Whitby Chronicle, 24 Dec 1886, p. 2

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New aud dsstryiie Baturday, btêto.»il id le en-uu 'at#rl The ovidence vo offer of the promos" of towla n inlb. efact that enongh houeaosianob. lotind for -a&H the' dwoUors in the burg.0 Our dwellizng vas oldiaàsi Week for 08;.,mnd ýo uer tfor $1,800. PORT 1BIOPE *This lova is ta have a branch of the Poturboro business college., Ândrew M. Miler, who va. rua ever Jya aud in ope township laut fil, ltere are wauing varm here la polilloal arlt.he fight being bMtwe.u Mer.T. D. Oraig aud H. H. Bura- haOonssrvative and Boform candi- Dr. J. R. Willeaghhy, sou of BOT*. N. B.i Willoughhyt vas bore. 1aI veek. H. vaspromeut, ait theBatocarge lu . he . W.T*t, Hà ogees 10Europe te pana. Ise mîdical studios. 0Tii. two mou vho sold steve-pipe shalves le gaverai faMers lu 1hi6 local- lty, hava basaIn t1h. olutchof e!the 1mw hbe, for some lime pont.- They aus$ ok'noies ýfor th. sholves and afterard.gava, thoir ovunDotas 10 gel the êshalvos hack, as they alleged thal a stuike, lU "te eompanyls vothe ai Uaztfton ýloftI hem unable oleaul ordors. -This put the. malter. la b.d ehape fori ha fanon as hhey had giron ýgood' notes »CI givan up thair shelvéessud b.d only lbe notes of tv9 fraude fôr value. Farinera who laka Naoiosfor, auytbiag are ore 10 les. Il vas enly raooutly thal vo learnod of thb. les. vbîh Mr. John Joues, of ibis plac, -sustalned about Ivo veeki &p. On going into hiel stable, ou. morniug, ho discovered thai a valuahie hot»s4.,40log t 10biumifhad, in smie unkuovu w"Y. broke n ee f ils lee . Uo immedistely hid Ibe animal shot. Mrt. Joseph Ward reoived q0it an injury ou. day laut wo.k. Hova cutting loge iluthebubsh on co rollad, and, oa"oing hie ane-, beiveo à stump sud the end of the. log.- ocabed it so liaI havas oonAuned 16 b. bous for stoie days. Laoklly ha asoW 1 goitlg, il broken, aud wvoà a d tg ses hlm touand agau Oaw W14 Dman eoras té bave got swaup. Ra mus e the b. aW.ouaas vwsusma bore asho anilvrs t b. decplugiven by $hosa v hO MW A. serlous quarrai took place on has llubar. Mnone day lIt .,waak bolvean Ivo 1IUman sd vo witle mon. The. qumel arc"saodt .semoin kras AU artes 0o0aouskates, oexopi -th. ratsvubioh look Il bare-foohod. Sor sud I~aes MMo sa awvapons snd - haee as stn om alpggdouée but lu tuie a.vas ibwutheIndlaus liai gel sclpd.Xi.. 014 lid tat-lbthe i* gPl ratbor tha vost of!ha batti, and oas ofo!em le uâdor the 1 docte s ars.0 "te me o,)I.Jameos Dolpble vhàym hlad MvL mr. Dolphift and the tamnllyilutheo1 U1IId, * hétu. -Tho. romaim e votetretinl all these * unes lu one mst8 , TI moans ,ths C . P. B eto ge$ h E loction ,day la to,-b. apubio holia in tii. olty. The polie will moetllkoly bave a pool time.. An" Ail World!sir't a so àrt olbazar in Toronto lasI voek rallsed $8#O00'for the Orphan'S Homo," The Bank o! Motntreal bas taken posession or Iisnov bieidng fon tbe corner otfrboî aud you=1gstrèa. the Sherbourno 8St. huoTruo to.uight (1r tissov)for lb. fint lIme lu sitoqa j"a. ho'd PUy* pa éyl trcks, Muilml y paSme ayoù Woduesd.y last. Hor ro- mains veré brought 'homo sud intorred la the 101b unoe oeetery cA 8aturday lest. An Immense concours.e o r- rowucg relatives and frieudo followed ber $0 her lust restlug-Piaoo8. Lt laise loui p.ful dut y ta revert to tho deaih o uher ofour onagb- hou,, Iis one that fflits. Wmn. Forrier, who ais bade a long fareveli te eartb ou Tgosdaýy lest. Her deatb bad boun daily ezpeclod for $moe m, but, not- withstaa-ding liat, vben it dld arrive, al pleasuro vwas quickly cbanged té gloom. IHer remains ver. conveyed te Udora on Saturday, sud inierred tharo on Sunday. Mr. Ferrier, iu thie Bad affiction*, ha@ thé bartfeit sympa- tby eof ouviole commuaity. It seoins to b. Markham's for. tune, or rathor, misfortùne, vion play iug obeokers, cnveti 10 have their b. team in the match, and ln tb. ma witb Toronto on Friday nigil 1 tht. or four of hheir boit mon faled appear. Markham vua gin defea but cnly by a majority of oeega o. Tho Matuat-etreet rink vas pack y votariuie o e pm ge. Thei. foeg is th. totai sore -.Teronto. v DO. Markham, wlna, 65.. Drawa 29. The. Ims oamiation o! ontublaiH éshool vas held on Priclay ai oun lait mu& vas .a grand ucoei.'Iemse inà noarly il tho subjeoos ver exanu- lned by ont vorthy bascher, Mr. 8 «ry, Kinsal.,J. P. M Lts snd T. A.. Brovu, Leaardsd . vay 1h. pupils -4oudatd iova vrs reany 0,crtadit leib$0su whaoesa M ad *4bal*" gmmudvoek -OL, -aBugtu" oda..tIos *as b.Ia lad. Tii lameavetof day> vas-a -oor givmalu lb. to baU by the. pupils.,S a h h"'mqui. auva catioc&al woces fr l othba 'Yu eutcrbe arrivadhooudapke aMd lt.u r.» ver busy as obairmàa. 1T 0 a Rvor ,Braes aad m.O0. Baude v *W oubaud' ismud a -a. et~lit Wl. vain' éAz4mut. PqFo va. the- Pro- ama*- a -!.MusIL VM O. New Y(ork ça 8o'4- SP 90 m<e o au ohm dWamb aIVs ' o of th M124 w bi uin or ums ou> bhe IUNu =amlb lité. absont eble. The lqg bouainmana. I" sl andrnning loems formei, great quaniles fet utm.lj us maltr. No timtammnt vuos ta sal11 lb. man, by Mrt. LEz»W44. hem, as supple iai ih Aigra'm pA inboeh aflayed thé. pain ailiriaion, b the soies, removoil the we*Ulngt a"i litai>' restaued the 31mb ho use LzLe» bu sp.iomlljmuil r ]Ehumatlam, wth intie sucema; md, fter csteful observation, declares that. in Is belict, there là rio medicine in theo worid equal to it for the cure of Livor IDisorders, Gant, the offocte o! high living,S&Li ]Rheum, Soies, EMPilons, Mid mil the varlous formaet blood diseases. W. have Mir. Lr.LÂ<'e permission to invite a&U who may deair. further îvtdence la regad tio the- îxtraordlnary curative p9vera of À VEWsSBSAPARUIAILL 1 Iiam pereon. kly etther a hieMmanmmth Ocean hlotu, Long Branc, or ai the populai L.lan otel, Lroadway, 27ih and 2Mu StreeloeZXew York. Mrt. Lrn.I£NWs euitalvoknvludge et iha good done by this u.qmUafd eraêk"Ioet blood Poisons emab i=t i e bnqidto Dr. J.O. Ayer & Co.9 LowoIIis. UohbyUDrgimý Sl.sibcWftol& isTALI i Të DATES OIF.8À&UING. C Sardalsu, io PorhlaudDée. ud Polyneian, tou P«et dJ)ao. 1h. item liez DeC.I. 1u. frou~fa~Ja. 1 . 1 Asuhance Company$ IscowPoILTzD zin SPseCIÂ c~r or v=sDo. XMvoNu ~LulgEWT. 1pull Goverument De-pouit. DIBC TORS: HON. .aLBL MACKENZIE, M.P.,ex Primo Minialer of CanadA, President. HON. ÂLEBXÀNDER aMORRIS, M.P P., ana JouN l. BLAIKIE, ýE8Q., Pre.. Gin. Laeudd redit Go., Vioo-Presudents. HRon. 0. W. Ailan, Senator. Alphone De aidilii, Eq-, M.P., liontreal. Iton.»D . = Meodad, exL.uGovenor L W 8~tbEmq~ .O...Pro&.Duilhiiug a àefl au. L ipayémû q. aufacturer, Guelph. iq., Distr Bdri ak of r Bsq. ismu *ubsBro&. Ilsq Moent, Ditor o 8eqireItor iie. xsq. Mrnt. wiith Luche màia s Urydei 2a affia StrîpediC re V leen CIÇILLE AND JET FIRINGES, NEW DRESS AND MANTLE BlJTTOINýS,- Dress and .Mautie Olasps in'ail colors aný;"d blak ader tl N TAILORINO FLOURSNO Everybody is satisfièd with our work. Leave your ord.eýr--s with us'and you can b ueyuwl o aet bring them baeik for altieration. ROSS. ln the SweetB n Are you goig to get-married this 'Xmas? of our business. We only wish to..-intim:ate i- selling Maguificent Hanging Lampa, Fatrny Colc Lpmp Goods;, Dinner, e ad CauerSett, Fae, noy es uperb -China F ruit, *Bskèt s -'E Fiy China ])ishes and Elee'tro-plâtéed..goodes,, Xmas Presents, at prices su 'ýif t dietir This i ~re but under the the reverse wi Jews galve o Iheir inconie- deyva not g cfi oue.--proer material adval ,pracie ôf sysi up manyof tbg theory, adclo ,wllh a sitronig sohoolworkezi tus lead Iholi if possiblet, le. là every élu h!aomne a couvoentl ns d e D oni te oit for a $ma pooll SPECIAL FOR'THE NEXT "80 QP-D We will give a present of e Handsome China J Saucer with every pound o! -our 40, 50, 60 and 75o Tuasaud ov of our uefres-ground. Coffeet 25o -sud l40c pei .1b. -A assoten f ehoice Xmas Fruits st close fIgures. Tefumai LB&adùwiPowder, 'mit up n pxognd -tins #t78Qo petlb. ÂAU idB Caai~Aa'a A *.1 RÂNGNG N IU~3ETR~M ~Fit Alsoaote new -lot of ANDREW. ý- Me 1

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