Whitby Chronicle, 7 Nov 1884, p. 3

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i ' ce. ,~~.W toci of tm * KyWidhg 9 t,' 1t 1E 10 KSart Goldt 18. KaratGl CASES admirably finish-. ed and ^ENGIRAVIED. The Movements are of Swiss, Waltham and Elgin manufacture, sud are fully Guaranteed. JOHN MR. ROSS joMNaiTON Le Golletor and 0%iCacNasevf«orc am T air nOximca., and Le .îthoela,4 ta pun tueepta for subecriptions, etc., and tmauct NOVEMB51U 71b, 1884. LOCAL ANDOTHERWISE, WHAT 18 ROMN ON IN TOU AND ELSEWNERE. ÀA BUDGET Of UVELY NEWSB MiTTES GQUANED B CHRON1CLE REPORTERS AIDO OORREMPNDENTS. A ahiel'a amang y., takin aoisa, Au' f eh he'U Prut IL." Wot. ColS. Navemuber. Bad rods.. Snow fluinies. Bays heavy woot. Hose. A.ndrew M. Rosi. Matins, AIl Saluts' 10.80 &.m. Tbaukagivlng Day. - oy. Dr.Cam ywus front indiaoi tion unable ta pr.acb in AUl Sainte test Bunday.0 Cblîdren'e union Suite att siees. Androv M. Rame. CoxE OUT BOy.-A COre8poudent on bebaîf f iouhor cittrens callta fortomc play fîam te town baud. Oui DreusuGoods départaient in filleSl tW overflowing iih aew goods whicb as correct lu boue sud type. Se C. F. Stewart'. Drens Goodai. Mr. Titley, Inapector of Mode] 1904o01s, Wvasi lu tuhim wmek on offiia binless..- New ammairnens of gent's Hata jusi rectlred, &acsoa fine rangeof gents Underwear. Andrew M. Ecie. AUl Saluts' oburub sannuel festival in the Concil Chunaber TbeukgiriugDay oe.ing, wtuh addresm [nana Mi. N. W. Rayte., barnîsier, Toronto. Farmers andcoensumlera ni cil wil do veil to nietbe 4Queen Cty Oit Cos&. celobrated PuusLuia Machinery Oit, Toi sale by aIl Si"p.tm ealc.na. Se. thein advrtsemeni. 1l N Yauugz Meu'm Christian Band great gieigfront att part@a .11day TDtkgvn axinte ie Mthodimî Yen cannai go asiiay by lenvint Lermessure for a good fitting Uitern sîuit9e, Orercoca or Suit, abthie tailor i0< Sepaniteat of Âudîew M. Rame. We warrant a fit ery tinte. "~Km* or Coaaur.-James Taylor the. <rosi Eugli.li cmedian, with a sirong ontpany. plays Simon lu the Tou'b Hall t o-nigbt, Frldsy Nov. 7. Front prets. eom nntmid cher informuation regaîding hlmn snd hlm acting. a trust may b.e antlelpat.d by amusement seekers Oui stock af fat! Dry Gooda is nov comtplote. Specwa liceus direct fiant the manufactureni. No Middle profit bai benef i pru aour cusemem na. Blaukete anS Tanne we tris ofring ibent ai$violesats prie...Look in sud se. tbom atC. P. Stevantsa. *NàvxAvxa.-Yeselsbave been sait log daily the pasi wesk ntoriug grain sciai utSdaiu the lake. The. tr, cf Tneedluby causeS hIda 12eWaNker', tight anS W. H. Oades, coat-ladun for Toranto, tn taik. ahetter ber. as they woe unable ta enter Shoe. The a Oef rau aground eùst cf the pler sud a tug veas ndors.! frcniToronto te uU ber offi ThegiMqdsa amn u t Immou Oswego. A. Caoz.Uua Wmar.-Stsudingou the cornier of Brookt eqd Cathrne.te. an' Mcuday erening full oppotuuity vas giren everycne ta drink in a etnelgbt choiera d6Wo emlnâg .fromtu Iat sineet. The, steneh vas something terrible. 'ÀAu> ntiier oftheii. ealtt Board who vas in th. Iocllty aS the tinte, lied t0 take in the vhifl wiib tbe rosi cf morials passang alang Brook-Bt. at &bat houx. A meeting of ithe Board wauld naw b. la aider. Tovie Cousor.-A fifiecu minutes' session ai the Tawn Caunnai)vs. belëb ou Mondiby eveqlug. Proeenl Mayor Bogart 'In ithe chair), Rer. Long, Dep. -eeve Jsllrey,Meneis. Fox,àuuep, Robetimon, Wesley sud Dowuey. Minutmc be prenions meeting rend and oofirnted . The return of tht eleolion of Mr. 1H. W. Aune. for the Centre Wsrd, lu place ef thc late Mr. Thoo. Can vas lai upon ithe tablt sud alter betug swonu in ute gentleman teck hiesuSt. Mr. Dowumy mocded by- In Fox meved ibat Mr. Anes akil.place on &tt StandingGant mitissa bétS by the laie Mn. -Canu. (CarnieS.) Gaunacil adjouned. $cors WA HA.-Tbs sinus! meet- ing cf St. Audrew'i Society cf Whutby aud Pickerng wvs.bolS ln the office oi J, B. Day, Eiq., an 'Mcnday eveuing. The falawieg cificens wvo stdSfor th* ewysat r: Premitn. 3B. Dcv; Vtce-Fnem:. augh M. -Roma ;,'Sory. R. El. Jemesan - Tiasurex, Jehn Fergu- son; Chaplains, Rev. MesssaC Oalat (Dubsnton), Carmichéel (Columbus); se BARNARD, IIROCK ST., WHITDY. Over Coatinge, fullit sok at O. F. FOR THE COOMPLRXIO.-For Pim- Stewart'e.. le Blotohu ,Tan, and ail tching tumora Ulete Olota. cfeecal paternasud ùL. ;I euProf. Low'a Magic Sulphur extra value st O. F. Stewart'.. Rev. T. Harrison, the. faioun TfSf"boyn om ec~I crahe' f BSmo, aSthe. Meodcs i e n o ec Tabern .le10 a.m.; 2 and. 6 p.m. Baiutara. Ofice cf Wbutby Cnxorx., Leâle.woI Vasesvats stnwWhltby, Nov.7. 1884 and gray. Andrew M. Rom.. UIESADPOUE The Dims Mrzaeuinw" chopoed nsa i T ,BIeepSaND'.ev OD cf it 5h.e Town Hall Tuesday snd oontipiuee '-Trade, non aSt hattnmgoft be titi Thureday evening, taàw"Il worth 4waree,auDotsobb utmperce t imoemt. seeing. Wan sd pray 4cr the.botter urne. comlng Extra value in ladies Rubber circulera à%' wksiiien man dos..luIn th the. boat valus y.t ofeéred. -Andr.w M. ruoakeganrcitareawey Bose.ilili-'« he y hoa about sU been mai- Boss. udeand ai premeut depremud price. H-xa Sorr0"WooD.-GW or. ferrare n»ot disposed ta brn n mesu mach le eelling oordwood-hard sud »0mmli bt' wha.Banlsy 'ea autile tcwer soft-y shale coS o, a quasîîîe, > hast eak and- decIinnlaLean t ht soft-bysinge cra r inquatitil,,iýubu saiSregarding price..s iweek. chesp. 80-48. - Our lothiug departMntitfLe U th@ . ?OIONTo FRMERIS' MARKET. boat shape for suppyingithe publie in r.wsa usi ari Teda Troiuseringe. We are seo lgfine im leTon lase a =n a. hrket wee ab ou ported goada cf a&H classesii oatungea. uhsk of iWho"ai o et 74o to 77ô for sprl Our stock la Immense, anid for Sunltmga aMd fait sud goome nominaly ae t a 00e. of Sootoh and (Janadisu Tweeds eau b*qsld eta 73o ta 77o for 1,000 bush.)., net bo equalted' in the. county. Oîvr.&M '16we than Mouday. Oste were Dot us a catud omenod s 't 1i. ftered, but uhey are quoted ai 88o; poua OOMP» gds ad pce-wu .net aftered, but qucted ai 69o ta 60o C. F. Stewart. 1c fr <cd lNc. 2. Then. wum ne boy uer Iwr:a.czzaLiouTra Fooraàu.-Tbe tnw, and price.. re said ta bc unehanged. tva returu football match.. werePctmioés acî i e ta60e&)ôpar hag f rom gIayed lat woek on the grounâs cf the . won. pples offen ui 75o ta 81 26, r aceordlng ta qu&lity. Ducka65o per psfr; atter between clubs from the Whitby ohiekteus 45ete 50e0 t;gee0et Gollogiate Institut. sud PlckeriaOc etich. Butter gold aieta C. There CJollage. Fniday th. jounio luewon tauesfew hogs on t".imrket, solS t.P,*nd two goals eaeb and IlatUray th slow. Beef $4 50 tb $5 f0 for factuffi seniors eacb won a goal; a -dead set" sud $6 ta $7 for hlndquarters. nutc as one cf ithehome leaiher liftera ex. irrsse, 05 ta $0; lamb $5 ta $685W. preased it. From omm vietory the. Pickering boys have capturd from anu O"TILAL OÂTTLE MARKI1ET. aborigunal team «'up wet" scmewbere Ouly twetve imore steamers carrying cet- tboy preaumptioumly, mce»y the Calle- til.go cnt cf Montres! liii.sea»on, asdudm giate Institute club, lay edaim ta ithe ne caWi!.are nov talion on the >~pr dock cbampuonehsp of the district. the total lexporta muât laU cvow60O b.a4,. W"lhAt ou.ne l0 ia epu KiN<is .un uau ScHoa.-,-Tbe e ~1bey would reach. The. exporta 1mai week port of standing for October in ibis 'vern SU bead. Tii. total export. thi. achool, under Mr. R. J. Niddery la s u saesn ta date are 54,37 huaS-an inrucee follova :-Fth Cila-l, Lydis lied- e, 5,15 bid aven 11(8. The.exporta cf man, 2, Lut!. Mackey. Fouilla Clam ab~e- & aeli e,2,3W1 boaS, aga". XMérthe prerloua umi. Thei.oals -1, (toc. Lugtte, 2, FieS Rogers, 3, uinst aeae516 h ea--a demeam John Fowlîo, 4, Jas. Harvey, 5, Annie rtSul44,= baSIrn,188U. Catt. freightm Sadier. Sr. Tiaird Gs.-,Jennie apUcbanged and qactabteetaiW*0. t 05&. Fowlie, 2, Addie .Mcwbray 8,EH& hla veeer7lite rocm tocengs<cd. ~nareceipte of Ire stock. et Point lit Wentawy. 4, inuieès0"" n ô# sina Tburéday wve.90 carensa Eddie Redman, 6, Allie Weaieit,7. ci 9 carBGswM eaxpori ctile, 9 cme Jenne Ezneîsou. Jr. Thlgd CaehoppIonlclsteck,.sudl13cars ogs Era Rogers, 2, Belle UeBdm4a 8, WiI-1 T4oexeport catt. iraS. bastbeau dul! sud sou Rogers, 4, Rosie De"wj15 r. BU. *ouon ev festurr, nasales bolug rerari. oud Clas-1, Lnella Mfo*brm, 2, Net. e& Peitae j~~u c nanimM~y et dit 441Lre weigh±. bbeep fer expert vere a&" son Liduette, 3.,%Mary awall, 4, Jamee 4îlet ea ie ta 4e per lb lire weigli. Ro- gadier, L5, Thas. Redman- 'Ji. Sroud -lpta o bophav e een esy sud prieoa CI s"-t1, E iiza Emereon, 2, Willie baree manply deelined about te. sale, t "'g F 'wtte,, iLewis Rogers, 4. Annie manouMoudsa Se ota 65e per .tb. At Weatlutll.Vapr market tuer. wu. s big snpply cf ulhr catit., stont 900 bd bror- A eUCaSFUL 0&UER Gxui. - A eMir et ofwih 8W 1bemd wr crowded sud îboro4,tuty intereaisO 7e1.qlIw l fAdUiekL'orlebetnn auinwas.ta 'o found in tbe base- lieeW" a rebdy 4maIet ai un pri0e., but metof St. Andrews Cburcb on Fn.- about 8M 0hmsd 0' common rmaifieS unsold ment thai day. Prices af fair ta ehoice grade. day .'venng test, the occasion cf the rangeS from ie le di per tlb lire veigit. Harveet Hotne festival given by the. Conunonor grades ramnd S rom se le 3o. S. "bath sehool teachera sud sebol&ns About 1,100 ihepsd teni.wr fr ibis ohnrcb. The maeeting vas for which there vstsafair deman&. Larnbe pr" iover by the supî. a $4i50. soîdstatto qeeelityh.pt$95 aàUUVVi m niiL' maTI JUtnn- &nACUU programme, vbieb in a word lot us say vas imply caplivating, tram rond. ee enîinety by the scbotae. The basemeut vas beautifully sud tasteful. ti ly decorabedt witb uvergrrens, fruits, de Boyers, berries, graina, etc., the vonk L cf the. ladies. A. good teas smeeS0 during tbm evening. A.Iways a sa ia- ing puni cf the pnocedi s tmni cf $68 vas netted for tii. Ss"b"th scboot. b WttrnavnLa PUBLIxC ScRaoz-Th. 9 bonci naît for Ocioben h :-SBr. Pourtibc las-Annle Hangrarve, Grie BoyS, Lily MoCennel Maillas Kirton. Jr. 4tb lase-Effie Major, Wm thb1 Maggie TaitAunuie Gav .BlasurqiL.c hart. Ella ooper. 'Si.! Olasa-Wlntans Maoenuel, MOIsiS Boyd, Ntte (Ceep. er er, Lily Bessle, Ga. Johnuen Sain Class-JspBooth, Ida ThorutenéD. or Urqnbent;tIWn Kirton, Lloyd Cper. Beur. Tablet-Frank Beyulds,Olg1ia-, Hagunnîan, ARneS Str.@, M. B*Wt. in Junior Tablet-Mary Reesor, Jas Dtou. dam, Oscar Reynotds. Annie Boôih Mary Hamt. Inspecter MoBrien aI bis viei cf Oct. 28 expreamed ie ispliai. ure ait the maîked impreremeut snd adrancmmeuî cf teé meeel nudur thé fa car. cf Mn. J. Franklu Dale ,vho vsslm vol! known in low vile attendlng eh lhe Cattogiate Institute., re cure üa Dr. Low'a Wonm Syrup. Il d4ofrcya de and ârpeli Worma efeucuàUp. Mr#. Thio&. MaBinS aelaitljng lun(tati.L, Misa Editb Campbiell tefi for s trip ta London, saiuiday. Mr. Bedoiphua Wordeu and faifly h»mau gene te live ai Harpeis Ferry, Va. 41 Mia. Jas. Rice.lIt titi veel bu riaiSpu rienda at Holmemyilu. 1,to Mr. Henry J. Bîlttnga la honm. front Port Arthur. Mima Houatan, vbo bai been the gnst eci' MUn. D. C. Dovney tl fanbor m n aBeu,» -1 yesterday. 1 e Cap t. R. H. Wrigbt, vite nsuslte sat. la, taMe inicarsgc cf theseation Amt ' bora lef t for Kingston Wednemday. t] Wbutby ta Liverpool, Glagow,anid tf, Landau and ruturnuOierL $#8.00. Oue oe way $18-00. Thoee 1evrates are Dot . c likely Sa lest long. G. B. Yl., Agent, WC flud e.! fA. PiiU D.-Niplek ~au 'Pua arbae aî rafSte purifter Us e agu- qu icar ast.! t.).!purgatWvqfer ;ùd omesu. a - The are8oid act&.~ s The. beet bleod purifioesSr som tg. laSer aver placeS vlthin h eehfsufr tug .n 0,ySut .EhI iBlttais. insetî cdy;et tLii, Bhounms, Jaun. siic, ontlM=o, Wémk ~eyqs, orsuy A », lnarth 0 n, Or hoevur roquirqe'a-4ippietn te on=Ms mu- ý2 goant ê, vil sl&4ylgiEl, leBlutte X tbmt anSoly certain cure kuovia. Th"eyDo 'su su.tan ç,Styeï rylqj3 [9" nu.s.tJve uti. lfolnor roftndeý Boa t oai suba ?à botgleby G.B. Gbbu&. ve ou mau 1" BSecua vretbh, «ýgptm4i- eot-ýit- speak abovr.aiae.5 :ubiloe!,qo2 ' inbpopt ut ig fs. eft1ae zoo..I TIRE XPORT APPLE TRADE. There ba been a f&atmteady manket lu Moutres! tht. veek lu appt.., vih h bout entend uneugb ta abeonbib te oferiffl. Exportn bave humovn a faix dmp. etinter. ut, loetl10 hrets msot:S u.At 9.10 suda catea au SJ.Puces aire note st ai 3 p2.Me&&ta qualty for vinter nit. W.N. Wht, fetl-ad4 witu #à 0re Bad muset eurapels iom0 t" rlioo uihmbba taoutloat eau an. o othacm mu t e.show a Seield SImpeMua ouB>p lies humFronceae an ni;fient ceased. Nane ar e a GerMan anS soeehuit rnerchauttholirahave beau onqulrln h. p rie. af Amenosuappleu ta ipart. The Engliai ap rnay bWcanaiS. ored fuished; M ,y a=fev ten sorts nov resil Seilers vil have lb vork Amnica &le,",unlesethe mnppty bWvMelrs BRITSH LIVE STOCK TEADE. ceil.. fronx 5h . anlu in athe United Klng4 bve a much Merc ati. UatoYry niI aient - ema. thé. Lmh r-ý rorement repoto tIMval u'i chovu Mr sak i"ten *aoidde.oo.al atargibo &daane Vin«e. t ~ca pe ond ait round, whleh lamaueiaea rfepeldan improve& dern"& hd saeut Leu supplies of cattie, vhlci sel aepressed iei. auket havi bmeu veU' markeS aCa=SSte tire.nov exhibit.si, acre hgaity tanoue feth m-rcnlves ule, asnt. The. MonirestGi r fTueuday mya :-OQr cabtes f#9nxLiverpooM u a nutilt of mm o iieftmarkst< wlti sieadyd.msndmpecimliy Son rimsc, uS ba npdne.DTe reulp1osofcouai. tansand Arnenleans et' he ealng port. "ce lia day veek hure beau Itib long vith a matenr.uotâ;%;h.sup. plieu tram coher saur...,bhmgralap Wre-eulslieta acre hthiy ieal A Livorlt4s i. 9"ng ie lh nStua unn mS.ad»y etaiu adrane. cf le mnt lb escompareS vi" p, W'ek a.Prime- teer ueS sih j>o4 e tîjgl t1:4te m ointà Atcnotu taleS, hqvorox, *Uhch ii*rigA= :â ý ýbu'" iprod 'te 5t4 r =L th* S00ioui:hn< basa lme TAI:LORING THE CENTURY IN 1886 A Great EN7ERPRISE ]Papens ounitheCivil Wsr. The Important fetur.of TMa Omurar MuAGAM ea u ti.cumins ytar-4nde.d, pan- lisps th«e1inc s Sdrae thém-an psn bath=lia Fedral sud au ed.é -Gen814onat Grant (wbo wvitea cf viee= D1 sud aher baIle), OGee IMP lesinDasuregard, Homo- crans, EMN, Admira! Parter, asdothomes.The sertes opens a thet .November CxxTrnwr viti s grap oaity illuairsied article an The. Baile of but Rub,. vrltten by the. Cofeerete geal T Benr3 ad.Brief sketache ntild :1â leo a ffPrvai. " papers eiinouteUng speetal eVents. demrtiloiiaenivantoqaauxit- enr brache 6 tervics, ete., vifla upple' ente moro lmpant&Usjîsaies br lthe varions jouer4i.._ ,A strictregard forac scnrwey will ede the preparatten ci thifntisaicm, for whieb Tii. Cavrour hbu atis(tadimpeasia rery lug qusuiit tphotorsba.devtg arai. maPe Plains, Qetc., ittllwn inuu.s. h ta te prenant Rtutis êents, cî caheistreporta.ý but eommsnding offiemna'aceumnta of uheir plans sud cpcraitn.iin.lmpro cf ii.van su poasu. aheb *mre time, a baLI aivale ual ea.slytt e calenlaled FICTION. iu ti ione TEE eCaSvuay vwim 1ain ts l = ange d fnrnieh the test siortea by ean vrltrmecen t eacnb procured. lu Nardbmter bealua A New Narel by W. D. Howefls, Author of «IVenetiau De t" 'A M odérmIn- stne"etc. Thi.s tery «Is it iithe. nie Of au Ameriean busmuain. Anvtb Ker aea novetetta byGrcDot Litebfield.ie short startea b' 'une.Remua,' prenk IL Sioclian, . H.E Boyeaen, T. A. Jan- vier, H. a Jutian Hawthorne sud otiier eqwmyllmvm.nVnrtterm vii ppear ai Vextons times. Mlacettaneous Pentures. Voiler tiibe dtur may te incluSeS aàserteu cf papers on theC Oiteaoi tlairbY W. D. Revels, thei muftrtion. boing reproductIo.ns ci utehlngs sud drainua bj JelepPennell . esoies on The New Nerth-West, a.n u lta5tlng pup cf papera -by I. V. Bmsiey, Liens. obail iie PIImOIGrant te1 seme exquite LU mUcusio; papfleuon ^astoumy, Aitiuiecture sudCI tRIM ,~ Us. gM bot bsing PrafueSoLam mer. cf Ms an Bonalees article o Churoin, C17 UI d OCcU7 ÎkBomes.etc. Con.! <toeuSe M.Wmnlmg.Jr.,will me propos.ina Snntsrn7Drnnng E. O ébu n.ixan dminid Gewe, msuOtonr wMi ftruish 5*erry ey;G-ee. W. C"l0 Su sportand admreneVM omse au W Jonlahu uegb viiwietram urnetoturneou cioo e ab- BdsofaiTIm OaCM ar mar fhelsur. cf vince f5natotli cenS abnt a nmb.e, Me Waný WSertes anS Mn oet or rouanue may te meule t le pbaa À fre. epQoimea eof Tua C»UU v b. Mu ou requis. c hi épr Tam CESTURY 00, NEW Toux. The caoxmanu a ombiniuM vith "Tu Centur ton me.yesn vil)hb.méflaSte auj sddrees tra"ovta y&;: lit. msn, on reeps et ouiy 54.55.Addrue ST. NICHOLAS -'OUNG', -OIX& 1884-8 a*exlse.cf r; linS auood MARI 9-r. NI( 5Eslb ne Pante."ai tllgouwàt TAJLORJNGI Leave your masure for a FALL SUITà-t the-ý Ri~'IIabIc Talloring Deparinie o, ol 'ndré w me fly 80 doing you can obtain desirable goods at a reasonable price, and you are certain of a good fit. is 110W. complete in every departmentoi M TREASUREJ'S SALE 0F LANDS FOR TAXES. B 'Y virtue af a Warrant uuder the baud of the Warulen and the Ses,)1of bbc Corporationà of eCf cOunty af Ontario, dated tbe Fiftb day of Septemnber, 1884. commabdtnçg me totlevy un le launds -iient*ion theti followving it for arrears of taxes. -thorion>.And Coste, as berein set forth: l bereiy give notice i ut uniet ;sncb arrearsansd comts'are souer paid, I obeil, in catupliace witt, the Assesseet Act, proceed ta setî b, PUBLIC AUCTILJN. bthe aid îands, or sat mue't. herenf as naay ho necesssiry for the tus, nt tbe- Court Houes, un the Town of WIIITI3Y. "n TUESDAY, thc TWENTY-1rnUtD y e! -DECEMBER, A.D., 1884, ai the bonri "f VEN o'clouk it the forenoon. TOWNSHIP 0F REACEU. Amount bats&nnd Total PatenteS or Part Lot Cou. Actes of Taxes CommuRn Amouni Unpatented North half i21 3 tco 10 89 '2836 Nrth part No. i on plan 14 9 66 491'100 29 19 2 Ls S. partEB-half No. 8 on plani16 9 70 87!100 4518 8324 S: part N.W.part No. 7 on p' 15 9 1t81/4' 10 55 2 87 S partN. B. part No. 8onP'n 15 0 1824,/100 9 88 238 TOWNSHIP 0F PICKERING. Nortb.westcorucr of Suith 24 7 1 or j 2 39 2 Ir, Part South quarter' 23 B F 1 8 43 2 19 FA.IRPORT IN PICKERIING. Water lot No.38part 8. bal 93 B F ai 2 i Water lot No.4 part S.balf 23 B F 86 2 !3 TOWNSHIP 0F SCOTT. 19 3 21 5 68 2 24 VILLAGE 0F CANNINGTON. 4 5 Pateulcd 562 PatenteS 2 42 PaierieS 299 Paited 7 02 PatenteS 12 1 24 21 9 71 269W PatenteS 7 19 91 2 45 16 36. Pstented TOWNSIIIP 0F THORAH. 1 9 30 8 70 2 20 5 90 Pateuted TOWNSHIP 0F PU!MA. 16 4 1oi) 27 84 2 80 80 64 pstezýted 14 A- 100 26 8i 2 77 29 58 PatenteS 14 B 100) 24 42 2 71 27 13 IVsteuted 15 B 100 25 OU 2 73 27 82 Uipateuted 5 E 100 21 45 2 71 27 16 UL-patented' 6 E 1(x) Il)75 12 80 80 66 patented 7 e 1o0 24 45 2 71 27 18 PateniteS 9 E 100 2à 99 ' 63 23 62 Unipateutcd 5 H 100 16 35, ",11 18 86 Patented '2 K 1( 15 40 2 49 17 89 Unpmtenmied 13 L 1 U0 12 85 2 42 15 27 Unp&tcntcd 1 m 10 1(x 5a03 2 48 17 61 TUpatentUd TOWNSHIffP 0F BROCE. 7 14 82 18 98 245 1648 PatenteS, TOW SHIP 'OF* Rk ' il 5 100 12,68 '2 2 .16 10 Petated 4 6 j95 23'71 - -2 4O *ý26 4 -- 'Ttented 7 il. 100, l85ý9 2657 B21.20 ?atea 21 12 6 -.,-6 0 ;2'12 '2 7i:0:., atinteè 10 18 :10'r 17 U --2685 20 24 .Unateuted 4 13 V10 ':22 94 ý2 68, 2562' - l R. & %T. C E B L~ Have oleared out somÏe lnes of a manufacturer's stook., O VE RCOATS Prices, Weight, Colors, Qualities, Styles, and Fit, eXactly to meet your ideas. BOYS' SUITS, YOUTHS' SUITS, MzEN'S Boys', Youths', and Men's Overcoats. Re & J. CAMPBELL, Glasgow Warehouse. Grand TrMnk Raiiway and - Ocia SléamSkp TICKET AGENCY, Telegraph Offic, W]6tbY, ont. trains tnd rn xraane aohisoDetno audport Huron vithout »î;;;checkd hbough f.. mhtby t. dusUnatae SpettS ttoiut.ta pnseneertickettfSr Md7m rU tcket. tb &aUlpoints on the. d Grêlt at ueniDi. sien.Grand Trunk, Detroit omm- -ýpqdXwukae and -Inter- c l e.î "hl aturx tiket. ta and ffre MgNe0w Yek hildeiphia, Wadblnom, Dovar, DtJaeVllot M&~apealy Ohiorurope CI=-.ertan er Firt-lam EflarTickets Iran, Witby sud eteerugeta làvepit1t lidnry, trip toa d fIrom lWbieby pu" *w ta uMd totbeOld Oountry fer the*r bhnde cm bave eadtsre andmeatits, & rbfflrel asUt=L0 round~~ Wn $1ta8.5 lbre~ u- tdsri&M Wu hlar mtbno ,Fôr tiiheh. k ekM rag, aingle nd round tnp r &Wh' omisd -tickets apply ta G. T. Ry. adOcman StmammiPhte TùkI Aat Aco~s .dBa WHITBTONT GOLDSMITH'8 HALL. Silver Plated Goods., -jw PSTOKTO HA&". 1 plondid ý mont ON' ART! Southi veat angle part S UI TS. Cmrnsre 1Laidtlaw eaussI Part Senti baUf North bail Part Noti-cul quarter Soti hait Btroken Rcrth bil - Pari Nati hait -Nctbislf Northa hait' SELLING OUJT!l SELLIING OUT! ROBERT CAMPBELL Ie gradually reducing his stock. Some Rare BAR GAINVS STILL LEET! Ladies and Gentl emen now is the opportunity for get- ting the best cliss of goods from 25 TO 50 PER CENT. LESS TRAN REGULAR PRICESI T'he follwing is a List desercing S/eciaI Ai/en/ ion. -ALL MUST BE CýLOSED -OUT'. Blanketi, Tie Downs, 'white and cotored Quilts, Tatpestry aud Wool Carpets, Flannels, Ladies' and Gents' Under- wear, Jerseys, Hosiery and Gloves, Flowers and Feathers, black and ,oolored SilkS, Dress (*oods, Costume. Cloths, Miltons, Oloakinge, 84awX single.sud double, Gossamer s, Cariga Jckes.Menuii aud -Boys' ,Suitesud Overcoats. Groceièse Giswarie d Crockery, etc. DÙon't buy a DoIIar'8 wor'tàh until ,ou get, hie *Prie. (DO3eý-RT CAMPB EliL Ontar"oÈtlock, Op. Post !Officee Whitby F~ALL - -AND ý,WJTNTER rGOODS I1- Iii Wool ShawIg, Jàiokets, SIrt, Hod0 flosGlvs, Yarnis. P]Ent, leaohbed a£ Ocotton-muslins81t; -Lines Cantons. Gossai c' Ilmproers. RBeadW -Made Ladîeç'- ,d -unbleaohed bmers, Corsets, Ocunty Treaaurer's Ofl!oc, Uc Treet~ WhUhr, Sepiember 8tb, IBSA. 24611t' Jametst, ' MONTREAL. Bm LA URA NCE'.S Tic felo'wing are tho names of 'some cf thec ppua vieiaity wbe have purchased ana are ni Celebrated, SpeCtales and'-, For the menits of goode, -iutendiuug purohaâ to any oÊsl of them: D 09,gri Ms.. R OMs Dx. ýÊ - s "B.0Crmack Mn. W H. ilitgi, Bnniuer. J.J. licHen Mr. W. -aeel nvuÂ<m Hobacu. "Tý . B.i,Beriça.-G«Ba&t-ome. 14jor H&ner'pQulcMaeatnate. ~ ' Thos. LURlêaidBat' "3o~WcScue.~lcer. Car '.lLrewont.' - Mr - e0j Inat'Attirei,TLadies' and Chlidreu's ANTLE ANDJ DRESS-' ORN, WaITBY MARIR? bei......... TAILURJN.G. 1 r Ross. Our stock ANDREW q ROS-S. 12 75 8202S 48 62 n292 12 23 PatenteS Patented PatenteS Patented Patented e 813E TA/( 1

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