Whitby Chronicle, 24 Dec 1886, p. 8

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Ina wIhigporafits etthe Quosu mmdi Pr"DM Cossori, sud' lb. " iiole sur. i@uiidod>bi'oméeral Ugfon Jââoe hé. ii And disciplice; but ha condemned lii ot regardad sa. burdens. Kre. Burns asggardly manneér l b vhh lby;vere lavta a large siiy oet tour asons sud dealvit bygovrumut.fiv dag$merswho meure. a. baviug DVr,ýBogart &&y& 4tire hau long alunlest a devoted Mud lruiy ebriettmuÏ ceassî to eea âoub htal nld iûouther. ,Rer lait Illnaùwe as borme 'vit the guoalalpatience aril ruagua. u3esx - rgrClujeo1v*. Ta= A>Uow r s iMU4jay*b mý1o~1I 19 nre 'thefigures of the repors 011e Awwn'.Lung BalM t rylé., "egarde Cil lame:.-Total number lu jude, Ramuq, oftMonbr, di.et ofapo- 0.86 51oeloff eoh îatmp.pobîoom* plexy rneuday afterno. eit*$,#.68; total oult 'of attendaue Id Iu".ô bave tried e,.ritbiDg ~~10 Iéit) 840 tta fr ol' eari~ly oro,'but baail ohi a ýreori»tion Ibtae$ba (855 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~' ga.,8<;yal o hmeg eymany sudU7i141hîor jua huer, wioku, e.,, 65; y' Y oul -Weil ; lé'vin out Lt * qu4r 0 dolar-and repalr 824; yearly cost -Of enaintain- eu bela4a nyrgit-8kfr~e ing. eaoh'lamp, *7.50; yearly eocetof Da,' je ?slu.KIUer, aain g 51 lampe# 8860; Da 'Yb pâmellilsithé q nôo-tant 40404 1aoep pota put upilm 88, 8100. po~as Wh raeî* in ho su.q.iided toir a 1 e o. - oosuftu nufciu. .dinla W. balieve thé cause of the. wonderful Ji ad effoen.sucoosu ef oui . Murray & Lanman's P'IorldA The eommitteeSoakp"' Water may b. touu nn i t act , ébat the te0 ocoider the nW- .6 for more lime irinciple aim in its preparation buas aways icounoil tii- ..éuer# been to givo th. simple natural pertume of un adjumed. lower8, without apy ohemical addition adioured. wbtoyor# and la avoid, by aIl means the Lou tsfom tho People. p~ error of maklng a heavy; sl9k1y? sweet I dito*' Rô <ICE: M.I.déLeasepa maya 187,M0,«00 roacs ar -_ XICLB: stll neded tô completé the Panama âa .~ -Thre ppsrel 1aI eaklu A. da oabbrtwo of Dr SmitWî deftnat .4:-hor appare lutwee in Wo m2, 1 - yý ,e W"",6riuib, Wii1removo %.Dne columno of your paper a laéger ai wormo.l o ipddi eult, and rtutoie u g m lg h t a place b . app @ inhd lehealth. P o t b Ã"ô à1nos or indigestion- frth e eetion Of elolhlng 104e,'f1r it bas né JsinL Idrngginta keep l. 'ditributiout amoUg the needy outý,he zPrioe269tè ýbox. Take no other. tovu. Jacques, thé. Bnglishfaster, partock of The ladies of the W. 0. T. U. wouid fod on Monda>' evenlng, altIer an abstinence b. pieaed to p lace their reading Boom, of 21 days. st the disposa i of thome who are wilhiug Tii. ntidy appearanceocf a grizzly board toe contribute té 1h. purpose uetéïdshould nover ho aUlowed. Buckingham'u by your correspondent. The "ladie Dyo for the Wiàkerg ii i change Iheir color la a brown or black, at dimcretion, and have alremdy helped several iu destitu> thlis keep Up your reputation for neatnes or naedy oiroumslanou, and they kn4w ana goed lookué. of several other familles viiose wante The Winnipeg rei'idence of Mr. John are moit pressing, aud wbom they are Coegrave vas' totally detroyed by fire oniy too mniions to asit. There are Wednesday aiternoon. mmny Young mon, and Young vomen <'Words fail to express my gratitude," toc, living in lovu whose opetl off says Mr. Sibly Carter, of Nashville, Tenu., olothing would prove Most erviceable "«for 1he benefll8 dorived front Ayer's Sars- aparilla. My syâtetu was filled with serof- te many a POOr familV, and Yet cause nia, blotohes, ulcors, and mattery mores, aIl but 11111e or no sacrifice on the part cf over my body." Mr Carter was entirety the douera. We trust our ycung people oured b y Ayer's Sarsaparilla, elghî menthe wiil interesl themaolvee in Ibis work ag- &d(thuhad ne roturn cf 1h.esoc! ulous and do what thoy eau ta carry comnfort sYslem. ta, many homes tha% muet otherwise It le statod that England la taking no meeltheNevYoa lu mîbr dstiutestops towardu remnming diplomatie relations oircutnones. TO.- REMOVE DANDRUFF.- The reading room le open5VeryY Cleanae thle -scalp with PJrof. Low'a evening frein 7 to 10 and il alwaye in Suiphûr $oap. A delightful medica- charge of the. librarian who wili b. ted 8oap for the. toile t. %DSflUUy 001Dm51U55 aWalRW1Mol PIUS f 11 alamarwVN ii91 r.have 1bém u uade lately t4 y-foil'- M.àtd ,vitJL .v. re.m«. ,Threlong thesé irin akt k-b1.s ver. arrauptd ané burdeued by Two burgiarles weeers p trated lu, mine h9esî hov, ,vho 1à maklmg for Oshawa: ou Wedueeday iýgh Mi bimueli quiti a name au a, aleri. résidences of Mr. Wm.Tlhooeabsd Bro Ja. Hallet oooupled the head oe e of their medicai men verse eternd &.ho table mmdi dliiaeharg e . tie. bý"nd, ,theugh ve have nol heoàad ai #. Ition wllh 4 gbi u oe hoh place, $50 lu cash vas seoured.é of hi. pos.."'i Philp and Bro. Blow' We (eel a great dogree ofmedesty la Judgme nl. b . , --haire sud the m en tlening th 'ti o r re d ra.1ij s had charge e1t h. V»,». a large turu over to the preper page cit Iis tables.wves urroutidad 'i liarissune they. viii find couiObrielmas story noeof ntsu! rude, ailtof_-h tu vritten for th. occasion (by t1h. fighîing desenu oad aracdt &Ilstifet hsfr ' of the staff). Shonid Ilprove pop. poeesed s noble oa mrttoo trtait eooutrymn-thst i.. a good appetite. niâtre dZmauy others viii be sup. Hovever Mr. tAnov's unpply vw u . pliledfro4 W ç , 3iq y e2basshble pdal esfil led. 1 . . Pfdi nrêet The seoond part of the entertaiument oilegiate Institteag sud High seoole vau enteeduppu vilhaiR llie good 1olosa iyesterday aI noOn. Those vii' aplure aud good ltealposibe."Tho 0.Omdîdsteswrin tl@ ol' guoussu"* 99ria < -Gmersi". wtftInautltute about hait et 'bbt.ei .gtst1 flRtgvetia rs.id id lbtea h 'ov eb91 ~coina trom gust, h 00"i84 toib..oe Tb* . ~lI ~~~,& pajiares eaér .good fellovu. iThoi came Ie'ê mu have beeu set for minion and Provincial Panliamanta," week. . Resulte reporhed neit -eand Mr. 3. Esmar Greuoodva cailed. He congratl1ated lbhechair. w Iv i.ron twt hn man upon preelding er suoh a large Or'- ruwmored ondtlovu, thougi and repcal.omay fte y, th&t eue of eur promineut oitiizena toast te vhlch h. lu honorod by havi ,bau been notified et having made a big hie name atlaohed, ho m&y »Yt' - draw luinith New Orleans Iotteiy. The remp os by 1h. sof iaI Ithe r ork et figures etated are quit. incoduiousiy rpoincial pritacet t no' tbr n large, aud if the report be time, ho May u s i a.ei gi s a h le e t c un tât u p o n e s f r ie u d W o u.ed net lakenias ai maler iiistand by hlm forever. hie~~~ yaiga ml,' indication etf 'DowN eomescour applo-at"2 hie avig ay spir.iona le beoome a dosen silk hmndkarohiefsat.1111il stock, mamber of alther parîiaments. Boing and hhey must b. sold Ihia veek, re- au indepeudont m.au in poitîc-one gardiene of price ; mou's sud boys' siik Wfehielho! RUOOv.eneugi le îhink ies, braues, soi, fui-top kid glovea, and ho is p o . g outetide dicîsion- initIa, yol gioves, Cardigan jackets, he i rtl o*y boyend tb. range ef shirt. sud dravers, fit hale, Astrachan oandde.t~~~.caps, Persian.lamb capo, Aima cmps, Mrý 'Ù. Y. Smitb, being aec alied, imitation lamb caple, st hhe woudertul von' d net say h. bas no aspirations le cbeap spot, lb. bankrupt store, Wbilby. ao s amamber et paliameul. In Un. C. C. BLLntas, presideul ef Ibm sot ho cemiders il a very proper Whitby drait club, sud champion et ambition for mny -man te have. He te tbe tova, vent te Canniugton en Tues.- gisd le be a Canadln-a citizen et a day te, play Paisley eft Iba village, vie fiee country whers amy man là eligibie bouta lhe prend distinction et beiag ho aoy posiien under lbe Governor champion et northern Ontarie. Judg- Goeral. ing by oui ovu fate and tbat et many Mr. Jeveli sang "1TbTe Maple Lsaf," eos wbo have best Ohariey, v. iu a style vhioh divided th. love et mbouidsy that are Ibis Mm. Paisley ha. loyal Euglihmaa belveen the land et foond the vesîher quit. oold in his Iheir birth sud ti.t oet teir adoption. vicinity. OQur Municipal Institutions" breught Go le lia baukruph store for men 's Mayor Long te hie feel lu ouble'.quiek *mbmoid.red velvet siippers, oniy 81; order. He glories l inte treedom et msn'e ovarsboels, 81.25; man'e fine our municipal institutionusud iblonde lmced boots, $1.50 ; me' beat long f.it te hhrov dovu thie aunliet et defiame boots, #2 ; boys very hesvy lafed boots, Io0 msy mad wvhs shah sek $e intringe 75c..- boys' oveamos, il1; vemen a open sur rights. The Mayor la hruiy buttougd boots, heavy, 8 1 ; vomen' a Loyallat viti a ecapital L. fie bttoe boots, 81.50; vements Mm. W. B. ['cingle made s raltling evershoep, 81.25 ; mimosa fine bulloned mod .s keh.Aller sogl*lnth*'boots, 90o.; girls' eversboes, 90e..lu L c f uigad upon heu lylty th e », r .t,stre., Witby, lu th. 4ritedlu *vol y el1 oooa4d 521andboot mnd aie. bouse ef Canada. pruaool apesui statimg that lu ail parts oethle. vend people vwr. alloved Tas puapils oethie jcnior diviaion et to goveru tîemuelvoe in exact propor. the Medal Sohool sbeved their good tien ho hem omspabiity ho do s. .Il vii lovards Iheir heachere by prosent- wus oui prend'hosat hat Canadian iflg tiiemu vih Xoeas gifts on Wedns- intelligesoe hmd reaobed unobi a point day laut. Blanche Nicholson, on bohaîtf Ihat w. oouid handie the fieest inetitu. et the pupils et tbe second division pre- tioes or self-government opon Ihe sented Miss Burns vili a beautiful gloe. work-box, sud Boulie Hendereon per- Dop..Reqve Borns tionght if t ormed a aimilar service for lbe pupils genuin. geod feeling evinoed bore to Ietlb. fisrst division and preseuted Miss uight poiuted te auytbing il must be Rogara vilh a beautiful Chia ap and coniderqd as beiug suggestive et saucer. The. utileues loft for hôe milliecial lintes. Oui . municipal insti - lu higi gisle sud vo have ne doubî vii hutions h!c toitl ve.safe u ie i asdnejy theu beiidsys muchbobaler for cf Canadians. baviug begautient lu the msnner Mr. Archer sang "The îseat idioted truebornEnglshma." -Margaret Grahasin Bras, rli f Bditor OsromL&: Sra,-Wlti m&U due defereme. le your admonition et lait veek, Imait oniy ask space l in ibho tender lhe amende honorable le hi. Sohool Board for baviug .reon.ly csned MIl a. regardes upprmsubg reports. etc. Prom th. vsry meagro &Mounl t luîforS"aln given ho lie public h basu rll Jpoked as hbougb an uniiten ls'v b.d obtalned litaI effsot; tbut lte'r. sp.maibllity liitrerrd te o itiça shouider e aîsneffely hope tisiticbs. gentlemen (lie reporteri,), will expenît a 11111e more time and Isaeuntli placiug bofore the people the proeedingset oui meet important eleotive body. LIBERAIL., (WB often feel vith "Liberal" liaI s mcimore exlended reportloet he meetivgs tle lie Suhool Board and Tewn Couùncli honid be given, but are obiig.d toe utail uucob malter le fil onu Optse. Juet I prosent w, ane blaoeed fer mol givitWIcIl attention le polîitia matars tt h.e exlusion "et beli muni &PSIan sd local nevs, sud poniapa "LIÀberal" lhinks au himuaif. Wb1ile ve are ebliged to- exhibit msny abôrt- &Hiu almaltfea afair ahare et allen- lion is lhe beet oner to annme lu in ab luleresta oethle publia7, vilci làouï sole tint churet re am t hae t hie ap- simb ýdë coniltbosî ta usdcent Rmev. BarOM. of Iet e-îbr O viiioep lie Pulpil lu l. tl %tos.qa lýM4qI morning and' pu.achth, 1Anniverumry Sermons o ho ilidren. Speclacollectioni Tinancial and Commercial. Office of Whutby OERONICLC,~ ,aWhitby, Dec. 24, 1886. WHITBY MARKET PRICES. F&UWiemt........0 72 Spring Wheal ...........O074 GoeWiff ......066 Olur, per 0 .w........... 2 25 Baàriey ................o040 aye........ ]?euePeas . ......... 7 OmIs 0.~uo*meee.O80 Apple, per bbl.....1 5o Tàemat fi «.......060 Polatees, parba .... 0'0 Rggm..... ...e0........ 010. Butter0 ......... or 90.....15 Oltees........ ..O004 10066*0 Weod.................0404 40 ....k~............ 040 .~010 Mlens Welb.......006 Per, prov.........00 Turipa...........O15 Oeloy,-prdoa080 Oliiekens, per. lb .........O 006 Tuarkeys, por '0.....O10 Duoks; per lb............o008 Gese v« ......0 06' TO .& -mi IZ W., îble undt sd pur faclitle fiAtîunlng Slt sud Piotograp *v.ry local, Ira Canada,- te Wh lies. namnes. Cheap Books~ 0 80 74 *076 0 068 o250 0 060 O048 O060 072 6080 * 1200 ,.@ 00 a 710 *200 *075, 020 *016 5 50 000 O010 Q007 O550' <025 0040 Q008 *012 @010 o 08 Dominion Warcroonis; POWLL&Go Raesome Choice Goods which make 'nicepresents for Christmas. Seal Muffs and Caps, Mink Muifs and Boas, IP. L. Caps and Muifs, A strican Mauties, &c.- Sealettes, Mandle Cloths, &o. À big line of A. No. 1 Grey and .Blk Robes. Silk Handkerchiefs, Gente' Ties, Gloves, &o., which make suitable gifts. A large stock of. New DIRESS GOODS, Shawls, Hose, Leggins, Wools Caps, Mitts, &o. The best assorted stock -of W/ Orsteds,--Overcoati]198, Pant-- ings, Tweeds, &oc., ever sho'wn. Full istocked ini Gents' Furnishing Department. and Clothinig.. POWE Millinery & N*ý T s ýy Bibles* ? f r -ducel li rviev of the lut'i LesSons. The. pastor viii pr s7,# p. i - -,n ýrhîe BeuM McOieiland, oc ta nreach nexWahh"ith 'aveas Iheti behai et lb.peer. Knewing jeu le b. aivays ready aud wiliing teast I have taken the liberty le address yen lhe abovo. Venin truly Bac. Suc. W. 0. T. U. Whitby, Dec. 22ud, '86. àhd& vwàýim,» ý_- ý -

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