Qf tho CifiloNI 0,fr of lait yea - a~p~aa b ~ncreaae thé circula «mqfQsiapaper~u<1 ratio neya 4~¶w. k~owvt i.. ica 26 yo«ra hi. For thé ne ~,ear tee hav 011 1h. old and populaî ~M~oe qf 1863, and ad4(d fresi S*tractiona that oui' head canvasée, aa~. s., "botcnd to éweep the w)ud4 oewtry." T/w new offera appeai or~ ~4h pagé cf thié week'a paper. Lot them lié read by ever~ione. I4aw AdrortIaement8 this Day. Pari for Sale or torent.-Joc. S. Thomion, lest stock of Dry Goods.-Boss Broc. Ian for Suie or W Reni -D. Lcwuon, Deubenton. Gev LoaL-Michal Coffe.. Ossaoxczoz.a's Olnbbing Combination.-OUex for IBSf-8i. SpielaL-Sclgel's Ceratiro Syrnp. Ladies' and Genis' Goods.-R. & J. Camp. belL AUCTION SALES. Aneilon sale cf farru stock, impie. taenia, etc., vithont reberve, the prop. sly ni Mr. Samon Irvîng, a: hic prom. heu, loi No. Sic Iho Srd. con., of Pick- *ncng, on Monday, Ootober 201h, 1104. ~. Fairbanks. Anctionser. Sais of beavy horion, highgrade cal. Ils, hmplîmenîs, oie., the properîy of 5fr. lobu litho, ai hi. preiniaso, loi 85, lu Bb. Sih OOOOeIsjon of Whitby, on ?qîada1, Oct. îlot. 1884-L. Fairbanks &U5Ijomear. Bal. cf terni stock, hoeplsmenîc, &c lloliiday* Jr., 111h soit,, <if Wbtuay, on ~Veinesday, Oct Slnd 1884 - L. Fairbanks, Acucilonear. ~%itb~ QL~runtch. ONLY Si qo PER ANNUM. Wblîby, Frlday, Oct. 10, 1884. Qesaroetecc-L airs-id cst jais COtsooascLsc, 3250. BRAS? CoL5.sovsNo~Plse Mssvor iii. ilcuaieS aI the Cocues] luisît-i ou liaeday eveeuîîg shat hie tulcossîrd o inolit on a oiîarp roHeotiosi if Ols.- taxes vithiri Ibis icressit. yessr. Dcc. 14 la tho hhnsii, boyant which be essys sliet-, viti bossu tlXiensian. New Fair Grounda. TIse groviag ensceen ai the Souîh Ontario Agricuhigral Exhihiîioti bss cci- Iebhiohe4 15e tact thai ai an earty day, mers extensive grenedo viii ho an ah- soicite noc.s.ity. Thie van plain te evorpone prosent ou ihe graunde on Tueuday o! laut vees.. A leaSing ai. treclion ai every exhibition oh late yeare lu 16e bora. ring, het b rat-t-p Ibis te 16e secouas thai il demîe.lp, mors nooni meut be gratteS. The p résout eithtbiîioe groneda are srhothp luadequat. in thi. ruepeot. J est vbera 11dm ixîca roons eau 6e abtaicod is a queatloe ton coesideraiian; bat tisat in orSon ie bolS tho Jiigb position nosi attaineti by oer aannîy bain sornetîting must 6e done, bu boyant docibi. \Ve are piessiaul 10 s.tiov ibat ibo malter in heing entirtained la ecicco cuteul hy 16e dlmestors et lb. eocieîy. The presant vohid ceeus ta beau opportune ilme te make a more; fer this i-essec, Il hi te b. isoped, thai noce ai the rock. upen ubleS Whiîby bas aimas. lxi othet onterpnhies, viii bo allovod te sbov thimmelves on ibis ocoacian. Englaud'c !nemies. Tho poillicai silcatiati le Europe continues te Seepen lu interosi. Ah 16e Cabinets o! 16e groal Pcvens are erldcnîiy in s nIaIt e! grasî snxi.ty as te 15e future anS are doieg someîbiug, - some more, soins Isas, to put tho ship i et nIai. le s ceudiiion fi ta recuire îl~. luevilabteutonni. Engiand lu addition lober Internai confiiet orer Ibo Fran. t skiai UhîL -a cenfihet b, tIse vay vhicb sbovstvsr sigos cf mbeiing,-sou tise Egyptisit Slffieniîy ou hon banda anS tIti iittaéglement cf ber Chineoe la. i toisais vlth bbc Freaeh sehemes cf t aggréselen lu ibe Bant. Morecren ihe ~ soudîllon off ber affaira in Sonîh Aines la fan front enceenaging. Te bei-nov i lir. Glsdutôeés eau phrasa niiered S niany yesn mgo, la Socth Atnica yon ~ île InsI on ena aiSe anS thon yen turc over ou Lb. cihor buî lu ne peaitien Se r Ion gel consfoni nr pesos, Att-or a h unes cf diassiers tisaI mcmi be tresh le t] tIse 0mimontes et oun readers; indu. penSeuse vas réstoroot te Lime Trans- ruai bul t-ho nienîlon cf 16e Resorve le a Zuhumnd Itiapi up 16e irritation et 16e Il Roui. vhe isaluna.ily look for suppani il and synspaiby lu thoin arragaci prit. teusîcue te Gernxsny. AnS ihsy gel il. P~ s Agalu afler viîhdrsving their agent ?' - - trous Boebusnalan~, 67 a new arrange. mc misut 16e Bnititb senS hlm bacs. agaun. AnS tiers 1u, aise qusrnllug bolveen bbc Bc.ni sud 15e natives lu Stetialmoud ~ anS Biillahluiresîe are agalu te rolred. Wbeibcr 16. DuleS or 16e English are ultintui.ly te propondersie le Socth Allie ban sente day te b. decîded sud fa - ut pnusen$ it veuld sesta as If 16e Sa. lii uhuhoos muai bi 'pado by the svond. pu Aas4 tien ou ail lancia luglaus bai mités. té engage ber eenioen attention 16 abroad, Brou aparî front 16e mtiugghe Ove? tbêFranohiia, 8h11 -sIte bas other ~ troubles scuiroutlng hor-Irelanui Se- ~r spitealleifesje~c sootit, hem ha net no SatlSB.4;uudislu a vsry thréstening ~ ni,'A~beré~ et dynamite me; b. bu' ove' bultberéta net 16e Issu aoubt ,PaiuoU sud hi, vell'disehplln. rie .4 1*v~ are makhimg réady te bar. gsI~ ip Oh. sftalrp et- ihefr eountry on Mini e~sul Iei1hs. Pie po~sr cf 16.1, - ~ le Sein g un- et thîle dicta. l~:.~W~*aueely~pe liaI thé paver wyesm.<'seu vestlliviij os lu I - ""s t. MUtes of iseeti Ots thé bingdont ubhie il -' ~tra~u~u :~.e~I niphil; ~ v. saS aIl th~î ion icosi trionS. pniJ ufsh sic baS clii ~y b. ose. liaI alliongi ~ Iir le sotupuestive pésao Brhttsb ~$h~msu1mave-tgle.îyo engage liehi POhoieetieuiluu, lias (rom long luituunlîy suce. lithos Fiance stili reluscu 1910150 bai grhp upon Cishua. Tiers is a mil lothe r siruggle'and ltlodlmeuuî i. soy il 111h figbt vit) go op, Ph. gay Partalan lIas lad bis osibenut cf ialigioes joy ovej r thesusosas ienstt rani, anS * ready h. hps~ ~essed t. tale a~,lstertui lu the East ~ut M. U1emry tise l~no'2sseis c Pister, la Setenmined, te utake a ~ reputation, W. niay doponS upon Il if ho cm acquinu sonsa cheap glory frens bnllylng Ibm Ohicisa, b. viii have il; but 6e must b.vars et meSdUug vlih Brhtinis luteresia. Houai 16e Se' tai. - Gennsauy la oalentatloualy lit tarer cf Franc.. The vhly Blamarel la pullng - the sinlngs anS Lb. tbroe Empirons 6ev sud speak anS ahake banda, sud aci lu uniion lest an 16e artfni ventru. - r equimi arranges 16e slsov. But ton - rossons vs reninred te gir. before lu these ceinnins 16.7 viii not fig6t. -Diplomscy is lb. ganse anS 1h. avonS - vilI have a rosi. The very interésîieg enishe le Beigiens vs shah leare for - some other oppcrtunhty. Miaictinse cen readers vie ans intenuited lu 1h. Sepanai. Sehool Question olsould kîcp - ilteir eyes on Boîgluns. Our Town and Oounty. CERVANTES LESIORTAL HESO, "POINTS A MORAL AN!) ÂDOaiOs A TALE. "-"rssà - VRLLEit' TEACOIES PRACTICÂL LRSSoNs ON CONCLtIfltNO ic~a ELuOIisATION or - WHY t-sot-La DiFmOtI la OPcMrOro." Begniar corre.pondenoe ai OnstoaccLs> Wsirrar, Oct. 7, '84.-Reinrning b lb. subjuci et Sifferences cf epinlon, anS differunt elsasus et minde, timer. i. anoihor claca morm bopetesu flan any of the toregoing, vhish vo viti S.elg- nato 1h. dogososto, cloua. This ciase finS, ifs ibose, vbo, hivinp once formeS an opa- tison, ho it night on wrong, at-e csrachaecge ablp Ji.red m'a tht-jr descaeiou. Sncb porions usnaliy attaoh reai imponiance io their ove sepanior poven ot dus. cerenseni, acid senudeesa o! jndgmenî. No îrgnnoenîa, bovîver, cegeut or lorcîbie wuii badge ibens an xnoh. Tbey are an împervîons to logic as a Sueka - burt, (ta use c fsamiiiim iiiuctrstion) is ta a choyer of nain. The ou ai ssii- compiacency keepe every featiser in cts place. Tisey betonp lu the big I ssii IsUlo e sit-panimeni ai hamanicy, anS look u~sou athers as night an wrong mci t n proportion a, aihen. a~s-oe on ditter woîhi lh<-m. h us sa insposeshie ta con- I oint-o eut-b persans chat thci, ire on ib. wrong se il was ta catiaince Don Qoîsolo luit a plain Barber, basin was ont, s,- b.- ooiîcelvpi il ta be, ihe rt--aI lit-i su-t ni liombnino. Tisey are t- las Salonian eaj-e iti ttseir awn court-si "ihati devers mnen wha cati rsnder a recoin; uni they arrupy n poos:su ne pîtrniiio, utileos in niatters ici wlssrli chocs happen 10 ho ni~'bt, as St-s tiscîr opposites, a-ho "are t-ver iesrnsng, sud nover ahi. ta corne ta lb. knov- leige ai ihe trnth, anS uha litie scestiien-cocks, are continnally reening C freIn point ta point, anS are usetel (ou has heeti vsil rensînked by s certain arniter) only as they indicaîs tho direc- 15 tice af 16e wiutd. Then again, thitto eeom te 6e bel '1 fev, vho bar. math therongh coatroi orer their taculties anS feelings, as te G be ahi. te gise an entmrely nnbiassd opinion in regard ta malIens la vhieb p their self.isoteresu sesmc ai stake; or lu regard te malter. that may have ai I. some lime heen vith ihens ihe subjeci of bitter dispute. Self inteneil, in sncb h esse,, seems le bave tho aitracîlve pover cf draving 16e plemmet cf G jndgmenî tram bs pempendieniar lino, anS nsakiag il incline tnward tovard ihe monetain. AnS, if incicad et self intorosiibe toolinga anS prejedices only are calteS mie play, tise effort ie M mnoh ibe dams. Those faeiitigs sud prejudices baving once tanud a place ici the-minS, are like tuiler, lubie b be ne kindied wîih a spart ; on ta use Js another figure, lb.y arc like epraitici ankie,, vhich, shthongh apparenîly ~ heaiel anS an stracog sud fins as es'er, are cliii hable ta gmt- vay under slighl pressure, end dameiimes eccasian 5 sony unsiignifi,,d bail. And timus w. fiaS tisaI msny pooplo are ept 10 rue 10 oxti-ames la their scieve sud fuelingi, anS oeelng Ibinge only tram their oye stand point, or in Lb. lighi ai ibeir avn inspreasieuc, R: babil., edecalion or projudicas, tiiey Ire ofiers oxcecdlugly slav in oonsaeg 10 i juil Socisiait, or in bearning te mxaske Ihai ailovance for the nove £nS teul- .nge et oibens, Ibsi a candiS, sober, ~easeuabiu axiS nubissed coualdersiion cf both sidee ef a onbjecî vonid ~enonally produce. AnS for the vaut cI ibis kind cf considaraîlon anS ullevance, foui fniendo haro sonsotimes isoome bitter enemies te eaeh othen; oclethea sud nations bar. bose breton Jo] ap mie hostile factions; pases, sud sarmony, bave baS thoir demains le- 'adeS by auamchy anS cenfosien; anS be faîr booom et cur moîhîr eanth hou 'eau Snecbed again anS agile vitb Mi lie uts blood et ber sons, anS the tears f ber sorrevitsg Sauphien. lut My resSers are doubîleas mon. or 'ou fimiliar viii tha 'tory 0f 16e Ivo Jet niphio, vie, travellIng in opposite imuotoons, moi ai s poiet vbene a abletS 'au insponded ai sonse hoigbt abore sens, one aide cf visicis ves et murer, Mit nS lb. eiben cf gaiS. Yen viii also '1 tnssmher the qnsmt-ul Ibat enaned Mit stuceis 16e ivo brothen le ansi, anS '1 îe coisaeqnoneee ot that quârnet, Irons Mil sein vainly eadearemuug le cot-reet ueh other as te 16e quaiity of the muid, 16e an. msintaoaong su upu. et i remaaitrar~e 16.1 Il vss iils'er, anS B o other as stacsily maintalnlng that vas gaiS. TItere are, anS haro beon, A ici tikely viii bonuny cuch eue.sidsd, hep i tva-diSeS disputes, anS nsany are A on siover than vert lb. tara Ruiphîs ~ loareing visSons tram tho lips et j~ penience, Lit us in eiojnu, endeavor lu iearn Wiis me practicai lessea, (nom ihe sabjeci saleS cf la 161, anS 16e proviens ~ final, lot itlcach ns a lessen of Aj S' rbcarassce, i.eimsg vo are aIl hable ni Bs ise 10 err. Nezi, lai il teaeh us te Wiiî y Sue regard te the nov. anS miens e! othono, seelng vo bah iront Mils ferent slaud.poluîe, anS ofteû *eê ngu lu Sifferent hiphîn, hiotb cf vilch ~ cybo mors or teso corisct, anS niera Bros lesa impanfeci. Néxi. lat il teadti ns p. eu.y~ud~sénh lu Hod1 v Dc ne posseesed 'unjaundloed oves, RoSi te tatea cals, sieur, Siapas~lonahi Ps v et boIs aides (ou fac as 1h~t h Bio~ sible> anS te vsigh maltées cf - Bu sontance viii Sue cletibeveilon betors Hod~ slngto a -Sucisien, AnS Snshly, bei & cadi usa iesaon of love sud gooS. ~ i tevanuis ail, seeing the appanmut-& creuse, lu our -range cf vielcu, as4~ h. cenel~sslons vo anti. et (rota an prsmés5 arç pirbapa niore - Le~ Luenily tise rescihiof gerlelu cirewqet- ~Tj5 oea vils vbhshw~ arapi bars tepis -ija nundod, lita cf .uypartiop1!~ r.aiglsféulgiqqa oui , 41. Ii4Uy on tbe-2obè~ ---Wllo u~u~r Du isais un4oat~hSly, b4sr a pteoâ#ur I tisa nîlsara. - aisd .ealaaIls. ~ - udgi tuo~a favorable ésuniulanesa. 51111 lu 1h. souris of 1h. aftsrnooc 1h. groundi preseuted a livsly appear anse sud the Hall vas vii fttied Anioug 1h. vhaltors front a distancé, oI whom 1here ~ere several vs nia meuttbu L D. Edas,, M. 2f>. for W.ê~ Ontarlo, whons genial sountenanes vas greuted vhth pleasure M hi veut froax on, departmeuî loauolhsr, wlth a kinl word <ce ée~ hake)of~ thé hauê b aliother, and a stalle for ail. Thon. van a ~ne asaortmenl of Pancy work lu aIl branches réfleatiug lunch crédit on Ihe sUil aud tant. cf thu Plcksning ladlss.The exhibit under tht head 0f <Joufeotiouery, embraoin~ anio~sg othor 1hings, b2ead, cakes, preservea, pIckles, joUies, vers ezeel. lent. W. eau îpeak (rom actual expencenos aa te the bread sud cakes, haviug en'o ed 1h. pr a issue oflsjth. ivilege 0f geiiang Thé roots anS graine vers lu scierai samplos superior te any we have hiih crie ceeu. The exhibits, on tise groundi, oh agrionîturai ixnplemenia vers net as numerons au saunai, A oabinoî oreamer, anS ehurn e:- babited by "The Champion Oreamer Cooepany of Morrîsbuurg Ont.," attraoted mnoh attention, ai diS also a double mould.board piow vaih petite- dïgger attaohed, euhibited by James Le. ot Rhumer.5 anS The Noxon iigbt plaiforni BlaSer, nianufaotursd ai Ingersol, by Noxon Bros. Maufg. Ce. For exhibiti lu impiimcsti, anS lu borcea, ibiep, catîle, avine anS poultry, lu ail of vhieh thon vire son. very Sa. epecintens, v. roter eue readmrs toi lb. prise tact. [n 1h. "saSSie anS roadsîir" deparluient, thé Judges not baviog complotéS their vork vhen ihe mpniceuîahivea of the prisa loti, 1h. liii viii b. eompleted feu wo.k. HORSBs. HOKnKn-ogNg~L PUaPoSE. Brood Mare, ici John Covie, 2nd Wni Middieîon. Spning Fui7, mi Thou HunIer, 2nd J McCormack. One year oid Fui7, lui A Gounlia, Sud f Maddaford. Two year aid Fui7, lit Geo David. ion. 2nd W Petty. Ysarling-,pscial prlaa-lsi Isaae l'aimer, 2nd Wm Petty. REA~Y DJLAUGHT. i3rood Mare; ici John Milier & Son. Spning C.olî, lai John Gibson, Snd Vm Forrecter. Yeftniang Fui7, ici John Busseil. Sprsug Fui7, lai W Anmainong. Two year nid entire Colt, lut John <f511. r. Une yean aid entire Colt, lit and 2ud ohn Milier. SPECLiL-CANADWI ORAUGET. Brood Mare, lii P MeDirmaid, 2nd i Bareiay Two puer olS Put7, lit Wm Pile. Onu year olS Fui7, lit D S MeFar' lue. Two year oid eniare soit, lai Wni ram. One ycar olS entire ooiî, lit John lrogg, 2n5 C Bareiay. Boit Spring Cols, by "Prince Ian- arîai,~' mi G if Jouis. Beat spring Colt, (Canadian draugbt) il P McDemmald, 2 B Underbiji. Béni sprlug Filly,(Oeuadian dranghî) il Thos Wood, SeS John Ram. Judgsi-Âifréd Mav, Wau Edgar, Oc Heron. CATTLE. TiLOROUGH-RSEI> nuafiAn. Ccv glviug mils. or ID sait, 1.1 A Ihiteen, Sud Thon Pegh. Tvo pean etd heiher. lai John Miier. One year olS Iseifer, loi John 5f iller. licher cait- (since loi Jati. 18841, tsi ,hn Muhien. Bull ciii (uluce lit Jan. '84>, lit A 9hiieao, 2c5 John Mitier. eaacis cATTLsL. Cour gining mils. or iii cait lai T ogh, iud J Docghaua. Tva year olS liciter, lui Jno Reameil. Doit year aId heifer, laI John Rea. t, UnS T Pegh. Hoifan e~lf, lad T Pcg6. Fat cour or siesi-, lai anS Sud John susoil. SHEEP. COTsvoLDa. - AgeS ram, lit John Muer. Sboaniing ras, la: John Mullar. Ras lamb, let John Muter. Tvo ageS evos, lst Jehu limon. l'vo ihearhlug eves lut John Millet ive ove lasSa, isi John MUier. soununevica. Jhoamllng rsm, lmt John M88en, lad bu Wilson & Sons. tara lentb, lot John Wllaoa & Sons, i Jobu Milan. rve aged eues. lot ans lad John lIer. L've aheaoling evua, lut John Muer, t John Wilaon A Boue. Pvo eve tuba, lot John limon, luS su Wilson A Boue. auney~auza~ novxa. goS rani, lsi sud SeS John Miter. Ram lantb, laI T Pugh, luS John ion. 'vo aged evsa, lmt auJ luS John 1er. vo ove lamba, lst sud Sud Job. ion. BWINE. usaxeicras. - -ear pip nI '84, lai John Millet. 5MALL 88USD. goS bean, loi Hp Olmp, lad O RiS. giS soar, Iii T5os Wltmon. iv ef '84, lai Plies wulseu. asi- et '84, lai C .RISlep, Sud Tboe coca. LASOR Bilan. goS boar, lut <J BiSlay. ged Boy, lit E G Barehey. ave! 1884t- mi C Rtdiey. ian of 1884, lot O RiSioy, Sud Tbce con, odgei-W Horon, W West, Jr., se. POULTET. Se Games, lot N Pouchon, Sud ,u & Hodge. iii Spanlai, imI sud Sud Brevu * ge. seIngs, lai -mnd Sud Srqvu A ~nIdge Ooslalus5 loi sud SetS J mli Uqdge., - - -~ ~ STTOOSWTJL r . e ~7&LIL OPEN.ING ~ ~ .i~Ã' s ~ The Dry Goods Emporium crowded with customers from ail parts of the county and ail the newest goods froxïi the great Emporiums of Fashion. We hold to-day tbe best assorted stock of Dry Goods in Whitby, and the cheapes~ We are determined to Iead thelradè ,~ à lid have goods iii the market. nô hé~ifatlô~j iii statin~ that~ôur business is growing daily, and will compare lavorably wi1~h an~ iii oeoront4 or-~witb thôse of the other large towns lu- thé Dominion. There is no reaso11 why anyone ~h~ii1ti go frmrrhome ~ hue, as fôr varietystyîe, value, quantity, -quality, and close prices we defy the trade. - 8 paneS. hope, lit N Sterensce, i MrsC ?hihip. S sqnasbis, lui John Deif. 12 sans cern, tsi J Branle, Sud J Burk, Bru Lavi Whunser. Prck of toniatees, lai Wm Tayl Ici E G Bsrclap, Srd H ,Iohnson. S waîensueions, Isi maso PalmerI J B But-k. S nsnskoeotons, 1.1 O L Barda7, i J B BOrk. Collection gardon vcgeiebles, Lavi Wasmen, Ind J H Burt. Suit bag eanty poîatoe.5 lui Jo Dut!, Snd C W Mattbuwu, 8rd D Idoariane. Buis bag laie potaices, lst U Yons SoS J A Deuglais, 8rd D S MeFanlas FRUITS. 12 summor eooklng applea, loi T & Nighs*.,nd.r. 12 sensmer table applea, isi T & Nighswander. il fat] lablo apples, lst O Ni~hsvn der, led John Wilson, Ord T & Nigbsu-sndor. 12 fait oookang apples, lat O Nigi vander, SeS Wrn Dais, Srd Mn D McFanlanu, 15 vin 1er table appt.., lot Wns Te Ion, SeS A Whioten, OrS Buuie Nigi vander. 12 vicier cookîng apples, lsl Jo] Oilchnic&, Sud J B Forsyth, 3rd Niebovander. Vsniuty of apples, six hindi, lii Nigbivsnder, SeS D B Nigbsvsnds Srd Wm Pt-av. Vsnieîy oh applus, 12 kindi, six oaeh, nansed hi T & M Nighivandu SoS D B Nsghsvander. For Use largéet anS boit display applea, distinct Irons ail other eniri. b.lng evuons gnovtls, lii Wns Dat Snd O Nighsvandcr. 6 fait piars, lot lins A 8 WhaleySc O W Mattbeus, OrS T Pugh. O vinter poins, lot lira A 8 Whate: lad BeSson Bros. 8 benehes grapea; bises., lsi D Banelap. 8 bunohes papes, any other kind, h D L Banaley. Beut peck erab apples, lit Wni Dal Canadian grova peashis, lit Pugb. DAIRY PROIIUON. BeilGO lb. butter, lii Mn Jno Wl son, 3.81 25 Ibm crock bnti.rlet Mn W. Ma~or.2o lb. better, lit Mn J8. 011 obmt. Besi 15 lb. orook better, isi Mn Wc Major. Bus 1516. butter, lu 8 lb rois, is Mn S K Brovss, B.d 10 lb. bntîer, lit Mn. B Dcv irait. Béat 10 16e better, ID pound roîls, h .5(~ D L Barda7. But 5 ibm butter, 14 Ms, W. Major. 20 lb. eh...., bons. mada, lut 1fr Jno Wilaon. MISCELLANEOUS, 10 lb. Souey, las cemb, lui C Nighs veuden, SeS Jai licOregen, OrS Iru Onu. 10 Ibo honey, lu cemb, lot O Nlgha vander. 8 Ibm honey, b cemb, loi Jaa Mc Gruger. Seat S lhs straluod bomiey, isI W S Willucu, Sud Mn MeCernisoti, BnS O Woodrnff. Set teint bernois, hesry, lai A Mc- Doveli. Oit singlo barnise, 1.1 A MeDevoît, MACHINES, FARM IKPLE. MENTO, ho. Chunus. T. B Bmesk Piov, cf suy tinS, Fhiury A Bon. [non hicrova, lai Fhéury h Sou, Sud N Buntltoidsr. Lumber vagon, Speiphi lianfg Cc, Spning vagon.BpeIgbîMe~ Go. Buggy, open, Spelghi Manfg. Ce. Bctggy, icp, lai Opeigit Mmufg Ce., SuS R Han.y, Reaer, W Maiibevs. Sévwg nsmeblui1 leS Wnt Fleming, Turulpalleer, Plauey & Son. Cabinet engin, Wso Fleming. UnlieS herse abois, amitiéS, lames Lé~ Oreamon, T.8 Brent. DOME8TIQ M&NUPAOTUREB. 10 yds Union Flauaol'home staSe, lii lins Unlah Young, Sud lira John BeIt, 8n5 Mis Wm Mujor. Union Plannel fctory .uede,-i slnd Mris7seDeh~ugo~] 10 puis fuit uteth lente niadul, laI Jas I HubbarS, lad s &.ulo. ~ Weoduuff, OrS Mi. J-1 ><~>jlsile4auiial faitaeîmnds.let 10 yde vI4t laisug ~touueniaae, lut Mrs Dl~IseogPaJnnm~_ _ h iL S i nS Praserves, tsi Miss E Wismer, 2n5 To-w-n Ooundil. Mn U Yonng jr. - 5PKCIAL. B Bcd Ibre, baves home macla bèe4~, I. & negular weîtln~g pf tIse To~n 1,1 lins O Pishlp. InS Miss 1h WisnLer pÇonooiLwas isetS t*s iton~ay evenihsg. or, 8rS lira 13 b Banels3'. r resen t l-MB~r~ Repart, Recru Loup, Besi ibrie baves bread home ~ Dep. ~.tsevé ,seffray, Musans. Pc:, led lit Mn. J Brne~, .2nd lins L uia,,u, Snsiîb (Bail), Smuîh (Wesil, Bun.o, md W aimer, Rebenisop,~ ~.4O~sv q. tuB- Pair: bers. blauhts-u8~el'ep I ~ P~O , oonfir*sE' -isi lins I L Barelay, Sud A MeDov. ici cil, BrS Mis H Johnaon. CoN~<U~<~CATIoNS. bu W.to'r PINS ARTS. The Ç1er~ reaS eomuugujqaiious: caler paintina, isi Oco Ens' Prom CII*rioîté Whiînap compiain. mati, SeS lira A M Brove, Bn M H iug et Sefeetivo ilate cf ditch ID front Ensmiti. ofbbrbenje ~ tha GnausdTrenk ig, Dii painting, O H O WeightluS ~. (~fçreS 10 ~reet. and îe. ~ .~ ~IRJrovcmenn~Oonsmiîtée). - - MoOarthy. S'Wesinp~. ----Prom Thw~OùSon, anc ha~ouut for Crymici painting, lst lira J Duiong. M Veivet paluîiug, isi lin W H Hayes. Siu~i~g a diteis. Crayon dnaving, isi Oso Ensmeti, TOWZ< ANIS MARkS? PRO1>KETT. , - M Snd M H Ensmeti. Ma Fox swsbmuitud a report Irons ibm Penoil Srawing, lit M H Emmoît, TOItS ~ad c Mhrbet Pnoperty Commit. îu- SeS Gito Ensmnuti, BrS Lottia Snsiih. 14e. 1'bep~had baS undereousideraijon M s~acu L. 1h. mattén et re-tîttiug bnteh.r stails Besi collection phoiogra~,hs, ici w sud voulS -neeewmeuS that théy 6e ~ ~ cS~B ru-lét by Public Aucîlen on Lb. Ont F Pslniing ou satin (cuira), Mn w s Tuesday lu Due. ass~ ihai 16e entrauce Wusîney, bighly eonsmaudud. trous ibm itreet ioadiug 10 sîsils Ne.. i 7 Cohlastion odorat phoiogrspbs, W E sud S bit closeS ou thé expiration et O'Bnieu, hîgbiy eonsusended. present lasse. Tbey ver. Ereqnuntly eatted epon b tend incuber sud cesut. L&D[E8~ DEPARTMENT. hep in tht. yard, also ehaina, benehee c Fauey kniîting, mb Mn BeaL Snd C &c., betonging toi 16e bail anS se ibe Palmer, Ord A Detong. properîy vison retkrnud le (ruquentiy C Faocp kuitîing in yod, tsi Miss E A fanaS 1<' bedsmagedwould rooommopd sr, Kennear, Sud Mary Wilson. ibet ibe iendin~ cf property b.Iouging Crochet work, lai lins ET Yonng jr, te the Corporation be discontInueS in et Sud Mn A. Deiong, 8rd lins Viezani. ihe feînre. They baS baS before theni t-, Embrai.~ery on siiklaî Loutie Swiih, Ute loltowinp acceunts whieh théy Sud Mn. W H Hayes, tirS lin J 13.11. baud 'torteot sud vottid ruconsmend cf Embroideny on linetin, ici Mns Jue for payineuu ~~Mena.i~ & <Jo., repaire i s, Bell, 2n5 Lotila Snsith, Brd E Riancar. te Tova Bell 884.05, dnîy on bell *, Ecnbreidcry ou soibon, isi lit-s John 26'-l5, frolgbi 15.16,4. Bih, for taking Bell, SeS lire W H Hayes, Brd Loitie bell te anS from station 81.60, W. ,,~ Snsiîh. -Mosnsay, for uinklug~veti lu dru ihed, Embroldurp on vomsiosi, -lai Ma, TP. Wilaqna- ~aming for sans. >, Hayes, Sud Lsttié Souitb; OrS lir~Ue1i. ~~8:OG fi. ThomzpaeÉ, punsp for îamc i Fauey uetîlnglîî Misa H Thempeon. 88.00. Report adopteS. L Gorusan raiaasl vitrk, lai-Misa BA Kinnuar. SaS Mn Hayes, lIt-S Mn Rosi ULt~. J , RelueS berlîn vool, lit Mn Hayes, Ma. Bvams (rom thé Relief Commit. Sud lire Beal, OrS Zinnia s.~ tee oubuttiod a rîpo$ r.éon~mendIDg ~ Fiat bénie yod, Jet lins, ~î, Sud papotent et eh. fottowjig bille, Biniou i T Misa H Thetupson, SeS Bslla Bmhb. ,Fra~n 48.48, A. 1~. Etc. 88.00, G. A Oruanseutat neadie voek,,let Lissie Canuen 87.25~ Robent Oanspbuli 82.00. Boit, Sud lire Hayes, OrS Mia. Wilson. Report adepteS, - Papon flouera, lai Mes Hayes, Sud ~ ~~'» WATEi. Mise £ Wilson, Bnil Jptnnîa Seoti. Ma.. Roisxavsop rspontad tro4e île c Benjin foyers, loi ll~ Dé~rsval l,,Sad Obsumutipe on lire agiS W4qr.. Thé * Mu. Hayes. - 0ompIu~ baS haA-usatdar ec~dpstion c Zephyr foyer,, lst Mn A Dslong, 16e application cf the Fine Conspany t md Mn Hayes. for a grant et $200 toi applp tevarsi t Feathir lovera, lut Mn Dclong. Sud payIDg for thuir nev unifonin. Théy b ~ Misa Rinnear, OrS Mn, Hayes. hsd consulteS the Teva Soilciior ai 10 i Mmciii? beiket, lai A Wilson, Sud tIsa tegaiitp -ef .ncb ~a ~grau± anS bis ~i Y0nng. opinion vas liai "hi van bepond ail p Mat or mg, lai A. Wilson, InS Mar. pooaibiiity cf Soobi thai ibm Cotineil o - Lb. Young, had povur le Se se." Bsiievlng 1h. s Cou, von, lot Mss Hayes, 2.d lins services 0f 16e Pire Brigade aueb as te i Detoug. outille thens te bar. iheir application ix Leather vont, lai Mn Dclong. favorabty conoidurud, they ventS h Wax fruit, lot lire Hayes, leS Mies recemniond thai au appropriation cf ci Kaunean. 8200 logeanteS Lb. Company for the il i Wa: levers, lii lins flapi., SuS perpose siated, lb. sanie te b. paiS ai Misa Kiccear. over 10 ibe Tnessurer on baLai! of ibe v --6ent'a vhiti shirt maobinu-ni,.Ss., 1.1 Oompany. Report adopied0 Loiiiu8cnlth~ndMrs G B 8m1ih~ - smxve a~n IIiPSoV2NENre. baud ~ad.<lst .t,. MI'sGBSmith. - - mr~ ~ ~sr.opjcd by Mn. Jeffrey ci - Flannel sbire haudmade, lsi MTUU moreS thai Mi'i Dewnsy b. appoicied ~ Yeuogcjn, Sud lirs A Whiiacn. It~VWB5> ét the--Stnééti anS ai Planuol shirt hanS maie, hi Wtt> Improvomanla Consnsîitac Snrissg ihe ~< Fleming. illneseoT Mn. Caun. CarneS. w~~on'. visaIs, îsî ~ - A met;oitto roter 16e 9andon se. Sud Mme Ripes. - iouut te IbeBtn*p*. osé~l Ixccpmoveminio Hair vmoath, lai lin Delcug, ~ Oemnsict5o wiêlipt. ~ 75 Mn Bnrk. Couaseil sehjourseS. Ottoman, lui lins Heyés,~lud lire - , I VansauL E<>ard of EduoatlhuL Fsnoy vert 6.:, lot lins Hayes, SeS eh Jouais Seott. - .rv~s, ya' ~rZtnsw~'-r 4m 'A lU. Fansy tablé mai, 1.1 Mn Hayes, se ea-2souoor. ~ni~s..t litS lira Banslay. - *zbulnohhasewo. L-'. hlm LaSyTe dises. lii Lottie Silihi. Sq.4 Jeunie Seoit. ~héBoard of Edusation met un tlW - Oblld'i dreos, lit Bella Sniitb, lied douilili Ohanibor W.S2uisd.y evenhzi. Mss Vantant, At 7,'I tIi moveutIs memlsn dnop1,.~s Lédy'. boucietlet Iota Seoît. ~aki~4nons~au~ .~ Sp.elm.u et bralding, lai Mn Pal. niau salleS lIse meeting te order. tenon, liaS ~d~ne A MeDovehl. - - Xhera~o~é~jfje~ ~eosra. Onu. Point lape, lai Liésis Bail, leS t~it,~gi >he o~oaln, Dcv, Farevehl~ Vensau~ - ' cFu~ ~.m4âct4 Edtleilp sud J Sofa phiov. laI Mis Moflovdil, InS Smhsh. sic Mn HayoL " - - - - Tii. nilouloe et thé lait negulan saS asti Kuit ensilots, liai lima Delon. uevenal upacial inestingo vers read and ~ll LaSy'i undmrelothiug, lai n Pet- confirmeS, on - - - ________________ litai lna~ Wau shulb, let lire Hepes, led Jano - c*. Sust. a~iarcp~ E.~Suahsing 10 rcoig~ ~ sud %nilteras~tehv.rk4c~t Mis ~pyee thé é~ othié~tn~éil~ppjnuut, cf] U!nn~IolsnX' os, cpré1gh~m Thompson. , ~" i5~Oj~ bot Bsadvonh4aî MnHay.e,~ndM - I ' s5~bMtS*'S~t * Misa £ WUsos~ -, ~Ver. ~at. - 5 - -' nd Mia Uuêyéa, l~S té c> ena, lis t>~inI~ng, P"l - ~ at - Mm. Vneaat, Dufirin t, Uchool, on ; ~ LtSy'smaittle, leiLoille ~mnftb.~ allaI Usd1 .o.lb5..o. OnlysuOnion ~ Test. lay Oit 1h. &ock.siteututéavslk, en a drla.sly - day, Tlllaloqlaisky min put bIs foot on 1h.' Ga'euus~'apasmcdio twistEr thon weet off Au vh booked ont pI lis abop.vludov et a volt knovu BrocI sireet inerehaist ono et tboai vit laye -vhleh proeâ~od tise liii- bout veel vo sav usclbing but dans. lcivssh~g oloud~s ~oromlug lb. sty, ceibint-bul dnhsiahing main lihiug 16e' air,- Icihing but muS anS mloery every. vhere; not e very pleaaani prospect. Ai va ibeked ccii thé straut vs aav hotbing. Pie came <punit repayeS a glanoe.dtsvu -~ streét, à mt4 vo ver. abotat cenclnding LiaI there vai nets. 1n~ anyvbers, vben our 0700 fou on a bohlary enion iying lu 16e cenîre o! 16e slSevtlk~on 160 louiS sîde ai 15e otreot, m'spouboig gtadefnlly lu an enean o! mut). anS vator. Èren Ibie vould bavp pasaud ente tho signal - cats.gory e f noiblugnoos baS hi net preccnîiy ezeni- el a pov.rttsl InSuemice lu broakissg tise duli ononoteny cf a Seller day. We nitrer amy a mors lunocenî loos.- ing onicu lu our lirse, anS vo presense, the sanie ides posceesod the mmd o! a loup, cadaveroits iootlug party trens Plchcr'n' vbo camé aîong tise vals., te allappearance doeply bnnied lu Ibouphi -16o*bt as te vbethur 'ivenis boîter or ual te haut te market sud stil bis banbsy ai fifty sente s bnsbel nov or mn 16e niaI cf getting aveu luis neul îpning vtth 16e decosaud centaiuîy et ici. lu thé Intervai by abninkago sud versnlnlfwinter.Sin 1h. baru or on 16e other haud trcns 16e Inevilable wanehouse anS insunauce chargea if sicred lu 16e eleraions-bunied in lbougbt titis Ihat sud £ great big brovu fmlscking.cane nueS nmbréiia as large alntosi ~si allI OulSoors. On 6e 1esme ut ~u5opuohea cf lii. inI~snSing Seeni, uit b~ himothit cd 16a1 onloci, titan b. panseS. A Isola ot indeelmiou came cvii hi, face as thocgh b. baS (ergot. en semsthhng, anS van oonsldening chither be *otsld go bacs. for hi or net. t-luatly h. moumed te thint ihai a change cf pc*ion vould ielp hlm nat.nially an lie sel Sovu. - Byihte-vay ho set ve came te 15e oncinsion that b. yae a min vie bought qnidkly aud acteS ou ho honght. Net liilng eren Ibis position se lap Seau. Nel su I'lay-me-dovn. o'aieep atyle,-.bue h. tep viib ens~ 'basia, Thkn le mate 16e icone se ictus-esl~u. salit jsoeiiblflieutd tai ~dt 5 ne foot tbrougb bis immense umbrella nS lb. othenin bis itrav bal-Ivo for vo et Biniou R. Jamqtl & Ce'.. Har. I sg ai Isal cens. le a poisitien lu vhich o could thiet cocutontabiy h. comnien- sot te pus audible uttoranes la bis sengibto in a cii-ange tangue but aiiht n observer ceulS have noticeS Ihai ho -sa cci allopoiben satieled vilS bis rasent pec.iiien. At lait b. pot upou s fiel, samelnlly polieS 15e tinki eut ~bis bacs., ulovt1 dnev bis foot oni of me islboonio dcmcnsionod umbrélla eruesIS, sud savagehy ~erkéd hie ruID~ I ~iie laIe shape. Tien ho niadea béé. I me for lb. iseareai cerner viii muS ~' sot vajer dnipping trous bis ecat talla md protenhiy front ils llpe~ anS Juat se s*~nSq4 thé senior -a"musall boy". 514<4: st~ isioeilxatsik't ne- vay - mabeenhoniasi; pou vaigt te nie? repular poundpr," ~ueh la lie Ah.. ry otbho pa1 auq îi~'~~i~i su&'te serang avay lie nconetony - a Bull About Eumbugu. Tise ronsedy thai 1d~entibes-*uiné of ber ai any account, every otder a frand sud hnmbug-4 a frenti anS hnmhug iteeli ais 1h. face oh il. -limusaî neee.sary7 teste et ihe quack sud hnxnbng R tallas a~. A mens- ody ni moiti, eue ihat Isesds bu t Utile aS- rertlsing te secure a firet place b 16e heusuliold auver defianea uisother. Suoh a eue la ZO-PE.SA, 16e Liver and DyspeptloPansea~ Keep 16e slnggish Lirer active. The atomach ritady fer jseuxlahmeni. Tise he~d dean vus ZO. PE.SA-obser-re ngulaziîy, Don't over- baS, lire long sud happy. lit vas Luclfer vise itayeS lu Paradise- Ev. vindured about ontuode. - W. R. Hovie lia. tise ageney fer "Hub" Clotha uxua certain sud qui ck cure for ceugha sud ColS.. h give. muet sud cleep lu conmunspihon. 95 cent.. An cupleseint sort cf arithmetie--Diris- ian smong fsmlllea. EVEBYBODY vho bas net, ibouid a once, ~o evur to lb. ding store sud site "Hua' Cossais Cuits. A couple cf doses vil reliure suy ussu, womsu or cisild. OulpOS cents. ~s. W. R. Hoves. Cesia ai ieprndcy bave maS, Isiseir aP<~secm. suce lu Brftiah Columbla, amang Use ht-n- cee population. AH t We gel up feeling bail7, didut meut good, dou~t vaut broskfasls, na appetite, ne enemgy, baS teste sud hi-saiS, gnose vo are Bilions. Tvu dosee ZO-P~-SA viii tout up Dur lever sud ccv ambition, sud set us might. To prerent patent litathem iras cracking alsisyn vars the leather before inserticg Ibe foot lu tise iisoe. EXPEBIENCE tescises tisaI ditiape sre mast daugerous, sud in no inctance la prom p laotien more neceseary then wheu 16e Snst approacis cf kidney diaeaao ie anale manifesi. To ail visa ste expenhone- lng p&ins lu Use becS, or vho bei that iheir kidueys are goiug vroug, DB. VAIN BUREN'S K~NBY CURE la s irionS luSseS, ou il .111 certaiuhy relier. Useir pains, anS il persIsteS lu, effeet a pur. saneni cure. Mulcy Hassan, emporor ai Marocca, cen nid anS anime, sud R 16e anly subecniber ta a nuvspaper lu ilseempimo. lit ORDER te enjoy porteci boaltis, il is ancat essantial ihagi a constant vatch ~lbeblSbekept upon lb, sellons ai oui- lntsrjaaioa.gans. Fros tIse important part Usey puy lu tise ecauamy ai oun nature, lia. hidnoym saut pot b. neglecied. A 1111e bulbe assilof tIse bacS is ofien the hegionang oh 16. Sidney diseuse sud tise cmaly va7 te relier, il sud tissas airS ail 16e neniens cons p lestions that geuerally loba, le te tale at once DB. VAN BUBBN'8 KIDNEY CUBE. A voman lu Canada bas Sein flueS for ~nistantiy *boehiug a baby carnage lu t oh a nuighbomu door. Net ta armil younssii cf £ trial o! Di, &uoTiosLPxo5rgA~5i~meano te continue seffesiitg attisant lialsit, - ~viIla -iteea bul reurseif 10 blame; for erery une vise bas bateS Il lu couita ni nervons prostration, leptotel systens, gonexssê il 16. stomacli, teadache, bronoblils, anS mil vsstlug llueaseu, nay, 'Nemar befor. ufid cispthistg' ccl Wce 4*2' For sale by ail Srnggisis. ~nicc, 11.00. Tise aisoonut cf maney paiS for - nidiiip ou ailaiy cars in lb. United Stetea dnniug *ce~m ~d~i~R1~un. 888 améssted 84 ian eaeh i~haitane - LOS~ I A. BLACE CR&PE SHAWL, about two weelcs ago. Thé ffnder will l>o rewsxded by la&'uin< 4,e-cam~ ci 1138. H. J. MACDONELLs. Faim for Sale or te Rent, ÂgoodFenmintheT of Pickec. uig, conslsting of liÇts 24auid~ the lc~ concession of saiS townuhip, containing ABOUT 12~ ACRES! This property Le sitnated on Oh. Hingaton road, 'wçllteuned, B.rsl clans buildings, (both bouse, bar~i sud siables), agood oxchard nI choice fruit. Wothin I mile cf Lîverpool Mcrket and 20 miles ai Taronto. If sol d, termgof payment easy. For par. tieulars cpply b D. OBMISTON, Solicitor, Whitby, or the undersigned. Oct. 7th, 1884. D. I~WSON, Cow Lost. On Friday, Oct. 8, broke ont cf my past- nie on nortb hall of lot 28, con. 4, Whitby, a emalI BEI) COW, having white spots on forehead sud left side, whlte belly, and sors tests. A suitable reward wiil be paid for ber recovery. 2n48 MICHAEL COFEBE. Faim for Sale - or foRent, Beiug compoeed 0f ne i-lb parts ef lais 25 and 56, Sud con .of Wisitby, tontainlug 130 ACRES. AIl la s gead -state et cultiration, veil vatered, viii good bnildings. If flot sald 100e, viii ho menteS on a tong Iemm cf peare te s enitable tenant. Apply ta - bs. S. THOMBON, Wisilby, Oct.8,'84. ~n48 On 16e promises. Wanted. IMMEi)!ATELY. WamanIona et- ohildeen as wei-king hanse kesper, ci-a good general serrant, toge te Pool Artiscir - Âuspiy te StitS. D. P. BU1tR~ ai - MES. J. H. GEP.IiIE'S. LOOK HERE. For Sale or Exohange.- A GRAND FAIRM-neaiiPci-Iage la Prairie, Manitoba. Will sel hait intemesi or ibm ~jholenr vituld .xchango for propenty on or noir Whhtby. No coudîbloos te 6e fuI- filleS, IsuS I. SelS hypatent lacs Crovu, puS la panlly impmoved. - - Apply ta BOX .105, 5uSD WHITI3Y, ONT. ~..LJOTION sALl~Ilondfiodeî~I Liïeîpool1 ~1asgo~1 Allan Lune. Royal Mati Sieamsk~s. Great Re4ug5tiou Y Il~i PÂSSÂGIn BATES. SAILINOS YBOM QUEBEC. PbRIOI~4.lr.....................ct. Oraaaeeyapr., ~.. UtS POLTEUJAN..............1811 PualivIAN.............Sti s- -0F- IEAVY DRAUOHT HORSES, Eigh - &ade Oattle, Farm Impl.nentst- &~ lie subsoniber bas received oustmuotiona tnqnt ~R. JOHN ELLIS, o aeUby PnbIlc Auction, -vitheut vesarve, c-o7 '~ Celebra WATCH PL ENGR j8 :. linons. St.. MR. ROSS *-lj ~ le Collecter sud Canv mn Caaoisici.z, sud~-ia receipte for enhicniptie omdinamy business. tDhitb~ OCTOBER i LOCAL ANU MOAT il SOItS ON il TOM BUDGET 0F LIYELY N OHRONICLE REPOITERS "A ~bieh's amstog y An' faith' be'll Orer Coatiisgs, tbsl~ Stevart's. - Cornerx Couitain.- tise Caunty Coucicil n TuesdayOdiz 141h. Splendid vuine je Winceye. Ancirear ~ J. C. anS nol C. O, prise (cr2 yr, fIl7, O aI 16e Ceuat~o Pair ln~ Otir Dresu GoodiNit - - te orenfioviug vilS n are correct lu Ian. sut Sto*art'e Dresa Goadi 0.2E. T. 8.-Tic ?fl Ibis tempemance enclot enîertain-inent iu A11 Sebool Wednmaday ~rt -Nov Bled cf RubIs value for tise isiocoy Andrea M. Boas. - -Punaisera anS cousu do voit te use tise Qu4 celehiated -Passasse lu sale 6* ail finsi.cliêdu dvenitisesenl. UEreic PLOUGH1NG B ocbore s.nS o~cers of Basi Whsiihy -- Union et Isat veek a-t lb Broalalin, sud Sebtuis plcugiug match iii Il TeeedayOct. 28i~s. We are ahowing a2 FInis Velvoioon~ixa il quel tonhe Oued ailk prie.. We vili guarax nS celer is facî sud-m lion. Sce il utC, F. SI Wenau Tuais a Wm mors saful te couic leoturer, glaniiag about teullesa povor o! 1 A.uS a hon-pocheS hec] noir o! thé ieildieg sol Femaieairem," -r - Ladies shuld aee cil -aud--Oltoman cenS GI eteninge, mnisgingtnpxj tp $7,00. ÂndnsvM.J ~JTuesdtsy, Oct use I s .4 Il fi