Whitby Chronicle, 4 Feb 1887, p. 8

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Oouuty Qouncil. FIFTIR DAY. Wartien took the chair at 10:16. Meinbers ail present. Minutes cf yestertiay reati anti ap. p roveti.i 'COUNTY PROPERTY. 1fr. Conunthard brought in th. COunt>' Properi>' report, masfollows: That your committee have examined and receinmeud the payaient ef the folUowing accounti:-Grosa &à Granger, $23 63; à«. 0. Lawler, $5 60; RoveU & Hutchinson, $1.55; Wm. Barnes, $11.05; Wma. Noble, f 3; Win. Westlske, 8708; Thos. Rice' 750, A. 0. Wilson, $20.60; Wm. Noble, $5 83, and A. M. Rose, $620. Your oomrnittee have before tberaia request from isie Hnoyr Judge Dartnell, for an inorease lu the %rnount granted for postage and stationery for the'judges of tbe county; aîso a request for note books for the.coonty oriminal sud division courte. ,aud we recommeud à grant t of$30fer postage and stationery, snd that the olerk b. instructed te purchase th. books re- quired. Yo1r committee have visited 1he gael and court bouse aud Sud thorni dean, iu good order sud cornfortabiy warm, sud weli kept ini every respect. Your committe. learu f rom the gaoler's repiort that there have b.sen imprisoned iu the oonuty izaol fron -18t. June, 1886, te lot Jannary, 1h37, thirty-eight prisoners, of this num ber thirty'sdven were maies sud eue female, of this number six were insane; eu January lot, 1887, there were five priseners lu gaoi. These prisoners re-, ceived gaol allowance dulring 1098 days, beiug the total lime ol their confinement in gaol. The ceet of eaoh prisener'e rations was about seven sud eue halt cents per day. Your committee have before themai reqnest froni D. M. Docker, governor of th- g aot, for s oookîug stove for thienew kitchen for the gaoler. We do not feel justifi.d lu recomm.inding the application. Your comtmîttee have before theru a request front Mr. Alex Bruce, turnkey of the gaol, for an increase of salary, sud w. recommend that hid sslary bie 845) per antuuw, to covc.r his services, board and washiug and iliat hie be sIlo wed to board W.th his fantîly, pr,-viding he doos flot absent hirrnse!f front the gaul more than ou. hour each day for this purpisti, andil sIo ta geLt te cousent of th. sheriffsad goveruor of the gaol to dIo s*~ Your couutteo recommend that six spittooris b. purchased at a cost net ex- ceediug el.0 for use iU the halle of tb, court Your comminttue would aIse report that their attetiton lbas been cailed by the grand jurors of the LeceLuber sitLan4 of Idt3 6to the practice of keepîug th.e sue sud insane priseners lu the saine cotupartmonta in the gaol aud theor objections thereto. WVe yonr cemminttee, do net tthink it adviaable to mrtke any recommindation, m~ a cein- munication bas been receîv»d on Lb. sarne subject frorn the couuty counicil of Lh. county of Hlastiugs, wthh*bs been referred te the comnmaue o legLislation. Your cemmittee recominend that should auy iniprovements b. made or supplies be procured they shahl in every case (unlese etberwise officislly ordered by the Councîl) te made sud proc-ired upon the ordq. of the chairtna-1u etthis ceairittOa, the de pty- reeve ef Pickering, Mr. Parker, asdtLb clerk cit1h. Couneuil ; coet et said repaira and supçiie.s hah net exceed 8100. Conncil wenl mb ocomuitteseof the wbele thereon. Mr. Dobson in tb. Iu relation te tbe purchase the chair- man si.] ne precedent ceuid ho founti for purchasing a cook-stove fer the new kitchen, h. tbongbi best net te a'iîe prouring eue. Mr. Smiî movedt hst thA otaae. b. Be amended as te provide a steve. Mr. Barm opposed. the amen4Ment. Mr. Harman tbeugbî the jailor oughite ofurnieb tbe steve himqalf. -' Mr. Ceultbard said if, on enquir>', il e*s ascertained thaite buy stoves for m 14h ap urpoRe vas oustomary, oe e'o'ild he purhameti. . Mu. Gould appreveil of thie, sud 6e venld faver payirig for il ai lhe Juno Mur. Smiith then wilbdrev hie amend. ment andthbb clause vas adopteti. Committeo rose sud ru-ported tire the report vithout amendaient. The report vas ieceived sud sdoplod anti on motion et Mr. Cerithard, secendeti b>'Mr. MeFarlamo, the War- doen vas inetructedti t issue hie eider on bbe Tressurer for paymeul of the aume therein mentioneti. BO&DS AND fBRIDGES. Mr. Perey brouiit up the Reati sud Bridgte cemmnitbee'e report, as tollows: Your commutte. bas considered the report of Henryl Whitney commisioner of Narrowe Bridge, stating doit the swing is newly ahi. a-neunt cf repsirs necesssry ; aise tb. fellowinûr >ccounts :-John Grill, 832.50; C. Langford Lumber Ce., $60; Henry Whitney, $6. The ceninty of Siseco. bati paiti $49.05, being one-haîf the above se- ceunts. The balance wss recnmmended te b. paid by tbe TreaÊvrer. Another dlaiim; freai this commisaioner for 83.10 vas lad; over tli the June session. The pommittee recomuiand paý_ ment et $41.25, being half cf Gould Hazard e expend- iture as seen frein hie report as commisainer of Narrows B3ridge. The cesumibîce alzorecomrnended paymnent cf $50, being hait et Alian Gisy's expen li- ture on North Bla k i ver Bridge betveen, the tewnship@ ot Scotsud East Gwillism- bury, amounting te $20, sud 8SM on West Black River Bridge, between Scott -sud Georgius ; aise recommeudingpsymnent et $12.50 te gravel appreaches le said bridge, the vork baving been doue on the instruc- tions ef the Warden sud Cormiasioner Gray. -The committee rccorumend payaient ot $15328 aâ roportad by Wm. Bateumn, cern- i«nieoer--ot Scugeg Bridge, being$3.28 in exeese of grant; also slates that- the work ie lu -a capital slate ; and further recoznmend that the commuesiener receive- 114 foruhie services. The commiltee recemmenti payrnenl of the following accounte :-Sutçr,-Harrisj for work on Nam<ws Bridge, and omitteti frein cmmssîoner'5 report - lust year, 431Mj J. B. Thempacu, cemmlselener Narrova 4Bride' for 1886. $10 ; -4-Tait, aasng for arwsBridgýe, 95c. ;Âler. MoRse, cern- 2ninder, Talo River Bridge, '84. Thse comtôe~'ure lunconfirmnigby iowt éc of ht tw ian Brfg ~omm attention te thelrueg- ul ma.-wn r inluwhkbh uenorti -aM aoemrnts Rlam uketi ohé w -ù we ewheé. two- mibor manloipalilies e ooporned? Who thon vould tako tcharge of 18 ? Mr. Percey said the inembers of Ibis committse ocnld neot Certify te the 4oouante presentsd te il. lThe clause intended go have glhsse accouats oerti-- fied te as oorrect,'belore they are sent ta the eonnty. He did not apprehend auy*difficulty on the score of partialit>'. Mr. Ham did Dot ses bowy lyODO, not seeing an expendituro matie, oniti oertify to its correotDess. The clause vas adopt.ed. The committee rose, reportoti the report withont ainiendment, whîch vas received snd aiopted, anud on motion of Mr.-Perey, seconded by Mr. Ring, tbe Warden wae authorizedte 1 grant hie order ou tbe Treasurer in paymént of the sume tberein-passeti. SCHOOL TRUSTEES. On motion -of Mr. Harman, seoonded b>' Mr. Wilson, a by-law vas introdue- ed and passed, appropriating Collegiate Institut. and HRigh Bobool Trustees for the count>'. Mr. Burns opposetiBey. 1Mr. Oame- eron's appointinent, proferuing a* liai. dent of Whitby, because the Rev. gentlemnan vas iikely te bave the counly.1 Mr. Perey bad not hearti of snob a change as the Depaty.Rteeveof Whitby referred ta. He tbonght there muet b. some objective point aimet i t. If the Deputy-Reeve of WhittW vwer. an at;pirntlhe ought1teay se opeil>'. H. had not beau madie avare of any objection 10 Mr. Cameron, and objeoteti 10 a change.- ' Mfr. Farewell, as chairman of the Wbitby Collegiate Institute, diaDnot kn2ow of any real objection 10 Mr. Cameroci. He matie many sacrifices te attend. It vas not an unumual tbing ta appoint truBtees outeitie of the muuîcipalitv. The coeuty appointees were realty cou nty representatives, anti b. approved eftIhe proposed appoint- mie nt. Mr. Burne withtirew hie objection Mr. 'Earman said the committea hati endeavored te ascettain if there vers any objections te Mr. Cameron's ap- pointruent frein any cause, anti fouind none. The naines in tbb by.la* are the eaine as those in th. Educabion Coin. mfittee's report. Warden left the chair fill 1 p.m. AFTERSQON SESSION. Warden took tbc chair sI 1:20. On motion cf Mr. Percy, secontied by Mr. Kiing, tb. reevea of Thorith anti Mars, vere insîruotedti lemake certain repaire te, the Talbot River bridge. On motion cf Mr. Glentiinning, the auditore were paid $20 esci, for soi. vices for tle.Ist haifft et iaes1886. Ou motion cf 1Mr. Math.vson lhe by-lav to 'cenfirm by.lav No. 611, of Township cf Wbitby, vas uest a Ihird lime anti paasa. On motion of Mr. Christie secontist b>' Mr. McFarlans, tbe by.lav 10 cen- fira by-lav No. 811, of tb. Township et ach, vas resda ti ird lime sud passeti. Oh motion cf M r. Baird tire sin of $15 be paid M1r. Rollandi for stationer>'. euppliedthel.Osev"a Higb Sohool, for tira examinatieus of 1886, vas paid. On motion of Mfr. Murton secondeti b>' Mr. Goulti a by-lav vas intreduceti anti passeti autbouizing thre Wardon ,anti Treasurer te borrcv sevon thons- anti dollars te, meet the ordinar>' en- gagementa cf tha enct i> 1lb.thetaxes for the yaar are c.>lleoled. On motion lthe amentied report cf tb. Coni»>' Valuabcia vas reai. On motion of Mu. Bruce, sacentiet b> 1fr. Chrisieolbé above report vas set erradti te. omamtas on Finanoe. On motion cf Mr. Marten secondeti b>' Mr. Sinithr tb.by.lav relating to the inisupuetation anti unies et con. struotion of by-lava of the ceumail as resti a second and tbi rhtim~e andi passeti. Wardon beft lbe chair for b&aua heur. Council resumeti. Mr. Harman asoQnaded b>' Mr. Webster, moveti an adjourumont 1111 Monda>' aI 2 o'cbock. The Yesoanti ns>'. bang tierandeti, the Yeso weie 21. Na>'. 11,. The concf.1Iben adjourneti «i M cutis>. SIXTIT- De. mozmÂ!Jan. 81. 1887. The Wardou teck the chair at thie o'ciock. Mintesos f Satuia>sba "n ma and confirmeti. 71M ESCOTT ACT. On motion of mi. Murten lb. c0ooli reameti committie of tho visele on tl&e isIt report etft44 standing cômmîtte &brard lu the obair,- Il vii be raemenibere t ho4 on Fui., day tb. FInance ocilmillee reporteti againhlt recommsuding lb. appornîment Ã"fa poliesmagistrat' t6\ entore lb.h Scott Ast, anti thal M4.Sinitis11noved, lu ameudmnent lufavorbf MajorHarp.er, follo;wet b>' au amenrdment te tise amendment frosn Mr. HRuman merci>" r.com -mending ltheappolntment vith- out ntàming a mans. &N AITI-XOZI DEPUTATION. Mr. IHarmau saiti a -deputa 'tionnov proeu vsiititebq heardaato th. The ob0 r airled ,IrM. llamuans Mu., arSmàn mioveti théoa' qptadln be'beard. - ev e. okbin otUxbioM o ton, ho 'odd holveuW0 bel beave the malttof o lu « *oKnIeu tfie'banda of the GoÃ"Veroe-i$. Mfr. t 'B. ýFiank1ah, 1,ýeôor *o*r North Ontarlo, »taled Ihât ho hàaid forty.fonr inforiastions and had tweny four eonvietioa;' but hati Ã"nIy'eolloét. ed #250 as the remaintiet0of hie *Uée~ had bean appealeti.>Tii-vas becau s two justices of the poséee Sul b appealeti againet mnob more - readlly than coulai a poice maliaa* The question for Ibis. couni te --.o. aider i. that 18 bas b bear th. oxpenu 1 of tvo-thirde of the mbn.y bot uinboe appesa. With a police magistrat thora je much leu danger of a big bill of expense of tht. nature. 'Mr. Jo.Forgusonosys 111 e oes. mary to have a magistrate at baud te, tic such vork in oider that a earih varrant inay be exeented and a bain. mous servedthîe @me day. Hovever ho tioca fot believe appealu v-ill hoe entirol>' stoppeti b>'appointing a, pùoïe Mfr. Murton moveti an aoeeudmqnt to the ameudment iu 'favor cf apolice magistrale wqithoul ealery-in case snob an appointt"M'ett a leffal. Yeas-18. Nays- 14. The committee reported tbe report se amendeti. On a motion for adoption, M.,Smith, moved seontietib>' Mr.. Burus,, -xn, ameutiment, that th. report b. net nowv1 atiopteti but thal 18 b. raferretibak1 oommittee et the wbobe Iwith ýInstrue lions te amenti the repot f ocuî uionding Major Harper às police magisîrate for the conul>'. Ho saiti ho vanleti a naine recommneuteti. Mr Couithard, secondeti b>' Ir. Wilson, &bat the report ho referreti back to commiltes te fi il np s it vas again in the firet place. Mfr. -Perey Baye 8h. temperauce- people cf the couat>' have been at great, expene 1 carry ont the Scott Act andi only in Ibis matber ask the favor of a reoommendtiaion wbich will coet thé, conn2ty neîhing. Re lhin'ks lb.heaoet tb. couacil coula dotic je lmake the recomrnendatiou. Mfr. Murto sys thore are police magistrales in Oshawa andi Wbitby andi yet tbe Act bas flot been a success. Il im a lamentable fact Ihat evitience in Ibis part cf lb. coont>' 15 unreliable. It seeme tîrom reporta that il is better rip norîh anti as the people up there ant a police magititrate ho woulti vote' te Rive thein on. The vote on Mr. Couithartis amend. ment to the ameudment vos killedi by 9 for anti 22 againet. On Conltharti'.motion Yeas-Wilson, King, Couitharti, Bairti, MeTte., O'Leary, Chrialie, MaFarlane, Totit- Nays-Bruce, Marton, Percy, Pal- mer, Parker, M soki., Harman, Me- Pheuson, St. John, MoKeazis, Mev. bra>', Mathevoon, Goalti, Cuita, Thempaca (Scott), Thompeon (Mfara). Webster, Barns, SSitb, Dobsonl, Flumraerfoll, Tuanonîb-22. M r. Smith'@ amentiment vas thon put and tib >'28-11. à Yeas-King, Wilson, Colîbard. K Ras. O'Leau, Macki,, Parker, B«as. Smith, Dobson, Tctid-1l. Naye.-Barne, Morton, Glondianing, Baird, St. John, MeKouzie, Movbray. Maîbevacu, Goniti, Curte, Harmaàn, MePhereon, Hamr, Gallovay', Paîcy, Palmer, Webster, Thompeon (Scoit,: Tboua.peen (Mars), Christie. MoParae Flummerfeit, Trenouth-28. The report cf tire finance ccimmite vwu then atopleti iecommonding lb. appolulment of a police. magistrale wisbout ealay. SEVENTU DAY. TuSSDÂY5 Feb. 1, 1887. Wartien took 'tb. chair aI 11:40. Membeui a&H pissent. Minutes a1 yee.- terday'as seion reatisd antcefirmeti. A communication vas rea Ifrm Mr. John Farguion, secretvry ofethlb hourd of lioense oommisaioners -foi South Ontaulo, asking . heun0il té alloï $800 aireati>' electet in flneu te stand te tire credil et lb. commisaonera for Ibeir use, tihis in tb. opinion eft lb oommissioneré belnir-theglasi requeut Lt yull ho neossary tle malrê Ibis year. 1fMr. Smith movedtiIal tire request et lb. libenoe commissionrs for South Ontario b. granteti andi ii $00se apsut for their nue. AJIEENOON SESSIlON. -Wartien teok the. chair st 1:50.- Mu.-MiLrlon bronght.tiov a gseond re. port fron thte Finance Ct$maittss reoin- msnding payment cf 1)1.soillcitor'a accent cf $29; ueeoinmendng 'tIrs p - ae ef a b>'. lav te raiasI7000; etaltug t tZ Gvraunt smliaitnta eu~pt upt 1 reeoensdins tt $hlà*, isrss Murton. ad: g1r. IYou-rl4ihm conwdi mtu reg rdtop.is vaîuiaui are ý'dlùi1iw te those « if iner uauni4ipal ý,ôl*si wlth lb. aWeprivilege oe, ao 1 t h.cunat> jutIÉe. 'If Ibis ooènil ýréfà8es ta chan thelb.Valuaètion é application.. an appoal tae l aduig ma>' e *ésnob apps4 b. madee Ibise qualization stands for Ihethe pissent year'sa taxation, and, if îIte niatb clause ho 'adopltd, il stands good fer ive yoam. 1Mr., Webster moveti a resolution bt len lb. equalizeti valusocf Seoît b>' about $110,000 and distribule the ameunt over the reat cf tbe ceunI>' on the busis of the percentage $0 ho pa&id b>' oacb munieiVpalit>'as shovu hy lb.h report. Mfr. Curte iatie a like motion te retince Poit Per>' about $81,000 anti apreati>the spieunt over the other mniipalitiea9 fthe ceuntyi>'th Ie Bme menner. Bach cf the novers Ibroatenedtiheb conucil vilb an appeal if botter terme vare net alloveti. Mu. Burna a-eakedthelb.solicitor wbat veulti b. b. hepipable ceai cf an appeal iu Ibis matt'r. 1fra Farewell saiti il dependati upon bow the appeel vas matie.-There ver. tvc courts te vhicb the malter eculti be carrieti, vi:-The ceunI>' jutige anti ethervlae.a court nameti b>' the Attorney -General, to consiet cf the ceunI> jutige, esuber tb. sherliffor registrar anti, another ceuni>' jaitge frein eleevbere. Mr. McPherson bers, rose te, re:nark Ibat, Cannixigten batibeau unjust>' dealt with b>' tb. valuatore. Hie noticn le thal Brook bati ought to have been tueketi np a littho anti Canningtou leit a ilvas lasI year. Ha moveti a retinction cf 815,000 frein Canningion to ho dietributetilamcng ibm municipal neiubbors. Mr. Baird ties not ses boy Mr. McPberson eau figure il ont le show Ihat either Brook or tianninglen bas ouffered ti aheb bande of the valuators. Ho vill stand b>' the valualien. M 1r. Harmiun saiti bolh Brook anti R.eaoh haît decreaeed ln value fion laut aussaent, accortiing te Ibis valuation. Mr. Chrimtîe saitibotb lb... towu. stipe hati gene back as a matber cf tact. As for Beach, it once bati several -gouriahing villages anti ai least tva firot-elasa markets. Theïe villages anti market@ have nov gene 10 Port Peur>' anti Urige. Mr. St. John saiti the villages in Brook bati gene devn. Mr. Gltiendnuing ver>' sensibl>' re- marked that Ibis asbosemeut bld naotbing 10 de wilh tlb. lust oes.Both enigbl easly b. vrong for Ibal matter. The valuation migbt incisas. or de - Orge.. vilont cqetisg lb.erunioipal- it>' a Oent.a Islb. Se ,percentage Ibat tirMade lb. manleipalîe ell hi jpkta for .money. Nov, thongb th. ~a1~atin sl eBrok u ibis instance vaslIover tii.peroantage in the $100 vas hbigbeianti s a matter oftcthlie incise,as grsater Iran even Cen. Dingln vblh vaswuoomplaining se Mr,-Wel»ter's motion vas put anti loe-at-.6 6anthe @lauas atiopleti. Os tha Oth clause Mr'. Murtou meveti te redue Oshava $80.000andtiheb motion vas bot-28 105. Mr. Cuite again brongbt up hi. motion vhioh bati previensi>' beon decteretioui ef eider te roeda.. Poit Peir>'$81,000 andti ick Ibet -sum on tise On motion -tie couoil adiourne to 0 r~oton Ibo mb"tTues- >' lu ne MI t DRY GOO'DS * XXXI. -qutouickt jstablished 1856. e<tlPDlOt aud beut fuunhad 7a&Job piiïnting plant'in Baster ,apble of axacutin9Ig Mnil oaseof ,heÈm. tiÇ.large -ete Itsaalo Special mention is mtiefcf the *11it s ceiebrated N. Y. Cettreil der preis sud- other modern convani. ».eyrdrreceives prompt, care. ivinus0oP ADVERTISING. Orartlneerticl, per line, 10 cents; sscia isequent inerionf, 5 cents. Dieplsyedad&avertisemenflbs are measweuc amoale cf seliti Nonpare4, ana chargea Moidiugl>'. &dvertiaefllefte3 sent without writter truotlcus ineeorted until forbit& itien ,aged for iiltime.- Ortiers f ops iscendbinfg advertisement ustbe in 'writing, othervise the publiaI OWlf not be responsible. A&. liberal discount fer contyaot aver.Èe ente by the yesr. 'Copy for changes0 utuact aIrtisement5sbould be bande not later thaxu Wsduesdiay;sunlri an>'iutenuded changeahoula b. g1ve fore Tuesday noon. Other advertiwi Lente received up te Thurada>' neen. iBusiness notices ini local or neye -clumi rat insertion 15 cents perU ln.etofNunp il ; 10 cents Ver lins each subseque, isortion. -Five conts per lins per annuip Cerrespendeonce soucite from ai paï f the Oonnty or neighboring township orrespendeits ' are. requested to send' heiu commnuniction~seaspremnpti> boibie, HENDERSON &GBRAM, Proprietoi poiN sTÂNTOX, gup't Mechanical Dept. JONI.F kEWýELL, LL.B.ý AJBISTBR UE Cen> rownÂtUIof ancl Gount>' Soheitor. Offie- SEk g, court Houe Whitby - ARIS-TER, &c. Oafce formerIy cmpie& -b>' Fareveil & Rutleige,i Royal Hotel, Brook St., Wbilby. D1YID OIRMISTON BM&. Chancery,-C0flv5Yer &c. OrnaýIùt1h. Offtie soirth o01h.ue Offce l MMiIana lekBrook St G. YOUNG SBCTE, L IL. B e! IloininionWrc-roonisé :ooo: - - CLEARING. WINTER GOODS'AT GREATLY eEDLJCED PRICES. STOCK TAKING SALEtI We offer Ladies' Caps, and Muifs, Men's Caps, Robes, &C., iw- AT GREAT REDUCTIONS «ff To clear ont balance of stock. We have only a few Robe Secure Baigais. Ieft ini B1'k and Grey. Now is the time for Cheap Overcoats, Wool Shirts, Hosiery, Mitts, Gloves, &o. Jobs in î»Dress Goods. POWEL&C'of ,à-Sxith's Block, a w, PHI E~C for lb.he n" sappticncEt

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