Whitby Chronicle, 4 Feb 1887, p. 7

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J.Vipaobuhasonauvery il butaiI jï now m0all oter. ý Mr. j. Keeter ageà 75 ySar6 wu iLh deanTUs .very short iii- rean ,pecaed.o hi& doath. Ti .3. moSweenfl h. RforerwUIl O6awa bas lbeicn-townu lins @week. ol , UndorstaLfd ho Wals trying bo secure a on'I correspondent.- danq hetoîbdiet Mioalonsry meeting was beld on Mcnday night. Revis. Joui Qîerman sa dMattliews were the depu.- 'wu tion. The addreses were vory Intereel- &o ing sud instrulctve- day Miesflattie Burton lias rêtârned a frein a vieilto friendesud relatives in Pickering. tria Mr. DaundM oeeof or esteemed l ,itizeus, who lias lately moved tath Toronto, htis heen tipending a few days and wîlh ius. We are glad tb sec that the On ity hae not dePr ived hilm cf bis usual On Spirit and gond bouli. wh A large nurnber of car citizeus aI- iîle tended thc polies1 lmeeting eenduoîed ove by Ibt I Hon. Edward Blake in Mark- riy bamin ast Friay evenine audna m6 drj baok full cf confidence in their leader we and the approsching triumph cf their roi party. The anuivorsary ducks, gpofe, turkeys etc., have aIl beon ccilected from the il nnprotooted barn-yards, aud wyul be on eihibitiofl in the basemnu of the r Methodist chureli Monday evening. cr4 Be sure ta bring a 'good -appelibe wilh W By sorne nnaoconntpble mistake, th1e w! boys of Ibis place formed a Party by in themselves isat weok and attended a or, concert 'la Pickerinîg under the auspices of th1e A. O. U. W., whie the girls Di remained. behind.. We are in doubt w whetber il was an ael of! rolaliation orlo was on sccount of the boys' bashful -da - nees. We muet Igave it for the girls 80 ta answer. I Lael -Buudsy- oveuing, Rev. Mr. jin TotSon prescbed a vory practîcal ses'- fa mon, eevecîally adaoptodto Young- men, 60 He dweit paçlicuisriy on the use of a, tobacco, and msny were the significant lx 1node exohaânged among thelold devobees of tbe weed ; h. bad net mach hope je for thoir reormation, but looked ta aa them le leacli the rising generatioli ta abstain frein the practico on -tb. etî'rengili of the time-worfl motte : "Do as Isay, notaseIldo." One of the yonng lads of this place, ti by the nsame of James Rate, narrcwly , esciped a serions accident tb. otherP day. With a hoy's natural inquisitïve- a moss ho vas examining »le beltt in the a 1factory and-bocame inlerosted in their î, revoine;slho vas passing bis hsud neatr the place where they cross, wheu 0 ho -was muaddenly canglit by the. arn a and lbrown againslt thé pnlley ; hie optiois are veory machli dscoloredw bul liet ie otherwise uninjured. Moral: Keept jrour boys ai home. m «I l 2" IUBMv. Mr., Wilkinson adfamily, î were, proeedaing &cross the railway i track ai Greon River, their horse x became frighteued at a train, ahied,1 u1)eeting the occupants aud Prccec at ils boat rate towards Wbitevalo, butj the asat bill preved tee mach for its 1 powors of endurance and it valked qaioti jute .outatretohed arma- cf Mr. Gerew, who. drove baok and feund tbe victime uninjured. W. muet psy Ibis tribut. te lb. choir for Ieir prforance .a-t Suday A lady lest a gold vatoh on Iionaay *liait for vihloh a revad of ton dollars le offered by Mr'. T. l. ,Bob*inson'who agreesote ak no qusltions. a gei"Ya cf linaeing ttlbat t toh mysteri' ously dsp.rd Ms'. Jose'ph H"ili, ont popiils soda water manufactunrr metvlth quit. a serions acident on Wedp"_e, - g. was Making shaVinêlwith & draÏwlg, knifp, vhen -1h. stick w"hio he-, cnttlig bs'okee, and b fell forvar4on hie kue.. b 111. n. -TheAdrav- kuife, edge op, gels undar .-ois~f bis He will be 104c&ne forso "Im1t Peter* koOityl, -O blacksÀIin 'l Bibaeas vorks, umet wth aý a bd a.1- dent on Tcïsdayafenoon.10 H a working on stilà &lace of eteel snoa Wide, aud j in. Mhl wvieh vas tmeid~ en onildga, an4 tkig mmitaPd hie bs' b"ss1 -o eteel a Itibi814iî "lad Dt 'eDl breaking hi. fingers but "lsoburwn tham've'y bay. H. iUlbeJaiM ff forso Ine The OrIlia P.ool-~l so I Op theé"aokfMinforWUpI 3dtt 4, et The New-L.tt (in Vé of be botter to Wtel bo * iwil ' frinnuy ganme of cesWue vsplsyu e the wlr.s, by s'apresentatives ci the Ies, ' sud -Port -Hope bheqs& clubs. ltin lua vlctor o iisdsay %e Victoria Teachers âoistiLon Lm'eet er. lu -oonventionon -th. 101h t .-wheu Dr. MclUllanyl leture- '8orilice" Ocritlelued. A large allen- ice of leachere ta expected. eomevhat afier thé' style cf Sam les apectal service for toomen oesli abeld ou Sunday mos'niug lait and pecial service for mness nly ou Sun - Voveuiug .In SI. &ndreva. oburch. egreat question cf "Social Purity" à "The Social Evil" vere discussed. L Los.-OnSunday merning poides. 'c ans ln paseine gnear Bailler, Dandas -' j Io's grlot miloboervod wbat appeair, te them a large heap ýcf savînat l 3river on the weet side cf the Mill$ d gave the malter Dne more thouglit. le cf lbhemnnhappening 4o come wn saw Ihat a large quenlityr of.i est piled against a wiudev had, by iweight, féocpdl a pane cf glýwss, sud or 1,600 bushels poured imb the r ?or* About 400 baeles'. e e out. ,y a good quautiy teken out cf Ija er whuch vil be kit.n-driedj butth nainder yl furnieli food "fer ih. Osunington je beeeming famous for smusical bande, sud on ;Mouda ilit another one, compesiug 'a mouth ýgan, a lin whistle, And the wbistle iel nature has previded us ail wilh, as broaght mIet existence. Tboy tarchedib treugli the slreote aIan heur sen ail respectable peoplaehsould b. î bed, sud made Ibo night bideous rgies. On Monday cf lait veek Mr. John >avie, a fermer residing near bore, met 11th an accident whereby hocaesmonoar sing an arm. lb appoars that ou 1h. &y msntioned lie in eompâny with ai ou, vas ougaged in ebepping devu a ee, sud vas in the sol eof pusbing il a he direction wbich lie wislied il le &1l, wben bthe axe in the bauds cf bis >n accidently struck him on the righî Sum near tbe eidew, penotrating te tb. Wne. The Beaverton Express, lu a recent Boue, Bays; "Lt bas il from geel kutberity Ibat oui siâtes'village, cant inglon, liasneloestbazl eue hudcrel ind ton marriageabie Young ladies on sund besides a number cf bandoome vidows. Tbis la toe mmcli of a g00d bing, and v. wonld suggeet the ad- ieabiily cf a commission beiug Sp. pointe&~le consider Ibis important matterv*itb s view le an early settle- ment." Our lake shere ontemPoras'y in Ibis, like met ollies maltera, la nistaken, for vo bave, by actusl ceunI, oue hondred sud tlbuty-one marriage- able you&g ladies, aud Oanuiugloeis preud cf ber dauglitere. Wat àa con' tras betwasu Ibis village sud Beaver- ton lun th1e respect, sud, ne doubl, 1the editer of 111e Expresvas ashamed, of ît or ho vould have statel 1th. umbas in thal burg, vhicb, vs understaud, le ie Young ladies (belveen the. q.ol0 16 sol 25 years) sud seveuly-nine ci the meut homely cl maids Ihat oves trod the-eartb.. Wlial tortore il mual b. te lite lu sncb @a place ? PORT PEKRY. The levers of wiulor sports lier. a» agi1aang for a toboggan alida. The Oddfellows of Port Perry luleud bel-ding a serios of Open Lodge durini the remaining veeks cf tb. vinter. bralelPercheron -breder, Ms'. DO#' van, cf titaI lca.Wa baslo MàainOf ed tullop. Kb ~~exaUenl'Points,#udma dt te t> have iloOk iutaG hoy ha li. lusasta hie "1# 1.Iitti TieY .Libersi Qub vwi41M b aled W58 réportéd. n14e niefmocimo as, ile Germansi= gB p canot be 10 wldelY nowi. Aàk ycur 4drggW & bout il. ample botties te lry, sold it10 coents, k«gUlar sise.,15 cents. fiold i U rg pets sud dealers, in-the 'Unlei Statesici, Mr. -W. ]EL'Smithinui eplying to Mr, ~Iadatone ysterday, defeudedthe position )f flrit9lu sudCanada in relation t10 the lsheries ,questiou. Notbing sa uddnyestiô s1.prp allen asdu iMeas.tionefrom het t Dolil. Heat raziffes 1the bloode quickes the irculation sud luoreases 1he persphratin, bat wheu these-are suddeny chec*ed *6. oonsequeuces must b. bad. Te mcutocm- mon cause cf disease in ebstru-ct.ed verspIra- tci, or what commonly gSse by he nmm of catoblugocola. Couglis, colds, sore tbroate etc., il attendled 10 lu lime are ea imeu- àuedjbut à if owead 10-mu their -cmi courase, g.ueraily prove th1e fore-runner of more dangerous diseases. Nine-teuthu cf the. consumptiives date -their affiiticu from anegleoled cola, anê the dîseases that are oaused by wet feetï, damp lothes sud expe- sure are more numerous thau uae gen jI supposed. one cfi1the ment effioaoimuse icines for Rai ise«cf011e Iboat aud lunga is Bickle's Ânti-Conimptive. Syrup. It promotos a froc sud easY empec0toratc ,which f rees »te lunga from vildpeg >y chaugbMr the secretions from a dsae téa ahoalthy etate. It in rumored ln Moutreal thal Mr. L. A. Benecal lia been made a BousIer. FOR ýNETTLE R&8H, Itohiuag pig, Ringworm Rrtsptioiu, and all *kii di8oeute1Prof. Loto'a &dphur 8041). 1tie Tenneesse. Sonate has pasaed th1e Prebibition constitutional amendment. 1ÂASeasouable EMut. For an obstinato harraesig cougli there is no btter r.medy than Bagyard's Pie- torai Balsam, whioh cures il throai brou- *chiai sud luug diseases. Il in pleasaut te take,*md effectuai for young or old. AFEW HINTS FOR THE USE OF'1 eta genils, 2 to 4 PIS; thoroughly. 4 té 6 Pill. Ezperienre ,riUdeeâde the proper dose in cach ca. i o)r Constipation, or CostlvenOSS, ne- reniedy is'so effective as -AYER' PILLS. 1-Iey inaure regular datly action, aud re- bt-ore the bowels te a healthY condition. For Indigestion, or Dyspepsa, ATERs nl LUS are ijivaluable, and a sure ecure. Heart-buffl, Loes of AîPîeUteO, FOUt s~totaci4 itefr, Dlzlneb@, Heald-4 ache, Nbes,!augeo4 are at relievodý und curad by AYzR'8 PulLS. i iLiver Compaint, BilieumDisordeiB, and Jaundice, AVlýi'sPILLa S hoUMd e gi ven in doses large enougii w excite -b1 liver snd bowels, and reuxovid conStipattOiLr As a cleansixîg medicine in the Spring, tJîes Y.ILL' are is-qu&lèd. Worxns, caused by a niorbid condition cI ou bxweýs. are expelled by t.-ese PiUA.4. -rruptî;i-ons Sklu Diseaâes, and Piles, L4'e resuit of iîîdige.is, ta or onstipation, ae crdby the iuse of -1,.Lità PtLI. For Coids, laite ÂvERt'SPILLS t e£ý the poreý, reinc'vf inflanunaw.ry secretion1, and allay the fever. For Dlarrhoea and DvÇentery, caused by Utdeu CO; d-intdigestibie foot. etc. Aysa'5 PILLa are the truc remnedy. U]heuniatisin, Gent, Neuralg5a. sa" SeiatUcaofteii resit frein digestive derffge- nMent, or etit.ds. a»d disappear on reinovig the cause bî the1 use cf AVERS5 PILLEi. .tuwnors, Dyopsy, Kldney Complafutos , ansd other disordori caused by debility or obstruction, are eured by AYER'5 PiLLS. Bnpptosseiiu, snd Fatum ! eutatru- Lion, have a safe snd rèady remiedy 1i AYE-R'PILLS. sid bya*Ul»ngba. ock of Scotch,F'EngUJsh s<a-nad aiian Tw a, Blackworstedg,. etc.,-o, select from.f ÂLW&YS OS l".D,.' rhciçdt ,mukà t rinçe aid for Thitter and Eias. - -- 5<~I IT---DLr4~ Cottage or Gaste PRICES .WHICH WILL ASTONISHf YO Ul WM. HAIJLT, -- BROOKIN. UJ~' Funerals FuIly Supplied." ~ WIiitby Woollian Milis,9e SMidway between Brooklin and'Columbu, on ei 7th Concession. We are now prepared to m a adndls of Woollen' Goodls, sueh as Tweedls, Ful -Cloth2 , Urnionf Flanls, Sheçting,. Shirtings, Ail-wool bed Bliankets,. HorsÜe' Blankets, and Yarns iiail varieties and al l -nids of KnitteçlGoods kept in stock for the aocdmmdation ofl ý':ihest price paid for aliy quanatty of WoôI. ~ .Al OreY8 romptiy filed. ,wu D.' BO WERMA N d'. oiLest, Iow- ~ We have ri anow edittol WELL'5 Qxz medîclue> of Nerona Deé "hysIcal Iucspacity, Lmj nage, et.,:esulmug fre, W.Pricet ilu'sealed1 cento, or 1v0 postage stan Thoe elebratsd Auther, Esayt clorly demenatr, yers ucceulf i lctiý e-onseicGs may r.c ouIthe daugerous use efi or 111. use cf 1the Icuil mùode côf cure at 6uceeid efeeotîql, by means of-,*w nemalter whaf-lsia cern Âddâres TeCUL VER WELL, 80NtD ARCADE9 TORONTQ.- &&jlhool Tborongl-lgquipped f«B utuu"-. BOOK-KEEIbUI, BUSINESS OORIl]SEOJ;)EN( rBU1SINES ÂITHJffTIO, OO1i SHQ~HAID ~IDTYPZ..WIurrTIN à~TicI m # IEST ROOMB IN ANi LINPREOE 'v Nau~a sexe oSnd celar ACHNt bZ i.-, , .s f wmý CALL ON

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