Whitby Chronicle, 31 Dec 1886, p. 8

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Dep..RfflV -Banne Ihouglit if Ihe cmete good feeling evinoed bao ta. »lght oitetat anytbing il must be conidei.d au being suggestive ci m:nll*uiiulties. Our municipal insti. tutions Ife f1.1t wers afo linohebandi Mn. Arober sang <'Tlip lisant îfi " Nmbývy sud Vbunteers." Mr . i1dgo Snake finît. He bad me tb.,; 8. TOI .-.unIon oeany !avorabli alndumetàiOOibal noever under -mac plsaba4àug apiâees as lonight. ]Ho hi Uît*ue4io mveral o! Ibs ltova falbei adileizà 11111. dgiappontel.atîlt ffae hep suluosd lukospiug olomac prai1,lleaIai0ilPpol îles cf th mmeiul. Wby do -bth ovale Il pal oov ëwquesiloail ,H le, il t halthoîr ulgbl, nov ti E.aglImbmeD werp bavlag thoîr louloni but tbo Irih assded nnetdiiousi liii affaiem-abilthb. vonl had lhem band. ,He rsforsd tb Zagland gratis bath il, land snd ses, ai Idîl au loqusal and faeeling tributs b"h. satalia mlila. for tholr bravei sud discipline-;, but ho oondemaed tt atonie d-v maunot la wbîoh lb.>'ve1 diait with by<governmenlt. Dr. Bo bgs nthèr Iee bas long asi osaooâtob,1p1dobi'hhtatEngland mâitro! Iho situatilonas àa-mim Coeowb .o*t el figure mbil a Mlitiaïss $uOlen1 If popeely traIn4 i, rio% thàaI 1k silD ment il M @".1 è m fion94 té - ate 1~idietion of tpallAmentse -,BeIng grâo*e onough b lbiok rbeyoud,,the rnge f moi hg. ha Do baspirations 10 menaber o! palla ment. la mousd.ns it a, veny proper Sr1any Mani10 have. .He le gi Canaa-a cititeà cf a' y wher. aMy man la oligiblo' sillon unIon 'the oer sangUD '4Th ipla Leaft" whi.h diidd-the lo"e of hmsa bseb*o h. m ad of ma< Iatof îhofr adoption.. »ilOpsl mtullonar bronght mte bis f»in ladouble-qmoek 0,isls la the tro.omof Wal.gaugulit of deflance W ho. shah sok to iifniago: igem.The ,la[yo s 1ýnd1' ,,?a l.ma8e0 atI6, l IL. piie .ma lglrulng »*. A o Iheiloyaln th# ki I4peop1 es lo 1,h.melresrm exact prop~ isf opsiltytedo 80. t proua boaml that Canadiar .bgo1 ahe suh point Ma .pplaume "'sobool *s &Icanos of il the 'frees i àea notions. Wh.t a ohaus baaibeen wrought lu tbli toq thé lau fortyY.Oaro. 0 c#àl insitutions are frêesto ri w ý alike, andare maie .fi Mn. ~ ~ la 3w-S4e H.fail sboys* 1ýsseis Wit aIhe Ejaul we ýeAj "mtwitt wb~iob ws noied larael>', epss. èhy bt4 at L gi Ia"b~1M Th, f-otL il, pl . hoOnno fo,ÉidavtovI- W O PSUQ'byyotidoripo dnti.TIueladies bas beon nôtified o! hiavng Made, a -big or noedy éinoumsitanoem, sud tboy know -anda draw lii lb. NeIw OrîsàaslotlterIy. Tho ofmevtl other families w'hoso waats Th figr~mtatd ae uit. uoe0lui ans moml pressingt, auýdwhowtley Are Cos9ý repat hsrao~ho 1'The - ae Wei large sndlflhs aportyho truetnheoMs 1 a#sisî. etla~rcua ~n'ô.efiWi h maay young mon, and. yong womeui .will sand by iml> forover-. 'too, living in, îowu whose mit off 'ow ornes ont apple-oant." 21 clothingwioultl-prbve mmien vieabîs &ara doen .11k buidkorcbbefi esIlU in stock, te many-a poor famil'y, suc1yel cause UN and~ ~ t !Wy ui î *bs ek, ne., but little O or noacrificê on the part of over gardîus o! pio; Mente andfboyi' iilk tb. douons. We trust our young people oure, lies, brames, se:, "fon-top kld gloves, and- wil inléeit themielves W Ibis wonkfago$ muta, lwool glovos, Cardigan 3aaketit sud-do what they eu to carry coomfont yt shirts and drawerbnifeu hal, A strlnaha tlemany- h omes that musti eris i steli capot Permiaulamb" caps , AlMâl' caps, meet th. New Year in rathen destitute wîtJ imitation lamb ocaps, aithle wonderful. orcumetances. 'oboap spot. the bàà 1krupl store, WhitbY. The reading room- le Open eveny o .MIR. 0. (O. BaLiNGs, preident of the evening from 7 ta 10 aud is *lways inSu Whitby draught club, ana champion o! charge of the libnanian who will be £ed b.owla wnt to Canington ou Tues- plesulte receive your donations in - day te play Paisley o! thal village, wo bo bhal! of, the poon. Kuowiug yen ta boata Lb.pred dstictin c bong . lways neady and wlling- te assiat capofo nonthern Ontario. Jàdg- I have taken the liberty ta adîrese you lung by our owu fate and thal O! maipy Ieaoe or nl o9en bo have eI Cbarley, w. Ric. SEtc. W. 0. T. U. shoul say that ere this Mn. Paisley bas Whitby, Dec. 22nd, '86. foond the weather quite cela, lu bis ________ vioinity. frmnsEI!O.CRNCEBPI ii o te .banknutlstorefomo %- t &dudeènct yrFl erubroidere4 velvOt lippevs, Ouly S1; Sa-ilBoadedfnec 0 orP moné ovonihoesi, 81.25; ,Mente fins admonition o! lait week, I shal oniy Bsq ae boots, $1.50 ; man's best long 1011 uaspace in, which ta, tender th. Pas bots $; oy vryhevylabed boots, amende honorable 101 he Sobool Board PA bo5e. 02boy' vOrYshOi81 wmo'efor having erroneoumly censared il se BiM bulone botsheay~ 41;~Ioenl reguas uppneeinfg reports, etc. Prom Osl fiasbullnel oots 41.0; omeustheaveny meaneamount cf information H 0v ooe6 1.25; mises' atfine bllultoed .givea 10 Itbe public il bas centanly ' botM0.; girls' ovenshoei, 900- lu ýpokod ai thongh au unwrittefl lawhad fautt1h. baakrupt store, Wbitby, la the obtained te that effeot ; bat if Ibm zé îîV bool aid shos boas. o! Canad. mponsilily le tnandrmred te nl FOl I junjlý ivison a eoulIons we sinoerely hope that those 1 E Tua spupils o!flb juno iiino tho Modal Schooî showed' their gool gentlemen (the reporter'), wil expend eàO will towands their teaohens by promient. oelmeadWalnIaplen ing them wi.&l'Xoas gifis on Wednei- befone the people the proceedinga of our S hast BlncheNlc o nflefbebâlf most important eleetive body. Cs oftepupils o! the second division pre- Youns, P -sentel Miss Borne witb a beautiful Tt 6 wrkborndBetidHnansn eni(mifto felwibèLienl"thteoreda imlansevie ort Mippsse ac mreeetienreprsofth oote inlhivein udprseuedMisBeeinsrd heSaondBar Td i Rogers witb a beautiful China elup andftefrtdvso n rs Town Ootincil should b. given, but are i Bsaucer.- The litthe cnes left for hmeobi et ennui ach maler b fitour in bigh «Ilee adw. 'bave nDOabt will' spac. Ouia rsn eaebaa Senjoy tbeir bolidays much better for fer net giving 'mill attention to politicalr haing begun tbem in the manner matIn 0 haxcuind bol muni ~ Indicatel. cipal aud local news! dpehp a MnioartGrhmBnnrli 4o Liberal" lhinks soi bîmeel!. While M. b. aet aame Banna, ho diet nearwe are obiiged 10 exhibit many shôrt- SBrooklia lait week was a native of coming , wQ feel tbat ca oure o Le uuinisshteSetiaI.on coming givîng ail mati'na a fair ahane e! atten- a h o Caanada ber fatbor, David Graham, inl h be a apassl b Ibo @ettlecltas it Wau thon tenmed, on, ljotsîc bD. pbiwib eorsi rs yonge ait., about six miles noi'th of bet.E. àe ,Toronla, wbsre bis ve ieO d a 'imait Cuc oe of lmmedately cf Aitie choieralin 884. bu'h oie ~sDeoaelwas marne1 lajo 1840 and ber The Suna',ys Sohool iiiiidren af lhe Bsp- ~. hîbad assd wayb Ib bone isi churah boe are te hbave théir annual hosbnd as8e bWY tOtb@bom ielgh ride scons if thene itesuffioent snow. 6. walllag hlm la 1876. MT. Banni ]Rav. 'Mr. Toveil of Plètebono will oooupy c oiy stmIer marnied Rev. Jas. Lamble, the Pulpil in Ibm Taboruaclo- on Sgnday a plsr lo!ib.hoîs parts. Mr#, Borne mornlng &dIC pneaoh the Ânnlverar air anlylaill lb biter ap o uoroW ermons 10 the oilidren. Spécilicollection a eauil bbebsîfthobitthrcasohool. hardmhip. Nesrtbeli Isîs1congregationU la the l3aptis'cuc de thînge bhave a gool offet l in oty ens large lait bundsy. Next Sauduây ai nd tii. mInIfor tfIbm m a s&io alr10 o'cook s m,. Mn.. Barker wli (D 'V.è con- t lf, abl se was weil noun anud icied duel thé noview of the lait qarter B. 8. a& lioué by W1boM responsibilîtîe wene Lessoni The pautar wlll preah as suri b.net rsgardsd s baron.Mn. ano 'h.ev. Mi. Moolelland, ai Âoehburnn, il ire leasi a largte !amtly o! four ions ba dta presoli niaI BSabb %th evenlns aépd cal fige danghtes i wo meirea sbavlag sermon la yoün women pu waaled Vr ce ol a devotsd and înaly ohnimîlan ideal woman." xvery youug wml'h la ~ i. mohn.Rr at lîlceis waî bonne resde thistei.oodisiy iuvied ta b. prisent. -y T he R . M n,-O- rmlA- 0 h al o B % oki thél the l>ad boon bcor eboziùtY. matin fr aaep klIed byj OgS sr ket property bro*gb?ith a report.- 1,0o~~~digpeyoint ft.flo Mn. reenood O1ai1cmUMater *1 ithe WCOI *ent West on Thirsday'IO spend hi.hol~iêa songhlm itiends. celvel dhoiiorbli eiÏu e h ecec e-tithelr papens gaain ai lbe. Iepres atonl ex.ml.IIO&e or Second Ois ecen- <the Toronto Normal bhool during the puit euSnoilbh bt etini.teis 1hageà i.nvrbe alowed. Bokingham'8, fa! ii WhiseriU ch'ge ihe rta a brown orblntdsreonad See ýup your reputation f or ne"ieas us' Winnipeg neideeo!M.on 1rv was totally destroyad by fie sfi"aày afteruoan. wYotdm fl bexpress, my grtiud" a Mr. Sibly Carter, of Nashville, Ten. rth~e banefits denived from Ayen's Bars- ,il&. My system was fllad w*ith sera!- blotahes, ulcers and' matteny gares, BU1 Smyý body." Mr Carter w9à entirelY td b y Ayer's B anuaparilia, eaght months ,and. li aît.dna returu o! thesooalous iem. 't i stated that nngland is taidng no ps towards resuming diplo.matie relations e the Vatican. rO BEH017E DÂNDRUF.- eanae the 8aap wit& J'rof. Low's Zphur Boap.. A dolig7iut~ medica- ao8ap for the toilet.A inancial andonmercial. Office of Whitby (IHEoNIOLC,ýSWhitby, Dao. 24, 1886. -rj WHITBY MÂREET PRICES. llWha .8.0o72 O080 74 ring Wheat ........ 074 *076 Ose Whelkt.......... *o 066 @0 68 >ur, par cwý......... 226 @-250 briey ................ 04)a 060 .... aooooa 0o*e0.0 4 @ 048 aM.... ....e 05 0 @ O 00 ba,black-eYed ......... 070 072 Lepeau.......*. 066*05 .ite080 o <'08 ày é..ee.*e10 00 O12 O0 saikeObloer seed......1 * 800 O600 eadbover seed........ 60 O710 pples,iperbbl.......... 150 *200 >matoù e ... ......... 060 @055 toes, prbag. .Oeo - 60 O076, ýgs........ 1 .O 20 *tter........ ...... 015@ 20 heese, ................ 00o 0154 oad............. ... 400W 550 I ee a . s............ 040 O 060 ,afa010 @010 [Mes, per lb . .......... 006 @ 007 >ork, perowt.........5 550 urnpa.......... 15 O 025 )eleryprd0..... 080 0 O40 )hiokens, per lb. O 06 008 Lrkeys, per..b........ 010 012 mocks, par lb........... O08 @ O010 leesepver lb .............006 @ 0 (8 AND THLE PUBLIC. 'We, tbe underuigned, have" lately inoreas- ed aur facilities for publishing and mianu- jacturiflg stanardBooks, Pa.mily Bibles and Pbol<ograph Albums by removing intéo ,argeraud more commodions p remises. We desire at once the names and àddré "es c! every local, travelling and general 4et in canada, ta whom we have an tmp"rtant business offar tao ommunioaté, and '" wilI Iiberu.lly, reward tbose who faveur usn.with these namnes. Our speolaltleis are - Cheap Booki by Populmr Authors, Famnily Bibles, Pulpit Biblesq Qerman Bibles, anda large and vanied lins of Photograpli Albums. Our notail priées are the lowest, ana hav. ing a large, staff of agents _we ou&aflord 10 employ cavassors on tue most libenal terme. OXFORD PUIBLIS&ING CO.$- WOU1M POWDERsèl Are iplease.ut tta e. CoAta1n thir. o* Purgative. le a s<4e,1 sure, und. eeotaO enqutre o!It ins. Do lo a enoereengtly Firupldbyme.Bord oy, Byon steto eMqi. Dofle lis Dob fl a thd 6hou eetly for boirders. 41Ana1 'HOUSE. TO">L.ETU * ontaining six rooms. OPposite metho. dist Tabernacle. Bn oeao pl uithe preisies.- T- AVm <R #1~ TAl .1' A big live of A. No. eyad68 Rbs ilk flandkerchiefsg, Gent'TiG1es&Obihak suitablegifts large stock of ,new DREalmSS GOODB, 8ha Leggis, Wools Caps, ,Mitts, &o of ihe 0-0 Correspon rhe beat assorted stock of, Worsteds, Qvercoaing, Paut ings, Tweeds, &o., ever shown, P'ull istooked ini Gentsa' Fnrnishing Departments. and Clothinge' F~~oWEiL&Q Luni*i Bup'b MeahaNic Jofl E.FAIM .-DABRISTB3 Ca DAVID ORU ATORNEY-ÂT-] offie,liu MouMilla G. YOJJNG si BÂ9~TERP, ke Brook St.,Whiiby. BJD RISTBR-ÂT. lnChanoery, Ci OSfce-Deverll' Wbftby. 190NET TO ME BDRISTER AT] _ Chan&"n, Conv ) B. MELDRChwéý o., TE"TB: w: Pru lieD RIE] 04I 1* TORONTO the - an wb for l n. 1105 1 wu o 1

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