Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jan 1887, p. 8

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Loerae fromn the People. Christianity add Pary Politicas. Buitor Canoxacr.z: t3i,-The use cf lhe phrase "C0hrm than politician" oalesfur the sober pro- test cf every reflectimg mana. I do not mean ho say thst poliis wouid nol b. improved by an inereaeed infusion mbt i cf lh. spirit of Christ. Thst ho which I dosire te express my objection ie 1h. assamption by, or for, amy party,, or member Ihereof, oet Iis speciai designa- Sion. It may as welI, tee, bo under.; stooed thal I regard tbe proclivity téi kindred assomptions, wbioh is se mark* ed a oharacteriehie of more than onse o lhe politicai agitations that jil now disturb the commranity, as a notewortby indication of a danger, which alike tbreatmns le do hurt 10 pure religiona and trac liberty. The distinction hlat t h. phrase lus- plies is an invidilous one. A Ohristian's opoetmuat b. unobristian. To stigmatize bima as suoh, bowever, in honeet fashion might not be poiitic. Tbe culois of conduet given by Christ to bis foliowers are n9t, sud canmot, be aotid upon by amy politioian, or peuht- cal party. The Christian if, amitten on the rigbl cheek is te turn the other also,; if bis ceai be taken from kimu by legal chicane ho is ho gAve up hie oioak aIsO.; if cosnpeited by hie adveraary te go with bimn one mile ho is 10 go lwaim. learly viien Obristianity shail have, by slow evolution, growo te be the ruling power of th. e rd lb. race cf politicians viii bave become extinot, like man's fabled caudal appendage, being of no further use. In the mean- limae, the politician, or political purty, that foc bis, or ils, own aggrandizememl seeke te entablisaa âim le a mono. poly of the titi., muet do se at the expense of lhe good name ef Christian- ily. The very aessmptinn o! the mre, par exelience, te all suffloient proof of bis, or its,. unwortbiness of il. Tbe willingness te amircb lthe spetless robe et Cbristianity by putting it on te en- gage in a politicai conteal guages the. amount, and starnps the qnauity et tbo wearer's ceai regard for Hec viiose raitnent h. soruples mot te put te se bas. a use. So long s he Wolf eau aohieve hise bject ho will cars but littie for amy darna&ge the sheep's churacter may eustain by the enforced boan ofthober elothing. The Cbristian chàuatfr, while ite clothi4mxay be spnmed, dose mot readily iend itsoîf to the advamoe- ment of political dosAges. The bomil- ity whicb prompts to the taking o! Ihe lowest seat in the synagogue i. saccely consistent witb tbe prospsrity ef a pol. itician. The endeavor te effeol a work- able union belveen poulie. sud Christ. iamity, thougb mamy limes attempted, ha. neyer yei, prevbd an unqnalified sucoose. For anytbimg thalt appean the Christianity migbî s vell mol be Ibone, sîcepi, cf epurse, as a prop for lhe politios. Tbe ons alvays oomes up sau the cther goes do*m. Yen may, by violent agihationuýteffsci a uesiing corn- bination of tbe two;, but aller aHi ilis oniy a mechanical mixture. Poliis, in oonfocmiîy vith ils oily nature ai- ways rise ethle surfaee. Wheu JefI umdislucbed tbe separatien quickiy be- cornes se comploe, that iî is ut once evident Ihal ltseChtitianity thsl sn- tered into Ibe unnaturai mixture is as froc frooe poliies, as the pouliceis free primipl. and practice, are ccnnected, Biamesa. Iinu fubion, by a bonds iligbl liaI, wviii.il cenitituse, for ail logitimate- purpoes, a serionis mulual inconvenience te bath elke, it yet qivos' nbne o! lb. strengtis ýr othisi dvan- tagos liai a ceaI unien afferda. LAYM&N. Townu emiL. Moved bb feuy.esve Bur=$# e* ended by Con> Havis, tthlie, CoU.o-' le? makes ont a'laIoftise amées parties whose- taxes are then unpatd and hoind t in ab nsxt Meeting. wOarried. On motion of Coou. Scott, seoonded by Coun. Noble, thse Mayor was iu- strueled ta open op lthe elosed- parts of Ash, Hickory andCoedarets as re. porte4l upon sone lime aga by the Streets Cotumiltee, Ibis malter ta b. pot ino hhe'ianda of the towu soijoitor as seon sas lie veather ta tuitableo for getting on the noke of th. parties., Doputy-Reeve Burns gave 'notice of hi, intention te have the malter re-oon- aoidsred when the new ounnoil boldoaa meeting. On motion of Reeve Smith, Mca. Allin'.a swount for $4.45 fôr stationery vas erdered te be paid. On motion, tbe Maýyor left tb. chair and Reevo Smith occupisd ti l -goved by Deputy-Reeve Burnis, sec- onded by Coun. Hlewis, that lbheIbanke et tb. Council are. due go env vorthy Mayor for tbe intelligent and impartial mammer in wbioh he bas performed the duties dovoiving upen hums Mayor during lb. year 1886, and tisaithe chairuian do oonvey our thanks ta hie Worabip. Oarried. Tise old coumoil then adjourned ttu die. Board of Education. The regular meeting e! lhee Sehool Board vas held on Wsdnesday nigit. Present-Mesers. Ormiston, ohairman, Barclay, Dow, Forgnson, Jameson, Moellan, Powell, Ruîledge, Smith. Minutes o! former meeting comfirm- ad. Mr. Rnlledge prssented a repent from lis financ» eommiîtee rsoommending paymenh cf tise folloving %coanta: Jme. N-ewpoct. 814; G. Âyres &Son, $1.50; Hlateb & Bro. $89.42. Tbe report vas adopted. Mn. Barclay presented à report from tb. speeisi comosîthe appoinhed hococu- eider High Sohool Inêpecler Seti's report on the Qoliegiate Inelitute as foilowe To the JBoard of Educahios, Town, of W hitby. Youc ýcommittso bave examlned Inspector SeaLh's report sud bave aie made a full exacuution cf lhe sBoool premises. 2. Your committes Sund liaI tbe additions le thc equipment sud lise improvements in sud about lise build. ings recommendod have neariy ail been muide.. 8. Yc>nc commillee are of opinion Ibat vih nmre exceptions of! a miner charaeter, sud exceptig thie gymna-, aium,lise coendition asauiIsbilly et lie sebool promises sud'tie equipment ofet ls sool ar e rrtiaUsetory sud auffiient le, enlille Ihes. cioci le ils proper aae o! tie leglistion grant.' 4. Your oommitteé Sud the. foo iug additions sud £mproveune,n an mtli ueéded, vis :-A am»Il roons te be- panhitieonsd off tbe library for a labora. tory ; a coal stove linlise lover bal ; s vaher eau for oaci o! lis shoves ; four door-mats azqd Ivo sorapers uit doors; tables aud chaire ton lie Isseisens pritate rcom sud girls' vsstiag omm; a lurger globe : lie cold air duelAin li4 8cd form le be elesed snd a noe ýrovided sud tl e eeonueoled viii lise above. Yenr commilloé. reoomm end liaI lise.improvemquts b.cumade st once. Teur eommittee bellet. tthe vetlsa- lion o! tie clau mronm. fis il enough providod for kwllhout face-lgbte over lise doors. Jo11, Fmmuso, [Comittee L. T. Burcly i Tise report wva dopted. On motion et Mr. Rulleulge- Mr.W. H. BeveIl vaseMred te bar paid aI lhe rate o! 92 par day ftor bhie attend. nme a eeer ilutlb.-Mode! sehool duciaig Mc. Brov'.a lues. OCe motion et Mr. Powell, Mn. A.. Pin. vwas ordered tb be paid tise usui as lest year for lsking s90boo e»ue. Mr.. G. Y. Smih bneugbb An a long report from lise eommustsou sehool. management eaîlg tssy b.d uonsider. ad lb. propoaIs o! lie leaobers An a recent communication .te ýtise boMd, and r.commeudrng-tsfiolga th. standing. condiionis upoli vieb teseliers ia en gsged inufuture -OneI montb'. salary to e b. retained frein &U leaehes lii l.y shall bats served s #ear ; lis te-'spply iaoieschsersvbo -baveuDotyet pot inaufulyean ; notice, le* est lebeuptveb by eitlse tise bonau -ti yeesnoiiusbfr hZI lu ltb. Oo19t'ét nsiu On otionIheBOUrdadj TownLol P»7v. O.AuM, e! MeMastuHall, Torenio,wm llpreaq in.luBapilOt'huroht, Bunday'mpring adevening., TEZ to*u patrons of ltheBimoWnum viii pleas. scopt lb.e arrier ,boys' tisauka for the generous donations «Aven th.m on tiA, Ww Toar's Ilim ehargea for violation o e i.Seel A.-againes Dannaster and Ruddy, of Port Perry, are le eeme off Ibhis 4l-ter- neon (Fiday) ai two o'clock, lu th. conneil chuimber, before Mesura. Gan, L4ong and Ra*rpen, J.P'a. ON Tburaday neit, 20hoialie Fairbanks huis instructions ho oeil hy public &notion, on sonib-aif Loi i 8 in tbe 5tb con. Picerm~g, a large -quimtily o! vood and luburk, thie property o! Mr. A. A.. Post. Be. advl. sud poitq!. Tm money Ae nearly &ail sirbed for a toboggan sUids te be huit ,qpe visere'in tovu uSt once. ,Mr, Â.A. Peu, reitetnAupreparligIpla an .-It p. oqeted tse work - * b. belore- th. end o tixàstay. Tisen itise tle teoernômenoe. - WB are net very important piople, in this office il la true, but aI lise ane lime bave t tisaI cravlog o -oledge. vbieh makes us auxions te mev 'ien Ibere -i. go be s meeting of th. 'tovu council. By a mer. 'chance vo beard there b.dl been a meetiog lasulTuesdsy nigbt sud vent t te ldok s»d fund is vas se. We have a motion lise nes as wel as lhe membenusishould b. nolified et special meoetings o! bosards. Foa thb. icetlime Ibis vwinler" lihe ev eccoaper b.dl te be bauled &long lb. differeut branches o! lhe Midland asalm on Monday last.. Ita vork vas Dot of mihamaont aI " tissher. vas very 11111e for it te do. Sa farthIis winter tb. railvays bave b.d ago run et luck as regards snow, tiser. bsvimg been ne signa cf a blochade, sud s a mounlt the trains have beenau alost alvays on lime. Railvay tripsare prety oomforlable riding thia ysuir. AT the exhibition et th. Tornto pou 1try1, pigeon and putet lok aiocisîlon bsld ou tb. four Iset dayg ot Dember, Mc. Tiios. Rie., o! tis levai woul ftcsl prisnfoc wbite Iegbonu pull. blaok, haunburg cookeri, brovu legioru eeck. sel, broyai leghorn pellet, broyai le0boru cooek, blaok hamburg hen, sud seood for b"aekhmburg eoek, browu legisen beu, brevu legbecn pellet, visita 1 lg. hoen ookerl-e-i finie sd ou=4 e. onda. At tise Bovcmuvileputy ahow ou Jais. 4th, ôtis. and 611hoi tooli sigil ficela sud Ivo seconds, eCoud'for Tom. Mr. Jas. Almond, ùSoir nay a quawrtsc et à oeutswy sprlm ud. mouds Sus oho a vub s paiot gotitwed socompaudled by an .44w.. ex ef their higis eseew nwb iea i 914 by the officersasd Teabsisers o' Scisool. Mr. &Imond retiresfr bi& oM ffie ler s long poriod of tal -futd fruitfuý serviesansd Ibis markeo! res$e ha& beau wvesaned. Tispeutào tobk placestIMr. Âluond ed m ou Friday sv.ung lest vhen ils. mom. berso ethle Bibls.. su ad # isêe*m sud teseisers aasmbled Mmli fore. Mr. deabvell vas appoluted MUr-.Al- moud"*s noeuser vithMn. isbr h s Seeretar. A.very P1làss ao& s profitable evouÃŽng vas peni by tse ne. llrlng supenluiesadaut sud bis 4rapy guesis. I BIRTRUB. MwLuiy-lu Port Porey, ou Il iat., lie vife o!Bir. O. aMailry daugiter. Banou-Baxum.-Ou thae 294 ai-the resideuce o! D>oslmd MoOss Zu. si.of lis brIde, by tise Re BarsK&,Li ebr B ot ZetWisby, to.Alie te. daugisteroftiete Wilhliam s .ik et Oshawa. *0 lisrsdeo ,OU' lin. IL -h yA char!.. Tauer adus forCanada 1>-- ~ih.re uarune o'MrryhLymanue Plioriir.Water At the! ttontten o 0pistent sdremoe. rlnkles, l'b. agitneuso oflb.a sklniproducédby il taking awaY 1h. ual. rMg. and fàrrevs TheUniedBIasaauthorities have, rio- modlho a ýembargon ou O4adanboise. The Bmith mediola .o Gentleman,-! ha4" made & trial of one box of Dr. Bmithl's Great Gerýman Worm Bemedy, with muoh geM e efeot that 1 bave ne hesâtatlon in reomumending Il te 1h.e pubic s. prompt and reliable -medicine. 'Io1, houe who une il ýonce vil alwayâ do se. Tours trUly, J. ruvle, 172 Cadieux slcool, Mentreal, Decumber 9&h, 1881. The Northern rountihouse andi three locomotives ver. burued, at Allandale y..- terday. No sufferer frem any ucoflous dusease, Who Win falrly try Ayor's Barsaparifll, neeti desvair ef a cure. It ww[U purge the hlood eIl ai mpuriis hoeydestroylng lt. gem f serfl su ilinfuse.nev lite ant igo! ht 0 ou3 h.whole phyuicil sic -DavldMacpherson in repo rtet 10 e prspas aà pamphlet deafing with th. Borne say, "Consumption can'l be cured.14 A,,yer's -Cherry Pectoral -proves, by forty tears experience, a cure for this dises,, wben not already beyond the reach of inedîcal. aid. Even Iben ils use afeord. great relief and lnures refreshing sloop. Lord Iddesleigh (Sic Stafeérd Norhoote) didsuddenly 7eserday ah the officiiuei- De net lak. pille or powders containlng calol, for saItthi e of 1h. year, the reetltmay be nerions. If you require a dose of physic take Dr. Carsonlis Btomach and Constipation Bitters; it act* qently on th. bowels, pprlies the blood, impréoes the ciroulatiou, stimulates the liter and kidnsys, and speedily cures bilionsneas, headache, dyspepida, indigestion. Beaxch th. ding stores fcom eue end et Canada to th. cther, and yen canuol 2Lnd a remedy equal to il. Try. it and une At in your families. à8cM everywher. in large betties At 50 cents. The Dundee Blool, Winnipeg, and Sher- brook House, uit Bherbrook. Quet., have been destroyed by Bire. The Çhurc o h e s cenieià, at Hamilton, was- burned on Saturday nighl. . "Blood vill1.11." A face adocned wîth pimples, boite, blotchas. etc., isnet a par. hieulaly pleasat slgbl, and lnvariably betohens an Impure stata ofet1he blood. Dr. Carsn's Stomch Bitters ires th. system fre ai&U grose humer., rendors th. blobd, pure and cool, sida digestion and vos h«thyappeite* For mae.by aIl an ebrtlles at 50 cents. Canadien Cree làdians whof, erossed the- Uin. atetak'ng Part Au th; r.î ain, r sa tkbe siarvins An àMontama. n-,ar CONBUM«PTION CURED. An .14 i= pu ireiIred fromprole baMý-9- ad lace i ie bande byanas nary lb.theformula ef a sibl t iemsiytOcbesp d perm. Astbmaad.Wh Mdsê Luné AetrsDb ity a7il a. e toiatec havAne lstedý.its -vénda vie blsdqÉty k1 audsof amSat ha. 104t to bi felos oteuated by mobiseve ta relleve bmu sufferlug, I tre".i»Ofet h"rg,th aul Whodeslreiî4 jGera"prenehorngsb 'Sent by mail hiad tamp W. A oixu,149 polit; lIMncia1 SEandOnnci8l Z~L. XXXI. Domiion arrom POWELL&0. .Have so'me Chàoie Goodii wbidi malte nice presents.fo: Seal Muifs a-nd Caps, Mink Muifs and Boas,. P. L. Caps and Muffs, Asttican- Manties, &e. SesJet tes, 'Mautle Clotho, iro. .q id ne of A. No. -1 Grey and BZk RBs Silk Hlandkerchiefs, Gents' *Ties, Glovees, &o., whic.h maki suitable gifts. A large stock of New, DRESS GOODB,. Shawls, Hoie Leggins, Wools Caps,ý Mittis, &C. The beet assorted stock of Worsteds, Overcoatings, Faut ings, Tweeds, &o., ever shâwn. Fuil stocked i Gents' Furnisbing Depirtment'. _and Clothig. To aI1-qur PaVonswi Miii Esotablished -1856-.. Le ading if eeHjIn OntarioC team oquipm nsd best fu: k.aud Job niting plant in M tai, capable of executing aIois the frmllange poster *éthe in tbi.Special mention lam4deý s lûptsd pestci oe f TÉz I » wil is celebraled- N. Y;'(- lder p os s ad*other modernet H'very onder neceives pxompý TEBMS -OF ÀDVRTýSING sequont insertion, 5 cents. Dispiayed Adv-ertisements are me a Mseeoe solid.- Nouparcil, and Advertia,èmenté sent 'withouti tnciôns insettèd unlil. torbii arged for tuun lime. Onrdens for discontinuing advenis, *et ho Au vniting, othenwise tlb. ce wÙlI net .b. -responsible. A libefal. discount fer centract adi ~mentà by the yean. Copy fon ch& reontract adverlisements sbould be.ý in net laten than Wednesbday;, and oef any inteuded changes sbould, be before Tiasaday-noon.* Other-ad, monts reccivcd np toThursday nooai Business notices Au local or nova eô first insertion 15 cents per line. ef roil; 10 cents per lin.- oaeh subi inseioni. Five cents per lins pori Correspondene solicited trn- W et the, Couuty -on neighborng tom Conneapondents are nequssted te , thein communications as pnomp posible, HýENDRRSÃ"N hGRA] PI-n. JOHN STANTON, BUP,9t Meohanical Dep't. UTUENkE. FA.R-eWeLLt w#g Coit ouunnt#yCrv -JAMES PRUTILEDGIR A TTOBEY;ÂT.LAWI 801101 G.YO N yMuce9,Lh. OB lu lo. rnmg iens crluSrnïthlan'sBlock,oc f WhtýM-4b Jan. 9,1878 JORN BAAL DOW, The Town Couneil heilds up.à lams meetintg 4sn Taeoday evenlng. -Present m* -lbe.xMéyor, 1eeve' Smith, Depuîty- mi Noble, Burais sud FS0ott.M Minutes -o! lait -reéuIar meeting rend t and oonfirmed. A. communication vas îead tnom lhe tova olcto . beroin ucertains Ooun.'Bcoll brougitînau sreport frein h' lhe alandiug committée on relief, *'ne.go commending liaI ý'tise felloviug ,sumos te i. puliid parties fôr -furulsiing suppli". t> 00 i - por-W. J. Gibson, 9#25,;L , ]Eôuok, $15; R. Buev, #8 ; Wn. Tilt. &1S.50; D. 0. Dpvasey, . 6.50. i jw£%jý

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