0f wid and Owrelehs plabyb Amd piue nniyselthat 1 arn ot.iokg And my strength is not-faded a&aY#- For it surthe i bloodin an invalUis heart, Thocatchthe thiffo6lOhPPY voioe, -oi the. Ight of pleanit oye, I've beelnraoked with disease for four long Yomr, Aid they say, so I arn told, That I1an? ripe for the.reaper det,. And MY years are well nigli told. It la very truq, it is very true, I arn going, but 111 bide my time." My heart leapa wild at a scene 1ke this, And I hait zenew my Prime. I arn wil ling to die when my tilne ahail And I shail b. glad to go For the world at bot la a dreary place, When one'e sitrength la getting low.- But the. grave lu dark and the heart wil fail, On treadlng île gloony w&y; And it wiles my heart from its wearinese To watèh ti.young t Play. A Nightwalk in a, Dream.- BY THE FIGRTINO EDITOR. a good many people have notloed the scar upon my face, and oftan I have been -asked bow I ame by it. It is rather a singular, incident, and le coj>neoted with a nimber of other, incidents vhieh may hoe do duty ras a skeleton upon which to develop my nofuai Obisîomae story. And my nà r. 1' ralle hbsthis virtue in it, uhat maost of it le true. The. parties- being aI' soattered nov, and most of th.- inci. -dents blosttomexmory, 1 huppose it l>y ebelliéahuuý )iy elory wiîh a lhtle romanile O'Iý,t nlsd giving the ohar- -...ers netitlis nameo,il May Dot give avay suythunag vhiob should b. kept. Penbape th. main reason why 1 re- meaiber, these, incidents mymeif lu bc-1 causa I have 1h. seu rmentloned upon My face, and Shan carry it b the grave. I have lb. iifortune tobe oinc- uambal-have a dispositin te gel op oui of b.d st uighl and undertake i.carMy oit projeols upon vhiob =y ýmid =ny hav, basa.z.ed durlns ,b, 1eas-houts et b.day. Thiâ pan. liear abit .-ti I suppoas itmay b. »aled a habit--huec .abl4 ed ai. 1 in U erai 4.rfifying Ouspdu,. Mione of Vhi.hI îealy etfran#1.d a bed-feliow, and lai asucîer of wbiîob#a frlghleued feiow-iodâer freda yr*vowv aI me, and aieasi, ortuiatuly7, Ovlau The tovn in *hlob he ii. .val hlehi I iz dJ~ o i*aiaê, omnd, le-mot May 1 on om ftour board- M Who i.1.4.8 wth A. r"Ma_.ai.. old lady vho badl "'tsad 1h o<mt tr1 e * lobe a good-for-iothtag, dranken hua. band Sop ey ars before, vhioh goutte- dia ~eie e ssu bcause ithégood. the"tur toflo wenover kn.v 'or certain; but Gordon Richarde, a lav lrk anidlf.Ic-Iodpr, avml itgse hie logal opinion bt lire. (Iorà an orl. for oytat hlnk eh. vas sa muoh ire IIad botter esuai suri ou5-)Wp>oojkeus ho vailasasp,G eo ons p ueo,-nuvýo and' 1hus. 4uta1bh ou iiîeOelyâuIa it6 U n iOOlt12y 0 l"OUflO Wit only pfha& RohÜI~ta hnedâottiusighemeuet and vo eip.obiug a-gooýd deal f "0 ii omécdt. empty cont eut pckSte, jmethung kept me say t111111 vastco upon the. centre table., - 1 '.bgo,,. ad -I r.tfred dlaappointid. This le wheretiith ues conmexoDW. Ient te sle.p thunkhug about le and li.. Germi.had explalned te us eât dreamcd that le wuastil -81y in luhe tosta udnd imsdarlng the -da e7en nid Ives 10 ogo.-I eau np that the had bt hhro for dliii lbille, nieoeb4r 4esi6g xyftlf,,ilug bonc à biro aid Ive oiens. Whoà is rt 01 h. els, an&a1I have a&-liin1 rome-- consternation on finding tuât-, ertie braboè c.'f enlering upen Ihe lsvn in James hai lb.heaime ameuto f money ifront etf Mr. Poole's nseu 06 fInma and lu 1h. mredenominablousof billeaiegthhwa omo cve- From the. look liaI came ovin bis face ouI foi' meé from i'hedirectlon fiwhioh on seeing nesIlatsbre, I vas afuaid hoe I came. By this lime I led; becom vas ghg tofill off bis chair* sud vas v.yold and veîy nunmb, aüd wvile juet goini $e r.ach and atoady hlbm, c ul upon. lbe lawn thene tut night I dia Weho ieslnaighloncd up-sud eyed Oesi n-a dreaux visi maîy great sud -noble one cf nsei hurâ aItesit fizlu hie gase mon ýet 1h18 &go have 'donse ithout open Mzs. Germai &bd he said firmly: refiecting disonedit upon theinselvs- "«Mru. GermaitIs.eo ut jcklug bas I changed my mina.,And !oz a dresm, tuatl oto.*yer puise, butlhesao, <> docided net lb go in the houe.,,but pnoducéd '"hat scsma 9lealy um 10 o s the.bavu, go cul t ti. front evidebce egamlat -me. I doa't aiPPosegale and- 10k. 'a valk, as le quit. a it. le eyue formol e douy i iat commtien cstoan of mine ai midîighl. il the amue lime i arn' inn cent a» eau Bo I tollowed tb. wiudiug paîha le lhe b.. Ybu knov I'lsve', todged lu youn Wvaleading te hoii. ttgale, bouse for yeirs and liaI I have nover Te s eaegfe ihaoii bien chargeji with oommiîting even Teaa e r utdviiasîi mean c.p.u. I cau'l explai vhy t OfprOPheey li dreaima-tbat we c" ahould happen that I have exaotltheI . omelimes ferret eut diffidulîles and ame ameont cf monty te a oeil. 1 gain a foreaight ite hidden dangers eau assure yen the. ronoy la my ovu." uhesd. If aîyono onogbl le b. an 0Oh Berthe," uaid 1h. otd Wy q' aulhonlty on th. @abject it is I, fer I ean't believe yen vould les! monsy- am an expertlcdreamer. I. gir. Il as troan anyboây, bot aloi. me." Aid aie rnY op~ii, aI uy rate# liaI I know ,deelsred again and &gain tuat ah. more vhei I arn aalcep tbma awke, wolud i=OrMus SuYof hé e4tof nd i ths sverl cher edilora in the. I fel sur. Bort vas innocent, aid WolI, joking &aide, I know socun mid se rcpeitodty. The liv oberk gave as I eitereà thle lavi lioe thal nigbî ns corne quobationa frein acmobody- on liaI Sobolee vas thon. sud I knev ho evidouce, aid I had to tramnp ou bis tee va t the front gale. 1 vas a litlt to mako hlm sbop, as, et course, h.ovas numb sud etupid, aid cai'b ssay nov, sayig wbab vas belling sgainal Bert, but i is modl Iîkely Ibis knevledge of tbongh hoa d tc meu ho do so as I Seholes' pi'eonoe at the tront gate vas coud mse. by hic tecks. whaj oaused me to change my mind Tii. ooutnoqof ait lie party liaI nlght. Bo I wput cnl Ibs& way. buft on.oseemed toirayon the. behier liaI (Oo,,4lî,d e eti wek. Bort wus ohar of 1h. crime. That crne________ vms Soheles. Ho said voticlg, but looked a good deul. lacirevor, vw Caumé uCk e .cre& veto unprepared to helieo liaIBort Net by any secret rernedy, bul by p1oper ,wu .ullrely vithout moaicy pevMI» o i10 t-'maI xercige aMd liajudicons uet the robbery for Iuayselt hals»n hlm 8cot's Bmeulson et Ced Liver OÙ and vith -back notes lb. day befote. '- Rypphosphites, cultainiig 1he heeling 'We aulagrecd 10 s"Y iithiug for thé Luadstnugtlh ngvirtuis of tlie twby presaitlu uelvs i.~ ~ BIal bI = 08in tJhou fuxiesltenur. Ii 1 im sb i ffeot frcm hI" moUCIaig. n.otimen. Hy physicien. Tako But perteulawly did ve mlea s "- peo et cio eay a vord about B.rt's Ur. Pareail a ucnin htiLeu'doiaid bivluki-'te -exzot amunt et ao. enab eelui nh*sc u hd vhiohhadboeau 1lt Waail vw le -If you have a ceugi on cod do net ne«- tu lavé-eb.poor tello* aud ,tbo,,tsmm blecil; many vlTbul a Inseeet hautbtur- stoted la hieey.s vheu I proposed Il. dlnles1.Ydzfdlaoaosm- Butwo*sap.d tu keep -muan, SoholeW- t1. ny and aILwuova* Il ween't aog belore the 4510i7 sto 6 unfavorable ligil possible' W rt rI' ui-ceupiSyM p*6 .but po James.' Dive Poole, Id' brother, on *0 siuou l. m rbot for cuii suc- r.vare ocids. About *W yeers mno Icanght cotd vimi ou =y lipe w day trutlinluIt, aid of cure -mt-mnaý ,4tb *c etated lhe tacts. But il gel vom e. asphysiciea ="'O* m, bult'~uU vorse for Bort, -aid h. bagit. Ioôk t ev os liIvscl eg Ci somptionlandu pbeopes cf beug ifb a -long soeatanoe viii I vhup1: d nooWtry Blcklo'i bie iead tor à ce ait h. o00011à g et-8 ofJtr. ii taksu oie b("tte1 w"hoha uasnot guilly. Poo; Brt, ysitgsley e$1daiby lbe I vas s nhde.d, but lter. ver. lis j limeIhi n1d ie oudhtu asý *vkverd tact u[t".ae4 0 eiay reomed One morulng ho did ct comea t or eeeclsdcumapla braakfetuad oécula mot ëb"ud around I Scdie az-AldeirmMoQuedhm. beeu tii. hon"ue. .hod fe 100 igrc.M400ne14to eve jazs'imprisoamit W. voeau avfety sOOMnyad even SMd à ù» of PC00 Sc8helem, vlao laéid or utlnov lJ"oIL.Bbo'oauersoiVh i, .Y.lrtss *îprsoed hlunuseZ turù ý n , i Dr.TonaýW tm1ccio. 011 ouod Ialy 1)a - s U Unapproached for Toeeoand4 Quaity. CATALOGUES FREL BE L&'o j Guelphi, On PAl N-KILLER Managera o! Factorea, Work-shops, P . a atsNurses inHoptas -in -short, et'erbody etverywAero Wwokas ever give it a triaL TAKEN IN;TERNALLY MIXRD WITU à WINM GLASS 0F ROT 34ILK AND BUQÂR, IT WILL BE FOUND A NEYER FAILINO CURE FOR SUDDEN COLDS, CUILLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE 0F CIRCULATION, CRAMPrS, PAINS IN THE STOMACH, SUM- MER AND I3OWEL COMPLAINTS, SORS TIIROAT, &c. ZXPERIENCE RAS PROVEN IT TIIB MOST EFFECTIVE AND BEST LINIMENT ON RÂRTI! IN REMOVING TEE PAIX ART81NO PROU SPRAIIS - BRUISES, UHEUMA- TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTHACHE, BURNS, PROST BITS, &o., &c. 26ctL petR oUie. MOI Beware Of Imtations. 'M T 9lsuresae qpotore pr aid- cuýr o! -t aus61.disorder by Palr, -WeskumessudPalpitetîon cf thic Meam.prmpt resuits whl IéIowovIls use li cases of Sudden Ex. baustion iritlîîg iToinLois o'f Blood, Acute or Chroulo 'Diseases, and lit the. -weakiess liatI nvariaby accoumpanies the rerOveu'y fromi Wà a ng Feyers. No reîuedywtll gir. "mr speedy ruio in »ypopsla or Inig4eilbon !ls action on the stornici being tli.aIo geîutle and hanmIeas toie, excitl b Ie o<gaIna o! digestion t. action,a ua blâ,;fordlug -npof New York, Âe crnhaedresere n oe) 816:000 Death ciiw'paia&d'nn184 4990 New business, lot os., 185, 15#000e000 aie dceposited with -1he Oentral Trust0Cm- pany et NXew Ycrk, as trusteSuoirthe Be- serve Fund. Lite Insunance aItleu s han one-hallthe ordinary rates, aia, secuity perfect. oniy 17 assesmeùismade in 1881,1882, 1888,aida 1884, anddin no oase -Cban1hey b. more fro- quent than every altennate mon1h. Annual expenses of management; &c.9 limiled t1#2 per #1,00. Ai activi' agent wanted i every unrepre-, sented locality,'te wom a liberal commis- sion -will b. a'wed pplications solioited auld fUUtpantulars funlhdby etii.uer- signed. 19. GORDON, Agent for the (3ouîty of Ontario. Port Perr, ont. May 8,12885. T HE WESTERN BANK 0F CANADA, WHI"Y - ONTAMIO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. Whitby, Nov. '11h, 188. ly-47 MONEY TO.LAN $100.000 FOR INVERTMEUT. ON REALBTÂTE SEOUBIT. At iowest livigrates of nteret: Money secured wihhun10 days cf ap- plication.' JOHN PÂRQUHAB8SO1, Whutbys Februaxy 10h, ý1880. 9 8500400 TO -ýLOANO At 6 par< eent. yearly. Termu ofrpy ment of W-nipi sde l t broes Finalsu an econd mertgageouhi.' Adl- tg vanes adeCiLuee :dmorbgages and b- t purchas.fumi. à Nsecou* leicufrolu biher rates on mouggs oula appllo me aI once for lover atsand Save. money. l1" .iêAae'S e t l Uié1, Teront*. MONEYTO LOAN, OltnAMeatt i ortgege st Loir Rate of Apprasen -for the. oam"UdLolan d sals c., and agent lfor 1h. Wetern Âsursom, Ti T .ogaisol wh safan lstaff et elghteeu anC suaffrges tue treautet ail Chrute Diseuses OUR'FIELD-OF 8IJOOESSu ChLtanl-Nai Valarrh, Throat sud ]Lusg,* DeiseesLivr suld, Kidny ]rnsees.jl4d[ oisDiscernes, Diseases et Woeent51 ood Iliseases aid Nerv. ou* AUfociou5, oured-hore or at hoe witi or wllhbut aeoing lime Patient Corne sud neus, ud. eid b cents. lnStanisfoou lnvaldo' Guidle Dooki" whh ive. OWUIbi-andOUdti I l caqsoed y-% u f1 IiI'ASE. les snd Pr erlcs a tary Prucesenare edjy ~ uK or Beac hfumL efauH w thothe _________ oes «,d very pain s ent, for iten PILE TvUOEud -STRICT treeted wlth 1h. grealeut succeas. Book éz for ten oeils lu stempo. Address Woar DISPENSnT MEDIOAL A'SO----IN9.OuM 3 StVeEt, Buffua, hl. Y. W ~The itreetumet cfma ~3WE8OF touade (cf casescfr WGMEL ath nvat Ioelà Surgcei Institute, ha at.- forded large experlenoe ini adapting remae for thein cUére, aid DII. PlIRCIE'S Favorite Prescr'ipîio Iltè l a oerflReoateToe Mud Nf6é%erinSrts vi otwandl mRnn. The PRICE, n s eh.it 0a hea m'd ho, ian 00] mortn APPIY to