21 YI E ~5Ei.5i5U s ~sg* FRII)AY ïOR0' 4 Fre le MoeOuom R 14BrIdN,,c Streetthe Mb Théo IOICcLIha. a&largqcirculationi thon any otiierPiperlu th*OeUCnty 0i On tario. J. 8. Robertson ï<2Bro&t, TERIL13 0F A.DVEIBIG. Piret insertion, per line, 10 cont.; oeuh subsquent Insertion, 5 cents. Diaplayel Advertiaemente are measurevd byà og e oiJA Noupareil, and chargea accordinqly. Advortitomonta mnt vithout written in- structions lnserted until torbid4en, and oharged for full Urne. Orders for discontinulng sadertisements muai b. lu vriting, othorwiae the publiahers vill not bc re.ponaible. A libéral discount for contraot advertise. monts by the *or. Copy for changez of contract advýerenents uhonld b. banded in not later than Wednesday' and notice ni any intended changez should he given hW f ore Tuaaday neon. Qiher adverttsemente rreived tip tu Tbnreday noa. Bouies notlces-ln local or nova columns rt insertion 14 cents per lino of Non pa- reil'; 10 conta par lin.o ach subsequent in- sertion. Five cents per line par annota. Correspondenco solicited i rom ael parts ni tbe Conuty or noigiborina town@hips Cor- respondenis ame requested to Bond 1n their *onmnnictonz a. promptly sasposible. JO)B PINTINO DEPAITUENT. This Departumnt Leveli u ~lied vilh tb, cqeveet andUlab4bmw* y'é' f¶ pe0 suitablo for every clsa of 3eblWE',k. Vine, Prlnting a specialty. The OmoxcLa equipmett in WBii respect in strictly iri- rmas, and il net excslled by any o091o0 in Eaatern Ontarie. JOUN B. FAREWELL, LL.B., B ARRISTER, County Crovfu Attorney, and Connty Solicitor. Office- South wîng, court Rvios, Whitliy 48 M ESSRS RITCHIE & BILLINOSq BARRISTERS & ATTOR14EYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY &c W* 1 t 1.> 7M C-. H. RITCHIE, W. H. 81LL111G8, Toronto. Whitby. JAMRES RUTLEUGE, I ARRISTER, Ac. Office formerly no. cuped by Farevoîl & Rntledge, nexi to Royal Hotel, Brock Si., Wbî'iby. DAVID ORNISTON, B.A,.. ATTOIINEY.AT.LAW, SOLICITOR IN ,SChaneery, Conveyancor, &o. Orrtc-In 1he Office south nf tihe Pont Office, In MoMiln'a Block, Brock'Street, Whitby. ly.iO ROBINBON d& KENT, (Ltra DuGoà ,s & RoaruboN.) DABRISBRS.ÂT-LAW, A T TORN - 13eys, solicitors, Conveyancera, &c. OFPIOE.-In Victoria Chainhaca, No. g, Victoria Street. J.G. Ronrgna, m. à . HUmEnT A.. E. KENT. '55) TERMS: I n 01 savxaI _ _ __ _ _ _ _ Chroniele Chronicle Chironicle Chrmniclo Chroniclo Chironiclei Chroniclei Chronicie 1Chronioe Chroniole Chroniolo Chronicle Clwonicle Chroniele Chronicle Chronicle Chrouicle Chronicle Chronicle G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., B>&RIFi, bc., &.-Mouey eto"ao Lilnjer et KanhageLicensem. Oprso-Over Dominion Bank, Whitby. Tan. 22. 1878. -(if-6 J. RAMER GREENWOOD9 A TTORNET AND SOLICrTOR, CON lAvoyancer. Notary Public, &.-Pont Ã"Ofce river Ne. 11, Whiliy, Ont.. Fsrnas hou ghi and eld Marxb,.ge Settie- ments, WillC anti Trusts made Specilttos. Loans negoiiated on &iU Mode nif1'roperty. 42-ly JOHN BALL DOW, B LRRISTER-ATl-LAW. SOLICITOR in Chancery, Convoyancor, &c. OMeeo-Deveriil Block, Brook Street, Whuiby. MONET TO LEND-Private Fonda - tI smunp te SM0, ai a les- rate n1 lu- tercet. - (y-81 LYMAN UMGLIlh1, L L. 13,, DAlR(STER AT LA,W, SOLICITOR IN J.> hancery;Corivayancer, &o., &c.tSizn- nos Street, Oasva&. won. aeRRIEN j. D., M.R.C.S., (U!'. HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG., G >the oye RL 0. H. L, Oshava, Ontario. c ABD.- DR. DOGAIT, Jpbysloisn. Suroon, &ocuher, ho. * &a. ýWitby, Sept. 80tb, 1874. do DRL . W 7 12 lBER TAON, LATE Acing &sitant Toronto Asylum Lfor Insane. OFF iCU-That lailyoccupied hy Mr. C. Nogrse. Inerranco Agent. BROOK BTR«T, -W;IITBY. W. AIDAM8, 00Mobi OVER JOHN FERGUSON'S Rl xltnnEtabishmrent, Dndaa.t, and front 1.80 te 6, p. m. Beaidinoe-Cor. et Byrou, and G ibort streta Sait"blofor vrin* prirpom Ai nUider carpti, etc.,.28cent par hrindred. Apply le tif THIS OFFICE. 100 Columns %bd 100 Bn#raâengo 4Srd YIAE.$1.50 A YIAB. Sendl tire. 2c. atampa fer Simple Ceo" (Egla or Germmn.4of 1h. omacuv A" BIA Aomrxà x iu»,< nALtLh#bvenid. 0RÀNGE 4JUDO 0e, DAVID W. JUDD;, PIES, 751 Breadviy, New Yerk. ftft wIuI, 4.11. a"Bond10cente for ;ai tk eisanq, goodota mes, escyu h eW h bm"" i uabg scre rn la i Yeu cMnà e* su I ithe "or lu yn i. ny Tic wort 14 unlvenslly adaplodt bqth ses, tir sud old T u sOety mari o t os tu~et th*uio1se Va t iis iuigng un - t e l ho as net s-eh l Iff e olS tersotfe.Prua ùseai; s g ins ach c a oel...riee4s-o-d,- rea-.tbeght, nd~ unlrng 4dutr, se mivcale Ptace, Prcgxegs, Kncs-ledge, Brctienîood. ---------- n. A TE NTS TiYOTA-RIO, FRJDAY,-7 SEPTEMBIER BEWESTERN fBANK'0 -T CAADA WHI2'BY, - OTRO THIOMAS DOW, ifager.' Whlb Nov. 7li, 1882. OliTARIO RêNx, WHITBY BRA1ZCH, Brock Street, - - Whith7V. je . I.ADDISON, FINAINOIAL AGENT. P 0.Box U. MONEY TD LOAN! $100.ô00 Fuit INYFuSTMENT. ON REA&L ESTÂTE SECUBITY. m Ai smai ivng rates otlntanesb. Mcuey secur-cil ithin 10 Says cf mp. piatioa.. AWplyte JOHN FAUQURAIlSON. Wbbtby, Foirnur>' 1h, 1800. 9- CANADIANS man eeuryate$s lth. n et40n patfirt in the State, 1thugsecuring à 17 yesrep*trcit; Qttewisee vi be lllmted Cvoyears. Tota& cai t fUnited Statom Patent W6, only 8#20 on making application, tie balance only Whon Patent tea aiood. Total cnet ni Canadien à yearxpatent, 884; for $15 years, $74. On reeeipt ni modol or drawing. with description ni invention, vo Addrents, C. A. 5710W & CO., Ozposite tu. S. solicitors oi Patents, Patent OfIRce. Washington, D.'C Please mention where yen miv ibis advor- tisemrert. -61 PIAN%É4e",TIND. Cz.T. GUIPRICIIT, Tuner, le nov a permanent resident et WhibY. Patleavlahing ihoir Pianos properly iuned vIU,4dls.eleave their ordoet I inrosi- deneeýÈnIyron St.nrib Orderrb mail addroasod te himeV at Wbtby; orMosntr. Magon à giacb. Toronte, wvlll roeee pbomaptattention. yh C. NOUJRSE, îMoney Insurance and General Agent, Repreao*tigg the follovtng companise: Phoenix Fire Insurance Corupan>', etLondon. Englamd. North British and Mercantile I nsurance Co., ef Edinbîirgh îand Londbon. British American Assurance Comupany,. o! Toronto. London Guarantee d Accident Comupany, of Engixînd. APPRMSEx FOi E Canada PernanentLoan & Savinga Co MONEY TO LOAN, On Impreved Firme at las- raie ci Interost Atî%o Secetîry-Treasurrof tle Ceuni> Agicutoral Society' of Senth Ontarl. OFFICE : AI Post Office, Brock Street A. A. PO05ST, (lite ývth Langley, Langley & Burke, Toronto.) ARCHITECT. DeSîgna for Churchea, ViU&u and Cottages a6 s peciLzY. Dravinge prepared for re. M eeilng exiatng structures. On0rics frthe presnntat i"sreaidonce P. 0. Box 202 Warxuv W. O. JOHUTISTON, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR. Cari b. fourid ai the Law Oz ffiee J. G. KellyEm.. Whitby, or at lhe residence of Mr. Boa Jiriaton, Perry Street. Dominion Wood Work8, WH ITBY. Geo. Cormack, L UMBER MERCH.&NT & BUILDER. De1rs, Saab amd Blinda. LUMBER violesale sud reiail, orby by the car load. Planing. Mouldingaet every descrip- tion, Plooring, Sheetiug, Shelving-Re-ý sawlng, Sbaping, Turning. Scxoll-r&, etc , etc. Whltby, Oct. lti, 1878. 4 KG BROTERSI WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importera, Doalersansd Manulacurersoni aU Kinde ni LEATHER AND FINDING&Sý Cash paid Jer Rides, i ark and Leaiher. Leitier atretohed. 99U BRUTIIIG MAD TO OIDER ON' SHORT NOTICE. M R. J. H. RATES, Newspae 4dvertisLrng Âgeugg 41 Par"k Eow (Timses BDUding>0 Nsw York, le authoriscd te cone: tfer aulvorubea menf tehi« CHRONICLE et Our bestraies. fliRIS PAPER nia>'be tufion nieat .I.Geo. P. RoyaU & Cesa Nevspaper Ad. v«sigBureau (10 Sprrice St.), iiene id. vertissg.centnacts ina> b.ae for lb ' LUMBER ILUMBER I LUMBBMERCEÂANT$, W H 1I T BD'y Iboonud iié *aLuperpply 61a&U kida of 'OSTEI?78 Kil) GLOVE CLEA-NER -FOR SALE BY - ýw. R.HOWSE, CHflMI8TAND -DR1JGGIST, WHITBY, ONTARIO.I ew/ai Clubbihg O/fer Whitby CH/lON/CL E in the Pocket of Every Newspaper and Reader. %OMBINATION RATE&. ($1) and Weekiy Globe ($1) 1) axnd Weokly Mail ($1) 1) and Weekiy Âdvertisem ($1) (1) mnd W'ekly Wituess ($1) (1) and Wcvkly Stan ($1j 1 mnd Rural Canadiîtm ($1) 1 and Leisure Heur ($1.50) Y and Suila>'aI I-ome ($1.50) ( 1 and Boys' Os-n Paper ($1,5) 1) &nmd Girls' Osn Paper ($1.60) (1) and ÀAricim enkicuturalist ($1.50) (1) sud The Heuschold ($1.10) Il1 and Grip ($2) (1) and Scieutifie Ainerican ($8.20) 1) axiS Amexican Fariner ($1) 1) andScSott"ib American journal ($2.60) 1) 1and au> tire Dollar Weelies or Menthlies-threo pes-jodieals (1) anuS an>' three Dollar perioldas-four peniedcai (1) amd ts-e Monthlies published uat $1.50-8 periodicala $2 00 2 00 2 06i 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 50 2 50 2 50 2580 Magazine1 oui raics ros u ns-to. 1 65- 1 65 1 65 1 5 2 0 2 00 2 00 200 20 1 10 2 60 8 70 1857 8 00 2 00 2 50 8 00 8 25 75 sArui, $85 85 25 5 5 50 -50 50 40 50 40 50 65 50 50 60 1 00 VALUABLE PREMIUM consistingoflarge lithograph life-like potrait-Size 22x2-of Lord Lanitdowine. (Canadas nos- Governor Gencral,) Hon. Oliver Meuat, Rt. Hion.BSr John A. maeodmaJuio Bey. Dr. Wild, wifl be presented free b o very subacriber tc, the Cneamcr.x, whether thlo papo-je en alone or clubbed with amy other periodioil..- (When portraits are sent by Mail 10 cents extra mert hosent ded to, cover cost of postage and protectors.)mutead It is yours to take advantage of these liberal terms beore it is too late. je se Chroniclo Buflding, ROB ERTSON Deveel's Bleck, .HITBY .WMaTBYe Union Block, TORONTO.e R. H.JMSONO PURE LIQUORS. tbro. the, 1 Native Wiue, 'Il Finost Port Walker's [eoming1 Rye] Whiskey. Dek Gin., St. Emilion Claret, St. Estephe d B. & Q. Medoc flennessy Brandy, Martel i Boucher si hani 81, - Finest SherryWne- Q- Lime Jnîoe, Aiso Lime Juioe Coraial Ale *and Porter ou draft, alec bottled. - -. -YyBey aud I Ipfety,Idp pety-kee 1 *Merry as mn>' ho, Blinking sud amiling ai me I While yolxvoem, ensleeping lI auent secoril>', I have been keeplng Waici,bonnie birdni love,mosted in puni>' I have been sittnq Cnntentedly kniltng, Qubetly reading, or silentlyseowing, lu siadciWle oulaide tie bright sun.ha, been. gicving. Corne from ynnr nosi, dear ? Loave IL tliinigil- Corne te ru>'brout, dean!1 In lovimg Cdeligit I Don't Be iura Hurry, onbein i & Ur' te on er euornoc; Noiiin s bb eiug r.esnably slow. pent. If a, levms ~o ontebecc ino bis vie, Happinese or miser>' ra>' be yenra fox lite; Don'l bu lu a iurry your feeling tenesas But tbiik lie malter over hetore yen ans ver yea. Sinuid oee Àk forgiveoeafur a grave offence, 1 HIesi test betraying earnel penitenco, Pt> and console bim &adS iLs foesale>', Addon'tin ua hum>'te drive lie cbild awiy. Horry bringe us s-orry ; vorry veare us oui. Eiay.goipgpope know wst they'ro about. Hoodlisahase vibring us surely tote i ili And trouble ever-ho4 n ail ve bour>'te ho rich. Don't b. l ur>'lti tres- ourselt ava>'; B>' lie side of visdorn for anw vil ay> Mae your lute Worth living; nobly mcl >'our part; And dent be bu a hur>' te ,poi it aI the Don't b. in a hnrryte apeak an angry word; Don't be in a hurmyto Spread ithe taie yen've heard. Don't b. tia hurry viti mvil ones te ge; And dont hU in a hmrry to ansver yes or ne. OARVNG HMS FORTUN. B! P. LDiWOOD SMITH. Nina Valontine, iiny, brunette,.and beantifal, peeped Ibrongh lie oloaed blinde of ber room -window. overioek. iog the front garden cf a larme fasin- abie bouae.. Ther. had fioated up to lier lb. notes of a clear, barîlono voice, eveel a.nd powerfai, oheexfnlly sloging- 'Pradl o yer esn canne." Siaging il, toc, aith a cxiop aceént upon the vords, that gave eoc one ila fuit meaning. Nin' great blasak eyes clanced mer- rily, a. ah» looked and Iistened. For vhile the sean rang ont upon the' hot auriuxer air, thie vas wbat she A hiammenck, s-rng bots-cen iwo Bilant @lmx Irees, and lying ini that, hie s-eâ raseed by the ap.e o the' sufily undnlatig conci, a mari- ot perliaps $venty-five or six w-ih a ".1, strcng figure, fnll.ohet.ed, broad. shonldoed, and a head oovered witi cloe ecluering crns of nul ires-n, a face exainently bandeeme, vihib ni brovu board, and large oyes ef deepeat lhi.drosa va. of &ail»ln, white a. drified snow, excepiing a deep bIne necktIe, carelesly krietted under the coller. BlippermO feet vere lazily croesed, and crie sapoly banud hld a cigar, vbose brilliaul &parka ver. <ast tvinkling ou nt grey deati. "Chasser Weldon," tbonght Nin&; "dcemn'theo ok 111wa pereonstion of luxunieus a. "&Paddle your os-n canoe, indeed 1 If ever e man hail hie o-anoo pdled for1 bim ail bis.Ilfe, Chester Wrin, is tii "'Father and grandifaiher paddled bush>' ooiinug, the gelfi that ailess this yVonngÂà donhto lie in a bamnpk and1 2& 1~4. MCl Ai hit wasAnunt, and Mrs. Harding T H 1 T _11>'Y vas9 lie faix>' ged-mother s-ho s-amieS te gir. Miss Valentino a holiday - The day s-as Young yet, and FluaG1 R 4R..D s-as walohing for th .apoli G _E. G B À D Par ff o theroad aie sas- a mal, stroug figure coming &long ai a raptS - ""d"" ~ ' gae reci, ruani>', anS granetul. bar-oeal As Food Fer Live A suit of greay tweed, P BInas- bat,Sti. anS a light Cano, vexe ail coruron- aigus oengi singet lie pleasure- Charceal bag ro-Couti>' been-4Tmomi seekers, but Nina walched breathlessîy, ruended ns au additionmlato teeS et"o liill under tic bat aie neuldses- à Ltanirna1,as il inornassest erpus-en o! bronzeS, haudoome face and] Carlin~g a'ccnrnlaiing ftit, and proùîetes lihe beard. - rpdmm1oIli'podoin o lsh. Thon d"wu 1h. stairs ike a.flash, imb Thiss-as xecenb' rve.iyaIl hie 'tie garden, and'heili lier exteuded lire veigits o! Ivo lois of 's,t.p hgode vexe gmasped in iwo sIrnonce ùpysprtn hr.b.u ei" a e bclear voice crieS g 00 et ;ipltheparting hem b>' a-con odle"ety j'They tliS re yen vexe 4r n et; Iboarlficy-ia ooicenonS eake, caine straight on. inetead of Ou 50I ilgereui'vegidou .ec -"Iasnseglad" sng oVallke -dà g - nle'- 6- am gOreo l5Z Cher, ing-te s-a>',buleher, lie nrs-i--og-wm "Ns, .e sid, slhoy stood lu lie favor -et charcoal b>'- 17à ,2 per; cent. oecard, t'let me look il yen. Sanitatlori cause *UY 8t A ioi "Little darling 1 Von have wmited for digeton nSauiila-oU1Y-eu me." geson; and ie nesils, -s-ii r "Tyee, an d e f ail places ibis la lt1e c i onbfo sre ac o pli -wir. 1 C# char- bout le Meet lu. oeil aboula ho given ÙixedS viii fà od, "But I doreS net hope yen venuS excopî in ur-geul enso,whnibK e cornesago o." mixeS- in vater ex bhinz7,*eiRwilî "I1 Coula fnot but fora anddlen r' ingiron asi a drenci. The dose 1î3 -oe tie value et seme landS I bougie for a pint for ever>' tventy-zfive lbend .ct mere sang,lIarnont a riob min yei. ahoep, oee-quarter. - pihut fortni NLua, but I eau offen Yen a pleasant gros-z; atle.-bors.s - iejufbt borne, anS mli comtorl, iftyen wîll brave quantil>' tor eng:cala, aS Fog Hill." teaspoon±'uie for Young ~esida*.y "lAtyviere viii yen," aie viiseo. s-ioneufseriug d)ou '5e ine1ltl > ad. IIsould. have ahaneS ml lie condition.TkepL ôlilfd hardebipa, enIy-yen-didueî.....aek....fenlit>' againsit diseap,'t&.l me. I s-ouiS net be a hurden ta yen, shonid ho giron tva or'tbreeiims pie Cieater'-buî Lt I can-ligiten oeecanets-eek,mcednle-i- la"ofd I viii gladby bravo Fog Hill."' lb.>'are hriOf. teull'the Se, s-heu a tes- veeke et veil-eanod amrnspier.. Tie beat'-lan is tOde'ssSa summex xeab s-en.erer, lie Ivo vexe qmniîy e! bran, p.UmeS (um1.cib- quLil>' married and s-eut le Fod TT'lJuge)' mix lise Chmncp Vomohg-ýl , .an But au fi-me passod n, tinan fox-Inn. lieu' nîoug lteebcd ycr uyp ate invealmeuts et lbe Soclor's becarne For rapid anS healthYI>'- ebiing- tuf more numerons and more prospereus, caille, il amuISd be -used S SlYiýrnC4g anS hie place iLse cot>'mnie.promi-t-hem teeSd. Carcoéal fer iiteniin'âd eut. 1111l o-day Fi ais lie vite -of iaredicinal purpoee: muât b. eun&'ve-ge. man cf importance anSds-eulh, a leader table chrob nefa i iLating, Ln maltera of publie interesl, respecteS. anS, injurions foreiri malter. The- b>' l. - charceal s-he!2 ceming Iu iné et'a oers Aunds-heu be haîhe ef bis es-n ex- possossion muet be'kept- porfectlpi d&7, perienoos, Dr. Chester WeiSonsamys an,& free, tram mn>'iUmmelling ýoùt- gnîtetol>'-- rondinge. snob as lbe vaporsoela "*Wheu I se.the droues in the verlS's stable, on artifloal manurs, elC.,'2Or1it bive, Fin., tiose s-ho ruerel>' opend a - s-ub absen i hem,:sud lins laieO linge lecome lu self-indulgence, I limnh sepîlo muSd etno mefical --vlue- I- i Hleaven for the los liaIrouseS lM>'botter- kept luna closeSabin onniser viii manhood anS energy, anS bleuse sa>dey gt oexPput'Cience x - ç tiat I learued le vin'honer fer myseit,. " and S arse utru> esn tortln." WhtTwe4ty Extraêp Stage-Frlght and Dimfdence, --Tsenty eXtnasIp. ae..~s - limes a day amount te à htP4von EFfjoî Youti's Cempaninnj tiousaud six hbnîdred 87 ur1I1bxg 8lage-tnlgIt iei au ailment b>' no reïr, and ià 'n t-eml"zi jý mr ýmoinscenfined le novices iLu-public'bs-omilos (2100)-ap tI spea~iug. -tics. shaps e v er.tbun 4euul>' r4y2 Charles Dickens, aftor mniyt>' >'a-lie s-ry bousewife, Wbab uienor,- cf bot readîng and acting betere rýlmnmei ste. 0lrn;..5-llto sud: crniliaudioucei, bolSA: trionS thing as"bLseama, wbol»W bo thaï; iâd timoq just beore. geing oau the eiiigle jOâueYý W1ý"V' ei- bz tr plalfonni, hg boab- bis -veice alîngetier, o od- elh fren Qotariinîmplicabia terrer e od.hahbigor s IM-ppjRWê s-icbeveuitebiniseifser ti o it. I t -s'aà i->'ei ta rk uloUL ,The -onde litenal>' "slnck lubutlwstt afeihr1 tck bi irol. - - i aa ileack! t9 :ey Sheridan, lib h-e b.ver>'heigbt tai01 retier hXo st vea. hiW pos-er asÃŽmCrnter, i is otieil, Wsa r iera rn tiis W, nosrfeeroitiem udden aestofet bu a abjllh -a nervene sar;Wvioi athe mare te- emn'fietb4$m markhlsa seta vee cneuil' ing sinks. SlipO5s'i prepeed, and liore vwas lith p- l 'inSse av el pr~bb imuacs fle lu ie eiler>. - imes a day, by a-111ei~~~ Whe Maanx <Jbaie santhe mrraugeniont cf the tibla, final omanoie L inte s-os-d. te. iasand washlng emba. - Brppos ,' seiréa itt uider trambling san i, baîle-,âqe 'h4t audience, anSds-as borced teo-retire .fortelS bbeIôe6h> i Momut to rocovor lieyo ,it x vs .bê akl h.al~ g causeSb> le sigil- et na familir fae ad round at evéry msLxé- hunob er lu ber oblihood.- tiéaifl>,bedlW l &Il vais not se. Inglaeo" e. t orpbà mrdeî à Wiehr< _.-4éÉ "«Il vas zit ieleMubtonia in de galier>' openigor~lS. i~< rat make me ateoIlaiculS again." rtl-nekxi Almsievars- TNQRn oinin hfi.4n t dilet eu ~ç WILL BE F01171» I TA LIA N;> WARà EHO0U S-EË M. O'ONQVAN', Carriage Works, .Whitby, ont., Uiars luleWulc ag tck cf FINE OAB - IGE8, oo.aleluà gof Ojus eu coerdPhascie ggeBin. D sos hltapet Piur Box Bd. md Eleptie ipiigo, Epr,,ksad 0.VLki ugghss ¶iio.bos-e otool î5 mal*fnftred hm - idwbï yul ~d tilos-prie.., Soi 7~IL~WANy a! 15 raîv OOWMPTZON HAI I ~ fsilad toaffa~ S . oi og s h o t s a s , b e t e ck N in 'o baud iu bis os-n for a moment, to dras- ier gomlly to a benoh rindex a gnarled old apple trae. "Miss Nixia," be said, abrupil>', "did yen ever fane>' whai vomiS lie be sen-, sation et falling ont of a bîlloon 2" - "Nover 1" s-as lie wonderlng repl>'. '«A sent of knooked-al.iua-îeoap ex.- perience, ilseerne te tue. IIbave just corne des-n. Tiere, dom't opon pour eyes amy vider; you muet know tint I bave beoit euffioientlyý idiotie te beave rny affairei enlirol>' in the ceunol of lte liwyor vie s-as my guardîin befere I came ef mgo, signing viatever ho gave me vitieut question. "4My profesion-I etudiod medicine, bnt nover practiced or oniied myself a <Jctor- s-as simply a finish te educa- 1#1 haied ,business, aud Mn. -Geëel knew iid.i4 n.maged'.mine.' Do yon uderstand e IlWell, ibis aocommodatig muSdeil- mablo gentleman, after indulging lu s-il speoulationes-wiih hie os-n rney, and mine, t111 io lest bath, committeed suicide yesterdoy, leufvtng me a paupex t' '-Oh, Mn. Weldon 1 Chester 1 " saiS Nina, bon eyes ful eftsteis. 'II arn se ,,&Are yen?2 Thai ia gond ef yen1 bc- ane'-I rnay bo a cos-ard te speak of il nos--bol I love you, Nina. "Don2't speak yei. I am ual poli. Inoon enong lo a vautole vaken tee muci sympalby, but 1 did hope te vin yen ta sharo my vealti, te aocopl evexy happiness My love could gir. nMy vite. As il la-" '*Ais il ie," said Nina, "lyen viiloIe me gir. pou any ebeer and hoe my love can offer. IIues- I amn hold"-and quiok binobes colonsd the beanliful face, ail finshing viii generous feling-"bui I vihI mot have yen thînk yann mouey s-omiS have s-ebghed eue feathen's veigit viii me,' "4My his llove,"hi. sid, fondl>' "ibut viii cari se do in& ? III vii t oitye." And tien otoar sud sweoî rang oui lie chorus of tie eoog Chestern md anng, ss-lnging lazil> u inte hamrnook, "PaSSie My es-n canoe. Will yen s-ail for mo 1111 I briog il safel>' ashore 2 "he asked. And Nina va. surpriseS aI lie sud- den ring et cIteer i0 ils voice, the sprninLto gnaceful enengy in hie fig. Uro. Ho bhai been le ber a personified spirite!f eaey-going, las>' lite. Snddenby bo becarne a min, fusl ef puxpese and enexgy. III vii s-ait,ah. aaid,simply, but al te leve-lighî of hon hoarinLu er greal <Jerk eyes, "anS my os-a lithoe barque shaR net fdoit idlyo ibe sireain Lin Lb. The>' tued iong'and earneetly, and theon tbe gay>'tnsemornei tie ab-t. seuce cf Chester Weldcu, s-ondeng1 much that be joursyail ohlys-mrd s-bilei enmoser atillheld reigri even lie brick s-als anS pavoil sîneels.- But Nina, s-ho alone hues- bis secret, kept à t faitifally, ever obeenfol and bus>', lbe active liWe sunheaux ae b ad beau, fnomnchildieod. Il vas a 1111e bard s-heu- esh. eubet ba.ktothe lb. udgary otWtvérneà a,40.i find neChisler ta velcome ber homei igaîn, ol> a long, tender leIter, tlling1 ber hoe baS goee nsa>'.1 "One cf ni' uoclieUge friende itei cil>' ocor iri a famensl>' exok ciIy,'" ho vrcte, «anS b. venti a.good,.bard. s-onling p iartio, on.es-ho, yul'givo lime, akill patience nuS loiton ac antall compensaition, oftearifer cne ait "He bopod ltai I mugit kucv etf some young physiclan tle vom te ex.' pe cne enud bc vainible. sc" AbaL censiderabl>' astoniai buis =nu< b'proeenting, myself t e eau- dlaobrit Iux in ig. III find uolbing- bore to do. and lhe srlmm I> luth.n ýbi Ankisa nl g1 n e.. ci, a rlin g , 'ilà , «e0 é n i> ' co n e fo ieplace, blng e rigbt. itor bôlh Of i.!- -- - - - âa"A.. J'VOLe 26,. 1884. 1 ff NTo Ai -M