Whitby Chronicle, 31 Dec 1886, p. 9

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Eu1~,bIIhed1856.' eteam equipment su~d bot urnished Bok ana Job prltlg ?lent il u ateru Ont o, capable cf exoon irgaMl clauses et workt%0 thé large pett the amaflesi handbtl Speolal meoni la mde cf the irneurpasseti. prose facilities et Tu OxIbN- WoU. with ils celebrated X. Y'., t treII sylinder p roeuand othew modern conveni- onces. Xver ordor receives prmt re bdi attention.' omtca. TERMS 0F ADVERTISIXG. Finit liiiuetio apr Une, 10 cents; each uubsequont insd!uen, 8 cents. Disprayod Adrvertisementu are measnrod by a soalo of oid Nouparoli, and charged accerdingly. 'Advsnlidomontusent without writton Instructions lnserted until forblddon, and chargea for ful l ime. - Ordoe for deontluuiug advertoment. mustb. ln writing, olherwlse th. publish- ers wlll net be-responsible. À libetal discount for contract sadertise- monts by the yoar. Cep y for changes of contrant advortlsoments shoula b. hauded lu net lator than Wodneuday ; sud notino of auy lntendod changes sbould b. givon beforo Tuosday noen. Other advrtîse. monts rooelved apte ThursdaV ucen. Bsiness notices in local or newu columus finit insertion 15 cents penrlineocf N qupa- reil; 10 cents. per lino esoh subsecjeent insertion. Pire conts per lino per- acnum. Correspondonet, selle ted t ram ail parts of the County or nolghhening townships. Cornspeudents are roquested to moud lu them communications as promptly as possible, HENDERBON à; JORN STANTON, gue't Moecaulcal Dep't. GRAHAU0 Proprietors. JOHN E. FAREWELLi 9LL.Bo, JAMES RUTLHDUE, j) RRI9TERR, &c. Office formeriy c- jý opiedby Frewell & Ratledget next DAVID ORMIISTON, B.&.9 ATTORNE!.AT-LÂW, SOLICITOB IN OChanoery, Oonveyancer, *o. Opuroi-In the Office south cf the Post Office, in MoMillan's Blook, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-1O G. YOUNG BMITH, L L. B., B RISTRF&o,&o.-Money te Loan Oirzoz-Smith'a Block, south of Market, Brook St., Whitby. Jan. 22, 1878. (tf-5 JOHN BAILL DOW, B ÂRRISTER,-AT-LÂW, SOLI01TOR ln Ohacoery, Convoyanoor, &o. Offie-Deverill'a Block, Brook Street, 'Whiby.. MONET TO LBND-Private Funds - Lu sumo up te 88000,sa a low rate ofinl- terent. 1y452 LYMAN ENGLISlII L Le B4,, B ARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN BChtnoory, Conveyanoor, &.,&o. Sim- no@ Street, Oshawa. LUebcal. B . MEIJDRUM, M.B. (TORONTO DUzivers'ty,) L.R.C.P. and L.M. (Edin- burgh>, &o. No. 8, THE IlTERR&OE," BYRON-ST., WHITBY. Wm. McBlRIEN,* M.D. ,Meaeceset GUY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENG.' CY the oye B. O. H. L., Oshawa, Ontarlo' Dra. WARREN de CtJTBBERTSON, F. WARREN, M.D., CM., (MoGill.> W. OUTHBERTSON, M. B. (Toronto,) M. D., 0. M., (Victoria.) OFFICE: BROOKLIN. M1. C. CRAW FORTH, VETERl~ÂRYSURGEON. Graduate cf tho Ontario Voterinary, Col- loge, Toronto. Ordors by4 mail or telegraph promptly attended te. 0ffice ai résidence of G. &-yres, opposite Dr. Bogart's, Dandas street, Wlitbyy. Brocklin Veteulb ry Ifîay H*. VANZANT, V.S., I3rcsdual Ontarjlo VOtOrifiOfl ColUege. Offi<'e, Resià ene and iti I1r03ry ai the orwse f tii. late ,,Dr. Foctf, where he Vil1 ilw'ays à eutiuradineme g@te trex%~ &Hl diseases te whi'à. SI] V lo#s ofthîe lowor çoONBuLTATtioli mm RI GGS,«& IVORY, B. là. cor .King and Yonge& Bts., Toronto. 'WET 'TBBTE, $8e o à M r C elluloïd, $10. 'Go614,0. Have extraoted the teeth fr= *Thousaud s cf ersosabuckutely palnleu by the use of VtlzdAir. 4 Mie with Lang4ey, Langley & Burke, coronto, A RCHITE CT. Deulgpe foi Obuircheut Villas aza Oct.. tages a specialty. Drawings preparea for remodeling existing structures., Ornoa-lrst i over Howse's Drug Store. P.O0. B oz 202,WaT8Y. SEIBIERT 08&BRO 8., LIVERY and BALE, STABLES, BBOOK BTRBET9 WBITBY. Good Riga and Good Herses . Terme rea-. sonablo. 19 BEBERT BROS. SELLJNG OUJT! G/vin g Up Business# Miss FITZr'ATIRICK Beg te iutorm her filerdu and customons that hon stock of goodi mail ho sold by Jannsry lot, 1887. Iu ordor ho do so, esch ot the following wiU he o slda stcoesprice.. DIRESS GOODS!1 lI Oaihmeres, Costume Clotho, Ottomans, Flanuels, Plaids, Wiuceys, « 'rints, Muelins, Pluehes, Velveteens, Linons, Honeyocomb Mautie Clotho, Trimminge, Buttons, 'Steels, Linings, Skirt Improvers,> Ornaments, Olaspe, Ready-made Olothing, Quilti, Batting,'14 Iunohes f-or $1, And other linos in Eni«broiderieii, Laces, etc., too numerous to mention. Âll to be SOLD AT OOST. NO MORE RETAIL PRICES -AT- Miss FiÙzpatrick's, 11: 1 DUNDAS ST., WHITBY. Dec. 9ih, 1886. 52 -ORBWOOB fou SALE I -AT- Geo. Cormack's LUMBER YARD, - - WHITBY. Whofesals snd Retail. $5 for Bingle Corde, Delivered. OKO.I CORMACK. Whitby, Oct. 7th, 1888. tf 44 DUNN'S BAKINO POWDER THE COUKS DEST FRIENO Ji FiPEASE FURNAGE COMP'Y Sole Manufacturera et the Ceiebrated "EOONOMY" -:- FURNACES, TORONTO, ONT. combine beast fesurea of boti hi te itean andtiho' warm.alrII îystems., No gai, ne duet, ara great fionuy ID fuel. Unitorm H-]eat And Perfect Vent iati on Ovor80,00 luun ;ne e«ver hav!iug been 151 t 156 Q la nsti'eet East, Toronto. ~.ly24 AO.OB NEW' 0000OD8!I W., R.e OW SE' OHEMIBT À-ND DBUGGIBT, Ha. on band a -very large anA select stock of Ohristmaa gooi, comprimhng Ladiles' Work Boxes, Whisk Holders, Odor Cases, Mirrors 1h PIu&h, Toi/et Case, Large Vases,' And an usortuent cf dihor articles suitable for prosents. Call and Exeamine Our Stock Baera Purchasing Elaawhare. LAMPS ceani sée.*lu age asortmenb Brass and Bronze HA4NGINO LAIRPS DUO T:f Cor. Brook snd Dundas Streelis. BOTTOM PRICES 1 SOLE AGENT FOR CELEBRA.TED THE HAIRVEY LAMP, HORWSEY CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, THO' IMPI larme p F0 ln 10t8 to s .'FOR WoR Miss Ida Burk is homo- from Dmf O@1I.g.- for lber- vacation,>but wI . Iut~ 'A tb.oiomm enoemeat of leni t ei !l of t e rsof th$. l o SpOrtS lut* as tIrA&y - voning, lw IBoughàm ai 10e Caiva làand il spent ôtur -scribe. ias somewhere on' 8ùiUay eveuing hoe mhould not bhave beau but -thon we osnot b. alover at the sesime.' Ho did hear something, but date ot give -th. girls aWay. AU aronnd our buy little place are 0164- lu ,gloom oui account cf jour Spioy 01H110IOLE failiDg te appear lait wook, efearing ft wastle. ii.etfthe Green River bud getIhat coanseil 1h. harm I wilI curtail evonts thia lime. Mr. John Turner and others from thîs vioinlty §pent an sajoyable lime at the cloeing exorcise, ai Demili col1lge0, Oshawa, last Monday, and jii gfrom tb. excellent description gi> en the exorcise muit have been aé rare musical Ireat. ,The prizo winneru ln our S. 8. for the ypar now endingéars ai followî :-No. i girl-i Alioe Fraser, 2 Annie Ferrior, 8 Mary Spence, 4 Gemima Hopkinus. No. 1 boy-i Irvtne Bell, 2 Bd. Burton 8 A. Hoover 4 A Hopkinos. No. 2 girls -1 Ira Fraser 2 Llzzio oten 8 Anio Dateu 4 Clara Hoover. No. 2 boys -i 'J. Ferrior 2 Frank Burtonà 8 Chas. Burton 4 Bon Doten, 'No. 8 ,girls- i Maggie M. Speace 2 Agnes MeQu1yre 8 Coré Doten 4 Alberta Ooakwoll. Our baud beys assisted by Mr. Oarney of O. P. R. gave au excellent concert ai Cherrywoo4 on Tuesday .venlng lait, sud ou Friday evenlug thoebad went te Brougham, whers au eseellepol lime waîs@pent, the boys beiu'g oued so woll that tbey did net returctill the early dawu. The mext time tbey go te Brougham I hope tb. good people of Ibat place will net matie sôe many -- weil I bail botter net lèrf or @ogesohoeothé pi.6eraoff a !1 lm.OOner iÏttea.-meetlng s 'aWito. val. on Wednesday ovouing lait was la every wsy a grand succoîs, the pro. ceede frein tb. tes amening te abc.ut 845. After les' th. excellent Baptiet choir et Stouffviile cpmned the pro. gram,, and gave choice selectiena between the speeches, by 1h. chair. mn, Mr. Percy, let Dep.. Rreve cf Pickering, Revu. Wilkinson, cf White- vals, ShermnuoetMarkbsm, snd Me. Eweu ôf-Pcrt Penny. At the cloeo he epeakiog lwe bandoome sud çet, prefentatiios were made tb. p ite Rev. Mr. Freeti, a fur coat and wtcb, sud altc>ge theon ocf tbe most ej.0y. able times ever witnoaîed in Wbitevale wsî spent. Miss Wispoesu, of Torouto, hs vieil. ing at Mn. William Hear's. Mr. R. sud C. Bedîcnansd Mr'. D*, L. Brigge, cf Tononto, were ber. on Christmas. Mr. A. Clark sud Mn. H. Sullivan furmerly cf the O. P. R. station hers, ipent Chlisimas with us. Mr. Perry Derby sud bis happy bride' Ioiurned hoen u aturday ai 1er s short wedding trip. Mr. David Welll;, of Port Perny, is te move hors ibis week. W. are pleaai'd ihat he and bis family are ceming te reside with as again'. The tes ou Christmas evening was ireil pairouized conaidëring the atormy weather, sud tbe-r.nI3sioal and lit.'rary eniertaininent iras a grand saccees. -- - L. Excilomeut iras very hiRh Tuesday. Mr. McGllivray ýànd Mr. Powell cf Whitby irere iu îcwu yestsrday. The baud boys give a concert ou Noir IJE~yYesrs night. A full ball bopeti for. ýRLE Mise Mo.Rae of Prince Albert, N. W. T., is vieiting et Mn. B. Nelson'o, in- iending te a@pend thlie mter ameug ROVED friendu i u Ot ane. 8be gives a gocd accouaI cf the Northi Weét. The Xmes concert given under thé 1]aneipices eft' ie W. Wa@. of lb. Prestýy- ~A teria ohureh, altbougb tho politiesi w .eetings iulerfered scmewbat, was fN mell, andtwere r.'csived moll,: as tus7 LJD desêrveti. Mies M. Gcald, et Uzbridge ansd Miss EB * Hallcf -Brantord gave a brilliaut instrumental duct; a recis., lUitpUrha8eS» tien by Mimss L. Goaid, a pupit of ilif wit PrchaerB. Wiby college, ws reudered in s fiue mauner, sbhowing e greel doal -cf elf ,poî4s-esion and- ability. Mise Minai.. IGeuld eaceiled ,ienseIf 11'o <b.hesol-o, "J3Bid'me Di.-course." Tbim yoanglaIy, SALE BY bi a'remaikably tr - o f t grat, range sud6tulnut, anid 6as il nuder, 'H o ovv ], ctreoÏ- ntrol. 4 H ýr teoobr Prof.- ziu Gmrtit of Èrantforil, m.qmelIlhb, prnd of!Ide-ri"Bie, appeàre 1 aegain in Au Iheir sud Miii monts. uàt 'fits E~Am~<N. Tiro visitors ïb thé, dominations met with a disait., ou 1th. rosd here ou Taeuday woek. .Whon ccmlng mbt towu tihe rse took figbt aI sunobjeel ila front of Snelgrove's Carri.go Works reîulting i» s mrotin buggy sud a gon- oral disaster le the ontlit. The occu- pants eîoaped unlr.- MosI et our youg peple sud mauy -'et the eider 'heade were preîonl at St. l.ndrow's on Weduesday eveniug "te iiues lb.marniageoet Mr. D. B. Dorer, te Miss Mary F. White, daugiter of Mn. D. White eft Iis' place. The Rer. Dr. Watson, offlated sud rendpred the * ceremony rery impressive. *Tii. bride who looked bandeeme was supported by Mies Mary Cameron, 6f Graren- baril, sud Miss Dorer, of Halibanlon. The groom by Mn. W. Hamilton, sud Mr. D. MEKinuon. Tho ladies were, chsrmingly dressed. Our mach respected teacher Mr. E. Wilson romains with us anoîher yoar. The Election veul off quietly and re- sulted lu Ibis pelling subdivision as was expocied, giug Mr. Dryden a majorlty qf eleren. X'nas paseed' off ilhoal much stîn. W. haro good slolghin.g bul erery oe soemed le be ssvîbg his boras flesb for election day. The reformera fiel happy over their vielery sud irol l bey might. The mails ou W.dneiday wiree awited with greal, anxiety sud il would have boon a stady fer a pointer le have iratshed the couatouances of lie differentl'parties on reading 1h. re- mals. A saccseful concet as held In lb. sobool bouse on Thunsday ereuing laist ùnder the auspices cf tb. Publi c soel, ab wbich pnizes woro diihnibaiod te he saccesifel pupils. The firet pnize for genenal prcfioienoy vas captared by Miss Lizzie Balfour. NearlIl u pile reoeived pnizei. aipa A movei t h', on foot to secure s Tew ol, ucr village. Iliii pro- pose ah ( ok Compauy be formed ud laA'pharos be ahton dollars ch. tb k e seheme will prove ecoîf is -We are sadly iu f ail an et thelib- e s e Asibur ricibity will bals îeul Ip t ,warrant Ibe Dir orse b u W irmedistely. s1wd.i o0e0 peco4 have ihad s eeattaclloWe mat' imniai forer. large nui et relatives and frieuds ssembled, ce Wedneidsy 22od hast., 10 witueas tbe wedding of Misa Z.omila Laudor to Mr. Robins. Rer. Roberts, ef Bowmauvillo, offieiated. A large naine bo f sutable sud ceai proet. wore givon the bnieno their juil appr isti c r enite. At 5:80 P.. s r. led a loaded table, au til fir ae were aepplied ho app o r ne) atantsd f To utc, mp ni as fan ais08h ia een. a lon . May goed fort ns tond ho Aàrîbur La gin t ha loe t o bitu@eif s art ,in lb orp f Misa Loret Brooke Coursi, good or evil, wes iWe on We -d av, 22nd in osce .in Entranoe Exa « on. The examinstions for outrance to the Higb Sobooîs snd clIegiate Institutes efthie Province irere bolou 2lei, 22ad and 28rd mîst. Tie'local Board cf Examinera have oompleted ibeir labors -aud bave sent tliu efficial réport to lie Ed ucational Departine, frein whiobh w. bave made s few exinacis. Tiere wsro ixty - hwo candidate. wriîiug for outrance te car Collegiato Institulo, twonty eigil boys suil thirly. four girls. Twenty seven candii tes fnlfilled the requirements in erery par- 'licuIr, sud fivo othèei, failing, behîud iùacé sonee u abjpt, ba,#e bepu recoin'- Irnded ho the centralcmmittoe. qu 'lie Arithînetio paper. - Wly sucb Rboutl bo ireare sa I to'to tow. The paper iras, tain, sud 'lu ne"Ways pecuthar. TrÉerèe iras ery luttle imech. suiosi vw6rk required, sDone. gYat amount of tho'ugil. _Easy papf-roe>are. .btneMftimps Moro, Apt ho hrnc adise le rief' ibsn <boss 're.quirinu',rei-*cîoion, indi*.e are fir'oinse wiikthha be 4en the tiiffleuolty lu lite preet lu- 1 ttsnoei Tb e.'p -sper ' ou Orthpgraph'y wan. thea..êm thi ai 's boeau atféîr ueiow a xew specîmen brime, bt i ;n Èoa under -the 'notice.of th.ée*.nzlurs whis~eaiugthe pape a':4ldrid Aï, th. 'capital- of, Home. Ti. syof Fand leluth. Gulf of Màxioo. ,ýThe' 1syde i nGermaàny. NoirYrkf noted for til. alarge -lnhabitutes, W. gelceItomFa'unco, sagarýazid cohen frcmi OttâW a lu 1h. summer-tV*ýne, sud. ire get ceai lu the Fail. Alexanidnia' lu a village lu' Manitoba. «Ma.drid"',i India où Gauges. Frïane is bëuÛde4 on North by Arche ýOcean, on Eùst by' Allaullo sud, on ,Èoüth by tlb. Urn1« Mountains sud river. Odessa ju itrait. Trado winds are breemie imndis sud are oaascd by- 1h. atmosphore. The. aboe. anîworî show c.,onoksiivoly liai the public ech0ool teac'hors baaetee maUch groud, sud' we iaight -adboo mach waler, te t.ravel over lu preparng th-oir-candidates for the 7EnîraucoeEx- aminatien lu Geography. W. thýink the Deparîmeut should asuigu 6ue or' two continonts- 'fer esci examinatien sud conflue0,lte 'questions W-ithm lb. limite. No toachor cad posbly orer.,, take tb. werk'iu Geography betwen* lie dates -cf lie examiations sud do4 jultice le lb. majonily, et , is pupDili. W. think li easexamînation MIRWt b. doub away with ,,wilhont 'mach lu. couroniencoreuiltig. Tii. papër.nsomnt lu by lhe candidates u hin ~ ls sabjoots shows tIhat good irork ié lh'b.ing, doue ail aloug thoelRue, mad *w o el- mure if the December examlnallen. vers9 abollshed, that overy departuient of public sohool-work would b. beu.filIed lhereby. We woutld litie auexpression, et opinion frem liose wio 'have lied, more te do wilh Ibis work Ibm 'ire Mode!Bochool, Mr.' Brownu, techer__ Frederiok Burns, 879; Chas . Eastwood,', 889; gara Bateman, 414 Mary Ei. Brown, 449; Tennis Campbell, 468; Nellie afim- mens, 897 ; Jesephine Thompsen, -889. BeDry' il. Scool, Mn. Willia, tescir- Wm. MoBurney, 489; Henry H.- Robinson, 462; Beatrice Gilmere, d25; Agnes Mit-. chell, 481. Dufferin-st. Sohool,1 Mr. Weedhon"se teacher-Ailan Cameron, 884. No. 11 Whitby sud Piokeriug, Mr. Gaie, teaoher-Edward MeBrien, 456; Wmn. H. Peters, 459." Brooklin Sohool, Mr. Sipence, teacher- Albert Tyler, 408; Lillie HoiMday, 521. No. 18, Pickering, MiseaMArltbur, tesoher -Fred Gibécn, 880. Nu 4t E. Piokernug, Mr. Andrews, toacher -Wm. Valentine, d72. No. 8, E. Whitbv, Mr. Thompion, tesoher -.Robert H'tll, 466 ; Regina Glaspel, 461; Mattis Adair, 486. Myrîle Scoel, Mr. Simpson," teacher- 3enevieve Brown, 470; Luis Scurrah, 561. Pièkerlng Village, Mr. Eddy, teacher- Ida Bunting, 878. No. 1, Whitby Misiq Anderson, teacher- Emma Dryden, 584; Mary Dryden, 854. [.No. 14, Danlington, Mr. Groat, teaohr- gasggie Ormiston, 45a. Recomrnended-Pattie Smith, Mar An- derson, Cens Johinson, Edith Rie, lWilis Plaxton. Tne feilowiug have ebisined t ea ailev- euty.five per cent. in the-subjeots naruod. Reading-Sarah Bateman, Jennie Brown, Mary Dryden, Luis Sourrah, Wm, Valen- line. ieng-Emina Dryden. 0 *n>iting- Mary Dryden, LisH Holiday, Wm. Valentin%. Litersinre--Mattie Adair, Teunie Camp- bell, Mary' Dryden, Lillie Heiliday, Luli' Sourrah, Neilie Rirumons. Arithmetic-Reairis Gisapnel (fui! paper)., Mn, R. H. Des, Meaford, spent Mis hoUi- days here. Mr. J. O. Wesley, Port Hope tiurned. up lier. elsotien day. Mn Lou Laing, et the'ý'eZegram, Toronto, spent Chnisîmas ai home in lown.. Mr. Wm. Brysu sud'brother'Geoige, cf Toronto, are holidsying in town. Mr. Sam.- Tko.mpson, of R. G. 'MLesn'i prntiug establishinent,,Tôrouto, washere Mesaàs.Wm Robett, ahid Ben. Chambers,, olti Wbhuby beys,, buùt ;n6w of Tonte, ipent s fei days l oin 'lasi wsek. àMiss Kilà,Bo twick$, oet Bènlin, sud Mias~ Mlie Bostwick, ot Piokerina, were hon. on Weédcsadi.y vis3iting ah Mne.. 3hnÂAddiben'u. Wr., .E O'Brjo, n,ltbe Jfamexs photcg- rapher spent Christmas lu hie studio -lier. He ha4iU'ýineoùils1 silens snho,'iithein: OHEMIST ÂNDDRGIT .ARCHIVES 0f- rifo r ii&ce make Hosee Pant>- alinery 10 ) LUES ELTIES plt'& Blcck, 1'l eaoh IL I1 9NAHl, c'Y, Whlhby. 'ABLES, Tensus rea- W.R. t v -Lý- -

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