Whitby Chronicle, 31 Dec 1886, p. 5

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________________________M ______________________________ INSPECTION I)iI YOU WILL FIND si ARXARD' S'FOCt 0l' itchles, mJcwýelr" ANI) ÇM 1 i . L - i OVELTIES Ldez . t ý S ) (T."', R)AIlNAPRD, Tanz public schools in rural sections open on Mjonday nelt. There je enougb Onow left on the roada, after the rough usage of Tuesday last, to make things lively for New Year's. A MEETING of Reformeérs isecalled for Monday evening next in the Cominittee roome over the Express Office. Ail Ieformers are earnectly reqne8ted to be present.a MR. JOHN CALDER, CAUIidate for Conilor in Township of Whitby hrougbt into town on Tues.day the largest bog that bas been offered on the market this seas;on. ILturned the beam at 503 ibs. Mr. Downey was the >purchaser. 1)UFFEEÎN street school promotion cxaminaion.-Frotn 83r(1 cdase t o 40 class-Mslry Kl-erup, Mary Correil, .1 wc;v Mephorson, Nellie Taylor, liacîtîl S,4thweli, Minnie Cameron, t.i'trge NF.*Iu.1rom 410junior toi sh eni41,r-:Adîa iîoJohn Tilorp. S4.411 litthatlia.tiîusmn, l.lith South- xx i , r1-n I]n4zg.ard, Frank AtkîuFonl, 1 *, oIro u- c o M(t :iBrv will re- 1 C 1a s, es ttin il, \Vatr ('lorc. 4 .î4~ ,î4.144. tc. in <hfi\W. VC. VU at- 14, i: t'4 1. h" I 444k r. f Itn- i oi ih r . , i4, ir v i 'j 1414,44'. r, 4. 4 i 444 I j '.4 . î 441. 4, 4,4 4 4, 4 .4 ' '. 4 4. 4.~ 4 'i 4 1, 4, I <* 'i ~; "1' 't'. I .,, t 1]~ . 4 ',ri-,',4 t '4 44 '4 44.44, 4, 1. .i~ <. .4, 4444...4 '4 i 44 444 41 4,4 4,4 4 4, i %, I , . 44 Cail on Camepbell for horse blankete ebapeci. QYstors arriving daily at'Browne con- feotionary store. Call on Oampbells' and soe their dress goode. Malaga grapes, figes ad dates just arrived at Cain's bakery. Cail on Campbelle' for buffalo robes, aise, black and grey goat. New imported cigare arrived thie week at Brown's confectionary store. Cail on R. & J. Campbell and See the bargains tlîey are offering ini blankete. CALL at the Royal flotel barber-Rbop for a shave and hair-cut. tf Florida oranges and lemone at 25o per dozen at Qzin's bakery. R. 131towx-lreceived a freeh lot of candies thi@ week. jCampbells' 18i <be place for mensé and 14y*sovercoats at. low prices. j TEl- SH fruit and confuctionery at Cktnt's tsktry. C 14 (oimpelt'and Fiée tijir rfet'4c,44'h4 atI lc and 1'2"c per yd. I-u 'nest 4and1IaEtaccort ment of 9,1 k <. bOt44 yin te w n b be L1 ,<înt baken . U>.o IPr. l)4rén4xonTi"Grt-àt iJorîan Il hirNM for laldties, gray «air, u fui oti,eb0v rli rii,,,44t <. 44.4ttocIr t lr'444ogî.1 141.1 Hii 1. , r ro. fi t t Nu'..A11 ,' Whl 1 'N l',o o an.! NI us leesitore-. S 4,h.44 1) : (,fr 1 l t îhî,. ('hrl-îuîlii- t' j î1 , 1 t' I l tc,î 1m-r <4-4< i itiilt ,,,()J g tii <n t-vér. u < iljr, î Sii ' îu j 4 'itli N ,44 414 4 :1 ,..'I't,4.4 fil T 4 , ., ,. ~, 1. 1414 i. fi 4 '4, 4,44, '4' 4 4, 44i.~' '4.4 4 ..4' 4 "".44 .4 .4 4 , ' , j .4 ,4.444 '4444 'T ,, 4 , 4 . 4,, 4 ".4 4.4 <.4 '~4'~4t~T. ~ ,~ 4,' 4 4 44. T, 44 ,' j' i. .4. 44' 444,, 4,4 4 44. ......~Q.4 188. Fli pcnngolfr Goôods. 188 We are now showing a very compIhête and Choioe Stoc-k of Ne-V Fal Dry Goods, .Clothing, MANTLES, MITLLJNERy, &c. Ail goods boughit at the lowest Cash prices in the best markèts. We are DOW ln a position to state with con- fidence to our manv kind patrons, that never before in Whitby was there shown a better class of Dry Goods of reliable make, good Value and first qiuaity. You can rely jhat our best efforts are always put forth to gi-ve our patrons entire satisfaction and goodsýf the best quality and value. New Di'ess Goods. New Hosiery and Gloves. New Houscfurnishings. New Manties and Shawls. Ncw Flannekf and Shirtings. New Mantie Cloth&, NEW rJýVX\ED SUITINGS ANID OVERCOATINGS, ,No trouble to show goods. Everybody weleorne. c F STEWARTI 'lite Gireat J)rç ioods, Clothing anîd Millinery House. 1I3~3 e, MOLLIDAV'S EMPORIUM, BROOKLIN, t If ii iv l it 1 (1 c ( I i 14v ( t i ,.i l'ý J11, I l 0 H(,4f.ud't ii 1iitj { of ~ I THE DEST QUADRUPLE- PLATED SILVERWARE, -f J. i i"I H i ii (fo,( k fIkt~ ~ it' t>es Pl'c Io )ishlos, i 4< 1i I î I I ut~ I <itudlSjîuîs ki ,< TI"I 14LÀ (i 1 Il () CI)1 i N V 1) E > -A Nl't' M lENiT '4 .4. r ' ' 4 t ' , . , t 4 , , . 4 , 4 t. 44.'. t '244" 4 . ,' 4 . , 4 4. t "4t 4 t,,'44.~'4 t.' 4 , 4 141 4 [j '4.4 i ' , . 0 r- , 'î t 4 '.r î', 4"- 4~4' 1.4,44. "4 4 444 ' 4.. 44 4' 4 I 44~4. t 441 - ' ', 4 4 r4 ~'itt,î~ '4' 4. T ,-4'~ tît T. 44 T. T ~'.. ci Y for i I Iqtt' eI't<i s)4(ILI'1t the Christmnas rfra1e. "t ,: ;' i j ' I 44-'t 414 4h B"' it'~ i i~ti'tl S, ("iud4Iless 1(1 L J;tV-(,r1 ' 1isii.s, lo c CN 1; (' )-t'lit S, 1'it 1 <1 1 i ( C t ri)II l'et,']»,Spicu't ' Ï l alhii.ii1, new and [14114 Ll<îsof the lest juillity, Canîîed (IoS, (.ysters, q ~J(911r,4Q (4/ tu e t .zwVi1u"lles 71ays 1i.n stock. r' 4 4.4 4 44 144,, , ~,, gc lu ""'î' ' .4 4 ' . .4' 1- ' ' 4 '44. \'4 . .4, 44, ' '- '4 4 . tir 1' '414- -r' Il . ' r" <4 il 4. j 44 4' 444 tS î 4A.1 \VA'1VV Possible Pr/ces 1. ., v.4'in 15t4'1'.'4 . 4 <1 t qJOHNSTONY E5 - WZIITBY. TO SETTLE UP. ('ijige 1f"in 1die retail husi- ,'onint.' innu i'.' pauîl on or- ',A Jauuary, ]>ui, Ail 50- , thon, will b1 prut in the 'r fer colle-ctiaun, intereat Ai. l aceoutît8 will bO Il ud pay rip 40cave CO8t8. GEO. COR1ÉAC.K. .41 4 ' ' 4. .-. 44 4 4 4 4- x .'.rr'- 't, 4 4 444,4 t L14 g t c r4i 4u4 41.4,4 "4 il' h 4- '4 t. 44i-.4L 14t - ~ r r ,4:' 44t i t,is 414 t,) - ý xt.'rt ,,tîg tkî'v eau. i ni 1 1 l iik t4.Itu 4 1, t, p ilîiti. ork. If a >1 of tls ttt. ruu- x ,. bO oght rp anid e,1~ ~ U o4- 4 ey ot cf tht-m ceul a willi, tii' r4'bt of t1<4c would turn er a ut-w lt-af. ~I>v)l41 'io', lenry Street Sehool. tnts in crier cf tnorit. Jr. 4th te ~4th.-Geo. iIilIary, Esther Harvey, thur Embrt-e, 'âinute Fr-est, George ilson, Mary Mlitellt1, '1hos. MeCor- ~ck, V'ictor1a Gordon, Chbas. Warren, ary Ilice. 3rd to "h '>v-Rose miqî,Maggie 1411I, Iloreuce Mur- jýy, Hiîellîlary, liertha idryau, Frank opper, Chas. 3ell, (lto. Lynu, John raterhouse, Mabel Ilice. 2nd te Lrd iv.-1"lIorence Ross, llarry Beweil, bnie llowden, ilermenia King, Gt-o. ewe -l' va Wilson, Oliva Blow, bessie lii-, Alimer Ilain, Chas'. Stewart. let b 2nd )iv.-Albert McBurney, Mina amidee, James Milne, Nellie Baker, athaniel Ray, Jessie Robb, Richard nnkley, Gordon Johnson, M sd ,iIey, Lizzie lieuse, Melville Ehubree, ibun Wright, May Gibeon, Minnie ollins, Victor Granger, Maud Willie. r- r 1 1' 4' à r à ', ' 1 "î4 t 1-À 1, t-. t4 rn'1 j r ti b 4.4 r r. %_ , t l , t ý I t t u --.-) 'rt t 1. r 0I '1ti. v N i- i 'QG - . 1. iii s tir t a i i ri -:il 4 4' , ,)e' T 4, !,) an 1 . i- it , ' ) LIt 1l 4 4. r jr I %v. a t ý: 1l r i t t '<.4. t. m il t ý ' '1,* 144'. Ni 4rti)e L 1 i-t 1(lt jl 4 1 ,u;î iil rvta 1,'u.1, pr4-.44 !Il!, 11.444 ,!a b rt<ad. Mau m.i \'4a 44 <4,1a ..rtlî c:'i andth. wa,' an1 44.,. 1f., 44, 4 r!lý%il,.: CîJU jli t t- 4.4444' 14 -ktlr 1 or t. i, co44y 1044' tn t-- T4ii Chr.i -U R trar'r <4. m io co nt i&4e. and old.r'file ev. M ,r n-vr.lbyof Port Crytnas peentrandreut iven bah ecul on fMondLysevnfn s in his oîd charge. The Rt-v. Mr. Rowe of York was also present ana at the t-arn- oct requtet of the chairman took the plat- form and addressed a few kind words to the pupils and teachers of th.' Sabbath échool. The Christmas tree was ibeautifuliy decorated for the occasion and the bt-arts of the littie cnes were made to rejoice over the mauy hanî- sorne and coistly gifts that s»ere plucked from its branches aud distributed. Mr. Frank Powell the superintendent (f the school, assisted by the Beys. Gerunan, Willoughby and Rare, award- ed tht- prizes and distributed the gifts to those to whom they were respective- ly assigned. The Xmas tree will long be remembered by the pupils cf the ochool, and the officers and teachers are to be congratulated on the succeseful manuer in which they carried ont their project. Other schoole might follow the example set by the Tabernacle sud give their pupilB a New Year's festival. .4 4..44, 4444 4 4 ,.\ '. 4"' 41." 4,4 4 4 ~ k -4 j, 144~ ~ ~4 . ~ 1444 '.44 4' .i.'4.,.4 "r r~t. 44.1" 44 .14 '.4 .4 I t xtit«i 4! C -1 4 ' î,.'.,. 44414, 11:-t T 44. 4.r '~4~~44 . - ., 4.,44 4. ,~4 ('4", 44r4 <'.44.4' 4 I r.. .~44" 4,<. 1 P%- r 11Y -lits L e '."'e ,' -4 V t. ' '.il ro -t I 1 Il4fie'lt" i F& t t Il(' t1irt wn4' dr'4'rt 444 444t bats,0144.at iho "aps, l' 4444'. our «[p, l Ca &a.l)@, 14.'j tati-t kl,4t4iiib 'csa tei: ndestck, ctaî,1 tt, in'.ici l" t s1dthor eek, re- to rd tii-(4e r4ba- nutnstoure for mfclk t.irac -, ccx, 41r'to bkî41 lon eitu 11440 u.4.4 is 44ery h(sardga, ackebots, "htt.an>s'raoer4, feît bats, A cîracha ('LuLtue I'oîî'ian lnO C5,-,1 W IniWca, 41ý(1 b4tion1 labO Cap", at150e woudorfuî ch'.-4j4 ç'u, tee bakruut corî-,btby.e fazt tbe li butstre, \î ste fors te bot nd îd-r. t lvt-t<.lof î-c, onîy 1: THL s cme talk tote e t-ict that Mr'. ýA. \V. Cooper tht- gt-at bank- rnpt deal,,r 's Joing Oy far tht- largest trade ii\bithy The- stock lie carnies us sîmply t-normons. Auything and everything, frein 6 papers cf pins for 1ic. te a $12 overcoat fer $6. The store is daily crowded with oager, delighted sud satibtied buyers. Don't take our word for ilbut do as we have doue. Compare hi goode and prices witb others in town sud yen will be conviuced that the baukrupt store is without any exception whatever the cheapest spot in Canada. TuE, following are the officere elect of Wbitby Lodge, A. 0. U. W.-P. m. Workman, Bro. White; Mast Wort<. man, Bro. Burdette ; Foreman, Bro. llallett ; Overseer, Bro. Jue. Smith Recorder, Brc. Howse ; Receiver, Bro. Stephenson ; An. S-o., Bro. A. Boss ; Guide, Bro. Draper ; lucide Watch- man, Bro. Foy ; Outeide Watohmau, Bro. Jndd ; Tru.stee, Bro. Dow ; Audit Commrittee, Bros. Taylor,* Howse and Barclay. The installation of the above officers will take place on Mouday eveuing, Jan. lOth. The Regular Com- munication of Whitby Lodge is held on second sud fonrth Monday of eaoh mouth. Yisiting bretbren are slways welcome. .Ç4dditional Locala on eighth page.) T. J IF3ZOLLIrXA"Y" Ti L u MýK[ THIM HPP! W 1NT 1,4 i .4 rg 444 i 'i < '4, WHITE SEWING MACHINES 4.4-4 4.14 .44,' ', i.. iF'r I.. AII IANK 1 14\4,,4 ", 4, 'To TICKET AGENCY. W/?itby ta Winnipeg On/y $21, EuUU N 1) TRI 1', 3t 4 Whilby ta British Columbia $50. Dakota Points, >~25: Tî ,1 o Z 4m l T 11 i 1, e t 4". 1 pas4.",nger 4444,- 144, tt,4"t't.'i4 1441V fr,n'.'M W 4it '4tt i110 1" 't i, a ' 44441 lirI 111 ilr 44'ivi tIilt'4i llit iilU4a 4ri,,r tck t f, NI 44 .4'1 4 <"j'.44i 44<la ' 41I1 t14' t:~~ ~ N t:-- i t1, 4.1t4 41. N. i 441 i riM -Iîi*g4xn, 1i a,,,ta, the - N.ll'1 1iii ' N-14.14M t4 .,tern 8Z't44te,,an 1 ".4r '" 44.lt '4111 ticke-tsi t,îail pints ou t 11' îr;i4.441 T ri ik ai'1 1 reat \W4estern 1 ) ix'i s 1, t '4g 44.i41 t..14<141 Truîk , 1i<ttuoit i un1 lI i .<i nduMilwaukee, and Inter- 44pet-(1w clie.1i' t11144gli, sin gle, -and re- t41114 tiîkets toanadtfrîni-N e w York, ih i4414.4144l.a, 1" îig'î, I)()xor, iDel. 1' 1, nu ia, N ew 'Or1leans., anîd CalifT4rnian Tickets, fir Ottaw'a, Mo1ýntreal, Quebec, Ileebr .ruirk ille , Prescott, Kingsto4n, VPostoit, (via Mîuîtreal aud also Suspensio'n Bridge), Sus'pension Bridge, ]3uffalo, I>oýtro)it, Port Huron, Chicago, Winnipe-g, and alI pinte ef auy importance in Cana1a, Manito)ba and th- United States. oh 1. for and f rom Erropean points, wîth choice cf st-yen Royal -Mail Steamshi Lines, viz:-White Star, Dominion, Cunar Anchor, State, Ainerican and Red Star. Cht-ap tickets suppliedl reading bo or f rom Whitby to Liverpool, Londonderry, Queens- town, Glasgow, H uli, Leeds, Beifast, Lon- don, Manchester, Bristol, Cardiff, Dublin, Autwerp, and Paris, guaranteed at as low as the- lowest rates. Steerage, Intermediate, First or Second Cabîn. For throujýh, local, foreign, single and round trip radlway and ocean tickets appîy te E. STEPHENSON, Uptown Montreal and Dominion Tele- graph and General Ticket Office, (Opposite llatch Bros WITBY ONT A CRYING EVIL.-ChilZren are often fretfül and ill when woTma are th&e cause. Dr. Low'8 Worm 8yTu1 * afly ezpe1 le aUworme. TIlT] LOWTST O vers hoesà, IPRJCES Alaskas, rGcuntlernen's '1Ladies' li i3hSelf Actin2 ........5..75 BUBBERIS t ALASKAS, ......2.5 ALASKAS,' OVERSHCES, OVERSHOE nd Superioir plain coarse soles.... 1.50 Superior ...iiie ................ 1. 75 S tiff twil Snperior twiiî white wool-liued 1.901 liued...., Mise ss' R-UBIiERS .... c$. 40 OvERSHOES. l._3ý Boys, RUBDBERS ... .50 OVERSHOES.. 1.25 Y ET. Rub bers. .. . . .... . . . . 8 .45 ivooi-lined ........... .85 S, hi cut bnittoned.. 1.50 ill cloth white wool- .. . . . . . . . . . .2.00 Child's RUBBERS. . ..- .0 OVERSHOES. 1.10 GERMAN FELT TOP BOOTS. MEN'S IIALF FOXED, $2.00 AND 82.5>0. MEN'S ALL- FOX.%-ED, $2.50 AND $3.00. MEN'S LOOSE S0CR, 82.00 AND $3.50. BOJY.S' IALF-FOXED, $2.00 AND 82.25. LADIES' FELT GOOD)S. FELI BUTTON POLISIIED CALE, FOXED, $2.00. FELT LACE, e1.50. FELT GAITERS, FOXED, $1.50. FELT HOI7SEWEAR, FIVE STYLES, $1.00 TO b1,45. Siveepitig 1educi'io-s 1 hires of Leat1her Good8 dur-htg balance of Sea8on. PLEASE CZ4LL. BURNS & Co., Whitby. Xmas. Xmas. Xmas, ---: o- The Whitby China Tea Store is stillý alive, but got a new naine, the People have christened it the WIIITBY CHINA HALL, at which you wiil find one of the choiceàt and largest stock of Fancy Glassware, China Tea Sets, Crockery, &c., sucli as was neyer shownbefore outside of Toronto, ail of wbich will be sold cheap foi% cash during the next two weeks. Corne one, corne ail, and inspeet for yourselves before purchasing else- where, whether you bay or not. COImE AJINTD tS:EIE & "A1so a fuil stock of choice 0-roceriesofalkds Fruits, Oranges, Lernons, Dates, Nuts, Figs, Gaudfies ofr ail kinds. Qysters wholesale and retal. 'AIS() Choc' Prize Essences. wu A. GIBBON, WHITB«Y CHIA T TOBR&' 'N /9 E m -'/ v 4, e r) T.', Lie .1: I - t ZBiE~OOIKZLIzN-. v BARGAI NS1 )8 SMi!TH- -L\L I.. ý 1 ý 1 & lqmmaow ýF silver Warc >i 1,V'l' (MiA e

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