Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jan 1887, p. 1

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WIth c"lm Pulntid words,> gmut thoughim, and untlring l ndusurys,Paero.s KwlgBrtsh . - XXXI. WHITBY, . ONTAIRIO, YJANIJARY 14, &188-70 NO. 5. Ipt~ .tJrunceRIGGOS &VORY, NE W EsUblshed1856. S.H. cor. Ring and Yonge $ts., Toronto. Estalizhd 156. B ST TEETH, 68,,ou rubber. BCelluloid, 810. Gold, 6#0. In Have extraoted th. teeth from nern Thonsanas of persons, absolutely pinless R Ledlig~e~I~.~~by the use of Vita2Mtize i. 46 WB B e, qiimn and best furnl.hed k sud Y Mting plant ini Eastern taio, cap&ble cf exeo«Uting .11classes et .-A-.. _-A...IOSI, TM ok trom the large poster te the emalleet "ie wfth Làangey _'à;ly Burke, dbill. Special mention is made ofet b ootoe)W .urpasd prose facilities of Thu CjmoN. RCHITRCT 'witih its oelebrated N. Y. GottreilARCHIT CT. ,uohadv linder press and other modern cenveni- 1Of Cristo aeno. eyedrrcio rmt a~ Designe for Churchea, Villas -and Cot- attention. tagee a apeciablty. Drawings prepared forLa e'I ...... ~remodeling existing structures. Lajs TEBMS OF ÂDVERTISING. Oprni -Firut fa vrHwesDa F'lrst insertion, par line, '10 cents; each Store. ~ toe eu' rg-W baeqent nserion,5 ceta.P. O. Box 202, Wamr. i Displayed Advertisements aire mnaeured y Sacsele of solid Monpareil, and. charged IM cordingly. SEBERTBROS., Âdvertisements sent without written structions inserted until forbidden, and LIEY adSL»SALS irr harged for full time. LVR n AESALS irr Orders for discontiuug advertisements uet be in writing, otherwiee the' publis. BROCK STREET, WHITBY. will not be responsible. G<><>dRigs and Good Herses . Terme. ra- Toih A liberal discount for contract advertie- e. ente by the year. Copy for changes of sonabe ontran1 advertisemnents should be handed 19 SBBERT BEOS. not lter than Wadnesdeày; ail notine of any intefided changeas eould te given___POL S Ânansorm efore Tuesday noon. Other advertise- Ovêt" 6,000,OEPLOQnda ssrm mienta received Up 10 Thureday noon. mi 1n Business notices in local ornewe columnne F~fERY @ D . tiret insertion 15 cents par lin. of Nunpa. éPRV&00 Cl n = rail; 10 cents par line each aubsequent &» d.m. FtRY& 0. oilant E insertion. Five cents Par fine par annum. w TZIMPurchu Correspondence solioited fromn elt p rts t oâ of the (3ounty or neighhoning townships. ~DmEIYC' Correeponidente are requested to send in fî their communications sas promptly as possible,FoIm HENDEIRSON & GRAHAM, JOHN STANTON,L sup't Mechanicai Dep't. Prpets.i .A OBý f]R1-ouuty Crow Attatnq AJWYSAT T uEAD.: maOounty Soniior. MoewiS- otD *i>. b'A 6 Br s Hbg ourt]&n, Whitby 48uîra. Enlih Isp1î ean System of Education, hsu aelecte JAMES RUTLEDGE, DOMINION BUSINSS 5 OOILBOX, King-ýtonP, Ont. s the typical Business :)A.BRISTEM% &o. -ORce torm.Yy00- Collegeof Canada.Thie setIstheîut. I5 II 0 luped byFarewell & Bu 0 l 'e' A eautifol Calendar sent Pree.fl J ( R~ oyIi Hotel, Brook At., Whtby.C Addrems 82 PRINCESS 8T., KIN -Co duKinLwÉteon, Ont. K * DAVI ORMSTON D.A, VUNOlMEN sufférlng from 1h.effecta&ot TTORNBY-AT-LÂW, SOLICITÃ"R IN YIearly evil habits. the resait of Ignorance A Ohancery, Convoyancer, &0. or toliy, who -mid themuelvs wask, nros Offlzc-In the Office south of pont and exhaussed; &acseMIVDLx Au» sud OLi> Offie, n MciUans BlokBroo tret, who are broken dewn from th. effects et Offle, n MMiUu'oBlok, roo trctabuse ur ovpr-work, and in advanced lte bl Whitby. 1 10 tue oo0neequences of yonthfui excesea seudlfor ________________________and uEiDX. V. Lubon's Treailse on Diseuses WU G. YOUNG BMITR, LL. of etMn. The book yu besmnt malsed, to an~y j BL V.LBN 7WUntnI ., Toronto. B Iseuer of arriage Licenses. . C ro Oixoui-Smith'ti Block# south of l4arket, 4 Brook St., Whltby. Jan. 22, 1878. it. JOHN BALL DO0W,ý BOTTOI B RITBR-ATr-LoneA, o4lw Office-Deverili's Block, Brockok tsbe1 Whitby. R iMA ' MONET TO LEND-Privute F-YOdot- laeUURSU e u 6800$M, at a iow r%qulOR]f m-S trerest otir.Coa.dtei w LYMIAN IENGLIB]H', LI Oit, Prgaivo. lea a 4,&r. ra nd' effetu ARRITERAT LW, OLIr~ORIN ea~we0,f ini1d"LewAoedul. IA GOOD8!1 ROWSB, L' .ND ýDRUtOGIeTt vm laxge Sa& miloek mu goodes oompriming~ kVork Boxes, 18k Holders, Odor Cases, in Plush, let Casee, -Largo Vaselâ, len of other artd"esmuitable for pree. tmin# -Our Stock aiig ElsewAe. 1<er ,MPSI se 1hé largmeogum i su ré UN7 N-EWS, LETTE ERSI ber brotheri adian Pacifie 1'Telegrapli tv, establiihed, au offluo 11th. poet office store.- Mr. ai1d la the _Operator.* bas.b.en faU cf ramors con- e Dominio.n elootions., The proue are confidi tthe grand, a eome off ln February., id1.day Pro>f. N. W. Clark. lemater Hall Toronto üe 10 4he Baptisi Ohurch lier. ai hpr e4sould h. an' extra tar t h. Doctor. gglish - huroh Missiolary u' held on Tuesday evening. . eInolemsDoy of the ontributed to prevent as rost in the- meeting as ii w White did not face 'ethé, bI wind on Tuosday- nigbl, essconsequpntlj* ,1h. mn oen f the High Bohool k ahoIiday. mmn ri moono are maklng.an effort skating rink, in this village. doubi one vould b.vol but théasennnov le îOerly Màeawu he b.youthful tronizes the oeea 'mi .Ing nearly oleared of snow. -à visiting la. our loa. ivil stthb Rouai Enk lot Ivîe. W", -aOkaentire failure. mle md IgMisluRobin.- I jawa ink oftepris, > aud DmustBreet.._ onueso. The, furss-t a$ over, lbe lins on, >t bTo»,nto on Mond ýf the proiuc Ia wZAJ- Mr. Albert Major lefi lasi week for, an extended tour to. Kansas iud th. -Boutheru BStatos. *Mrs. J=99s Taylor bac been ill for, oometioee, but we are glad to e er eh iscnaecn.. Mfr. James Soss., after opending a very pieua ant vacation.with bi spaet sud, many friendso of ibtis, plae b-as a&"in 'left to0 res.ume hi. otudies ai Gali Co)legiatê Insýtitute. 1fr. Windseor from Bowmanvillo bas beeuisponding a fev days vitlýibi u merous relatives hors; ýw.,- bain that hé vasqui. acinated iih our village: toc bad h. 'could nol ean ogr isn't it girls? M 1r. J. D. lise, Our gonial iownman,. here' embarkod in 1 h. fiuit4-re bus. loess., Hé sayi, if you il eu- IY give him 5 aWnce for-lb. operation of bis persaasivo laientp, 'hei4 sure Ih. Ca.tb' convince youn that l i i b. té, -youir advantage te treat. other agents lu lb.h orihodox -wa uadîsave your eider vwitil M r. A. Té .DeLrzry, -vbo bas-beon: opeuding hi. vacation at home returned: on' Saturday evening le Toronto, ai wbich placý e éis attendîng 1he, Uni- Mr. White, tb. Oongrogationalpaator ci Iis place, preached his farewull soermon on Sonday last., Hie many liiends feel jkeenly, hae loue -sud 1wieb hi.-a mnceo in Idsfuture ealling. TbàO'deavor of a large nuuber, of' ib. peopi. of ibis section 10 gel 'abird, toucer for the,- shool le also oausgin considerable ifr. W. shail doubiest b. abîs Se give faller partionlars nexi many' cf hese brethren bave, ehur ei her boiy aud lier counsel, and novw ase bad:gone w4eie oh. viii hear th.: Words"804he hâthdone whaishsooulde"" After %fie services in lb,,, oburcli, the -romains of our departed usior vers laid ini Hainden'i bnlal-aornwhaî.a gay Brother Fosîpi b. stutainod iii h.. great hour of affliction, andi speedily b. restore-d b o alîli, aud b. enabled tb take hi lcboil luBunday.ochool. Thé Watoon Éras., have moved their Portable sa* -mgt tl'B SeuIlwhere théy bave a big jobawlng. 1fr. Jas. Waison, stock breel or, reports good sales of stock. Ho bas sold four young balls the 1ai four menthe.. Tberoare few breeders can show a bètter herd oft heirown bredlng t ,han Mr. Watson. The Xmas suad NewYeare parties are Ponce more over suâid they hâve been -a inocees. The Preshyt6rian Tea parti hey reg One Worod cw y. lait I 855V13 w e beei~ I. majorlly. Iou~an  berm Pffl- vas oumLà Moude MPRIC'ESý OB" P OR TIE 'FYBBATL W. CUTHBER TSONO, LM. (oct) ~ILD., O.ài, (Vicoi > OJFOE;BROOKLIe,. M1 C. V1I&W FORTH vzwM £T siaz ", t Graduate of Ordo, )L. 4. Knowiedge, Brotherhood. 1 Peace, Progrem, k

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