Whitby Chronicle, 31 Oct 1884, p. 4

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---r- - I I i O1uTownl Otiurhesg. ALLa SAMNTS' OU OH <Epiecopalj au. A. F. 1141er, EB.. Reeor. -serves 84l116. il.a 7 P.M. ST. JOIM'8 OIIUTROH, <PerS Wiibyj. Bau. W. B. Wutay, .A. Iucumheet. serviesaS iLU &m.r. Abae7:00 p.rn. inluTouenHall CANADA METHODIST ORUROR. àlou . N.LRWilloeghby,M.A. . Pastor. Service ai 10:80 .m. sud 7 p.m. ST. At;DnEW'B CIXURCI! (Prsabytrtau Rau. a. Abrahsam, - Pastos-. Sot-vice ai h1 a. m. and 7 p.rn. .B&PTIIST CHURCI, Bey. J. . Bas-bar, . Pastor. Sesviceata 11:00 a.mn ansi 7:00 p.m. R. 0. OBUhiCI, (si. Johs). Rat- Father MOCaul, -PrisS. sorviceabu 10:W3&marnud 7 p.m. ON THE WING. rmeoretArriva) and Departura of Traina, Mails sud MSage% 3TANDAIL I itl. Gsansi insu4.itrib.og GOttu w"s?. xspru'-.s TEmSut tiKrO4 .4 s. Futl Wtt42 -- 1 s-'-t 5 Lelsi 1143 ' I strsusv. Epes 7.55 ati. Faut 9.u . 0-050 tAcT. Exprinq,.q 41ut. Mt1s.rxei t 4(4p. FanS -- t).42 a t. Ltcal -d'01 p.. Enîprc0u01, : sundsy, Raptm -Mo. i.l)î-t' Mtiaad lîl ARsIVI. s-ee 2-0 sp - sprsss 1. 45p... La o-)ha!br.st 10 .0 .l-sd4-00 lrn) Brsutsnut98 m Wbitby Peut Office. MLAILJS r... rl. W*1 LOSE s-UR Tl,',&T 7:10 p., 7:10 1b m. 10 W « I I..) F'or the- Noth 0 tp. n. 'F.r ot),so:u -m For P'ort Perry ou P,3101)M 9. 13u. I K.45 a. lu. 9.30 peta. s.45 1, in Fsrm NotthpM. "roui.Bruothîs5.(X)il. m. kOan Mails elo, Y:iiaty 7.1:5 p.mo.ItDu moudaî 10i.3. 10 tae o rs-st ritain - 1fr. e î ults:. l'Y eauh IR tel> e. ltLi-il tleu,,bc. Mosiv Osîs&E, gs-s.ted un &lut :>:ey >ssr of- ocl lutr-o-tds. United) StatesGr let Brtan prince dward ilau. Newfuundlat'd.*nd Itdis. t)ttP,4i Ts ociel(Iuntler thoeseglatiotoothe tb Ponto ice 5avyti' Banok bhtoeuttohoue -f Sa am. and 6.30 ). o. RegreruILettemmutS .pouoted lb )minute% bhaleahe close ut cch aihls. Cfloue hoursa.m. ita6030 p.m Sonda,â.-s. cepted. Fore-ign 1Nulege. Canada bîviog borts isisittetl le'.the Posal r Unlio hre is, s s-a.rr&n5emnt'tPosalisate% F'os-AutraBulgirum, (lennsurkleland, Rîrspt. Frxace, Algcs-l, tie-mny. Gibs-ltar. OGreus Bris- itens Irase. soem. ltay. Luaeber, Malta, oteneffe, Notberlsuesi Norway, Perelu, Port-u 1aI Astres, Boumants, Ruis, e.. Pierre, Servila flpaîn, thse Canary Islands, Swetlse, St3zrlseJ and Tnrkay. Ansd via Unitedl Sats: - Brmuda, Balsaaus. Cuba Daunîsi Colonies nt St. Thomase, Kt John, St. roix, Jumula., Japan, andi Porto Rico. <Newtoundlm*ta s ow le the Postal Union bottIs Pota Bae, esaie as lslus-e.i Letteu ô cait> par jeune. Posta Carde 2 cents maeh. Nevappere I Cents for à euane.. Raltrtoue For Ade. AMetine Confederatios. Bras)), BitIisiasa, Caylon, Groeland, Fresnch Colo- cileos ia , Ai-es, Oreanles and Amnerlce, eceeg BC PIes-s- ansi Mi uelon. Parois, via Pes-o lf, portss 00seC10oele 1 ."K. Ai-Ia. Oransca, Tri=d, peoLsis ColIontse ln Ai-ia, Oerns-ansd Aneriee xcept Cuba and Porto'. Ico, SSta Settenealte lgnampoie, Pnin and Mlcar Lestesale. par j oz. Boks, &c.. 4 et.. for ioz. Other Rqtsatratioe face 10 cent«. Weeh ilanIslands viafilillas. esien rateaus onrssly. lrepaymnetty tam)s .ln ) al e. Kutrala, (ascept Nw Soutls Wle, Victoria), aad qssen¶laed -Lattaso7r,.Il'aprce Aurallu, New 8.-uIs W.),, Victori, Queenes. land; Lasas-at ic s,.. pspe r% 4. lNew Zeaand, vie Sla Frasoloco -Letter. 16 cens papesa centta. C. NOIUjLt)E, Pamater. mlection Pastry. "'AUlle nôt cake tIst ai edaugît," Ton knongh; Yel lise candidates wild de gosgb, To and froug- Ail splittlug thair throats Te topelinbhevotas of the people Who cas't est rongb; Tisa'. sougb. Fiereeiy they hoUler aud tlough, For tiis tact tbey weil do knough, Thi cake can'i aU ha dougb; Se they'U baae- A Whack ai the cake, Be it for Waal, lBe iter Waugh. The Best of AL. And eau the mauly arn cf saif-delance Looma like a planatinluthIe aihlete's sky, Aed fi.ry yonil, yea nild ag on che tance 'Twitt altisas worlsl, thse noise,,. love te, spy. But thor' onee tu.sxr roady te lay eut Whbe'er May ha the champion oethtIe land- GreatSulelivan, or say man aseaent, -ThaS Ver bsngod tente or heilise hag Whau told his boaut wus ail au ais-y dreani, And thah the glory of tise fghWistsake Wu. Dot for bite, uniae ha had a echema Te glu. his friands a chanc* te boltl hie Et cuavara: "In my liene omates- Wo, Be h. &cPliseSor awbreaker aiený, WtheaseriI'box îhlm, andI l béast him, For l'm u anunterlages-, snd eau lsy hlm Grains of G0cM. A bad padlock invites a piokiock. Golt ila ne babas ho a wounded aiiril. A -fao. hah caent eS ile la nover A bcd workmau quarrela wisb -bia Tise eaure cf 1f. is net Ieegth, but honoest.' Ablrdlakcscwn by is mate, and a mu. by bh i.k. Tbe tuveoe t1ug hotoi h ho 0mad out poople'a mait.. Oheerfolues le an oflahoc % cf go"d as anamwlsdom. A ~tdemndamuais, Lut bo's.oa grae isa vesi. The rawaud of eaes a ati ntise pove Plain And Simple S8eech vuBsioaun 07 ci AFECoTATION-HOMELY SAXON-TERSB AND STROUG. Tise Plain, atroug, Pollequialtom tay mcy bc at-encoe asy cu sret; bust wIsoever sîtmusPte o ur< long Werds, wttUsan air cf itying auperlority eE proe ide a tis g onie fa=ilrpiti more nearl t fit. a asanredly caugist in th. longis cf affectation. & A n Wis taîka tg yen ln casual speech, cf 'Io ali ies" uresidencea" "tragedies" 'Idoines- tics" "mendicants" aud l'individule," inetead of *"places," *"houes.q," 'ebook- ing affaire," ",ses-vante," "lbeggj, e'perene," isc eenainly bail ennuh f beaides hls weak nonne, lthe verbe &lao are affectad, if.lie 'isates 'thingea ta et-dinas-y peeble "@ay," sud '5purehassa" vison other people tbny," sud "comm- ences" when a collage professer would "bsgins-tise caca ia decidedly verso. Ev th ie rude, malleo dialecte, witis thisais ettaini andi ismely Saxon express- ions tisaI have aomebow lingeroul atuong tise lowes- classe. for centuries, are infinitely use intereeliug sud a. greeshie tisse ibis eusasonlateul modern ialk. Tise daily newepapere o(100 con- tain examplea cf lise fineat sud mcmi difficult kind et lites-sty womk-tisatin wh4cc is i, sernte and brilliaeey are nuits-J, sud thesye lyber ssfeclly limpid. But wl-o bas not (cli tisatlite aves-ee- pression of s feeling. tise undue e-mpsa oie of a tact, tise lendency towanda extravagance, as-e manifest AunusueL Shah la printed iu newepapenei 2 Pet-sapa "tise public demand i?' Lot us wsive tisat pint sud matolp sek the pt-chable tltel et fil ou wIat nsay La cal'd tht- speech efthtie peuple-tise icis, express ve, s- Ietive veruscular. Effecitisher. muat be, fer everyone reada tise papers, aud even lise todern sciseol bock la mos-e snd mere wtteo inlthe etilties . style. Despito the contnusnesoe **noteesud queries," sud tise survival of felk lors sud philologiosl eooieties, iti@A te hie fenred tisai tise iarus iai ,ume vili go 10 tise usl. Thse littir EnRglirl gîo f thebriekyards viso sayoi. -',V, susîl thse apottlee off us face.@ise- lot-e we is us dinner,' vilI beat-o I- t.sy, -. ie pet-ft-m eut- ablutions hefere our noo00 repaose." Tise colîzrun. 'l-a dus-ng a t-ici,'"We misai bave - tndinitig te 611l us heltien." is terse-, r isousatie. sud cet te ha trengtlsenesi. l'us V'iratuian meueitaioeer. iustead et -- ig, -e are poing tb larnoea op ous- Lot-ses, get à violinisî. notity tise young ladies, aud have sa.dance. , anme u p al lt bssA is e irse,-"W e stt gin g Ou là d y tigca e. Proverbe for Females. st. Louis (,lobe-Dotmocrt-u Proverbe shoot vomen are cotumon in et-et-y latgîsage, but 1tqrticulet-ly se in lise East. lu jalîtnutht-y Bay, -' iRiere tise boho s-oves lioese e te tiin,' svidently an 1l"aotem-u ietîlîion aftie gray cis-oe but Au Chiots. "A bustliug osown sud s ct-ewing heu st-e usîisher fit for goda on mon,' viAstise ['et-iens holiera in aelsplîng tise oeane te, tiso cuJ, se ndcted hy lise aiprees. toc, "Il you Le a ceck, cnew; if a heu, lay Oggs6. - lu Russia, "Il neyer Roo8 vel visen tiheuencreva,' sud anelser lisughisA psrtinonlly exprassedAun tise preveris, "Tise wit dosenoct bhast Let- iueusui, but Lot- tempes- t-nIs ins.' Tise Chiasse., sowever, have pet-sape tise meaneet aaying about vomen oves- wrtAten,'Il Tisre art- oegood vomns- on. daad, tise etior unhorn." As an expression et confidence, Low. evor, it ià cioaely puaised by tiselBeu- gales. notion, "A perfect vomnan As se rat-e ae viuge upen a cal or sîr-fiowors, et- nabiite' Lot-n. et- tontoise-sait- reps." iRoman se ae i De negouathe object et pr-ovesrbialattention. Tise Talmud aye : "Tisougis tise vite bhoutile, bew dowu te ber :" tisailis, lIstbu o ber bd- vice ; vile tL. Chinose say, "A gond man vil net Lest hie vite ;" a oilevi- dent propoeition, tise tristi cf visichis l net aftecloul by tlie Persas, "A basl wifs e i les a fig trec gt-ewing on tise vsli"-viiciunderusinea tise vali by ite ot-cae. In China, "Tisa widow s like a rai- dotlacs boat," sud Siamu, "Ho vise mas-- ries a voif icoka ofien to the foeses." lu Ruai,"IlAÀvit e hanot a gehlar." whicis vilL e ciant vison yen have done withil A; viile lu Ceylon, "A vife i. liSe tise meruing flower-ta b. ten- derîy handel. glad I'us toc isaudsmeseteest, aud 1h55 fine festisera do'i alvapa tecks ýue bit-do cccording te lise cook." -FP"n ST. i4cooAss "Almasîac "for Ncei.- ber Nationtal Pilla purifies tise Bloesi, repu- altos Stewterh, Lieer and Boteeta. John Dryden, X P. P. un tjie "New ModeIV (From thei "Ontarioe Refornsc," De- comber 218t, 1888.) Ont- rendes-s are, prohably, ail avare tisat John Drydan, M.P.P., Preadee& efthlie Canadlan Shorh'Horn Bt-edrs'% Association, ocoupia on.eofthtie filusat farnin t h. Dominion cf Canada, aMd ii ene cf thsehast fermera. Ho oislhl. v*t«e omethluq ovar ve hupultau culiivatlon, and lise visols uiûf M« ge from ilvhiio Wocplante tublis aitu-a juriouïto-crape. Net only doms ho ove n.u of tise finoat aud buaS illed tarses lu -the eoutntry, but hIe tok. bliruglicU4 , viesrisopf,esa, tg, -or oheep5 c&» cf ish#voty hast bmdoa 40 a&U cf themu fine animl. It A depatuset 3r. ~don lookso", thse buatuWhtisar sý e jsIthe i etooke ua obr , r o iné4 Rq poeadfrtiseit .own usa, tiaszo a Kov modal Ybam lmchn.of tise Hall, Y,~ Drydenc'& oinion 1Wo gIve knowstb o vonuo put ê , my'oiteseut wl not What in Thîm Disease That 18 latheàa thiof aS nigisi5àsa"la l upon s uncat-eS. Meppef e-he a.abut thée chant anAidas sud smimslthe busk5 Theyfeeldniladsleepy; ilsmoutis bau bcad tais eopuoUly luatha motnleg. A socf uZc' e. collecte about thse toolis. Ths pte à@ por - Thora Io a nom oakaav'tg-m a6 W ah ît efthlie et tei VblCh onetn t. ap. Thse oyet aru niean, tise baude sud font become celd sud fou ciammy. Alter a 1pbile a cougi sesos luaS fit-at dry, b ut alter a fou montheIl la a stttetdsd wvhs a gs-oniais celant-ad expetoration. Tise s&icWeueon fonila tirait&Htise viilo. anA sloop do.. outt seau) tea aorA any test. Attes- awvia ieh becomes net-vous, irritable, sud gloomyasd ha atil f orehedlega. Tiser la a gicdcleoa, a sort of wuisrling santation lu thseisard vise rising up suddenly. The o hovlu ho cosse cotivo; tisa skieale At-v sud hot at tines; tise blood hecoesa iiick anA et g- nant; tisa viites etftisa oye. hooena ingesi witis yllow, tisa urine i. acaniy and buts- colout-ed, depoitieg a sedimont afler shansi- iug. Tiserea I. requentiy a spittlng np cf' tise food, sometimes vush a sont- teste, andi sumetimevilhs .etlis tesie; ths inlaf rt- quetly atteuddsi vAlspapitation et tise Isoanî; tise visien becames impaired vilS spots hefore tise nyes; tIsere is a feeligof grési prostration and wvakuess. Ail ni thons eysuptetns are lu tut-n pirasent. It i. thonglistisbat uaarly ons-tisird etont-arpopu- lation bisathis tîseace Ilunsea1aifUs varie-t fot-m. hmbsbeentounAtisai mdical men hava eistaken tisenature oet tisadiseas.. Sois bava treates it for a lit-et- ebtplaiet, otisere bar kssîney disease, etc., etc., but nons-ofthlie varionusSlnd. of tresîmeosi laves beau attendesi with secs-osa, iecauso te t-atedy ebouls i ee ut-base te set sat-moni. ousiy upon est-h one ut those ergans, sud apan the stoea i v elI ; or in Dyilpetrla (for tiss l teallyvisai tise discues Iiil et cOrne orrasse p rt-aiseof thie difffl.a and s- quit-e a remedy tisat i viise upon ai et tise .ÉestUrnlie. Stlsele cur.tive tyrup acte 1iSe a chat-m inu Lis.clastfetcolainute, gsv- lug aimosi immeditats eief. VTise folluv- ieg lettais f rom cheisitsai standing iu tise eommunlty vIser tisay live show in visat estimastion tise article la isolA. SJohn At-chat-, Hrutiili, near 8befomeld :-I cam oonftdently racammeos i ILtLaaUlWho mey ha snftering lt-arn lit-.t-ore tomsach compîasa, liavleg tise tsthmeey o1iMy enstozmere. vso bave des-st-d great haaeSit f rem tise Syrapnsd Fille- Tise sale sa An- crasi rvuferdtfnîîy. O-eu tA. Webb, 141, Yor'SBts-cetnBelasb -1 have etilsi slarge quantity, asntheusapar- ties have testifid ta t. halug visai yen rep- resent il. J. S. Mtealfe, 65, Higisgote, Kendal:-I bave alusys greai pleasere iu recemmousi- iog tise Curative Sys-sp, for t have net-es- knowa caase in wvictril Athac not tsliavs-d un eut-rsi. anti 1 have saIsi mauyrgrese. RoSt. G. Goulsi. 27, Higis itrel, An- dat-et:-l have alway. taken a great inter- est in your Medicinue ans I tbavetetcm- meIed ts-m. as 1 bave ftondnA mes-aus cage@- of crte tram tht-ar use. TisomnaàChapmau, iRent Aucktand:-I flusi tiat thsetadn sts-adily lrressea. 1 soli Meore ai y--ut- ms-dts-isee han any otSs-r Iisd. N. Datroi, Clun, Sslup--AIuho hny it are pleasai. ansi tet-emmenA AtL Jas. BalSwtli, A ýP.S., K=ibgbrdg: -Tho publie ses- t lu pp e t lis-great value. A. At-mts-ad, Maris.t MSt-et, Dalten-An- Fut-nos. -Il i uedlesafer ma te aay tisai yosxt-vainable Medicine§ehave great sale in tissddutrit-greatat tissu &My otisor I beau of, gting gi-ststisfaction. haSt. faine-, Mlkaham :-1 osu val racousce-osthse Curative Sys-up trous bat-- tocg pt-cted Ats fficacy for Indigestion my- self. Ftioekheim, Art-hsi, Fatat-sire, Sept. 21 18M2 -b55t- Sit,-Last yest- 1 set you a ltter recomms-uding Mothet- Seigal Syrep. 1 have t-sty nosth pleïaura I n att)) hat-lz testimony te the t-et-y saifactory ressua cf the tsned Syt-up aud Pille. Meuhp atent medit-Anea di. nuS viLs me, but Masser Seigel bas lised a teady sala suer sinone I oommnuced, sud i la lun se t damaed as vissu I iret bagu a te i tisman cine. Tise eut-ai viicisbava cemuneder My ne- -lt-en as-ecialy thonse of lit-ert mplabni sud genaral dehtlliy. A certain minialar ie m7 naighheboolm says Il la tise only tlsisg visis ha. bonit- asi hlm sud rostossd hlmi te bis nommai conition eof e"th ater binz un" lata preacis fer a censidet-shie laneuisoaI ime. 1 coulA mention &as a great rnay other cssbut @Pace vonisi net aliou. A seat- ff âomine,vholant-es-y mut-h adAleteAç te contiveneas, or consipation, fonds tisai Motiser Seigel's Pilla are s ouiy pille viesuicatis camplaiet. AU athes- plla canses anoaction visioh la vas-y nylg Mother Soigel's Pilla do net beava a bal .ftar-afieot. h havaemut-h pléeaura lu cemn- nmudlug agatin te iuffei-ngir emanity Moiber SeglasModicinea, visichis re ne ahaos.IY tisslettes-lofa nisy service yen e-an publia i i. Tours vas-y tt-sly. (siguedi william 9. Gises Cisemisi. A. J. Whita, E sq.- ahA ug U3 Dear Sr-IWvriteatOte ll yntisai Mr. Lut-y RAllies-, oetYTuusbury, Wîltt, infora me tisat ha suffereA fsrn a sotetortm et indignation fero puarsletffous- yet-a sund tois ne endsi et cir'a medit-ine vîtheut Mise algsenelat-it, sud declares Motet- ub lFS ispwichbe gai fs-cnmemobu e . W Aa - - Ch mi-,- C ine Muais M Ushe veary voakuee peni ls- ho tarnaIe s canuetI by Arreulatleà ta csld bho promptyly de si vs tisaI Exelleut BcegntiAngTolBt dock Blooci Bitore. Flttiog np a stable sud holileq i CAlicehall luilet is e -.ataabonon klisk. The stable valia e vr b wtts ruge cutI decos-ted vs soot' pmppor-podu. e o cor otn. bsa a.n vils flouea.rse Pclally gol.tO Thse candies tuer. ehnek lu fruits 'sud etahlae, sud tise ladios. vosafauoy ceiton dAnsansd powdedbliit. .O= Dea&en be Cured Mi. Johu Clark, oi bMilIritIge, Ont, dua't.2 as S au mdtisaiRtüCwà Teil oto I.tise reudy tiss -orw bise. It lalsabc peelle foi .&H1il., fammtnoî adpain. à mobir's vos-k la Ustha h boi vsry seotisar, viseber t-lis «orpoocelm"ve" claenstances ay ha, le reguid Iby tise Moist-sti eant I rgitIobligabbcuato, aeiSieva-4is rswodpoe atittm- U A Remarkable RecordL. Tise mcat t-amas-SaLle cnt-e cf Seo- tels on rs-oent-s lsat et tise Bo". Wus. Stout, et Wisstcu, ubescoasetfSes-o- tuione Absconse issfiesi tiese .511oe seveet4een surgeons for tvanty-tbree yeart. Ho vai pesleetly eut-ad by BudokBloosi Bittera. Thora ha.a sacroduasalenboars; tbey araec tishe mat-k cf veakees., but cf powsr;t-;iey speak usoe-e)aoqnantly tisse ton tsondSu p cges; thmy an- tisa sssngera 01oS wev.long grief. cf dsép cntrition, anA cf unapeakabia loue. 'KVB" OcampS cue-, wtets. Prescription et a B3outon physicien, dis- pewyesreby aBesien dt-ug8ws. ONE acte sicl we yo& al ugh I for a 25 cent bottie oft-1"HUB" COUGU CURE andi don't ha put off vits suy otIsar. la %ipeig of tis egrl ta visousIe vas angagaul, h. raes-ted tb barsaibis '4F«eaue. . "Yen àMeanyout-fiacco., 1 gasei. IbIse pronounced l es onga»y." "*I don'% oare hou il hn paononnced; tis girl la my flcuae-abo's vansb 880,00v," IteJsing Picas-Symptame andi Cura. Tise symptomearas-o useuara, lika by a bobig. Try iisrestug, parties. larly at i ulh, eem ifinl-Wovas vasol-avliug An sud about bierecius; bise private pst-la ara sonstiehhs affect- ed. If alloved ho continu.et-rsas-loua rsa msa y felletu. SWAYNES OINTKBNT" le a pleseant, mre cura. élue for Toiler, Itis, Salt Riseupe, Scald Eassi, Erysipala., Barbse"'s IeS, Blotoessll «aly,crnsty S8km Diseasea. Saut by miail fer 50 ouLa; B boies,t1.25 lu et= p). AsdresDr. SWAYNE à SPN, Phiadslpila, P'a. Bolsi by D-g Thora h.. uealp alvape hosu s good vifs issiind ae-ry great man ; andl tiésane4laagood deal oftrlt-nA -lisehé ayp ka-th lta sean-eaiu nop.cgrasher tissu hA.wf vitevlIi l he. 1 Encloua As-ie". Save. Tisa B.t Salu, lu tise wved for *nut% Bmles orneu, Ulcoiw, 8b P- ntea Pver oct-ne,ansi.1 aIeEuptionas uithve. loyurem Piles. Il agurnteà at-o pet-, hl<a ldas. latesin l by 1k home," slgised tbe marrhad man wvis tripposi oven bishe ca-seuSI.sd fell fer a Maietu llgbhé . itoben ire BIUOUSNM S DIZZNESS, DYSPEPSIA, DRMPY, INDIGWSTI01. FLUTTERlN(s- 1AÎJMîCE1, OF TMEt NEW.T ERYSIPEAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, 1THE STOMAC14 HEARTBUR2I, DRYNESS KEADACHF, OF TiHE SINI Andime~--.- ~ ditusesranf' s--sti LOCM. tn ~ 7 - - Pms-qs-et% Tes-osto. NORTH 4MiERIOAN ie AguranS o o., BZaM Onii:98Tot-UtoSt. TO=oto. 'SON. &r-LI&X. MlACKN, ILP.R- BIAt-AGiNG DIRECTOIR. WILLIAM ILoABE. EqLL.B., P.LA., TissCompany fmmulehe lunce smits, ;tP the- dçtmwMds an& cceoities. cf bin&u Spiacla taion i. callîfosit ia os pany'a epula lna et unurance, vbbc st-o meeting vilSgatpp-aa;vseavh (1) Théa Tontine as eiTulepaf combine the adysuhagea 02 Lue Iueursbce vWUl pro:fttaýble li meu h ie lnueus! hai thse osltin t lhdssuia thae ntbr1 nsio fzs lb« t c~bttr-r e n~blbl e o op il~a sA. iQtr't. tei Iî5"ri Of 17lli y a ui th. U $labteo ety, ws eor p'çmt -APsbE8 PPLuESua. Iat aPptaI84 V Llrequtsed. Be ~ -Adr f mn use e cI euusk ras thtse TlsYMIR ek ew& #C- 1884., 1885.-.£# Thi 1II1II!U__hulbig OmhizUafor1919 6DISTINCT OFFER-S ! Every One a Bonanza! *WIIAT -*IS CATýAeI?* Catarh la a muco-purulent dibc.trge csuscd by the presence aud developmer' of thse vege- table parasite anioba in thse iuternai lining membrane of the nase. This parasite la only developed under favorable circumatances, sud these are: Morbid sate of the blood, as thse bllghted corpuacle of tubardle, thse germ poison of syphilis, mercury. taxcera, front the reten- tion of the effeted matter of thse aldn, sup- pressed persapfrlbadlyientilatcd sleeping -ipartmeuts, and other 'poisons that are germi. nated in thse blood. These poisons keep the internal lining meîmbrneof the nose iu a p ~ constant state cf irritation, cver rrady fer thse uleposit of Uic seeds cf these gera, which spread up thc nostrils and down the fauces, or * a back of the throat, causing ulceration cf thc I throat; up the Eustachian tubes, causing dcafness; burrowing in the vocal corda, *...................................causing hoarseness; uauping the propif structure of Uie branchial tubes, ending in pulmonary consomption and death. Many at:cnipts have been made ta discovex al cure for this distressing disease by thse use cf inhalents aud other ingenious devices, but * e - . . . nne of tbcsc treaiments can do a particle of good until the parasites are eîther destrcyed or remeveul (rom thse mucus tissue. Some Urne since a wdll-known physician of forty ycars' standing. after mucli experiment- ing. succecded lu discovcring thse uecessary combination cf ingredieuts which neyer (ails in absolntely and permancutly eradicating this borrible disease, wbettler atanlng for, one ycar or forty yeasa. Thome Who msay ha ~O 3 D 5 ~ ~ hee,,~I sufferîng froni he aboYe dis=asubold, witb' jlhI--,;T.ont delay. communieate with tb usinea manager, Me*rs. A. H. DIXON h IN, 30 11g 5rcMWest, Toroutansd get fuUanprdctie nd u tise£racbitaelaing st-rp. Wài. a eRe. Z. B. .Skvwm, B. A.,. a Ckrgymas. of 1»e LmndeConeree of Me MeLAedÙt Câurch of Canada, " sto -Foy in rtard ta A.-H. Dixe " »Sfs's New-rTreatm»nW for CatarrA, ?lsas.A. H. DIOoN & SON: t uAx ieD, ONTAxio, CANcADA, March 17, 1883. Dear Sirr-youxa cf Uic z3Uhi mat. te baud. Ih seemaalmeat tee gecd te ha truc that 1 amn cured of Ca±rrh, but 1know that I arn. 1 have had no returnof the discase and never feit better tmi ylife. I have tried se usany things for catarrh, suffered se much sud fer se mauy yaars, tisai it isliard for me to esalize that 1 arn reailybetter. I consider Uiat mine was a very lssd case. It was aggravated and chroale,ivolvirg thc threat as well as the nasal passages, and 1 thought I would require Uic Uircc treatmnts, but feel falUy cured by Uic two sent me, sud I amn Uiankful that 1 was ci-er indnced te aend te yen. ýýsa You are at liberty te usc this letter, stating that I have been cured at twc treatmeets, sud I ssi g"y ecomendVourremedy to ome cf my fniends who arcsufferrs reomenycrswfb an tans Rar. E. B. STEVrbeSON. The Whitby Chronicle and the leadiug weeklies and inonthiies at the 1 ~bination rates here named. OOHBINATION fRATiE C)hroniole ($1) and Weekly Globe ($1) . Obroniol (1) and Weelrly Mail ($1) Cisronile (1) sud-Weekly Advertises- ($1) Chromiai. (1) sud Weekly Witness (1) (3ironicle ( .1 sudW ey Star (31) hoi le ) ud:al= Canudian ($1) Chronicle 1) sud LoùueaHein, (31.50) - (Ibroniclo 1P and Sunday ut Home (31.50) Olarcelolo 1) sud Beys' Oms Papet- (31.50) Chroniale 1) sud Girls' Own Paper (31.50) Oisroniole 1> anai Amanlolin Âgrianltiralist ($1.50) Chronicle 1) sud Tisa Household ($1.10) Chroniola 1) and Grip ($2) Chreniole 1) andi Soientifie Amerioan -(38.20) Obroiola 3.ansudAnserioanFat-mer ($1) - tllYnree 1und-Bettla AmerlsisJounal(32.50) Chronicle 1) sud Trnth . . . Chroniclo. 1) sud uny t-e Dollar Wýecklies or Motlsles-three periodicas Ohroilieo(1)sud any tht-ce Dollar perioicals-four peraodioals Chrouicle (1) sud hwo Montliu iespbliahed ut 31.50-8 periodicals as»Gu:t'Â $ 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 *2 00 2 00 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 50 2 10 8 00 4 20 2 00 a 60 8 00 8 00 4 00 4 00 In theue aeof Sunday ut Home, Lei8ure Heur, Beys Own Paper, Girls Ove Paper, wheni sent by mail, 25 cents extra muet ba forwardcl-to- oer tIhe year'î postage. p ecial coin- OUaRs-ait-s1 C-t FOR TUE t-tO. 1- $1 65 1 65 i65 1 75 1-50 2 00 2 00 2 00- 2,00 i 60 2 60 8 70 1 85 a 00 2 50 8 00 8 '25 BAVESD $25 5 5 5 5 50 40 50 40 .50 60 50 50 1 00 -75 thiese ,magazines arc& TUIE' CLRONICILE ABSOL1JTELY FEE. To evey one remitting u the eum of $1.25-for a oopy cf our bealitiful new editioii cf The Zaiiut and bis S~iur y e. J H pugon oudin clothand gold; 31.85 forSce Sraio ývr. the $iBIe,,a biome volume in cloU -and---ld;$1.26, for Aneotews jof the Weulays, a mo£t, enter$sining ,#oluËe -- r etto ->firPïtoria Tmfy WýLhp batifully i lùetrated UAroughont, we mil seni a acopy cf 4UVHO~OL~ rmpeantdaetu i ai lt,1886, ihoîtt ra okargeThe above bocks aMe aU nov OF]FER k - FOURB EA;tË,UTIFUL POË?r«ÀIte WlTHDIJT 003T. Tie EOOL1froas pr'çst> date until Jaen. let, '86,, for 3.00ý-ualý copy eac o f or boaiiMu ~ Lo~& In~doneGcv.aeus7alThlrinio cfCanada, 8fr Johin A. Macdonyald, LO., ~on.vi'eà » Wlea h8 azitigood Valuentai .0 o$Ï mbur~ a, Blc~ en vonzlé o ur t t Jstctlun. 7.401 sm. 12.20 p-m. 0.50 P.M. Tuown. .Rit. Globe, Mail, News, A dvertiser, WitneÈs, Star,- and every lead- ingf Weekly and Montlzly included in the combination. A Direct Cash Saving to Newspaper Readers, PLAIN, COMMON SENSE, flONUY-SAYIiNG PROPOSITIONS WORTHI CON SID ERING. OFFER A Tw*Weklu ews FO1q GtE YEAR TO EVERY eOBSCRIBER WHITI3Y CElàRONICALE. AJ fOFsubsertbers who will pay theîr subscripionsacut te iti paewIn fulil to date, and one ycarIn advice, wlly be-e Bented wlth eeya'aabci tic t TE ORNT NEWS FRB 3e. e usrpin TRNOwvrr« VIE TORONTO WEEKLY NEWS la an fllustrated Paper, unsur- pasealuai tseliatrofe entcrxsri aing Junlei It stands con- epionous amonthe bosS Journals of Canada astos cmpilete uewspaper, whlitwiilholere tgo every membos, of the famnhly. The children wlfl 1k.ethe p=o thétieyoung folkas te atontesand thse funny sketches, tise more mature wvii ho «ellgistedl with tise edlioarials tend ees at avl e pcy nIsv u lo aseascistu every Issue efoute al I cvan- entertsdla #. l ie matter of telegraphic, service, haViug*, the dal tage or counectibn with TUE TORONTO DAILY NEWS, libhas at its ZsCImMan Mait e sates of tie Associated Press, besicles the spa- daisfromNEWScorrspodents lu every section of Outarip fon whiicis. tise 451 a prlas1 anons. As anewspa r it basnonesupelior. Itinla ndepe#4ent la polca, paeenting ail poîfrticai. news fr-ce from partyjbis or colorbsg. and la absolutoly witlsout four or favon as te p 'rt he parllasasentany reports are wrlîten in a humerons vein, ad deai avtismen and measunes wlîhout gioves, and havlug regard enly to bnevlty, ustice, and t,, th. It la la the tuilent senne a f9il uoespaper. ech issue confan a verbatini report of Bley.DrT- C.se s latent sermon in Brooklyn Tabernacle, Clara Belle's New York Utsion lester.IlTise Man-Atbout-Town," sketches cf peoplo and places, ra senlai stery of abserbing Interagi, a politicai cartoon, and a hii va iety of corsdensedl notes on Fashions. Art, Industries, Litera- ture, etc., etc.. etc. Uis market quotaious are complote an(4 te be telle&,uzson. XIttlanut the paper for the youeg folks. aud stho old folk@ tuU Uke ijust as well. Our special clubbieg tnsbrieg IL wîthiu moa<h of ai . Specimen copies may hocisad at=iisoffice. î,Send your subscrlption te thls office. Ait thls cITer in iimited as te Lime, seud in your subscribtln ai once. OFFER B. omtraci lu not lai auy lutm lot-eTue ton; roc w vsng, 00 mwm BARRI lotis, Al,ý - 1 1

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