Whitby Chronicle, 31 Dec 1886, p. 6

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't --'.--'--'-.-- -'-----~'--.tt-- '"-t -"'I 'Ti of bool l3ankr- M a. t ~ armf( Maripc :fguire t Go tc for f) Pl mers je for Iôc. "Cheai To B inl Ont$ large fi or mil IT ii a fact O'henp living, 1 niornîn1 ronto aiu tickets G.- T. Il Whitby. rates. WE COMmen ent mari prod uce shall be posted TuE 'transit c miorrow people v serve rb OBrien dollars;. A. W. dealer, 1 bargains vinîty. for 7c., h tbe best Canada: TiiiS the fathc tahkes pli day thbe liste now aDy o1 i upor sei for one. rings at F Snyone t the supp mneans n4 leaet as i TITEitE Toronto prove a î grand i destruoti in al 1 te of the Oait to b. rpyrotoob t IN adj lumber i Cormackt ping sey& the doori bard'. dri the glss., r ON wQ boys firo troble ji refuse. ýi fruit and daim, ad Fl ocazuderw< ing puri forn witb mfalt& hg "Good-bye, Old Year!1 Good-bye! " A13 we stand upon the tlîreshold of another yearts Rai close, Hew the tenilerest momeries cînster 'round its lînrivtîije-, c Antiwoec ! Ail itc ruingîe toî cîrtiis atî.1 suniiie-all Past fîîrevt'r, ltiss'iîg rrtàî's us irotd upîo tiheiîsart ant\ l'rtarî Proc t t-c tit'îra Ulg.tilh iltiitîs tVitli tifo' 'tI ln ct 1, , ; iS ttî2 %ta ru i It lis etl f.r .-i' t N u iOtr thti .î ~' ~ li -' e t ' .1it W- -' i iii i - 't" ' t - tt. 't - t tf ' 'i ' ' ' - r 1~1 - t.l .-' t. 't J t'- I t 't' ti r. tilt' rh 't 'i t'.s !. I tt t t t, 'i ' t .5' ' - 'i 'i - i t.' !I r i u diA 'v i . ' 1' r tii u i gilmU lià unt f t . proicît~ î. n I eka dirt-alIftil feît r >n.î lîsuoteu betpZ oîrl ue lu a xýiJiî. muitre, and 1 tried ta draw ltack from scottl asutil lie were a terrîbli' Mot.istr. 1 ootîui not ruove for frîgbt, nor conid I PIeità. I bail reaciel ue cimax at wbîch every dreainer seerus to ai L, and ebonld no ilouht bave awtikened instautiy, wbeu ibe fellow tPlrtàug towaric me with a stick or cane in hi-,nprtiîed baril, eaying, '1) avon Beebirds 1 I mtnt rIbese asitritzks to re-preqeni tise oulY bituk wbitf1 I en ' oe-He ee occutrred ruiny ivexistence. \Whuie 1 arn oeWuke 1 alcva)Li kéep rny minî oocn1tiet illrrb sweih-nig, an(i, ltavrng haîl ta bec'a prerry bart] row, I1Lia- bi a iifficnlty at ali in doing 8Û. Those wss-b bave lis-dci ear me knoss that 1 finI ample rgatter to keep my mini occnpied with whilst I amu a6leep. As it wae if I had neyer again b. corne couccions I fancy my existence wonhd hKve terwuinatt'd in F-ucb a novýI way that my story miàzit hava bee told by somneone ehs;e with more tr-agic efftiCt. It couli not bave been two-lve o'clock at nigbt yefi wben I found myself Iyîua on a sofa jrist inside tise hall door of Mr. Pool'. residence ansd a doctor tryiog ta @top a flow of blood- whicb deluged my face ta snob an extent that when 1 looked inga the -' lar"i mirror opposite it seemed se il it were may throat ont iuetead of a deep, long gasb actas. my cheek sud uppes- lip. Richsardu was there aut Iooked au pale as a gbout, perbape fram bourg a poor sol lier wbers blood flows. Pos Ida only dared ta peep in and asIc if I had arcome tGo" yet, and amaag ber parents and ail Lb. test there was a tes-rible ouriosity ta -kcow somethiug about the maLte. To tthio< that a maan sbould- b6 fouaîl st their gt. so haLe st nigbt uneoaseiotus aud oovered with blood was to thees a gre*t mystery. They kuew it wae sel tom I ever came ta týieir bc6use and wotuld nover bave expeeted tme lâte fikie ti. WboA I fuhly reviveut I feit mudutieu and conîlu scaroely reahize whmt wae th~e maLter. 1 remembered setiring at Mre. Gormmn's, but for some imne haul anly a shudeut recollc-ction af aoytbing further. W. ail know ibat upon awakersing froma a terrible niuhtmnard il is diffiouît-ta locatue anythiou or redolleet mueh of the drpsam. HEow- eves-, after a little time 1 vas able tW pull tube tacts Logetses- sufficientlv go determiîne how the catastrophe had The. doctor'. instructions for me Lo keep still tihI my face ceaseut bleeding. eoabled me ta couelder what it wae beat ta eay, for I knew iL would be a terrible punishinent for Scholes if I vas- o Latellit IL l IL wmas.e plain au da y ta me that - ich ards ksad tantahised the. mean fellow ta sncb an extent Lbmt Sebolon hautlaWiinb waitfor hies at Ponol.' Rtate, and I being tali, andt taller thars Biobarda if muytbing, be bail talien it for granteut I was Richerds. E[e knew Rijchards=ý was thore, andt I lsevinR eom 0 loto thse precolses fram la side gt, ho miscaok bis man. What vithb.t thétrrible weahnepss wbiob mlwaye cornes Le me (rom these feats cf soooamoblism, front the hase cf bloc d aud the bloW,î'twsRn bOus- batos'. Iould vailk home, sud. ichards sud t ho déoor bad' Sq AlMOSS .rr>? Me il tat' Alter the footings of eyvnpathy ex- forgiven by ail. When you shall bave pressed for me by Mr. Poole's people forgiven yourself you may go free. Bert and their kinduese and anxiety I oould James arrives by the noon train to-day soarcely refrain frotu telling them ; but and àe to be here for our nsuai Christmas I knew Ida's parents liked Soboles and dinner. One hîour previons to hi8 arrn- I oouldn't eay anything about 'him. I val a carter wiil caîl for your boxe@siund oouldn't tell the reet of the story with- yoa had bette r be reaily. Yon are to out fabrioating as to the main point, cxcbange places witb Befrt James and and I got ont of it by saýVing I was too go into exile wliere I catît fini you. weark to taik-which was trutc. And yrtn art' te etav there. I have seü The baîf mile borne seemed to rue lîtile fait b in yon I amn a1uo4t afraid1 like; a voyage round tbe tvurld but wP to ltot yon go ationtziîrinyrawilo Mey geL t tiere at last uni thbe Ioc tor te id fi nd i ount t ft !iii'(el- tlt 11 lieu aceild litcharis te stay wirb rme for a while lilis ;luttt rrtt vii îi'ý'lt-itin frew a ilI 1would Id li, ail r ighlt. TIi e gave tiieset, vonts w 'a t îi 1- n< vi r clq -rs If îclards a Jîerriiîuilî I 1 d11 not wan t lt-ai "en it Ilifiltxî te have, lt tlie wenid 'ake no N i 1; 1t t 1 1! i f îTl, i it-ttiiý t \itl-t- ifrein ie. ili (,tr .'i. lu Iiîti'i t thit tiv of ( if - 'vfrtl Ir.( rlii' .' ilk i ti*(F, u ii it r tt lie etîrutti te %tt, t . i') 1 l it tt - 1 -a t lirltit i '.'h iI t 111t. o t )I. u r- "î for 11 . 'l t iM i I1o' li - > îiI1l i t it utu i 11,ht r I l 4, s. ,v i là i r',iî i l', I tI ti- et lîlil 'r ,- i bits if~ ~~to' 'trase tii,-hrilIl t l ~ ~ '~- r ei -u- i i' 't, i -r : il tlt' k 1t% -' n 'trts i iPERRY DAVIS' r - r ~ î 'ir nj i ii 't Il.i, P«*AIN-KILLER 1% 1iI II. il ~ ~ ~ ~ v ,, r '1 -- it Iti'-it'h~ - t l ' lir . -îý il1, !1 it I i I t - ' Iî 1 ' t tî * .t . ' t' hit 5 i tu '.!. t i i i 1 Rî ' i s, ttr t t t rf' I - t tk\%, w 1iva - attt-r t ki-tt .t"tat -' t !)h - a 1 U I t tk1tttt-t. leh]tW't "u I J o 'WIl 1 ,i1ieO J 'u- t look I Contiî pu t ori, att -s'r ' i c r.sn t stuireî i n nie un la tnaItttr miMtt'pt n.Ail 'C ir î t it- 1v tt tîttlte know s' burt wab 71) it hi-n Rîcliarita waikctl ti nUIdenly tuo.i t lien I1saw 'criioIf.8' face cbanue a& 1 neyer saw matie lit-fore or isince. 1 ictokeil baJl cnotigb, hbnt beaven know@ ilit iooke'l worse. Scar or no scar I wonli not bave traded my faute for hic for worids. I told tbem I bad been assaulted Ihie nigbt before by someone whn no ,Ioulit bai mistakena me for another man, and wben they asked whoro it hap'pened I said near Mr. Poole's gate. 1 answered a multitude of questions under a continuous ire of winkg and noie and bead-ehakinRs from Richarde. Atter breakfast Mr. Poole came down nad wunted to have a deteotive, and I bai] a job in baud to put hlm off. Ile ats os refusei Lo go borne on Richarde' aivice, but finaily egreod ta charge his fstnrly t-> keep quiet for a few days in2 com(Ipliance with a requeet from batb af I went laway fromn town for a few laye tO allow My face ta heal up in a counatry place wbere enly my own relatives would have the horrible sight to look at. The afternoors beforo Cbristmas, Richards sent a liveryman after me witb a note telling Fe h was, wantued st Ms. Gorman's thâ~t nigbt witbout fait. Good Mns. Gorman ceboutf course, wben I camp, but said my face would sean b. aIl rigbt again. She said there wae sometbi* a pecimi for Obrietus andt told me what it wau-but Christ- Mao muet LellitiLsava tory W, did haveaometbi sgspecial Chrietesas morning. Firet 1 we were invited inothLb.parlor, servant-girl anmd al, by Ms-s. Gorman. Wbeu w. had become osted, RichardesteUH te- mmmcd standing by a centre-table andt pulleut a card-receiver ovor noir 1dm ma tbougb preparing ta infliot an ad. dreserfpon a juty' . Sehautarrangod tbings otaeLb. bot &dvantage for thea- trical effeot and alLer a' moment's thought Oomnmenced ta lk. ,- Re said Ms-s. Gormasi had asked hivâ ta express ber appreciation e! tbe aiy ùindassese. au roeived atobur had. Thesë ~ thinge haut ilmade .ber..home,. a happy one, etc etc or a Li mo h. hupi on in titis strain 'an« theu meotioned tbat durmg Lb.the t Ibre, montLu a number of incidents hatooourred bun mnob a mysterioesmautier that wien tbe (acte were conoocted quit., a'bîstog'y coulat be givenan4d.IQIt flufortufnte, h., uaid these eventshad praveut for many of us. .Tnnto aseboles he sýa id. "M.Seholes, itleis Mrs. 'Garman', wish that I ehould 8may B f.w worda to yon. I have muadi it My btisiness te -koep au oye upon yen for tse pait tht.. monthe. I Msay eyiL vas not two dayà after Mra Gos-man'a mou'ey as stolpe befos-. Libby (the servant) took tbelibertyof looking tbrôngh yens- trunk which ibm opened with *on. -of rMy t#eu which 1 lovttber for'te purpose. 'Yen- arcs Sware ibee-jrnrse. vas there au4 d18 yet, I dont kxsew wbmt,,beoitue of tlhe oeonay, but seuxmtise, e Ia t first t, IL vas ely a ein'ular ooln'idouoe tbat Bert Javs îbonld -bave thus-amo denomicatfens' et' bille *and tho same 6-1 shahi ne-t go furtiier than te M * e- tion yens' cruel oondut ,inb, Bllewbtsg poor Bort t6 sholder tLeb. hme, 1nor kind ues la iaking advabtage'1l, anather respect, o! bis ývolUntary eIle. Tau have ouly to look st theIn.fae a'f,-1e of ihie compràny tOaeee:the te logge&r in flieted by your treaobes-ou band. Yans'r wtserablo conduot in robbing a poor wornen tof a stuil lm of mioney lii only au &et in common with yens' ever-v movea -for. montha .-T & iià t11 ~ t 1111' L jît 1 M ' AiN Il IIAlkIa SWLLED FACE', TIb)TJIACIIE, FtIZNS OR'ST BITES, &C., &gc. 2d.per Botte. V-i eware,,0f Imitations. CAMPBELL'S TONIC Ths18ge leyet patent t -v Lion la especially 4kada t aefl and cure of that OUM of tioi1arders attendant upon a low or reduced stato of thse ssteut, and usually accamnpanioct blJPalor, Weakness and P'alpitagi 0 te eart, Prompt results viii follow its use in cases of Stidden Ex. haat.ion arisiný from Las. et Blood, Acute or Clirorîso I)iseases, and iin tile weakness tisat ivariably accxrspau.,es thbe rerovery from Waating 1'evers No remedy iih give mare epeedy rellef in I yspepsla or Indigestion, iLe act-on on the stornacli being the.t of a geîît.e and harmies tonho, excit.ing tise or-gans of -digestion ta action, and thus affordlng immediat. and permanent relief The. carinaivepropemtes of the different aromticewlic tbeElixir containa render it usefuliIn. Flatulent Dyepeps1a lt ie a valuable remedy for Atonte Dyspepsia, wbich la apt te occu i in Mersons of a gouty char-ater, For Impoverlsbe4 lload, 1La088o! .aptt#Despondency, and in ail cases wher anffitiveandcertain stÀmu- Inlarequred. the Blitwill b.' In Féyers of a MlralTpand thse varions evil reflits fa1iowingk xpc> sure to thsee oM ~or *et veatiier& It'wiIt pi-s-oý a valuable reetgrative, w thse conibluation of Cînchana Callsaya and Berpentaria are uulversally re 'nle as qpeifies for the. aboýve-nrame diso>r six àww sfor$ ~vIs& La w Co. (aIàm.en machs tak bic or c*ot FOI&pecij> 1 e.TITI FOR SICKý -J IuflILIICt L ife Insuranbe' AT COST. Mutual Reserve Fund Life As sur- ance of New York. ttstatltîi ('uHti uttît iil i'îîîcu 4 71),9<00 l o ut, % . 1-r c( tit. uA ail tHttOtrritits M i *d. '- i N\1 i t, JutîtrailTrutt ttil- * ' iast trilstttus of (te lie- Ili u'itcl!thtiî1,o iliaivfre-t .~' î i t r t I rrfîth . 1îi 't 'i .;î.~iA nailagu rw.îîAt, &C., "I h t h ..' 'i.Application<itît ciuted t ý lI t il:'t i-r' fliriîiiîî'd ý h e li.iutder. A.utfor thî o îînirty of Ontario. Port Ierry, Ont. 4 ft nctar.l %i ESTIERN BANK 0F - ONTABJO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. WRITB Y, Whitby, Nov. 7th, 1882. ly-471 MON-EY To LOAN! $100-000 FUR INVESTJ1ENT. ON REAL IISTATE SECURITYS At iowest living rates of intereet. Money eeouied within 10 days of ap- Apply ta lcaiu Whitby, February 16th, 1880. 9- $500,000 TO LOAN. At 6 per cent. yearly. Terme oi repay ment oI principal made t sunit borrowers. Fiat ana second . mortgages bonght. Ad- vances maae on second mortgages and ta purchase larme. Ne conte incurred in making applications t. me for money; no aqent's tees; no delay. Parties pa&rIng Iniier rate, on mortgages should apply to me at once for lover rates and save money. Write or caM Immediately for ,partiulars. B.&R. BYNOLDS; ly2 20 Adelaide Street Hait, Toront. MONEY TO 'LOAN On R..! Rlatite Mortguge ai 1»w IRate 01 Intereet. Apprazeer for the Canada Loin. and Savinge CJo., and agent for the. WLsîern Assurance OFFICBE-jOyr-G.rrie>s Block, Whitby. W. B* PRINGX'roLE Selle Tii. beut Roi Plur, Tiie hast Pmstry Plourt Thse boat Roleut Oas, The. hait Cor-n Moul, The. beit Orackéd Wheat Tii. boat Gi1ahsir Thefbesê Manito :011"Cil ie bot Oatean tise Market, for ulmpliity, là8btness o! drangi billtyaaj qualitY-oiwork sans une He iiaS'large aMount0e!zome~ at 10w rates, and bie-wrltea Dmd gagea Will , em'O, Bonde$ &0 à andt oheaply. ~ eOlDlPau Di. QJP Tan~Q CURES AIL HUMORS, frm a ct mrnen Hotelà, or Ernptoî, ltheworst 0 crotmîifl SaIt-rheliis, "5ever-sêores, "Sct)i>orfRougit kis, 11 r, ,u I ~eîscýuýtIttî hy bad blood are c o p q ui te r td 1)y t i sle p o 'tr t'tr I p iir if y-in g . a n d l v ig < riit i g tu tI i rî. G ~re a t E a t n g RA cet'rs ni "lv lit iii ii ht'its brigr iiriIence. rtîlii' leu i t , ti e w4h '~rBol le ar- lu jr jj ç I~ 1 .t )t e y e e N c r o * 1 i o u s S o - e s il d I i1, f,11.21 9 p- J oii t Dise asee W h' irj u Se ll Cg' . i o i gr e , o r 'I' iI e i leckliîiîl lili'& 't td a . Sed ten r mi îî'roî' lttlor a i.uî'trvîlat'. îwtii hcol- itiltt tt'rlI 'tri aon t- ut't tI ttisAItittns. ""cg:iUm4oi) I~ ls'îlE L 1 '." Tii. ~ ~ i r'îbîs'tiua'ttt tsii Dr. Piereelg .Ili'tur., lrl stmu ln"itrstejir 4. i mi î,r' . DI'ea'c or tile iuîl iii 't ' tîs(iti 1 tis tr rnetlt%',if taken lw1Ut1 t Ill, iw4 stlîtt'.s ofi t' ttiseu'tse'rire re-tched. Finî ît.tt ss'îî(tltîii powe'îr citer ttisterribIl fatta tlesi eitc~t'lt' w1wiratoillring thls now 'ce- et t-i1tu t'< r<'ir'îY Il t ho IrU ic, fDl'. PIERCE Itoutgliut t-tn tiv ofet' cl iitg it bis " Cors- sila arrpi loirt (u re,"ttr olnonedt(bat naine rr.t toqt liritudtta i ta rtu'diewh-ch, fron tet wtînierful coinhinririon (ut tonlc, or strenj'tlren- tng, alteratlvc-, ir ttilt'd-creansiîtg, tinti-Ibîlioue, pectoral, and ntrritivto propertieti, le uneqtraled, not only as a remedy for consuimption of thme luxige, but for al CHR"'"ONIC DISIEASES 017 THE Liver, Blood, and Lungsi If you feel dull, drowsy debllltated, have snillow color of skin, or yellowlah-brownsot on face or body, frequent headache or d zzl- ness. bad taste In mou th, internai]lieat or chilis, slternatlng wlth bot flashles Iow spirite and gloomy borebodlngs, irregu lar ppetite, and coated tongue, you are sufferingà1rom ihidim gesttions yspepseland Toirpld Llveri) or 66UI 1ousuess.59 luIn any cases only part of these symptoms are experlersced. As a remcdy for ail such casesBr. Plereees Golden lYedical Disco'very bas no Yýr !Weak Lungog, Splttinï of Eloodq Shortuens o Betii, r onehitls, Severe Congh%, (onsumption, ana kiudred affections, It là a eoverel remedy'. Seud ton oeute lu etame for Dr. Flore.s book on Corisumption. Sold by Drugglstu. PRIE $,QQ OR0~3TTLES World's lspsnsary Medical Assocailon -c- LITTLE ANWTIDILIIOUS and <IATMU=eIC 8.14 lcy IoÉugglsts. s25centsa aVMsi g .~$508 RE AR ADJOC1RNED FOR TAXES. BY VIRTUE of a warrant under th, Bhand of thbe Warden and seal of 'thbe Corporation of- the Countyrof Onitario dated the 2th day oi Augnet, 186, Cetiimand'n me to levy upon tuhe land flJerein rnt0 ed for arears of taxes therttin and ot notice is hereby given that, uness tubeBai arrears aràd costus are coonier paid o lots rernaining niiso!d at the sale.on th l4th day of Derem ber, 1886, 1i chahi ,ncom. pliance 'wth tube Acceccrnent Act, ýr0ceed PUBLIC AUCTION, At the COURT BOUS, ni tule ON elâé, perchan-e -th we have seen la b Tue sday, 25th dan,, 1887, rapt lu tuhick çloud A t tuhe h eur f Tw o ocock in t<we aiternoon el l turh p ,a tube saidparcels of landl rttiaininig u nioîd'hat eshofedeau or ce mnch thereof as rnay lie reesary fo il through thbe y'fi tube taxes atnd ]awfnl ohrîs crdinw and about sncb sale. ' n wy J. B LtING ,2h pat year's recor Trea.cL I,G, , Of loveisand bates, Go.esuer TCao.rsOfie 01i And births, and dew Co. reasrer' Offceknells. Whitby, Dec. 17; M~86. -________________.A.nd utrifes of totngut Ad' strifes of race,à t $ 8 a d a y .S am ples aud a t w ,o h c r a $ FEE. ins not under tubehoj feet. Write BREWSTEU'5 SA.ETT k.&id'bow the Czar,c HOLDE R C O--. Hofy, M ich . ,.-W îlks w itbJ &m5 1q fýiý'dg ll Euope i 'îJut let the Ruse, p London and Lancashihach hr Life Company.'ôerrle he- - ;mkB Uthin This Company issues avery dosirablefc. - . of Life policy, and has deposited with Erns stili a se Receiver General- in approved (a ~ -rs stew, (they securitie over 100.00 for eachisou 'whiskey causes Parties deefrons of assnring ther " in wo id se wil find it ta their advantage o t rSSxin te uxdersigned before. asmuring eew ' rn l JOHN FARQUHkRSON'ýlr-though hie han General t. their roota dùo', tho blados ur ngs-ontstret< ;-i ýlning place in E -foot are swift. qicker stop tu ie fair ea'tuh, or 's wheél revolve l et hlm fly; W, stars alunie out with returning Iight. 1 when the Ildy R or p-rum l aveai O Mand of ases tmînfiuate in consumptln,. Dr. sae'sCÂAEEJ RE>SEy cures the wvon end"s of! (tta 4 cbd a he jffeadý âmd atplailaah.5oet lni Deuerell's BIoo* for gour FURII TUE J DRAW1140 ROObI 8UITS, DN14G ROOM à UIra. md ~ AtPuices fà Corne One. r, vhich îs,4ur ~ for guaildu*.. . J LTJSr ply f-, - ý ý . 1 - . .

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