o z CD uiL zC M< MR. R088 JOHN8TON là Collector andi Cauvaser for Tnt Wurr. my CwwaoccLm and isl authoriaed ta grant receipta for subeerlptionu, etc., andt rsuset ordlnary businssa SEPTEMBER 26th, 1884. LOCAL AN~D OTHERWISE., WIIAT 18 COING ON 11N TOWN ANC ELBEWI4ERE. A BUDGETOF LIVELI NEWS NATTER GLEANEC UT CHRONICLE REPORTERS ANDC ORRESPONDENT8 'A 2lueI a amang ye, tehin not«.. An'Wfatb h'll proentil." Warm, Dlightful. Auluomu meather. NîcxT Wr.ax ili 1e a buuy au.eu tamu. Orer Cocallgu, (uil stock el C. F. Stemart'@. lion. Ma. JuBric& GAI.? opens £1 10 a.m. Mauday lb.e(faaies lu the CJoursHans.. Ou DrusaGacds-partnsà tltis 11Ud ta averfloviug mth uem goodu vhlcb cr correct lu tan. sud type. S60 C. F. Stew,*t'à Dreem G00ts. - COIN?? COUNCL.-A sp.cici meeting ef lb. Ceunty Coansî il miiceet aL Port Perry ou Tauday Octalasu 14t1h. Oui Mlliuery tepaulmeulta sopen la receive visitais Due notio mwiiib. gireu cf oui goeeal (ah copeniag et miilinery anti fansy <coda. C. F. Stewmart. BÂI'rusrCavaco CouvaniarNcu-The lumber le nom ou the gronutsuanth. dcring useti viiicouanhbput op an the, Baptisé, cbnich promis«a. C. E. T. B. EuaNTaitjxxxi«'. - Des- futhe bcd meather W.adnay even- Ug AlSainte' ochbol.boes.asWmiii adue, the atraction being an auterlain. meut given by the. lanncit bre cf thé 0. E. T. S. Oui Fà a.-Ton CcurNT Agrioul- tarai Society cf 'SceallaOntario hoiti tboi aunual exhibaition lu Wlaithy, Mouday anti Tuesday Boit 1h. 29tb cund 501h. Ev.rytblng promsuies a fiue show t"layear. Hà .avx rHoua.-Thcse mla reomn- ber vit llaceuare the siiliar gather. loge Ibat have takea place lu the odE- fice ci Si. Autioe' chiuch vwillnet b. disaeti la kuov ibat the Suuday uchool lue m lngpreparalionu te hoit a harvout home feslviaI ant*suearby dite. "W. are emiug a apecial make of Piuuh Velvetee nlub"band acier. squal tt he. finsmi "kvelve atI11/8 the Pries. W i igouretse bat Ibmepile anti "lr ta fua tidvill i gve aUss tien. Sec Il ai C. F. S t . Do Ir WaîLa Ycu MAYr.-Pliours. cf prominect men, octalo portrait@ oi politioisne, anti poliiîal cartaons aie fsutres cillas Toronto Wookly Nes, mhicl aiae uci offeetiby -any itber Canadiean paper. Psy op yaur éub- uriptian saccount vlth lb. Caauao. sud ouiyear lu atvance, anud yau viii- get te Toronto Wookly Noes fiee for one year. SHETLAND Ponîna AND LAY Rie. sas-The directoru ef South Otirlo Agnicutarai Socot7 bave aince.pub. iahing h. prit. lot deddae t ta give preenlun as fooma--Shetland pony in aîngue bhaceau orunud.r csilie, 12 banude anti coder jet #8, 2nt. 82. Pair of Shetlauti peute», lu baunass, 12 bandesuantiondée, lli X2ut 82. Lady ridera lot $8, 2eti $2. FOR FMNîaan PAR Awa.-If yaa have frieut a adistance ta whmito e i.h te senti thé local hoe, cubecribe for th. Cuaoacr.nfor ubeai. lu mii coî ou an ly il frouans ov tltithe end of eext yesr-nearly sixteen menthe. Tho postage aicue for Ihat liras voabd coul yonu tarîy alxty sente. But if yen prefor ta @endt tlam ingle nuruber., yon i i du ltse piper ou sale at thé bookaten, cudtiRte cffice cf public& lion. PAuiErnasAr Woax.-Tbe paiuter. tOile meek bavc beon buuily engiget la calsamining, anti ethermia. beautify ing titi iuternai appearause cf tb. Motit- adieu Tabérnaclé, anti lucousequeuce lbe services ai Sunday nexl viii b. hslt inluthe Townu Hall et the nouai heurs, 10:80 &.m. anti 7 p.n. TOi. Sabbiîla Sehool lu lt. afteiconw iii b. heit lu the accutarnst place. L:,rzas.&uySaL.-Tbe Cobiglte. Institute Liteisry Soiety wmliil! tisr aftornocu in-the As.nbly roomt tir copies cf the Graphie, flu.frat4d London A N oies Oary, Harper's leat- iug publicationssanti othor finei «dr tesla. Tlasue are butni 1111e morsecfor haviog pesait a timene luth e tilug recai anti sa lb. ratura fron tbeir scie h.ipb &leug c baudable entsupris te frieudu oi the . aludeute c-oulti de vous. tOisu trop la' anti nme a bld anti boy. Anu xpwAî 0M . C. G.Code, genieral agoutiLindsay, visit tan. lImitletoihefamnrof Whilby cuti Pickeringandl. olber adjoin!ung lova. ahit îp he b.roason "Yvhy ~e $,Uûle BwÎalf âd lsa'I tracnat e,,&.sau a S arut ma I8b aioubd t"ou. t XAwx&ox.-.The ,Por* 3wsla. r uaeti We.odty for Chaii" wih 6a cargo of barley. Boas Broushve the Contrie& fer th Dew malta for%:.WIb iut ut mhloh are le bftry handeomà Whou complote. FA.MX Soa.»-Mr. BRober Ompe saliS prlvateby on We4oumday him50 acre faimuerGreenvooti ta Mr. Geo. Wilaon for #29W. The sae of iown -properly fuli trlough. COLLEOZAlTU IMBTn-TTZ ANNUAL GauESa,- FlaY afiercoop, October' Wth, theanunul ga=0a Of the olloglats Institute$ viii b. hebtionlthe maukel gieuntIs,& a0geaiS li01cfprisés lu bains subscribed ant an excelente pro. gramme sof athlios<is May b. expeeteti. Our Cothing departmanst lu iu the bout ehîps for supplylng the public in Trouaringi. W. ars hoin fira.im porteti gooda of aù lassiees ilu luigu. vai stock lu Immense, andi fer Suilungu cf Scotch andi Canaiein Tweedu eau not b. oqualotdinluthe eouuty. Gîvo n. aliiianti compare gootis and prile.. C. F. Stewart. EVENINneoAT TruFa.-TLe Floral Hall cf the ouuRy fair, openu Mauâiy oveuing et 7 p.m. mhsu mith musie anti inany faire, promsnadiug anti oxamin. tpg the exhibitu, whloh duriug tho aftounoon havo beeu jutigetiandi aie lu the svening firci epoe o t h. publie, alwaya mikos the occasion au inter. osiing oue. Là ARGE FuNat".-Sanday ifteruocu the fanerai cf the lite Mrc. D. L. Resti from the regîdonos ou 1h. Kingston rad, pasueti out lbrough lh. tovu ou ths may te Abs Union Oêetery;, sevenîy-flve vebiloiuilu vioh mure many citizen@ af Whilby, sau moU as vol.kno*n résidente froru&al parla of the ridiug. fôlamed the remamnu ln preesmaicu la their lui reutiug pio.. CJnOU OUTOFTamu Szu..-P$opl mero pleameti Satniday $venins to &gain beau the Carnet Baud play a pragramumeocf popularselectens au th. Crner af Brook andi Dandaa sirasta. Aftsu the longq. rami i.y 'have isà sn they migb h lii.thé emeter parmita give enan zfreco ar open air Concert eveuy Salnrday ovsuiug. Thst woubt bs a boau, cîtizenu mon Id appreclate. A PRUzufwrÂîbOI.-Ur. John A.tiaus, .ou.îu-law ta je.1iPherion, Bhq., reev&eaf Rame andi a velI komu former residint cf lb. noribsun part cf Ontario coaty but nom living lu Oulila, bas beau premeulti mith au lvOry headeti cane ltaIle ai te have boeenpioketiup on a fieldi cf baille one huderei ysarc à .go, duroug one af the Sioux Indien raide, ia lb. North W«Lt The relie lu vabuedet a aigla prise, antije of Indien varkmauuhlp. BLIL E@A'raZ.-Bstuo'day aflerncon ai the Royal holel, Mu. W.H.LHnan now Govornar of Brandon jail, andi wlio ticidedt odispose cilelupraperly la Whiby, affered t *noution thraugb Mr. Levi Fairbanks, thre. bouse. an tbe ncrth-out cerner af Mary andi Break streeta, the oeil carner abao the CHRotîcLIS a11106. Biddiog etarteti ai, $8W 0atdifer very lhutecoampotitioa tho tiare. baucos voue kueeksd dovu ta Mr. Jas. tibem, foreman la the Patteicon works maaiding &hop, for #960. Tb^ se mas considereti a groît bargaitu fer MEr Shaw, vbamil maie ie ihe cor- ner hanse himuellU&ier reucvallng il; the other tva oou are reutei si 5 a moaîh eaoh. *Traveller's' loton lu th. CuioreacLa have giren thoelal$oiy af the corair bouse mtaeiclis ime bas beau s publie ball,i meeting paeo iie Cnanty Council, anti the firet gslheriug place af mare than one of the religians tienaminstionu la Whilby. S&ALvaTion ABU NOTES. - Sanday nightu allerithe cbaoiseanareoui, crowtic dock te ant i ûîîup Eh. Barrac" -*-Capt. Wright poya tb» fidle lu the Saday msreel parade* andi moet- loge. Tht. meek be la hors de combat, and lE ic gireoucal halho bas huit hie luage. The vay ho singe anti ahoata votaltiJocd a Ilutener tea, uppome omi thiag muel enfler esvereiy emonil@. -Tueay aigiti the vhilom Pref., Daw Capain Vggioaaled thae meeting ; ho hue bico smsy ai St.Catbarlue. anti Toranto in traininggand ou Menday louveg mita hie farniîy ia take charge ofa a utaion nol yel caianeti. Ex. bf tý.'r Greeuwood. anti Rer. J. F. liarkor. th. pistor cf tli asBplici chaud> and vifs, mere amoag thé speakers liait oenig.-Wdnm"y aithough lths aiglat Wwvtesparade mue net tisenotviLla. Very fem mer. precent in1h. Barnache; Lieut Bucetibent continctoti h. meeting.- Pickering village las hartly la lac att.aok. edu aua oulpout of Whilby. DisASTIM oajvuh GiuN anuviT.-Ths niglat oxproe. rom th. vest ou 1h. Grand Trnuk Wedueaday eveuing met villa an accident when a shert dimtance eut of Pickeinugetation, lay mhieb a number of pamacgen. inoludiiug Miu Jenle ormack of lina lowD, raeivet more ar leus scuous injurie. While lb. train vsmu ilg fWi spetiandi juut begluuiug h. &atof theb.g"a. ai Pesta bill, ibres Pullmian ou& m a Mr. Hanuelords, (Oblef Eaglneer cf the G. T.), car, becomiug teraileti mira blaubti iam a 25 foot embaukmeui. Thal o ne u iklîsiedsemu emiricu. loe.- About a tiazen of tic pismeugerae mors injureti sud cf thoune t eants- ed the Royal hoiel by nadnlgbl Wed. [uesday and ae uner lbe beut nodice! CMs. MimaCourmack me isainl le uy sliglitly injured, and «la reooveriug [rom the §bock incident ta susit a uarrow escape- SuyLreT rPicmuas.-Those mho foîmeti a parI cf lb. dullgh#Od anti ieaceu prisent i Oh. mo Baffua illuetriteil lioture& marne lime $ago vii hi pbeametita) kuov ltai mater tlb. &copioseocith. Ontario Ladies' Collage an art enterlalunmeuantiMdlecture b one mbo Ie aveu more enluient luntb" msy miii by mosins of tle. uOooplaon andtishlmoaa, grscsfub style cf ceai- moutary lake you ou a "Trip to Rome." Mr. Charles M. Oaugby, babu esto- Kg got lo glve ibis *ne, of bis seules, dsf lectures on 1"Olbeu Lande iben Ours," in the Tomn Hall ou Frits7Y evenirig October lOîb. The Âm.ria-aa the lisding tiaily a ofishe ityotBa!lmore, Md., esys cf hlm anti i itistal mont :--"Thao vWoiehave net milauu- ed bis exhibition ca CareeiY reaIse the reeliatie effeci capable of production by menase cilla. aigclying Ions and its chemicai anxlllerlee.The vety chieb itrekes cf th.escuptertiusnabe on lb. the. canva--ant lis difficli te ackncmietige lteeausomeca cf lb. apleuders of!at mc guelally pIe sentedl. W. 1mev ofno more eluuaaijg enteran a1untueof thèee u- light pîcturs mrles.", LoaoeAirma BUwoes-MXr. S. Robertson returueti borine to.tiay, (Fridcy) firm London, Guelpb, St. Thoasu, anti ciber pointa in the weut, mwhere lho hubecu for'tbe puti 4eek oa atour cfOril<tioi amlt . &=no'sùsbscripticu book agents linhe section Oi th. provinces,=pa Îugfo fltlbork. Bôme'Oiafthe exiént Of 0f1.plqùiert, antiluntened IwIu =qI, boTirJOW4& >à hùut a4Jrea .9 L.,MPW&o- wil à siiil.pro. famm . 1>rea at eni PEOXAL. Min Nbum a lu u Bohester thlu week. 1Mr. Albert Vrner ln intown ibis veel. Bey. Pathsr mcanifin lumgatreathis Wsek. Mms.T ho&. Gratan- luivlitlng laMorris. MU. Jeu. MoLeinlofbt fou Bu"ab. Saturday. SMr. J. B. BlokIe, Toronto, wa u nevuw Tnugay. Mr. A. Logan, of 011 City, Pa., vu in tevu thia veek. 1mis" Retimeut iKinuals lof1 on Mantiay fir StiouMca Ur. BobO. Pattermon lu attending the Weatern Fir, Landou. Mr. W. 1H. Hannar ancutifile ave fcr homo in Brandon ta day. Ur. R. 8. Patteruon lu atteudlng the Provincial Exhibiton lu Ottawa thia veol. Dr. Wm. Oranlaton and tamily ihe have speutthe entmmer lu town retueu otit their homne tu New York, Montiay. The two Misses Grant, of Hamilton, vbo have beaoan souiug the sommer in tovu, tbe guelte aithoir dluter Us. W. R. Havse, retuneti home on Satwrday. Mr. Wilkinson and mfmily vlao have thi, summer beau the gueais of G. y. Smith, Esq., have sturted en iroute -fum oa enn Texsa vere hy upeni h. vinter. Profester Wlgçns,ithe oenswaeather ovukluvaitngau Brooklyn. 'The Union az that clty buielntervleod hlm andi deoisribea hlm aà <'an educatetiandi affable gentleman, a fine oorvesationaliut anti uliogeiher a oberming oempanieu." Ur- Jalon fquair, B.A., mho ha. beeu for thé putl four monihu jroeecullng his modem h ~agstudios.in Raraas taune»dt oflo Most0fiMU. Quatr's beenho«speut lu Paris, andi au hlm od fltat ai eleeturer on the Fuench = mus ati Itérature tali uversity1 ca0leo thlvcelo thiimlt mv OlâiceofiWhltby om=nL, Whltby, Sept. 25, 1884f BUSINESS AND) PRODUOR. Trais le hecomlng more aulmated. Be- ofp grain thia veok arelm bucieluat om enlothe b&d veather. Au là becomes more anti more certain that grain Prices caunot rIs. e e lt tirasfigures l iln " eon of abundant huetthe mouid over; it la aamrodly ihe perle ldom ta "market ealy"l. Betwemn lv. anti six thoumnt bushelu cf barley have beau so14 ta the aieais ou tiIsmarket turing the meek. Frioee are quotet inluthe table belov. TORONTO FARMBRS'MARERT. The meiket Tbuuiay wu faluly aetiv* ai :toady price. .orne 600 buheli ef mheat sold et819to ic for fall, e te oloS7o fr spring, andi Me ta 70o for "oe. Barley &a- tave and ti tdy, thora beang sale. of SAM0 huchai, i et Wta 780. Oatms 84ady, mltb saleci ofM0 uabhla t 84 te a5. Pa"are nominal ai WCetta 660, anti ryo ai O6c te me liay lualmileti affer ta.da? theoe bolug on- ly à doaen lasts, whlch ce à ut $12 te #11 50 a ta. Stuav flrm, vlith a ale ef a loati ai $9. Regs nuchagetiai $7.25 te 87.50. 13i-ef, forequartera. 84M0 ta 86.00; hlndqnar- ters 17 toe,89;mutan, ccmuse96 te 86-50 îrla ,p87tU 0. BRITISH LIVE STOCK TRUIE. Cable ativicea ooueuninhégieButish live stock teO. I.hlu veait, mhiLe uetrepeutiug ay imprevemeut, have on th.evbple e moretuatlufacttotene andi indicate a soma- wbat better condition of caffits. mhitel due ebleflyte a falling o09 i he upplise ant te a sligOtly Mmii"U"vedemant. uch eit itei vecu! hiuh puoduceti the laiteena,lan Vjuuhec been mark- ed off et the lover range, &ai ces are nom ateady. but thora appeaus le ha lit.- tle proeeofaIimmediate xmProvMuent ef a docaded nature. The tep figure fer prime wiileheti steoïa romains at 15-- anud a f air cleerane hec baen effecteti, althongh buyere mure net very urgent. ceiuellY for lomer grades, mhich cengututet the. bulk ef the offeringt. MONTR1 AL CATTLB SKAÉRIT. R«eepie of live stock st Paint St. Chau- les stuc. Thuresay lest have bean up te the av rz.The&epart mwve nut ontinue. îan n ereisof asepsho e" <usa cil lu thcbranch otthe trade ta cempareti villa fermer yecrc. Ocean cattle frelbta ar ayandi ten lever ut 70s @ 7r» peu hua. T~he expert saulie rae vu dun ou Tuestiay but ebipinente ibis meek mli ho largor. Price. are nomrally unbageti at tiic(5I. per lb. ive veight, viih extra choice. ai Si. Expert shoep voe dui1 andi inactive at 4c par lb. liv. weight. Live hep mvara ln botter raquaito K falo hem 6c per lb. Beceipta ai botcer.n' cattle at Vîger market wmeslarge uumbertng smrne5w =hbea the b. n uin cf mbich, demanti rjiedaim. =oteOcholce baea iml et Md nt Aie peripound AIve meldght, medilum PtulWbea........07u ...uWbe .......... 075 Gà as Oiei......000 Fbeupe cm........2 80 ( l ............. 060 Rye.... ....... 080 Pesa, black.yed. .......O0 7à Bin emoi............ 000 Os ................... 027 Hay .................900 cleversoed .......... 700 B~le. ............ î015 WC" s... ........ ....O Wectùi............40 sfanud. ............... 010 mlia, peulb............ 006 Pork, perowm.............600 Tuuuipe ................O01.5 Oui.y, par dos...... l.. 080 Ohiiekenâ , perpair.... 080 ..krspr.........018S Beet......am 600 Muitton, by the.caea.... 00 17 Teo@creise 6,70, reliE 006 Baon, pé rmem........ 00 niama 96 ..... 010 Pruparpeibnu.......'.. 0 W Shaboe, <e 4*,*,,,Q<00 Bodiiies " " 000 .4msht......... 0 9 0800 *ou *800 06 *080 S00 5010 Grand Trunk Raafway'an TIOKETAGNY Telagmapit Office, Wmttby, ont, quý Qea.<el Trusk TAILORING TAIl LUORINQ TAI LU 'RI-N;Gý 1'~ I Leave your measure for a FALL SUIT at the Reliable Tailoring Lhepar1uwot, of Me Ross, 4 By 80 doing you'5can obtain desir-able goods at a reasollable price, an.d you are certain of a good fit. is 110W complete in every-department.' M Our stock R.OSSO SCH-EDFLE 0F RETURNS 0F CONVICTIONS. Before Justices of the Peace for the County of Ontario, transmitted by Justices whose names are hereunder written, and published by me under the provisions of the Statutes of Canada and Ontario in- that behaif. Office of the Olerk of tihe Peace, Whitby, llth September, A.D., 1884. . JNO. E. FA.REWELL. Sarne of Prouccstor. Name af Defeudant. Nature a1 Charge Trumian Crosby Peter Willlae Threatening la du guluvu botillyi oRa~E. Eshinun Benjamin Hopkina Befusel to'amgs L V.Bnuna Wartien Lochs Vielalion et lflirtby.lav T. B. Fraukluh Thos. Hopkins Vlolatiug Licenu AAt T. B. Frac" fi d il 9 4 Alfredi Flemel Chales Smaiuuon Dlutaubiug publia vauship Davidi Suherlanti Joseph Long f nomury ellington EtifinKMiller Acsunt L D Barnuma Etiard Peeuoy tProfanity ThomaSciiolo. John HootBri Sul Thomas Sehole 4 t - usal John Heati Su Thoma Seolca Stealîng*tuee John Hooti Su Peter MeMauter lAcealt George Guider Edmard Ho pkins' Refusai te pay vagis T BF unklh Jhn Rutiy Sema gn liquor vithant licence Michael Brava John Taylor Ausnî Amay Brama MaOdine Lavwe Assanit Amay Brama Anu Lave Aasanit MMr Walkor John Beau As&unt Thomaes 6Wukeferd Jemes Qoulin Malicions Inury T B Frankiuh John Hanne Vlolating LîceneAct Jea Hamilton T Hastings & C WhoeleuLaucny Lîcenue Inup. S. R. Ce. Wmn HunIer Selling liquor contrauy te baw Wm Hainan (Ontario John Haret ýDrank sud tiisouderly Thou Hamthorne J Rabbi anti Bd Meon 'Treupau Margaret Theuuley Chas & Âlice Boînheaut Assauît Alexaunder unun J MoGraUl, TuUll.on, E.Drank anti diaordeuly Wm wiUghaee Jeu. Griffun (LlttletÂAcalt Liceus. Lump. S. R. Ca. John Hobbe Solling liquor contr toi lam Elfrode Bennetit(Out. Richard Inch Troaspe william Halun n Wm Bobinson Duann antidlaosrderly william Haluan Oea Svallwell 1s. E John Fergumon Haulm Green SelIiug liquor witheut lious. Jscob Bryac H 8sandous indécent expocoreoef poison R Campbiell TbomasKuox VagDeny John Smith Vgac 4 Jcmeu Shields Vagrancy Roeot B Wilson [Warren 8 Wilson lThreateniug bodflyhm william Moeoy :william Willarti Peddling vlthent lious Jacob Buyan Frauda Weideman Vagusnqy .4 . Samnuel Bratily ;Drunl ant isdlecuy John H Âdiaou rR(1it SRame iAmuant John Ferguson Jaaeph Green Selling liquor ithout licou,. Jacob Brycu John Lambor Vagrancy Thou Taylor iMoruia Welch ABsaIt Oea Miuty ýJauepbh Gros. Leavlug bla employer coutuary te G Ayer &RBGemmell' athemHdgsn Aamanlt anti BatterY Janes McGovern, Pal Coegrave Jr Amunt anti Battery Date ai conviction injury Jane 21 August 26 May 18 Sept :2 sept 2 May 7 Jnly 25 Augnut 25 Auguet 25 Jane 28 June 23 JaIy 6 Jnlv 5 Augiast 29 Sept G Augnut 1a Angasi 1a Angust la Augaut 12 Au st 30 JUne 10 Jane 15 Jane 16 Jane 19 Jane 26 July S JuIly 9 Angust 13 Angaut 16 Aunt 23 Jane 18 Jane 14 Jane 14 Juno 14 Jane 14 Joly 9 July 15 Jnîy 19 JuJy 24 Auguet Il Augasi 22 Acaguat 23 Aueft 24 Sept 6 Jane 80 0 guee.IJuly 21 (ment uut2 Naine ef Cau'rictiug Justice. lS84tL Woller Colin Smith anti J E Elder A D Weekae sud RBP Harman A D Weeks iS J Holden 'M G Bobeon M G Rohuon anti Caleb Crantiel Benjamin Parker Arthur Mileu R E Pouritt anti IlH Guiercen Major Harper L Foster j Einder I hereby certify that the foregoing Scihedule centaine a true 'copy of ail' 1884, and the llth day cf September, Ail)., 1884. Office cf the Clerk of the Peace, Whitby, llth September, A)., 1884. R Canningha Penally,Plue ou DamaeoTino vhen ta ho pai Ti Tný when paiti To whom paiti aveu bya te Miti Jutice ______ sali Justice cuna vhen. 89, and colite t3 95 30) day. si 00 83 day. liai paiti 20 40 .Forthwitb Sept 4 Tj B Fraaakiah, Insector 20 00) Fouthwith Sept 9 1 00) Fouthwitli May 7 Village Treasifuer May 7 1 40 10 iays Augnai il Anguat il 1 00 Sept 1 ISept 1 1 00 Sept 1 Sept 1 1 00 jJune 23 1881 Jane 28 On Troasrer Sept 9 1 00o Jane 2l3* Jane 23 f 1 60 Jnly 10{ 1 00 JU1 10 la 64 10 Lys 1 00) Forthwith Anat 18 Tp Treacurer 1 00 ,Forthwith Augnat 138 o f 1 00 Forthwith Anguat 18 a i 100 1U Angut 12 Aunua 12 O Treasarer 5 00 1Angut 30 Augut 20 fi d 20 00 ýApril 15 lApril 2 T BFrankiah, Inepector 40 00 1 00 1l00 eaoh G0 centseaocia 2 00 2 00 20 00 1 00 2 00 200 20 00 anti coute 25 centu 25 cents 25 cents 10 dayc in giol bard liber 4 Mo Bonti veu la keep the 5 00 1day lu gal bard liabpr 1 oo uatiCoute 3 00) anti Coste 20 00) 10 dayu lu gaob baud labor 8 80 Fine $5 50, Castea$8 90 Forthwith Jnly 1 Jnly 1 Jnly 1 pouce fou ono yeiu F orthvith Forthwith Ton day. Coste paig their Costc &,epl 122 Returns cf Convictions made to me and filed in my Palti Inspector Toma treauer Paiti Inspectai Toma tueaenrer Licenue Inupectar Cleuk cf Poico Il not puadmuy net anti general observa-, lions if any. <Boundite kep tho p= pe1 year nidler ~peuabty ai 400 Deft.Altoeburoe (hM. promis. Reluaos tapiay-tao ie imaprlaonod lu (LJ.O.. 0. W days l tnelpaidl Nat due lime returu. Diuchauged,nol prov (en Aj trivi &alair-men- (tance suapedeti I i HLaIt ta Clerk o oae&hall ta informent Toma tucamurer blanleipal cauncil ýi Bountiovrute keep Gomttotri for 20 (tiiys lu defanlO au Ifo~itr dayu office between the 12th. day of. Junie, £.D,ý,' JNO. E. FAREWELL, Clerk cf the Peace,,Connty cýf, FALL AND WJNTER GOODS!. In Wool Shawls, Jackets, Shirts, Hoods, Soarfst Flanniel, HRose, Gloves, Yarns. Prints, bleached and 'nnbleached Cottons, Muslins, Linens, Cantons. Gossamers, Corsets, Skirt Improvers. Ready - Made Ladies' Underwear, Infants' Attire, Ladies' ana Chi1dren's Aprons and Piafores. MANTLE AND DRESS OINAMENT8, AND BUTTONS-A GREAT YÂRIETY. Machine Oils, Needies, Tracers, Chart, e,4, at mis WE0W TY o «2 o Q T- Q «2 Q T- o «2 -o «2 o «2 o c - «2 o «2 Q Q T- «20 O~4 Ei s e- «2 «2 e- «2 Q T- Q Q p s «2 o o T- f4~ o Q t- d «2 Q a mi F. Q ~e. Q Q Q Q o e- - o 1- oe w oe o oe B. LA URANGK3 $Pl The- following re lte n aocf sanie cf tle vYicuity Who, have purchuas na ai Celebrated',,Specacls 'and For te merit of goodu, intendirig purnk -n t oyr all ôf thom 'Du. Bogal. D. ,clooi ino LE. Far A. ue ooilac ags.Barriateu. - V Andrew ANDREW FI TZPAT RI 01(18. 1. 8ý ý uni