Whitby Chronicle, 24 Dec 1886, p. 3

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ashionable YXRD. teens BUTTONS, 1 blace NO. your orders have to JIsJe in d Byev. as? This is 'noue mate that we are cy Colored Lamps, or Setts, at whole- kets, a V'ariety of goods, Suitable for the timnes. r30 DAYS. le Olina. Cup and o Toas and every 2 iba. ýc per lb. A. couapIete u. The famoi-Loiuse . kiAU kindsi of canneli ýesý ..rnving everyweek ie. Don't forgot teo4 *p py Seaon, F~RA SER) Irock Sto, Whitby, Ont. Young People. I8TRATED WEEKLY. le Pnortis haa beeu calleA bhat a 1eriodil 1«fe youg eo b.,' sud the Justiceto tMis lampi>'snaine&-b> itoïu it heu attalned bothh I ast Britein. TbJ iti soce f4A b>' motiode liaI muai eules te lte judgmeul ci han le lieetm o! cilad- su e«Most and veou sap piovide lie best afd m osl g foi youug people sas 1e 4mtloua are oopleus sud ef bigi ulaudard etfeel. of gocd hings te lié iqys y famil>' vitlehIt vwsta.-. uLlu Ils ealli hof ploture, uîtere..-C mt.tiiMo bhoula b. mua b>'Pet.. rdror Draft, to aveld' -*09 10 copi, tl4 ad.dea.. S1ALE STABLESI A8T., WRITBYr. ~TH '&DEVERELL. Ion siorlsslN-Stio. UoW. À Of "faomrswvasrSoeded viii hi as. f i -Pldeubt *4Mlharden, îq~;Beo'y., 0. *i iiatnt eey. .W. Higin- M; Treasurr, H.E. ILBriggs; ers. Poster, Ho liday, ,Lonhsten, uis, Dryden; rdent mînistu>' cf 1y ud offiaer of Association. ,aretiring prosident Bey. Mr. r> addrossed a 1ev verdi to tie allen revlewlng the verk of th. efr and holding ont bopes for Ihings for thb. ylr te ornoe. . Mr. Matbeve was introduced Anseotiuand spoke .1 some on the subjeot ef "Systematio g".RH.cited man>' illustrations qUed many passges frein th. soriptures in support Of 4he giving Of tuthes, under lhe old soriptute dispen- sation, systfmnabie giving vAS general, but- under the christian dispensation the- reverse vas the case. WhilsétIhe Jeve gave froui 80 te 88 peu cent. of Iheir inoome te the su pport of the ehurch, the. Chrisian churoh of our day W ont givinug more lia» one-baif of ene per cent. He pointed eut tb. m1bteuisi adventages resnlting from the practice of systemaiogiving. He teok np man>' of the objections rsised t. the theor>', and eoeed an i mpressive adârees viti a strong appeal ote .Sabbath- school workers t0 set th. exemple and thus Joad thou pupils te consider, and if possible, t. adopt tii.system Ofg8ivxng a certain portion oif their mnoome le lhe Lor's work. After the .inging of e hymu Mr. Hliggibothaoe, of Oshava, introduced the subject of "Whbar e lie equipmente of a Aret elase Sunda>' school" Mu. IHigginabotbaui vould have i» eveuy Bunda>' echool let. the oinforte of a home se far as variti, ligbt and coniaient foaishingi were concerned. He did net beieiýe iu asking ohilduen t. it for &arltour.ei Ive in dlmly lighted and poorly! healed roorne. 2nd . lhe Bible. He as sorry te say tiat il was -posibl. e ond lb. Leson Leaf sud Ilauer takng the p of tie-Bible in me»> Soudia> ohools. He vould have ivery umolar forniahe vilb a Bible. Ha would acs keep a register and -a pouerai record book ehowingttendnoce, conduol sud reoilablniet feaoh etudent. À. Piano, OraM or ésis other ýmiosil instrumnu wonld find a place lu is oehool as. vould éa e Wblakbouni.-à dev.led and -trtdy ' .envembd8UpýiOn aorom nt, If nett ho principal ftaure of is scoel. -Mr. Hlggln. bothera sh9*0 4bmef I 14* 0-uet -"d besit liaI voud weulî fà=una soool equlpped su b. pon dout. ,Be*i. Mn Barber suggesledibthat a àlge ump c jutera outrlul*a ddedto te blt Mr. Geld »Uled, attention le the advaul*geU resultig frein'lhe nu.of plot.rlal illsatleus s eiecdby the. deep inlet« lu Bible histor>', ineul fested by lb'b. ol.. Brocklin S.S. under Mu. Dryden. Tuosdayeveiningleslut )tn Omilsbo 1lte Preuideukt eleot musa. a short but poinbed addre staIthe.openlug oet'tie evenlng sesson anA <a. man>' valcabi mug bations %ôthe delegabesou bha ofet heoltlne cf WItby.Hé ent ont tie great beueSt iM Ù M it bem bnlngiug Into lb. Sabbalh sebool lbi ehi212-n et parents vieknnwnnt Gad, ofi thrsef b.ohurbeli *lme ,o.m isa in u b. erl«pluresg, donai bebler vinlalers ueîurelIY fqllwed aE a olneWe pomm»cthlOi aong unsumbers tdlffrnl deOuminatiot vas ltas brpugbi, about. 11w.-Pri vas uùlll ppIuded cm rsumir th b *r teae>'lUIG ab* .uumnpë jetb, .shoald kuow Chrlsl uhis boai 2nd, H. shonld k». hamannun0anam Srd, H ahou iowuov ý b.BIb., am sh7oud oullivate good habite of interpre- talion. The doobor spokebolh earmstIy and ,lequeully' for fuli> 'nheurseand dfd much ït -encoourage aud stiuilate sonda>' séhool beachers in bhefr'work.' He irapressed upon them 1h. -greal ueoesusity lier. te for 1h. esbears to beioorqe throughly aoquainted vith the' Bibie, sud the eveubs in lie e t he. more prominent ptrrbule 1f of Christ shonId h«erefully studlea boh frein the Bible liftand trrui tbe worrs of the best writera. Tii. lootor ,was fooed to ehorten hiesadrees te enable hum te tae the train for Toronto. .The question drawer wus nert opened and several important questions 'fully disousaed. District Bons of Temperance. The second aoniai meeting cf 'Ou. tare County District Division Son&. Of Temperano. weu held in Raglan, On Wednesday, lhe lôtb megt., W. H. Beveli, D.- W. P.,, uie éohair. Noe witistauding lie rougi roade, tortmy veather, and election ,xcib.,nenl, thors vas a Rood attendanoe eft delegates. Among the prominent meuniers of lthe Order.- present, ver. uotioed 0. Heze- wood, îhava ; L. Poster, Raglan ; I. Eý. Derby, Myrtle; C. Je Wilson, Brougham»; sud J. Maokie, Gien Major. The. repert ofthle D,. W. P. vas med, nrging lie importne cf complet. i.- larne tnom ostminate divisions, and united action in «district divison vork in eider te unake the institution mi use- fui as digued le be; et Aevising or adopting some plan on Stem Of et*l iug a*mong Divisions liaI siall b. simple, practical aud e0OhuvO; Of ostainlng tie 8Sou of TOenPoauuoe 1h. officiai organ oethlié Or; et Using pueper influence l ie seleo010tiou Of candidates fer office, ratier tien lu exaoting pledges frein those vie May already b. luthelie ld, ilbobeng tonA tiaI unpledged, Iris mm n frottbber _ien munild, plodgei, mon. Olier, pointu ver. censidurd u inte report, vhioh vas ref.rwdleO mmitee on Good o et isOuder, lerreceOfls "i Cemmittee usporwe, eom . In l addition Io pointsu e..e, mn otier llugs. lie diapprova of 0i sysleun et Provldn<supenfor ?iâ"çI~ vtimg la b>'li yb.tdefealiau tvefoliisuss vlleIlsrseeloa la lie veta iiin on e 0saunét. iugas&0he wuygtu is u rJe!lu muibetaun eoe-nilatrfeturn»er. lion l tu mi of -a u 0=1Ypepors M Ii*»te hein vMIluneIot.roesi l . Tb*7eotehlgbencuui menA lauseb' Iusva yol The ileotion ciet iorsfor18?eslA w» follows-D. W. 1Pet W. H. BQ"%i Whtbli, -"Oeeed; D. W. --L, I& pPoster, Raglan; D. Scribes H. E. Derby$ M>'rll;, D. Treas., iss T. Welioumn, Rgln ç4. hp.9 A.Ea Osiava;D.Oon., A.WefitRBa ; De Sm- s A. Welboumn e l:- .D N. r., 0. Je WUilsnBuabn'E. culie Comunlte-W. H eei Voiler, Ha. 19. Demi, De Hesselood i -J. right. A. HalUJ. Watsou.- bmadopWS, thé.1209t 60u1don havini Ibuau fixea 10 uset lu OmWis'.. X"i if8 er invita#= etOhaeDi«ision Mlion luporlam l=~uleu Iranmatel 0 ei, lhe Districtob"iviion ur"end# the 9 ci',loe lpmest> feeling v*0 pleass tvitb tia verk outÂuelsumu .'.lSjwidedby Mr.EeA<son SI ahotl, of wvièhlthelb.d.lÏgteâ au * many oh~m. pebéilr t Imlv 1 eoni We are-, constant!i ecilng l.tlmon> tbat Dr. Oareon'a Ogalrh (Jure is whu.t -its naine implies, a 4!Otarh Cum.li tour druggbis ithorlued te refud tihemoney iIff t otve satIton. -Whatoanùbe' rta rsulwu d OU mue ïau>'longer? The. lian budget ibovu a dedoit o! five million dollars. Te ail who are .nflexing fiom lthe errors sud fudisoretions of.youth.nervou.vweak esearly decay, lisof niânhOOd,&O., 1 YMB OOP &AG. The greareJed vas diIOOVed by i mismouar>in lu o Amerima. Bnd a sell-addresaed enveloe to the Bey. -3oumP T. Ilx.&iq, StattonD stabbea tb desth. CONSUMPTION CURKD. An old physiolan, retired f rom pr"otoe havlng hud placed in hi. hands by au Butl Indua missonai>' the formula of a simple mneut cure of Couumption, Bronohtise Oa&tarrh. Âtbma and alhoat and Lung Aft.ctlous, also a positive sud radical cure for Nervous Debiltra' sumiNervous Com- plainte, alter havlgt..t.d its wondlerful curative powers ilu tousands of OMO% has feit ithua dut>' to make it kuovu to his suflerlng floiovu Actuated by this motive and asie to, volle .humsusufferiug, I wMl send fres of charge, te a&U who desire il, thuaireclpelnGernian, Frencuh or Rnglish. withfuldretime forp rar land uslng, Iseut b y mallby . rosngwlth .tamp, uaânthet W. A.. Noyas, 149 Poun- Quebeo City' Couzicil vanta a railway bridge over the. river at that city. "IBIoOII il! tal." A face adorned wlth L mlsboUs, bloths. et., la not a par- cWI;pleaautsigt, sud lnvarI>lyr betokens su impure st.t oflte loo. Dr. OmuWm StomaciBitteus fre. the = uenfom&U grose humors, renders the. boApure suaoool, aide digestion and bSalthyp e, For sae by &Wi = in lawrcLe t 60 cens r Lloyda' hbu ordeda steamxlp blre esud faiter tisu su>' now afloat. 1 Do not ake pia orpowderu ots tn r cimd fo #à" lime of the. yms h bresullia>'b. serions. If renn require a doe de!pyulo bak. Dr. Carmns Stomaeh sud OoustapablouBitters' I pal>' ou thâ boveli, PU%"iuthei. o,upoe 1h. cireulatlou. 'attmulateathi er u kidu.>nmsd 'eedi>' uy e biliouua, headeoe, dyueial, inigSeo. Beareh lii. drug stom iïoS oed o! Canada te theotmev sd yn suot *na a reM.dy 0 uatolt.Tu> lsdnsl uyu famlle SaA veryviere ln large bottlu ou eio4h. ..nêvi suuxm oni e..chargecfioslay The. Upt eombluatiou o!bWood oleanl ýrqmwlt, h.lth si habrbe MI bOabaInter luÏM Brd BIOd iter-a le eur>' eorge obeuhuanadianour by The popular remedyl, UeR ad'6711Wv Oil, *susebeth internally ma entérnls' h I V0getabIe BicilAn EÂIREUNE VERu Bsut bere n reipi f s&W 'IoTOPOTOt CANADA IFALL SU ITS.t JOHN F ERCUSOQN 18 SH0OW*MG A BUPEBIOR STOCK OP Scotch, p 0! BaIn, 7en vaus ai mostl lte boo W. cmr London and L&nc< ýLife -Compa. This Copa> Iues every eu IfeevrGenrl in approveil sourities o ver $100.00 for etai libiil',th". af ordng "A»fo. Pertis desirous o! smuing wml ùua à il le heWr-advmtaée- 1h. undoeig dbooeesr' JOHN RI.QUHÂ English and Can adian Tweeds, linofm Us of Olo0tho, for Spring s" Uit klgamenta made up ini lâlesl style on shortest notice,. Reay.mde en'a and Boys' 8ulta (lente' Furnlshings -and ViiWorolotling of ait kinds. HATS!1 H4ATS 1I iatne ayles in Ha an oft polit, svu JORN,- W. EBuO' P. llite Tîs Day lsa i »0oqn limA wu lance. 000- - - ý

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