Whitby Chronicle, 17 Dec 1886, p. 2

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à Jod ci elover- se4ebrâ h hr the othor., " by Mr. Jolmalon, li h-4ioî 4 uOId for #470. .1Sbv0,O Sherlff IdeLsgmau aii iturningtoa ooYios.n irtoati.,0 for weùt Vios, iiad IL. astford <for gla pusabgfare -on rlilwaya l ot lb. v ng.There h a geeddeal et oompanhng Pli, embers of the, saff Of Sal.- boecansof viacious doge kept by sevi lion &rmy offcers vote fined lui WOOk -prtis.The ofbrdybreIodg fo r obatracting Ihestreels. ïup tarti tWeday heritte .49ydgh 'A boy named DowaeY v"0 ueanly vas being diawn aàlong 'by. bis brother. kill.d bore laut Tuesday by falling W. The litt1e fellcw va. bidly blloen lu the twoon th. wheel and, box of a wagon. face.. whhlo trywng &0 dimb up for a ride. Two weeks ao an Englishman TSZ40letor Jewett reports that named Cooke arrivod beïe sud' aokod notwzlhiitanding th. reperted stria- Mr. Hatley, th. batcher, for a position gency iu the monoy market the local as book.keeper, etating that liai. J. gaxos have been paid up to date to a Armitage, a former reaident of tbis town, larger e:ýtent than for any of the pas bas reoommended hM. On telling & thpee yeara, aud -that only a amatil pro- very plausible elory to show his poition romains uncollected. respectability and neceuuities b. vis $1656.66 ia th. sum askd from the hoepilably treaied for a weok, and counly cocnoil of Victoria for enforoing manaed during Ihat lime te do 'OP, the.Scottî d. The am Was voted by tht., diffèrent, business mon for $5 the couuly oounoîl la& week after a eaoh. H. thon deoatnped. stormy debal., and the ooanty Iroesu- ToaoNTo. rer instrnoted le demand that ail fines The ladU ies thb.e ity, are organiziafg b. paid over t ' ohlm sonce. in order te elot aldermen of lt.enigb Smith'- of Osuninglon ila'dissatxafied stamp. with thie reait of the cheoker match I epooe orieteetao played the other day between him and fée roo e leras, hentord cf Mr.,Oryelloet Sis lown. Ho haissued Teae f newmembe0rs 800.1h Bs of a challenge to play anotber series cfTrdfom10te$0.Tiise twenly gaines for $25 a aide. H._ will oocour when the.. mexMbership shal b. aocomniodated s soon as possible. reach 1000. 11hi nov 700. ' The *match aI oheokers between Mr. JugeMoDougahl has given the -Robet Oryel cf Lindsay and Mr. A. counîy cf Yo>hk and oity of Toronto t111 j. Smith of Canninglon came off at eprmng te show eaue why they shculd OCannington on Tueýday atterooon, net both b. indicted for nuiance in Twenty gamea voe plmyed, resulting keeping ujhealthy court. buildings and in a viotory for Mr. Oryell hy two Plce@Olfices. gîmes with thré. drawa. The stakes- Ma. J. J. Bm xsi, 52 Lake Aveaut? 825-v er. o aplured by lbe Lindosy Recheiter, N. 'Y., yl tell yev if, you M'an.%,rite, -enologing *tamp, that tlii At the meeting ef the coanty counoil wonderfa.l @toryy la ue: "In 1882 1 bere a resolution vas passed le send a vas taken lo the Oliflon S8iog Sani- moinorial le lhe Ontario Goverament tarium, in a mouS deplorable condition, "sking thalouny conois have th. vith congestion of lionr, cOùtant cold power' te name on.eof the tire. licenoe bauds aud foot, rushijuot blood te lbe oommiBslnero appolnted yearly. Thàb bOid, purple spots on my fae, and my l olamodt le colvfairse lb. oeimîy shinvas au y*oov asa lemon. The ham #6 pay lwo.4hwde len o f IigilSilfood oould net be takon, wthh. eotoug the sat. out îuoh diatreuan md spase liamy Mas. J. T. Ricarsio62 4th Avenueboama ocould b. hea longdilne LouluvhUe, y., vas a onfmirî &fidjI had prolapeîvery soev.ly. prof.. for eleveon yiamsdahly eOxpetin deali Ieu4ombhea snttmine uIeeralioa s Docta, ton ru Se tou ble to jbe thât4I ould not voix a sutpporter. *ErsIafemm!e compliîtls 1 'hedotoomId liaI 1 hathe- Wore léthe aie va diase. por mg"ho 70î& 56 v« V. . Ii Ivo montb I Puled. (bEu I5UI pUii ffls sdsffdqai est, sleip n 'nUyU,'c. Ofon'o = ztetui amIsaIMUh.sdbohe, ma tors gave ber UP. 8h. lien begiato ""le -*0 ,obISili 1'* le"* ou, use Warner's safe oursti,aNi ovmber i, ai 53 MIw - v Ui .W.aoi 18, 1885, ah, viote.441a= a v'»body, ujr.qeM*Iy. ne ieoe day se vben a gil#. Md (sel&bout 802 keof w6moe.a7 ou» yff sasyeèr Wsaèr's safe *eu Irot»' sitt e tsain doob, h a vrked a Imirsole in My ose." SMd vua sk. leValk0"on. h"llue.h is. Riôbtyv ilglsdly anover ilsmp. O*l 1soianIimat5 h ed infarjo8p1ai '&umi ",atWsaesr' id ur ~XaDGpatiet§uh . $h1çoVU Prof. _10114 oflb.he mod aal , le àb V5W«50 bealthy gmu, deliver a lIsolaihon. s ai.L ýà hTiotuasMr. T. et The obol lboard là having a grest tara#oi, ofeues80"tâ beal 0,( IroOIe viti ItartacIlons. M.Gls.lv A. Guelph vooflen factery flrm vie have beau burut out, hs!tp offered te corne haro for a cmii boa, A. by-lmv, te raa.'#5 000vasmii. miltted 10to theelectone of, hie'tov.a yestsrd yfer the. purpose oet etnga uie v pblie i.hcsolbuilding. sud sala Bisai udJUAhlyon thé, ,h"on cd thé Oonn. .11 lu iegsnd t lan mnumn1of lb. Boo&tt,t$pimaounlias* a>'hotleepens hdbrokiwi latthiiitb th. tovu by selng lquor sftp geltiag Iheir nesi- Met ee4 some' bousansudet dol- lars on hie rprueaStion Ihat Iboir businessvas about ruinelby th. Ail, vhloh lite (Jouneu ver. generous ~,eneugi te suppose they meant t$0 kesp. CÂPTANGzoc')B. WILTRAI, 919 Spruce shreel, Phi.lhispiP,,if nov on lanid, Ïviii, If yen write sud oeclos lasamp for reply,, tell oiu thAtt44 bi,.. years ago vien lu-ooai &Msniuoai vas prostrated vitb khdney andihie trouble c f a vety serions natture. H. wus delirlous, skin, very darkp ier enlarged OUI-third, tos$0ab Itossi- tii. for Ibo simpleis food.i seven botties of Wsrner'. sade ours oompstely, oured hlm aud .av.d bie làt. The lova lrssury 'basa lithe pot of $1900 fro einSo$î Aetfines.. Ont of #570000 of tovu ttxes, #do 000 have alroady been psu lu. 126 voles lu the Dominion lista ifori Mr. 3J . M Long, B..,LLB.p bas beau appolut.d principal' o! tb. colle. giste inaîlhulq beon. A rbung mai n eti RhIe7 w kille b thigIot .yi Wednes .7 of isul wqek, The. lewn aonl . the, pNnsaMa RéseMarkbsm lfieeof I*slw.h ~ we#u eblto thie K Rn, Ullby Mr. Johni Hsmutoa.ý Kw.W.toê tfBesvertem la p em a handwsedorein good style ami prmisse of setissarm *vident. ,Be. Pthe r Drai ohg.bue talntlu1h.eouty, seil.P l May expect i 9 6 g rsaad R is 00126 enrts l in hopoutbave bmen Lnsn.aIly f moe",s sud have, glîm igemqda s*f lin. A. fiatil, wprpielor cf tue &e@I",u bel;i nteti. b hlding lita annual nm*v yer'bailonthie talght of Fuhday, Dm.., lst, no*, ysr s ove# This i vl 1rov: e of the moet«.b tainlm 't oou8& . ua 6*nsl.oIa oreiosaIrla ougagetisud viiifümuh teusfmuei#. COL ol ýâs ]ELH.Tuomxpao01 f aictu. ati, O.Q é& houpred var vaea, vws for 1 iitâasviatini iufih am.a*AL. teSribly afltlO, a5flun ýjftî 1of i» çpb hebegaix1wixg o,, r;1e. .1-w en.ouot ûpvWho usg aà btSih Who vouldlesllfy to, tbe0aes i â u FR01 THE FAT: "êasbotha -a duly for me tic m«4"t 1yoa 1theboueft have derlved frcm h* use of Âyor 4SMepaI six monlhs 040olWaaempetey oe a terrible huor and scrofulôuuo. humor cauaed an $ucessai teeu itehlug, ud theia à«io m eta t se te tbe blccd to IAew ln mauy plseesb Mitea burden I oumueneed the ~ê SA.ILSÂPAELL& lau ÂprilIatand basê Il regaulry since Ibal lime. mySooea beam tb improvo aI ouce.Thie uorsýb anl hesled, and1 tee Perorteu~y Weil ln iv rosqecl- being now able to do a goo>dj 4ays wOrk, elthoughS73year O-Uotage.Mhiiy tliVie whal bus wrught such a onze tu myieyMd, I ton them, M av ae boe redtotell yeu, Ayim'8 SAR8ÂPAEILL&. Glcvei. ,'oe 21, nu8 YOUru graeluly, Âm'u fjSABSÂPARILLA COm SeroMua, aud aul Serofulous Complute, 927*1p. els, EoeMa, Etuw.wus, Blotce4 Boree, BOllaTUMOrs, sd Eruptoma M o the Skin. It lfflthe blocd cf Sai mpe- tiesaaidgs l"Mn, stml"tuhtRe atâut, the boweis, s-d&Ilim ralom svlity ha & suetrohesu lh. wbole $loto=e eDr. J.O.Ayer &Co., Lowl!,M,, "01)»BUS. 18 15 LIVERY ai.,SALE, STAlLES,' CRAWFORTH & DEYER ELL' Ya u mlhe o wShun _ol Oomm.r~.i TesUm u.U DATB8 Or Pelynselan froc Stripd0îCrded Vo1vet CHNILLE ADJTFIGS Dress ad, Mautie Clasps.-ini ail colors and blaek., TAIORNG LORISH-1NG Everybody i s satisfied ýwitli our work., Lealve your 'orders' with - qsand' you eau besuùreéyou will not have,to bring them.bae'k for alte ration. j NDREWM.RO SS- Ix làcl*n SPIIAL hAcv TEE aDo. rui Go 'm eut -iposft. son* A=U. B< zXZ .. any n OIg n' May ouly be But thb- tbree lad Goel a gcc& a l.Re iiiof Un~w thS~ By ar Are yonu igto get m iarried tkisXmas of Our buziess. -1We . iay wish to, intimate, seflingMagnifloent Hngmg b"LampeFanoyC Lam Gode;Diner, Tea aJChamber Se' s te rioeSuperb Chinia Fruit, Bakets, anyChina'Dish -6-8and FSIeotro-platýd. g Q Xmaa Preents, at, urices, to set the-t L.f a D.] al IIN A sfte 'Bosn, work., tan in thée rigi Bsaya bhei8 lsb Ing plaee. M ..-...*h FRe 0 usi NEW DREs AND MANTLEl..ý-.."BUTT(

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