*1< ~CHEAR, CHEA Pe B rushes of ail kinds Combs Chamois AND Toilet Articles. AJOB LOT ~THE MEDICAL HALL, ODOR CASES DRESSING CASES WIIISK HOLDERS TRAVELLING COMPANIONS SUITABLE FOR fe1 -ETC ETC XNM. 6. E. GIBBA RD. ObNLY Si oo PER ANNUM. Whltby, Friday, Feb. il) 1887. SH&LL thre people of Wbitby celebrate the Queens Jubile? Almost every oCher lowu je getting clean linon pro. pared for thm ocoasion and our good old burg je kuowe te stand far in advanoe of thor a&Il for loyalty. Conld vs flot momie op money nongh sonne way to bave a celebralion of some knd. Nozi Tueeda>' ià -nomination day for tire Conmns. 01 course il vili b. held bore s mneal for Ibiscoosltuency. Not wiehiug t10tmn for a gerrymnandered couslitutency, the fighting man cf tbe (JURONICLE staff bad made up hie tnind (nl>'le tocontentthlb.wirolo oounuy. Thie, howveor, il -appeare je nol accord. ing 10 lHoyle and of course "Can't b. did." Ou. ides was liraI on@ max> could botter represeut Ihie noble cocut> tShan tbres-or ix> othor vorde il would b. botter for lire ceuntry' to have cul>' one inember for overy tbiee nov sent 6.O.. . 0 é- . . to la" gay là Do, VO 5h5.u have le 'Conlent oureelves b>' havinag Ibre. ordirnary mor41el seul instead cf lire illuqîrious warrior cf our staff- Perbâps tbey oea>'gel .bong someirowý. AN objection wbicir ias ometimes beun taken bto te central faire nov springing op in tatire b do net meot tire vant of stock fairs in tire spring. Happily tire ide& bas elruck tire Southr Ontario ceunI>' socioty le launoir cut in Ibis direction and a shrow cf stock animals wiil be beld hon. about the fret of April. The country round about being alivo vilir imported and Omnadian bred stock cf tire finit watmr, thé 'Wbitby Spring Stock fair shonld be coecf lire besl in lire Domninion. If tire show is le be beld anlier than spring faire usually sr e, vo trust the promotene viii have tire annoncement made aI once in eider to give stock- breeders lime to gelt thoir stock ix> condition. For out ovu part ve dcont go in for holding tire show befere about tire 201h &pîii, as tire chances are far greater tirat stock viii re 'in gond condition and aieIirmt tire oads vil ire passable. If oui date o.ould b. made te harmonizo vitir those cf' Markiram, Mancirester, and Columbus faits, eacir vouid be enabled tb have a botter show. Ou. trip could thon b. made tb coven ail these shows.' IF there b. yel a dude left, in Whitb>' we muet be permilîod te congratulaI. hm upon tire fact tiraI hoiras Sliiia friend-a lady. In Iris isseeh asha usne Opublisirtire imter te b. fonnd, elieeviere, solting forth ber vielws as ho the attire thre maie soi shculd veau. ",Dadix>e's" ideal dude seenats tet. somelhing lin a ver>' SIîg4ir- degre. bearing thme igffe cf a Dmr, vih long cuni>' hair, looe handkeuohief labout tire neck, plailed blouse, aid knicker., b.oekers.- Modest>' perhaps prmvented eotr f air centributor frcmn saggeStleg tire.addition cf a bloomer ekint reducin tireamo f vision te that portion e thé dude'. shank viricirlas vqlgsrJv oalled thm calves. W. migirt alo ad Z as théeýoutécme cf omnoing ê'ur l*wer- fol antd etiticAmisupone. e ubjeot, tire angetion that &a bush. wuhd adil tW lthe g.neisl a rtisti. peawauo. o paprsaniiei ro prv~ esom, that thé e so. Hall worki4 Oshrwa, are oetting their oye W esteh.soue ofthose tcwns Who are Ohuvgryfor manu- facturer.. Tues. --works ii the past have borne a r.putation-@meiUim otherwisee; but nov matters Mr greatly changea and ii is supposed they have l their reputation entirely, botb Rood' and baýd, and nov tliet are about in proper trim b hedge about aý, uttle and keop their veather sys apen an>' towns Who are fools enough Wo bonus matu- facturers. Oui own impression is &hat the matter ie a sort of &nction business and -tbat the Joseph H all w~orks will gladly marry the one who wooes witb tho most mone>', lot the location or other adjunota of the matcoh be what they . meay.' If Whit1by ever gfvee a bonus to secoure a factory il muet be cne wbbb has always paid a 'bundred cents on the dollar, and wbiob is iw the bande of mon. having a reputation as WEL. A Trip to Brooklin. Tuosic vbo stood on thre corners cf Brook and Dundas strects on Taesday night belveen thé heurs cf 7 and 8. muet bave Ihcught ILat the whole love vas off focià alsolgir ride. Single rige and double rig@, and rigs cf alî orts, aises 'and oombinations, wene seon making w il directions and loaded te tiroir fulleat apacit>', with jovial parties cf meri>' makeus. One largo ueigb boad beaded for tireEast filled wiih sens and daughl7a cof temperance bound on a fratern*l vicit ho tiroir sister societ>' of Obava. Twc otheï boada filed wMlhmuocnu and their wives, etruck Northr te attend tire installation of thre offloore of. Mount Zion Lodge, Brooklij, and te colebrate the festival of St. Jobn the Evangeliet. We noticed eomething remarkable about lb. make.up cf lire latter loade whioh imft no doubt wn car mind that the part>' vas net made up cf young folk@. Ail thre ladies were in> eue load, and aIl thre gentlemen, ae tvc vire undertook te pilot the precions los4, voe e e1 Ohei. Whstheritil a. tbat theire lies were afraid tiroir hum. bande migiri eteal away vîtheut them, that tir.>' paptured tire firot selgir whioh came W hand, or Ihaà t tue bretiren desired te Salk over th. secrets and mysteri'es of dthe Order by themselves, y, kuov net, but thre (set remains nevertholeua rt one. aIde a rnarch on tire otirir. Wirich one ev don't know. Adveisity makes strange bedfeilows and nmcessiy knovs ne lmw. The liymnes vere tazmd te their utmest, sud il vould net b. surprisiug te irmar tiret sente of th. parties met advmntures b>' tir. va>, wviriciadded ho or detracted (rom-lie pleeunreî cf lb. drive on tir&t delightfol oevéning. One] cf the herses driven b>' Mi. Devéuull vas preseod mb, service for the ococa- ien. H. vas au -aristocratie higir &apirited *quine, aud ou severmi occasions flaîl>' refuséd ho condnsosnd tb.act in unison vit i rs lees favered Ã"OMPanicu. Ir bu tuiked Lu bi ofn" te clean a piloir iole at a single bcuud ho trould gel on hbis dignity sud tara- iag iris aistocratie nose heavenvard, stand 11km a statue, until smci ýtine a iro iad iuiled thre suspicions cf tir. i*teiested. pectatons, wvir o ie ould suddeuly spring fonvard, as if mirot from a catapuit, and bring u? smem fort>' rods airéad. Tire sigi, being a long one, rockmd over the hrrible pilcir-irles like a Ife.boet lu thre billove, and Ihm pasmengens flmw front end te oend cf tire miigir as lireugh tire>' worm mwingi.eg on a-poudu:lunt. Il vas a sirocking trip sud tiré ladies vere, almosltirhunped «te destir. Hovever vo aIl arrivedl at Brooklin ntluthastnd found a veloome front open anme. Tir. entertainment provîded b>'tire membere cf MounnIZion Lodge vas firsî-elses in ovin>' particular. .Tire ladies cf Brooklixu previded tire spread and kopt up theu estabhiuhed reputa- tien in tisrairspeet. Aften-thm installa- tion haël taken placé, tire lodge. vas olosed and tue brothreu and tireir vives spoul a meut enjoyable veisg. Au interestiug &veuit teek place during tire eveniug, tiraI did hoor ho thre brellurn cf MoentnI i->The valuable services îendered ho Masony dung Ihe hast quarter cf a ceutur> b>' Wor. Bic? Cal- vin Campbrell an>d Wor: Bio. Biekie vere publiaI>' aokuovledged sud bobi of lire veterans in M*Ooery voe epue- seeled witir P.M. jevels. Tire presen- tation vas made by Wcr. Bo. Murray con behaif cf tire brotirren cfMounnI Zion, lu teints upost utabhê. j3oth cf lire recipionts made replies ltaI sboved tiroy ful>' ébppreeiated thé houor. 0:On. ferred. Sirospeeces-by Bics-Bates, Brovn, Reddith, Blar ad Houderson eud an eacelo*at reading b>' Mise Editir Murray, bicugirt tle,eveanug's enter-. tli ltITire ladies£1.11disap»o te lu net beiutg give>r a ehauüetth a. Tire flloing is the.list c ft-ro:- Wor. Bic. Murray,- W. M; Br 0. HaSrIt, 13.W. ; Bro eddit, .W.; Bro. B. 0. -Warren, 8.SWy andreas; Bic. T. . Johustos,. Chap. ; Bic. 0. Allenis, Tyler: Ero.8Speucer,8.P. BrÂl.ý>., Kton J-D. _f urh 1 1 01, &Mbeftohere. - Tho roofiafflé beamconustruction andlithe- in ùiè windo$vs are ftld with ëw.> "oJ giving lý-b. fioià hiug touoh.~ b>,a>'place of publi>votshIp woko. à f. Thepriole ftew liowy, th. paering havingien oe ini a mariner Wo permit of berng fse èl at mre futuredate. Tii.basèinrt l euitabli arranged foi 8unà y,.ihaol" ,Werk, althcugh on Mcnday lýth& i resembledth. dining-reoUacfj. Mageificeet palace. Heat froà i a large furnace is onduoted throu 1h*-,' buildieng aI vill. The fdesiu om the pencil of our count>' aihitét Mr. A. A. Post and is of a kind re fte.tlng oredit upon his genlus. MomeTis~hpe. Devenul, of Ibis towag andThiou. Rleedersen, cf Donbarton. aid tii. building . part. Aflei partluipating heartily of tb. prodigal aupplibgiùùlh- md by the Dobarten ladies-On Konday, night., the large oompan>'sought te body cf Ihm cburcb, vheîe Mi. J. 3D. Edgar teck the. chair. The fflaking vas b> far more billiant than Ostil> veau.,s the hif.eout of suoh gatheringe being aprinkled with witýsud anecdote, in> vhieb the latter each of -thr e a#er seught te out-rivahhia olesagues. 'The whole affair passed off most aseably, for the te& iealiaed nearly $125, out cf the $4100 coet cf the churoh's erction oely $600 rentama nov to be paid.] W. r,&oo rat Jte our Donbartoufr1snds upon 4~ fine place cf vorship thei.r lealty ha. smcured for trent. conmmunicatio8 W. accord mveiy resident cf thes cont. munit>' the.priviiege cf expresdsishi vieve on, public questions- Mi Tm COnNîcLza bt, of courue, do net noces- Parily accept any man'a belefas uius. Lot the man's viewa be for or againsi ours, bis -pnivilegosý in these obaumno are juel the sane, and à as a favor v. would askr that aJý express theu in as moderato brneseaspossible and aise te rexuerber that bievit>' the seul cf vit. *Rdi for CMUexCLa Sma:-My -attention bauées.iJ ho a communication in >'eur isu.e Fob. 4th, in viricir $ire riler vho sig irimsmlf PresbyternI*expresses "sorroq (L[do net tlmwk tire word veli coie» because lire managers cf the Daubant cengnegation invited J. D. Edgar, Bas te ooeupy the chair aI th. opouinfi tireir nev churob. At 1h. mam@ tic h. tries Wo deliver hlm& rigirteens soul1 making a Most uuvaanled as cevardi>' insinuation coosrnug t ahamater of tire gentleman "rfirdt and iniris fiighh cf bel>' i8dignati he aime enter. the field of prôphoiq and tiresn n doubt lookingmer I t linos thit ire iad p.nun. aud rocahlir tire spirit wviiciprompledii.hoin,1 quite propenl>' eUs for a 'smueintea mng ag.ey tW cotol muck numr outbreaks cf part>' usa." BuotI aun mot auwpi*s4 prafiaced Ibial epmumollo Ceu eewépoùrd"ni 'W se todu terma" for 1 confeu. tha" sdificui"t1 read sus)' a %owerdly. oanting pi duotion sud folle, >'our good adn As semneter>' cf tris eomnittee alto mte tcgay &bat vo mvited Mn. Edu Wo proside, Dotnas * politioisa,but ae "1Paietie o IYal» repreautà ;tive gentL mnx,wmell qualifie odo dconor tomm suhi position, ail cfvWb"cho ireopio irimsmlf W b. on 1h. ev.umg ef'the Il alt., wirmn ho se ably fin"od-1h. ci I vould aime nenirnd a"Prebytr"thi ah tire time cf oui sqlootios, p&ri. had ect been dissâlvmd, etirt h hauguage is an i.u1uht, ctul>'ho St managers zeferred to, but ,W 1)'. i télligent consatituents viicir Mr.-ldà represent4d, and (nitrer 1 wouUd as liraI vingtthe Duubarton people tu speciail>' uoted for atteudiug te the own business, sud I doubt sot vou -have ver>' stroug susopicons cf &nY - M vire udracOa f love tle 1 h ar vould liras strive le advaxwe. -r intereste. Yel if yen vilh hindi>' <i 3s the saure cf Jour 6coiroepo ze and a statemeul cf lire aurclit th&& 1 ontributes for tire 1:support of 'Q churochstihome and the -sPreed$io l gospel abroad, ifvwe fée! varrante % ray onsuli; him befoech#, is another cirairman. r Masculin., Dresa. Edor Oamau -- sm-..Iu s i-fthemirthI ld cf kq', c f me by 'ire te, ont' '~ e GX STRIKIN( [UT OBUR Are Now CJlearing Out Proparin&,for a Mueh The Balance of Their Large- Stock'of Winter Dry Goodi Larger Stock of Spring and Summer Seleotions of Stapl<l Fancy Pry-Goods, Notions, -&o, &c. &-nd 1i Ordexr To reduce The Present Stock of Winter G éods, Consisting of Blankets, Flannels, Shawls,. Cloudg, Glôves, Hosio M antles, Man tle Cloths, Dress-Goods, Plushes, Velvets, Furs, &c., &c.7 They have decided to Clear ail at Special Prices. Also Tweeds, Oloths, com4 Suitin ge, Pantings, and Over Coatinga, and Everything in the TailoMin Departno AT SPEOIALLY LOW PRTOE-S. Now is The Time for a Clieap Suit., Ail Goods Marked in- Plain Figuxi Cali Bangy and Secu:'*e Bargains ai The Wkitby D,ý Goods J3lmy orium. ITZe Os8 'Y' factured. Those vie brave 1hé voild Bwrnz' 001=n. tho and comm forth gracoful acodirig ho âR tiroir ligirI, <essive sinoore ~sk for Woe sbonnd W hbave s fit to-day, irO making thé vorld a semo wbl m W. dou't md if ils amel-, à d sombre piehure, aid boatvi 01oian Tire fit ve vau't is pro-fit, friend, dh> extension cf lieuir ke W a4 thle Be hoock yen, ne and a&U!1 pu M so lifogies Who wvhâla iardly ? vi>'ba ~#ormnsifihe dma lois rank& e Él&dst itlýow t Soiiid ve "s0e curseves asn chers1.m«eSnob bargains v. y*l shev yen, fM to %ts"thbose Ivo bicychig >'Onfl nixAsne'ér vereseen bofore. ro- vir eomupimi tire osuebonib vitir us 0-os lis ferw.bost goisg tp tire lutI w-0 onscientionel>' boee.in Ov Toronto exhibition, muet have f.11 profils&,., and plenIv of 'em. Pleam Wa fiattered b>' Iheir succemsfl sppear ral h&¥can te uýbke 'eux plen 66 amc. The tanned ourplezu n, alirletie W. Waç o Wdrsv yeuî notice to é.fiure, navy-blue suit, seoit hiýt, plaited zmoney-savizdg bargairi in fêlthI t'blousé, loml>'knotted iharldkeichifsiroos, elippeis-sud o'verahoo.-A e nd sdknickerbockers uradé xý a fow aisstil on hand, thougirour i. mumbe,*fan moe.pkiu e -u:lie in tof MJper cont., bea madea tiraIcf moest oteladies 1t0vers ho a i bent, andj4"iu't la ldm aIpisent, net tW meubles lie c rer gos-a-mou ethe:. ýnI homes. Ose vold u ad rideý r I soc My, fell go 'rond liéebond; big lie mal. cisure capable of spch deli- ood-blo' y., nty ri, good-ejye 1 ire bac>', mucirfatky-like grausas ladisboor- They're ailof 'ém fled wiîirsli Sen.d lulie painting cf t Frenchir mon; P& Pagemhn at heilus rbtiosGood-bye, myvreisgéond-bye. 8Y ratiri rmuitéd teoOui colad 4practi- Hère a utle, thore a tl. . oImoders li.. W. tlrisk udlie ae >'ousowehisg ou tire most tri eu iesses, ýpink matis jacket asd 'esbo purchase. Ladies', gestemeu's, b dd pressved eo anua,,* model br fMure girls' and oildron'a durable le& ~5 gnértios cftir due. oots -at prices caleulated to a cli A. D INE. "H r imues" Wdeatir. No -one 1>' =ndemssl us;ana esoèape théesirsrif If a vellbe isÃ" Woe,be, liosevire ili drink hhermal. Ili. e worme trsmee re feintais etlite, for o0e'0 sul fori »~mad»W neatertv. ,Olenix> or its- >eO or Itrme r ztmâe bi ies done. l Irose deptha la'.hadév lima V~ ~ ~ hh -~ Like the tint cf ersukù -' usg Býwc»oq fixe cU±reýt ofta"* in theisthe owh of théetuhee, - Bitri Obso~Blis4ting es6ý Oro fUgýss your Sye -~ ~ ~~hv Haef$ rcnvlIngid eh,~ ~ e pick throir nocé et a a' bme*th oie ér changeble ptite? If »5OL.8 e!i drueagYU fl~5i rind,1 close mo 0 OU , fev vbig dfing Mare, ~e an 'r.w Tho NeÃŽ'et Dsg >TheLowest Prices, ..-The most Durabl .0ufaà ýý-teTimekpr -AT- BARN ÂAID FE)BltUA.RY iiths 1887.' -LOCAL.L C NIS WIIAT 18 801MB ON 1K AND AROUNW Tôt BUDGET 0F LUYELY LOCAL NEW8LAN Wl OIIRUILE REPORTERS cA hioea ifgye, ai nI n'f uit)' hell pr- il." l'lm assise c -oiyl t 0atW on. Marc)' 14tfa, Mr usli Rose siding. (Jcborgsise r ei r 4th. M JsieBegaf TEM fret onulmetn f the Se>' Central ( air,:association place iah Port Pu'c'e nomt. A nmbe qfpeo1,fiOf oi SPECIAL BA -OFFEà RED .IN- Silverware, sentle in w) Wv