Whitby Chronicle, 31 Dec 1886, p. 11

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S NS, fierS ~ye. is none weare Lamps) whole- iety of '.le for YS$ ,up and ery 2 lbs. complets S' Louis. ~f cannedl ery week Bat ta eaul R itby, Ont. <LY. been oaalled îustained by 1usd boih at ~hls susa s thai muet nudgment et miss of child- ad vell sus- t sud Most ople at a lew jo us aud cf of exci- ist is atlra"t- s te the beys o f pictures, Hatan Àdvo- ~.Oper Year. e by Peut- t, te aveýid la advortiao- of HMlUPEB ew York. 1W ZIGS. TABLES, ERELL -OUTS goWbornoi Ont. i -- $Osn fiua mà "JVENL EAIIIaKsAN»DEKPNA. OZIiZE5 TUU ACTS-2PI. AI ?PROIE0 Puor. TuOK4-mB cinM10ou oA.XXO. The lbany,'. Y., ot4f',al o time oince ' PLlbehd au intiresîing repot zu , t he, sulbjeot cf ban pcwderoinwhioh il gave the reouit of, @MOrneteste cf an elabo4Mae oharacter made lor the pur porne o!1 determining' th. question of wbioh lu th. boat ana and wholesomest cof thWie articles. The analyses and tests réquired were undertaken by Professors W. G. Tuoker, cf the Albany Medioal 0ollege,, and W. P. Mason, of the Rensselaer Polytech- flic Institute, cf Troy, ohemists cf the higheet standing and reputation, w. I known for their extended and valuable services as public analyste., Messrs. Tuoker and Màson, the Journal stated, had been directed','- 'te procure from dealers in Albany and Troy packages cf baking po*der, to analyze and critically examine tbem, and te make their reports c f faote found entirely without bias or favor. The reports proved a rnatter cf intereel and importance, and waewîdely copied and coui mented upen. From the faots preeented bousekeepers had no difflculty in delermining for themn. selves the bout and most wholesome baking powder te use. The, Journal, ils facto baving been questioned by a local baking powder manafaoturer, relurns le the subjeol and publishes the following intereeting interview witb Prof. Tuoker. The facte, before tated are reaffirined an id emphasized in the Mest breezy manner: A Journal reporter reoently vieited Prof. Tucher fer the purpese cf gaining furtixer informatiou in reference te the baking powder question. H. wae found i the extensive laboratery cf the Medical 'Oolleg,hard at werk, but goeod- naturedly eubmitted te an inquisitorial interview, the substance of whieh, bore given, will be found of intereet. 1 #Dootor," said the reporter' "Iit appears that oe eof our local bakiug powder manufacturers attemipts te dis. lyedit the report soine time ago pub. lisbed in the Jonrnal with reference te baking pewders, for whiob the analyti. cal exe(minations were made by your. self and Prof. Mason. Were your analyeisand opinion printed oorrectly ?" I"They were,"' replied Prof. Tuoker, I literaily," lis their any part cf the report, or your views expressed therein, that you would modify?"' "lNet a word, My examination was, meut carefully and aocurately made.* the deduotion I'drew from the tests were thei inevitable cnes, and the opinions I expressed were unquestion- ably correct. "iYon eay Dector, thât the Royal baking powder is ouperior te any cuber baklng powder which yen have ei- aminedP "lThat is my report." "Have yen examined many other baking powderp?" "4Qnite a number." "lWberin, Doctor, consise tis b euperiority wbioh you flnd in the Royal over other brande? ' "Aus tated in my report, in the gyreat a bakinR powder ever yeast consiste; in the quicker work il acoompliehes, in the preservatien cf smorn f thé best elernente ef the fleur whioharede@troyed in the production cf the carbenio acid gas by the ue ef yeaet, and ln the absolute oertainty of eweet, iight aud digestible food. Over oCher methodi; for quick raisiug, the menite cf a pure bakiug powder are great. It je alwaye ready for use, tbe acid aua aikali are combitk.> in exact proportions to produce defluite regulte, er te render the large anionut cf ieavening gaesud leave çnotbiug more than a ueutr, i repidunu, which la net the remilt where4 cresm. cf tartar and' soda are bouRht of parstely and mixed, in the kitchen, for it wili alwaym occur where thie is doue that oe or the otber cf these subs;tances will predominate, r.akiug the food yellow, he&vy,'bitter and un wbolesmue. Besides, the creamn of tartar whiob eau be procured by the housekeeper ie meetadulterated, addiug te the unccrtainty cf the resuite or the nuwbolppomeueFsef the foodl. Ail theme difficulties are avoid'd li the use of a pure, properiy.made bakiug perwaer." 0 "Wili baking powde kecp? Hew. long 'wili they hold their strength?" #§If propenly made, until nsed. A perfect bakiug pewder muet combine superlative Btrengîh wit.h power te retain it iudfluitely. Baking powder generally are robbed cf the neceesary preserving agent in order to lgive 'present strengtb, Or, Aime bave their efficiency largelY destroyed by the addition of large quantities of fleur te prêent premattIre decompomition. The metbod botb these qusîjîles are rataiued lu the higbest deurpe produeg the pprfect article, snd ibiis I believo ir4 ful% acoomplidlied in tb. Royal bakiugi Sowder. 1 bave seen an analyseis of a a k it gpcwder wb ich ahowedi 21 per cent, cf Bechelle salte. The bakioq powdf r waa net fresb, and because et the imrnrper manner in wbichb it had been, mido the 'ingrediente had cern bined, forrning the purgative sait, I give t.bis as an' illustration cf thoe "Nosone JQuit. ibe ooùtrýr'Y. It bas :been ýused for geùeraitions in 1 h. Boat enirély ýevolves itl juta gag$ leaVlng nÃ" residnn. Were lé used lu sufficlent qanity to do the .utire work cof apiation, I am n clined to believe it would be the acme cf leaving agents. soma cf th. hlghest anthonities, as Hassal, recommýend 'its exolusive' use for Ibis purpose in preference to e et or other kinda cf -leaven. Il le uni- versally admitled te bu a wholesome aud vainable agent, and neo hemiet cf reputation will olas il oherwise. I have become indignant when I have read the siily charges that have fre. quently been Made through ignorance or otberwise againet il." "«Then these manufaelurers who advenîiue thal Ibeir powder doge nol centain il" «ICoufees that their powder lacke a Meut useful, whoiesome and excellent ingredient." - "But thoy Ray its oengin lu fllthy 2 "lIts enigin and method cf preparation are un more fllthy than are the enigin aud ,preparatiioncf bread. -AU Ibis talk about ammonis in baking powder aud its fllthy cengin lu th. veripet rubbish. A man diegraces himoîlf when ho lende hinisoîf te any sncb -etatoments. It le particulanly unfair for bàking pewden manufacturers te eeck te pervent the truth, or prejudice the.iRnerant or uts- wary by etatemente Ibat il je eithen harniful or dirty. Ammenia existaeli the vory air we breathe' and je largely promeut iu nature as a wheleueme substance." One thing eau be maicl iu favor of the lc man. If ho ha.s ny loft over, ho doem't warux it up for breakfast. What True Merit Will Do. The unprecedexited aie .Bosch.ee'8 Ger- man Syrup within a few years, bas aston. ished the world. It is witbeut doubt the sat est and beet remie dy ever discovered for the apeedy sud effectuai cure of Ceugho, Culds snd the severeut Lung trouble. It acte en an entirely d'ff erent p rinciple froni the uaual prescription given by Phyaicians, as it doem net dry up a Cough and beave the diseas stili in the ymieni but on the centrary removes the cause ci ihe trouble, heala ihe parts affected sud lbaves thein in a purely healthy condition. A bettle kepi in the bouse ton use when ihe dimeases make their appearance will ave doctor's bille aud a long spell oï serious iliness. A triai wiii cenvince yen cf these tacts. Ilus positively sold by ail druggiosansd general dsalera in the land. price, 75 atm., large boitlcu. Uenry- Clark et Strsthroy bas been @entennoed te six months' imprimonnmeut lu the Central Prison for neglecting te ,sup- port has wife.0 W. are constantly receivlng testimeny thai Dr. Carson'a Catarrh Cure la what ita name iruplies, s "Catarrix Cure." Your druggiet la authenized te refund the meney if it talla te give satisfaction. Whai eaui be more fair, aud need yon sufer auy longer? An eld womari named Doran, whiie beinig 'taken te the Hotel Die, Moutreal; on Sun day, by ber frienda, died lu the convoyance. . A- caUrdCI. To ail who are suffering freux the errera sud indiscretions et youth, nervous weak- neas, early decay, boss of manhood, &c., I wiil send a recipe ihai wiil cure you, FRE0F CHARGE. Tbe great rerrd y wlth fulf directions for'prepariug.sud usiug, Sent by mail by addreaaxug \with stamp, naming this paperp W. A. Noyz4ý 119 Pou>- er'a Blockc, Roches or, N. The varioua enowmboe clubs et Ottawa will hold a cbampionship open afeepiechase about the end o'f January. "Blood will tell." A face adorned with pimplea. boils, blotches. etc., is not a par- ticularly pleasant ight, aud invariably betokens an impure Fstata ûf the blood. Dr. Caraou'e Stomach Bittera frec the systeni from I al groas humera, rendera tis blond pure and cool, aida digestion sud givea a hea)tby ap petite' For male by all druggista lu large botties ai 60 cents. The St. Lawrence River la slow17 rising sud preparations for au inndation are being made ai Moutreal. Do net take pille on powdlers centainiug calomel, for ai ihia time et tho year, the resait mav be serions. If you require a dose of phyiei take Dr. Canaon'. Stomach sud Constipation Bittera;fi act!i çently on the boweBs, purifies the biood, improvea the circulatiou, stimulates the liver sud kidneys, sud speedily cures billousnes., beadache, dyspepitia, indigestion. Seaxoh tbe dinug atores frei n ee end et Canad-à te the otber, sud pou cannot find a nemedy equal teit. Try isud use it lu your famillea. Sold everywhere i large boutles ai 60 cente. It ih reported that Col. Tom Scott et W'inuipeg la about te be appointud Collecter et Custome at that city. The Best Comblastion. The beat coxubinatien et blood cleansing, regulatiig, besltb givlng herba, roetr sud barks ont r ie Burdec~k llood Bitters-& purely vègetable remedy ihat cur-es -disaeases cithie blood, liver sud kidu.ays. Charles Harrnl<on wau arreeied at Otawa on Frlday for passhug coufederate bille. A Double Purpome. Tho pepular remedy, Hiagyard'a Yellow 0 Io, usnod bot i iternally and externally, for aces, patins, colda, croup, rbeuwibriam deafuees ,aud dioase of nifsmnti nature. FOR THE Th&e Boardi of Education for the Town of Zeave ta RBeport Whitby1 lot. As te PUBLIC SOHEOOLS. THE MODEL SOHOOL. Tlxree Teachers are aenstanïtly empodlWi ib tis School. Durine the torm-i which Teachere are in attendance for training,.MRHenderson,oef the Collegiate Institute, teaches lu ibis School. The number cf Teachors li tranx has besu twenty-flvo-ihe largeat number ince the establishment et the Moel School. AU eftIhe Teachers lu training have suoccossfully pasmc.d their examination. Thé additional Revenue frcm Govornment sud Ceni y Grauts snd theo tes frem Teachena ln training amount te #425. The Pnlxuary Division et this School le m1ých evercnowded, rendenlng mre new arrangement neceaaary by which the number li attendauce may be reduced te a reamon- able linit. THE HENRY-STREET SOHOOL.. Iu this Bahoel four Teachora have been employed duning the whoie year. The Pri=r Division et thia School is aime evercrewded, the attendance having beexi xqnu ualaly largedig the year. THE DUFFERIN-STREET SCHOOL. Two Teachere have been smployedli thia School duriug the yean. 2nd. As te THE COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. During the pasi year the Government madle a change in the systeni et appentiening the Goverumeni Grant to Collegiste Institutes sud High Schools, the future graute largely depending upon the condition of the buildings, amount invested lu appanatue, Library et Retenence, Charte, Maps, Globes, Gymuasium sud Equipment. Under these circumstancee the Board have been compelled te make the incneased ex- p nditures meutioned iu the Abstract of Expenses, sud whiie sucki expenditures will not ho ueceesary hereatter, they will add maierially to the efficieucy of the Seheol sud the comf ont of the pupile. A further sumn of $100 lis been appropriated as an'additiou to the Reteence Lihrary, in accordance with the requiremeut of the Government Inepecior, but the amount has not yei been expended. The pupile of the Institute bave been very auccesaful dunlng the pasi year. The population of the Town ie as followm: North Ward......................................... 1324 Centre "............................... . .1205 South "................................ 494 Total ...................................38028 The number of children of Sehool age is as followî North Ward.......................................... 273 Centre ".............................8303 South " ........................0.... 116 Total..................................... 692 The number et childreu between the agea et 7 sud 13 sud ubjeci bo the provisions et the Law as te Copipulsory Aitendance is as follows: North Ward................... ................ e179 Contre di....................q...... ......156 South " ............................. 71 - 406 GOLLEGITE RECEIPTS, Gev. Grant lasi hait'8 .95833 Couuty ', il ...758 83 Gov. Grant finit haîf '86 .. .. $729 80 Connty " .... 729 80 1459~ Fees ........................... "Music...................... "Drawing ................ "Entrance Examination. Municipal Asseasmexit........... 532 78 87 57 2188 85869 591 INSTIT UTE, 1886. EXPENDITURE. Teachens' Salaries .............. $4849 98 Miss Lawder ............. $104 66 E. Shrapneli............... 44 25 -148 91 Secretary-Treasurer ............. Ciesnhng and care-taking......... Fuel-Coal............... $ 85 10 64Wood.............. 119 00 Alterations and Improvements as required by Govt. Iuspector.... Science Depi., Apparatus ......... Supplies and Postage ............. Black Boardse.................... Desks .......................... Stationery and advt.............. Examinera ..................... A tlas .......................... School acta ..................... J. Ferguson. tare te Port Pery .... Phono Dictiorary ............... Entrance tee Dnawiuge, Go. Fair... 50U .7 140 00 154 10 418 66 820 70 3 42 30 00 52 20 82 50 57 00 24 00 3 62 1 50 1 00 2 00 85869 59 #150 te ho deducted tram Salaries sud added.to Salaries of Public Schoel Teachers. PUBLIC RECEIPTS. Gev. Grant ................... 46 Model ............. County &à"......... Co. proportion Inspr. Salary... Fee8,s, , Teachers in training... 64N. R Pupile .............. Municipal asesmeut.. - ...... SOHOOLS, $837 150 150 87 125 5 4222 $5027 901 1THOS. HUSTON, Secretary. 1886. EXPENDITtJRE. Teachere4 Salaries............... $8977 88 E. S. Shrapnel.................... 175 00 Tem-Porary Teachens.............. 27 00 Inspector ...................... 100 00 Secretary-Treasurer................ 60 00 F uel-Coal............... $226 15 ~'" Wood................ 24 00 - 250 15 Cleaning and caretaking............ 241 00 Black B3oards...................... 49 30 Repaire ........................... 91 82 Advt suid Statiouery.............. 26 40 Supplies, Postage, &c. .t .......... 14 40 Census Taker...................... 25 00 $5027 90 JNO. E. FAREWELL, Chainman. Whitby, Decernber 29th, 1885. BEWARE 9iF WORTHLVESS IMITATIONS As there a.re many Inferlor igodt3 codedw th Jute, heni, etc.,offered and sold as (Coraline by smre uný prnoipled merchanta trad- ingeouthe reputation of our gennine Covaline, we warn the. ladies againat suoh imposition by draw- lng their attention te, the necesltyeof Feeing that the name 'ROMPTON rGRSET 00,' in tanxped on inuer aide cf ail Ceraline gooda, Wfthout whioh nou are gouine. TO REMOVE DANDRUFF.- Clèa"ma the scalp wit& Prof. Low'a Suiphur Soap. A deUighiful medica- ted eoep for tho fouet. Suitable fer wrapplng purposoo, laying under carpets, etc., 25 cents parhunid*red. AppI>î o ti. TRIS OFFICE. CANADA PERMANENT Loan and Savings Company. INCORPORATED, A.D., 1885. Paid-iqp Capital......... 62 200,000 Total Asseta ........... 8,700,000 Office: Company's Buildings, Toronto Street, Toron te. BAVINGS ]RANK BRANCH. Sunis ef $4 and upwarda received at current rates ef intereat, pali or oempounded hall yeurly. DEBENTURES. Money received on depeait for a fixed term ci yeatis, for whlch Debentureu are lasued with ha f-yearly intereat coupons attacbed. kzeo. utersansd Trustees are autborized by law te inveat in the Delbentures eft tub Cernpany. Th 'a 1ital tind Augets ef the Cernpany belng pldhrmoney thua received, depeaitera are at ail times aamured et perfect aafety. Lna ns niade on Real Peatata current rates and ou favorable conditions as te repayrnent. -Mortgitgem and Municipal Debentures pur- ohased. J. HERB3ERT MASON, 8rn80 Managlng Directer W. ADAM8, IDE IZTTI1sTW. BOOMS OVEP JOHN FBRGUS0N'S IlClothinei eablnmeti5ndaa.st., Whitby. i 1 bfce heurs frein 9 %.m. te 12 rn.t and frein t.80 te 6-, p. ml FIoideiio,-0or. etc Byron and fGj1bertstreets. Anew treatment haa been dia-' covered whereby. a penmanent cure cf Ibis hitherte incurable disese inl abaqlutely effected in-, »om one to three applications .ne matter whether sadn u year or ferty years. Ti remedy is only applied oncein twelvýe- daye, an cos not interfere with, 7 usines. Descriptive pamphlet sent free~ on reoeipt of stamp by 'L H. DIlON & SeN, 305 [ING Sf. WEST ITORONTO, CANADA. FALL SUITS. - 000 «-- JOH N FEROUSON IS SHOWING A SUPERIOR STOCK 0F 1Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, Ana other fine Uines of Cloths, fo'r Spring suits. ÂII garmênts milde up ini latest style on shortest notice. Ready-made Men'8 and Boy?8' u1t8, Gents? FurnIehIng8 and- UndercIothing of ail Klndso. INDESTRUCTIBLE HAIS 1 HAIS 1 OVERALLS!. HAIS!1 Lateat styles ini Hardl and SAf Feit Hats VERY CHEÂP. JOHN FERGU SON, Dundas St., Whitby W. E. O RIENg PH OTO GRAPH ER, Brock Street, Whitby. Purif y the Blond, correct all1)isoriýrê of the LIVER, STOM1 CH1, IZMNISYS LND BO0W'.ýL S. They invigorate and reatore to ieýilth DehilitateA Conti-itutLions, and ar invaltuable in ail Complainte incitiental to FoUiales of; Il g Fwr eidrea aaud tiLe aged they are pri.-L-les. Manufactured only at 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (1,te 533, OXFORD STREET), LONI)ON, étLd aold by ail MeaiIcinu Veador t iri.oit Ltie) Worl; &W Purchamers ahould lookc te the Letbel on the Boxes aud Pots. Il the addreas la nut 533, Oxford Street, Liondon, they- are'spurieus PEOPLE VERT OFTEN FEEL VEBY M«UCHE LIRE Ku* cking Themselves When they commence te read what appears to ho a very. interesting etory, whloh afier aUl turne out to be the advertlsernent eft mre patent inedicine. But we don't want anyone te fin. filet bodlly injuiy on themeselvea li this manner, but we tell yen atralght befere you goe any farther that we want to draw your attention for a cou ple eof»minutes te those marvels li tho mysteriea ef medicine. viz :-Fran klin'a Pille and Franklin'a Extract ef Bluà Flag. We op eak conscierjtiouely whcn we aay that we iirmly belleve that there la ne pili made-under whazever name it may go or in N-.hat shape it mae appear-that la better adapt6d te the wantç of a blious or constlpated patient thoni are ranklin's Pilla. The teetimionies of the people thein- selves warrant us in nàiakng thise tatenient. Yen, dear reader, will do us a laver yn 'So.wl ask anyone who has uaed Franklln'a Pille acoording te directions-how they were sulted. W. 6 have ne fear et the reply. The person that buyB tlxeo once, buys theni twlce and recomirenda biairtienda te usje theni. One lay maya III have uaed ihose pille whitch yen recomnaencled, andI none but Franklln'a will suit me atter tht.." Mxnother lad y ay," I like Franklln's pilla Inu'ch better than -'s pilla, as they do net leave yen weak atter using ithei." In tct the catihattio and tenio properties of the ingredients cf those pill are s0 harmonlousily coznpounded fi.6a the weakndss naually ucceeding cathartic pilla fa entirely avelded whilmt ail the benefiel14> effects are retalned. Wecaonfidenutly recommnend them for Dizzinesa Headache Liver Diser- der and Indigestion, Btliousnema, Slck Stomach, Irregular Bowel* ai .undlce, *àad Taste laà Mouth uand Disoames af'leing from the smre ca.use. They are PxiIILY vegetable, eontaining ne a partiale et merciuyy or an y othisr Injurious substance. If the system i S al mn dw6. o i the~ i.m.nycontional derange'rent smcixas Serotula. EheurnatiMDyspepa, esitn Ctpaton #1a1~ood, etc,,. etc., a couvée of Frankdln'a Extracte 'oef It-t2~ge. Puifier eft the 8tomaob, Liver, Bowels, Kldnieys ,nd BluotI-wit theii.PM awllmka e =n of pou. Thiéeremedles are keut for sale .by G. Et GIBBAIiRD, Chemist and- Dnigit, Whity ARCHIVES 0F ONTAIRU ?

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