OLSchbN.sg 0er of limt y4a! va#m à 48 aatb. So e s eula- Uom < 4~è qprt a ratio neyer 4~1~t ~ww.~mits 26 peara kit- tor: FIW tt the M ?/$aV tochave repe*x aU tMe oU d uipopusr fetts'ara f 1888, and added fre uttractiona tlat ow isead canwaaer saqa ws "bound t. aueerp tisewiole cot&tr3f." Theisevswoler appeau' on 4t/s page of tia week'a paper. Let tisemi be read liy ev"rotsc. New Advertlaementa thia Day. Ecmpire Olpr-W. B. Hovue. gmrvlngRaile aud Park lat- Wood tonale-RL . BMdntJ. O. BravnePonS perry. SpcauRs ros. ludiclal Babe af Proporty in Brookln-Neil MaLemu, ohief aber, M. 0. Spatia-E. Stephenson. Upoulal lubblug Offer-CONICLu & Glip. Hfovanth's Double Oomedy Co.- Uxlraardlary Offer-Reuner Mautg. Cu. PittsburghPa. Ipoalm-Warnoe'sBale Cure. ONLY Si o PER ANNUM. Wbllby, Frlday, NOv. 21, 1884. Gsarbt.ad i ewesatioOHEORONICLX, Oovus»OU.-We ane in receipt of a smaocndletter from aour mtemmed eormepondent -"W. 0. E." aDent the qtutofl iprohibition, bat vhichl, oving to the pressure of malter hs Wmk sk, a ravdad ont. Il viii appear soit veel. 'AIà n Oiginale.fe.0 Th~ ev su ad charmng story"by tigi mansé, whloIkTMa OBUOKICLI parposes eosamlog aI an early date that wîii bo 3.tefSly annood nit vsek, je train the peu of E. P. Roe Who pro- MouMbnuiltaobu the toast poverful snd dumatlo ivork be lias cicr do,,,. Tbi" ia a voude rfal eofectcivenege -in this vrîtr'. metbod. nie novels hoive bs'ogt hiai wurld-wide poprklarnty. 411 admirer. of Tas Ofl5ONIOLE sbould e«Iliseé attention of overy ane of ibeir Moindes b ts.groat vont. as vel as ta the allias merite aofTTan CamtotîcLufor 11574,. onçsubes a uhebyesr. BI"ol D ow, it la slated, davota limm.lI 5.0lte"arypuisai Sa. Hlie i Ires a ois upon his boot -"TwenSy ymarsla Qomgr* e w rltlng of vbleh hao lai..to Ihamare canganial ta kit Stespoitisai lité. Il la mat on- liksir Sisal h.oviii for a lime diaappear .&,M ls.ii a. Se vIiibe gula t voatre fiots Sie iero. ligu t tbuia bé4a« boSmia of t". us. à <os Ysem afet utivatlng tis esha"*h. il! om a l ownoIe. a@ ia toc Otulaato JOug romain Iun *Bd t Se i.to b. e pthlsr hapndhawver i biSa defeaied stilae beeetnemlu spile oa i isif as god as po1itlesIi ddad. Central Gordon and frittaih Gordon s lamlii cfé aOieo-lg to laIns dvlem and able tb i hal ie iort SmRiarteisatiti Wolseley,&envoi. Tisbne of t.éailetadstoeo gvet. meoul, as solu thlie coutliete admirons ai1tits papulan lianebSire dressaa long brealà sof m&tiau15et bogool neo. ThîI Egjpîtam buieses naiees wiliist Englanti dean, bSobre lise bjul lsa W; but shorelonoa>, Mtof lise apomaitug sW. &Aalier peau>,ocmtlb buooeemm.Ia: upplileathe shows cf *avý bat vils IlinilsilugtraIe, mmali r"a e sapitalulnge umiabote v*uI ci imîyot lis set Se le voalael' 'm baitahlie EgYptn isacmupauà rtsil » u=mîtgmtea uusandi GaiIonsa Suai. if tisa Badicais gel GordeunSoin. tu émifaly tq ise ii ualot i.hm Out ai S4ite eesmrgain la go lu quemi ai adffltmtas tis asmi, iuvaiva $he Imal ilulutarneailana troubise. But e. lamg atuthlis ncome-toi eau steul suclibotn sd sîtiaIon eand ti sollen passa>y, lu tisaPaunud, lis.igitlg "t " Iiinaver bSa vitioul s Paîty sânauobal to ka e 5e Mllion tra gslag OR imita ocinsaltagher sud giva prolldent levland. mgcuy lu oivar andI Govrnon Cleveissi liseDamincisoCandidate i. «aS"gstas president »f the 'United 84«414s. Par a lime .Ibere vas con. *mitions .doubls tulise rots' lu Nov York dlak% bbit eaS'lait aider anas. rom ehas, émolCialelnd lies -Sean fonat te htte a plurilly ai 1,078 rotes. 13i ebas gnicaui>, aepWthe b mlluatian &sud oasae trilnmpis ai ui0 Doaa e. 1 aTis»r la no racin, lb seul app5, ,forn ptoleugiug Iba con- 111om Iboisa bangesoft loblf-,,voles, &&Z -bwbr. sed savnptlosms*"i fonv a 610"nm le If tos teel ao gtte nauoo agaila Rkaiay corporationu lure aggiavala tissa kncIser, il seuliemu t&,tab. 'li cf lthe Ibva 0f Wbh7 vsT. Ibm Grnd't Trunk Bailvay. Tise .11 pccligseai rangement cf tbm Whtb7, Port Ponr ant i ntiaaj Rallwits wlibt vas thon tise Mldlamd Rliay v i hé nutai a hroaîh cf falth vilS tise lova This vas a smia malIen, hawveri, a comparI lvi is waI foilovet t 1501gb lime bu miovu tisaI l vas l ise13 sud cf the vedgoec I Osibed up " by lise Grand Trunk, thon il beesme -a casa of-.depriving lhe -WS of*a bamefit farn viit I iad se .arly po1. Anti novwlise alsing mul cf lais terrible farcela about la be enasied. This veais instructions have beau giron tisaI éli frelgisl la be ahipped nons imuit bu take o Stlie Grand Tr.uk station sud ohippel frein tisatironltTisa vork- shaps alosed sud the mon removed. Nov lis. station, for all buuinesa pur. poses aS beaiS, saloo iosel, and business meotallato einoonvenialice sud axpausa af aaring Iheir goals Ivo sd cita-halumiles out aiflise a"Y' vhoa tisa>,bave a station, pali for b>, thoea. ses,. aitisais, ovubon. The nazI mare, va su p pase, viii b. loaatseh uptovu Station for passaugmi trafficsas veil ai freigisI business. Itlaisposible for sien a souilesa, grnding mouapol>,. suais aitlb.Grand Truuk Balisay,, la take onstmep toc many.It isje ua improbable tisaitisis viii prove tise axponienas in tise pissent luatanca. OUR TABL. A GooD P&s'st.-The Yonth'a Cýrn. parkion inuà papen viiaisÃi8aà apleane, la praise. ?cr lb demonelrta.tiai 15 lie not nacoaar>, ta poison a boy'. âIu in orden la stimulate hum. Tise pulse i5 mnade la lhrob, but vils aun imptulse la do rigisi and la fil a higis place in tise vorid'a stmation. Tisa tIs 1.cau la doua andti Ssal TA. Compn bu a been able la o séieve acuali0on f 825,000 capiles, le no amnI! eslmoitj la lise akill andi iiberility vils vioia il la oethel. Tisi. visaknov tise t erbel ouder bas auj Amoniosu fauy svihng te da vithaul il. Tise priae im81.7,5 a ycar. Subscriptians sent unnDov vili outlle la copies of ail tise romaiig issues ai &bis year, s voilt ai latise visis eaeu1885. Sampie copies ara tusiiel ires to ap- pliosuli., b>, lie publiisera, Perry Mfason & Ca., Boston. Mass.'- Our Town and Oounty.- CLAREMONT t'-ONTINUD- i'aoarERt'Su PuNPNAKEn UELPING HYMEN-BENE Ft rs 'OM TIUE NEW ItAILWAY- RUSSELLS MILL-BOO>MINCi BAJSLLY MEAL-OCTOGE14ARL.t555- TRAVELLizii TITE TRCSIP TftAUP. (Correspatudence 0( tihe CUao2ICLu.) CLÂ51EiONT, Nov. lUth, ita4.- Still tramping ap aldlovna amoag the issunts f aibs>, indusîn>, in aud aroual ibis Icrt>lu tta villaeoof about fire huntred labbilanta, 1 dlacavr tisab lacilistiseareoffered, aud prapent>, me, ionrlte iaeff ai tise population, ad ooauequeul gravIS ai $b. placea it imuportance sud prosp- i>,. I do net nos rofen la bise medIclmon, (viso gonanali>, gel is.eanobIt. in juranfla mi"de eaitoui,-aifaven>,ls"g ta the vs>, cf addilion la the famuim ice) bu th lse ofaimarniago IHonnas. Thia important <sueblanary I ad in lir. Osa'. Gero*% 't. enote aiflista je young Mas sud inadesi, al bachaoai, silowe - sud viteo, ad do no al slcv Gorongeaemmlsslemgo romlsmanaI bblste.lu addition Se Ibis Mn. OGar a . punipnssuufsstur sud oponalea bis buiaem(nos the marriag otieiuedeparmtia, but tise gpndeparlinoitt) b>, eleauis poser. H b o n ccteofurrle's portable @*ue@ on tise promise., a Utile SoutS ai tise post office, ans ulrae oum about 400 pampea a ean, sut employa sevonsi isi. He Sas cantract for parupa ou thea0. P. B. Theo villa gabal .Aaô ti hardware moohnt hosIb persan of Mr. Pranals Joisisaon, visa is jasl easumeaciug business. and bas ual jat gati la bis comnplote stock. Ceal i viiSaoutaofaiel toadiag ertiats,in theaoblainlug ai visiah hm viii have aven>, faoilit>, tisiugis bie 0. ]P. R., ma till»tlaet thtia ovoat rameralire ratas. IHa inteada la iadt lime la lhis business b>,sud by,, sud sut! doubtlisa by noc ing bm ahile ifffin tasgoal many oustosuar. W. sili tas, tam dosa a liltla vetvand su anti iaee p ai Mn. C. Rassoit': mille, Stovu a.e5'Claremnont Mille." Mi. Bussellinlataihainele-la>,, sud moceS neadity anti aaurtibulneepoudqs toallaqubi&, misas. w@"Trarie tisnrugIs<the mil. Tise building je ramaSsa suad ashili stonliésl Wh kis tisrea raneleutone bo asteasisud saler poser, ses promus, mioblury>, ga cdrIa, isbain as machia nsdav>- bilg raguisila fan dclag gocl saris Dcci marchantl sonS as sol s local busimem. Capacl ity&but 1W0 bilà . #à ds>,. Thsarecordi tor 1888 .bcva 28,449 bueismi alcgrîtiig ane. ud the preti jmrsbusiness in cousibai-. abiy larges,. Mr. RussellSas aisI>, omght this fa»l ecrn20,000bbaemofbaseta la S mae lt. susal.H.eSas beau sera" jeans lu biismiii, - anbbuase Süat beau grcvilig tramt lb. fluet. Haeais ioula sud rnit he "Esn'a is" &bout Ivo aud a a fli mitea ut, visici ua>, be iaeertcd ta la my nexi. .1 Mr. Ramll aitufateures plht li as *ei11as fleur santi lmael, sud as beîley-mesl ta @sos xtoutbut Vera littls. 'Traveilen'hbas alen soudard vS>, bsley-moii ia ual usetiasa arilaisfaioodtota ngrealer extal in Ibis ceuntry,. Iles s lntatact aim4osi utovit Soie. * la soaeparte ai Great Britain t Il hausel ver>, exIen. mirsi>,,etiser aMono or mizaI with viseaea fleur fer xnukkg brond, sud la a visolsoee, nutritious fbol. Hava eatenIt hoften lu bajrisod, and eujfyed lt reail sa.lý, beliare théoaIl fMn. Raiseonloet mn>otborer.ut slug zilIlar sculda eiià oteli 111.iusthe se>, of inttclluug g ,oal article bcf ld.> i t. ci batis. anals, ho ouli bave,;mnoresmeat. negnpl lhe;se metan. Whe at v -v ,luM el to o' mas amawo vasa as tas iôn 0 &DWuuia* Shtà tein lioe$abI roof', butSt. $pend lthe Sabbath lealise. quiet retira- MenaS cf tiait oW M- - gS*$b7 (hq. e < o f J o. &1)>i., luaitrom là soxa lips 81 jiarasi ag, a native c1 Aïlielire, 8ccdad, and spont b1i jautli sai Lmva«aizbi andi oft luboy. iseel vent tfia , lui iltse&long thse V=~7 ililameia aS1ieP <netsmbIl glan. .-~ Tliu iClt cf tise "gmutie rt," mi'- lflad it hyojeoti. bas cinng la hlm rosiugh Him, and laa 1111 a tort cf rtîiiig passion it bis old -q.Bren Siis isat summer, tna frlisin-tons, ha vaut Ibrea Ilam Ibês la Fnucmsit'a-ba>, anglifle for pîke. But, hb.8171anets have apoiladthelb.sportnov,' astIh. lisinke, taandIlinks prapari,) tisaI it is a great iaine, sud a dovanlrght viaitg la thé5elvera of sport that nelting ahoniti haoval daoitilbu mroad> greaI> injurel lise ftshiug#.ant i vii, if ocuftnnal mach longeiN nt ruig 5utroy i. Evri>,linsdisciple cf thismenal Imm o sôiti ynpalhite iu lbim vies ai theo situation. 01ta incompan>, vilS lise laIe Tommy Thompau or lise laIe Mn. Sweenay, bu Mr. McNab allotd forth liII.a echool boy, vitS basket and dsabiug tackie, b sopen th ie day la luring lise viilicol outoisis bot la tise brocklet, or in bsuiing up tise less vii>, pike froithelb.doper waters ai tise ha>,, ualtisaha eor ha campunlons aared for tibe 5hon c angisîýbs {iss 1 am tld 5> ons of the neigisiora, allen fonud their va>, ta the homos ai tise pon, or lise table of this aat) but jusita gratify tisein lave aiflise sport. But iasr, I amn vriting tisis au a BalarIa>, uigbt, andtihie cdock Sas a.muianced ta stiie hiuse. muet Ibarefore stop, 1t tuas my friand Mr. MeNais vould noS approvo af my gcing aijt alnov, 8a god u ight. f M~N'8, 1 x a! . CLOTHIN iI The largest stock to- c.hooseÃ" from in this %County. YOtSTHS, B0YS',»ÂLL, SIZESO Rteady- Made and- to -Order. Plae ourOrei~ealyas the season is fast advaneing. Our TAILOIRING DEPAIRTMENT is doing a tremend- ousbu~ffes.W-ç reÃeithe Neýw York Fashion Jourrnds lit1y Our Cut and Fit is the Ameriéan Fashion P1âtc, rougis sealiser, in tise Lover St. Law- rence, bas ual beau aiflise plemaanot. I have sufeaInoin. iard ktacotssud aamze off sitis a bioti>, nose, as eil ebotiigrepeatel>, hila catoitg a rap, and suouuSiug ram lise, topofai wave thse ste.p trau idas ai ona cf those léviathans. Aitiscagistise Quebea ai to-day la ver>, muais ohangeil tram SthaQuehac af Ihirt>, jeare aa, sud mach aoflise gasty aud lveilneuo0as cf b it>, basla- parted, frein the lime vissa tise aid Pamnm of casI ni lMda m shan Britiaisregimouta garrloona tise chtadl, sthortiasla muais Se ad- mire lu tise cl place, Md liiciii faibliol narras atoop streoeanmd curicoms noks sud orner andel isSarit el spots; sud île plainresque salera eurundlncm viii sîssys rominuet- tractions far tise t'iita.funeS Sua hoon snittan about bise lasu-tse cIl city af tise Rk- Dtecp lined by naturesas for proud deMenée 'TrS Chaunslain', towu extends s hastes.' band ; Thli ruiis ensigu coe hter iatel, And as it fluttens ou the brosse, boeals Tbe u'ar-stainod snnste cf two handred yearu Writ gqlden o est riig cf naturels mtils Mue mti ocre ai tise basai>,ofiils sur- rouadingg romains, haoevr,uitoid.. Tise Gibrautar of tise Nos World viil aissys sasnd &.s a centre oi attraction ta lise traveller; tise nalurai baities sud iistorîesl meajiles aiflte Varions laclitisi lttise aalighborhucod viliiaven delisl ttise lotinist. the %,oeirais the Dufferlu l!eia-a promenadeo 1440 fett l ingtb, alaeted, 800 t b.d ae thea laver lava, andI ueqmlo stiintise sanl, ainanef0lise aImait gradeur auI maguiheass.. Th.eomtes" p. tOrdtiet té, sesuolas à Mai minre iSe the«a cf&# asi m &Y) s>, ithlg and sparkl l ts th ts'i lte la0*imimm cf tise p=a£U5 Ws16 661 -tWu e, mbiaet pvueusamUer, luwhist engis Mie .his «mmf>s isuandred salofethlie liel'. tisa, ragaf nmsaOintu théis riv etSI. (leont eesl oeusvillage spires utiS Si cf lthe8U Las- rées0,tis<mnisaeust e ad" dw VUlela m mo abieesm, 1h.aboIe cfa e..- tati d ia" puasai, ". amat <mml a Piteulsabcomft...bpauktc th. fresuu (lapa oa In o mItise lait>, rangs ai pwrpie entaeip-elI thos, éebasboss atas asi d ndmsg, borintise grcttpm of s pleuro 5515. villiaul e0g eh, lea oemrpased ln auj panrthé 5e ori. 11» eas. ILerelt. asp Beu., Lake SI. Charlma, Beaupont, lb.emro p lise .eieand eramuil h lise 8KFoc>,asd St. LeuseReada seul oasis requin. a lenglislar description thon jou voul car# lapriât laib is lattai, and ail vouil lie saIt serts>,thse buslt kae oonlb.c "dabout Ibein. Boc oml snob qte as the Plain. of Abralsans UrmUiluaCourent, lise Oavera 'Ju-ar tiu, (conlalla the i. mmeul la Wolfo sud ltouielsnjË" d Armas, lis eEplanade, the t Build- ings. Laval Unlroeat>,, ls.Bssminai>, ta aisapel sud i "tlgo"ShMtel vier., Meoutltmer fsitsud mot fcrgettlg tisa Citadal lîsef.'md à a Suadrel eSS places of interemt aMd 1-bu cf aurai sud ibSlorel boa1tW041but, is e Présout.I mast-d* wteoi satoe AMI soellamtliSR< « Psalt"ea sstmd *Boom w14. ebet lim te (JEEoNRi là itVU,?R1 1cue IL,. A LETTER FROM QUEBEO, D"isiDAYS FRmTE ANCICNT CAPL'iAL -(tIIAPHIO DESCRtPTION OF TRE AMEUCÂN OIauALTAE-DTNANIvE DBr- ILrT. (Spe.oWs correâpondence of thse Cam.%-IcLa.) Aller an absence a o nsetiini>,eans, il vas ver>, pleasant ta nanas, ior a sason, old aoquainrtance vils lise &noient capital. Asn migbt l w.ll haez- pectal, mnsy changes haie &&ken place durnag'that long interval-and, i re- gret tu Bay, 111!&taIl Lave nol licou for lise bütter.-Tbe Imu> groas industries whuis s gave Ife ttutho hasinesa ci the city-tlxs. t:.ntLr trads', sud s-Itp-baild- ivg-,tre almoesi oit>, deairoy&d. Tise latte-r s t-si uduay be said ta haie do pr:srt. J.1 st ogctheur. Qus'becabill chips Loi. Oncet a higlu repulation. Bnt wt,-ro à ssxre uqei tu lie turned ont- '-'.aug etoploymaut La thoueinsi, êpecially during tise vinter asasn- there i. nat s keel nos on lieseoelt. The Limnbes, Irade bas dimiishedtolas daplorabie emîol. Tise rafta brongisi lava lis. St. Linsene. are nov cie. parsîirely Las lit ilmhuer. No longer aro'lli ecrawls ai lumbermait néou scieat lrcugi tise cil>, luriag tise "ue, upoaliug Ibeir mcnay vith a libers! haul. Tise arriste <nom mos lad mat nas namber ous SelfI&L. arnivala oi saa.golsg ressae tt <olâm eraU. Ladth l is.tasilor aul ls la,"Iaisp building >arda, vhani oeve., hitaia, smd disesr lSefr.ede jinopant>, eues8m raKaIa, le 46 cv scrthlsim; anI tisat ilicusatus s osaioors engaged iu and &bocut thons e sutisno langerLSd profitable, or ind, for mass>,of Sissin an>,. ~ ~ O mpoio.0<loto jeaéns,i cdlhatoiaaha geniteeu tle serS durng thé «inter.. 'PitabSuiboou m ir cumlaus aliote ls ocf lthoamu yards, sud tli eirlpsar vu s regar edaseaamalttioai joirmo» '~sefI haseverb the *Ioaibu haet no groat of oldaudjasîng mon s te b alto- getiserupreoenlel. Neat&U ahies maie poputlainslag lise toves, nom - bers af FrouaIs C%danas freinlit. -«6 I a nsd bantreds aifdisais froin oISon paîts of tisa rit>, sud noigissa haad -&Ui visacanl riamenongh mone o>, apy lisais, sa>,-am goneora are gaing la Scuiheru ports. AI Savanah, Pe4scola, Norfaik sud ottuer paota thei series ara in la- mant, ad îey fiud road>,emplojinont at fram $8 ta #5 per day. The average psy is, 1 am tlt, $4 per dey. Hoelo- fore, lise les sho seul iv.>, in the fa»i varesmore bis aiofpce W ho ra- tannaI agata ut tba sprlng. Nos tisa probahilitlaisth isaIsthe .poon picïs- pect heson.Sli e tu, minu>,ai tisa besl inen.zstiiy ai tise -yona sud umarni-vili navet relen toSeCoun ada. Tlsmir-ami igo dering lth. pont Moau have bsea u uisaibi-as veor>, mia>, vois uasiste la blaimoms*ta a les * aee' serk.* Tise staaiin ozlende to il branshoisaibmms, md lis cutloo for lis, ftuelas am.lelver' ibis. Prose Ibi lbosatSajasgM isa lb. N. P. boa scouPtllsifor tisa prospsrilyeof OiUQuehes, Tisa govorumeul serin auder -me- tralaae fo-au th5Wb td Sesaoe - latk. aiTé.y are ili* pala ensnpjteblavup tlise ltter b>, dyne- mite bus se fer reullal lnao n.etlaal llmcovatry. A$nlibutlagws outrage Se lbe emiaserelo f VODuorau aesa, on to otallipéliîtcà 1 oassme wavs cuir tetiigent ainsutuh1e cil>, uas. tisai tise attampbta- bios uop tisa.bouding- habita arigin lu il os«uase nsd 15b tise intention vas elîhen ob Sasait -or' iun r. -tisa onlrsator b>, tishe enl. Ttisa dange dons lis beau lreedyna-- Faired, ssi van by -acneuo is ol> itemz giveit-aul a Isa he ésIempitcias. Inotead of $80,000. tome 042000-cavera tise axpense. Inlesmen 5,'bre-n.anw cf olisena exiensively angagel in butins. sud hsol -ig is afficlai postions,-' woava tit-lv vse- tal,,îai lte ilvrsaro.-A van>,largo snd baud. soin. Dinuer Cruel, (six botîles), Cals Baaket, Butter (caler, Butter Ruile, Naplin Biu,qurter lot. Fruit tipocua, ou.ebii»sae'8pp -and ou. dosan Tes Opooni agrua in l value iteani>, 440. sanrt ton rstnlaî- ni>, addreiie «osansu aim iVleb>,v. J. Whiticek, of Cocrlica, and Moere. Tisa . IHlanseoisTpone; Johnu SRandis, HaIà don; Wý. E< Pallard and H. C. Roei, 1Betasdi&-. K.Richard- sou sud J. C. De ait, Plckorlansd Win. Wer, Selas. Mr. 1PSU pmals a von>, enitable repl>,. Bav. J. Wilioek coaid tisis pari ai tise eeremcay vils 0" abufflj bon of <cv di s à l eSS im ito ml le le14 la suieS <nail jtata fiai &o ýbe y> &Il. priseaut. Witli gaine., Voaai sd instrumental munie. sud »"ccit- sisal à s.ver>,plaisunt avouuug vas pa» iel 1 lauono'atckoelviaslie happy, sampan>, aapaiateor tittisitbocmis Thm Bowmanvhie sud Darlington peopia sere deiigislod elîSI&hiecticu ai Pickisalag lia ansd apramo regret lt ht lauy ni tiutiStenant farmiosa sera boinç alîatal la ibis towshibp. W. dan t regret Il Ibougis far lisoir lois la eur gale.LAd f iosa Who attentaI Ibis galbernug ar a slair astopie ofith people of Wasl Durbtiiu w. cars nutciw Sos s e iil soin.te d vellanoor smllst.Tho saomes et lise pià rtim atdurbatng .89,thse retalation à luin as shesith ie piuiaaW ada attiee e tb iss îliefflit ete 1.Mr. W. Ë. and Mise Potiard; Mr sol Mrs. samusi 'alant -Mr andut n.. James Monis ; M.adMr. a. ZTisas.l. n ceeS; Mi. anm 1? . J. Rlobarduce; Mn. an»d a4se olr~ Dr. sud, lire. Miteai1 Mr# mllra. Tisai. HenUT 1ln. m 1129W IopmiPolearai Ai m gu W i Ejie .i I l. U. BiaI'd : 1 ft à ;~~ Ma.nd J.Shas Mroa i, mW mess; ~ Wmy Mn11dr. cbBOo Md, Mis Bcuob. M;Uan. W. Z. W. .i Dauban; UM nsd MiA. ILaBMad; MnTisces amI1 ies W.oLtier Um lire. ;eUr. Plad "MiIlaisB"l am Na *dX ýNr .Wtb filas- Ucr hou. ISd N ae4 JasMin i .C.î a aV Raip; KN.Oam ssif ; 'M. -Bam7 Frais«. Wbltby ;'MrIs ie"Ecalei and Mir. loha fisysrd. PMUu Baguier snetig cf utae(loMuilmvas bel le Mula, -*aMg. 1 ProessaIt- B jo. lf j-ya MosmFox, RIaIlS eBan1O5 .Wéale>, a" ]fl»mo>. Tb*. miaulas of lise previcai mel voe rsI, aid ce moIlop, esrez Quo4 à ni -m8Vralde Eaci'm-us 1 ~What we do we 4o wýeili -o __________________________________________________________________________ passa., eppaiattng lise Belurnn Offinu sand places ion holding lb. elealloas fon 188M. Palliiag Station for. lise Nantis WarI, 011 Pellita! saHll- Bal~~sg F~~j~ riser; turuing dofier, Jo Èn ait Dcv; Sentisz WarI, flancs Raotti, liarlg "nier iluCameran. Mr. Aunes leoirel S tes .issb@a beau doua lu reforeuce Se lthe Work- r e"' Boul of the Whltb>, A" Pert Mi. loing ui that tise Town Soihster bal Iaalroetiosm mia cunalSmatmmaaaletvlà Ge»nr ~r gi ibopa sà el vitle Isclottra ae&l wivuStisa' Iocm>, lalealel dIta l is e mattor sua Soe opromau lime. ha4 cal>, sooel on.é rep may sudIbwuiamonelie&go. 'PlioBoil iat w ould Sa botter la vaiS lis. deltfiseatlens cf tisaRailva>, Company,. It apael la tMr. Long fromIiatoine aaIrecalvel, tisaI thé lonna iadu l1tliSSs uil mc ho ignorelauud itl u>, adel -,5te bacS houa cf the(Couni la ogoitise Corpe!a- lieu île nigbâta. Hael tMed teCouas»Ui seul puaS tha maté. Ou Ibm motion ,cf mir. Dovnm> s.canlod b>, Mr. Jsffnepr tise Cannai! idiaurnel outil Tueeday De. Sal, in aider te allt lb . Ad"'@ Soaialy the use oflihe Council Cisamber on the li. De& WisIte olveipaci, GOegansd Loulou anI reira Om.r 086.00. Oas sez 818.00 Tise os evretes arent lbel, SIo les long. . BL. yul.,Agent. il lisM kh #a e M#m tasYou viii b. saipswl m théb ~IraUba lùta"~yo eu",é,km4d e = ml i bk A»in isR4 l d"d âu .% 'Lon 1 o Imterof hm oigsttl Tise ovTanS anmalies frseavu b. rosr , mmuaryL Iri.tra a vUMllbomslnce auyeaatroubi.d col>,oslSus Sperla Âiangla taosaiss sla T«U a*c aven *mc offle Tal ne7 stcryt i ndu as reaionclve an eciscinmEieu a 1e ofordeng sud ossulng dtti girn lutisesant extrsot bsia~.BJa of, cfostonf l. alfu kqtESlma 11e . -nomacislu u a Mn ~~ suad tltauo tin a my »of bineuvould like la keap Il lu Ic."BavaseofI.ubstltutssuadtiImita. tan.. Bolti' ly draggisls sud oonulry merciss. A citizen at clhumbus Ohio, la sa t l bave hait 200 mon ftu gfrudsng profane languege utis treets. Tise verdictof bil tiseWorld--Tbe en- tire Western smsicepooneMn& ## Laà ltu'es PamaW li se*as tieliclous parfutafor tisa boudoir, tbe bill- ieam sud lb. bath, tisI obeilsry ha. yet uoodea tstnacng fnom living flcvers Doath& tsa eu1888London 1usd 974 haurssoz aunsin cai a possible 4,456, an aversge 01.40 pa day. Fluid Lightning. There e but 1ev Ihasth4ve neyer sifer- ed aimost intolerstle pain fram Toothache, Nonralgia or liSe saute paluL. To lhem snoais mninstant »elfas Plaid Liglg is Uit~ ~ ~~U ou04he5uulm f trouble. No fircanyk ay..One a plautinî cf Pluit lgi ntng cures. -soattýW;. R.XaI's "Sise malea a&l tisa cuqueta se desires," satia genxtlemnan, of La nelgnlug belle, to a vay IýeI as thsesharp nespanse, "<but sisal giva il a r saves for ous adte." Monit ProVei.- Dollar tipon dollar la frequenmtlj speut on tise fatisoaireacxmeudations for articles entirely 'vonlisles..Net so vils MoGreg- an'm Spaety Cur» e, jon enoS ssked la 9 hase il untlIts l.monits are proven. 9 w.R. ovme'arug store sud get a fise triilbattlesud if ual convlnced il vill cure ymof citisa vaut faim of Dyspep- sis, Livon 0cmpWant, e., nonuatter cf boy lcuitstantic lealycu uothluç. %Id. lu 50o. sud IUODbotUleS.oa testimniale ,ram pauent lu4jour cuitolav.> à ntcisdfasiteiSfOwcrlis a traw ta ans visa iseu spoor mmd. Do nat mpomse t lbeuue itisrMont- nedtfoi,à nlia-is tisArnkik 0h1O wloc Iii lsbu oé" re fation. sSi Tow n Hall, Whitby Pull M ~GRT ONLY TLTESDAY, DEC. ",2 ligowissDoue bî~ov,- ezisisuai 8 3EAT ONEIN O Suppanta& atoug = l, mpis>nl 2-THE, TWO AS2 lis Qi, TIs Tvin 3rvey, illnde A o 4.tenu tise ism m adaeQtrtb, - A MANUFAGTUIiEB'8 OFFEII -0:0--- W. DOHERTY & 00. The Celebrated Organ Manufacturers, lu ordai le introduce their beautiful Parlai Orgas ne mb Wiby sud violait>, makre the folowing nnparaRlleed oaer: T7&ei-r Organ, iStyle M', New- E~sthetic case) catalogute Price $280, To aIl purahasere helvon-uassud Dacomber lot, vIl CoS[ELL IT -FOIR $137 NETT CASH! OR $146-ÂPPBOVED 8 MOITHS' NOTE. A viter enys :--Ezoose af praise lis srly possible wvion peaking of ttbé uev and auperbly beautiful design, whichlk intcnledo meet.tise demmul for a mare expansive axteriar or cabinet, togethear *lth io mti uperb Action. Thaï Oî s oe fi mcmlui sa uttansd pleasisproportions, s»d cf a style aif fiish sUntbe ta any situation. 1&iplmasmg balance af proportions, piaetioal utulity cf Latin, richues aifornamentatian, anldoliay ocf itis, Ibis instrumiemt vil! ait only~ compare favoirably mils thse lest, but empase ai Organs ai auj make ; vlfil for strenglis and purity ai toue, vaiety af eîpression, aud freedom cof-Action, la »s fas in adrvance af anythiiig jet prodaned." Thse Organ cau be senat lise store ai the underulguod, lise' Mesura. Dcimrty!s- agente, and with whozu ai arrangements for pnraisases Can 'e ade. À jîpg yearal gUanaiee accornpanica. 0V6Vf Orga. J. S. ROBERTSON - & BROS, D45ura'sBr.oc, WEriiEr. Wh!tby Coflegiate -Institut e. ENRANCE -£XAMINATJON of PupilsvWin- bahélast thse, odléatmIn alue on-TtJESDAT and.WJBD EDAy- Cumenmin auiaUUesahoiiudesei e.. 0 is te Principl al lIser tstisathe Ud-cf whuitby, Nov. l8tis, 384 2n4 ricipal Plcec in lihe County. FOR ire, sSpectaces Umemd 2ÃŽngavuloue. Amd j[ellyl -P JOFý tacollector an& -y mvOxnacuuà recepts for sui ordinakIlry huin LOCAL A'I WJIAT - 8 BoINcim0 BUDGET OF Uý - - IIEDICLE lau "A uliers a An7 f ils Over Coati Stevanb'.- Peralan La 80.00 at Roà a Matrlo C NEW -Tùlc Allari LI-n-e, ft&yal Mail Sieas*. D.t t- rmeSs igu I- "tea aid i lag<eu t luaas.- srh have t=It tIrvenWev id a leva laoaffllSet esse vsndothesapi*"g of tiseaisvv. Tisa tolm a 1 1!. 1 .-