- - With cale -printcd words pool tbougbtfesu * Propos., Knpwte4go~ B~otb.rbood. OL. XXXI. Zstablished 1856. ieedi w~eekiï In Ontario Couotïf S*em euipent and bes furnished cok md Jobpitg plant in Bastern atar capabl ef*etItiDg ail clamse.of ork frein the l"Xe .Postr O te i. m&UeOt mabrn. SPecOl mentionJe1 madle o! the ,,upasled proïsefacilities o! Tue Onuox- W.@, *fth its celebrated N. 'Y. Cottrel ,@;uder pres ad other modem- conveni- ýjé. Bvery order receives prompt, care- Stni L TERMS 0F ÂDVBRTISINSG. R1GGS & IVORYI 8.3 ILor. Ring and 'Y="ge ts., Toronto>. Thousande of ersons, abwulely palzles by the U»eOfcai eAir. 46 mIe viiLa y, Laiugley kBurkep ARCHITECT. Designu for Churches, Villes and Cot- tage. a speialty. Drawinge prepare4 for remodeling eziating structure. Oirricz-Firlit fiât over Howee's Drug pirst insertion yr lUne, 10 -cents ; euh more. P.O0. Box 202, Wumrr. beequeut jnzert-Ofl, 5 cents.i pIîsptayed Advertisements are zneaeured y a scale of solid Nonpareil, snd charged S B R R S cordingly. S B IR R S q Advertiiement sent withont wrltten gtructions insorted' until forbidden, and LIVERY and SALE STABLES, uarged for fullturne: Orders for uiscoZtifluifg advertisements Must be iu writiug, otherwise jhe publish- BROCK STREET, WHITBY. ers will not be responsible. o BieadG d re .Tmees A liberal discounit for contract sdvertiz so odbise.n odHrs. erse- mente by the yesr. Copy for changes of oabe contiacot advertîsofeflnts should ho handed 19 SEBERT BROS. in riot lajier than Wednesday ; and notine cf anay intended changes shonld ho givehi 009()00lOO PEOPLE US * efore Tues3dfty nobfl. Other advenuies. ve fnentà received up to Thursday noon. E D Business notices in local or news colunine . y e dret insertionl 14 cents per lino of Nupa- O M. FERRY & CO- reil; 10 cents per linsoa'e i subsequent §et e admittedtobeth insertionl Five cents per lhue per annuni. Ma o Correspondence solicited f rom a&l parts 0.UM. FERRY & CO'S of the County or neighboring townships. h. ibt$ » Correepodets are requested to sen& in Aa«p»à PS their conmuiatiofls as proinptly as ettSU RN, possible, RNERO &GÀÂ,-ForE1towi Prepietor. f=sekl JORN STANTON, witho r Bup't Mechanical Dep't. JOUN . F& EWEL, LL.., AWÂYSAT THmH1 par-' flolleseo! Canad Tusosee 1 BARISTB, Couty' rowg ttorey, an?.iffi lenaI Snt rOeM ., B I ARRISBR, " .Office Tomerly 00-1 13cupied by Fare- Il& k utledge, next to Royal Hotel, BrockBTi., Wiitby. AlÂdrous82 pRINCS8 SBT., T *4Ui50 OP Kingston, Ont. l. DA.VID ORMISTON, B.&. AÀTToRNEY4&T-LAW, BOLICITOR IN ~' .m chacSir onvyaner,&O. OnxoB-Ini tie Office eouti cf1lthe Post Oafce, ln Mommllade BlOck, Brook Street, G. YOUNG SMRITH, L L. Bat- ."- "lagr3R "&.,&c-ubney totoLii Ohcz-Smithi5 Block, sonthtiof Market,wo z :>.XrEU. Brook St., Whitby. - Pmtnasihe. 1Je.a esCirsueaud cffecM JO AILL DOW, 4emer ttomis n Cl'UJreu 4 Ad Bin Ohsnceryj. Oonveyancsr, &c. Offo-DeverMl'a Block,, Brook Street, D U whTO unde-!D.U N PS WhiRYtby. LtÉ"-Prlvath.%a insauis up ho 800, staI aloy raIe o!fsu- ____BA.KINOr ARISBAT LAW, BOLTITOR 1IN L.IW LJD W" BChneyCnvYUOtboo s ina- coe Btret, Oshavaý.THCO 8BS RIN JiaFF PEASE fURNACOE COMP'Y' Boe me~uclur»nof lb. Oe'bba DB. MELBOP.ma, 1( . (Bdin-O"ONN»-: lENO University,) . J.ad..~TORONTO, OýNT*- burgi), &c. No. 8, THEffl- SO,"BON8. Wm. MeR RIZBi, 9-1)-t Nèl*eVSp~ Dre. WARREN 5j W. CUTHBERTSON, U. B. (Tooto> M.D., C.M., (Victoria)- OIFIOB a 3u-OKTJIN.ç,O -m. C. CIRÂW ~roTH VBTERINAII SIYBGRoeI. Ceffsupo~ We .IR. H W~ CREMI13T AN»DBU~K~ ,a Cbzsfzgodu , eilomprialng Ladies" Work Box-e Whi-sk Holders, 1 Odor Cases, Iiirrors in Plush, Toile t Cases, Large ! Vaseis, And 'an assrtinent of otier articles suihable for presenta. eau and Exanen Our Stock Baera Purchasing El«whri. LAMPS Brass and Bronze, HAffGIffG OCor. Brock sud Dundas Streeta. 3OTTOM PRJCES ooma few, along also feo thinksý la tii. ing o Bals"z HLutoh great Mr. interel Hall a is geti The mng on nel Mil:e pul ou G a i soLs -AOBEiTT UBE OBLEBBATBD HIARVEY LAFifPsl W.. R.go*, À M1T"DD l7ERJLR 1,~ 8~ AIRido.Ti.fi TERn>,Q.g ga te r e hb à , O .fà f ed lb smok wlhhshBad wek i jmrdtrugh thi roof, We nul stndiowevew, uthaê 1honly er, s viuthigdan~e euutaiied wau the lose Of bil y, may theur trouibles b. z.boarding ah Mr. FOsiter He seemu le b. golag eU with Iapupils. He lu afootbail team whieh i. Se able 10 playaMy 8s1hoo1 an d cm. oui with glov- dise Valentine, leacher of Di iu ai.boarding ai M. iSh soees beb.taking t i theobidren. Blake iu ho speak iu lb. Dr. Bac l i themsonio I&y aflernoon. T4is riding loi of Before attention. «en cf the, Brooklu Bkat- Il bold liu fintGarnival, day nlght Beveral vluable, * Offer.. The. admission 49A cents; oatumenrs t- e. liusud giviDg fou page-o r tïd.bid lu the maniage of ide jMd Miss Bdith Bod ,kme the villagerssomevhal ~MlBond wu ra mombr glit OhbeOcoir and is "b.youglady. The cr- p.rfored @%tend Our tWlhe. , otemou ïbooi for lthe Mouth of -Ta na * :-ZiKu w 1 Bo U bl. Belib. B. SiuPuoO, . da Kiulsa ni.4h ea9sounOr, 0G.-BOct, Ob de MO lhclSzmpocJ. MFarlno.4th Knr, sS unior, May ooer; AU.. Ber- de vint. t.s Q.W.e r sd Tante Barrli. eaizauuti rd ise S3r, Mary SOOtI. Annie Yorgie ho iaaid B&o RVecu aud David Molarlane. De m96et e'da ilu r. Walteger~oat1im LIDieob Bru ýoôper, J. Bot. papersu 5AGLAX.asd dei Our .uheprisig isinavery busy. body am Ufr. Rookerof01 15 ie le . la Mok;dead Our merobsut, Dovson & Oseogie, ba aMg a good trdo.lèetd Be. Mr.LiÀddy, our pstr,-ashU td1e a yn revivasl siese bhue. W. u.lghb4 "l baviug good mtings. ilo.a Ur. Wm. Targaul tof ouirImeloft kozilry. bce on Wednosday frl. Uio de club. ~~to$ee o>rahlie gospeMl. 4W.wlhcb4 1-i0 théeS le-iet clb ru .ozuroh iuhoud ,g- ' e, cooerl ou 4ti ,of tbis moptb. wa Y-ae mnu@ Iuk vIS imani' o f dt ià Étpposed th havo-e rulted trom ?.fe bursting of a blood-vessoêL 8h. baesSbi a large faoeily of childrein to moanuber Thé anx'iiersary iWi' onnectionith 1% the biethodist ohuroh prôved a d.oxded 01 succeas. 'The church 'eas filled té overfiowing aI esch of the tirse e.j ,iceu'axad tb. congregation were trealed b~ .10 foroiblo and eloquenti sermons from Rer. Mr. Emuley, from Napanee, 3ev. Mi. Matthewe, from Picerng, aT>hn 3ev. Mr. (Jonron, from gcarboro. Td dinner attraeted a large igath.ring, 4nd, ï judging from the rapidity with wbioh the. viands disappeared, oaci came with thei determinaiteon 10 do justice to the excellent repast whieh ýhe ladieskprovi. Zed. The. Tenth LUne ohoir furnished excellendt mugie for the oculion, and 3ev. Mesurs. Emslqy, and Friedad- dres.d the audience. At the cloue Oui fpastor a nnonnced thal lie reoeipts of the. ovening voee 85, *IiiCb, with col-1 Issitiotie, subsoriptionso,!sud.lb aMount1 raised by the Là adies' 4d, nearly tiqui-.1 daled the churchýdebl.! Idi. and Mms.E. -awrnee have r.turned from hbeir Yvit l 10 iii. en. Thoir friands are plesued ho welcomle them home. The Kinsal. oboir rallied te lhe asuiaanoe.of th.-etl'X a sof Greeün Swood, a.h heu sé6"oa Mondoq even- 1 mg lastand reudeoea oiloo service. 1 Though -the uighl vwisstormyr,7uev.uul Klnsalilesatt.iided 1 thi <reeiLood auulorsry o li, ~toiat. Tliey ilmou by Moe, prefe ble Limehil tfl jar c aI vrkih otisoul Who l- ruiesW r. lbor obde Mun su'iiosean~de-we oer -GaORder de 6oui iort se de ToroutÀ pecial mission of dia'l ucprlc ublle mit ororci, l o de pim o xlstyeaOUdI NO# 9. 117 I ý e arpae Ti$ elieve etii4 ager lu e rter ,,Kely At he Obe 'ln~cu es o at week, Mr. Gleeson vas appointed on., )f tie onhy lauditoft. Mir. M. Gleeson beft on Monday -for -, tho Iîontroal carnival. HO xet» be aws y a vek. P t Mr. Jas. Me 'ay of Toronto, suid Donald MOLay f Port Oohborne, were sers last week attending the funeral oéf- their unele, Mr. Ww. McKay.- Tii. ohurch of -England tea- and concert takes placs hie (Fridayl) even.- ng Agood programme je promiaed.é reh M tehe hall at 6. Co thr ii ii sohool houeai 8.- ThO. Methodisotesuad lecture. wu beld! lait Wedneedsy. Owing le, sîoroey weather- lie attendanc.; wu o large. Bev. 'L;J. P. er msande- livered; a good, lecture onùPpua Amusemeut."An after, uocial vau held on' Monday, aI wbich the Ber.. A. (J. Simpson delivered au addreu., The. congpegatlon- have almout aucooni- ed la vipîugefflihetour.idebt. Counoil meels noxi Monlay. - M. ]. Barett ha. jdtut'returned from Vlsltibg M, bouds , n Park ill... U*MisAma (hhristle .18 pendiug a fev Foiu lu1otHope. Tho traistesieewlug kril uecâaeqay tW y.?. g lu. laes1Tc Dr. Bogant', Dunda 14.-VA14Z) j~I M- WHEITBY-, ON I. "r- Uj NO',,