Whitby Chronicle, 31 Dec 1886, p. 14

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Whon the- Paiper, cores tb gatheÇ unethyt "I'athât infernal Soholes 1 I knowý -lorit and scattered 4 eià,- [il. "Oh,,the tresoherous villain!1 -He YOt phali hear tho e 1ûedctlon ýthat the j oe110k y ou for. me.. But how did you faithifal on. Èeiaves.êoenethereat t bat time of night2 Il asid bel , *"or did yon, toost. &crosth. Every cup et oeollng water gWvan ln th. walk from etirly ian1the vening?- name of love,j I kne*.-ichards' was too sh&arp te hU -And eaah 11111east of, kinduasa, bas beaeoeve ndIfit erif,1 1 reieerd boo,. doing so. I tld hlm ho w-Aorighî, and gespligthrough 'tha ceuntîes ageF, where erplaiued 1the'whole malteýrte hlm as Ihy bîsy, badehav sîrtewn.- walI as I oouldrecolleéte là h.fa -Thou. shalt ftnd dlnundant harvest ftoin1h.e hum tr o~mdbsss gooa seed thon hasteown.' pidion ibat I- was to forêver carry a eartis sealig muh -terrlibwe scar uiiou my 'face' through Olerthe. siUent,.er aaseaigsc *holy being aoâoidantly mistaken for -hlm the calm to.night - tears of- madupsa raised l h ad 'As I il l1 h. world were lietening for 1h. hearted frellow'ys: 1eyeew, 1 ud - hafeeling - old year's soleunn flight. way in wfilich - the. man talkad almost LOO ~ we watoh th. rlsing merning 1. When put Me Weep ng'Mysreif the shadows disappear. Fiually I persuaded hlm to lia down Love and peae shall orowu the dawning besido me, for 'ha would'not'go .away. of another glad NIew Year. I begged hlm for many reasous te say - [L. A. PauL. nothiug and 1et the maliter go, but ho _______________________ said ho, was .net learnlng bt ae advioe. Hie professional duty ho said was bic A NightwaJk in a Dream. give advice andalie wonld advise me le say - notbing. -Ho kuew more of the -- facto cf the malter, lie sald, than I did, BY TEE FIGHTING EDITOR. and I was to'be ready to appear when ThËe reader will remember tiat when .0alled upon, and ha dropped asleep and 1 lefi off last' week' I in My dream on a ,Ily and innocently fed hie lange Dàecember ni4'lrt haîd'juat deoided to go f rom the, early stirring breezes cf the à ut of Mr. P oî.o'e lawn by the front merning whieh wore ooming iu throngh Sante sud',that 1 had islabed I kuewteoe idw ha wast - . g' é ' wnldais ..àin That mernîng I was a piteous sight. iatural. enei.igb for mie te kDow why And for the lhfe cf me 1 did net know lie 'a' hbeq. l1-ean' sgay from whaw iwbat te gay. Richards wouldn't have recelleot now whether I"-knew liat or me lot out on Seheles -even if I wanted ne.te, and I was a tterly lost te know what I walkeda1cdng the path sud fait an I sbould gay àt breakiast. To face awful - chil omiu'g over me. - The Seh'cles without shewing what I fait Dight was quit. dark; but I could, se. seemed te me aimeet impossibIq# I SBooes partly, hidden from My view came down with the bestlooek I could by soème 1sirubbefry; 4 person who pt&on, and everyone present stared st didi Det kno,e .Wwas- thero would ma in amanner meut perplexing. Al neyer hava eau hl m e ail. 1 at fonce lhey wanted te knew what was Ha neyeri moved, Ibouglih. ewa up, when Richards waikad in suddenly loeking istraight aI me with- fierce eyes and thon I saw Soholes' face change as g,listeninglie, cal. Just as I ap. I neyer eaw man's before or sînca. I jrôaohed hlm I felt a dreadful fear loeked bad eneugh, but heaven knows lui&li1k., ofteu ha ppans on. lu -a ulghî. he ioeked worse. Sear or 'ne soarI mars,, and I tried to draw back frees would net hava traded my face for hie Soholes as if ha were a terrible for worlds. -meuBler.- I oouid net meve for frigbt, I bold lbema I had been assauited noricQaId I speak. I bad reaehedib e the uight before by bemeone whn ne olimbx ut whioh every dreamer seeme doubt bad mistakan me for another te aim, and should ne doubt have man, and wheu they asked wher. il awàkeiod iuetautly, wben the feilow bappeued I said near Mr. Pooia's gale. aprang lowards mue wilh a stick or cane I answered a multitude cf questions in bis upraised3 baud, sayiug, under a continuons fira cf wiuke and 4, -n yen Richards 1" node and heal-shakiugs from Richarde. k* * ** After breakfait Mr. Pool. came down I pt i thse strisa t reresntand wauted te havb a detective, and I Ih puty l t hessiekeI te repres ont bad a job in baud le put hlm off. H. bonlyiQ ilnk wichI sppoe overaireet refnsed te'gp bore on Richards' 7pI2rQ l. m 'xstnc. hie dvice, but finally agraad to charge bis amrn *ake I always keep my - mind famiîy toke ulfrafwdysi occupied with semetbing, and, havin g omline weeaîquist fro ewbath on had te ho. apretty bard rI bave placewtharensef.mbtbe had ne difficulty a &alI in doing se. . I wenb 'away from town for a faw Thosa who have lived near me knew laye te aîîow My face te hQal up in a 'that I-find ample matter te keep my eeuntry place wbere only my owu mind. *oocupied with whilsl I arn relatives weuld bave the horrible sight asleep. te look et. The aflorneen before- As ià wao if I had neyer again ha Clirietrnas, Richards sent a liveryrnan coi9ne CusinUS I faUCY Emy existence afterm with a notte tinRi Ia was wculd have tri mtdingbt ba v wanted et Mr. Gorman'. that niglit *ay that- my s tory mgtbv been witbeut fail. told by someone oe.-3 with more tragie Good Mre. Gorman cried, ef course, affect. 1t'could net bave been twelve when I camp, but said my face would o'clock at nikht yet when I found s005 be ail right agais. She said there Mysaîf lying on a sofa mest isside the wau tetn i greet mystery. Tbey Thesa' thinge bad made ber home a knew il was sel-loin I ever came te happy oue, etc etc. For a lime ho kept- t>ir bouse and would neyer bave on in this aIrain and then mantioned azpected me laIe like this. that dnriniz tho lest three menthe a Wbon I fully revived I fait maddlad number ef incidente hadi occurred in and ceild scarcely.reaize what was the snob a mysteriene manner that when malter. I rememubered reîiring aItbe facto were cennected quile a history Mrs. Gormau's, but fer seme time hbad 0oonld be given, and icet unfortunate, ha eniy a shadod recollection cf auylbinge aid the@@ @ven t@*hed proved for mauy furtber. We ail know liaI upen. cf nu. Turning te Soboles ha said. awakening frein a terrible niahtmari 6"Mr. Seboeos, il lu Mru. Gormaan's Wt la difficOUIt to locête a.nytbing or wish that I obould say a faw worde le recôtlect mucb cf the dr.esm. How- yen. I bave made il my business te ov.r, after a litt1. lime I was able te kaop as oye upon yen fer the paut bbree pull" the tacts togather suffioienîly le rncînths. I may »ay it wae net twe -determin. hew the catastrophe had day. aflar Mrs German'si money was happened. stol 2 ." before Libby- (the servant) ooek Tha dotor's instructions for me le the itbèry ofilooking througb yeur runk keep mlii li my face ceased bloeding. wbicb abs oponod witb one of my weys enabled me te couaider what il wao which I leint ber for the purpese. Yenu boatto say, for I know il wouid be a ar'i aware the burue was thoreanad lu terrible punishoeent, for Scholes if I y4t, I dent know what becarne oetIhe wareo.b ell it ail., monay, put amn satiîfied, as I was at iwas as. plain au day te me tbat fir&t. il w-ae only a sinuular coïncidence Richards badl bantalizod the mean that Bert James sbould bave the saine fellow te snob an, oxtent thsl Sobolas d&nominations et bis and the smre had lain lu weil fer hlm at Poole'i; amount. state, and I being ta11, and tàiler than 'q saallot go furtber tban tb men. Richardsi if sylbinR,.be twil talion il tien your cruel cooduel ii ailowiàg fer stranted I was Ricbrds. H. kDew pee'r Bert te Pbonlder the biame, nor Richards Wua 1h îç, Fsud -.1I ha0viog COM iniknd s in'lutaklng advantagze ln asethêr labo the iieetlses -froua amaide gale, hoe respect, cf -bie voluntary exile.. You t înitoo bi ma. --have oniy te look et the face cf o" ocfi *~bat wt' the te'rrible weaknes hiqecnrnpa4Wny to e e the Iife long scara whieb alvaYs aCines le me frem these inflicîed by your Ireacherous band.a Iàats of 9omnimaoblie froin thé loge your miner ,able cenduct lu robbingaa t ,of ilood and lh.' blew,'lt was 'an heur poor womnuof-& umail 0cm et money bûàr hà. dcodl- h'rasd'ica R u oly au Bot in common with yenr ~ti li. ocer .d'làaloui cerry me every mova for mDonîhe. I ara Rouer- ' f41 tht. ' ' " - - ouely oowmissioned te saY 11mb yeu area ' better Uan,any of- tbe rest, of us wlier4 ho 18 now* On. remarkable thing in".oô)anection with the affaîia i.-,tha.t ot t Io hards'" niotion 'i' reporting en~d the Iaàw Jlosta spIenfid fellow, Who to-day is editor of a good neW-3eppr,, PAIN-KI LLERý Plwicians, J3inisters, MioatSremi, Xianagera of Factorie, Work.ekop, Pktrftaion, Nurises in HospWt*s -in short, everybody everlnhere tAOh'a ever-given it a triae TARESr NTECRNÂLLY MTXED WITR' À *WINE G LAOS OF HOT MILK AND P1UGOÂh. IT WILL BE pOuND) ANEYER PÂILING CURE FOR SUDDEN COLDS, CHILLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE 0F CIRCULATION, CRAMpS, PAINS IN THE STOM-ACHj, SUM- MER AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SOlIE THROAT ,&c. APPLIED EXTERNALLY) EXPERIENCE RAS PROVEN IT THE MOST EFFECTIVE AND EEST LINIMENT ON EARTH IN REMOVING TUB PAIN ARISING PROM SPRAINS, BRUISES, REEUMA- TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED .FACE> TOOTHACHE, BURNS, FROST BITES, &c., &oc. 25ct. p er Bottle. Mr' Beware of Imitations. -qf CAMWPBELL'S - T ONIýC Thi agreealeyet ptent yre te s eseily a ed fer tlief and cure efthtlat ciaas -of disorders attendant upon a Iow or reduced state ef the systeni, and usuaily accempanico' by Palier, Weakness and Palpitation ef the Heart. Prompt resulte wili follow its use in cases cf Sudden Ex. haustion arisirg- frein Loss of Blood, .Acute or Chrome D1iseases, an(] ili flic weakness tliat iîîvariably accoînpaixîYs the rerovery froui Wasting Fvi-.No reiuedy wiIl give more speedy relief in ])yspepsia or Indigestion, its actoîîon the stomacli being that cf a getitle and harmiese tonic, exciLiinoe- theorpans of digestion te action, aitlîus afferding iminediate and permanient relief Thie carmninative properties of the different aromatics which the Elixir contains render it usef ul in Flatulent Dyspepsb, kt is a valuable remedy for Atonlo Dyspepsia, wbichl sapt te occui Uin D.ersoils of a gouty character. -- For Impoverishied Bloodl, Less et Appetite, ])espendency, and iii ail cases wliere an effective and certain stimu. lant is required, the Ellxir will b. found invaluable. In Aevers cf a Malarial Type, and the various cvii resuits following expo- surt o thie cold or wet weather, it will pie a valuable restorative, as the ceai bination cf Cinchona Cal isaya and Serpen taria are universal ly recognized as specifics for the above-named diser.. ders. Bol by all Dealers in Family Maedicin& Price, 31 per Bottle, or' Six Botties for $5. Davis &Lawrenoce Co. (Limited) SOLE AGENTS, MONTREAL, P.Q. CAMPBELL'S CATHARTI ' t.s effective in ;nnall * doses, acta withont griping, dees nnt oc- casion laqna ian wili flot crcnte& îi-i- - ~~tation andcgstn as (16 mlny of the * susual cathartics ad- xninistered in the form OfPilis, &C. Ladies and Chl- dren having the Inost sensitive ste- machs take this miedicine Wjthout trou- ble or co mnplaint. CAMPBE LL'B dATIRARTIC COotnq.D is especially adapted for tie cure cf Li-vER COMpLAINTS &xiD BîLIius Dis- OiDEtS. FORt ACIDSTOM.OH AiiD Los OFpAp- PETITE. FoIL SICK HEADAOHSJ ARD DYspzPsII, FOR CONSTIP'ATION 0OR COSTIVENESB. .FouJR.LL COMPLAINTS ARISîIrG FRex A Disoigmu JDSTATE O7 T'SU STO- MACH. This medicine beizin l quid fermn, the dose ca b. eaeily regaate 10 rneet the requîrelzIent8 cf di:fferent par- Bens, thue nxaking il equally wll adapted to the use of the little cîhild ais to the aduit. Put up in threo ounce »ottles, and ,sold by ail dealer in family medicoine,.* FieR 2 Oeiem T / T-'- Lite Insurtance e ' a than, oniehalf the ord"nary rates, and. seouarîty pertébt. Only~ '17 asseements made in 1881, 1882# 1888> andI 1884-an4 in neocase can they b.î more fr0- quent than evezy alternate month. Annuel, expenses cf# management, &o., limited tepr 1,000. An active agent weanted in every unrep!e- sented locaut t , om a liberal ommis- sion wilI bp àllowed. Applications solioited and full psrtoulars.turniohed by the uder.,, signed. ~H. GORDON, Agent for the County of Ontario. May 8,1885.Port Perry, Ont. T EWESTERN -BANK 0F THE CANADA, WHITB Y, - ONfI'BIO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. Whitby, Nov. 7th, 1882. ly-47 MONEY TO LOAN! lî 0100-000 FUX INVESTJIENT. ON REAL ESTATE SECURITY. At iowest lving rates of interest. Money eecured within 10 day. of &p. Appl ite plication. JOHN FARQUHA.R8O1q Whitby, February l6th, 1880. 9- $500,000 TO LOANO At 6 per cent. yearly. Terme ef repay ment ei principal miade te suit borrowers. Firet ani second mortgages bought. Ad- vanoas made on second mortgages and te purchase farmna. Iîc ceets inrred ini making applicationso te me for money; ne agent'a tees; ne delay. Parties paying higlier rates on morîgeges sboulés appiy te me et once for Iower rates and save meney. Write or eaU immediately, fer particulars. .9. R. R#YNOLD8, ly2 20 Adelaide Street East, Torento. MONEY TOLOAN On Real Estate Mortgage at Low Rate of Interest. Alçpraiser for the Canada Loan and Savinge Ce., and agent for the Wsatern Assurance Ce. OFFICE-,Over Gerrie's Block, Whitby. malzauv, or U4 D iL Ua-jeasU a-VU1LA.UIU5N pedtoran~sd nutritivepvrepertles,.Yunxequaied, Ilot ouiy as a remedy for consumton of the ungebut for all RONIO DISEÂSES- 0F TEE Liver,Bl1o0d, and Lunge. If you féed duM, drowsf.bi1t"td bave eaiiew celer of j , r y leBhbr= ost on face or body, frequent beadache or dizzl.. neas, bad, taste ln moutb, internai beat or chils aitèrnating with bot flashes, low spirits amiý gioomy borebodinge, IrreguJar agpetite, and coated tongue. yeu are suffering frem Jnd- geuîiluu1»YspOPBla, and Torpld Liver, or 66 fl Iougnems.99 In many Casesoniy part eftbtese symptomne are experlenced. Ms a remedy for ail such cases, Br. ]Pîere'u Golden itedical ]Iscovery bau no 'V;Wa unCp itng of Dlood,' Sbortness of ret ze ronchitis Severe Conghu, Consumptlon, anal kindred affections, It là a'sovereig remedly. Send ten cents In etam ps fer Dr. Pieroe'e boek on Consumptien. So14 by ]Drugglots. O6 OTTLES PRICE $1,009 * o qSB O.C>> World's Dispsnsary Medical Association, Proprietorls, 6W Main St., BurFA.Lo, N. Y. ~~VïCQ~'LITTLE 00 ]PILLS. ANTI.DILIOJJS and CATMARTI1C. Sold bY Drugglots. 26 cents a vial. W $500 REWARD la eiffered by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh ktmy for acase of catarrh whioh theyr cannot cure. the nose, offensive or othez'. wlse, partial le. of emel, taste, or prmr bayen h ave COaTarhThou- mand ef cases terminate Iu consumption. Dr. Sa' CATARRa RxxmDy cures the worst Case eofCatarrh 6"6Cold àin the Head$99 and Catarrhal ilfeadaehe. 60 cents. .JOHINSON ln Deverei>8 Block for gour W. B3. PIRINGLEl FLRN/TUBE Selle The beet Roll Fleur, The best Pastry Fleur, The best Relied Oats, The beat Cern Meal, The best Crackéd Wheat, The hast Graham, The beat Manitoba :011 Cake and the best Oats in the Market. He selle the Watson-Deering Bitider, which for simplicity, Iigbtness cf dranghr, dur&. biiity ani quaiity et work stands unequailed. The "Advance" Plow beats ail rivale. He hat; a large amount ot money te boan at iew rates, and h. writes Deede, Mort- gageo, WilB, Leases, Bonda, &c., ca.refully and cheapiy. Dominion Wood Works, WHITBY. Geo. Cor mack, L UMBER MERCHANT & BUILPER. -A large euppiy et Builders' Furnish- inge, and ail kinds et Twisted MeldinÉs, Doors, Sasb and Blinds. LUMBER, wholesale and retail, or by the car load. Planing, Mouldings of every description, Flooring, Sbeeting, Shelving, Re-sawing, Shaping, Turning, Seroli Work, etc., etc. 1886 Lumdo &wwi1son, importers,&o We have just received direct fron Secotiand the largeaI consigument ef Footballs ever lrnported by us. We guarantes tbeni te be the best nmade, and supenlor to Ibose gober- ailv soid by other de'alers. We draw specisi attention te McKechnie's'-new Bal "Queon's Park," whlch we btlleve te bo the besî eewed and moet, durable hall made. The foilewlng are our prices: No. 1. Circumference 20 inohos. Price $1 76 f2. 9 22 4 4 2 00 418. 4 24<4C -225 fi. 26 250 84t 5t 44 88 44 275 "The Goal," MoKochnie*s Maki,-8 25 '-Queensa Park," McRechnil's New Ball, 4 00 (Bpecal Association Bise). - - Pnico List, B-ubbers alene, MoIntoshe'e beRt niaro, No. I., 65e. ; No. 2, 80e.; No. 4, $1.10; Ne. 5,-81.26, each. Football Inflatora, Si f0o ach. 9 Shun «nerds. Si 75 pair. Âny ef the above nialled freete s ny addreos ,in Ithe Dominicon n recelptoet prie..Du] lng îhbe-laiet brse yeays we' have- gent' enornons qatilles oethle... goodby mail, and s yet no1t one bas g ne sstra'y LlufmBinN & wILýÉ0N, 8. oth; Ont. Iimportera Pootball Ooclu. DRAWING ROOM SUITS, DNNG FIOOM S UITS, BEDROOM SUITS, KIC}IEN SUITrS At Prices that Defy Coinpetition Corne One, Cornie ail, and se. -for Yourselves. E. J. JOHNSON. UN;DETAXING, ÂLCO A PIEST CLASS H RBE, Mt R. 'J. He. BATjL8, ewspaper &V.'dvertisîmg Agent, 41 P>ark Itow (TIimes Building), New ICork,iu autlborazed tu comtracî flor edveru.be. meul tu thie CHIIONICLE ut oui beit rates. IK NGBROTHERS, W'HITBY, ONTARIO, Importers, Dealers and Manufacturera et .11 Kinde et LEATHEfi',,.;AND FlNDINGS, Cash pald for Hides, Barik and Leather. Leather stretched. OfirBLTING MÂDE' TO 0 8DER 0»4 SHORT NOTI Mavt 1872. 9 For Purlly, Sweetnos, and Flavor la Un- iequalled. It. vu greatly,.Jmpreve your BUTTgII Aganoy for Wes&brn Canmada- Oaklahd'is Jersey Dairy HAMIJ'JONONT.' M.C. ~Ban4 LAWLERAET 1TQWN 0F. WHÎ'TBYx Tuelsdqy, ,2à5th dan.,' 1837, At 1hheur cf Twe c'cleck inîe afiernoozi; zth. paid percaes;tOfland irmangusod orse~~ ~~ wcthrfasmayha eessaàry Jfor the taxe$'suad -lawf ni charges inued in sud about sncla sale. J. B.-LANG, -TreaBurer', Ce, Onitaro. Co. Traamnrer's Office, Whitby, Dec, 17; 1286. $~5 to $8 a day.- Bamples aýî>d dutY- FPREE. Lines net under the hèeïs eest. Write BuzwsTrZuesSMRT ei OLDER cd.. Hlofy, Mich. London'and Lancashire' Life. Company,. This Oompany issues every degirable form ef Life poiicy, and has depoeited with. thé Receiver Genenal in ispproved Canadiau securities over #100.00 for each $100.00 ci liability, thua -aflording ABSOLUTE se- Partes desirous ef assuring their liveg ~the undersigned before assuring elsewher,. JOHN FARQUHARSON,- Whitby, May 18,,'86. .ly General Agent- PAT E NT S.ý CANADIANq eau seonre patents ini the United States on the same termea Citizems. Il je best te patent first in the States, thus securing ai17 yeara patent ; otherwise time will be limdtei two years. Total cest et United States Patent $60, only 820 on making application, the balance enly when patent ie allowea: Total ceet cf Canadien 6 yeare patent, $84;1 for-8IS years, *74. On receipt cf Model or drawing, wi-th description of invýention, we wilil aend advice, references an d circUlrtfree Address, C. A. SNOW & 00., Opposite U. S. Soliciters of Patents, Patent Office, Washington, D. 0. Please mention where yeu saw this adver* tisement. 1 SITTINGS 0F THE DIVISION COURTS COIJNTY 0F ONTARIO9 1887.1 1. Whitby...a 2 2: Brougham.... rDnffin's Creek4 8Port. Penny... 8 4- Uxbridge.. .. 9 5. Cannington.. 10 6: Beaverton...,'. il 7. Uptergrove... 12- By Order. 228 2 4 19 21 .20 22 21 28 22 24 B. . PABE WELL9 4282 2 7 19 14 8 20 15 9 le Olsrk et lb. Peaoe 9 -17 > WILOURE'Og R RELIEVE BIUOUSN 1, DIZZINESS, INDI 'GESTIOk3 FLUTTEIîlNf JAMDNICE -F TuE IEART, ERYSIPELS AciDIY SAIT,Ë RHUN STOMACI{K HEARTBURN# RNS And 'e aj"ee fd~esarsinz -T. MoILBIR:,& Cw, ~MBERM W HýT I babe ap, -gene Y« Aet u a-hope, and let us-praj Uawhfeedus daby day h# 3th ear lead us hi ] P~at year. a record loudlytel oves, 4nd hates, and marriage-1 4 birthi4 snd deallis, and soe, Mdstrifea eftongues, and strifes- - âdestrifes of race, and bloody de Fruitset the camnai nature's evil se, .Ad how the- Czar, on inischief ben xWnlrswith game eye, and feul* utfg all Eurpe *i a great fermi ýjùst laI the Ruas, Pruass Turks anm flegmie each ether with tIbeir tales T1ne reins far held by band that n Ri3s purpese since the world began. Eas over-ruled the wrah of man;_ And-makes ail things subserve Hi Old-Erin's stiRl a seeîhing pet Of Irish stew, (they serve it hot) Bad wtuikey causes mucli ef ber, sa WitI, more 8ef-rule (se Farewellas Old Etpu Wpuld see better days, And Ie's ý*hine ut withbig -The " Grand Old 312n " reinaingaga The greatest man among the great EPen theugli bis hand holds net the The spreuting seeds of great refoeMi Send their roots downwardmn-gt And the blades upward shiotA And in due lime the npening grai Makeg glad «the eye o'er ail the plai Sfiéwing the sewer labered net ini v. God bles our <4ueen,logmyse !àed o 'a Emireblert and tree, With joy we greet lier year of Jubi Friance, fickie France-, 'bout Egypt Feels bad, and tries with note full s Te scare-the Sphinx, and break tl No' n, the Lien des nt cae :Fr Gaeliecacck, norRussian bea, But bides bisatune, andi re8s withiu -e uttliomeward now I wend my way yweary feet love net te stray 'rlands emote on this bright Ne Day. y cilo dear land, 1 love .thee beît - sfledeling loves the parent nest, Bo love -I thee, and seek thy peacef And yet, nt rest, for tho, AMas 1 Tlreugh bloody sleughs hast lad Ix And putrid things engeuder noxiou The dealli of Riel, wronýg or riglt, 'Ras put Sir John ini cvii plight As Jean Baptiste la mad enougli to But Yohns a crafty fox, and le Knows many tricks of strategy; And yet, he cant like puss run up The hunts.-nan's hemn is heard at la The louBd;s are on bis track full faç ~".And the "No Popery" cry 'i a cous Our honest Oliver's the man *Who needs ne tricks te help his-pl That srlus tells the tale-beat it The soaring Laîrk(e) fuIt proudly sm F Ont on the breeze the echees rang; But- Dryden'a shot-gun earthed hi bang. Hlow works the Scott Act, do yeui 'The Act is good when men obey ; 'Wthout means te enforce, 'tilas play,. 1 scance dare touci on Town affaira ading will be of the kind moDI 'bis paculiar bent of- mid. arent should etudy the ehar&c hhi bidren, -and- help tbemý g -aewil- meutpractical boys, as are inclined t e r goed agricultural P 18 eS *Yse h-1ktheories which- ha k ù4prýcÙciab1e, but o m*m ers whiqh--are editqd frorn slnpoi#ti$ an ~are for r or wi bcomo, . $irosted usa it tre on b' t\1 k andtIhe life lie kiier Mo' enover hq rea Of new mel -tiig he wxl compar the method wkith- which flir ana the. est mle ao il follow, ha il 1h. ne) Tha paper will W ghI k6his mindt,and W"a a, lu b b..set7 Ihinkiug. ' quire 4 hav.e bsi~s or hini- by soemaOnae 118 arase frib10 bishaowni v - TORONTO 0-&]:Jlj CD x > x 'l., le-4 m 0 Ob 92 th 0 et b-.5 ý No. FOOTBAL LS. .18861 " 1

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