Whitby Chronicle, 24 Dec 1886, p. 6

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0f wid and Owrelehs plabyb Amd piue nniyselthat 1 arn ot.iokg And my strength is not-faded a&aY#- For it surthe i bloodin an invalUis heart, Thocatchthe thiffo6lOhPPY voioe, -oi the. Ight of pleanit oye, I've beelnraoked with disease for four long Yomr, Aid they say, so I arn told, That I1an? ripe for the.reaper det,. And MY years are well nigli told. It la very truq, it is very true, I arn going, but 111 bide my time." My heart leapa wild at a scene 1ke this, And I hait zenew my Prime. I arn wil ling to die when my tilne ahail And I shail b. glad to go For the world at bot la a dreary place, When one'e sitrength la getting low.- But the. grave lu dark and the heart wil fail, On treadlng île gloony w&y; And it wiles my heart from its wearinese To watèh ti.young t Play. A Nightwalk in a, Dream.- BY THE FIGRTINO EDITOR. a good many people have notloed the scar upon my face, and oftan I have been -asked bow I ame by it. It is rather a singular, incident, and le coj>neoted with a nimber of other, incidents vhieh may hoe do duty ras a skeleton upon which to develop my nofuai Obisîomae story. And my nàr. 1' ralle hbsthis virtue in it, uhat maost of it le true. The. parties- being aI' soattered nov, and most of th.- inci. -dents blosttomexmory, 1 huppose it l>y ebelliéahuuý )iy elory wiîh a lhtle romanile O'Iý,t nlsd giving the ohar- -...ers netitlis nameo,il May Dot give avay suythunag vhiob should b. kept. Penbape th. main reason why 1 re- meaiber, these, incidents mymeif lu bc-1 causa I have 1h. seu rmentloned upon My face, and Shan carry it b the grave. I have lb. iifortune tobe oinc- uambal-have a dispositin te gel op oui of b.d st uighl and undertake i.carMy oit projeols upon vhiob =y ýmid =ny hav, basa.z.ed durlns ,b, 1eas-houts et b.day. Thiâ pan. liear abit .-ti I suppoas itmay b. »aled a habit--huec .abl4 ed ai. 1 in U erai 4.rfifying Ouspdu,. Mione of Vhi.hI îealy etfran#1.d a bed-feliow, and lai asucîer of wbiîob#a frlghleued feiow-iodâer freda yr*vowv aI me, and aieasi, ortuiatuly7, Ovlau The tovn in *hlob he ii. .val hlehi I iz dJ~ o i*aiaê, omnd, le-mot May 1 on om ftour board- M Who i.1.4.8 wth A. r"Ma_.ai.. old lady vho badl "'tsad 1h o<mt tr1 e * lobe a good-for-iothtag, dranken hua. band Sop ey ars before, vhioh goutte- dia ~eie e ssu bcause ithégood. the"tur toflo wenover kn.v 'or certain; but Gordon Richarde, a lav lrk anidlf.Ic-Iodpr, avml itgse hie logal opinion bt lire. (Ioràan orl. for oytat hlnk eh. vas sa muoh ire IIad botter esuai suri ou5-)Wp>oojkeus ho vailasasp,G eo ons p ueo,-nuvýo and' 1hus. 4uta1bh ou iiîeOelyâuIa it6 U n iOOlt12y 0 l"OUflO Wit only pfha& RohÜI~ta hnedâottiusighemeuet and vo eip.obiug a-gooýd deal f "0 ii omécdt. empty cont eut pckSte, jmethung kept me say t111111 vastco upon the. centre table., - 1 '.bgo,,. ad -I r.tfred dlaappointid. This le wheretiith ues conmexoDW. Ient te sle.p thunkhug about le and li.. Germi.had explalned te us eât dreamcd that le wuastil -81y in luhe tosta udnd imsdarlng the -da e7en nid Ives 10 ogo.-I eau np that the had bt hhro for dliii lbille, nieoeb4r 4esi6g xyftlf,,ilug bonc à biro aid Ive oiens. Whoà is rt 01 h. els, an&a1I have a&-liin1 rome-- consternation on finding tuât-, ertie braboè c.'f enlering upen Ihe lsvn in James hai lb.heaime ameuto f money ifront etf Mr. Poole's nseu 06 fInma and lu 1h. mredenominablousof billeaiegthhwa omo cve- From the. look liaI came ovin bis face ouI foi' meé from i'hedirectlon fiwhioh on seeing nesIlatsbre, I vas afuaid hoe I came. By this lime I led; becom vas ghg tofill off bis chair* sud vas v.yold and veîy nunmb, aüd wvile juet goini $e r.ach and atoady hlbm, c ul upon. lbe lawn thene tut night I dia Weho ieslnaighloncd up-sud eyed Oesi n-a dreaux visi maîy great sud -noble one cf nsei hurâ aItesit fizlu hie gase mon ýet 1h18 &go have 'donse ithout open Mzs. Germai &bd he said firmly: refiecting disonedit upon theinselvs- "«Mru. GermaitIs.eo ut jcklug bas I changed my mina.,And !oz a dresm, tuatl oto.*yer puise, butlhesao, <> docided net lb go in the houe.,,but pnoducéd '"hat scsma 9lealy um 10 o s the.bavu, go cul t ti. front evidebce egamlat -me. I doa't aiPPosegale and- 10k. 'a valk, as le quit. a it. le eyue formol e douy i iat commtien cstoan of mine ai midîighl. il the amue lime i arn' inn cent a» eau Bo I tollowed tb. wiudiug paîha le lhe b.. Ybu knov I'lsve', todged lu youn Wvaleading te hoii. ttgale, bouse for yeirs and liaI I have nover Te s eaegfe ihaoii bien chargeji with oommiîting even Teaa e r utdviiasîi mean c.p.u. I cau'l explai vhy t OfprOPheey li dreaima-tbat we c" ahould happen that I have exaotltheI . omelimes ferret eut diffidulîles and ame ameont cf monty te a oeil. 1 gain a foreaight ite hidden dangers eau assure yen the. ronoy la my ovu." uhesd. If aîyono onogbl le b. an 0Oh Berthe," uaid 1h. otd Wy q' aulhonlty on th. @abject it is I, fer I ean't believe yen vould les! monsy- am an expertlcdreamer. I. gir. Il as troan anyboây, bot aloi. me." Aid aie rnY op~ii, aI uy rate# liaI I know ,deelsred again and &gain tuat ah. more vhei I arn aalcep tbma awke, wolud i=OrMus SuYof hé e4tof nd i ths sverl cher edilora in the. I fel sur. Bort vas innocent, aid WolI, joking &aide, I know socun mid se rcpeitodty. The liv oberk gave as I eitereà thle lavi lioe thal nigbî ns corne quobationa frein acmobody- on liaI Sobolee vas thon. sud I knev ho evidouce, aid I had to tramnp ou bis tee va t the front gale. 1 vas a litlt to mako hlm sbop, as, et course, h.ovas numb sud etupid, aid cai'b ssay nov, sayig wbab vas belling sgainal Bert, but i is modl Iîkely Ibis knevledge of tbongh hoa d tc meu ho do so as I Seholes' pi'eonoe at the tront gate vas coud mse. by hic tecks. whaj oaused me to change my mind Tii. ooutnoqof ait lie party liaI nlght. Bo I wput cnl Ibs& way. buft on.oseemed toirayon the. behier liaI (Oo,,4lî,d e eti wek. Bort wus ohar of 1h. crime. That crne________ vms Soheles. Ho said voticlg, but looked a good deul. lacirevor, vw Caumé uCk e .cre& veto unprepared to helieo liaIBort Net by any secret rernedy, bul by p1oper ,wu .ullrely vithout moaicy pevMI» o i10 t-'maI xercige aMd liajudicons uet the robbery for Iuayselt hals»n hlm 8cot's Bmeulson et Ced Liver OÙ and vith -back notes lb. day befote. '- Rypphosphites, cultainiig 1he heeling 'We aulagrecd 10 s"Y iithiug for thé Luadstnugtlh ngvirtuis of tlie twby presaitlu uelvs i.~ ~ BIal bI = 08in tJhou fuxiesltenur. Ii 1 im sb i ffeot frcm hI" moUCIaig. n.otimen. Hy physicien. Tako But perteulawly did ve mlea s "- peo et cio eay a vord about B.rt's Ur. Pareail a ucnin htiLeu'doiaid bivluki-'te -exzot amunt et ao. enab eelui nh*sc u hd vhiohhadboeau 1lt Waail vw le -If you have a ceugi on cod do net ne«- tu lavé-eb.poor tello* aud ,tbo,,tsmm blecil; many vlTbul a Inseeet hautbtur- stoted la hieey.s vheu I proposed Il. dlnles1.Ydzfdlaoaosm- Butwo*sap.d tu keep -muan, SoholeW- t1. ny and aILwuova* Il ween't aog belore the 4510i7 sto 6 unfavorable ligil possible' W rt rI' ui-ceupiSyM p*6 .but po James.' Dive Poole, Id' brother, on *0 siuou l. m rbot for cuii suc- r.vare ocids. About *W yeers mno Icanght cotd vimi ou =y lipe w day trutlinluIt, aid of cure -mt-mnaý ,4tb *c etated lhe tacts. But il gel vom e. asphysiciea ="'O* m, bult'~uU vorse for Bort, -aid h. bagit. Ioôk t ev os liIvscl eg Ci somptionlandu pbeopes cf beug ifb a -long soeatanoe viii I vhup1: d nooWtry Blcklo'i bie iead tor àce ait h. o00011à g et-8 ofJtr. ii taksu oie b("tte1 w"hoha uasnot guilly. Poo; Brt, ysitgsley e$1daiby lbe I vas s nhde.d, but lter. ver. lis j limeIhi n1d ie oudhtu asý *vkverd tact u[t".ae4 0 eiay reomed One morulng ho did ct comea t or eeeclsdcumapla braakfetuad oécula mot ëb"ud around I Scdie az-AldeirmMoQuedhm. beeu tii. hon"ue. .hod fe 100 igrc.M400ne14to eve jazs'imprisoamit W. voeau avfety sOOMnyad even SMd à ù» of PC00 Sc8helem, vlao laéid or utlnov lJ"oIL.Bbo'oauersoiVh i, .Y.lrtss *îprsoed hlunuseZ turù ý n , i Dr.TonaýW tm1ccio. 011 ouod Ialy 1)a - s U Unapproached for Toeeoand4 Quaity. CATALOGUES FREL BE L&'o j Guelphi, On PAl N-KILLER Managera o! Factorea, Work-shops, P . a atsNurses inHoptas -in -short, et'erbody etverywAero Wwokas ever give it a triaL TAKEN IN;TERNALLY MIXRD WITU à WINM GLASS 0F ROT 34ILK AND BUQÂR, IT WILL BE FOUND A NEYER FAILINO CURE FOR SUDDEN COLDS, CUILLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE 0F CIRCULATION, CRAMPrS, PAINS IN THE STOMACH, SUM- MER AND I3OWEL COMPLAINTS, SORS TIIROAT, &c. ZXPERIENCE RAS PROVEN IT TIIB MOST EFFECTIVE AND BEST LINIMENT ON RÂRTI! IN REMOVING TEE PAIX ART81NO PROU SPRAIIS - BRUISES, UHEUMA- TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTHACHE, BURNS, PROST BITS, &o., &c. 26ctL petR oUie. MOI Beware Of Imtations. 'M T 9lsuresae qpotore pr aid- cuýr o! -t aus61.disorder by Palr, -WeskumessudPalpitetîon cf thic Meam.prmpt resuits whl IéIowovIls use li cases of Sudden Ex. baustion iritlîîg iToinLois o'f Blood, Acute or Chroulo 'Diseases, and lit the. -weakiess liatI nvariaby accoumpanies the rerOveu'y fromi Wàa ng Feyers. No reîuedywtll gir. "mr speedy ruio in »ypopsla or Inig4eilbon !ls action on the stornici being tli.aIo geîutle and hanmIeas toie, excitl b Ie o<gaIna o! digestion t. action,a ua blâ,;fordlug -npof New York, Âe crnhaedresere n oe) 816:000 Death ciiw'paia&d'nn184 4990 New business, lot os., 185, 15#000e000 aie dceposited with -1he Oentral Trust0Cm- pany et NXew Ycrk, as trusteSuoirthe Be- serve Fund. Lite Insunance aItleu s han one-hallthe ordinary rates, aia, secuity perfect. oniy 17 assesmeùismade in 1881,1882, 1888,aida 1884, anddin no oase -Cban1hey b. more fro- quent than every altennate mon1h. Annual expenses of management; &c.9 limiled t1#2 per #1,00. Ai activi' agent wanted i every unrepre-, sented locality,'te wom a liberal commis- sion -will b. a'wed pplications solioited auld fUUtpantulars funlhdby etii.uer- signed. 19. GORDON, Agent for the (3ouîty of Ontario. Port Perr, ont. May 8,12885. T HE WESTERN BANK 0F CANADA, WHI"Y - ONTAMIO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. Whitby, Nov. '11h, 188. ly-47 MONEY TO.LAN $100.000 FOR INVERTMEUT. ON REALBTÂTE SEOUBIT. At iowest livigrates of nteret: Money secured wihhun10 days cf ap- plication.' JOHN PÂRQUHAB8SO1, Whutbys Februaxy 10h, ý1880. 9 8500400 TO -ýLOANO At 6 par< eent. yearly. Termu ofrpy ment of W-nipi sde l t broes Finalsu an econd mertgageouhi.' Adl- tg vanes adeCiLuee :dmorbgages and b- t purchas.fumi. àNsecou* leicufrolu biher rates on mouggs oula appllo me aI once for lover atsand Save. money. l1" .iêAae'S e t l Uié1, Teront*. MONEYTO LOAN, OltnAMeatt i ortgege st Loir Rate of Apprasen -for the. oam"UdLolan d sals c., and agent lfor 1h. Wetern Âsursom, Ti T .ogaisol wh safan lstaff et elghteeu anC suaffrges tue treautet ail Chrute Diseuses OUR'FIELD-OF 8IJOOESSu ChLtanl-Nai Valarrh, Throat sud ]Lusg,* DeiseesLivr suld, Kidny ]rnsees.jl4d[ oisDiscernes, Diseases et Woeent51 ood Iliseases aid Nerv. ou* AUfociou5, oured-hore or at hoe witi or wllhbut aeoing lime Patient Corne sud neus, ud. eid b cents. lnStanisfoou lnvaldo' Guidle Dooki" whh ive. OWUIbi-andOUdti I l caqsoed y-% u f1 IiI'ASE. les snd Pr erlcs a tary Prucesenare edjy ~ uK or Beac hfumL efauH w thothe _________ oes «,d very pain s ent, for iten PILE TvUOEud -STRICT treeted wlth 1h. grealeut succeas. Book éz for ten oeils lu stempo. Address Woar DISPENSnT MEDIOAL A'SO----IN9.OuM 3 StVeEt, Buffua, hl. Y. W ~The itreetumet cfma ~3WE8OF touade (cf casescfr WGMEL ath nvat Ioelà Surgcei Institute, ha at.- forded large experlenoe ini adapting remae for thein cUére, aid DII. PlIRCIE'S Favorite Prescr'ipîio Iltè l a oerflReoateToe Mud Nf6é%erinSrts vi otwandl mRnn. The PRICE, n s eh.it 0a hea m'd ho, ian 00] mortn APPIY to

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