JOHN MR. ROSS JOHNSTON lCollector and Canvaimer for TIrs WHIT. *y CmraoNICL, Sa n auat.hortzed la grant receipta for sufîcrtptions, etc., and transaci ordanary business. OCTOBEIR Q4th, 1884. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. WHAT S 15 Ot iiNi19TOWN AND EL$EWHERE. A BUDGET OF LîIVLY KEIWI NATTER 0115589 BY CHRONICLE REPORTERIS AND CORIESPONDENTS. A cio'gammaang yo, tki notes, tatmt101ell trent il." llalIowe'en a efroun lo-nigint. B3oys bsavy vaci Roe. Andrew M. Ovin Coaingi, foul stocke si O. F. Ste verts - " Thne rate titis yiar for Port Penny is 3:', mili%, Vinrd-gi 28 mille, Oshawa I1) mille~, adWhiiiny 28. Ulsier Clotho of special pattern@ ait extra vaiuesil C. F. Stivats. Citdnîn' u-nion Suita aIl sizem. Andnaw M. ýtoss. Uviula FtiRS TIAN OURS.-AIithe Port Hope cintra) exhiiion taure wenae 1,669 anties ; West Durbham, 2.- 1221; Southn Ontario ,223. Ladies yod Vaste ail sizeu in wiie end gray. Andrav M. Boe. - Cama ands metbe Farciers BRange ai ta. stteeestablshmen t fWnn. hfyan & Son. Bituza theibHiarvest HBeaFeqit val in tahebaumnant et St. Andrevus Cliircli, Frnay oînîig Blet inst. Ililowo'aua iglit. Ounr Drama Gookia departmertlins 611.5 ta amnlowiflg weuhnev gcoda vhicb are correct ln on anS typa. Sen C. F. Stearat'@ DroeGondsu. Yen cannet go .asiray hy loaning vour meamure fan a gnout fiiling Uluien, Mentie, Onencoat or Suit, ai lin. tailor. ing departatet a! Andrev M.Ros. WVe vannant à fit eviry lima. Tut ComNasu Stl,tÂSsa.-MOia5 Qs4 Tarantes& wealber praplut, is of the opinion tmatwv i viiibavea mild vin- ter anS ibal snawwviii only lie im Toronto (nom lwe le tinnea w.eke. Farmers and consumera cf ait vitl de vaîl te mate titi Qmnen Cxly Oit Cou& clibraledt aieLas Macinery Oit, fai sala by ail finsi-clasu delertîs. Soi mhil adverlisameni. UNIîONsPLOWINuI MATC.-Tbe Wbut hy mnd Rait Wlitby Union Piaviel match vii ulisiS ldon Ibe 28tb insi. on ilia faim of B. Stephins, lot 12, bit con. Easnt Wbitby- , flmtAV-eHAmLSTRoaa.-A (iv minute aflar ana a'ctcck leai Friday aftirnooi Anrng a tlnner onna liait fait ii sufieieotnqnantity te aimait covrnthi groncd and gave liha appearance i e5c(1W. Our stock of taIt Dry Goeiiî is ne- complet.. Spectal ]ais@ direct fie. lin aunnutcttirers. No mnidle prof] but bineit giron te aur ousîccieni. I likeho and Yarns ve ans offhin tbsca si victesata pnies. Look i and mie thora et O. F. Stewart'@. Bey; A. Carmin, D.D., Gosa. Sa rnit tendent o! the Mthediat Cburab fera oriy Bsbhop Carmin), vili preacia th Aenirerumry sermonsi o! tb. Meiboiti Tabernacle on Sonay Nov. 2nd. Bterago anA firgt clie rail ticket@syv Nev York Wiithy te Europe and p Inraouoly $40, oes ay $20. lute madiate ad second cabin, iiH via il Aueber and WbiteaSSan Line«, te au tram Whilhy' round tnîp $55 te Où Boy tickets tram E. Staphina Tîlsgrmpb offieWhihy. 5LIOnTLY By.v't.-Ths Bon. Falla NMoCani vbo bas linon itt the patfi weeles frona typhaid faner, tbe reauît a salit cantiaclid on a racial visit1 haut midi te Mcnire*l vas siiqbtly bi ter an Widnesdmy bt be i rieal poi inte tadevilcprnlof the iease i ta ho passeS. TîaNEmW BAaDtmt.-Tbs Miniai etf Educalfon yull soon bave bit aen cf BaiSers for the Puhlie SeIns reaity. 11, bas hai t tisrnprepîned a noncibencf gntlemevo baa gnu ixpalece as léebsns, ameng vbc a Mr. L. E. gmhnia, Principal et c ColiéealiI ttute anA Mn. Jolie BIryant,. Hualrasimr cf the Gali 0, lfgiate Inuiiflule bul viii Inca a Vhihy v itb ehese te Ib lGraie Siaqel" b.ova fcunerîy for mu years cennected. 0cr clcting dîpanî ment ta Iho boal siampeo frsuopptyinit ta, public Trusli.Wa are taoinngfinee presets risLttI.-Gmi otWuan ie sabot-but ueldom .ext sobs happoued to Wr, 3. &. fohan lua e m os" Bluruiy *"Ob# 1 à a.5 h4â *altaiae, li se BARNARD, BBIOCK ST., WHITBY. cil called for tii (Frîday) ivening, bas cf strav. bain oaneelled. Mr. jas.IL.MaLallan is le town thà and rpnes Extra value in ladiaesRubbmr oirenl&a vie. for! wbaat thei bot vaine yat effînîd. &ndrev M. Mrs. 1. J. Smitu bs ntued fram Port for spnleg Roe. Arthaur, and hs thé guest cf ber metiner Mn, te 78c, t.he F&anzonxuà o &N .-Tba blonde p~ J. H. Gernie. Oate unai à u oef fasionan d tine day of brn- Oapt. J,.1a. Way lait an Widneiday fer Peau ea nettes bai coine aglita. Theé e aTrta feen «.Ct . ,hnhsc v a S bltiobe béfré ay s «I prpa» 'Son. Ge. Brewn's statue lanoeeetforte blsacbe beforitnay auviii pnjaine a statio agent le dye Dow. ",Po in oronnetabrdh. buua # Nae ertmeni cf geti' ats inst pliceitinlthe Qneen's Park til spring. ab$6 reolvid, aise a fin, rangeoftg4as The akû.of Brunswick died en Sundiyi Undinvean. Ândrav M. mou. ani the GermenEmparer, vhe is hinasel MONI Dr. armi vii Sairaia lctur it.a ver7precanlous ato e02beath bas Dri ai m wmml dei e alectre & alin pgoin cf &aielailte Duka's feu- Lire ou th nuir «i h atoitdlpreperni]. vbla ts Tabernacle, Menday Nov. Bd. on Gev. Cleveandl,cf New Yenk, the Dame- conditien bearing. Ta& and lecture fer 25 Cents. w5 u sanited at Albany, . uS#ai@ eapitiL pvos bam=an nimad Benea vhe vswu r son ta Sal Là Maoovz.-Audr&n's Charroing iiaheGov.18 nafumal te hMe anapplc-rod.h oprThe Mascat vitia Mima St. Quis- tien fer pardon te a relative. OU head tee sasBellina vas vallamann thelb. Mr. Rites, a fermer master t. Pickerng o1 t1,6w Towe Hall Fiday oenlng. Cellag, ma nov af the firna cf Baton, Gib. o e" una & Oc., aductilanal publibhensToronto, p 7iirir Eamzv Hous.-All arningeannelaiunavsto bry.lrers ont, agai are about ocenltid for ib e holding cf paiS sa mi pim Tadaof he e &Mrti 8 provme -thpoi: d irvs Hem* festival in ane publisheri,sas growing raptdlY tu circu- Theatotal &h. baemeat o! Sb.Âaudrov's Cburcb lotion. h t chly Ssrres ilsa uocai. Sauts. on Friday avening oil 81.1 fnl. The Mr. Aleuander M. Sullivan, the Irish, programma enmaey nmpecte ,it buo leader mail aoe o! the founilers of tbe Home f raigtsl quite uni q ne, iboa rt&înly sncb a& te Roie moyvenant, 51.eaiDDblin oe FriSa cf ungai gin ailfacien e eenyca, bc a amburiad Maudmi. Many thouoan*aj[rena oe the teappcn tly cf sia Whoraet.foflowed in fthc procession, l sintii theopprtuityof oin prse amaan"g wbam wvan tha bmhop &u r Ro oaliate Mention cf tha programme preainteitd = smaoy Irimb mexmers cf paxilmî tain.. Tb le thae publie il tb. Sabbella Sciacel vnompublic badies and the staff of the 46 Cars @eianeealin tinis Cciaua@@sVomit Juion. Parnelvas esabte to ho prisat. sdms.,25 monlissice ii gi see deacfMiiiy abopu viera cloed. Mr..Sullivan wu Md"e cai liaes aine c tit fan Pnomeid iran-a utniang aSvocite of Lthi cause o! Tamper- catte T ah brce fthtfrFia v n cm wat t i ing. The baiemini cf fine ebuncia yul A Londan cible of TuemdY siYs tbe cblis. be beautifally dScaratait apropos la the 'riehb,,,ua claamant vas s.cnitly brougiat ta Lb. 0uss1 occasion. A large audience i. a car- Pentoutulle pwuo the privions eigbttmd as viii tainty. dmcagellii& mrv n.Hie imt ai ylAi rami ~~' BLAOK c liane a .ta rue. Be ba emsved a Sme Owu on TIti EuEE eccra.-ticket-of.taave,wbich raquiras binatorepatvtda Fred Contin, aliai, Wrighitah Belle- t'th authesities uy letter moutiy1- what nu ville bunglar vboa aide Mr. B. Gibsensa gardieg thu fammus casa it MuA Y : thlait l7 demi watb ali va anieneed Wedsusday by uhile cno.bal! cf Eulaind finmylyhileraibugiam b. eclamant lato eTichbhrneeititéi. wVir.lis] Jnga Burham totetiroeyans in tba w ejaoafier spending nearlr fOurteen ibi vu prvnilpounentiary, fer Ibe feleny 1a , Du'LasrRgr lb 4t.picsq cf botîg Miequally positive thaithalanthelb. à son, (Mr. Gibeo' bired man) vii i rsuaiaWapping butcher, A,'iiur Orlon, qh.etIri tb. latter vas îadeavering iawfuly te qulat apprehend bina. H. vili bL santaneid A$20) Biblical Pr" roqaignt sbcrtly for thlb cta: hagea le vbicb -et Ibr ber bai pleaifalguilty. Wright anS Tia. pubtiabars cf Rwfledg's Mcmafhiy 8h.. Wallace are crocuS yocn stick@ cfar Ivilve natuabta nevards int. thinci-&aS fromn Belleville but thllarA cf MonfJe2y for Novonabar, amcng vbfh R asn11hà the trie, Whves eu i D amne cf James Ilesfine fllcwlng: mmdl Golden,ilunakueva, andud tanioularly eW iii giva 62D.00 le thoins rs a e 0 acute and sepposedîr accmplishei tsteling ni lu bey many tanguages thes tic Par rogue le crima. Hit pintograpin ie scp.nmciptiou vwu written cOulina crama&taiC'ie baing fely cinelatedin fa dam toves ovin Jeaun atathe tirne h. vas crocifid, w*rs n *anS ibis vill prabably sco eIau to le#bihy Nevembir, 10th, 1884. andnd lm idetification. er more correct anivere hi reciraS, * AN E IPLANATmN.-Mr. C. 0. C<mcy, th. REWID vili bo divided. The. general agent, Lindsay, wtmhes te le- rnenay viii bu forwarded to lau vinnir TE tituate ta tbe farmers cf Wbilby and Ncnimber 1-5th, 1884. Perà ana tr)iDU inv pîckering anS other adjoiniug lewn- ton ihe ravard mut auit 20 centsi sapi elistaie bonauwly the "~Little sir no poetai tampm laen wt Bratntford Bluder ..vas not enS edte ,$b$r av. ,for vnh iia ey nl e- et compile ut th. Wbitby (mait trial hald oail, the Doconahan Moiily, i ainn Rai loue ron the-.3rS o! Jnly last, vau becanai the.Dmne and addneai o! lb. vinner cf ThexI ir &Il tha lieder manfacturer$ in On- lb. ravard and the correct asver vilii asrris tenia gave their word as iO aSdha pubhilabed, &a n le ilci aerai IMMsis1 t. signed an agreeument, Ibai ibay venîd nmcre valtiabte revardu viii b. effanA. casai AdiIres. RUrLset PXTELrancmeComn: anS ce g rut ho ai th. tial wîtb their repetiveaSd eu ut i irq. Tirosi wbo visa te ha con- AY Eulon, pollna. aux bvincatu of the irntbof tb. abere, aboutS lot sae appy theb Messrs. A. Hennis, Son & Dr. Low's Were Bg,-w mllirfmaieO &Web C o., BrantforS, or thair agentu, lcr a a ece tua ueknfe.upca i. r )n mlaleanent of tb.e 0e40landotail. TheéMd8c2.U,191 in Masina. Mmv Brou., of Brolin, vina iu a chin»esa pap.r linaelemni hi- thain!f r ealiy ver. lie n.ceu Ithi ot up andt gin ai thi bottci nistiad o! ai the top. anS ri of cendueled the match, bave alrnady WiRlieh do with it ? i. given their enter for a "Brantford Àmn neotn hpa ol oci.fa l Binder'" fer the barvest cf 1885 ; thu Amoi nurstgc apler ocl icer- 6,1 ýW soig bita heropinion the plted aboya1 tb. pecnlar me1 i ei-«ie thoin hinn" uLb t h in c i a ies __g m~1 e Fo rli pain t. siea to M -Bantord-le he oat indr onthegugringnemer.Numboetucesouid miel Cinadhan umarke..Tis .bind« 'la fer i citaS shein tRai feuency ef amptai-lbt 8& s0 aie by the Harris & Cc's., agoni, Mn. lice cf a t tee 0r9!fa troubhuamni .U-r g jw~ utlia cfOsavaanAInumdngcrn-a radicai tà Mdy tl e bsera-bal o . 1 J. m.unmithl ofoa8ltitidtansiopint H.&IM& Meti n rciaaeruv -doWal o -'OnAe Z bSo a i à ", M«»ns 5, Eafre leavnnithéir ondins ilu.vhOi. andnios e ure nPOP r.M*4P s exsport Tsi GEAI» Tauti CARWoa- Psalis Cern Extra ercone à st t~ SMayorrnan and Aid. BimelU»,01wayu eib ahile'ute ilLendon, on n.tnrning frena thie con- wua» Sure. safe anS poilleu. Poliem Ltfenei vtiaManager EHicisen at Mca- Co., preprialors, Klngmioa, Ont. treal, Ln rogant te robuflS ir te 8«orn f tlino ovsppa menuilte an0mOD- ris barneut anvenkain tho "for itOty,t ib tgmuctg a loU inxfor i cf uisters Fn rQ anS tb. diput.d question of vilir by declalng Ibai the aouaiy bau ainnel a ai&K un- supply saiS lbîy vieegien le unadir cce !e1pm 1,aS etbu g nnnlaa he stand tliaithIe cempaay had tai jet yonlb appU oanale esaf& 1 . bas DA arrivaS at ne deflie dîcisicu, but vire Juu i Sùoen. ~< ousidaing tine malter cf eatal r0 euot ttnlzg futur. cf tho$ néc- slli On tng thair vorkea. Tha dalagatlen La- est exhibition ai Mntéal, wau a Cenamn? havl ferreS tram liaiconaférence tiail liaiof coleraS JubilesSingera «nWain dSi anr vcnhu ventS not bi robuilt this jouir. factouing Rathe bnui d lAcoin chsv- tal we Manager Hictesoa sod, hoona»r, i a oec, n Ia a ime1 do=-0Uigt- Ti*7 cf b.toonscflb L.& . . lis wnid theimacrowda 0f spectators ', e bnlsieahein of he erm o th L.& P B lèe V juutera mOucu s. A etiModal MaSafactoi bue b.cuinicty arriid cut. Tiais. providi upoclal iptema voe. avrded te Ris p mfor oc ut- thai tba Company a$hi allmiala ibof*r ularbranS of chawlng tohaco S l"&tibbi ni rinipa ve~u ilain tva mitai et the Ibmnku cf the ceiniitai tenueS te Th O 3P1 eot City asdimpie y ai l.asl200 Men n la"rau Teacco C.fTu*e*alrciv ~5 additiou te thos@ engageA ai the urne eiibit. Tais thr ii*lia ase a ffecteS. 'Tiu a Pityteai mpresu Eugénelks itin a cane, Dot âo 4is .T.c.. ..,u' lai-aimeLby#f. faihien, ttnemaualiy ige, mtanAlio oLt R !ft srea e w0" n et'çy ýthon ing viaie BilnLdFoai4akerÃŽ 6-À.,John B"nia. Warren, Euq.. of le wuatolusgons lia.alladaseavi. »%- KM Ontarioe otnty, -t6 -Mis May s.Aingly .lin.-We.Io*WWy tbe biP Gertrude Gibocu,-cf Toonto, form« 1j kt. riaswuasfiffloSte Ibe doorsud lie %c'f WwtbRy. d p ar- u.d tobewbanthe À=fl vaamorme4 uni beinc à Viehl*Imm ows OeuftpIird anA Raheu elaleag, vi t,fý»eý M oýhyOa- Who ft tédmas u in aWbitby main - . -for .umenllor obs Smith, (al>t, Goes oti m " mas te*John l.t, <he. Stiaord pryr uls tengsisses iw oue at won$9 lb. umslig. ibanquet an à 0ewaIgw.. tin Broqhlf--A pev sad4ê *ha. 4 tise!, Ibk TAILORING TAILORING TAILOBINGI Leave your measure for a FALL SUIT at the Reliable Tailoring B)epartmnt of Aod rew mei ANDREW f ails, 550 bushels cf ras 250 > e, 200 loadsof boy, and 6laidse Vomarkai Thureay vwu quiet m unchanged. About 900 bushels sold at 75o te 76o for faf,76c ta 780 gand 60ô teo M for.gcca. Butl- e, vita salasi f4,000 huahels ki 500 lbulk of It meflng at 57o le 8M. angea, ita a sae of a eIo"ait3"0. der at 67o te Oo per omaifr e. Eyo nominal At M9e ie600. bdquies, m. #7 te Ptomfur rs. bimulle $aôetopie$650' TRBAL CATTLE MÂREET. tck experts lait week van light, Sa geed Rg ina via, cf1lth* roeu e!o thé mariai. The experts ef len M bond, &aiatat8,f4 ferrlthi ii e. Theltaexperts Ibis oea- te, hevever, are twlthe taru en. m 8187haiSmncme. f4 ever 18 of88 , 1,61ovin 1889,a% evavr l88L The experte cf ihaep, Se onuaeonidembly bbina dfermn- and tb.e. laneoproipect 0f1 RAYina. ai. iii week icly 859 haid vent enst 2.451 fer the previm en ii, 8. the eereependlb>g ,..k in 188. ùlexpert tedite te 6,447 hea--a e!0 1785 frena 198, ! 2,89frena na e1 il 5 1 rm 1 . Catil bave f rA ne &aA vobhtir aMnt i Visle70. Therates mien ram ts i o e 05 v in mg etri themMe rnarte. elire steck at Point St. Chartes h=urdyvie85 a aa-cf vhieh 1 u x o t c a ill, ô c am e x p er isu "catil, 208un local sheep. us hoe. The mariai fer ahipping L'adayuneiariie ad et ari s allen i1sh1 adnti ea pie tdi fer the prsnt déprusion. Mprw ettg .etaaadrice have kwfl trhe a iikat ndsublet eatheay bcgae.caneUnt- wuvi moedratéanmd but a EMail m vu dons. Ohentnp, heuira, hi,. aismmitcf the oabts gong out eek vers eubt ta the eeufll7. rer* m v msandleen. The top le sa av* , iIbutaim tic ol8P ,0 tfeapent ver and b qe,= et e par lb. lire .Li"a heg e e tedy and in fsir t ticOSe par IL. At V5ar mark- vis am dé supuof mtea t bd wgf iS c hi hom vu e nm liz. =a sad Paciai. Deapite ra clening thar. wuia g00à de- maa et en tai all cf thé iipplY r va iglat, and eemmen le fr e84cj. About 800 sheap, aS imbo nmeuveS, vhleb met a fairly goed aheep vent ai "80te $680 a«Ch, tubi ai 82 Se 84 aeh am SequalitY. vw ofe! Ras pOcrp c1 appiu esei- M MtI of criardaWho"o sipini >Sovlitg ilniel hm cur estuma aperiy tRai Mtrsal Garte!:- puent IraS. ia applasth"s usaa e fa te shippen, v bosompaste In sema enly ni&S eengb te pay nMisioa, le My nellng f t ool ber expenuas. Aicmet c!lu by ,MWilshc atObslm oau". Som oMsta ii. On oe ahpmeit f riai 11e lem as$6m.Wit.T no »W ntIrtgand promwlutohbe pla CaloiS 0lots havi hefn lacent but ucineoldm abave vltdniv nuit fromein a arsl t A j ur ad Simn amceu hcwrite Gnlije f Di= svlgfai orS8 rL3,ebris:u 6à noM o Ton, mMinfons es, 15417&bG. te P tht. sea" fte s:-uai Mn 15582 lm e mm listatkp 11,8Fm fral& l E.iaahl41b1a ie onS 411a 8,W b *-rh Ns.« aBriTISELMVE BROOKTUA". cmmr ert tbzoammt lI Vnit. tets baiak o e»aou pon anS li mut nani viy AntI Aitog isnle fiel- baS manktel-mualawon*,tiIlbau ai 06a"niý limà loges. _Tials otw a bain amniete dillema aiSsAli mmii t. titrai ipark. lime ne- E?/ & J- Q~BE3I~iL, GLASGOW LADIES' GOODS. W av ansanattractive stock cf DresGocAs VeinaLaina and Cialmanis Ciacie@ Fabnica la Uistpr Clotha Frenchn ColoreS Flannea IAdias' Waterproof Mînls vih Capes Wsuoaym, Kui ' teut Wcel Shavis Ladis' Casiar ersesy@, rey Ftannesu, Biankof i Bai Quilte, Cenaterissa.4 Cretoanau, Carpils 011 CloRa, Mati, Cocos Mailing Ottoman Gord Manîle clas Liea' TalOn Mide Ulaters and Jackets Dr.B&io B ealita Corsts-oiled îpning elatie section WA]REHOU7[SE. -GENTS' GOODS. West et EngianS Transeringm DaîeedMaltons for Overciati Beavina, PlaIs, Twiliid Wortedî Fancy Sinipa Troumarmuge, Scotcha Sualingae itasnel Sitngs, Shirts and Drivers loees anS Bocks, White Saints Umrnbellau, Waten Procf Ceaie Biidy Mad.eClelhieg, Overcoas Flaneet Shsiafnsmita te ondin Boe' Shirts and Drivers Yontiaa' Shirts and Drivers a large trade. R.e* J. CAMPBELL, Glasgow- Warehouse. Grand Trunk Railway andl SELLJNG Ocian Steamsk4p TICKET AGENCY, Talagnapla Office, Whitby, ont. R O BE TrIe randRaru ePr ChoseDtreil nPort Huron i ot aggags Cciced braugb f ram Wbiiby La deutintaaa. Speciai attentac tickets fer Manitoba, NoentmMcW anDkith Noriam and Northm estrn Britiah CoîxIaMLmUani Caliteruli, tSemg1a ann elurutickets toalaitpoints an Ra GratiS Trialand Gneat Western Dlvi- sien chicage anSGriad Trmank, Detrait GWand RasanS d Milvanisaand Itr- md imeumtiekt tanS DF« e.,J m l!. F u - lionimi, forebc, Bau tan, (dai ma Knns nAdle am n troi, or Uro, ini ,anS aui Points or any faprint Gu and lIme United States. oh for Europe. Cheaperthail euer. ylnl-ctius ilw~ ay éIs tram Wbly anS stem're ta à vU Lendandar>, OentvGlargow er B Mfts, onty 8z0. aoe ntomeS !d rem Whitby, $40 parti" iiubg te sanSto Ibe 015 Cauntry fer th*ainfriand. c baeP~5Imeng anS rail tIcket tn po Y, vi ch"iceof tomut e as Mes, for 82e. In- ssuqdau M48T5, alifr m$W50 lUOi r riatpPOto $115. Aboya t nan ins uaivuY fanasta ail hem Wbltby. neC trprU04vi valelt a L STZPKENBON% G.d aA iii mm ~ Sta GOLDBMITH'8 HA LL. Silver Plated Goodse Splendid'À8ortment ~r OUT! SELLING OIJT! ERT. CAMPBELL Rare BAR GAINS STILL LEET! Ladies and Gentlemen 110W is the opportunity foir get- ting the best olass of goods from 25 TO 50 PER CENT. LESS TRAN REGULAR PRICES 1' The foilowtng £ a List deseting Secial Alieniton 4LL MUST BE CLOSE]) OUT. Blankets, Tie Downs, white and colored Quilts, Tapestry and Wool Carpets, Flannels, Ladies' and Gents, Under- wear, Jerseys, Hosiery and Gloves, Flowers and Feathers, black and oolored Silks, Dress Goods, Costume Cloths, Miltons, Cloaking, Bb.awls single and double, Gossamers, Cardigan Jackets, Meus and Boys' Suits and Overcoate. Groceries, Glassware and Crookery, etc. Don't boy a Dollar$a Worth unt Il you get hia Prioee.* RO013ER1ýT« CGA MPBEL L) -Ontario'Blook,, Op. Post Office, Whitby. FALL AND',WINTER - .GOODS! in Wool B'hawls, iJackets, j Site, iood.4, Sdarfs, Flanuel, Hose, Glove;s, Yri.Prints, bleaohe& - md nnbèe de Cotto, Muins, lnexis, Cautons , Gosslani es, orets, Bkirt Improvers.- Rec~dy - Mad Infants' Attire MANTLE.' M Rosse Our stock t t - ROSSe TIi'EASUIi'ER'8 SALE 0F LANDS FOI? TAXES. B Y virtue of a Warrant under the hand of the Wardon and the Seal of tha Cerporatiel B of the Connty of Ontario, dated the FL!fth day of September, 1884, cameaaiidnii me ta levy upon the lands naentioned ie the fallawieg liaI for armers cf taxes tharen, and ouaa, s hrem setforth : I bereby give notice that unleas such arreara sud coste arn mooer ad, shhin complia'ace vath the Amesamant Act, procaed lemil by PUBLIC UeCTI.N 'smi ane rt nhi arefa a en msary for the taxas, ai- the Court Hanse, in the Town of WHITBY, on TýURSD IY, lb. TWENTY-THED day of DECEHMBER, A.D., 1884, st lhe boni, of TEN o clock in the foranoan. TOWNSHIP 0F REACE. Amonnt _ostes ana Talai Patente& or Par Li on.AcesaIrixes umnnxe n i im te S.oprtEhaf o 2epln15 3787100 4108 8 84 S. part N.W.pmnt No. 7 ou pen 15 9 18 1/t 10 55 2 87 m .part N.B.part No. 8on 'nl15 9 1324/100 9 88 2 85 TOWNSEIP 0F PICEEBIIIO. Nortb.weicorneraof S ball 24 7 lorn 2 39 2 16 Part Sauth quarter 23 B F 1 8 48 2 19 FAIRPORT IN PICKER1NO. Water ltoNo. 3partlS.bhall28 B F si8 2 11 Waler lot No.4 part S.balf 28 B F 86 2 13 TOWNSHIP OF SCOTT. South veut angle part 19 3 21 G 68 2 2-1 VILLAGE 0F CANNINOTON. Cameran treet 12 1;,5 24 21- 2 71 Laidtaw mreet 7 1 111 91 2 45 TOWNSIIIP 0F THORAH. Part South hall 1 9 go0 3870 2 20 TOWNSHIP 0F RAMA. North hall 16 4 10 27 84 280 14 A 100 26 si, 2 77 14 B 100 24 42 2 71 15 B 100 25809 278 5 E 100 24 45 2 71 6 B 100 27 85 2 80 7 E 100 24 45 271 9, B 100 2099 2 68 6 H 100 1635 2851 2 K 100 15-40 2 49 13 L 100 12 85 242 1 m 100 15 08 2 48 TOWNSIRIP 0F BROOK. ParI Norlla-eaal quqvIcr 7 14 , 82 18 98 2 45, TOWNSHIP OF MARLtA SouthallI 14 5 10() 1268 242 Broie 4 6 195 23 71 270 Norh all 7 il 100 1859 257 Part Nrth as 21 12 6 66 212 Northminalf 10 18 100 17 69 9,55 North hall 4 18 100 294 ~28 1275 patentea 820 55 -atented 862 62 Paented 1292 Patente& 526 9 Patentai1 22 86 Ptentai 29 90 patented 80 94 Patente5 2692 58 Patentai 27 8 PatenteS 9 0 82 U pate ied 29058 aleste5 27 13 PatenteS 2882 Unýptiate 216 pateta 17 89 Unpatid 15 27 lgiptenlea 17 51 Uptni 1648 PtntS 2641, Ptne 278 Pins 20 2e ~ S T.aATNQ, ' 0 lisienOurenoe<h 246 Sit.Jmexst., MO'IThAL. B.. LAURANCE'S S.PECTA( e-c--- The following are tho natnes of soe of thc parties in ,niinity who have purohascd.nad o W xsisag Celebrated, Spectacles -and B ye For thoeniqnits of goodn, purohasers are ni to any or al of tlaem: Dr. Bogart.Mi.. oa - Dr. Bulvecd, . KKel.- Mr. W. H. Bhitingu, Baririse. mHoen J. 3E. Plianvll.rovnAen Àmi. / ron "hm Ãr Ixper, Moiéb aitrae t-Glw. "J. Cnvwfonlin- s Bingha& -- "ao.: Ballh.-- Mit. J.drA '~C-. Smrny,iGueselr. - M - <mMocansland. - "oa, Dale P - New stock 0f St.m anci KeyWadb L~ADY'S GOILD WTH,~ QUALiTES: 10 Karat Gold 14 ^Karat Gold 18 Rarat GoId T6'6 CASES admirably finish- ed and ENGIRAVED. The Movements are of Swiss, Waltham and Elgin manufacture, and are fully Guaranteed., glatI75 et Uia Id foraà billye I;,it la~ t'nt e. mis. ONT Le'ad OhldrW i By so doing you can obtain desirable goodsat a reasonable price, and you are certain of a good fit. 15 110W complete in every department. Lhfklg oi County Treacurer's Moe, Whitby, September 8th, 1WI. Is graduaHy reducing his stock. Some N]KW STOCRC To RAND. .1