IIIL 11111151 WIIWI1II4Is? £4 1UUL2~E5~ assai FRIDAY - MORNINQ, .21iM~: Il na~ ~suw w 'Plie OOPiOI4 Tý J..Robert8on -Bro84. pROPEITOBB. ii nsertion, petrline, 10 coe; aci ,tubeeqii um rtin»ZO, 6 -t&. DlspIiY.8 Adv*rlleomb ae re =Measr by 0,seule ef sellA Noupareilma ut"p, à avcrt¶iem mnt vttheut vulién tu .tructItii ns erteA Until ferblidua, and' ebhugad for fnl) lime. Oxierefor AmolnI vrIust meutl ha luiti 1g,ctWW* 1Opubs"uu viii not ho reeponetble. A& libéralmiiASunt for oot*elaA"i0,m ment& b>' thé y*à r. Oepy- fferob#*o centrat udv.rglmmets ielA ho biac4 in nt Jiter thesa Wdnueay "-d« otte. et su,' inteuded changes aboakib.#tMnbé.. fore Ta"du' accun. Otiseudrrle r«eirsAa p te Tburma>'neon. Buiness notiees tIleIloce n.vseolumna rt insertion 1laoente per lin.eetNnrs et); 10' cont par une e.aoih oqacaIn- mrtien. Friv enta un p Or nni. tbe Ooanty e aeb repoademle , re teeq etolameni lu cMIeial a à epr-mptl' a. poulssi. JOB PRIIEIIS AITMN. equlpmnot l in ÃŽrain tla ytrt claies, in laeM ynetUL l xuilerc ont"ul.i I flRUI% 'uny Oovu ammeue ving, ocut Bome, WiitAy .4s8- MISBBSO ROH * h ILIGS BARRIBTRRS & ATTOINRYS AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN pcia om- 40, 50 50 715 of ourbmsuiW] 10 i 5 '1 60 140 'W . a.alà h JAME8 RUTLEGUE, 1) ARE1STNRI,La&o. fo n.Im«y O I)cpldbyF.el ellegai D&YID IEIS"tONa-I &-o ATTORNEY.AT-L&W. SOLIOlTOR IN Aoiuuaery OcnM"YmcrLe Ornai-la the OiOee mti fteps oinmlflcne Biock, Brook s>'10 OIVIE.-T Viaoaambos.ane. 5, VimIemia SItNo. 7k. omwsoU, m -.. Recaa . . J. ]UfS KR, GREEN9WOI>, JOHSL OMS,CO tnuapt 80ii a 1evo pmml. 1tu e éyl. (à m l . U LhTUAN NLIR.1 . - sm- SIIe~icaI. Sm. U.EmRIMN, Ul, U.N.VS.,44 MursHosmALfLONDON, Ive, Gjrtbé «0 .ý. Osi, Oubert. Dit. ]BO&AT, Sui»' p.O4.»14. 60 A= Amin$and"m rmtgs>' O11OU-~um$3iPl7ovuPMbN. v -I 3, 1'1 N k S g h F A £ ( *ce,_ rre, Knol.d, protherhood. -DEOEMBER 5 84 Ummnv r"14ma ONTARIO 8ANK~ WK1T~Y B1~*~1O ook Biset, - Y INANOI&L J&GENT., o; BEAL IBTÂTx U1OVB1'Y., C. NOUItSE, n Phfflittu riee lwoo ,-p OmpMuy, ofLondoa, Egad Vrth 8,'Itlsh and UMýe?~ntta Insura nae O00, of Edluburogha inA edon. British Amnerican Assurince- CemPen>, deT oronto,. London Ouormntoed onqt Cmare 4 Iieaaroe MONE'Y TO LO4$11: on lm""" ?mmF,,,.st 1ewpst.et)amst Lgrlounrl"-ofti>'eu SeO >1~orm Is stOo, te itmS enni umt 14 ~~%~ îRZE WifffERi AH-RANG MES 'Si NGREÂT VARI: - AT - ýW. R. 1HOWSE'S, DRUG STORI ~irn CHP - A,ýGQODS Walker'a ~ooming thr the tveWiue, St. Eilio Cdit, 84- niue [8eryWn, Gor- Lime Juioe bouioad. jà Ùiuay 1852. Pe veit l.l, h prephller 4&V oe, T1 % a l g re u e h a. D eb em b er s n , Aminct .111 v ico slpered -llb. t,.- On,So il vailed, onwerd te .race. With giant stridea,' or noble WoolcheWO Thies avat liesa brligter pris, b>'tar Tian th. golden cup oe lie crovned OCzar. Nationsbind tii.,b>' eneleelmie 110k- Undaaat.d, paue net on ocemn'. bmink, Butz o esth ieuahmdep a vola foe h.o0 lt te epi Proel the enorting eaeim omme limugithé- Aniiaepic., lime, and ieilth -cern- Thon d>ing, Il moina, "On, Clanada on »"1 On 1 w« 1h. ezpîrnng .lgh etf0.ty-one. Thes. 1mai véeo uitten 38 yeaes gefer. i h Or4ie Bepef er i ômu ý»a 'intenvtace At But Wiat'u~IIbs lia o±ptmibg .lg~ e! oi~JzI>'- WEltby, 16ýV. 18M. *The wtnninag #itee ofliat jeer à IUMW BTORT BY BUT SARAH WAL*gRa. <Ooncludcd fhm lutt veaU). The. very ' hnl veulier culmiuated on. afkem neo * dead teint cf earh and -:,n h>.An Alpine clondland cf euovà liahd tmockdhed .1 ptun.dý iyse cf Grepporifoi bom sbegum tot dikeaunader hh* fodi &aW 'ofai black m e tyvn.Tii. atioe. phere mtom d letiotMil.» as lti -glo o lnoeea.ed lie laze dUel hbrowa ne bu aunout mouc ,"0 flerç e avenue v of --duel, c ifs-o hugn stars *1 llisirand ' mà liii! vas a mild, inoffensive bhoy c f -4wslie, knowa uý 4iWortp,I' el>' trolnM u ordinale, er.iion, cýf hee ô1~ exeresoenes. -Où lieday e f &tg1i' Walker s atuare, hie paeei'eniwn, td1 - sndden and illoiil aIlt upen Sarmh'e nars. andz Parents uhfilé tho> ver. b.viiling hem -conduet, à ùd in mssalling hem wilhbîelsféet end, bande. Whehter'he assoiat.d tbens"in. sOoevigne va>' viti lis cague ,ef lier momentar>' pri), or viliet boaly- wimhod te impreeher vith --llo os hon iag flatter>'icf a" general imItation Xc~ ber etyle, I cannol sa>.-Foir hii*JIov.- muhing vab poculiar. 'Â day -or * allervar& :. cime tW w>' open dd - aud remained for sonit momnents, bukt, fuly> looking et me. 'Pie ,zt day, I tound hMnstanding b>' my chair lu 1 lhe' plaisa vihanemhiraet ir n1 aller inabulit>' te expia hie condaà t. At-lb. end dcfa pifi altohle à "i oue -morniu g, -1 ie. aharlie'd, biýe. ~pê*iuried1 ru &nlôi~ Warle q~iexhuueted.by-eifl~~ oee. p -Vilhme.oc ehr.lg. .&l~ ~~ ~ ~~~& 1mIledm1'-:n!rns0< ,. bianiprononce forced sa dreadfiùl sus- picion upon me. Watt ascrtn mie for SBrah Walkarl1 Yet ih v «*-lui. possible lh motac» -conneol ber, - vilV hhasmae eulon. Yen vaut me ehamul'eeafterucen, as he-laid upon ni' dle ksoxepià culorinuinvît- inug- cretaos wbh boksd net unlike ai fev detcaébodocremcenefronlmis ovubanà de. Be -Si-aok hiesh.8-o Lbm e er." Mde," - l -Wr. s doggedly. "Thon ynoi'vnjrl v appare:ail> e im80 sy.In f"ba libloibeietid' l> InÃte b --. foi din lie' - he am ?"- bauk lb. jeke betiwit 'im. ~'Ad iti -irauce., dbiuhik l off, and lie$ dà wn and gos, W jelep like ,a 1l*Mb, md ,wiità p wId de ro"> dawn .X0 ber -the-,--md b. ort4alseeek- SThus Surah Walker recovêred. oh.thiie t.act voe e esential th tbe inorsj oonveyýd lunLb,.. pigea, I bave the. reader te juage.' I Wua Içning on the terace of the Irupiizseù Hof st Bolîutlaeck oee hïol;aummerofternoon, lazily'watohig the; groupe of-touriste gt]Zoling alonig -the rosa that ran belvon 1he. Hof mdù the Ehine. There Wvas' erl aini>' litho- 'in thé place orite alI&tmomépiire W oreoml the. 1Grypeil episode of; Avent>' 'pare b hçaring lii. naine, of 'Sa"* ~Iu tie od below me were thrée guoa ladyi, a gen tlelmen', ùmd a 1 a Who d irse4d ber, I -recOg iâà .ieniid featà rei of lb.' friend -of rny Iyonlh 1 1 I eeized my -bat, butl>b>' the t ime J had roeathe ieroad lb.>' b.d -Thenttler.impwwaibility ofeta.b.ing Sarah ýWalker-her8alfi-and the glariug taciit he h.ver>' ceinbdnceeofnamne lionld, b. -ionsoielenl vilb ,any -con-ý vealtional degcentt,rom the original- Sarab,..I adinit confneed-me. But I erazmned the book of the "Kronprxneen Hofw and tlée other .holehe, mI que-.1 tioned m ote. Tiare -vwa;- no --uie.". lot Mdeo Walkiere"ý extaul in Bolandéeek.,, Yet migt o rMn eybale hoard incorretly,? TPh. Coan s Wakw, v. vidently Rueeianu.»-a' olmncleck vue a resort for Rueeians- prinncs. Butz pardon 1I Did Monsieur reaI>' m -eau the young 4emoi.ollXXO - ov ppr 1oachingi1 Ahi liat wuae a diféent ail ifir.- si. 19as the augbir ot-th. Itlian Prince and Purinceet Monte. Oee1IO ,#t&YIng -le Tih. -lady vihhber,,va. 'not the. Pince.., buq1 a foreiga2 frien.. ii gentemoaný was- 1he Prince. W.Ould ho preeù They vje ering tbe. hotel. The prince was a littho iuoffensive-looking man, lthe lady u ovient cuntr'y- voain o f wMy oo, and', he chfld-wa. yol vas mot, Surah I There. vathe. hm.. the. outlie. l. enrog-but - the'- Beeer(old ?aù Can-vas« The îapnei tv lhe,&io imre wonld;"b. did net do soi, t' thilihem i The ciildr viti vhh i leave ju Japinae. -W] ingRowvg aun Ont tees ire defomued, amdi lieu. -The JTe of thoir loem. à Mosteli lus- Worlcs, -4 AT VE£" -~ * A RCHIilRC T. lopéer ~EEN GITY ITAANWAREHOLJS'E@ li Z_- 1 1 li M W% iL i