eXMTB14 AxD'kIURs Or Szalviets1 4 SÂ~.j' tI4Ukua ut I 1'.515,,. MOis i..;ts t ls -Ut li~ V.~ t rîtit .> . Iensst-u Seî~ t rvic aiit U iatu. ald 7tOJ pin - liGt ltîwm 11.tIr lev. J. P. abkralaî P-ia-, r. Service t 1:00 mi. sund 7. -M. . . as-kr, - Pe.ster.a) Service ai 10:80 &.m. and 7 pins. of eetArrivai andi Depa-toi-e of Trains, Misslte andi Stesgot - SiXiNîssit TIsME. Esisssa ' 5r j uiîeii 4 4, 1,-1t I xpress 7M a-ni. rtest" 9.41 £,prou ' &26 sot- tbî'i id .30 P ni raut 9.4îp-111. Local 7.4 iti p. 1 ni 5. Sanday, Esmreffl, asi,.m-l Kýlidited RcUawy. JuncilonTown. Leeve for Oiawst M00esîn ansi 400 Il, M. Bro-ug-ham s . 30) a Wh3tby Post Oâce. se v ais , CLOSE 0555 TuE HAST. 10-0.0 f n I1ur tihe Norths10 pas. lFor lirtiasi &.nu. For Port Pers-y ouiy, .10nie us ARRIViE. mon as VrUmp. k. Ro., t THZ XT 9.80 iu5- l. iLIss Ocean hailasclose Friday 7 151.nis. tise Postta G reat arttatt-ýrýer à uiitîseiî> 55ch fit teS. Regstrationîtue, . Muses- OmDIsegi& s ti edsn &II Mnt.Orsicrutof- t. lues ta <teanda, Uî Sta uts, Ortai iritai a, PriseS Kdwce, Iistand, Nesiaitd saisi5itia. O5Irase's recinsl uader tise regulattoîsfth i ie Pust OMicu Seviagi' Batk itwet itebouts 01 Ragli-sti bo tteri-ustiel ote lmitt battrthlie citas oft ittttait.i Utiiceurimît8' 5a. et. lu t Ilbui tîiîs. oepted. ltatllsâ bas-ie i tiît uS Iis ten t u-ý tIl -uo Utîiont tire taac re-srraî-s-iost -if I hall)uit, ae telle"a : Pur lutntria elagtstn,s. ttstrt. bsIMtib t"..tîit. Transe, Abe-rta. tiertiasîts Gibta(r emst ii-u ain and Iralctisi. Oreece, Iîa iî utis-r_;. silrî' Illontaesura, Necharbanti, Nsrts-sstentu uirs grI, Att.rae, Rotnjîsaiu,îisi. Pi 'e-ret,Ser tia hsaathe tisasr misiu)tl s-it, Sutz att-Isu sud Turkey. Ama isntedsmtsc cai',, lkrttutts ¶ BMsa, Catis , Oasi Iia ..f-Sm. Thuiaï,st i il oý4Sf. Croix, Jactra,, 4Je n,.and Porto u-h(ewiuandlad lte nov titeIL,"csai ttnion bat tise Pes taReus roait as ttît'iru.) tettert sit, pur jounces. Postatl Cari t 2 ente-itactC Newbpa&parn t cette for 4 oustae- Ito,;istm-aton lees ot-. For Aden, ArgentIne Calneieratia, tiruli, -Brillis(Intsîe, Ceylorttareiattd.Frenchci t--A aielInAlib taAîca, Oclutte&and AitAnerices,e;tt - SI. Pierre ansi Itqasea, Peiat, via IPert-s uai l, -' - Pae$gas.. Colime telauAnits,Atrtea Oceaîca I Talitkiati. patsalnted ln Atriumct-% t5e&a à Cl Aminis, escept Cuatn id Pores tso cSta iSttlemnsInle la llIE.,sPenst ansi Maacca:- Lett"ers toc. par à les. aisîsqe.. 4it, s- fur oz. ya Otier Rngsattontees 10 cets.a Wfft Indits tltailuis i Haitas gane rote- U crmert. Prepaymuent Q tstat ilaisl cas. Antrahis.. <esept N5ew Souths Wa.l titiatt P at qiesngteisti--Ltter. 7c., Pasîera *c. Austetts, New 5-mtll Wates, Victoria, Qiîrani. laed, Lettonrs5 lSd..stale rlic.h New Zesti, . vs. San Fr. iti-s-a -Lette,'. 15 oeste, papora 4ceîcs. 'J. NOtitSit, tiatetr. Present Way. On th ox, Air distingue, Cus-iy leeks. Peas daugliter, Rehs amdgaiy Love.,tîme îiiitu Rune eway. Ma wilii isiiiirr Pa iii emear t - Ooachman'a lsssîsîy, Gis-l dun't rare. Peggy. LIIt inp thy tlnsuroua oes oss mine. 0 Maguerite'! Tity pensive hostie deninre inclinme, And glance discret ; And fren tise azure ds1,tbe displense Oae grecinus glosa, Of Heavea andi h9iy Innocemnce Te ligbt lovesdroesu. i rein chas-lest store nOfamile s vttmelAafe Fer mei'ged beert, the nereRu mail, To seize upon ' An rom thy calz an.i c"Y thl. Oîlr, Ani And i iiy face, le loyely virginal rouerve. tihes beri-i t grace. Loi1Ottpld, lylng ln embuxaIt Tru Throngh undîlen itari Tr.gh shewmes. îrirised samd stnmcitti, 111ent &nul take iteart - Tflrouigh flooding Of t.hine cye, euiltslîmse, Tls hyne s eet, Loves warny waya-I kuow tîtea mine, They Und.retood Each Other. I'Asent t tisay syiag sot-riti thinge about te Motter Hubbard ?" pe üdt, aa ibaeoke i uplute ie nty tat. "Yo," e rptiti,"Ibelieve hhey - - Semadi Lt tingm tbey say in Ibo uewsppors,' she edti."are tee "'Thon you den't eadti Iem, gny love." - "Oit, e1 reail tem, bot I tisinle lhey are obccting.', "What have yen ruad iaieiy about tise MotiserýHlubbaril, dus-ig 2" ha aakmd; "tivllmi nell ycu nom, my deer," ab a.replie., er cieeke suffuse i mt bluahes ; Aa41sôm tins, pos-hape, yen viii- ha"sv tise ,lob, t e k me, busi oct no." "Oho, 1 undaratanil," mud he; 44I Rnus-I10'lhave seau lita piaeeyen peuk Of 'WOU. I muet cotntesa il dees look What Do ~eauC it Heney- 'ohsvsIdo tisey oel ltouy "'Doa't knev, son." "t>Ous't #uow p Wiy, di4D"s . on have Donet man Rot murlad ?! "Dot5t ber me, Jeisnny. Go andi bake otioai.1 l'Il knov a sap Wb" 1git a m if evory tme 1 4 O p u ll:et1 ave te brins a blket fo nu for an SuBira." New York Sameavth a selay o0,1 o Sb yes~r, &Md wla.n havas ,ni«îving 04pa ewokfr iury wyjm- saitid t. a 1 sds ,a uewapaffl Charles Dickens. nos-elik't of tile îîiu.t-gtli eistury andi on1e of the greisteet huîuorists that Eeg- landt lias produced, was born at Land port iunl>ortsea on Friday. Fehrsîary 7th, 18112. Hlis fatiier, Jolin Dickene, a dck imi the ' a-y-pay ofhioe, wuae a ibis lttuestationet i n tePortsmouth dock vrn. Il ig mothùr's maiden namne wiîs Blzî.îti arrow ant ieowau the seconuîint.a fmsieof eigit rcldrers, of a-lîîuu tl,%o0dili lin fancy. The eldest, l"snny, ias lions 1810 The entry of Clialtis' birthlinmmthe baptisnmal register of iortseîî reads, -Charles John Hîsiffiati," thomgii on the. very rare <iciasiotis mien lhesutiscribeti bis naine in fill lie wvrote Hitiftamss As ii loy li e ws ver *v 1.111.'andvery ssiCh]-Vir ti1su -ject b to tsiks tif violent spalsiii N un lîsîi.î-i iit for any' aCtL v 11101%. t lit, "-lvVer-e-rlgood littlu r "k. t Ii r o'r iîst raîtlv itltl lit (>r 1011. f Or lrisomiers l'a-i 1.1. i .1 j'; î.j l'eliti i A(, gromi l ui.iii Wiilugtilt, ttli'r 1'V-, .1 r. susfor bthe mnost purs i t il i i - r.' un' 's' utc tiit V iit"ing stroli-' 1' iili it -l 1 11114 b rosI iig. Ilis i-sitic-sire fuîr knowledge andsisili ta p. llassion foîr reaîlîiiu.. iueasak. 1,110 l'y Ii i.;iotlier, w'io tauglit iîîî dlis first rliiirt. flot oîîiv of Eniguli. luit aiso a bittle later. of Latin. Site taugi i iin regslar-Is'ei'ery day for a lonig tiino-. andi ilorishily mcli. Thmeri i'Ollosve.itise prujiaratomr' day-school, l'or gÛis andi l'y. uw Inchh bcwont svîtl luis sister Fasîîîiy. Before hie wau 'et in y0 ears nid lie ball reasi andi re- read lia fathere s siali but good ihbrary. comprising sncb ftssosss books as thse '-Vicar of Wakefield." -Don Quilote." "Robinson Crusoe,- i'Arabian Nighte,- Addison 's "Spectator,' andi Goldsmiîli'F "Citizen of the Vorl. During the iast tiro yemsrs of Char-les' residence it Chatham, where the eider Dickens hati Iteon placèd u pon duty in thse dock y'ard. hoe was sent to a school kept by i yonnig Bapii.î Iinister, a Mr. William Giles, who in aifter yemurs picînresi b i te pi as bsving been s sensitive, tisoughîfsîl, fechle-hodiei b.oy, mitît an iiîsustial aîsnit of know. .ed te anti fiîîcy for sncbi a m'blt. Even lit tisis ouris-s'7v-Chsarles lbad 1hecome rainons i ieiio liii iurrle for living wnrtten et r ia cil s,. 11.1 -- ý.l isnar. tise .iilani uf I " îiiiid.uir. iry fi-terll1V nio'[ on o. n -e (t,iisetit -s of Lise g.-ii .i. -it 'srsl-iu Ni ali d sie tolî l % ( friiritt,l -s' sîtîli. ilt Ilbu uSsd to Io11-2 ' i-'n i -iairs andî tailles, biCs ýit-utarul uibrouad, lic the more I' ils.- il tisplaî' of ttief-e Uc mas not l5usd s uS.-r line vei-ane nid1 ibeu lssfatbur %W as eallm-d froin Chbathsansto Sonaers,à tt buse. Londlon, nd lie iaft(I to leave tis gon i master ii tie jlie f Isu. lsilîood emîdc-ared to his i".-- recoliections that cJnung te Ilmaftor-wvarls ilI bis life long. lu iras trnly tise hirtlijslace of lus fancy. Tise sariostiminpressions received andi 'etainesi by the embryo autîsor in London were of bis fathere mroney in- 'olvemente ; anti nom tiret lie hieard inenioned "thse deeti', repreeenting bhat crisis of bis faulseres affaire in faet wiiusscrilsed in fiction to Mr. tlicawbor's. He knew ut in later days oe have been a composition with cred- intrs ; uiongliai tais eearlser date he vlis consciolis oetiîaving monfounded it witIs parchîdnts of a mucls more dv-isoniaeal dîescripion, One reosult ef th awfnl document «Wae tiat tise famniiy [rom enforceti reirenchmnn had te Like a inean amail lieuse in what wae lien about the mosi miserabia andi 1nuald district-of the greiu City. Many msfortunes anti an lever incres.ing suad of debt finaily fore t he faiher sto tIse debtores prison of blarshaisea. 'hie timlb of unr yonmsg bero's lifte, froan' isie to twelve yeare of ugo, wae nu- loubtedly the most valuabîe ta hum, in t, toaclsings of thee misery and wretch- Ineas of lom London life. This oiîild rf singnlar aiities, quick, eager, 3hain, ¶und soon isurt, bodily or ientully, waa doringthis poriodti iroift ton hie own rosons-ces for a living. fi t- t s' L la it th ta loi Wasn't Able to Get Enongh Around Her. Il mB@ e caiti nigbinlaAugusi-one cf titose aigittamhote e as etbeaven Icis. teeanti atagl'm noose anil meke il au oilly sea à igaded ice cram freez- ci-. For an boas- Cebeate bcd mat on tise fs-oui aopo milS Algerisen anti lisetadte iba 1k pluieand philos- epity. F'lnaiy site ramas-Led: 64 t ta getling &Be ceid bSea; Imuet bava bomathhug avound me., II0evtiny,"~ Le maiti, jumping upit "I1torgt at Permit me to brzsg y ou a 'hà v," sd9 Leosme Sakvil h a igist wrap. 1111ov la Sd?"ho atked, putc tlu labout ber ahoulda;e. Ieldou601thiuk it is enougis, "'sha anuverdâ,&orirng. "«Lot ma gel enoîber, " antiho bmogist a heavier oe. ' T "Imeridi I OebIavea a cili,ais, luotisaI auj.-better P" haoseked, brlngiug otea sWi beavier vrap. "No, ne, You dou't oeestbaà i toet el eugh &round.-me,"' n s aisivavati oves- olouev le im '! "There'a notising aie- isiv," Ileh groanei, Il"adlI t4là k I if'teteausl your mtbar. $hoewuas aei.aaiser wh ho baiw ber tisa next day, sud nom ho vweuders vis> tise girl told e friand et Lis ame, mon Il culn't soe tlhronska miii elque" vLan'tise. as a isole mn à tmie euld puihaeutire a in. Es--si ss'bi-r liebecamo faineesfrein detsuutmgtîsesvors-yeccosa; alisost, n as it % tic, curesseelb *iy theisemriatis ot 1 reaule-re louchled i mtlisthe mas-velons yei ts-uttsfl tnery etflsnmun characur; andi happsy in bile domestic foicily ; bis wisolo nature mas se peneuruit wiuhs 4grief anti humiliation ai sncb sur-ounti. t ige titthiemenmory meulti wander i selately back te that ime *etflite bifo miaou bis tîtihot'andtihuerosi ttise family is deiti andi disrire languisheti f in prison, andi lie a pooir little outouet -on tise grenu eoldi soril ot London, ourneti a bare subsistance in a hoot' r blackinz manntactary. 1But tise tide tornoti. Iis fatter andl laiuily leotitIse Fbeet prison anti mitis ietnrniisg procpes-ity Citas-les was sent tu schlst. le Itecame more robust la 1 vatusîiaï, ite gi-cm oldet-. Tmo yoars me-e Fsietomt utun te tst iscimools et Cie îlaY an th îonlite mas gîven cm- 1îîoiîîyîsm-nîfui-raa silatsr nin us a erk s1,ii a hem office in Grutys Inn. lu wil t1sss lie seen that lim e cucmtieîs mas sut '-t rrtsc anud alîbs-ovaed. No luttte r llulstnîmbise cumnti' on ail ulse ic eirsîolibt furrisbidtitis his; foulies-s Nvibnsîcail reîîly te a trionti il qow ts ji lîu ed W uiteresl on hie be- lli. "Pray,. Mc. Dickens, mîere mas Fon -i srsticatesi ?"' î*Wîîîyinteeti, 1h -1 1ulisIii.-i. ay be sait leisave - cucaîcîl Ii ùe-l 'tf the ume kinda et' educatiunsshich Gibbon suys tit au mnnmîsuris' allose ttc commen les-e-Insese.t i is-t, that ot bis teacîtere. ais th îe secondl, more pen- soai nsi muore impurtant, hi# oivn, ho lit-I tIse usaisiage oniy ofthtie lasi. lu rt-vcitliil5's sufficeti for hlna. 1,1,sllonb. froli, November 1828, in lîractical psnîîîsu'uttsn ton the profession o'f reporta,- ihii lie cheose te tole-w; liii tatiîer n hitl itecome a newepapen îsarliamunai-y reporter, cf noie, santi tise son wisheui ho omnisste bis exemple. Hie iret sers-ic-e'w-a given ta tise Tie. Sun; tlisonlueentereti tae Heuse ot Commons rùpehu is' galles-y, engegeti tise sessions l'or tIse Mu-roi <4 Par". j ament; anti inaily, in bis twonty-tidt veai-, hoselîcaîsso a reportertaor tisec Chronicle. Wisile oigaged in the round et mark on a elaily Lsondon nemepapo-, mites-elho acon toit a firet rank ameug tise reporters, tisere aucaoie doubt lise oh. tatoot tisai dicipline of hie pomere as1 mel as oetbits chas-acter misifis as oet te utinesi importance in hie aftor' iteras-s' ie.t On thse '21,, 1 of Alinsi1836, lte isarrieti Cathernine, ite eilutsîdisglitocof Mn. GCiorgiu li>riîl.siu ocftieediors et tise Chronicre. HA eg>,tiî ii ýtls thie vas-led lflte .sev- iuiti. ui uiiil suBuslîî Ion ansi one sîsu lse iiioil-.tIv di-oppoti a- utile iulai-critj in tii ii.- letter box et a -mag:sun.--T14.' tild fMouthly. With quis- ils botttxng istanulte auteoret Litisi sndür acruli gou hoid et the fretli e uncut si-iaI, bCiie tii-Oitattermanis,1 antid sitîs uîjoi tise autitor teels only once lu lite, saw hitein m print. Lt m'as the iret ut those ileligitîful Sketch- P es by Bozs;-Lloz mas a isier'eI cor s-ption eftlIte naine Moses, b h sticit Dickeonit, wlsse yenng bail was full of thte "Vice" oetWakefield" anti kindreti iorits, useu l payfsally to cal- e bis voeuger-brother. lu is ploasanitar thlin thtit tiis nevelisi, misa tas de-0 piote thett quiet gracos ot an Englisit hEome se teuderly and ii-utitfally, sheulti bave takon th ~im&lume.iB wbicii he aigu oà e-as ospapes-s, tram tise lispinge cf a htteehtsihl. Tise beginning of bis tanne dates frem 8' tihe publication'eof theunurivallid 9 Picwvick Pfpers. Of thase andthie long liai t fmerstisaIflowedfrora Ibis 01 pan eft mue geninsmitis somns or ailser cf lx viticit os- aselectiin titereireru,' almost p, every reader ef Oui OmmiFIESwIDE as s as- if net, ougbî bo ho, familiar, me eau. la net lunttis short space make fui-Lies- mention. , Dickens dieti Jurie 9iit 1870 andile bus-led in Weetminstor Abbey mitere i thte higlise associations efthtie arts lie Ik laveti surs-enn ihm wirealha lies.Ci rFaciog tise grave, ou iLs loft anà ea it, are te monuments et Chauces-, 2 Shakespeare, andl Dryden, tise ibree < ininortaiswmis did most te create sud settie tise languag o t iicisCitasles sa Dickens bs given anotiter undying ki naine,6 John Dryden, L. p . on the "New ModeL» (ProM the ~Ontariîo Reformer" De. comber 21st, 1OP8.) Our readers are, prebahi>', &aae 1 tbat Jchn Dryden, M.P.P., Prealdenti 'ofIthe Ouailian Short-Horn Breedars'1 Aisoeiatioa, eccuplea eonetfLise fneatc farin ltlie Dominion eofCitada. -anti4 '1î onae oftise boi t armer. ~-n.e ut. aéra bat wvisinluaislga" teet fso scil veatisor planta vwhlisare, in- julllrwu:wte opm. Ntoniy 'd«4 e ol the ise ut sud bot it lied - r --i *WIJAT IS~C4 [s-brai» elO 2.-O.(Caada) tJfa.J ' ~.m1 bY ise'Prese a nd develepusent ofth.e.ge- habla parasite emeebe lutise intemdnai nng mensisrae of tise uoee. This parasite la only developeti indes- favorable circunssiancea, ansd lisese arc. Mes-bld state of tis'e blood, stise bligisteti cespuacle oet inercle he gens poison et syphilis, mcs-cus-y, teoeSma, ftrahie reten- tien cf tb. cffèe.e4matter cf the aia, sup- pressedti"n y en1a«teiepi fupartmnents. and tqisepjolpi s dthat u migo- nate inlutise blecci. Tisese poisons kcep tise internae lining membrane et tise nese iu s constant state ofittio, ever ready for tise d eposit ef tise seedet tofies. -età a, visicis spread up the nostil ansd down tise tances, or beck etotiseeuliroat, cansing aiceration cf tise throat; up lihe Eustacisian tubes, *ceusing dcafncss; burrowing lu tise vocal corda,' ceusiug hoarseness; usus-ping tise propes structure efthtie branchial tubes, endine- lan puhuonary consomption sud deatis. Msuy attempis have been matie la discove: n cure for Ibis distressing disease by tise use et- inlialents and ti ler ingenions devices, but 'gaoedlntil thse Parasites are eiher deatroyd or removed frein thc mucus tissue. Saine lIme elace a well-known physician of forty Years' stAnding, gîter much experiment- 305Lig 8101 utTootto.su gt tlipaticle-siiu tai sue roc n by euclig theneesar inst tehan. I s in asleet ta n dt obe tu eth ir iired o, havehad oretnu thi-horiblaedisusve.fl bheterlsandigEr 305 ied sU WetTroad e t fullfes-ed s muhand orase maic y iycre, hht a hrdf mt Men anti Thînga etLkEANI11105 Yotis ANT Sttachà ON A và AR-xvy OF suB.rCI'.. Remarkable ReMtration. Mbro Atielsuldo O'Bin, of Buffelo, N.-as Wi, ivau up te dia by fier pityFicisue, as incurable mt Cou- sumptian. 1h pied Livrs-Ceespîini sud vas cureti mtit Bai-dock Bloot Bit tara. - Wheu tiret cosugittsponges ar eIimy. iti amahlling thini, icckiag lite places ef raw liven. The sponRe et commerce le lte dweîliig ai thae poage Gmut Fatality. The ravages et Chalet-s letu a n sd Sommer conspîsots among ciîbrea la traty atrtning. Tisa wasmý vaiable cure is Dr. Fowier's Wiid Bîrawberry. Every botte guarenlera bg1 atis- faction. Il is aaid tisai ltee ne, "in m eary to nighl love mttisout tbee,- wat~ t o- posasîl by a m*n mitose mite Lad left hum le Lake caeofet he ciuden esil. ste' ment te lietetare nuit ou@ et ibe origitisre. Pt-escriltien tif a Boston physicien, dis- I)nMyeai-s y a listmtiruggist. ONE »)OSE mUt Cu'e any rdtnarý&S-eugb. h for a 2'à cent h,'tieofet-.I*UB" COUGII CURE ad de't Le put off sîiih auyotsoi. WhVn momen stve-tyhing-evti tboy de 001 luie Itchine- Pie-Sytmptorn and Cure. Tis e yns phou aeemoisture, hike po-episallu, intense o4clttag, iuc-ea.sii iuy sathitig. very disii-eselu, penticu- Ieriy et ntghit. seeme se il pin-mes-ms wet-e creliuinlaandi about te i-tonsm; t.e pt-ivate parla are semetinsos affect- ail. If abiowet t continue vos-y ses-loua resut, may toibom. 111 SWAYNE'8 )INTMENT" lesà piesauit, sure cure. M»s for Tetier, IhOlh'StaltRium, Scaid Head, Erysipes, Barber%' Itois, Biaobe.itesl tosly.orusty Skia Diseaaes. Sont by mail for 50 asutA; 8 box.s,tl.25 n tma.Audreas. Dr. SWÂYNE & IONPisuade Ph4a. Sad by Dnug. À abip tliti miiseuilon tise surfa of, lnatecd of plougiing thirouéi, tise cese, Sobeen devlsed by a Leds, Englaad, inventer, . oeulhuaiastio- thly claimathat it miii avu e i.- lantie l itre. day. Bucheu's As-niés Salve. Tise Best Sel,. ha lise vo-id for "nie, truiseaSese;iflr:uSat Ueuin F««e @ores, WItor, Ch pod aieOhfhes, Corna, sud ahi skia aptiWons, sud positive. y urea Ples. Et la usteed t1fve pu.~ st satiufation or mousy rofl r ai ceaie per 'o.For ésa by G. 1, aibiserd. Borne ethtie mevwsnoumng bon es bre se amatil tisa onIy tise amailesi land cf grif eoa bayesany shov on Canadian Land Advertiser, Witi te-gest andi hast let of Fwarinau othert pi-oparties in Dominion, andi mapa of Ontario, Mitoba, andi oves- county ln mes*aro Ontario saut te enmseidreesonu s- capi of 15 cents. W. J. PENTON &_ 00., Real Betata Agents, 50 Adeisde uts-est eaat, Toronito.y2 APPLF8. APPLES. APPLi S. CHAS. DONALD & GO 79 QUEEN ST., LONDON, X.0. WItlb.e a tacorrespond vllb Apple ezwro= nta sud fl V view o Autum nand f8pzlngî;ne" Tfsey villais. give the usueal faciltWset. BL ACKSMITHING! James Camneron o~mdojzHuth.atW., WA'IE abae.1 ofb.publia0 patonape. tâ R«»MmbePl paco-43lin of lb, 131G ET. -m love U@, they forget on cri-inee; viten 'lm. ttey dots' cri-dit A Firm opinion. - Tise fit-m et Oninaut & Walah, dvuggÎeîe. et Peterbero, se>' Dr. Pcv- ierm Wiid Sfavbm la inateoftIheir hast Standard Moioinea for Sîmmer An Engisi- journ aas eusjeu' ais- troma 1afdrus, 1W Iboeffeestata. visite gentlemen whe sali rounil tsea" bave tb.l loge oroloid broya le 'ue. aaive llo i suks, w4ich.viii mot bite aet sp«~ ~»% I>~drfoie I~ ~~ ~~~o *~fev*a oo Sont t f-m. Psy bcesi s-.No sla. CaItaac tmtipvrs la thé hse-axyeg "-tuetfur vutienlss-téaIL NORi L ifr FULL OA FatreIeby W. R otsWhty »P J1LhVZts ý45 CENTS -TO $1,2~5 £4 (R. J. S. ROBERTSON & BROS. q -. i - 9:9 C'EN T -S! REGQULAR PRIGE $1.2-5. TWO FO«R $127I5. 01.1 wikyour~.ghbor am d. pay J. S. ROBBRTrSON & BROS. AN ENTIRE NEW 8TOCK. VHRY A, P-R J. S. ROBE~RTSON & BIROS. - FINEP LT d>300-06-ORGAN One Walnut Ca, isigi top, five octakve -jtu tcued r to fusosts of -éeds,ik-.. Wl/bd salé NO W for $1u50 Oas. Tise Organ in neas-ly ne-w, weu- ranted in fit'elees rdar,"and matie by Oe of thse bout makers in thse Dcmlsncn. part. les wishine- te oRu=sasean ergan et onu bl'af lb.ue al' ouïandi secure et tise s5ne imne a vauahle Instrument cen son tise sause by epplying t. FRED. MUDGE, BIG RUSH PFoTRons- 0ewOK. Seut frec. A. W. KINNEY, Y25 Yasrnenti, N.S. JOHNSON- ln Deverell'e Block for gour FURNTUBEI *VRA'WJIG ROOM SUITS, DNNQ ROOM S UITS, BEDRoom SUITS, KLTrCHEN uuiTs At Pruces that Dety Conipetition Corne One, Corne ail, and sec foJOHSON.es UIXDERTÂZINÇG. ALSO A FIEST OLASS EÂRSE. WJEEtI CITY 011 COS GOLD MEDALS Awarded at Toronto, London and Guelplh, ln t8n-,fer PEERLESS- ANO OTIER MACHMINE OULS. Fa Bale br &I1L Fat-OIauaDelU. Every Barrt Guarantead. » pro"t Si. masi Tovemite. ai iPresasof be MMl for luestisatl Ang ook pscievet. Âa cs uabe.z A Lectureo. to Young- Mens ON THE LOS0F ' P a new ediu*on'of D UY# -ttw~an~e Ànau ý&rrw on an«vï-D êemasen*- cueM'wst-ana WTie u ale&ezavelope, o4y 0 ce.g Thie céiebrate&&-aýia, uihis edmlrabà ey, 'elourly deznônstale, firei thlrty y ar uceesafl patice, tisaialarmlng oneencee may be ri=ayeuma wlti- ont the dangarcne'uecf interni inedicines or-tie sé eof tise kùife; poinmg. cul a mode cfi-cre At, once mDple, cert6#an m effectuai, hzy tmsof'vwhich à evR««evr cure himalif cheapiy. rvti m ale W Itbh ecture abtsum ha Wsftheimad uO:mrl ndt evm mu a tlie land. Aidarems, THE CULYEIWELL MEÈDICAL -C 41MuAnnSt, Noew Tâ& Pot'Offic.eBox -. ' 13 GEWI-QMACHINES :wo,~s Oo~ eut.. CHARLES DICKENS. 7 i t 'ut * 55 t-t' s k-- .1 wmtby, P.O. Sept. 4, lM4. 18nso BIROS. AT- - loi 1 ti 1 1 S. ]ROBERTSON -FOR THE BOYS