Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jan 1887, p. 6

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Frrieuda in Heaven. à lýrown-ha1red, blue-eyed iwee one, Grcýwn weary1 au d tired of play. Cliiâbed Up on Myknee tb ask.me In her uimple,lýchildish wsy: ",Have you any friends ii Hebven, That yo i sometimes want toes?" Oan you guess how thé question thrilled mi Like a minor melody ? I thought, as I ast in the twilight, With that wee one on my knee, 0f rny little blne-eyedbaby Wbose summers numbered three; She went from My àaime te heaVen One epring-time yeare ago, 'I And left je my heart thai eorrow That only mothere know. I thought how the baby'. father Grew loneBome, and longed to hold Once more on bis breast our baby Witb hair of eunnet gold. And one sum mer eve he lef t me To search for our baby of three, And I know full well be found her, But ho nover came back to be. Do I ever want to eee them ? Oh!1 child of the violet eyee, My heart bas gone on before me To the bills of Paradîse. Some day I ehafl feel their kbases Dxop balm on my wearyheart Mine only, and mine forever, Thenlgh earth and Heaven spart. -Eben E. Bexfocrd, in Home., Viiter. Whose Fault Was It '? BY H. F. B., WHITBY. When sorne lime haler Kate colore the drawingmroom, dreesod for dinner, ebe finde Jack its sole occupant. Hie is deep in the maysterise of the French nevel bhe lde ie bis hande, lbongh in reality bis lhoughte are far distant from the treacherous Feruande sut ber inpasseioed adorer. Kitty, sestiug herseIf on an opposite lounger, takes -up another book, snd begins te read diligerrtly. ýPrefsently, however, Ateal- ing a glance ever the top of hem book at bhr Bilent pompaujion, Stee teshi.1 eye fixed rIýj1 rion ber.I "Why aveul'l'yoq vesdig?"a kity , penly.0 .aIsod rny syesetom Weil, 8o amn 1. This is s fros country, h have slws been taugbt, wherc people msy use their eas&f if lbey were tbeir own.' Thon abruptly, "-Your frieed is net a bsd sort of felow.- " 4After paising you rit l1 aste, ho oughti te do1" says, Kate, unphsasantly. $$ne has ibvi&ently gresi pevera et conversatiofl," je on Jack. "Ho is ctaruiiug," asys Rity, with entutbsism. 4,1 believo vi vire tslking to-day for quit. feur heurs, aud I asure yen it didn't Seem like eue." "4That jshsnd ws àprotlY spot fer idiog," msays J set. "*Going ter. &gain te- morro ? ', , Perhaps,"sasys Este. Thon lb. deor opens &0 admnit Sir George sud btse ttore, sud lte dis- cussion suds. AUl tbrongitdiuuer -Mins Crosby shlows herseift te b monepoiset by Coleridge, vbo , je eouslequentlY lui iriumphsnt spirite. Sho nover spoaka te Jack. ",Wbat shah v. dotemvv? the esys. viton dinner is almoat ri an sud. "iW. are alvays talking ot going loeese te Leulies' sud lIeur lovely gardons. Wity net go tIer ?"n 4I Datit," Baye miss Wesiry, 6I have alrny lbIters te write. Bat," mis- citievieusly, "il viii be sa ise drive tor Jack atter being ernekedt te tsth in that treadtul Toronto. "h ahonît le deligitiedtotego," Usay Jack, "but, unitappily, h muet retumu, to-mnoiev te lIaIdreudtul Teronto, as yen catI il." "Boy very at for yen,"samy. Rate, as indiff«ontlY p0st eau, lnfllîng vih te sawsberriiespon 1ev pllte. '"1 faapedetil your noe t iis moraiug yee saidt hing e esiluperfect eider." "Seo I ltngitl itou. Bince tIhal hoeveor, ilgs bave bocom. vatber oomplicsbed,". 1ropliee Mm. Fullerton, smreviat impmsssively. "Tins., pro. bably vili settem aliaighi &gain" A& i ieate glances. at-ber cousin, snt bolh gis iing, mnove tevards titi deer. Jaok epeusil for lteux as thoj poa.tInongh, ant, as Ribly cernes lait, -ho bondea s 1111e lovants ber, masthongh ho voula it ilugly aay sornething,,but Kitty, feeling jnsly effeudet .aI ite- iunnationscduveyed l in bis>ltverts, turne 1er face -aide, aud Sveeps past bim iufip îe trsvwing o 8S4omelhing, Atdy," îe.ssys, a liutl:rntuaail , fIl*-do 'aii nlu -'o i Ih sould hhint 'ou are prett vel fatigumed," eskys Atty, "Yon vore qunite brillant ah..ltrengit tinner.' TIen te opeus lte piano, sud, hot rut contralto voices bing on9 .0o!ber I their oome. .Ji hait liard luth ver hbaoku A toe tireyouug mon u ar PSn Jof bypOep M.Ytha O4ja e forlte mght on. the corridor upulairs, mors or les., stnsd eoi.ml*ed t irt ktColerdg says abruply:th* ibis 'sstanc . ICMai ileiw si ' ,What hou2rde yoe aisifor Torounto " va. tt e, suJ jI â a i ti s tý inu the monng ?", thing 1olthv ese d I ~ "fEh? vitl' "@my*a Fullerion. "48h, sauts. o *fler ail, I don'l bt i sîsobil stuan aho Id aeme n sa Ih~i~ y ."get bigotber vork -done, h CI I'Not g as bis tewt mAller -- i ridg&,ebland)y.nu oost e i.al ieua t "«No,"vibi s a ughtI laugit. 1"m rôundt vilh AIaddmrnd it k m'adon.. _.going le ha mannleit n lat" Ho ab s paaime4aùdthe t ô t viiem &te met bpt i i Dt ipsp&Ll "Mu*s Crosby", seoueslo sed tOll*lý trbl *'ThdikW"j'a,- TheJ ,ad vis " b" sy s -t 4 calmly. £,De' oue &Dy at..ostseor - Th soiatepig ~'impeiment 1 I mimeisDt o1' vtl it.rlas am le "lOh, noue, nones raturned <Joleridge î b-wfldcre tt1 "n coefugealy; 1u1 il iseu- osad<e,sgo inli r laxheb1-o-o- otÇodnighi, fGloî.- S goodnight," ste, thse vquishîi -' ýi Frank, geiug lui. hi#. room and shut. ting lie dlor IsU ybeIinhlm. ' A Jaek, BsntÙermsg ja amllef gou» on, lo, Thei zOtdIIâ o! etett ,Y bis ro uaan bas a isttiaii , - 0fr »e s d tIent viin grs.aeft vol, tlae'ýtipps- le renlly comnes -from, poviter, t ,s,.a an q m dely: Sjm 1Gooduigthe lait. pletely eorewred witlth ss Uii 3 ya tiiSl tbey have-bom-Ï. "-$ bût 'ai lait uer"onbreak elo __,slveslm zU EO "w5 HE as -or~O~ "dKittyq' h. Bygîol,"tlk iu~s ,we have Made à'mietks1k 41I do net. underont"ah.may@-. If11were a boy again,.s ow with7 l"It je for your .ako 1 epeak" gasth. mre; wid pa.slï,for 1pkhtn on Fullerton, growingloom.what agitai. wabrmelons in th. datk o the ,îaoo; Sed. "lyou would wieh par engagement I wou&4no foubtf&HIa vi*m *~is ai an. end, would yen nt? overmsssering passion as I -did b4for :.If yen wiàb il," ah. maya. but lookiog ai il as 1 do no¶, I ouIa "Yon know I don't," hollys "but te b. wiaer. Boys cannott aveu marry a woanz who did net care for 1h. mature judgment eftniihÃ"lwt me'-whom e*seurs was té give me out 1h. experienos snd the lreuats pain, that voulit b. torture." tIaI go with it. So il in bitt« t-, iu '<How eau yen be- se liDjutB "aya our ohildbood we may b. table Wt- est Este. "'Yon know 1 did net mean to a raw turnip wîth safety snd, kraov pain you, nor did I try 10 do se." setuething later on in lie. '<Do yen thik I va. netrmiserable I notice a great change iii , Swulf wben I heard you were with Coleridge," vhite comparing rny prssentt coittoný sye Jack, vehernently. "lYou didn't with that of joyona boyhood. Thon f 1 care te welcorne me; yen @pout your badl ne sonse, but I hail a g«ood, tiges. entire tirne talking< te that feltow tien. Now I hven't eventbe digestion. Colerid go; yon seomed absorbed with The hurrying years bave Oavorteit1 bim. I lova yen' too veil te bear ib, over rny .euany head titi theyhai Este. lb is botter for us botb thal we voru it srnoetb, but they have loftia eon)ud part." gond desi yet for me le learu. I amn "That doen't seooe te trouble yen stili eugaged iu loaruing during thesdey mach," says Rate in s low voice. sud putting arnica ou my experienc <'Doesn't i ? "sasys Jack. ,,,itty, at night. den't judge me by ym~rsef." Childhood is eaid te 'b . the moat Il'How dare yen spesk like tIaIP" glsdsomne period in eut lives, sud, lu sys Kitty, turuwg say te bide the smre respects this statement May -b. tears that are slowly but snrely creep- rogardeit as reliabie, but is je not aeh ing intober cyca. jey. I have hail jusi su n ueh tum in '<Kitty,1' pays Jack. tlryasa î nby~elo *A seb je bis only snswer. ae. pepte woI aie einbyo4 hroug "4Oh, Kittyl." gays a ak in agOny, in contact etail,» liaItheiiî expearlne..ý rying te meet ber eyes, "if in MY lasbeen differet. I hoeê{they do uoI' tbonghts I have wrouged yen I ask meau anything permonaýl by ltat. your forgivenese." I do semetimes wish bIlaI I could 4b IYen sbsu't have it, thon,says a boy again, but I smotbo* lIat iesi Kitty, paBsionslcly, fiashiug &roundit aion acceunt cf rMy parents. Wliait ihey him; "'I have done nobhing te deserve need meel la reat sud change of icone. ail yen bave said. Ih vas Det rnY (suit, Tbey omliienjey ohilitrens but'ihey or Coun's; fanit, -or Mr. Coleridge'swvendli1ke a chance te select th. chui. fanit, or snyoue's fatitt,, aras 5I eau trou vith whern Ihey associste. make out', but th. boat didn't cerne in My parents vere bleased wvitit five tiiue-thst çwse ail. And I vanteit 50 bright,.eyed sud beantitul littie beys, muohi te b. borne; sud'I hait put on titre.e t whom grew up and by that yenr ring,,. and yonv watch and the mneaus became adulte. I am n lulati drese yen Iikeso mncb, sud ail te please condition rnSelf I wasthe eldel,4 yen;; sud nov yen tell une I amnheart. the ftailysetl. eo"~ ..o les, sud odieus, sund that yen are tiret parents. Iain euh . &M of îny of mne, and -early life vas - -usiway.i Ïy "My darling t bow could i on say I plaes,0-- .ottr tentuiôulu meant that ?" sàys Jack, in a wretobed -,kdwihsn lia you eaue -bmi m rt'ennly 'witiretri- tond te be back 1ýè . I 1vas Dot a very go.droadaier <'id-Idit * i vhen yeûng, sud Po ratuituticu vas I'm le ily mot atwaye jumIt inlt.e amOf over- omI!"ssy M. uiikIiltaking me. While ottwraed justic wîth conviction. "Darhing, forgive =dews ettiug in its wojk .,n smg, the. ant I promise never te tranagregesegfifl other boys esesped *tlc&ght a aual It je becanse I love yen se mueh tbit a estr lintse ea amn jealone efthîe V*r sun ltat ohm.. Thait lea sueF.r reau'Why I do net on yoII."yeoarnlbe S. by ggiu "Beotro1 forgivo yen, yen muai beg whe./vW,. Msway Ï T4 ezb oëtie rny pardon." catebc @»% anmd when vs built s fire "I il)," gays jackt, very îhnkfully. to00 ~..st1.fnegili h "H%9re gem. on My kues,Mis s.@itSaf3 snodmuue or ie by, I crave -your pardon." Asa ho speaàka ot j«,»smd&itu on o sethy, fo«& ho sinke ou te ground beforb ere. gnte for whom I hait a hi1tr- "Gratei "asys Lilty. Thon eh6 tardema I *ent. baci tote p t heu'l laughe, sud the msrry sounut fzags 9Z" th ier boys .icaesd - ave thmongh 1h. quiet air. "But now«. you s rmazueit ves sauee. w111 have te proposeéle fima alover & qî t r butlen has n"ver haQ u=y agaîn.,* diffiU117in moveriaknIwo and valkPg. sim oq;al e.en t "V' Jk r' Up sud dowi ovin my vish >oae. pued 4«eautfulXity, w yo ie Whou a Party e1 us hait lJi.p uaqsg mine -et lu gatherinitRauier- si i h . a «"That von't do. Il sounat berrew, o! a gentleman vIe vas ~a rn ed,"easys Miss Crosby. "Try agai. home at th. lime, s&Dh. O uuePui 'Fair goittesa, .11 yen bleu my as vi hait fleuernv"ksa yw iti b humble abode viit yeur adovot pros- couicesl vinptage of lis sun j ài oncet h. otiter beys iscapedil 0 1 vas "lTee ferosi," objecta Kitiy; "sund, l»p Ingte attention besides, I'mýnoitfair." Ibi o eeoutbbthe AT-,OOST. laigReserve Fund Life Aur- seof NewYok Deathiiollai= s 'aitdnrlng -1884 New businoes, 1.18 mes., 1885i ut0,0 Gemmonsare wiýte4 10-tépresen2t aM-ithe -opwling of th.eou. RbCotiabah enDEs"-b aud -from 1.80 te Os P. m. Rleaidenoe-Cor-. of Byron and Gilberîtreets Suitable for wraRping purposes, laying umdex carpets, etc.,2 cents -per hnndred. Apply te, itf- TRIS OFFICE. Manaers o FactoriÃŽ6, Work-ahop, P itons, Nurses in Hospitala, --in short, e'.erybody eterywhere wsoo ever give7L it a triaL TÂ-"N INTZXX,&LZLTUIJXED WITH à WINE 0GLAsi; QYJMOT 3QLW 4,ep BUGÂR, IT WJLL !% l JZlF ANEISRFAIUING CURE FORt SUDDEN COLýDSe, CH LSCO$- GESTIN ÀO STOPPAGE OF - 1~-LTION, CRAIMPS, ~~SIN THE STOMACE, SUrM- MER A"P BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SORE THIROAT ,&ç.. EXY'ERIE'<cz IP PROVEN Z? TUIE MOST EFEC' AND BEST LINIMENT ON ,rÂRTH IN REXOVING THE PAIN ARIBING PO STPRAINS, BRUISE -S, R.IIEtIMA- TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED -FACE, TOOTHACHE, BLRNS, FROST BITES, &c., &c. 25ets. per ~Bott1e. igm Bewareof Iit Imms ' Maapm>eablet epotontr'p s bion la eeclalyaaodfor t0e relf wod c«Meof ta c ~of airders ittendant upon a Io* or;ircduced state o! hie sylitn1, and usital1y accompauiee ,bTPallof!<WeakneMs and PA1pitatior- oî te ert.Prompt resuit@ wiL tolIow it. use in cases of Sudder. Ex- -baust.iou rllï frT L' .o f 13'ood, Acute or Chroile ic sçases, and in the wepkness tLiivariably accoiljaniies UmereoVery front Waatmg Fevers No rýemedy wiII give more speedy rélief in lipepsia or Indigeston, its action on fle stomach being that p! à geiiîde and hairmiesa tonlo, excftiniz the érmns of T HE WESTERN BAN&. CANADApý wHITB; THOMAS DOW, ibNov. 11h, 188. orl Manager. ly-4? MONEY TO LOAN ! *iOO.OOO0B R hICOETMENT§. ON BEÂL ESTÂTE SEOUITY. At loveetliving raeiao! interost. Money secuneit il- 10 itays et ap- apply te JOHN FA»QURÀBSOU,- Whitby, Pobfuary 16t, 1880._ 9-ý 1 $500,000 TO LOA N.. At 6pJ cent. yearly. Terme of repay ment et ulcipal mnade te- suit borrowers. vancs male o seond mâorigagesasud le, Pu-CI"aefaums. no coula lncurred fin akgapplicablons te me for money;e açoisls n ea.Parties ~n hW=her rteson .moriges »hold a y te me at ilo. for'Iower rates n4 -,ae mrney. Writ orj~ ' medf&tely' hpàuttulnn 1y2 20 Adelaie Bboelj3aai Torïonbo. MON EY, TO LOAN On Reù al Re .Mortgsge ai Low 'R4t. of Inteet. I ID Àpris for le aad oan snd 8Savingao Co., sAd& agent for tii Western Assuane OFFQE-verGerrles Block, Wbitby. W. B. 1* 1GL à etPastry Fleur, o- ti Md, fmU staR' et et ghti. .ortb tit iatreeu er OUR.FIELD 'F 0F 00lIC ESS.U ou$, Affections,,:onred hore or, at he, vlbh on vithut seeWlnthe paent. Comne sud ~Ie ns, er aeud.bn en ts un stampe- fer con Knviaflde' Guide Dooks"» u'nIlh giveu Nervous- b 'lp p aueed by yToubhtu! FI, lies sud -Pernieioumsdot ourqorBreaêh, cueWihu the kutb.ý otdpendenca u ou] in Staunps, . ' tm mt PXLE U1R utTE TU S trested wlth thtt, ivtSeacee.Book sent ,for bsn oeuIIf'- tm&Adrs WnÈ Di m. fa sap.AdrmIOU' .Sbreelffao .Y The troolment et many DI:EA:ES OF dimmeUs pêOtcuses t t m Surgical -Institute, has et. tord! largo experlende In sdapting remedie8 for their cureè,"sd DIR. PIERCE'S6 Favorite",P r eserip1tion à tho resui t &iSat orpe4tn., Il Sa spmoâýhù iRemtoraUgle .Tonte au& XërvIneý. - tmsrtevigor' ghdtregt t0h.9Vu ys ,sd çumeti4 SElf )yaglc. Leu. sfnià0uie or mhe u Ad, ~takenP~lace A nwsr lu h.breat .r ied 00flaid05'ble. EasIend etfih4 own. tel! lo six conte! arg bkrado>livemet -ti marne routo. Il .i. epdesvomiig te obtain lished, nfflghbore cuit amusement et the t benefit'by ihis, ase bit' -&a~ aloer rate thanîý Long mnay it rage, i Mr. Aloi. Spe are,i h6uit Iabte>y by ariu 79lowly rocoveiring. -Mn, -Tbee. MoGiU .week.for Toronto. tater viii succeet lia et McGrilivray &Ch At lte ceouncil fme of las& week rsvyer, c communication- skin, breaking o« Jacob Eh arm Iiogialling i The N., O . Fâimî home 1hia week, huv1u faver oe, taxing sic copcesi ont- breée. I knqv cf t a bull vwil Umbr 1idge lova whie beorne' sudheaàibaIl veigl4 >eîW ilsenonu hiut.feei ou the.gmeni nebl, Greentsn,#, opf taxlg u sin)>stock, sud a1% n ab~ bat thed priviloge o kint et stock'le vaul A mnan usmoitBar, sold by In ton cents là à Tkeatie- On. M T(~TT 2 Iii TwentyfIlve per cent. eofail amssments' aie deposited with the Central Trust Ceom- pany of New York, sasbratee 'o!fbthe Be- serve Fund. Lie Inaurance st liss than one-hslf the ordinary rates, aud seourity-perfect. Only 17 assessments made in 1881,1882, 1888, sud 184, and in no euasevau they-be more fre... quont than overy altornate mon±h. .&nnus1 expenses of a5ècn,&. limited t10#2 per #1,000. An active agent wantcd in every unrepre- sent! locality, to whom a liberal commis- sion wil be allowed. Applications seliciteit and full p"olufar frnheit by the undor- slgned. H. GOIRDON, Agent for th. County of Ontario. May 81885.Port Perry, Ont,

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