Whitby Chronicle, 31 Dec 1886, p. 7

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FOR TAXES. VM1TUR of a warrant undet and of the Warden anadgeisal, tion ef the Couàty et Ontailo, à day oi Auguet, 1M6, comaI ivy upon the land therein mon 4qears ef taxes therein and sbsreby given that, unlese h snd coite are sooner paid on:ý naining urutold at the sale on y of Dorember, 1886, 1 shail, in ,Wth the Aiqfeeamout Act, p te Jse I1 I3LJC AICTËIONi ýtthe COURT USE~, in the VN 0F(WHITB) 'day. 25k dan., 1887,, toeur ot Two o oc iktiie t afternog parctltt (it landl renlaiuing unsol Cel tlitttif i l111iIv 1t'iti t essary t as anil lia ttii ctt-rg'-s incurrbtj ut sucli isie. - ~ J - I LAING,' Treasurer, Ce. Outa*ý ýy, Je, 17, I~ $8 a day. sainoies and dut ItUE, li i t t ier the h roë rite l3ti,>, - nvi. s 'K TT (on and Lancashi jOui-y iiit p .- i i-teil With jb r i tir l i Rl aadf ai ovi,,ý " r-t ýt T r t unic l0 l. c tflis àetluiîiit À ýil t-aLUrEsi i a - t !, iîtxu' t o ltcefl rsi~tt ji~tt iiîdg eoIsewh JOHNl-lLIIA ON May r, t; i ier Eoy'a Addreus. eOP0FTEE W ÈtTTIIT UBONICL£E JÂNUARY 18ST, 1887. go outatrgtehed Time over fliei; g place in earth or skies lei pinions, thence afresb te rise. et are swif t, they ever glide iloker step than îtught beside fait' cat-, or ou thte ocean xide. iwbheel rexolves with wondrous speed great î-acç he keepîs the 1usd, kens pace in hour tof direst ueed. et itai fly ;why stay bis flight? rit shiflt, out when cameste night; itit returuing imcm ecories moruîing ht. heu the ahi vear tias, the new antd sweetly ine-ets mir view ch tuf White, xxith canîiiy tif Mlue. hperchatne dtiti, lutilît îîiîîars, B haxve seaxi in 1lv goliii- t--ar--, t iin ftick çliitudIS, itîtît gem d witb frozen -let lisi h iia.ltt listc ;rtty Ile a xii foed- i s :la vi uîd lx thir tuglitlite car leadtiI lit aii --ir- i i-i-ils li "d"1111tellea fil tites - - - tt , ttilu i dix îot- t., lits of the v-iiuialt îtiîîî- aui l ts fi lux tii iCzat-, ,ix iiij-.iief i-int itit u it1t tg tiliti i- t i t ii -t t d ', u M 1111 iP 1 hiiMi iii il il-ii tati [is iii di lu t.1 l ath x i il i t tu . 'n itihli-s aiil1,i- 1j1i1Sii lii. i.jitut f 11 i- ti-1-1i ti lii i1. - :i. - .iu -ti- -1 . ~itiiTî -j 5 hit - thhuiii--. Iii 1:111 iii i -i i i - - ix- i.uiit lu - - iî -liii - i - -.i i. T i :î il i \i :- - - i h - -- -----i - - - i il Th. hi i - h :1.. t- t * - - El:.: ýITENT,4 - i CANADIANS re patents inl)te lifi' ,ititatot t teri1Lt16 a i. tît-îe s h î it tilt 1h. te tht tii1, li - -ct i rig1 ru- lt. i-st st iC' uti x 1N1t. iîiit.t is jallolo itotf td'rIwï tli aýt1rr jateuýjt, eari., $ 7-41 ta ii tuj)f MOdU witti i-.-u-nît3h i i ut ii ticOro, atd vtCerte-fc rt u4 tTii 1 ircularl Alt-Ct A SN( W & C0,o t'.~~~~ S1 Slut -t tPtent toffie, iit g ,D. tton -W-lu-r it u W Ibis di 0F THE 0 il S iO0N C MNT 0 Y o NIA BJO, 1 >er.., âg..!.. Dy.2 221 7 Il 8 2( 9 10 JP 1A-EWELL C.ei of tbr lp ~a Ii~ L CURE OR RELIEVE IRSS! DIZ IE I 1 Dkffly fO FL UTT E[ý,ING 0F M1E HEi ACIDIY OF EuM, -111ESTOMi ýRN, DRYNEýS EOF 0THE S 7f Sp-i'x- fde, e * 1,V hWiŽ011 BLOO.Smi iRN & CO., ~ur¶ ER MEBRCBA w H 1 T B y,0 wda large suppl> <if 1 ma 1prr 1u,n ù: TIJPb N,ï:# 8tab od Blinda Ce fi t lt i î i i -3it liihi - - o s cat1î - il - 'S ii T i. tt -a . or C i i-r landit, i i i ut I i;, i , i xîîx u-t I f r u' .î î l it u i 1 Ij - t. i. O i il-tI -T- i . - T~~~~~ ~ ~ ~Ii,-a îz1tl ý;pii Oui tt o' ilt i l willh. k- toi!I rit irx. n -h t*,, tr hi r tar s. o 0I p ex exil tPI S - \it Ilake t lite it t / andi ii l [-Rainlae -for-i ii1-att tilai sii,, i 2r titi ixîita iti Yeal. l- i.4 Boys. Tho chtiractt.r cf tî hasn sldevulop- largî'iy by bis re'tu mg, if' Le reade ti ai Ifie aR an aptitulein îuany eciat direction, qiutte naturally bis ading wîll bu <of due km] imeet uuited -bis peenliar bent cf nind. Every rent shoulti ctudy te characteristios bis; oblîdren, ant ich-lp them thiesnob ading as wili meet practically assiet eut lu developing their capabilities. a farmer shtoulti put befere sueh cf s beys as are iucinet te werk on the rui, gooti agricuitural paper-net ose witb theenies whieh he knews te inýpracticable, but cemmon-sense pers which are- edited frocn a prao- cal StandPoint and are for practical on. The boy Who? roAed such a Per wilhecoue 'itereasted in it, cause it treats of the work sud tihe l'y ife goiug on about biru-the crie sud the life he kiý4ws moat about. becever hi read8e ofuew nietboda of îng thinge he wihl compare theni ith the methot with which ho le, < aliar, sud the beet method ila th ee owili follcw, be iL the uew or the d.The paper wfll s0W eeed for eught lie smmid, aud what a boy eeds, is te be set tbinkinR. Hie doos et require te have hie idt3se tbought ut ler bina by some oeeolso, if yen ncoorage hiru teî be bis own tbinker. good paper, Mwbieh deals with the roblemu rucet furaiiiar to him, le the est stimulus for tbought.-Ârnrican griculturiat for ,Tanuary. . 1 How w'n ntOz1m~a A Pleasaut Pýapiiy Retinion -in the -Dcar Old aHome. OOUNTING TUE PRESENTS AND WATOUING FOR-TUIE POBTMAN-A GRAND DINNER - STORIES 0F CHILDHOOD RELAT4ID AGAIN -À DAY OP TUOROUGE ENJOYMENT. Toronto's Christmnas Day was one that pleasod evorybody. Iii was at. tended by aIl those features that are generally attributed te an ideal ChriaFt. mas. Snow' glistened on the bouse tope, fringed the fonces, decorated the tieea and covored the ground. Snow das everywbere, a.nd somehow when we leeked eut upon it from, the snug parier, the earth seemed giadder and hrigbater bieauae of it. Another thing that muade the isnow se welcome was the sàeîgbs that wPre dashing up and down, wvith their belîs bres.thina suob sweet anti apprepriate melody, ànd the occupants !oeking se happy. The sky was of the muott etherpai blue, and dte érnn chone brightly, but net warmly enougb te cause a tbaw. This was what the day itsoif was like, but 1 want te tell yon how we spent it. \Vo ucedti tebave a large fatuily-teu of us aitoteter-but du- inR the p-tst fe-w years wtt bati dwîntiled down te five. Two ef ibe girls hiad geL mttrripd anid liad homnes of their own ;eue brother wvas living in the States and the other boartieti dwn lown se ante t be nier bîs work. The fiftb-ab, the fxftih, tié most beauntifrili cbild of the farnilv, Pa tialicate girl cf 17, bail paeseti awav te bt-aven. Muiliar upt-d te rav that if Pe ciiu not cee ber cliran &al living tig(ether abzain as cf olti, wben we w-are smail, r.be îiAt, have thpin ail round har at leýast ene day cf the vpFar, aind Christ- Ina-., aslthe mort rsacretilbomne boliav, wti c cotien. Aithe invitations wera aiitrlin p TForii, antd vol] ility 'éi bure x%%(-,hai a f l lîue a uîxîîi~we bal t wo I)raakfasts. Tbe~ tire n îa t 7 o fe e fr tti voulu t i- fl -ia- d t'O a 0 i e for tîLe - ti h ul Iî iva- rtiil for iti fr. it iîî 1,r)t(,r lte i- 1, i - 211 ta keî1î ZIIarîv-,ne Iiia Iti- Thiti rtlbtiiîui t allia nu)--vt rir ktî'w litiiI ta an- weýr t1.t- sutni ni s so qntî-k, an i )pli l11un'hIiî i ntt ii P i. ipu>ttrr i fe 0tl- 1ta jairat i t 11 i tl I a a~îp.arncaan our biter lthanu lsil, Ialia ttb thatu qr a dzen ait- t.tite ieltiîalantiothers tiîsaiijîiîînai anti îiisQatift,fn-d Wbhat a linuner we bati 1 Fourt c-eni at one table,- and ttan mot ail there. \Ve ltad a tremerdious turkay sent in on purpose frorn thp country, anti the p uiltiing! wag the i igst anti rarext sinc the Clirîsîm.%s before. Nearly eve-rvbotiy aie too ttucbh in hiooer of the oc Ca F 1 i, anti taikoîl and lankiied ovar ci1 times whils tbey dizgtel il afler- iwariis. Our two nmarrie-j cisers lbai] a babv aach, auitilwhen wP Cahleti inoîbar and' fatbi-r, grautirot!liar ani tLrani 1fýttl1, r, tIti -7 W 4seAUl -- a-u- reî Manv -au accident or @crape we bad passati througb toeether, and those pecuiliar jessand sorrows that only meinhers cf lt4e ramne family eau uuderstaud and appreciate, brougbt tear@ aud mriles lu turD. Mothera matie us atibameti aud made everyone laugh at us by telliug thinLys we diti whaen we were itabiee, aud theu father jwoulti tell of bow he used te flirt with imot lier at the sinizing, class sund treat ber te candiies, and hew auxieus mnother was te catch hlm, and we would laugh at ber. And se the eveuiug were away sud badtiire came. Our family reunion wap a great icceps ani wvcal hope te tsee rny more cf them.-Toronte 1'orld. Mr. Henry Marshall, Reeve cf Dunui, writas: -ctorne tume ago I get a bottle cf INorthtrop & Lyman'a Vegetable Discovery f rom Mr. Harrison, sud I consider il the very best médicine uxîant for Dyspepsia'" The inediciue is making marvulous cures in Li.ver Cci plaint, Dyspepsia, etc., in pur. utvng ib te biod sud restorng manhood to full vigor. Thîis fa the season when the eider pitcher is more iit demaud than the baseh ail pitcher. O. E. Comstock, Caledonia, Minu. writeLa: I waa auffuing the moat excruciating pains from inflammatcry rheumatieua. One ap- plication ef Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio 011 afforded almoat instant relief, sud two botîlus effected a permanent cure. Wben a man gets te ho a leader et woraingmen ho le able te quit work. Mrs.- W. J. Lang Bethany, Ont., writes: I waa eue, et the greateet enfferons for abeult U.f eea menthes with a disease etfutm ear i srilar te ulceire, causing entire deafuesa. Itri»d everything that cen d be deue threugh nidedical'akili but witbont relief. As a Iset reâcît, i tried Dr. Thomas'tEclectrie Oil, iied inutbu minutes found relief. I continu. eduainÀg l, sud in a short timne my ear waa eured sud beaîriv)g cernpletely reatored. I have uaed thie wendrfl hosler oneceas- fally in case et inflammation et the lange sore throat, ceughs sud colds, entsa su braise., &c., intfact it is our family mediciue. The horue-treth-trying te make both Iends moot. Ill-flttingz boots sud shoos cenue orus. Hollway's iCern Cure is the article to usie. (Jet a bottie at once sud oure your cerna. The only way b ours a cough iti to joisu the totigh mucuns or phbegM that cloge the bronohial pipes. Thiiiie whyHagyard'd Piotora! Baluam is the mos i uucesafnl remedy for coughe, oolda, throat and lung troubles. The largest dog in America la ownedl by a leather d ealer, who runs a tannery entirely off the bark of the dog. A Comploe Broakdowin. "For ten years," says Jennie M. Harrett, of Wallacèburg, Ont., "I did not see a weli day-was ail broken down with dyopopBia, liver compiaint, catarrh an~d debility. Thtee docttors abandoned hope for me, when Burdook Blood Bittera came to niy rescue. It is the best medicine I have ever taken. I Bay this for the benefit of al suffering as I did. AYER'S PILLS. A large proportion of tlw diseases whichi cause hiumu sufferatg rcstîtt fro,îî deraiige- nmen , ut thle stotiiajti, baweis, and lier. A (:u '.&i tit ru îî aet directlx- upoi t1ice e rilii-, ailil are especiatlv designed 1tai cure t11w d caeM u.a-t Ii y t1ieir dvr:îîge.- t o.I hg p aZi a.th, D.e1tîery. atat a t h tt-; f (11r iaîîiiî.îîst> ir alt of A %atl re týr il ialu, write.. i: i i - - - - - - i t ---i-i it- -j -i t- - t - - T - -- - - I - - t.: --t-- i - - I - - - ~ t 1h i - it - - i i -- hi i P r'. J. C. -Ai r & C o., L,- ,c 11, Mliicss. Ayer't-- S ,x. - -, t.. - -- ~tkh1§i. BELL" IJIGNS Unapproacheti for - - -~ Tone and ýuaIity. CATALOGUES FREE. BELL &CO&7G~p~ n IS A POSITIVE CURE For aIl thiuse Pairnful Complainte andi Weak- nasses £o conitmon to Our best FEM.ALZ POPULATION. Ou accoutttof itî proven merite, iL is te- day recomtuended aud prescrtbed by the bea;t phyutcians in the .ountry. It xx-ll cure-euîirely the worst form cf Falliug of thte U terus, Leuccrrboea, lIrregular anti Paintul Menstruation, aIl Ovanian troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, Ficoodings, ail Ditiptacements sud the con- saquent spinal weakness, and' is especislly adaptedtot the Change cf Life. IL wili dis- solve and expel tumors from the uterus lu an early stage cf development. The ten- denc-v cf Canerous Humera theré is check- ed very speedîly by its use. It removes faintness, flt'tulecéy, destroys li craving f - stimulants, and relievea wemkrxess of IL tommch. It cures J3loisx ug. Headi-aches, Nervous Prostration, Gene. xl Debility, Sleuplessuess, Depressicu sud - gestion. That feeling cf bearing dowu - ing pain, weight sud backache, is always permauentlyecrred by its use. Fer the cure ef Kidney Complaints of eitber aux this comeDouud faunusurpaased. It dissolves calculi, corrects the cbemistry cf the urine, restorea the normal funictions of the kidueys, and prevents the erganic degeneratien whlch leads te Bright's Dis- ease. One trial will charm and excite your EnthuiRia8m. Remedial Compound is prepared ini Pill sud Liqnid form. 61 per bottie, $7 per doz. Pille (sugar coated) by mail 50c. per bM. REMEDIAL COMPOUND C0., Derby Lino, Vt., U.S., or Stanstoad, Que., Canada. RpxxrnÂr.Lrvzia PILLES (sugar coatuxd) cures Terpidity ef the Liver, Headache, Bilieuisuess, &o. They are quick, mi ld, ne gr nand should ho ueed lu connoction wtthe Reeia ompound. By mail 25e. Either ef the above remedies sent ou receipt et prico, or had from Druggists generally. V. C. STOCK, FEED AND CONDITION POWDER8 le tho best lu the world; The majorltyoet umÂN disoses como from derangemeut 0t the o K.EYO and LvRE; the same le true of!thei, ANimiL oreation. AUl animais require aud desorvo this romedy. Sample ba bymal 25e. ln etanips, cheaer n blk.Soldl by &U druggats. .Addrsso-Tun BEXFuL Ooxpouz» Co Sbastqd, Pro. Qu.beo' Canada. NOW TO BEOUBE & TIME GOOD TWEED SUITi AT PRICES NEVER BEFÃ"RE REAOffED MN THE TRADE. AGood Suiît made to Order for $12,00. A large Stock of Scotch, English and Canadlian Tweeds, Black Worsteds, etc., to select from. A Special line of HEAVY TWEEDS from 50 to 75 coùü per yard, suitable for Business Suits or Boys' wear. A FUJL STOCK 0F GROCElIIES ALWAYS ON ]SAND. llighest market price paici for Butter and -Eggs. BROOKLIN, ONT. FURNITUR{ FOR Cottage or -Castie, -AT- PBICES WHICH -WILL ASTON/Sil YOU, CALL ON WM. HAULT, -000- BROOI{LIN.1 ?1Z~ "Fiinerals. Fully Supplied." -j-",] Mdu*,iia.71 bel weû n lrooAlin and Coluin bus, on the 7f/i Concession. Wo are now prepared to make ail kinds of Woollen GoodIs, such as Tweeds, Full Cloth, Union Flannels, ,Sheeting, Shirtingys, A]-wool bcd Blankets, Horse l3lankets, and Yarns in ail varieties and al kinds of Knitted Goods kept in stock for the accommodation of patrons. Dyelicg in ail colors done to order. - egh est price paid for any quantity of Wool. Ail orilers promptly filled. p e D, BO WERMA N ARCADE, & SON,1 TORONTO. ASchool Thoroughly Equipped for Business Trai*iug BOOK-KEEPING, PENMAN SHIP21 BUSINESS COIRESPONDENCE, BUSINESS AR1TIIMETIC, COMMERCIAL LAW, SHORTHAND AND TYPE-WRITING PRACTICALLY TAUGUT. FINEST ROOMS IN CANADA. Send for Circular. Address. 27 C. O'DEA, Secretary. U N P RECE DE N TE D S U CCES S B O9O K- K EEPILNGel 50,000 Cop te8 sold in te88 than four year8. .ddopted as Text Book by thte be8t ,gchool -in ail of the principal citie8 an-d towns in everi/state and territ ery of thte United State8. Some of the Causes which have -Led to its Universal Qom.mendation and General Introduction. It simplifles the subjeot. It reduces the labor of the teacher te a minimum. It encourages self-reliance on the pc.rt of the pupil. It fascinates the student. It centains forty -pages of engraved penman8lhip. Itt encouraýges imprevemeàt in writing. It is accempanied bi.a efor- ence Book and Key <turnisbed te choels only). It can be introduced, at any tiine, witheut in- conivenience. It advertises only the sohool using it. It increases the patronage ef the achool by making the study easy and interesting fer the pupil. It la sold at a v-ery lew price. It is acoempanied with suitable blanke, when deuired. It contains more solid work for the pupil than any ether book ef twice the nuinher ef pages. fINTRODUCTIVE EDITION, _1,0 PAGES, $1.25. PR ICE S., BOOKKEEPNG EDITIOi, 100 PAGES,$2.00. *.0 A copy ofet ter edition mailed te toachers for examination at one-haif the prices namod above.-Address for epecirnon pages and ofroulars glving description, testimoniale and whole- sale prices et Bookkeeping, Seventy Lessons in Speoling, Business Practice aud Blank Books. 34 WILLIAM S & ROGERS, Rochester, N.Y.ý James B. Day, Es q., Âceouniant, To'ronto; Sm '_-Having some time ago oompietod a conrse et study in youi. Collogo, snd n since hadl many oppertiinities ef proving, both as a teecher and as a momber of theBoar~ of Examninera of public sehool teachere; for the Oounfiy cf Durham, the igreat be nefit aln value derived hom, your inetructid)i and exporieuco as aà Accountant, I have rnuch pbeasue lu thu pubiioly tostifylng to the up so~advantages offered by your Business Coiege, aud lu reoomending it to bhe patronqe of ny wrho may dos"roà course oft training, sither for busainess purpofes or for undertsMing the charge of the Commerciali Departinent no-w beiug- orgaulzed l many citbh Hiîh Bohoolos.ànd publie sehools of Mathemabloal sud Oomznercal Mat, ';:t Koplm as 8otary of Bowd otfxamla.ue ,o.cWi ~h Sohool, Have takonIr '-j Pres 'and Gold Modalu ïa -ail the it: b .hibitions. Those who have it recommend lbte their ht le jusb the Machine for tho Publie. Does aU. Xinds of Sewing, Always in OrdIe]F- Simple as u saa'ifetime. The 5amin orgaos and Pànos_ Are Botter than Any Other. The Beat Judges say ILs Toue is the Beet. IL ie built with a view te Durability aud Beauty. The Best Instrument te Buy. Call and Sue Our Geede. H. W. FOX, AGENT. WARE'ROOMS: BROCK ST. - - WHITBY. TH11S, PAPE R may be found on file at TGeo. P. ltoweil & Co's Newspaper Ad- vertising Bureau (10 Spruoe St.), where ad- verti8rng contracta may bo made for it in NEw Yoiti. -18 DR. DORENWEND'S HAIR MAGIO. Ie the ouly safe sud sure cure ever dis- covered for Baldxess, Thin Hair, Gray Hair Dandrug ,&c. Iu cases et Balduess, where the moots are net ail gene, the M4i-'w-ççill bring ont a uew and luxuriant growth of hair. It'stops sU faiiing et the hair, restores gray hair te btu original celer, remeves aIl traces et dan- druif, aud gives the hair a brigbt, hosithy appearance. De nt wait until tee la te, but if your hair le in a feeble atate geL a bottle at once. - Asir your Druggist for it, aud take no o-ther. A, DORENWEND, Sole Manufacturer, TORONTO, Ont. W. R. HOWSE, Agent for Whitby. C= E- - e --- % *.C~- '-t' Q .8. o Q s'. o r' PIANOS T1JNED, G BO. T. GTJMPRICHT9 1Thnerg Yfor Mensara. Mason & -Risch, Toronti, ie now a permanente reaident of Whitby. Parties wishing their Pianos properîy iuned will please leave their orders ai hi roi- dence,on Byron St., north. Oirdora by mal ad&re'ssed to bimself at Whitby; or Meàpa. MasoDý & Blach, Toronto, will re'oe!vei. pro= Pt attention.ly1 Dominion -Lino of Royal Mi STEAMSHIPS. LIVERPOOL SERVICE. SAILING DATES'. From Pprtland. From Haliax.- Montreal ...Jan. Sth *Oregon.....Jan. 6th. . 8th. Toronto .......Jan. Lth. *Sarnia, ....... Feb. 8rd. .. Sth. BRISTOL SERVICE (Avonmouth Dook>.. SAILING DATES FROM PORTLAND-- Quebes .............44.....*Jan. Gth ansd Fortnightly tiherefore. BÂTE:S 07 PASSAGE 710K -POUTLAND01r HIEÂLAx-Cabin, $50, $65 and $75. Return, $100, $125 and $150. Second Cabin #W0.- Beturu $W0. Steergetai Zowest rates. *These steamers 'have 5Saloonun, State.- rooma, *Mnslco6i' om, oklng-ro6m, alla * Bath-rýooms aiashipe, where lut littl6ê motion lu teit, are handsomeiy furnlshed. end comfortabF heatsd, and cary ither' citt1e uer1 She.p. D&VID TORRAWNB k&0coq orbe Z i -- Li

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