Whitby Chronicle, 7 Nov 1884, p. 2

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OW fwwetu Slmei b Ulm, o eim murâ U i" fcuren.. /t #P!22& tA. OHEIOE ao. *ic Bért eawlledby eny oJ l aa ,4 Troato. (2. Prkc.are0 e4s. Oser emeyoe. 8)'Thee free noti" gives in tos " m o w 0 C/t HEONIOLE to .4l IeW*n c/sor bit. pinmeat tti offile, is qt i.e{f a ure forerunner of a usemesfut sale, Ittdividual tetimony on ttis point it ùs not dificuit to find. T/e HBONI0LE à flot a paper vith circetatiois of afoiw paitry hut.- <fred, but ii noua beyoad taro thoaa.and, and tiii, beiaq farther ipcreaséd tis fait, thra.aqh thée.rxertias of miar con- eassipaql tîaeqéts aa.oar actr'ly ani ork, anad thé speciat anad libérait claablinY -q efer bpiaq made 0 saea' subitcibers. As a simple matter of bassines-prott to ones$ssalf-it pays to havée biis priatied ai Jo,(JIRONICLE-I. il a. ROBEIISON c& 8/lOS., PROPRIETORS 014LY Siacc PER ANNUM4. Whltby, Frlday, NOv. 7, 1884. Guaranteed cirtelat;on CHRONICLE, 2250. On the Tumble The own batkerý bave got Lb. pries of Lb. big baf dgivo bue Ivolve cents. sonne yl aSaytib ie lenoue 1oc soon. Bath aiat and weet of ue, the price bas '~bemu 10 cente for îanaalime. Every. boudy wvîlIh btankiol (or aven omal favonse, bat anocber tumble is noeded yet. Batabene' rueat ie lover than il bàas beeun; vilIIL unet standl the cutting ci anoîbor lle., toco? Oie tbe 8Otb ult. votiou ou Lhe Scott Act btok place lu Huron, Bruce, Dufferlo, Prince Edvard, andl York (N.B.) coaquti, .wilb the resulî tha& lu &boa. Ibre. Birai mentionad moutien the Act vas carnied by majorities rang. lng tram 700 ta over 1,600. lu Prince EldvandCoc. doeait va.aslaiued by 1X7; iu York (N.B.). tbe voting vas ou repeal, the conuty gaog, Sas evory eouuty, vllbomt au exception bas gong bofore, againsi repeal, analinlu Bpport of' Lb, Act' Renfr.w, Norfolk andl Laaark Vo oheb.Act during thé pressas mouth. JCQlaad bus cees maus.bean acuvul. sed bi th. clreuuitantial ramor that Ibavîqat bais talion and &bas Genoral Gron inaaprimoner lu the bauds cf- bbo casao,. fHappilythie nevu lacks oufirm,àilon, but et the nmomeul cf vnlting itjeIs mpossible ta pranounce the rumun a canard. Il cannaI be denaed Llat tha public mind la in a $aa tt fean sncb a calamity. If Lb. newe ehonld unubappily prove trne, tbe coneequences may tae dreadiol to con- tomplate. ,Bat ve viii Dot upeculato antil thei trnlb be kuevu. This mach Mnay bc said, thora vilI beunofeigned rejoiciag Lhonghout Lbe Empire when Ibis Egyptian business insaatisfacterily The Frsnch vas with china stili draga an in a surias cf petty enconters. and et aIbs distance Il ia net easy to, diacaver vhat tho Frondchbave daine. Thesgrat is i. tuce for Cinoegtary bas aitoat aeprtd, anal thé Frendh are ovldeutly casting &bout 10 geL ont efthle difficalîy vitb as gondl grace anal as litîl. lisApossible. Tbo Frouai Goverumnent is uawilling te, csk for a large vte of crédit,,vicb vaulal moan hamoediahitsnppoIatlty, and al ongt apasa amen enongi to mend the mateî sjaeain thlaeb.Boil. '15 le hinteal lbal Megilaal viisoean bo Ivitea tecomn. pose th. qaar.l. There vii b. .oms taolsy SaItupon th. parote iefi.. ealaParislaa againseMonsieas Boolaà JuI; but -Priai. Mliew Ferry la Visée Iban thslouages on thi.boule- varda ant il vii gvegocal beedtu ho at Johàn!Esil bas tcsay. 'Ths BrillishParlameul having se. ««" d les uttnge, th. pollîieud situation ".le object ef intense, lntceeL. Duriug Ch. aum rsouess, tie leaders bavre net boin 141. Ms. Gladstone bas "usseal blmslt la tetaet endurance andl orat- crlcial effrS, &ud bis lieutenataHast. laglon. OCmberlain, DilIr., anal aII th. taremosl file cf the party havetahean p th 5hory viti voennosandal amoit ago. On the db.: ie, Salisbury. Norlhcote. Ohurcbill, anal aibere cf the Tory parly have mode the bout of thels «"mano la lafof lbc Lards, andl nov lie ba"if.narroved 16the 'a alla cf the eocééea ef 'Pallanieul. Boy le slrugoUlen ilsd14 f. dmclîtaofort- ecqL. Wâl! ltLord4yieldl' Beo vii tli*-Idab "te go 1 WaIMr. <Gladtoe,. - bdinributi.,n Bille se $bas a T&ein*e cuefori agala throvlpg ont the, Franei»ueBM ? Or vIlb*hasslatief.uî ntLbsrcPeusl svump Tory oposiosila lb. Uppet noua-Or wT l tc.smsebe autons P"le an .'Wesha, nsbavge î«S o voé. ,Tb@ if que of pss 41e.ljr o Ls.GlDone Gai. «n4 ulbut -Shéré 1e hep. eah l le i Mum$a oves a&l ebstl. NotwW "dings-e LibecIbfry uag l oh H. 901M d1wem orihn r jel o f .6 *schae BD na «mtS «etu*0bT"ri.for, pnlvile and & edhslibulloc 115 lte polilea ta fI wvoli si lbo buuy woak.déy vorallia titel imeb uspend Shels bI.b.rlopp 144 aisate Lor4d ges *..0 Mof iedogssalas. l saun Our N*1a hus1~g To day (Tbuniday, Nov. Ih,) vil b. observeal LbroughouL a&H parte of Lb. Dominion ai e day of national thanke. glvlng. Il may be that there are thoee upon vbom no impression@ vbaàtever a«@ made by Lb.estlag a.ide.of any speelal day for Ibis eue special purpoce -sncb vieving the occasion as a ,merq place cf formalian andl notlaiag more. On. might b. go cyalical ne ta amietn thie are tboee La vhomn it neyer ocoura ta be Lbaokful for anytbiag aet anytim 6. Bat thia ie a vary culai view of human nature. Tan. it lat. hal e aboulal bp daily tbaukful for the bleiaings daily bestoveal apan ue, bath as individuals and as a peopla. There lei much ta ha gaineal, bowvear, by the Opportnnity to tbrov &ailde for Lb. nooce tae eugrossing crscf the verlal, and vhich vo are apt te Ibink bear very hardly apon ue at limes, and quietly sit dovu andl cogitaI. oven Lb. blessinga that oven Lb... canes brng viLh theni. This le, vitb ail its bundeus, a sanehiuy vorlal in vbicb w. live, andl dyîpeptic in.leed le the man via cau final ootbing euae l do but grovl analgrumble. TaiE CHRONIOLE confegOes ta veny his ueympethy vith sncb croak ors, whataven b. the theme oftaittair onoakinai. la thie year aot our Lord 1884, tbe farine-r i. prone to growl abbaut ah. low- nes of ;ricoe, the merclaintaofate tinaaee of tade, the. bonmekaieper waali the cares ot a large aud ancreaýing family. Kinal truaindte n ltais BLI day ni November, lake a look attheb.oahor aide ai the platane. Wo have @ea gaod deai for whicb ta be thaubtul- our baèr,,. al, peaoo'and plenty lu cun land. no opideumie ukirting aur shones, mach lesa lodgiug it l iu cwdit, a frai anal onlabtoued comnunity ta neside lu, chunchea, ecttoolpi allges, libraries, and a thansead al ao0 no ana of nefeibment for body, minc anal coul. Stop complaining and ehiuk af tbeîe lbings L-day. At lie saMe ime, wbilit tbaukiog the Panna. ai ail Good. ne@ ou tIesoblessings, nomemnber "Lb. poar ve bave alwsys vitb as," even lu a veil-to-da comnunity. anal to-day forget Lomnoct ither in yoar prayens or ountributions. Arguments that won't Tel. IL bae beau diuoovered,tbat an Sanay nigbt lus orciblo entrauce vas mada into the Court Houus,Gederiab,tba cen- tre ai Huron Ca.,and 8 balt-boiee,eon- aining tho official Soîtt Adct ount, aLalen. The saane igit partie. mroka loto lhe office uftIhe ntnrning offices ai Orangeville, the caunly tavu ai Dut. ferin Ca., anud tole four boxtai contain. ing retarus of lie vote in thet aunty. lu bath cotintioo, IL wilI b. kuovu, Lhe mnajority ut 301h ait, vas so large, the genenal reenîte catnnut b. altered by Lie tit. Wiat ile Lu b. thaugbî. haveven, ai sncb effort. La fruetrate, if possible, thé% honeet expresian of opinion by a free sud enigitenoal peuple ? Il i. anly a fev veeka maince, a lange portion cf Lb. Durhamn anal Northumberlandl petition, layiug for oxamination, aiste law requiros, lunb.the eiff s office at Cobourg, vas iLlia lunbroad dayligit. In Simos. aiLes Lb.he t vaspassea, an ergeoizoal effort vas màsde on Lb. part ai th. liquon sellera Lu diacommnode the public by tie raisiag cf the. prices fon meuls, herse aceommedatian, stc., La - ndiculo"ay bigb figwre. la a3 uolph,Lhe boyoLtting cf merchaute, vho heil ex. presseal Liemeîves favorabls to Lie Aot vas altompte. la aearly ieoy cana- ly, lu 1aIt, vere Lb. agialioa la in proures, or te Adct Onl.d, a almilar p rogrammo bas bosu carried ouL. Pen- hapa il is, Ibat Ibia Scott Set agitation ta aIl vrong, LiaI prohibitian jla a ad tlaing for the. couuny, liai Liere le noîbiag like liconso LaO premate tempes &nos. Evsryone lu entiLleilla th eir uvu opinion ou Ibese matter", thougb there appeara 10 ha ver7 little dauht what ganeral opinion le on the sutajict, bat it may juet as velI ha taken as an establiseeal act, thalunuder Canaaîiau lmw noa încb argumente mu thoue ai Sua- day nigit at Godenicb and Orangeville, anal vhioh lu varions shapes have hesu ;uedain other 1."", cati carry aov in- eluiauto a Canada, anal fur- thermos., theIt frasijanada bais a very doaldeal vay of -"Sitting"',ou sncb arguments. A Obat with Buîmesu ken. Whou mon came teta SaIpolitison diseus other@objecta LIaI tond aleex. -cite Party anal atroug foolings vithin, theii breaita, Lie7 are very lihely ta permit theme feelings la gel Lie botter of LiaI jualganu, vich in a ceai, casetul tay ofa aquesion voalal aIberylsbe exesolaea. Nat se ai a sale villa mal- tors oi busine. Ilia commeircal prola. lem os proposi ionlplaced albfere lbsm, Liey very quiehly geo&tiovu La 1bard Pan." For »easeasof Ibis na- ture, a nepapes vhen lalhlng -the ques.tian et adv*rtising,tor exemple, bai Do Occaion &0 employa"Y cf thé"e cm. bignone methode, useal te ballalaze, Théi OHEONIOcLI bheise. lIaIthb.shisyt business msn of overy community, vho bave given lb.eanlject »asudy* are convince as a dv.slislug h ou. citlis mosé inmportant, if moltte zmaim.i portanltfachas to business muccesailuth. pressait dey. Argumnsl and aldmon. satlicaon Ibis peint are -aanoeusary. Busines biaiery overbe bssu t. estilmenyt anthie point. The query viit theo business mn is ajui&hov beit te u e bovarions &aneus lu tie1 shape ai adver"iig that ruse op ho-4 tos. lion. Witbous dlaparcgin2g any- special metiod, expatience bh aetab- iabeal ibis tact, Ibat thore ln no bettes medinaita mals Inova meaý' &Uat than a propeily coadacteal, Uv., reiti ;beuefMd esqBu TIhe runeou-à J saswldly as tley do very ofte.n Mmesfur, the communication of acluof dmiy le mocar.c.or esom ia h y opinion, Wbat s umm 0f1ltsé dhffaism noo»W dlaa lova. LWy ive sua Dvea at.by aide.' Bunnlng oves0oa mbanges ftcO1vesh k tovW«k ve à04 jasealybelwmvo .vpapmprid laleasO v a s li» Mthe.le botveu a sMd -it. saIhlbusrsop bolfng' Êflla, th. eoaorofafsbck âft»é a Im a bsépoal*0 têe Mutes mquw -0 id »e=a ever tuepmSsroang OOIUMU04 s0 orlu4s lbd leh.ie1 xuton a of i4, or laper<eui Md cgsd th* m ehlnsryM W" lhtis rnlu4, Sia8you Md la eg mîldIr ramut om The eonunmmaîiun ai the Union of the fans branches ut Metho daim in Jue lut, makas Lb. praena mn espebially mankea yeas. In vmosi plaes tha Daamniiu aven, the aunual iTea Meeting as lookeal fonvard La villa unonîal intereat, bpîng the final artea Lb, Union-bal clthcagb Wbitby ba" nover iad but the oesbrauah in Lava, it la doabtial if greater interéet an tbé 1part ai ail ocucerosal could bave been maaifested, Liant vas »en on Soday asd Monday cf Ibis vil asthlb.Taber- nacle. Boquent anal impressive ses- mcat ver. preaceed on Baudcy by Bey. A Carmars, D.D., Geai. Supt. et Lb. Mstbodist Oburci, befr. large cud appr*ctaivo auaisuoe..-tbe eveuing eongrgaLian cravdiug the causai to ils fatllut aapacity. Thetoteric te naeruing alîsourse vas ehosen ire.s a clause cf II Cananthians. VII, 1. "Pasf.cting Helineu*"; anal in the oveuiag (nom Royv. 111, 20. Tii.ts on Monda y .veniog, provîdeal by titi ladies, nefi.oted greatersalil for -the abondanceaifgood -&bings provialel, anal taite displayed iu lie arrangemant of Lhe tables. AiLes aIl preoeut hudpar. Laksu aI tea, the assaamlags retia-sal l tho chunob, anal the uecond parI cf tbe eveoing'a pragramme vas apeneal vitb c hymu, Bey. 1Mr. WiIlougbby lu th. chair, citer wbicb Reav. Mn. Abrahamn, ai St. Anarev'i Cbnncb, offereil prayer. Thé trustes, Lhrougb Ms, Yeoman Gibsou, tressurer, presmnteal hem nre- part, vhiob shoveal Lb. entire ludahî edueess ai ciarcla andl panienage La ho I15,t)12- of20p ioai as on par- sunage, anal for vhîhite ladies are nov niakiogaprovisieu, sud bepe la the course cf tbne. or ious ysare go bave palal off. Tb@ report isnahibueal the oxpeuditure for the yoar elieitl la si- osas of lb.hecoaSpte. Tii. prlneipui p art oaf te evouiog vas giron Se the Iod01ure by Dr. Oorunan, on "*Trado andl geL Rich," vie in a racy, humerons, anal intelligent mannes deail vitbilie oab .csesbcvoiug it oLe b b.purposcf Goal that .voryous sheujl be ricb. Rloneut trading vas ealoualaeal to boe. fit botb bayersuad mer, anal Ih.s.by ho c gain on euhh side. Tits loolur. throughoat vasi lstenoal le vuth grost1 inîssest, anal by skie froquint bunste of applauseoevîdsolly vas bighly appr.ol- ateal. Tho chois, vitb Mr. A. N. ;Ievelias ergaislt, reuegasd ssv»r viry gcol mlectiaus of modso during tie servies. Aftlsvetes cf ibaubra ho th. lectures, ths lames, the choirmaa the ehaisman, the meeting vas breught ho a eloee-psohably 1he most sucese». fui Oine the epentougo et Bitseh. Th total rseupsduring lthé svlcis OUR TABLIL Our Little On.. and fte Nusraor a Novsmber, lb. BusseiCoc., publishers,' 88 Bromfieîd.8t. Boston, an attractive magasine for oblldrn, bas coeel baud. Mss. Lucy H. Hooper, coutinaug bes sketches, '1Oelebrated Porsenage. ai France-," tracts, lu T/te urront cf Noeubes 1, of the Empre.. flaele anal lakes alvantageofethle opporlùnltay te, correct ceome pepular lmapresen segarding Ibat caca beautifl bautn- fortunate voins. Bis relations le lier aem:re prosenlti luaenov llghtý sud ber vholeo cissale, viL h U l îs li' perfctons, rvealadnla a acierfia! npebes.Tue ek.l bappssss e n th Mis p 'qoftShs aube ci te ýCu, SOLs.~ltba ra iIsus lY/te qr. rmsi in It l ls nciv mr and -ibufand nsaedD»..'Th& -u. O-UR GRAND' STTOdE3SSFTIL I The Dry Goods IEmporium crowded with customers from .al_ parts of the county and al -the newestI goods from the great Emporiums of Fashion. We hold to-day the best assorted stock of Dry Goods in Whitby, and the cheapest goods in the market. We are determined to lead the trade, and hâve nob hesitatiôn-in statinD-g that our business is growing daily,adwl compare tavorabl.ywith any in Toronto, or With those of the other large towns in the Dominion. There i îno reasoà why anyone should go from home for anything in»- the Dry Goods lime, as for variety, style, value, quantity, qu ality, and close prices we, defy the, trade. leupb.8 a ob. 10M4. TIee, 1 . fiut.y inmakins lia..Mop as ae100 lstreting, providing Care, judgmeut and good tante are employed, but thea. are ai uob wanting in the matîter of *oloctiodsasa olealines. and decent woikmnanship are needed inhe .mech. cai aldepartimenta. l'hors are nm*n adveruate i b.paper: smrnefrorn thelr 4"n.wspaper me ars" Wahowing that thoy are no duad, aliat lhe éditer will oertalnly vait a long 11w. beoro ho gets the price of aven a l2cent loaf of bread from thena. But thon Lb.y save type eettiug, and belp te 611lu inWhou local nova il soare . W. l&am bteth siboriptlon books. W. vatch lb. teameter ne ho drawa Lb. mail baga to tb. Pua& office ou publication day. 500 a&l tld w. beasa i. the eubacription lit of the paper. The. Wonder le ibat there are so mauy te b. fonaud, Who bave dollars toa pare whou 80eiaial au equi. valent le given in roLura. On the other band, boy itho local cooteuuporary of the journal vo have just pitured-pic. tured from i fé, even without the artiesea "toucbing up." W. are etruck at the euLaet witb tbe vel prlnted shoot. Whelher tb. reading maLter inunil pagea in Worth Lb. lime of perusal or not,- with au eye La gond workmanebap, va recoguiza at least good work on tbe part cf th. compoalîcare and presmian. The arrangement of Lb. papes je eyetematic sudiltsy h laa"aeatatv lastp, b.and:he are attraoiely. Olancing at tb. editoriali, vo find the leading opie of tae day iuteltigently dîecuee&sd.atud notlceable attention livan La thoie itibjects iu wblcb the. peuplu of' the localify aro particalarly întere-e-l sA ieiar owvn. Iii matters of opiniou. ibis pape.r. a8 a uawopapèr îhould be, je e leader au action anad tbongbî ini ts Levu anda onunty. Enterpriso leshoçvn lu the apaciai subjeiots thai are treaied, evldeuîly by baving on ise staff special. aa'ik sud correspondante Lo liandle Ibese toýioe. TLaaoffice nf local editorie no ini- curh oe tbe paper. It le the firet columu road, becas the public kuow iL in sure te be full, freîb, aud racy. The paît. office clerku hava something La do wben the heavy basete fu of tb. papers are dumped loto the office ou publication day, and lb. carrier boye. witb tbeir local deliv.ry, catunot take the wbole editionunuder thoir arms aM oeo lime. The officiai records of $bis raper show a healtby, payang caron ation climbing nicely np into the thoneandu, and growing from year te yoar. Tbe meohauts advertise their war, lib tis paper, becaute. lby know as Dr. 0cr- man put it in bis lecture of Monday uigbt il insà aus of recoiving a fair equivalcut for tho mouey expended. We hava aken up the subject of novapapere lu tb. presesulinstance as one LbsL boasbeau bnought strikiugly before ne lu our ovu business, but wbicb noertbeloeswiII b. fouod a fain illustration of tbe difféences in buai- neasee ganrally ; and aI anather ime we may exlend the picegmlu other directions. Anniveruary of the Methodist Tabernacle. (correspondanoe 01 Lhe OMOaoae.a) a &O".xw, Nov. S. 1884-Arslvlng b at tho village cf Olaseont a"cnt misi àafterooon ou thé l7tb Oct., 1 b"d lima Fta loch asoual me, and get a gêeorai idea eofthie Place ens "lviiglt grey bcd lu bar sobes livery &Il U lag* elsa.- rOft repeatelq natation, but beawutifall>a expressive. Tiie f ratt Iira ébat aI- tracteal my attentionvas the aigu ef rDr. Easswood. This vas qalte uclural it being thefiret aigu 1 scw, andth Ie yoaug diseiple of me cuy -illustrions msutèesbei.cg kuovu i. me fromhi. boyheod upvarda.Btepping lute bis onficgo aha"ehlm by ths banal, 1 foanal b. vasont rnakatg prateesional calta. but diseevereti bsblnd lb. meonter (tise pilaasusi net cul mas deotors@ office, bat as drag store, and alLogvaph o&»ic) amther Wbhty boy, a eaio cas esasemea tevusman Mnr. Joho Robinson vîsdes aiof ige Lacis. Ths lad is ttil, eomoly anal cousteoui, aud abîbougb beha ay neyer become al. dioteal otheLb /arp Prasctice ai bis icîbir, hs le evidontly sharp enougla gohoplaeed ina positionuof irust ad th, pleasure ot &saing thi yong docos th. folloving day, anal mit vith a muet b.arty reoguitbon, sud isarneal, net fram himeei bal fro. othene. thal be la higily ppreoit.d. anal basalrsaay sscured c largo practiae. Tii. village i. fiosly sitoat on blgb granal.on the r.as aiflt.e ightb andl front cifLthe nîti eoeu.loataoaiPick. ering, abouat hait vay belvin th. tava linge a'i lby on theout sandl Masthcm ounte vot The vlev eft he uroundlag country la fine lu aimees any direction, anal the village proests a mnet i plelresqa. appessae.tic. varions pointe et obeirvation, e.paclaly tram tome positionas&long lthe ine et te 0.P. B. Tho buildings amre g..raly gocal, MeeIly tram.e, villa several nieés sal elantial brick reaidimees- interaailgled. Thone aneonîy bye genesal store. iu lte-plact e; b.issI audlargeslbeing &btI cf Mesurs. 3L &D. MeNqaisbuted ou the carornth le aS side cf Break St. at h InterseconwllhCentral et5iet. léSlea l",lg, la%%lIWh4bI brick building. sud presul a vesy attractive eppecrace bolh outside anal la. The stock t f. lenmd vased, etc. bsseag evesy Il»a.of gode s wed lu a coutry atom, vbiela-measOb mach vider range tÙ 'o"a beu dnla»I leva ooysi eher., vi er. goodusau limitea to e" Tausae uc.Tepsese fira ha. ue ncebash a e0c. mont for about yes5blgsdd by WS. MoNah Eeq.no siea v1 wbouduol e l.ba.iet ü viul for about dve yase, 1s m tIi. Who liai ince its5sSc4 lhmt-sat bout 80 year. The ztuaber af the lia ar BSobmn, frou Glcsgow, po'é-e'ing ail lb. plilck, pubh, analpese ivu"a"e ab ebhasceleistie cf lb.Ir vae. I1bad the pleinsa, Sho heb.ooustea cd Ms. D. MeNab* eue eoftthe, membeira cf lths flrm. aof elmuino telai, ,s..i.. i... ir of Haopper à Stokes, store Oacres t>eotnal etreel, oai vhickthLb. otorprisin ýk praprieton la Mr. N. Buntou. Th a tiuainesila canniect on lu aIl il branches dl aud in apparentiy ise preeipenane cou tea ditian. Mr. Burto*Ogeesmlly amep10 ai Lvo banda, sometiies imare, 10 adll aon Liu Luhimeoif. Haestock is Dov lave a tihan usual, ovang ta the large sa di ncreasig domitaI fo- bis goods. L A littI. brthi eseth b. (nuitai esatablisbment azd carpenter ebop s Mn. James Patereon, a canny 8cotol v man, vbo fauda Ilenty ho do, andl Lakai -bcîd anal do., à. Ho Rives spocia attention La plcare.framiug wbicb bà a dosa at loweit rate. and lutheb.obe L style. A 11111e fixtber on la the sh.naker' sbop of Mr. B. IL Palmes, vbo ha a;been 12 yeari or acre lun buieîns boe d and la likely tu keep a&itl long enougl 84lt appeauagotamgr.it him sd hi able, assistant reamaskcbly watt. Thon geing sîl w eetvard, 1I Sud Mr rWm. Bsll, baker, a Galloway man, no long cul, but vIn ha. "tfalIuonoU h tfeet" bore, and droppeal on a flan IlocaiLy for bis brade, wbic lib.boaal te binself, andl af vbicb faot lbosse.t go sakes neunudue advantago, as I fin( on enquiry, bie frniubee an exoillen, article af hread ai (ram 10 Lu il gants boai. Ho tunthar informs me.lhe doesa -good payiog business aI those 'raLes vhich ibère às roareason tu dispute He andl bis goob vif. andl little famil: abave 'Traveller's' beat vishes. I taitea bi bnsneanal(onued theru excellent. Bpeaking of hune and broad reindi me)tbat va coule have nelîhos vithoni th. help ai a mil. anal a miller, bath ci t hich aretluuh. hInual in Lb. village na Olar.mout. As tLb.inmier vas not ii: hie .111 vheu I ealled, I vilI cal agala ana ll 11yon ailtsttut it in nmy oei. 9eBoaing gotahe . ord bu., sud1 1do su iuvoluatar.ly, i tb. relias cf Mr. 1BeII's bon@is is .111 rosinlumy nemary, 1I arnDoct auly romisided ai tb. milles 1anal bie milI, bus coflt.henosBurcor, a naisse is commoebure as la te nanm@ cf Jan. seo@rusal Balas. isions oc th. pais ve r rsalted bythb.unme. Nemorie. liat bad bien ilepiug aIne tb. vinteof et 848ere avsksed. A eertsilaBondy I bad knoov lu the village ai Uxbrialgo wb.re I vas tie village acool-umsir dusiug scld vinter oeime befon. e y nnd's oye, andl varlis utéle incidents assoceal villa hlm came* fnesoi teefront. I ascer Wood alon sa penional interview vitb Bin. Gea. Bondy, furnîture dsaler andl audirtair, oet Iis plsatb.t hi vas the man, but fou#5d - Ibait rathor thw start et hlm la the mater cf a niteutivo memnory. We baed a gooad lk about, Lb. oldon tiins.,H. bus been ln business bhersoves 80 yeane ennd bas canrifed ontLbs undersking departinu for 22 yemrs. Plans. fram.lng isaeam- braceal iu bis geqo-ral business. South cf bina ou Brack St. or Centrai St. conth is bis brother Joebia Bondy. lnamibi, mcid dealsr lu stotves, ilove fuaieblasge and ov.rllaing lu thathUe. His abop la voU filleal, and vonk.sbap fitted op wltb th. Most proe rnAohiuesy. Anothes brathitr, WVilliam, les at vork vllb bina. nobher, Alfredl, la the village pointes, glasier, piper bauges anmd sçI nter AbaM lea a oeeiby tade. aar cà" f. ltver et gagne., rullae, ay.sccke, Bautbf. laites mainunoevalose. WItI continue sketch uexb veek, and amcug etbor malters. l i ntroduce tg cu Mr. MeNab., enicr, vaeapuipo*p i bcd lb. pnlvitegfe sud pleasareoa formiug, andl teo.. beery, hIndi7 worda, liziler andI eelso ilumy sas snd heart, as the ripple and Irtrmur cf lb. brook lu hde native Ighlcnd glen, linges and icho lu in isovas. TRAVELLER-1 »CuOPIAI» IoTE8'Ti -mAv lm PuSi oCrosv -Tsixae.sAt <'"sAm»" sun TIEN51185-l-OXoLmauor âk c! UmSoifes that Vam iquît. p "saloal he bproper sua of %hiUddil am &lnbout u,! mi farylug t > the1 Se teor cf Cacla olm halisy navaxit I get af.àh* bâod-haex lgsea Mfait. 'Theyare celfue e..'L wmnnd i ow, 3oueper a 1- "ieXauIlfl ..î oacm as gentleman lu Ibise iîy vas finsd 45 g anal oais the other day for giving a a. etranger, wbo seemeal in vaut, a shil s, ing. Work os go ta the workbouse, os a2- stanve, lu tb. comamanal cf the antheri.- aeties, ta cliabls ta sasu a living. Tel$in li. Lb. country almosîeesy rosdiIla. r feuleal vith ill-looking ilnagglens, Whoi id vauden about wiîb "ivi g'and Il bil!i 1 - an Iran vessel, ta make tes os gruel re io-eleep lunLb.eopen halliofwaetIres of or under a frleudly goso hoalge, anal a- bu, iomnd e nLasd anal fre idel.ta at aide aofLb.eisîsald, tramp abou and dhag il ontS a a miserabl, existence. Those is ae sioh clie poculiar te bheae colonie. :j eti bis leoamposai cf mon and women, Sie W ho wve."ia-oris"Who 'se have made lite a 1ailar., bal who nov s vorkasay a fsv weiks ta imblns(osi 9, body vbo viab« ieRo gt work lu Ibis h, ounlsi bfais vages), gel theis monsy, la go ho thte hoie bas.sooms, and sbay tbher-drinking, amugmg sonie dancing, r. analt.lug Incredihie ataoi..of buth- >1 lit, lu the .asîy days--uutil thois moioy in la goue. Another move lu thon made,a ie mare moineermed, anal other baone Il vipiteal, vitbsmo reenîts. Durng sn lbeie bar-sou. visita tboy nsvor pay id fan moali; the. laudlords givo Ihem it bread anal choses, îe., ta saifythein a bauger vhile Lhey are sending Ibeir a moaey. At ten nacloik esab uight Lbey a, are ordereal ont et lh. bar, and Lbey go . andal eeep anales a heage oasosme atberi y friendly oelster tdli aoruig Tisi.l ci no ovîr.dsawn picînre. I bave vit nessea this scores af imes wibbin Lb. s pant fev aootb-aud t/ais i8 in thte lt winter.t )f Our vioLer le nearly oves. 1 bave if noL a"on anov ii Iis yeas; nos ice "mire than 1-16 inchinla blckokei. From " visse I ait I eau sue. l. aovcppod snanmit af Bon Loinnl one cf the0 IlcftilMountains ln Tasmanla, in the %dam diatance. It saheb. founMtn-bsadn cf severcl rivera. Taimania la as a ir 'ebolo *xcedagly billy, ani? for thlb a ancit pars hîavily lamberial; thesocîl Js a Rodibol great, obstacle. lie lu the vay If ai tbe seltler. An ibibesal geverument lazd polioy, ieavy lImbes, and alcbcd Wj roals are among th. moisincs. L Mach aneasi s afebtinlu bà isaty byci a'mayi Lb.hepeople on accant ai the a., sequnaay of - eirtretni 'reaenty r sualrnotearyday.xporisnc. TIie.. I aue cf ànie.oaslinsevisity. Tester. S day, Mcsaaay, Ang. SM1, oui cof onr mornigpapers reosinge ousnb an ce. b cuzion the preci o andayca 1as oasu moaxa.-Yecterday fer. il' >or vai tels lu this tevu, anal teugi w talight. its perception eviaiently causoalT iconsiderable alainin antuioipation cfaà e epelition of ths m.venlty ai &ho earth quake @book fbIt Ibreeeka ego. Iluth Lie chrai people invcluaîs hob- îgan toabeift frant hem seats anal ok ct each brsud eviry blng but tie cc preacher, tilb vt as evideul liat it iat Cc notbina irions, -luasouteof the bousse C lb, cbaud.llae a'und gai vene obtarved ' te swing, but obienvlse thora va. al saeliqvery aloirs in uisi effects,,lla bat tbey Lbangb ht atit mighb ha fol ex -leoalhy another ndalmare evere - one."'lac - Tbree eetsage ne v s s vere log atýý tairs. hgarohbella tiàgiqg, Lirov Be clown chimneys, and pines fre. oIl-, am lugs, etc. Borne rgu ntmbthe slreete 1 for scfeîy. TIU ibock wuiRoueral iUlaî oves thoeocin; bat tho Iremors are t -es ttaqent ou tiaats ecait. Ad el wi, aa b lo.cleboe nga ~ PsÀalnsolai LeOr froutthebPeople. <ia TItcÏ die snot bolal lamielirespan- alaststhe opinions et corraspoudenta, wov Baluçatipu of. W9mn.a Da131%-A fgind o, naievwho in'kit iv eouaiul' aud cdmirbïg, locbder éf the Ounorc,MUdre, rMy Attention ta - il, 1 rm;rarkuid Shh Ibeivi oW ti toua u ha mAaai. "dii - A Rcznarkable Escape. Mso. May A. Daley, of, Tunkbannock, P& w vs aloctalfor six Yo iars vlh s &ÏBronchlis duing wviecia imetha béatI pbyadle e ai.givo atti iaflt. rrer Ille vas dsaired of. until ln lait Otber h. procured a Bttb. of Dr. King'a Nevw i covozy, wh.n immediabe relief vas felt, anal bycontlnulng its ue for c short lime mIa. w»cml"y cunol, galinlg linfoula 50 lb. lu a fev maullas Pro. Trial BaIlles cf Ibis certain cutre cf a&l Throat anal Lung Diseases at G. E. Glbbard'a Ding Store. Largo boWtis IL A correspondent vautst. b1mv vby soma vomen aus call Amaons. Perbapa It la because tb. are unuommonly vide at tbe niontbu. BAluTD'UL Bei. la on@ocf tlias mistnlikimg anal pleasiugofcf heractlestiaandl ea eamlly b. obtalatea by tho use of Cingalese flair Renever. Vxav WELL Ksova, are the virtuos of th. Oluýgalese Hais Bonover, lu ramlorlng as y air te île nahusal colos andl thenupriveulngîft frorn lurpbn, gray eir aflervsrds. SolO at 5Wcper botuo. Mamma a: "Wblch vonla yen ratites have, a libbbe baby brothor or a 1111le baby sisier, TemmyftTmy: Tdrte i bave a asomiy "rruh If yen have feelings cf gananoos, toc vomI and dragiging ho rally, hce nervou te ieep, digetion laardly sazmiclont ho le. seul andd ybogothor, tirea brain ite aches, pain crosa bis bock, theehole systena rlaeacl, sore lungs gr, à congia, anal vill tr rm eue to six baIlles ai DR. Aus- TuN'u 2PRATpN&is, as ltee BOmAy reguie, iL viii not tail ta mnake yeo untnh emtic friandl. Prie, 81,00. Ejralde by &Hi drug. buA', yavned a bachaloi, -tIis vonla i btagîoamy prison."" 1To thse in sali. tan confinement," adalsa a vltly Young lady. Devus' lixir vii cure auv cough or cold, no maLtes of boy long standing. Il lat ehathat cm, ganus bas lveul.. od a noiseiaviobin. Do net suppose tbat bocaue 1h la recona mendeal fWranimaies hah Arnica à Oil Liniment la au offnsivse preaeraticu. Il Win néet sain clotlaiug or the firest atmi. The numbes af Quakers li h. United States la put davu et 100,000. A single trial of Dr. Henry Baxhet' Mau.' dratoBiltors -vif! convnce anycue lureubleal villa acetveuea, torpid liveraor anylindea disa., ci thels curative properties. Tbtey ouly coul 25 cents pur hoitl. Verament sabeal tecbens are probilsd by lav iote .use of Sobacco. DoS% do il. Do not wa&t If sufféi1tg frornpain but go at once to lte- iueasost drigstore and Iauy a sanuple hotU.e if Poison'. Navn.nr, thé groal psitt cura lino la oudorseal by medical menaaaty. Te acu Wh.n a yoaug manfi Sgeriug fiaecash ut bina by bie granalfather, can il beumial thct'be la rveblug bis ancestral hauls P iprom the mm.rtima PrXovinces lames a itost et testmmeaisai uta the magi DomI anal Waft cure-Puuam's Paiuesa loinExt-sctcr Waoetfrcminhlaslt cf smam befaro usnIbalai onRyTaylor Usq, EW &m. =bâbllythe ovi drnggla t Lbels rovinces. Tay lorbas ne heultatiau lu stating fitiaatin an epenience et tvety yeam bo bai banalea othln«taaIbaigivea Ibe universel ali- katIon ShahPuhaiam',ora E' xâmtor nvarlbly des." Il oves ala, il ipain. 'Vesmo i.gitdoserl îosug thé lJens Lun asauA London polies may nm-o ary raVolyss tuiel, claecprlia"cn cging. 25 cment. LekW. I. oaie, A l m hhsuyl veoess cil tare Tu. S.uÂu!J4t1.pltea qc.~atop, on A MANUFACTUBU?'8 OFFLI? The Celebrated Organ Manufacturers, Iu orales ta intros.uco Iboein beautiful Parlor Organe Into Whitby anal viiîiy, Organe Style 73, New &,Ythetie Case, Catalogu 1Their OR $145-ÂPPROVED 8 MONTHS, NOTE. A writer maye:-" Excesa cf praise la hardi7 possible vhon speaking ai Ibis nov and uperbly beautiful design, whieh l. intended to meet th. demand for a more expansive exterlor or cabinet, together vith a most superb Action. This Organ Io cf m cet eabataial and pleailg proportions,- and cf a- stylo of finish u t a b l e t a a n y s i t u a t io n , I u p l a a a mn g b a l a n c e O f p r . o t i c n , r a' i s u1 l t y o fora, richnesa of ornemuentation, sud delicacy cf finislh, Ibis instrument vill not auly compas. favorably with the hest, but sarpas ail Organs of any makes; vbila for strength and pusity cf toue, variety ai e±preeiion, and freedom cf Action, 1hil tar iu advano, ci auytbing yeb pr-oduceal." The Organ eau be seen aI Lbhestore cfthb. nderuigneal, the Menu. DoeWity's agents, andl with whom al arrangements for parahasee eau ho made. A fiai. year' guarantea accompaies eaery Organ. J. S. ROBERTSON & BROS, 45 Dzvr=L's BLOC, War. -A. 1 la~natin e Roal Mail Steamsh&ips. Great Reduclfouf1 Tc ail purchasers belveen nov sud Decembes isot wil BADA...lt Nov, the -Patin, Sept, mal. andexUtea-aa. et, anal v inot sop a I Movifl, 1b sali dhret fromQuobec to liverpooL RATS F PASSAGE -Tiaongb tickeb btrm Wlatbm and ccc stdj .i-- f 871.accstatue=t CheaPest Place in thte Counity FOR Watches, Olocks, Jeweller, Sul- vErwa and Spectacles 0 f ev esy d e u rip t lc a, Be p a lsn g a s v ec â al ly. Watchom anal 3Oci amccrsa jue.dtime& . Egrav4sg dn. A aI inda cf JIEWEJIIERY INSATLY IEPÂýIRED, Anal mae te ordmale o s t o t oe oitep for osit. 72,000 -OMPES PER WEK Ss or O r aa at eu , D a i y a n d W eek l g lET AUIdLjy IINWAPER -N >CANA0A pub tIhe Doddsc. JOIE MI. RC la Ooiloctor ina rucipta for sube -. ordinry bume NOVEM LOCAL AI MIAT 18 0a011WD BUDGOfi0FlV CHROMiCE Mf Wet. coad. Novembes. Bad ra4]a Buov flurrie Boys heavy, Matins, Al Thsnkagiviug1 lnunablqio suuday. -' Co= Owuv on behal cf eou ýplay tram ùthit Our Dree Gi wevrt's Dres Mr. Ti14ey, 'Sàhoàl,-Vas'1 *Nèw ciirini receiined, cs RtOI w., t tickeb ts c v elthm to oc. 40aIfth mr --t7 cmnobti aI *13.0Gb ont 'Agi. Dominion Lina oî pSout l. th 're lu tti TOROWII~ Pound keepen Wbo hava Dot mtcd. thel reaurneta do oa& once. Oarried. Mr. Jas. Rosaesc. by Mn. Hanooci moved tbal the wbole Counail b. e speeai commatee lo examine Lb. noad allowancobotwaen lots 14 and 15 in the lit eon, goLacoumîden Lbe advitability of opening osial road for public Inavel ln compliance with a petition present.i by Mr. Win, Annia andl otbers, &nd report at oexl meeting of the Couneil Carried. Mr. Jas. Ros se. ly Mr. John Rose moveal ibal tb. followlng sa.'.now %~ resnt.d be aecespted sud paid via :- ma. 8.ith, relief of B. Barker 85.00; Mro. Thos. Luke, relief cf W. Gibbs #8.00; 0. E. Mowbray, relief of Mm SilcocI 82.00, dillo Mms. Scully 88.00; Jon Conin, relief cf Mrs. 8eully t5.00; Wm. Hovdenrelief of Jeu Irvin $4.50; Sam Holman, reiefof Mms.Schcfld 87.87; Wm. Holman, SillODies V. L. Court 88.00; Wm Parvas ditto 88.00; Ruade andl Brides-G... Minty $6.50. Thai. Bleep 85.00. Geo. Cormack 816.83. The Council thon adjocrued to met ou Lb. first Moudsy lu December sa 10 o'clock Sa. Our Town and Oounty. OLTTTINa CLAUSES VROX CLkRENOaT- A PICTU8.KSQUELY SItUATED AKD PROS PRROUS YILAOGE COXKUNIT! ON TRE C. P. i.. 114 PICKERING TOvNsgI- WB'RO iWHO A»)WHAT'S TÈREISwoaI -'TR&VaLLIR' A.S HAPPY As EVtE nt EuS HOfl-A*NOBBIO SKETCHES OF OUR CASR 1 IýN Gý" DOHERTY & ý 10 0.) 1 SELL

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