Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jan 1887, p. 6

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Vot vas id my,,baby vus trylng tos»Y) yen I goocu 4 his orib ai der preakoi der day, Und audt vrcr n the planket peepo tOn "lei Bo Pinx uid.00o hveet ai, dor freeli bloom- iq rose, und twisting und curling dbemaelveln ail eboudt, Shust ke dhey vu saying: "«Ve vent uco get ondt I!, "[hile dot babW looke oup, mit dhose bright eyeu go P, Und dou'd couid gay nodings shust oniy:1 Al-Gool1 Vot vas id mime baby wau dinking about, Vhen dot thumub goem go quick in hie ebveet leedie inout, 0 Und ho looks right away like he no under- shtandt ýDer reason he don'd could quite shvellow hees hand; Und ho digs mit those fingere righdt indoi hees eyes, Vhich fills hees aid fader mid f ear und sur- prise; Und vhen mit dhosee himnaddic dricks he . vas droo, He iay back and crow, i nd say nix budt Ah-Goo 1 Vot mn6ke's dot ehmall baby ahmiie, vhen he's ashleep. t)oos he dink he vas biaying mit somne von bo-pep? Der nurse say dhose shmiles vas dbr sign ho hxf coil- More like dot he dhreame he was beving Bomne f roiic; I feeds dot oldt nurse mit oreen abbies, some day, Und den eef -ahe shmiles, I pelief vot she gay Von dot baby got cramps ho find someding to do, Oxcept shmiieand biay, and keep oup bees Ah-Goo ! I ask me somedirnes, vhen I looks ini dot crb.. Viii der shirdt frondt von day dake der biaceofo dot bib) Viii dot plue eyed baby. dots pooiing my hair Know ail vot I knows aboudt drouble and cure. Dhen I dink of der voridt, mit its pride and its sina, Und I wish dot mineseof und dot baby was twins,. Und al der day long I hed nodingu to do, But juat iaugh und crow und keep saying. Ah Goo I The Governess; ôr Oecil's Bride. BY À PUPIL 0F THE WHITBY COLLEGIATE INSTIITUTE. The anow-flakes carne down by hundreda, on Tueoday morning, unlil the ground was cornpleieiy oovered. Leurs MacDonald miood si the win- dow, gazing at the rapidly desconding sn2ow, but she oon turned and tepped ino the centre of the roorn, and begae. to arrange e number cf echooI-hooke lying on the table. She wae e governes. in ihe houée of Lady Lincoln, and ber aad brown eyee told a tale of grief and sorrow. In ber youth Laura had been the pretty girl, Uer mot.her hsd siwaym ehene an oit of the pretitu womnen in ociety, and Laurs had inherited ber 'beaniy. Wbiie et Lady. Liopoln'a Laidra' heart bad been -cspiured by a hanit orne young cificer ini ibm srmy, wbc 1el nediy in love with lier st a Christ mas perty given by Lady Lincoln. It hsppeinod ibst Loura liad a rio] ý-nd well-cultivâted soprano voioe -anc Lady Lincoln sent 'for ber to coni down and eniertain bier guesta wit] morne =uuie. An accu am Capi. -Henxý laid eyes on the pretly governeneb, was, go te spaak, "ai ber feet" Wbile ah. wsingig-that <Ilrfis mas night in Lëdy Lincein' parloi Laurb felt a pair of blsok eyea.gs.ziz persiuieuiiy, yet witheut rudenean,à ber and, whon ah. arome- from, -t4 -piano, Capi. Henry came forward an gsilsntly offéed ber hie irm, an eacoried ber te the door., Laura quickiy rau upmisrî- &sud whi e mbe reaehed lier toom, locksçl ber,,,dooa and buzat inte téers. Poorý-. gir, @fie f4à '1he etra down stairs, keuly. -Thoz.iïbe tbk>ç of the young officer- whoq baîd'býea*i kinàd.4619 wâoa*hind -of hjiiùOW tlioÙight, 'Ïnoio f the res osýi 4Çb Âad theÜ.,àsb dtd sr ber.&ý cf the P90ty goVer"easbut in, vain. Lady Lnol iwte Walli bo Inomouioteua, perffon à PrOtty gOret. sies could'b.,, e Leur. -w.. kept out Of, igt. One day lie aaw er- ont wa kng with the ohidren, end hle notied how very gracefully eh. carried berseif.ý Iu pasing ber, lie ,politely .lifted hie liai aud she iii m 'alighutly ia~ lier bela su il quiek1y on. Tbey msometirnea motti t bswhen she wam oui with the abijldren seerning- iy,,by chance, but really inientionally ou liis part, but noihing more psased between tliem exqepi- tho bow wlieu ihey iel. Tizue pase on, and wlien July came, Lady Lincoln snd lier daughiera weni ta the nseido accernpaniod bY Leur& end the childreu.' While ont on the measide one day, wliorn elould. îhey mueet but Capt. Henry wlio came up very eagcriy when lie eaw ihat Leurs formed ene cf tbe party. Lady Lioln'n twe daughters wcre se différent as girls weli oould b. --niethe eider was e prend, hsnghiy belle with dark liair sud eyes, ihat sometirnes flashed in anger aud sornotimes melieti in love; while Ada ber eimier was s gay, petite litile mreture wiili blue eyesansd suuny curie, sud wus very frieudiy te, Leurs. Wben lapi. fHenry joined ihem Ada quiekly introduced him te Leurs, bçfore Jaunie could proveul il, whicli se wouid bave doue if possible. Clapi. Henry very gladly aaknow- ledged lb. introduction sud lhey resumed ilisir waik. Leurs natursiiy shy and unpreeuming feU behind wiih, 1he chidren, and in a very short lime weui borne. They mei Clapi. Henry very ofteu aflerwerde, but Leurs was very eeldom proeut. However on. dey e.'teck the childrôn te huni for mose sud when tbey were returniug tbey mai Clapi. Heury, who wus oniy tee gisd cf lb. opportunity cf a walk wiih Leurs. Il .wss strange ihai hie heari should go eut'to ibis ionely girl, ho often tald hususeif: But se ht wam. Even wbeu ai the ide cf thee momi beanctiful sud eifted ladies in Englend, h. would think cf the li111e gevemuese witb the large sad eyemsuad mweai litile rnouih. Duitirothebwalk home lie ouleriain- ed ber with liveiy conversation sud lied th. pleemureocf aeeing theelirown eyos iight op sud the roey mouth ourve lut sunuy omiles. Lt happeued iliat Jeunie empied Leurs sud lier escori comiog up frern the shore, and ber black eyas flsed sud ihe prend face flushed angrily. IIwili tellmamma,eh.eBaid, ta hermeif, -aud have lier diarnissed at .once. JRow dame mli. wiih lier beby £face enter ie s competition in whict 1 mente carry off tb. prize. I inteuc go marry Clapi. .Henry, sud abe pre. 7 mmed te.wslk up witb him." But ah. did not tel1 Lady Lincoiný for ihey juai reeived a Iptier from Lord Lianoin'sa ecrelery teling them 9Ibat li@. lomdship wsili snd, requiiu i heir immediate presnue. ab ailU wa. humble sud cnfusion unti tey were resdy taetamien sd Jeuni( for&Pot aIl abouti "belling mamma.,' bf Lord Lxnoolu's illuema did, net provf îvery serious snd lebccu orecovered Ui wonied healili sud simengili. e Time rolled lowly ou nsud Islai ObnChistmnas cerne again. Lady_ Linceli [efound fault witli him. ad Bie vau always prepared fer , sou nev fmeak sud alvaya ready t4e b. lis him out cf th. diffenulties inte whuc I-bis impulsive goed nature sometioe hled hlmO,. at. Mýeewhile poor Laurs vas -upatai srying lier pretly eyem yod sud thînki e »f ilie many merry Obriuimadsys ai id nsd to, speud whoq ber ar motil nevas -êlivé, asu -anli er '_thonî ýeete lb.the ISt«t niamsi Su ad how kind Clapt. lHfeury hadke~ he Thév yeuug 1)uks missd ler fi dicong lte thro>ng, and wen- ho iý ,dacig viib Ada lis alisd wli Laiors vas -and boy it, was tha ý iffSb-o bùtialy edonautlp ue pry Orsâ lel ik, puta -'few rosesa a#.ler beltl sua, l,-in b slipped on ber glovea snd then its beaàtlng lisami oýpened ler doû asud came forvard te meet'liereseoi. "iU mi do ?" e. ke, grevelys, f "EÉxcuse me, but yen.6ok mlly beauliful miss MacDonald." bjen effered ber hie arm sud teck- ber dowvu. ;A watz was juat begianinmg, seOlis put hanme te ber carad ud ed ler te the bail rocm. As li e ada, ase ooked lipantîful; lier large brown 'eyes hli Iôthir. aad look sudalier slicek had the pretty bluali cf exciiom2ent ou t. She was lisppy-Bgupremell happy. Wliputhb.. waiiz was .flnise e ou tOO4 lier over sud introduce4 lier te, bis mother, who entertainedhler for tb. nexi baîf-lieur wbile -ber iou veut te fulfil bis engaements viih ithe belles. Wheu h.e returned te bis maber'm ide, -wbicli le did as accu spossible-lie foun.1 that Laurs bldgené.! "Wbere is se.mother?2" lie ebked quickiy. "Miss Jeunie came sud tbld lier LadyLincolu wanied te sq@lier. The peor litile girl iooked se trightened sud Jennie vas angmy. Il is tee bad, abs i.s asweet litile creature sut I tbink ibsy impose upon lier," auewered b is "sExcuse me, moiher," hae aaid hur- niediy,slier wenl o1r. "lPoor Ceil," leughied bis moilier, 111 am afraid lie is ini love agbin." As the Duke eromsed the bhal lie aaw aseliiery litile figure in black geing upstiis cryîng. He soon gained lier aide. "lWhy Laurs," said h., uzcosciouily csliing ber by ber chrisli.sn nerne, -Wlial is tb. rustter." "«Please dou'b ask me I muni go et euce," se.sobbea out. "But I dou't waui yen te go yei. Come dowu te ithe library and bel me ahI about il." "Oh I csn't, Lady Lincoln wonld lie so engry," suewbred the weeping . figure, ber heavy scia saking lier frail litbie frame sul over. "Oh, Lady Lincolnu is tbe canne cf ail ibis," hoie id, asaho ceuglilthh narne, ",but cerne dovu sud explain il Thua persuaded aie came dowu in4c thliibmery sud when iboy lied euterec Le ami ithe deer sud ihen said : , Il vas rny feul for ceaxing you ho rcerne dovu sud I sam vory mrry if zt libas eauseed yen any sncysuco." IlAnd I ws-se happy for a wbile suad lb-en Lady Lineoln ent for me tand teld meitogoeio my roomaetonce, sudndah. vould moud ithe carniage th iake meavway. I was te be readyin an heur, sud I felte asbamed 0o myseif 1 could net lielp cryiug, but1 feel better nov. I muai go ai once, sli. asid, risiug te go. "But whers will Yen go,?" ,Said thf iDuuke. 9"I11dcn't kuew I amn sure To thb depol I suppose," auswered Vpra in é oked vaics. B III suppose yen woold"likè te bavi sorne place te go te night Laurs ,e wouidn'b Y ODn? " hosake d . 18 "Yes indeod I wouldi," mhe snsweroî I"Weil if yen promise le Say 'yss' t it aui ey, I Wini a.. iliatyen bava n berne te-nighi. Wilyenpromis.?" b "Yen your grâe." SoCoeoil," 7snersd happy -tatta bappy pair veut- ouiand eo00i les -tbejoyful navareho <Jecil'a mollir wl vas really pleased àai o»aci'soes ÎO They thon ought -OUt Lady Li00o Ssatiwaly, "wh.ire Laurs iîego-ing. 01 nigll, 'for tsarlber éopoiUcèý m4 Strouble lier." ht - Whn lb. Duhepsèned L*.nrf fros.ni it Mb"300%,101 epam , -n traoýtcord,- stif joints, aches, painssd six Out of the iwelve Public sébool Trum- tees oboted in Toroto ibis year are Libéra"u. RDOOMS OVB OH1NT eBGUSOW8 1I Clothing Establifiehextê,Dundas-si., Whitby. Offie. heurs from 9 a.m. te 12 M.$ and from 1.80 te 6, p. m. Bemîdonce-Cor-. of Byron and Gilbortotreeis. Suitabia for wrapping purposes, Iaying, undçr cerpota, etc., 25 cents.per hundred.' Appiy to if- THIS OÀFFICE. £PERRY DÂVIS' -9@ PAl NaKILLER 18 EECOXKENDED BT Pliysiciant, Ministers, Miisslcmari et,- Managers of Factories, Work-shops, Plantations, Nurses in Hospitals, -in short, everybody everhjwhere uho has ever gie il a trial. TÂKEN 1nTERNALLE MXED WITH A WINE GLASS 0F OT MILK AND 5UGÀR, IT WILL BE F0UN~D À NEVEU FÂILING CURE FOR SUDDEN COLDS, CIIILS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE 0F CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN 1THE STOMACH, SUM- ME1 AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS, NSORE THIROAT ,&c. ÂPPLIEDEXRÂLY Ex:,ERIENtCE BAS PROVEN IT TU E MOST FFECTIVE A.ÇDBESTLINIMET ON }ÂRTlI 1-11 REMOVING TUE PAIX, ÀRISING FROM Sî'RAINS, BRIJISES, RHEUMA- TIS.M, NEURALGIA, SWELLED .FACE, TOOTHACILE, BURNS, FROST BITES, &c., &c. 2ý5cts. per Bottie., BW Beware of Imitations. ' CAMPBELL'S TONIC. ELIXIRF Thissrebe oe ni1=1repara flon ie Mlspeiîyadpo oicrle a.nd :l F-ofi hat clasof dilsorders attendrt upenna lew or reduced state cfth sstul adusa aceompanier iyPalr, W ensand palpitatior of -thee Heart. Prgmpt resul ts -nU. follow is use lit c4.es of ksudlelb Ex- iîauuîliî arisiiug mfrO!,a LORcS of IEI"od, Acute orChroiiie J)iýeass, and ili the weakness that invfflably aceo-iiipauies hîe recovery from Wasting Aoers. No re'nedy ilI give more speedy relief in l)yspepsia or Indigestion, is actonu on thle stomach being fluat of a gendte iand luarmîcas tone, excitiug fthe orgais o! digestion to action, and thug atTurdiîug hnuuiediate and -peirmanent relilef The carminative propekiesf the different aromalica w-hieh tbc Elixir contains render it-Useful lu Flatulent Dyspepshk-, It im a valuable remedyV for - Atono' Dynpep8ia, wbicb la apt tb occul i i u*rsos f a gouty characte r. -- For lmpcvenished J3I'od, Losà ef Appelite, 1Despondeuýcy, and in alcaues 'wbere au effective ýiud certain siu lnt la requircd, the Elix.ir will.-be lIn Foyers, cf a Malsilal Type, sud the variosevilresulta folowxug expo-, sî '-n to thue cldaor vetweatlîere, ilwil oavaluable ' resieýrative,, aW the couibination cf Cinhbons Calisayaeàd ~orentriaareuuversaliy- ,rçeeized tIers 8o&14 by sUDeokrs in. kmziy Medicne 1'rice, 41 pçrB té" ~ Davis &ýlawrenoe eC.. <Iainite d>- AT, 098T, Mutuele Rer 7W4Lffe A, ance of NeW York. eeaia 'verumen i Sgît00 Accuulateareo" rve l I)esih daims paidý dunzIn0' 479,90 New business, 1ut 8 mcm., 1885, 5,'P,00 Tw onty-lvo per, cent. e1 aU àasseesmnts axe deposiied witli-the Central Tissi0Iùm pany e1t New York,as tuates of ibe KBe- serve Fund. Life Insurance ai leus han ee-hail 11e rdinary rates, and sec . ty perfect.Oiy 17 as csments made an ~ l 88,8 3 u 1884, and iune cae cn thy be more fre- quent than every alternate monil. Annul >expnses ef management, o., limitedt te 2 per $1,000.: An active agent wanted i»s everyunee sented ocality, te whom eea i comms- sionwil ho ailowe. Applcations slicited sud fuil particulars furnihd y the under- signe.1 EL GORDONY Agent -for the. County of Ontario. ( Port Perry, Ont May 8, 1885. T ff19 WESTERN BANK -OF .1 CANADA, WHITB Y, - ONTARIO. *THEOMÂS DOW, Manager. Whiiiy, Nov. 7th, 188. ly-47 MONEY TO LOAN 1 $100-000 FOR INVESTIENT. ON IPAL RRTATE SECJUBITY. Mouey aecured vwithin -104days "of ap- plication.' Apply to AQHBO Wbiiby, Febrnar 16h, 1800. _ 9- $5O,0,00 TOM LOAN. At 6 Per cent. yearhy.. Terme of repay meut c! principal made tliet iiborrowerm. F'lsi san second m" ges bought. Ad- makngappliatoa e efo mnypn aqent's tees; 1ne -delsy. pmraespaying hher rates on mnorigaes sheudaplte me ai once for lewer rai. sd save money. Write or eau irnmedistely for prtiulare. ly2 20 ÂdelsideS$rt esi o, Eronto. MONEY TO. LOAN on Beal Estete Morigage et Low Rate df Appraiser for the Canada Loan snd Savinga Co., andi agent fer the Western Amurance W. B-é PRINGxLE.tà Sella ýhe best Bell Fleur, Thebeat 'PastrykPer Thebei 5 B11.4 Osa, The best GarsM-M1lE The boni <)acked Wheat, Thë oist Manitabs ýOU i Ca -aa iho 4iwmii wth afffl stagf or Ii] amui rgo ter -fthe tratuseat ehoiel-IrkeepGl bis vote.' iav ,,veugIl~ 131h ~au et OUI FIELD'. P 8UCCESSe. ilhouuO asa Ctsrh.Thruaa Lunf IjseaeLiver ýand li:, oreSO mJaler Dioeaae@, »lmeap 9tWnf,B UOd IJIsaseu S1ud Nom *U. ffetiO1e ured here or et horz eth meenr sS the patinCme r Oue 5 0k,» ncl5 UWUAIL anJ prbhdConl lie$ sud:Peirnlions- try PractiOS are s sud! permanent!dr e BjiecialisL bce.pat-pald, I cta. Sm lauptalo, or Breacb, H 'c 54 wtheut the 96RuRusE wi outo uedence and with viery -Paln, sent for teu.' PIETUiM«MS. sd STRuC treated wlth the greatest succesa. Bock for tefl cents jnu stamsii.- Address Wo [DIsPENABT MMDOAL 68OI2ONoe Street, RuffaioQ, N.Y. T-he treaiment cf IoI:A:EOFItiioumauds of Came of WoEE. aàtho I.nvalda' 4'Rotai , Sugcl' Institute, bau forded large erperienco ln edaPtixlg rn for their cure, sud favorite-Prýscripî le the reauit «h*a0vamt experlence.. It a apevfu Retorativo e aud Nervtue, Impart v ~or ud ta tueÏA end cre. 5 magie,1 I w PRCE - imrm':onDispsmryofsiloul I edge. cf the ra sud -painful OU the Grand, 0 :1% Per 8ursical .511 Pù? ianda ber. ou thi ses for Fiali Spe w 1lbliemned- on i -& 1887. Good unt tien 'le tho«Inpeet coting match' sylu tlie fiais,b ~nnmbet of -Our .81 bsine-cfnlb.» :anadthe holiday s ies fsryw.1t ouatait smaking . bo hl' e followiug pupUsï 1l triafor the -ont smies ,Heilie eie. Grant veutt Thompeen sud A ýte Uxbrîdge. eïnew choDIun on, T. W. Chapp tirfve pupila Pam anme nd. -t: snunbe! of pugiis Sun4ey shoël r e Debiane ne eiug arrangeaiy. i oral sudaCousereâi n, te take place ai- b. hel& mhokrilY. -b. ou thie Pli3j Keuzie as againsi cy Of Sir John A.: lywxiÀs report.ed tg iBMm- P. Wbi4oéy5 4, as driving te ii mui b ave'- ttr-A ahase -su'd fi eof lb. tevu. coul dORE in Deverell's Dao

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