Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jan 1887, p. 2

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i QORRESPONDENGEB. And Itemst Stolon froin our Exchang. Laet week a iumbel' of -the buqineeg men cf the town met sud* preseeutd Mr. Maclean-who bas fiUled the poti. tien cf Oustome official àt thesétatÎiàu sud wharf for a number af years-with a handsome chair sud sa purs.et money. If aIl reports are truc-sud wc have it straight-ýh-ere is au- individual living in the suburbe of this town who wants' looking df ter. t e eems that for years he has been in the habit of unmercifal- ly beating bis wife snd grcwu-up dsnglaters juet wheà it suite him. Last week this inhuman wretch tried it again, snd ruaking bis daughter get out Di' bed, lie repeatedly struek her -with hie flot, nearly breaking one cf ber ribe and giving ber a black sye. He then pro.Peeded te amuse him.setf by herse. whipping his wife. It' is time that Borne stops were taken te stop this kind cf brutality. The fietmd should be made san exaniple of. Rie should b. frowned upon by every man in town, and hounded frein bhwoý oinuunity. The day fer this kiud of barbarism îs past. STGVFFVILLE. The statice lieuse is no longer te ho feund in a box-car alougeide of the platferm, but you will Sund Mr. A. Low, the pepular station master, acoupying the fine building reoently oompleted. The new station is a oredit te the rail- way authorities. Everything is in good taste for convenience and comfort. Mr. Low occupies the dwelling house part, wbieb ia very cocufertable and cheery. Tuesday evening word camne te Markham that Wm. Tran, cf Belferd, had fatally stabbed bis brother wit.b a pitohfork. Inquiry into the mnatter elicit3d the facts thât the brothers Cbarles and William Tran, quarrolled in the barnyard, it ieS aid about Some property, sud thât duririg the alter. cation William ,struck Charles on the haad witb a fork 4isl2dle. It was at firet feared that the blow wonld prove fatal, but happily ne serious conse- quences are now snticinated. People eroand Steuffville bave a good jolie on a certain auctioneer who resides net very tar frein that flourish- ing village. Lt ceeo s aid auctiônker bas a iset of false teetb, and wbile btu@ily eugagêd eating bis dinner and talking rapidly at the saine turne te these arouud the festive board, tùe plate dropped out ef position, and the jaws coming édown suddeoly broke tbern in pieees snd be ewailowed teetb, plate and ail. It ie said there was immense excitement for a turne, the unfertunate gentlewan making a bec lins for the physicianse residence to see wbat could- be dont-, but M.ore reaching there the teeth evidently sourind on bi s tornach and be vernitpd tbpm up, feeling greatly relieveU thereby. BROOK TOWNSRIIP. Mr. James Livingstone, of Zephyr, died auddenly asat week. -« . - .bu auuPtànrui outy iMIS weak te chreniclo tbe doath in Sunder. land of two ef the victime cf dipbtberia. the first wae May, a hriqht sud intelli- gent girl of about twelve eummers, daughter of Mrs. Barker, wbo wae in- terred in te Wick cemetery on Friday sat. The other bein5 a bright sud beloved danuittor et Mr. Wm. Shier, who was baried ou Tueeday aset. The deatb of these two young blossema lias aset a gloor n o the npiighborbeed sud the bereaved families hâve their sycu- patby. We are pleaged te state -that the other patients are recooering. A pediar stapped iu the neigbborboed cf Sandferd anti put up with oeeof our farinera over Snnday, Four ef Sand- ford's promising yonth, fiuding cut that ho lisd soes houey in bis wagon, wend. ed their way thither sfter cburch sud helped therneelves te wbat Lhey oould cqarry nicely sud coooeaied 14 lu- somne safe plaoe iii the foilowing Tbursdsy evenîng wbeu Lhcy met again in a stable s short distauce nortb cf Sandford sud' lisd a sweet ime. One fellow wished ho had a throal lOft. long sud that lie couid taste ail the wsy down. Lu order to put Lb. blamae ou someon oises tbey teck a bag- cf oes the fanmer liad filled up sud emptied il into a blu sud bld the hag, sud now the farmer bas corne -to - theconclu4ion that a profeusieusi thief bas been liuvsding- bis premnises. MÂRKHAM. Ou 8BundaY,: th-012th imet., Elizabeth Jouse, roet et Lb th aLe Jaob Brooks, celehrat6d ber vinetieth hbirtbday at tb. residence cf lier .daughter, Mrs. T. F. Wootteu bers, witb whom she residos. W . ret, te state that Mn.J.D K4eKay, the popular sud efficient p)rin- cipal et tb. Markliam Public Schioobe5' bas tabou bie departure. Mn. MoKsy bas heen only a short time among us, but duriug that tme ie lias made numérous frieude, Wholic yl b.sonry te part with hlm. Mn. Mc]Kiy vii taie charge cf theis Bloomingdaie -Public - Bhoôie after Obrisîmas lu accerdauce viLli tb. terme cf an agreement made by hi befone oomiug te Markham. We vieh hlm succesé. Eigbty.tve candidates *rote at the Outrance examinatlon "hôre lait, week. Doubtlesse mre vili be digappffl-tead ,%beu th. results aremiade kiiw. L shonld b. nemember.de hovever. that ne greater injury oaz ho donstozpupils thon te admit thein tè. -th 4h. . S oci befone -th.y, bave obtaluodia- tborougb- kxýovI.dge of the. sommnon Emalslisub. Josin théPublic Sbeoêl. A, Papil, Who la adnsitt .- to. th. Higli Sohool beforo hie à ,topoeîY . rp. M a y, havo-ouseto gretlla alon a,ý s Au old wvomàao by, te .mi e*f- uuwhah~ Ieiwn womsàn waa-fouud lyiug on a bundi. cof rage, whleh wson fire ail round. It 1i. thongI wh..4 a s eued bysome Dr. %ob n ois sent fCà't 1ilo, U4mh' ~rnviu, fotu4ber âa~f ne 1LWVr extreM_ ti*a terribýly bulÏncd. he ppcr old creatùïlreiivd for about thr' e hob* writhingiu paiîn.ý, PORT HOPIE. Ferty.cue pu-pils-passcd the entrancel exaininatien here-twenty-throe girls and eigbt boyp. The belle îu iown had,-obty began to, ring the old yesr ont sud the new year in; when the fire beoUment eut au alarin. The firemen burriod frein their cyster supper iu their hall ta fiud s cbimuey burning in Mr. P. Robertsons"blotin'l J. F. lsrk's store. No daumag- wass doue, altbougb badl not the roofs been covered with sunow the resuit wonld net have been as bairmiesei. The firemen returned ta their supper, having for. the. firet time been on active duty in their parade uniforme. PORTFERMRY. There are seven hostlers sud threc bar-tenders nt oe o f the hotels. The political complexion cf the towu was almeet ohauged by the vote at the election tbs other day. 1Dr. Jessope' uew brick block on, 'Queen street isjuet uow oompleted. Lt is oeeof the best-appointed business places in the village. Mr. W. J. Nott, the manager, is -getting bis, fine stock arrauged, sud looks for s big inerease ef busineiss. The followiug officers were eleeted for the ensuing y ar in Scugog Ledge of the A. O. U. e.ord er :-Past Mas- ter Workman, J. H. B3rown; Master Werkmau, Wma. Shaw ; Feremn, W. D. Poin*ts'; Recorder, F. N. Raines; Financier, T. J. Ash ; Receiver, A. J. Davis; Overseer, Jas. Boxaîl; Guide, Wm. Bond ; I. Watchman, A. W. Ad air; O. Watchman, Gea. EHinds ; 'Representative Le Grand Lodge, F. N. Raines. Tbere are uow 60' members of Scugeg Lodge in good standing. REACH TOWNSHIP. Mr. L. Burnett, of Greenbank, bas pnrcbased a one-year-old entiro colt, bred by the neoted etock-gro wver, Amoes Cruickshank, Esq., of Sittyten, Aber- deena-hire, Seotland. He ta a beautiful brigbt bay, thiclzei, heavy-rone Scotch carL-herse, snd will be a valu- able acquieitien te the steck-raisers cf this country. The deatli cf Mr. Thos. Larke et Prospect, whiocccurred st week, in Toron te, was a great, surprise to bis parents hore. fHe had been ili for some tine but ne eue theugbt bis ill- nesa would terminate fatally. He was an earnest werker in the churcli sud Sabbath-scbool and was higbly.respect- ed in this section. His ramnains were interred at Prince Albert au Friday. Last Wednesdsy evening, as Mr. S. -Solit, of Utica, wus driving southward, an ide s uddenly teak Possession of bis brain that ho wonld like tei returu te, Utica. As ho sttempted te do se, lie mpet in Lb. de.en-ditcb. 511ruy Mr. .j "UE va LuUg ana 0ne, steerîrag tee close te tee tier side, rolled bead over heels ta, the bottem. Yen eau imagine ~eme littho sorambling sud Lail talkîug geing on. Mr. Thos. Lausen, cf Greeubank, lia juet imported from the Old Country s beautiful entire col4 that weighed about 1600 Ibs., sud s filly for Mr. Walter Fowler. These superb animais were bred by Geo. Beau, lisq., af Baidwbine, Aberdeenebire, Sootlaud. Thé3 colt is a dark bay, 16 bauds higb, weigbe 1600 sud is a bandeome herse. The filIy i. a bsy wlth four wbite feet, white face, fiftleen mouthe old sud weighs 1200 lb. The scbolare cf the Prince Albert public sobool presented their teseber, .Mr. John Langdon, witb ,s beautiful dresiug.cse -ad alarge Chriatmas :card, uas tohen ef esseeu that Mn. Langdon is held by hieseaholara. Mr. Langdon taugltit4h. Prince Albert sohool msuy years, but has reslgned Lbe position' cf teacher. Mr. Laugdou carniees tb. beat wiabes of acholaré aud parents for the taitbfl mnner lu sehicliho libsdischarged his duties as A"youug man Robert Warwick, by namne, whils shopping on Mn. Robent Stronge lot, lu Medoute, met vith a fatal accident on Fnldsy, l7tb mest. H.e bad ohopped s tre. vhich Iodgyd, sud procosded te feUl a second eue, with s view ef brnuging 14 dewu. Que« -f the Inee in ii llg truck hlm on th., bsok, sud b.ovas oarried teo oldWator in"a~ almoat lféeflscondition, Theie.srýe vices 6if Dr B3utler vêecalled lu, but hefore lieo ould arrive, b.I t -mnuhad hrogptled bis laît. The body wes taken te bis ernoe'at Dartao0r. lug up "sud dewuiulu..ge -st.ot SBtrý day niglit lait. 'H. vas-tu ts tda bosatlyeAt. of intouiéstlon; A& h.;ý v,andered upand dov . hpIup continuai lawmnt ton .lÀls boys." Ho attraotedoonsderablê'atteziÎtionfrom 1h." large erovWd whlch f11,4 n. thevI. ou that partlular niglit Wh.t vWb$ he, trouble wvmith Ia, hi. o ilg vo vereun-î ablçe tedisoovMr, uIs e iho t%' insus leut vaabr.4lakip o «t'uk i doe4 lher off 4h. plaop. it wa~ i er iltited èthe. had f llen fro m J the day befoesMii tha'bueh. ¶fPhe uas. 1Whe <Ju wnw 6bntW byýr goio bn,# l T ie or memberocfthe Rifie Aisooiat ion,, four oeeriyearxs of-age, csrrîed Off -the oupi pesétite&dby buéfather, to-be -81, fi on ,Chriatmas.Day, beating.-»éyooral;;,nd members of, the Associati onù. Anotâ r infant.phemomenon - alo-<are;o Monday at, at the weskly practi 0, tibe uerspn oof Herbert Vick, weer pulynumbor, thirteen, buti wbe 'vr [theleso, msnage& te mak,epsor e t88 paote, at-tii.shrtranges, te tÏeÊ #er diecomfiture of numnerous memabem of old standing, whoeescores were belowv - that mark. LINDSAY. Crusse and Foll, the two Tory candi. dates for West aud East Victoria were slected by 18 sud 800 respectively. This town is to have uts'sidswalka cle âred of snow this yesr, and, W this end, bas purchaeed.two enow-pows- one for the north ward snd one for the South. In the second cheoker mattch lait week between arnih, of OamuffWton. and Oryeil, cf this place, Sm1ith.;win by eue game., Oryelit won-tbe -1»seê match by one gamb:. There wili.be.o big saw- off one of these day.. When the Lindesy vi8iter te Toronto neit summaer strolis abont ho may re- coguize a sort of familitbr appearance> in the-frents of brick blooka about bui*ld- ing. Brick-makers cf Liiidsay report-a' very»Iiveiy demand for brick, the larger part cf whioh is shipped te Toronto. Mr. Cartin hes sold 52$,000 brick -and begain to ship on Mouday la8t. From the yard cf Foc & Grandell 150,000 has been ou. Mr. S.- J. Foi is now. shipping part of aun ororeoeived for 225,000 with the provision in the con- tract that he wiII supply 400,000 more if custorner Po desires. The total s- Mount foots up. to Gearly one Million briol4-not a. bad showing for a country_ Iocalîty. WAYN ritE CRE CREO ITCIIINEPLE R lua s iatn u u. mas eb oft Allan Line ROYAL -MAIL STEAMSNIPSI LiverpoolLondondry WIN~E.ARRANGEMENT&. IlDATES O0F 0AUýiG. Sardinlâm, frin Portland, D».,iôad. Prin, emuortlang, i>cUhh r. , lfax, - ilet. ôlile , fr ei a (ii i 1h -t A 'New and Beaufiu to43el 1 all l1e Shad.es,, with jlses omth ânabi ]RANGING IN PRIGE« FROM $1.00 ERPARD Also another new-lot of Strîpedai Corded -Velvoeteen CHENILLE AND JET FRING-ES, NEW DRESS AND MANTLE BUTTONS,' -Dress and Mantie Clasps in ail colors and black, TAI LORI NG FLOU RISH ING. Everybody is satisfied with our worlk. Leave your ord'ers with us and you can be sure y-ou will. not have to bring them baejk for alteration. ANDRE-W.-MO Rosse- L.~ f .BUB. ~LInthe 'Sweet Bv aànd Bye.' ~1959 gmruâàl Assurance Conmpany. INCORPOUÂTED Wr SPECIAI ACT 0F TEl Do- MINION PAZLIAIfENT. Full Government Deposit. DIRRO TORS: HON. ALEX. MACKENZIE, M.P.,ex Prime Minister of Canada, President. HON. ALEXA.NDER MORRIS, M.P P., sud JOHN L. BLAIKIE, ESQ., Pres. Can. Landed Crodit Co., Vice-Presidents. Hon. G. W. A llian, Senater. Alphonse Desjardins, Esq., M.P., Montresi. Hou. D. k. Macdonaldy' ex-Lieut.-Governor of Ontario.t Andrew Robertson,- Esq., Pres. Montreal Hieber Trust. L. W, Smith. Rsq., D.C.L., Pres. Buildling and Loan AmSoiation. - ----berr - -q.1Q. -.,(Mesurs. Kerr, Mac- -jol'nt cr , l vernur aetcAm Pire Assurance Co. E. A. Meredith, Esq., LL.B., Vice-Preaident Toronto Trusts Corporation. Wm. Be%, Bsq., Manufacturer, Guelph. A. H. Campbell, Esq., Pres. Britiali Can. L. a.nd In. Company. D. Maorao, Esq., Manu aturer,_Guelph. B. Gurney, Esq., Dîreotor V'oderal Bank of Canada. H. H. Cook, Esq, M. P., Toronto. John N. Lake, Raq, Broker sud Fin. Agent. Edwazd Galley, Esq., Alderman. B. B. Hughes, Esqq, (Messrs. Hughes Bros., Wholeale Merchants) . Jai Thornton, Esq ,M.D.,Medical Director. rJames Scottp Esq., Mierohant, Direotor Do- minion Bank. 'Wm. G9rdon, Esq., Toronte. Robert Jafray,, Esq., Merchant. W. McOÂBB, Eq., LL.B., F.LA., Manag- ing Direoter. TO the HON. A.XAOKENZMI&P., Presideit.. North American mife Assurance <00. Irmuto. On behl cf MRS. BLAOHABD, I beg' te acknowledg. the receipt, tbrough your1 Mr. Canle, cf. drift. for 15,000, inlUtu p"~meut -of Policy No. %2.2-ou, the lite cf lier late huubandi Sedley BIancliadQïo., Who ia î1.4 ramtypoldfever, 'onUiethé 7th of Xerch. luot, aud te have te thank yen ifor your prompt settiement. Are. you going to get married Ihis Xmas ? his is none,, of our business. We only wish to intimate that we are.ý seltmg Magnificent Hanging Lamps, Fancy Colored Lampsi Lamap Goods; DinneYr, Tea and Chamber Setts, iat who-le-, sale prices; Superb China Fruit Baskets, a varioty of Fanoy China Dishes and Electro-plated goods, suitable for' Xmas Presents, at prices to suit the times., SPEC IAL FOR THE--NEXT 30'."DAYS. . We wil give a presentt of a H andsome China'. Cup and» Saucer with every pound of bur 40, 50, 60 and 75o Tes,-s and every 2 iba. of, our pure fresh-ground Coffée t 25e. and 40o per1 lb. A cmplte assortment of choie XmaA Fruits at close figures. The farnousLouiBe Baking iPowder put up in pound tins at 80o per lb.'-Ail kinde of canned goods, Fish, &c. Fresh Can and Bulk Qysters ariving é«rory- week diùýeot frein Baltimore, at the Brazilian Wa.rehonse. Do£'t fbrgetý,o cal before purchasing. Wishing yen al ea, happy B.eason,? I arn your obedient Servant, SIMON' FRASE1R, Deverell's Block, Brook'St., Whitby, Ont. THE BEMEBIAL I1MPOUNo- 18 À POSITIVE URE For ail those Painful Comnplaints sud Weak- nesses se common te our best FEMALE'POPULATION., Ou account oftite preveu merite, 14 le to- -day recommuended and prsscrihed_ by the. beet phscasin the conntry. 14 wiil cure enîielytiworst formc lsln ttetrsLuonoaLrgular sudPaitu-Menstruation,-au l Ovalan troubles, InflsmmatioL saddUlcération,; Fleodings, al Dispiseemeutsansdth1fin-ý equent spinal weskuess, a ' sud e pe "lY solve sud expel-tumore fronïr -tii, iteras au early stage - et developmeënt. Tho. te dency et Ca cerous'Humors there ii cheok- ed very speedily by 14e use. Lt removeà faintuesa, fa tiilenby, destroys auloalg for stimulants, sud, relier.s weeknegs e0 4h. stomach. Lt. .ures Blotin,' Heu4-aces, 1ervous Prooiraition eerDbiiyflpése, De-presion aznd Lldiestion. ,W-hat f eliug ow , s mg pai , w li n~s b i6 àà.ays:-pernainently .0 rle by 145 use., 1887. Haper's Young Pepl AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY HÂReR' YeNa~pzotex z las been oalled "4h. model et whata periodaial'toyung readersoihg-it4tebe, sdthé justice cf -ths commendatiois aznply sustained by the. lar-ge -circulation itlnas attained both at home sud iu Great Britain. This snoeems has' been, reaohea' by meth-odz %bat mlust oomxuend themselves-'ote i.jgdgnient cf parets, o lea lhan te-the taý_s t afhild- attractive Ine Shave julet r we r Thirty.sevi Isiing the 10o1 ïhiàb, if issued' Mr. exsndel ieons by Edwal les! by Emis jr. .&unt. 13sbo thor; Bede's àtton; Ninety-m IRecitatione, bý mnted Tower, lij cof the etories p e, with. handsoi ver, aise, a ham nece, pri'nted lu 'se- new clsioei àt they give Mc è money than, »he Uuiéed Stal rreaders te buy uts, sud je for1 sor will be se j receipt of pril >,Publiehere, Frcxuk Lesliei' sa war iu Enrc py day by ce âtereeted' to' km 4e groat states clved. "Fran( ,.netnxa.H'nngr i. To.wle, give ,opuIi- rMontha szd weil-writt-en. ïWhen Greek bM ýru, tele the e4< arits cf WaAhir ad illuBtrated 'QarB, le an s ttre land audiJts grée rVerrible" le a 0 ,t -Muîecovy. ' ,harrn the yoz] ,Clarenco M. Bo uijde," Qpen5« re 1h. reader'eStI ily .strange -l':n ýOther storles- i neaccouÉt of -~ Iemoriest, where Dresdeq waticle on the f ~rsveled," bYAk 'Made as interï ~whole Jsnuary- ýl, wîth -its- oý-harmïngpot aidold. -ýnthernse, /Pr fjournalieén. fuenet -cf W1

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