Whitby Chronicle, 13 Aug 1886, p. 3

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buness oudiesin selling epeoal gsee vhiea ai816 per buub.l in quantitte umel loèis th=a ton bushels nor moreih» lbirly ua Inle. loliug 8iaswist '10agni gres ouyear tt1k. back doule 0asqusnt4îy o01lime wiatslfroa lime purohasnathlamre price. That le 10e"y ifsa far baye ftena bushels of whi'st Dow for #158, the agente &Pgreo obuy 80S wortm froni hum next year. The fuariergive. 'tho note for the. eeedt grain hoe buye payable tho usu let of October, soins three monthe. The agenta give hheir notes for'paym.ent of lthe ouble quantity of whest lia.7 are to, buy the. lit of October 1887, fifteen- menthe. The farmer's note mpeoifibes hast lhebaysa'as a Seeulation entirely spoirt fxtr « value of tha wheat' whioh Moins, aI- thoogla th. said grain iasoppoî.d ho b. vorth $15 par boshel, if it le only the common quality worth 806, Der boshel lhe fermer vul have ho socept it. Several farinera in Oakland aud South Dumofries have entend lunt. the. arrang- ement, but it would be woIl for othoe to look hhoroughly imb the echeme befora porchssng. Our feMera recei"e varinug 8o often tiarough the -prose of the. evindling scmees lat are bemng atlempted thht il soeers inoredible that there ean yet b. found*any one simple enougi te fali imte the trap. Letter Trom a Father to a Son.. I sée by'your piotore liaI you have got one of them plealed costs, viti a belt %round il, asud ahort pants. They make yoo book as yen did vien I oued 10 @pack yon in y.arm pue by, sud I MOI the."mre old dasire la do il nov tuat I dii tien. OId sud feeble se I amn, Il séemns 10me s hough I could epsnk a boy that wearekuiokerbooker pante buttoned on a Garibodi vwale sud a plealed jacket. Il it vasaI for hem euto little oamel's hait vhiser of y ours I vonld net believo that you Wa grovn Up 10 b a large, ezpenulvo boy, viiigrvu Up hhougits. Som*. of lime hmui 700 oxpreme lu your letton are arbw yond your years Do you limink them your self, or iste honsome boy in time moiool ibat thinis a&U 1he hbougimts for lime rutIP Some of your ler. are mcdeep limaI 'your motimer sud I en au mly 'aple viii them. On. of hem e=P' vas mo fulof foreign etuf UsaI yonu bal et ot àbinof fate, th"aIw. wiii f:o woablll uyou gel home belos vo uon take It in. Ioon talk a lfttl Obippeva, bt boliatis il thefol. Imj"OU5< 1Vo im te eZro. fmip im e boel vo eoulds. edOt v tlh a mastor. A Obippeva ehi tome ito bis qamp sud kooponme here for somo liane Viall 1 aaquirodIe lnac o.Hobeosme oo mucia atabedtoe me liatrb as groat dlfiuty in .omlug away. 1 I ii you would iwte time United Is. slauguage asmuch spossble, ma noltry la paralyse your parents villa mmpotsd eessions imre hoo bigla for poor people- Romember lima you re lime only boy vs'vs got, -sud vs*are only gotng tiirougm tie motions of ivTing homofor your ake.For nusthe oy iy le ering outnd ilesuovvway MagInto, thie siasnk of lia.e.oing. A 0 of ou on - v n»Iftobsd:myelf tuai you oeu do belte., esd,*sMd --rd*e sud uifer smit polo and gel nflgeg snd by.-olýo be aaamed ofylour, un- Oultlv&wl o i ete.- Wianou gel limaI cbookered 11111e ,a*"".fi oisl on aa oPair Of km.. ,poules, and tiMsýe*ozï4#ueek- "ruts" vmn upais b sud our ime~l . bovs do ii reimber limaI, Do mollir bov. fohyouUnsAY' booko your patnteviiineyer sont ou you. B aLyoung men aré traveling tbron»iMlie, ouatry oM pissent ofoêa-. ùwg to oive aujy a usw kia of seaP" à TUQ eWNGK05 H0K ýhhxu oi HAEBIEN 5WAkPEiiON BUND*Y NiGIET. Toier, Manager ofthliaBnk of"LoBdo», Walford, formerly of Ii ty ila Vidai, Station Agent, Wahfrd; /nd- sons of Senator Vidal;! W. 0. Moruison, of 3srvie, formerly of Saun&; Wm' J Sinclair, loy stodant, and soeayof lime West Lambton BeformpAsislona; Hope.sckenie and .Fleming Mao. konnie, lay sadents, nepheo l th Hon.- Aloi. Mackenzie. -They slarted on lime reltr trip lasI weieasd on Saluday aflernoon bltreporlodi by lelegrapi trom Southamptonat heyv wer. on tha homevard mun, sud would, reacia Sarnia by Monday mornlng. Mr. Vidal, an expert aud daring yachts. msn, wuas ailing mauter for lie orulme, andaseho vas tobe'bu duty ai Wal- ford on Mondsy morning il 15 eupposed thal froin Southampton he lad idle oourse for Sarnia itraighl limropgh ie bah,, lnstead of ooring dova liabshor; tiat lii. Stormn of SUnD47 osugml the yacht in the. middle of Laeme Huron, and that ahiovas swamped ime aeW, and lot with ail bande. A ug vas ent ont yeslerday mornMisueeaeh of the. parly. Mr. Teller, who vas one of thei party on board t l ll.fle veasel, reiided in thua city for everal yéare, holding a position in- ime Bank of London, but on tii. establishament of the Watford brancaheovas promoled te, the office of Manager there. He had many warm pormonai friands in London sud vlcinity. SÂHagI, Aug. 8.-Tii. tug Inter. national relumned at lire. o'olock tlii morrnng with the. badies of Hope Mac- kenzie, Fleming Mackenzie, ,sud T. A. Telfer, limree of th. Mix young min ho loft hors four woekeM ao oua ychin croise on Lake Huron. Th bodies voie found in lime boat beached sna Pt. Prank . Two of the, bodies ver. lauied t10the béat.Thme Inmumonl hau gonso telook after the bodica of Wm. J. S"0"ai, Wm. Vidai.. sud Waltsw O. Morieou. Theo y htin pare a appoed 8b bave »M o at on may t.Te hl owu a lu zuournlng over ltme Sad afr. Ail voie yôuug; 1Mr. Vidolwvasmared. Thi.sles adeligtful sesso à*im s&e"My drinker.Rséconuseamr lima lt.eted on buhie ilsnoting but sMn. NOM Botr. Clon"M" 4rutMo th" ttho ie vul ettaWbsrty, and timer.is 50 onf ci tulgsfhe0. P. e for tho 0878.449.69,9slg loute... #92.958 over lie -correpodlng perlio cf 1885. Off Work. "in6 vas on vork-for Ivo yeare en«OUr t-mg u idney ise., su*d suigel no elefnuiladvlemlby a Moud ho0 try-B. B.,»..1-vas ,ýourd b>' Ivo botheo, sud ooumdert ah a irunu #m.",. Thaimae i e te uld»stanof1 oemiuloato frinWm. Tier , 81 May,vont. Thea&7dry e nieroants -.1 B=usol bave siguai on apusmnltetek.é butter lapayneul ofbook eai *nt. alter Ostober i. Itl Ii . "kn lu tra#e»a boe, ibultl o b pl 4Leatvai msy lime p Emey *dok hans bis dlay, but mony co Ibfr(cm the howling Iwhioh th.y keep op, !Doigt on. having the:nightt When your borée is galled, eoeatoligd. or ent, 'or lise>tu nglp macre, bathe twioe' dally, a»U apply mtGregor * IPrke's CÂrbollO ra.;It ile u*w doubtedly theéinetbesling Md. cleàias- ing application for It. Be sura you et' MoGregor & Pe.rke. o.- Bfo r 25. pe box,, at W. B.R. owWO Drag Store. «'The.'editor of our esteemed cofu témporary mm OSthi erg aldaa saroueovillage jourzialit, "la Very fr.ah, but the muladày dosent ýextend te hisew oecoluma." We are OQIitantIy reoeiving t.u* mony that Dr. Careon'a Catarnh Cure i wat its Damne implies a 41caturk OUre." Your drtuggist le anthorizea 10- refond the, rooey if it fails bW #ive. satlefatian. WMat eun b. <r ur sud need yen uifer sny loâàgor? Lieutenant4jGovernor Dewdney bas suffioiently reoovered. (rom hie lmeu t0 attend to bict duties. DIL LOWS8 PLEA8ÂNT WORM BYRUP i: a isafe a,,4 reliable worm remedyfor all wornme afflicting c>i. dren or adulte. IWAnRENLENO Àmflho m vud~Ife a b uou aI Amis, y*0 arir &P ce .Mger frca New» Yor"c ti s aeb pg laa uousem eti N b"n ma«l marl etuI.*aoCl Âyer'sSmprla jurolagos Ars tIu., u meela"ho u l1m «' y« gIm «tu.b - - lbro * bo lu Io *a0.b1 Id ee, 9 vOrlous f0 ,W*bava au wbu Mal t0 tle, ut li1 ara Ti For Broý etc., belonging toi E xpre S1 ,a e yr l St~ Louis Express, les LEÂVES IiNIOi Express Express Express Lesver Unlon MAU4 j .SPRING Ijir JOHN laSHWII BPIOTOOR op- Scotck, Eiglisk an d Aiad o A" r eo c 0 mad. upmna Lsioste~y1w ~ faik"I m. -z r.1 -'-f 2.50 2. 050, <~~~1 <s Aýl ,,]

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