickering Couneil met Mondsy Sept. Suth pus-mant te a/jouanaent. Menihera m&U présent. Minutes cf luti meeting read and appa-eved. Comn- munication radiIfs-cm John Hyfielai, olsina/ng dantage. for injurie.s uatainei by bis vile ta-cm beiug blarovu frou buggy on Duvitt' h/ill. On metion cf Ma-. Perey, .emoded hy Mir. Mackey,tbe by-lsv sssessiag ltke ueveral acito c etienu vas rusaiLthe tbird ttme sud psased. Ma-. Perey iutredticed a hy-bsv to eatabliesb a ros asoslot 18 lu the Olla cou., snd fer elo./ng np a potlien, cf Eteai Aliovancea beveon ioti 18 sud 19 i9tb cou. The by.lsv vwu tv/ce 'tiai, sud theu nsesaauy publication ia-dored. Mn. Mackoy vaporl.d (rom tia, coin- nitteé on damagesa le sep by doue remmniag thai Robet Ornammen te pa/d 884A36. Repent adopbed.' Mn. Forrea-premsateal 1h. epor of Lb. standing Ocm/ttc.on acopianl and petldles, tsrmsaadg that 1h. """'ving acontme pad. /'.,Win. Edva-ds, rep. bridge bolveenlot104 2 sd 25,lit cou. $17; A. B, Wh/le, amber n sd gravel,7.59; O/tas. Disney, vora on Rynuadcasc' bils, on con. '7. 851.175, sud gray 0in elveen 4 and 5, M bceai., $25;','Bi i l Disney. grsv*aing belvsa'-, tai4 5., Lt con., $25;-,at.Nmbltmba'c r/dg, belveen 186sud 17, lad ceai M2.91 ; P. B,' ayn.*,.ear for talgiat'. bridge, #25 5,sant for lunaber ut peste for *alIà ag<it-Qusmnwod 115.76; Win. IqufreuamP. grant elveen 16 Mud #,4co. 51.75; in. Hague., bîidigbn/dg. onS Westerai icu-aiiné, Baa-ba-o'ps$g a ik. ament, $80. Comm/Iteue éoem ilcaded tt'iMr. launing'sseea'ùt b i er f on nIlasa- cou.idrafen,. Retport adoptet. Ou uattaucfM- thee lb. Boo manIsai bis caesn à the Ta-ue. ln ver cf lthe sevea-s paa-blesrecommend. din Ibe reports of the Btwaing Coin.1 'Mr.- Poecy, asaoode.tby Mr. Mitchell, ý oveai it lthé poeers nfonret on ho Rueve aI fq/-oem'neetings ef ibis itanci the liaspyaent cf aistceu-t seôte, lie, b. eedesd 11/liahenext osln f lasth ae l.iaa- are- t Mn.ony secnde bWMr-.Ferms GIVE THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM A CALL WHEN 'IN WHITBY. ThouBands Say 180. Ms-. Ti W. Auns, Girail Ian., Wlfte&i Ia nover hesilate te tcommend yen. l3s06- trio Bîttens le ifmy catoinast, fà ýr gave on- tire stiufsctcn sud ae à » sler. -Ei.etrl r e lb. sI suUÇ»o ad bout aiaedicine rc$ aB'-lj>omdlvolycurb dld Uynatver complainte. Prt h blocda iXreguhate th. evweo+s ictm// csa alolootebs vlthcattihsm. Theyvitl one undreda cf doflst in docetors bUs v- Pstt vwore $8M~,00orath ef dlsmornu in "Travista" vhuu she sppesred iu London a aboft line 5/nos. SmrePop. Polsonm Nauvu.ams, the great pa/n eus-e lu sure pop every ime. Nole se 10 psa a-/erg«. sum t> gel prompt rel/of heom evory )CE0î41 p/, Pfor î-, couls viii purebase s trial boIte.Go le any flrug etoeofor Il. Lage boîbles on/y 25 cento, absil drugglslê. Nervi/n e e-pnking* cutea caamps, headache noua-ai-s. An cing iodla, filles! v/du batile1 mtursled vlth Nssvilins, vil CasaaCbhig wtlhin dv. minutes. Tny Nerviline for m11 kinde ef pain. Ton sud 25 cefile a SItIs. A Long Brsnoh correspcrMent stales ihat fs-oitie. h ave bsaîouae op mshlonsbim fibat lb. manloures bave -tonit iIl expédient 10 adal freekle-ps/ni/aag 10 theil liel otfares. Thure amemsny Coegh M/itures. bail en/y eue A//en'. Lug Ba/mn; tty it. Seo Ady. 'Hard l mas ü attes-ed Ibmebiaà p hen ho tries! 10 cul a eothobs-ropeansund ta!f made. cf vire. Do «Yen FEEL PLÂTE» OUT?-If se, ta-y s hottle otGoladen Fa-ual Bitter.. Il lusa simple oie, tleasan t tae, d Win ail drnggisls. A Note of wanrng to Sulering Hwamnty. W. bel Ihal We von/s! b. vaull la lia iluty v. ows o le baea-if wvodunet seand anote et var ginr. rgaid te Os . ns. of Meftasy sud oilaer acsonoaa ruineraIs lu 1h. ireatvmt of bld mas si aisesse.. MItheaoreader coux »0 s eo b horrible suftetlugs, tt.e avcal atcks ed hau besltb h bpaaandh doya by out oesrespendeuce v/lbteos vbc haveromu Inos!d a-all t/meemineraipeioilashe a-cal ahadfe-v/lb bor-en. Aà nno, MNonsy, LAutrony. ana l ld/il cdPotaasua, a"o s e01téemodies chost ca-dinar//y U.ed for t/tm diiesses, said ibe a t il POIROZ. Dor atae. £Aoapoiecss. Tbey uIgt ap pour diseae tes-as a- days, C îfmreturn, aia-lt/ft Isyoai /Ili bav r.scar/ai R/teurnstsa. a-b a bring yye yofetorture. Shaker- 1ioa Syaw-il lairigesie yeun d bu/id 1:s- ofciynarS-UDi.» Os u icseynseunal BHAREBLOBOD SYRtJP aires coinplaetly S«ot*Ua1Sypbîi-ibleu;, matin=eaiCsces-Catarrh. -ans! Skiaasua i lloed disea"saof eury description Scît i- srelr, $LOOa bottle, or nx fer 85.00 oIt! by W. la. Revue, WUaby. bau Exvaacmoa la si a -ntaunss pet-lIsp. satasMRisoh/eeu . b a-istp tshuakuo efeu-' uleun s agoot artIcle ast mres-ai ndutatll abai fbett u#Ãeuo nete betug #ea/ bs-u rdes, eapleç TAILORING DEPARTMENT NEW CANADIAN TWEEDS, NEW SCOTCHE TWEEDS, NEW TROIJSEIRINGS. Have now in stock a very attractive and stylish Cloths, Tweeds and Suitings. R. & J. Campbell, Fora inMalUthsanjc snd oumclejttonuo,use Baxters adrake Bitter.. Bvery bot/o for s l as s u se rgeons in th Paif. !n1 LI L Im n =Ve.lRIeis k. , p URUANT TO AN ORDER f thla H/gu Court ef Jnetlce, Chsuoe-y Di. Vision adenthe ub.malien et lb. estate l'h ROIÃŽiÃŽiT STE WART do4uaed, sud in a caus cf ilUy ugaiust, Mat/etua,ebcrédit- cru of Robe-I Stevaft haie of Mss-a, an lb. conty cf Ontauto, a-bc died lu or about the menlb of Pebraaty, 1879, es-e, ou or beos- tbe lîtb day cf1 Otohos, 1884, to enesby po t<ppi> )to P. J. KTNG, oet he tua-n cP (dilla,tlb. 0411 ato- cf the plaintiffs, thé' Executonu c i e Decoasuai, t/te/r Ci/stisu '.d ut! rnaMeet, addruea a our/pt/olu, ment eft/thom secouaitu, asuthelb.nature laI I/me uoCuttle. if auj] huIt! by Ibsa., os-lu defauli I=ireo by V/ilü e pe»mptoriiy axcledut frosa thoebeà u rof Sle sa!cadat. reclac b. aume belotmo,aI My banx-, be-s ai lb. tuan etWhltby,ilu lb.County of Onariuo, eunSto lmhday cf October 1884, iL i/levaonbooithebm orenoon, heigthe 4ia. uppoine!for sadjudication on lteé Date! Ibis lmhday cf Soplonaber, 1804. G.Y. SMITH, Sollotr, Wh ltby, AetfrP. J. King. 2.40 Get/I cymies b. holdoain Md ifore F08 DONE YEL U8E- Y UMR9E~ WIITBY CHRONICLE.- &u1cfcaor' absrabears aho vîipy heir 1 eubscrfPtiom aucosautu to ii ppe tr na o date,]a.r ue ean W' a advauoe. a-t»be ne- %Vaec nei-hqjc ean'e Subuc-Ipticu eo THU TORONTO WEEICLr THE NTN EK yNW ia ltmrtedpapuas.jn.- pluuud la alstbe teus-un e t emeprisung Jeunnaliuaa t. cln cn picuon aorgIe osta-ase Canada a aopletee e-apv --t c I t l b e i u r e u e u i c , a 1 0 e v c a y o f b e s t h e it e t a / t . T h e h r n e n a-la ix thé -b licturu., île youuag ola sthe sMirele.Md! e *Dcuy ukétcheu, s-be iaoae-mtîaae a-lbe dlgis sti useltniana neyamaler, tahoh ai aeu7issel a-t IuoOa thei - spitouiîv.isii catertaoîn.1.e, B/eau ASe the oaq Wanero -,1U2eg lugiate ai O. P. -ThteI Bail. aIt ltae Moi in Tu-e. New 1 partý Umu~ At t/a -e A «ccd malt/a, J14 Io Collecta receipte foi ca-itas-y h LOCAL' WIIAT 18-M BUDSErT Tu MIN LJ 1 ,-y 188zi- 1 GLASGOW WAIREHOUSE. BE SURE AND GIVE THE' DRY GOODS EMPORIUM A CALL WHE-N -'IN WHITBY.