~jMat ~a aio npe.r ? A1îwtn its26 vears ksa. toy. Par Othe ew Y.ar, w. have repaedau t» 01 a4 ppuidr feahrt. of 1888, and add.eZ frea? attractjGn, tAat ouir kead can-auser _i asil bound '<o .weep the iwtole couâMb7." The ei offer. appear ou 4th page of thi8 wcek'a paper. Lt hon be read by everujone. New Advertlsement8 thi8 Day. apeotl-Bo. iro 0. "ele'sL%0y's Book- 8mOU4, u-il.ues:Bru. Boar tac urvice-a. H. Spencer. Amerc~uevely-~8. Bernaerd. »emdtîng waîtea by the Day- white Velveen-R. & J. Camnpbell, *Peoeud a e of Joseph Hall Proprty-t Edison's Elootric Lamp-F. Lowýey, Nosw WlateArrenenien s Aflnfe-Geo. B. Tula, Agent. EW& glSuer and Nickel Pl&ttng-Frederici ikowey.hNew ork, ONLY Set oo PER ANNUMd. Whitby, Friiay, Dec. '5, 1884. limt WasLcx-& Ihird loer «froc "W,.1.11 " Soeer with tlb, repi; Wbleb *Illii.for, se voll au aur cou *ludmg ommuieon Ibis ecrrespond. ente 88000d latter, ylilUappoar fi nez# ws.k's lue. NXôw PRzà Di.-Throunth the kindnau ai Mi. EBSbrué,,ou* of thée ditorso o ft.e usw Ontario Sertes of Sobool lIes toéirs, va are plaoed tu possession of %LIvano. onpies of the fini lW rier wblob are nov complots. e @haal btie .sometbucg tae 0Y of the.» in "An OrigialBelle."1 'the lirt g peer of E. P. lL<o's new ~tind'obsrmuogsrial by tiiDaeswill uppea In Tas OnsogicLa inIi i ss fui Dftembor 1Q . b iaetnumbor el Our tveuby.nîuth volume. 14 choul boy mach a beautiful and -gifia waoau tiay do lawards* <lolopinu uasulinese in, umon. It viii b. capee ~ t»11 pprii b' lb.hetRougofboli M41 toWhou love et yetl tje er,o tbss absuuloiword. AUl aihirors c T» mu oIIO*1lqtxsbouid catilthe atten tien of :v"ty eo, f hoir fred.it ýuseriiluo! Tat- OuonucLic for fifty4.wc a numberos la lb. yer.*M '~rJobti te oeuahug home villa b qgtomâIà aiit lus t.sc Iof>.sud bitscol bonors (ruh froïa îlw bands of Ri U46le à ly .1.7.ltatinit upon hi.. ~I. 11.bal made speeches ud bans iuuerirevud 'Aud genrally bu.hai whaî buho olâ caliéa pruîîy good 11.» And Yet vu bave Dot beoeu 'ld w vb attr %lbe want té Eogltu4 for. Thi 1rtIry ,paper4 vould have ' nebeliev, Sisal hé wenlt tecdvi, Mr. Gladustoui ýsue quiielion Cf ilote. Tb!*tio uoursa mers Party pride. Nov thb h. t omlsag home Prpehobumal ad imse ta laok *01* ite doînge cf tI Oreud TrQukl. Perbape lie may re elvit.Mr. Uoenl i bu rffltoio Ierawhsi'e ail ?*ris 1bron# e&6p mo abrave vomau 8bis. lie%* iertewdj mise bas re luOÀ.tizi&UWtdi ofe.rdi roui mec '#0? 01 aipol& sectionsa ud 481 '80lldrJe1ooe4 with. a hideca floral o ecg#. Tii, volatile parlisa bM on &about tbe Ohinuso v,* v~ UlL.~I#sseito rrilMsta~glaed. si t toeeul ip 1mev ,thst tlb ÃŽsJIà w In ts4ouq cf bui Iblu uke a oo utu pF W ireool a oud *n4as' 0ib frustrateah&lui "m t'1 age anD-4orruýption, l ibhtis umas. gouard be boldo ibllibe electloo f, bis1 jear acould rsuaew tiseotaut4eof 9 overiussiigeial Aierleai tu Auaelbla institutions. %We Ceed notllueis lo 4M a doutb upethe end-e,a no doubt good ground for thon, but the 1 majenty cf Canadiens on a osia u ou. liddatio of te lic modes cf guverii.1 ment Oauno fil! le préft- Ibe Ist«d quiet and purty of Iheir owb 8Pllleil1 almosphere b lias ooasie peae 4 thal cornes after pioiong.d sasons et politloal elonna sud tsupossl. The Ba1va6tion A-my Disouo", [tle net le l'e ezpecled thilt a n- ligicus institution employlng muls as strlkiugly nov and novel as is uhowu lu the blslory of tb. Blvatlon Ako»Y, viii escape orilîise. Innovatious lu sny valk oflfe% white froquelly trring up outbuslansd svakling te cnergy, s longs falovag cf Man- kiud, yet juist uieurly preveke a spirit of riliote.» and indced Revers anlagose. leu ln anotîbocssof tbe humbai mu, wha muntaily snd il May bituwWnaly sare ltogther dlffércutl.y oonaituteâ. This bas oerauy becu thu erpeulencu of lte Saîlu - ýAnmy. The peal ascam% Shal bu" aveataiuuad la tte oouulriem wiiere ueîabliahusl, sle* -ti wbaslduptia tiey baie sîirrod à eut lain portion cf Ihe bumuen osienoe. On te oonrary,tbey bave ilso bad te rna,no l sie.tlb.gauntiot of lboa,vbo @seur sud scaf aStuysting parnlaklug of a religions citaroster, but vIreS la more formidable, lb. opposition cf O îtho aoual.d by no e e motives, but as mon sud vomen of religions char- stcler aud intelligencu, -y@% veigbmup Scareuuuiy as îbey tellus the entiru y muvemnent, ils meîbode, resulte, gen. à oral onscome and uvery day dbeelop . ment*s, ce anoety corne lemnocter Sconcluion-thon tecoue, tuaI auj gond accoaplisited la fNt mors thon autveighed by the bon.». The Oison. eC inta boauj omment Il May bae made opon lte rmy rom liane t0 lime bas beau diupased te taik. a mld i1 diecocurse.l intimmolles-, believing lteat f un ti iistance se 10 mual terat'th , aid adage bolds gaad,vis.,thal hrut ites Il belveon the ivo siremes. We bavs n no synipatlb vitlver viit many cf tlb. moîbodmesmpioyed by te Army la propagaite hircause, santi blijere db scrvutioaa pltklaay hpravos ibstinluonntlu uing ttc.» sitey wetiken teir ovu canon, sud enculte san pposition ltast; SVouldt aDot terosise@Xie&.Jui& as Il trangiy da o e preés oui dimepprov I o f muob af lb. critlclsmnlevelied a gainet the Army. sud soma cf vhleb le ast ssredly Mode vitia very pooct kuavi- Sedge ai circcmatanceo iiad lacIs asthey dRsist. g Theo are aur vie.s on tiftis ioa, wb ba: bsen promienuiy brouabt pnbliehod lu laieu vuek'e OaeuousrLq 'u sud vbich obtalue Ivo replies fia.» of weil knovu cleous in anotbur ectumq tii. eek. just au'wore ll b oursuIves the privilèee yepes nou -cvn cm tu Ions on ibis, os Ooctai publie tepicet~ tr teodo vè satend ltse pïivIieit o 0e ro vitebave Ideas Of théols oa aepuinI. &ud If thte» aOpinions cfarres podantet are ttongbl by' some le 6e plâceil la too-sevore ae liglit, Ibère la no Occasion e. lo-fer sry ovsr- >sny sncb <st. ,Thé reboai that comus .ficus- toe.iýh9 15* alie up lb. cuîgelsoioa1h. opposte lde, y la auj made tse sraugoi. Water orviii aivays dud île lîvel. le d au "8L8:#Ixîo -1Va. 0, -4,~e eee %id giring cf Poraulls cbarmiug pishnre. 5."Sleeping Love," bus beun offe.redby Slte pubiaters cf GoDit'a Là n's Bock l:theryor wersubsibar 1 lte niagasinsa ne for the yoar18M5. TUs plate je a vt* oi entoalie ee beauîituily pistud 0A el ticok piper af a aise suilabi for bal'. y soma fs-uming. Tih. siajeel, a 11111le U0 dicapiod Lave, odorued villa nclhing 'a- bul b le baby charme, le Ijing on as ofs rd «Tuersqclaub. es udibaoucf"I si Mor 'ti. Dray og a .sÃœ04 ing f tIusa oî,ablxue ON Si £l jjuJ A, z. raiacrean u U()'£-. yuamu'~. B. A., or, b.he llegiuie utuîhsue.W. :XGllvny.0.11Â.1 oe f-Tus-: »alêt oald oauapbelQu e Xii f icolaA.'Margaob ef Picksring. J. i'ynk de I , . Moeat n o u. megowani L.8 Coraci, P.*'TaylortD. Ormisen, I'B. H.Jumaaeon otl é. c'f aoietiy, Juo. -PffogunaTrous., J. B., Boburteon, Cinacaic, O. Sarnaey, GeaoUe. Lot- So ers oe iod frein Jno. Dryden, M.P.P, Win. Smith of olumbua, sMd W. H. Hlggln sEq.. nrotoltat proviens engagements réeun lias.» rnom belng pieet. Mvi WggieU au enalgraton oficer o iasoiataric Goveiaameu, %Ieeuried lu bis lellen te, the bigit Charecter cf lt.e Boottisth emigrauts tsi landed ou theaes aoies; Sbey alwuys came wilh "sll nl thei pooket us eatarI them na ute wcrld, anti <rom bis expelioeu b bd no besitation lu eaytng, that sotobmen as cmigt-suts, au lu orerylig ela., veru : ooipelotc sucous. Th tous i îsIvras ais toilowe, lune"oh case- folioWed vith it ooltent speeches frombb. vboe woe usmsar-e *aùpled vilt thutoast. Ttes4esucboiibott. @ver, ver. pl-ebcdtid by ta orn al Pe= tfsoi â0oe. boGilliirry, Who figureaselte bard of the Society. We Rivu the pool» bore; My Mithcîe Autd Crack. stoveet&W&alu an outavo nuk 1't'o fon' the Ibake o'3Mitit4 ur' Ad Crock Theu Orackiras theu rautietre. Ilasi bung Abon bte ptactlire vitent 1iewuuuog. My iter Iras Aeotiand bWqht l vi' ber, Thining erb 'tvottdtac usefn' bore, But wo can' baung%'lite.ounlte runtic true. Fur nuea= stic lb.h»gga ba vo Wo'vc us pastitck or peut lire ave Ni e ortit, ithwlta"nesor Dtaol reekll vs' Buto aeur fines bore wvep atlatu iil,w Uand'y fn or icta' etr il,ô ca<> t Guld emoke %ve lia. yet tboy ceni rus. A dricp âsua etey aigmeul cake, But 1 dont caxupWutunostietcmaitinsteed Very gaidJoitnuy (Sue un' boalenbregd. But how to mak'tiîsrs's usaeoWtheutkuovas A pt ' oweu or a bioker a' brase ; Pies pudsnt autart.elitey mak vcro veol, But canna ruai' bannochu o' bari.y mt'L. An' if Ihtey c'n'd Uiu't*im th"y c'ud as gu meai 1 Om araloy'u appied a' ta smritl the &lI For mutin' an trevin' an suillu111bree Hsenetà an aenvafls am paid a gnld lu Tiu rnssan cargl M1%,>%b 'empt a may, i h DéiI 1 ofteutimnuse tidus Oüw»P~tta e i#M4s Miiter, gnlid vocane sit uide iitureol'; But bore cornesâee o' lte chucqes agun We didua' ken It vau peoeous then4 Wts a 1do vi Mitbiie',Auld Orook f 111 bing lt up on pi lthaeuik, Au'ù au 11 te t ' itou a«uslr, Just s a molloil Mkeep It tere. TcAM 5AND 5pasomme 1 The Qu*esusud Rotai Fsmlly-lte compan>' iajigG d case the Qsiseî. 2 Thse vsic.eea~8agou h9%'a sjoli>' goocltellaw." 8 Tii. Army% Nsvy sud Voicîtes-. Sang by Geu. "rid, %eeob by Major 4 Ont eiiti.Ae.blWr.Bpehý la> Shein! Patooutêk. PP.'2 i 1 à The Land ve Lois-mpeehes b> B. E.. ameceaiJas. 8b&iaa-anti Ja. TheLnd ofcfoui =33 fa-Rv. J. Abrebasuaand G. Y. lSa, LB 1- Ttc Day sund aIl choét l'si1,- Dasid Ormitoi, 8 Ontui Oupoiail and lifbtbafr iug IKinss-. lgi, JP goo ganc d 13. B. Taylor.> - 0 Our i- Beun Sootte-adg# DaiS- 10Ounr Mueloipal sud Edueatilaal Mfayor BogieS sud EoeLe il The Pea-.. 8. Robeaisea asti O. Bas-uy. f 12 The Lodiet ansi te Babl-i). Oilhbenbscub, T.G0. Osmpbell, oonga xein sud 3. 1E. Fareeil Tite ibfe sud diguifidimnauier la wilb ibe preuldeas, !eo. B. Dow, a pcsillou hsId b liais geoutluma grundfothen 41 7y.a«pe, coudued tlb. eveulne pieeedleg*, vas a itijeul cfnaanious omgratuatlcaaî At 1M80 ailtis miela isesd ow ~Town sMd Oouuty. 'z= una or uu Pmxo -&mm sou- T4530aID. 785 vuzm 'SI rom Tef kms xà arvs sot, on *u.t».»0*s Place your Orders arly as thE Our Cut and Fit 18the AmÛ Mteping oround, have bacs ai litaI haie a vety ycuna mat; but ho tulae me hoe vas oe o f lb. valais uard ai Wbltb> Harboun undear Ooienel eb anate b.'Mas1 have be"é ltitin sna abfhiigpmpual, m *11. Ii 011 li lias plies lvers puà lpbd d~c~v tb. voauiteoie drink.luach'Ielu. conid ti lâ>'bc elpfileul ader lb. ci-cumtauces, sud luà <sel 6e ocly esu cf bloodslaed hé mentIos e eulleâ fions e volunleen klakluag li lb.beati cf à barrIl *dsudêiasg hlu Mt. As Mr. WaddolL wus jost dot"«i e ogo dô*vii b WbittaY dieu I wo lmt., 1 bed ouly a abort time for cons.îsoticn wuta bina, &Bd ouilnoS oxoins lia nue buildings anti stoui, t ruoived o kied l8tkflile wgol ogain onis&pend tte ulgitlshoolti 1 be lu tS@îeighboriaood- Wlil do 50 mont villlngiy Mr. Wudèle-li ihotildti ia opportumily oRsir. Going hoattlard up thoesl'ls lins. uand tpbih vqoni t 1 reaâithlie resdn. ft etlt.fw. Pushia, duel>' lt*-il ab la*b rolmd ebohil the tà iddle et the nilla cou- essien. TPhe Pughe,1.liah@BuumdYs antbt Zoses'ssra" a 0*xà u r noe.Oà Iy foi- lt e mbusu»d Broiteas ud a fev mare prômoo omîelslesultere migial b. danger cf tîisr -o"oeinsug lte continent. Edca-d 'B. bbiebte l oanlais tifs. >1e *bd TItIO. Ob ions cf Davtd Pligia bo came bone 89 years ago, viacai laiesadmesmcmlof lhe aoc ise faims iuaI bore vers luawlid ecudition.TIr. rtles splendid vioc ef Ishe Onlutad tise ecuti.'h. Inolter- voeu lases, v ii ts uqeSel' wtten beycnd, preesaIs a dellghtfvt petunu le tiseje. TheO0.P. IL Meuse soosethse fuel acf isfaint chile acay b li's. eloui, whîob tbele *bîw i tuI 1 mong M n. P aideeruf,1. oft bau 1evpniçes,b bu a eoveti say lu bis ehlau y 'iranelMallovudtoI seMal" l'mbo*.s.r, fur sous parties arsbevétr dv = Ih a aeid a1 feady !a;de- aud 40to Ore seas;on i 19,fast-,dvxiin.OuiTAIORG DEPAIRTMENT 1s' doin ied LsiesLW&roeïe hé èw or Fahlb ~urnga1s-m monthly. i ca n Fiahion Plate. if x. Y. à . l ôu sai eOmoethobns elbinld *Peaks for 'lbeiaselvetculis sbe¶r bvo* tees drcuBodonho*M tol Sbslà r bouciêge bt pflte bouse *itsiu tessnvlues of the delà sonu gon u boy about Ibeir doggeri songîI, ml nélt p b.services,11aina lb. »a»neof sd»e Lrd, Ac," Burehy hic kldu tiislsg tion cffele or, If foued en sutaetçe, vas4be $.oko la. ny lolg iMort han c;ommolg. iog 1 Amdi le îpot possible Ibal even lIte iagua v~sdou withoué,aa> se&y@ cbarisy 'is nel easlly provoe., tisitiush 0s svt It l6 a% eel*011 iso*m, £d îbulr credilt b. Il splsqu lts1,fui lsiiieuw rd yo flsd W. .Anti- slnong, lias graséase crs v as îikçauby lb. Annay taton, au"one siilgial 4lien te Ibe tern I la - n mol si'Parpose t. demi cîh esrj peliht ue i4leen of 1IL Y; Z., as 1 bave sstli« $46 lima mon ", , clU le do @à o; but lite lie *boitepirli e t 11Is to m emd hliaSdt "a' sdnsrom"d rsbitallg s@M.. u urs Do e.nt oouoeldla spfit o f Hm isuseuuo0 of chosiselbTléIffe idtaitîn#l lmv. Advleeli si <esu e poof o et btlit louve.r eldste neut liSe!>' to»swen anj god pur- lise d&ygof thé *îse mil w ho penausd 1111 6 oue61 et Mïru 1 i~n t s»«k ý> - m t' t00 tua lapa, lit Jlaa Bssse..by Mr. xfaook tus Ihl i. <obt1a n sd Mn., Osa â Iîo.a»ii be udd aes 'Ph 11 ,ldlu ia4"i vers appoiuled le comna6 e lepur- chus. u1,ar -fourlte inunlcipslly foi te jeer 885. Ur. lam«eBôe sla# i. obâ pr.novt iPbl. .fel0wU De' ov dnsue opitt vbs WSîhrelief cf. .0.B.arkmr#$5;, Uns. Thos.'Luke ielid f -iW.Gibs $8; G. B. Movbny relief cf Mis.. Scuily Bhipr$ia uu ail Inss o iila lobai Mor»vy #W.71; p. L. F'ovbs relietefolan Mfiarrsy $4.10. Boadu 05. ~ ~ èt lu euer5e obn loyal i, John Mounes $8ï-John Elilali 00e.ý Ose. Thouas$2850, A. A. Paneqeli Soîl $85. ,!, -.> TPle Coectho ~an udara bmelt p..». * M lbob . YonrkssaiIb thesr day'eontaled lias th*olu eilCimà edegi Ilb: t ca cealter propbil, batlehi bui on, illhumiéil*all4g,,hiuélf sudliashend iet- fnac~Se. ' M. isaulseetiou se- sl el a diihselo lu Ibe Saivahcu, Mmp~ad ls ft yblb eaDUnirwOsIintu PO 4 wepee. Quod Faehnus. Valde Facimus; OLATiN.G, AARATUS, Wii kd eyc.eando thosnst qwuXt c JcM ie sd Nicke1 lwoaUg outcbsCbi Si, Ulv"7814 prbe sd uoos, ba 0 ae fecet lp eil fbttsbatv1II deoas tId soiyeit 0 ita j» ir p iit g % ou. qatc'dvmitiI lvsiuseeiireo ô" iteavon. entier, ibuti ioeoutfit' ode Oorbook "0cM sVd Elym fr o %ole"whicb ofreunied viiiWst'sOtitoril o .r ltnd tmi sr WDI ba e »t a0.». i9 isired, euic r.ce~p i btâ bé e sloieetiuS eIVetrs PrOfftl e 30per cn.Bok ila 'ctPiu gue. Addreu FR<DÉAICK LOWEY, OÃŽleOBPolice t: o Vr Dressmakîng, Wantud by the Day by 'oomrtentpe'il- Psttuli tt i esyePwuBI THIS. PAPER- CLUB vina ODE19Y.,S LADY'$8'BOOK -wttt I. . Lu. o vo erto =yui aimsoù 7z, 99WIui1t we do we do well.", AMA NUFAC0TURFPI-'YS OFFER!1 The'Cele brateëd -Orýan Manufacturer-s, [n o a ntroducoi Loir Iiautifni ParlerOraù aoWhilby aud-$hiflty, ùmakethu foilo*ing nnparalleled Offor i ,Their Orgah4,, Stife A New .qîshetio Caue, Catalogue PyWie $0280, Té ail purohieoro betwoen n'o*,sud-]Deasà mber lut, Wlfl SELL - PT-~OU-$137 NET T CASH! OR $145-ÂPPRO'VE» 8 eONTH8I' NOTE. hlvituî sys -<'Eceescf eis l ardl pssble when spealing cf t1h. ýnov and, superbly beauliful dosign, whicb le lnlsùded-te mâesSl.dmu o uMmeipoulitvo oztWrlapr oubitltogethet w ,vi emml stupeib Action. This Z WÃn U7 oùl siiba ià mmd -a~In n~iil ns.ud of fi style of inish stajble la any situation. Inu pieasià g îl cppori »s, orseiel utiIity cf Sirlcbos favoruleOflttoDâ, udtliooyp r.,Ii nhuliiî;wact ay compare favîbl lh h esbS a es aIll Organe cf sey mae; bl far stioiigtb sud pus-ity cf, toue,-,Yaiet cf elpceuion, sud freedom -of Actien, il i. fat iu advance c u iigyettpriduosd.". The Ongan eau be susu n t.hestore cf -theu _ùnderiignd, the Mer&. Deertlà ýagents, and vith voual.nagust o purohases eau be mado. À fiou -. S ; ROBERTSON - BROS, 45.. uaae Boc, WEMz., À omlplote madul incandescent Ealeclrto. Lv ibateryII M" ~o~patn .putting iu Perfitooain I b. msont postpei, ii d asatestamnpe ak PEEDERIOX LOWBY, 96 Fulton St., Ne o Yr. I. l'e t- I~ th - 1