Whitby Chronicle, 31 Dec 1886, p. 2

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115* s. princd viii 'sord abaifoa gociSdeal of arithméliolallai, sud à good Mnau people would ilerèe thémeiveela'.Zow nolgibor'. >affireé 10 su ostent liaS' the neughhoru- May not alogolier ue)aah. A ileigtrun-Off ocourred pu the Grand Jumetin BRàüw"7 eanr esee *~~~~ Baudy*elg rkaile oguicd 1h. der&ilUng of acombinalion baggeecar, vici pread lihe rails sud tirei hefot roli ookf thé paseuger, car off i tsok. 1 No 'one mas injured and tlie deae vasalisit. LaitWedneeday about 8:80 Mr'. sud Uns. A. W. Brodie vèes duiving rap George shtr lui a Smo.wheeled car. 9ag. Allie corner cf Brook etreet h.bore. bolleiS sud becamo unuasu. agoable, runniuç se fiari Mr. Yellend'e reuideuce, miet. the boise elipped sud fe9110b, eground. Here Mr'. sud Mue. Brodie ihsombarked, sud haiS ne ecouer g el car oethle voui. I haxi the animal Jupedits îetest snd started off again, nover stopping ftlit lresobed.ils 'vu stable. TI. arrfingeirai a total vrok. Oc. day lait veek a labereriat le o mploy of Mr. Thomai Irwin preseuted &n onder for $6.75 Se Mayor Stevenson for paymeul. The order wau cesed, aud shorlly affrvards lie man re. tureSmlia ianla paper whieh Mr'. Blevenson refusod Sto optunutil i. baiS see r i. Irvmn. On epeakiug t10 Mr. Iriaof the maloier, ; h. latter denied any knovledge of th.eider, declaring il baiS ual been millIn by hlm or aIis instance. The oriSer vwas * tien disoovered ta b. a élever férgery. 14 la known liaI 1h. forger boul ta tickot te Toronto, aud lb. police of tiat clly have been put on lie truck of lb. falloir. Il la ta b. hoped- hemwulie captured sud brought tJla utie. On Taesday evenilut elMr. M, Burk'e bain raun on laRing et., mai goloupeat rma luto t1h. evsyaeli ,* hMr@& . B Sh Bawr sd ber dug- 6«' Mi$* I&a, versdtlviog. -sA" vbl.b .t tuai moment came elo*g Outanie et. on ioRings4t mmMs.sd wMishamr Vr thrown vlolently 10 lbé grond sMd Bav'Sb***face le badly cul, besis cther tever, braises sd Ijuries laboth ladie.. reqninlug, meicalattention. Yeelerday Miese Shairvas r.ovred .Eoriit, but 'ber uotire case le gtlS serions. A *Meo( Ouelly le sulmalebse orne ta our notice, vis ai a aruir, mo Ilirsu lu i ti ownsbip, mas brunginit a Iat beach 10 to , air , ud i l lied btbudtwabsns. Tho puerbrute could »ut vàk a* rtbls rouch road sud tleerlhéemeand ao a4 ,aeyo.eu b silthe Inpelo li osrl ot Mr. D. J. Bealon l inovxiutii w.ek. Ho Re looking veILU. s > bas apeni the summer ln attening to thle lutereatoof the Hudson Bayraavy lu lie 014 Land. -The capitaliste the have laken up thee malter extuelati- calysu is oces a ured. -Mr~. Beatola speake vhfél of the' là. B. B'.. prospects, sud sys ilt'w not be. long befoneii.anaoomp11bd'fiit. met mi a _sivxaila cdent laut 8aturday. It appean tha$ as aie vau ou her vay froua sebool aie ellppod and feil, sud ii one -vay féU vith ber face upon -a ,penuahwhich aie wua saryiog 'ini her haud. The pencil entend ber mouti penstuating tie roof. She lu nov recovering from whal lureatened 10 h. a very serions affaIr. Mr. T. H. Bobuomn, local agent for the Bell Telephame Co., informe us that th. Truuk telqpbone line will b. bufit to Onilhia lu tie îpuiug. At present it only roeo e ufar iBare Thisisjegood noe s uIl il gireus complote-counection with lhe oitaide world by telephone-sialot -ai great a boon ai th. îyatom viJi b. looally. The telephone staff are now buiy pattiug ug fie mires, andS getting tie instrumente jute position. Ou. day -lait meek a feutive Grange froua ont Mars way borrowed a houe. froua hie brother te 0cm. b Orilia, aud proudeed to erbi i noit day. But afler three or four dsye, andS neitier the borse nor man îhowing up, the brother thongthe wov omre toOrillia andS ouquir. aftor t. On arriving ho founmi liat hie brolier had sold th. hors, for $80 and haiS no ecollection cf vie th. buyeî mai or mers he liveiS. The owuor of the hora. threaténed t10 pros> soute. Mr. David Blair la 10 oppose Mayor Rowland lu lie maloralty election. As a remit ai 1he menut -police regu., lations tioe s ers no cabs at Union station ou Suuday ladt. Mr# John Kacona- the. g#pet r sl~y.for yors c aga M day.iW ô* ffHday laut Aid. piper su, Âld. Frankland dîeUibaUtd 200,poundi lbf bee roastseamo»g the Pmoocf 81.,YJo'a yard In ibis eity. The number of appfiotauts vas 470, ' *TII.ounleunoe oft1h. poor besmed mith joy aS the gi sud lie ire vwortby alderuenvllI long bave a plae lu 1 h.eIiearta ofthi SAi ed pIs of bugrgirls er m mllt- mg 8aluaynigil. Early lu ling e Pa' eutened Ooolioan' JprammisT«oronio.eie, sud Mf n 5 InI-bo* guo. X la e - sitoM ver bentmorocil f lie -,phuider. AI 2 o'eloek &y' morrisng lhe pr«rnisesof lb. vtIdabIe peôtaaflà l heit fiUëOi ozn Pr.uocrlbedum'veraaly by phyolsûsàÙ. Take no othor. It la sigetainu onftroalthat Lieutenant- Governor: mason vii reuîgi and b. sucs 'ed dby Mr. Ohaploan. . A G.od Investrnent. 941 suffered with exuptionu on my iace for Ovu two yar8. 1 dotermined tb give Bur- dock Blood Bitters a falrtrial. Alter tahing four bottfloo, I ciii ay il was theb.bot in- voîlmont I Over' made. Jean Olaney. ]Beansjour, Manitoba, It tu om-offoimlly deoledthat Germany and Russa have reaohed mn agreement con- oernng Balgaria. Phare la no one rornedy cfered to suu2fw Ci umanlty whosee In s 180niversally an4freuenlyreqnlred masEgymrd's Y.o0 U for rhonniattim, nonràlgia, colds adro tlbroat, deafneigu, crop, lumbago, and aches, pains, lan&enega and soreneas of al hindi when intrnallyand oxt.rnsUy uuod. AI agetheatre van destroyed by fine in Philadeiphia yeste4dy. Two mon wore khflod. id wau troubled with liver compIaint for three yeara, tuied many romodies bnt aveu found any that bas doue me uo muai good as Bnrdock Blood Bitters." James Higgns Est Tempeoton, P. Q KING'S EVIL« Wau tho-narno formerly givon to Smerool becausofo a superstition fiat It could b. cured by a king'a touch. The world la wlser nov, and kuowu fiat SCUOFULA can nly be cured by a tborough purifie- Coi, (ifthe blood. Iff tisa 'laneglered, tL -is icperpetuates (ta teint tbrouztt * nafter generation. Amnong its 'r FlDItofiUitie developments are Et-~,Cutaneous Eruptiona, Tu- Inoi' BOUSa carbunc1 Ea, pea- Purulent Ulcers, Nervous and Phy. stcal Coliapso, etc. If allowed ta con- tinue Ubteumatlîm, Serof nions Ca_. taresKldney and Liver Dias, Tubercular Consumption, and vai ou otiier daa>mrunor MW£ aba"ale, ane f>er'8Sa&rsaparilks uài an at4vl'e thaU- If estes lm11 the Aystem floteoitarSerofti-isani the kindred poisno f çontgloua diam«s "d1 rnercry. At the' âme Urne (t anq rkhu s ad vitalizus the b1od. ru"tq he.sîtifu1 action te the Vital ois~f4 r"JOuvutng theexitrmyuiin. grest flegPetorthe uMdlcln ileii*a, the Jodîdes, of ?otassium andS te6 n d otr l ndisenMtti.-t, r <d.Ifs formula fi; genertiily knowuVX tise m*edkasi Profession. an.d thc beit phv;ýîf'I4is vonatantly prçaribo ÂYitS SÂl~&L~'Â g a u Absolute Cure Fror a&l dbseses caused by tue vitite!not tlbikblood. -It lu eoneet-rcted to the lg.9b est pract!eablo ereear byond auj other pren*rot1ou Ifor wb1eh like dote me clamed, sud,_Iothercforo tueecbvtirl.t4 m we ves - lobout blood purfyinAnedI. *lnelntb.world. IANGINGYINPBICE I 400. Also aother 1ew fotof, StipdiCrded Velvetefl CHiENILLE AND JET. FRINGESY lýNW DRESS AND MANTLE BI TONS,: Dress and Mantie Clasps -in ail colors andlak TAILORIN G F LOURIHINO. Everybody is satisfied with- our work. Leave Yorodr with us and you canibe suire you will rnothave:tlo bring them back for alteration. Unte"Swe et'By and Bye Are you going to get xnarried this. Xuas ? of our business'. We only -wish- to intimatE selling MNagificentH*angi*g Lamcps, Faânoy Ci Lamp G-oods;-.Pinner, Tea .a.nd (Jhamber, Se sale prices; Superb- Chi-na Fruit -B.askets, Fanoy China *Dishes ana Electro6-plated- gooc XmJas Presents, e t -prices -to. suit the SSPECIAL FOR'THE NEXT 8C We will give a present of a Hlandsolne . 0 Saucer with every pound of our 40, 50, 60 sud 75a Tesi of oui pure freàh-ground (JCoffée at 25o and 40o pèr' assortment of choice Xmas Fruits, at close. figues. T] Baking Powder put up ini poundl tins at ... per lb. AU] goods, Fish,&4. Fresh, Can an& Bulk Oystera arn direct from-fBaltimore, at. ëýBr&ailaWarehUuse. D( bdfore purcbasing. Wishing yenala hapy- Assurance Co nipany, INCORPOPLATID BT S PECUL ACT 0r Tun Do- XMIaN PARLUMENT. Full Gove'nment Deposit. DIRECTORS: HSON. ALBX. MÂOKBNZrE, M.P., ex- 'Primne Minster cf Canada, President. HJON. ALEXANDER MORRIS, M.P P., ma dJoHN L. BLAIXI, ESQ., Pros. Cau. Landed Credif Co., Vice-Presudonts. Hfon. G. W. Allan, Senator. Alphnsesjarlil, Eq., M.P., Kontreil. Hon D. A. Mcdouldx-Llont.-Goveunor of Ontario. Andrew Bobértsoneu q., Pieu. Monttreal L. W. Srnltb.Bigq >OLProm. Bu4ding ani Loan & ae!Lou. . join Moisn, .,oGovemnoir Buitlh Arn Pire AssurancCo 3. A. MeodUthg Esq.g LL.Bes Vlce.Pielident Toroto Trata'Çorporatlon. Wrn. Be Eaq.9 Manufacturer, Guelph. A.I H.-Oam8»4bei.Eq., Pieu. Enfiti Cai. IL. DLL Maci ]j. as s mnfature, Guelph. E. Gurneq., Director Fedeai Bank of Ha. il. Cook 2Eaq.,MP. Toronito. John.L Ms. .Bu sdPin. Agrent. xdiraziSlIe, Alderman. Whoiale"Mr ni JasThzono, aqMJ)MeiaDrc James SotEq. (rohaàtt DireoorDo- minionBank. Wm. Gordou, Eaq., Toronto. RobuterietfryEsq.,Mahnt W. oCBE Eq.* L..,PA. M teg Tug Bieotr paaa' LtWoky ADVEIRTI Or. LONDON, Hs beei v#stly iiuprove< -aatng eiu ulfîdin lu t uker ai îall'y r repi ýont 1 ANDfE W lvi. ROýSS> A JOUI ian we

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