,jit hie brolh5r. ger l kb.rt and W. J. PhSxoeicf ~obasb been visitiiig friende hers. Mér Amos StIone basbought caltmad badabrick resideflce the coem* 1Ut. Win. Love bas brick dravu 10 rick bis V*ilgqý residelice'.RH. inende unning a butohery business. Win. Burton, a lad a&bout fi(teont feul n a beam in his brother'e barnc, a Ob &,go, and broke hie arm. hQ qSons of Temperano.. intend 'viug oe eOf their popular entertain. entoB shortly after the. cleotion. Robt. Wellsq, Who was kioked lust Jane playine foot-bil, bas been on oret jeo ever stucs, but we are glad to TI's Methodist parsonage committee are asking for tenders for building the. parsonage. Somae cf the brick are on the grouad and thingo are looking like The- 1ev.- Mr. Walker bas been 'hlinug spocial revival services i the Methodist church during thc past week wjth eneOuratging prospects. The Bey. Mr. Mtheeon-et Toronto will msiet i tâeo meetings Ibis present week. 1Our Methodist friends are holding 65peCial services Ibis wesk, they are assiste4 by thc Bey. Mr. Matheson. W. hope they May do mach grod, as tiare is a splendid chance bers. Sin. ners fiee frein the wrath te corne. There was a span cf horses came * à rorigh the village ivithout auy driver 6e Monday, and wcre stopped by H. V. Lave and taken te lth. botel.- About $n heur afterwardi tb. man wua found in a fonce. corner. tw miles nortb. Tic saine nîghtwo miles eout lier. vas a s imilar occurence. One cf eurtlownsmen bas bis mimd busily ongmged tbese cold days trying to gel np a turbine wind Mill. H. bas the tramne ereoted sud some ef lb. znmachinery i it sud partly boarded over. When il is finisbsd, if il will work, it is inîended te ran a sawing maohine. We wishb bite uoees. PICKEI:nG. Mies Lizzie Morrisscy, cf &bis village, loft Qtawa on Friday for a vieil te ber- sister, aI thc HoellDieu Cýonvecîron- treal, Que. Mr. John Coultice, who' resides a short distance.eerth of lie village, met wi$b a soties lossa fow nigita mgo. Il appears tiser. je a'lrap door in tise ban, Ièading te lbe cellar benesti. On th. night of the accident, lb. dcior Wau loft open for tb. purpose of airing the recta. During thengbt oe o f bis boraes.gel looe sud stumbled ijute tr tp, catch. ýing itlsad en oneeBide, sud vas thus strangled te dti. The animal vas [valncd aI $125. . ~Mrt. Oamdo eSanderson, vile of Tises. anron, wbo reaides inear the. lake shore, and Who bas bec jen dei- cml. bemli for years vilh consumption, teck-votsesviii. on a vieil le ber son at Brougbam, and died tien. on lb. 27tb Jan.-Bs vmasd 51 years and 8 menthe. Tise funeral teck place froua ber, se's repidence te Ibte Chritatiae bnrial,,ground on Sunday lut. Moiti sympatby is felt for thc boeved bus- band and family. Tic cheèr evenig as lie proprielor ef tie Gordon flouse in Ibis village vas clearing op the devu-stairs reom for lise nigit, mand lmmedimlely after h. had thrown lie sveepicgi jutoe h. tove, he vas startled by a leud explosion coming ticrefroin. Visions cf dyne, mite explosions passed tireegi bis mmnd in a second, but on recoverig himsélf ho vase- tiU "&Ili tier,' sud at once prooeedd le irestigate. A twitching sensation onclisi crin auoedl him te throv cff bis coat, viien ho lound liaI something had gene thrcugf his coal leeve mcd graaed- his aam. Hie bande bad mlie bec bit and buend in sevetral place@, but ho isa .1111 unabîs >ho tell vial did il. no vonld c1ao 1k la knov vbat eausod tise ezploaion-. 'Strange teoa.y, lise steve vau Dc damaged. The Oyster Supper bore inU O f tlB. Church fand vs li '-llced e lbe 1ev. N. R. Wiipgibyla Lectur afler lie Supper ob Tc aied wau admirable, vs. regret bith e 86vé cf Our people hoard lthe.,à terl umd instructive Lcue Dotor Frccik Wcmrsc vavery suo- cose3ful last week lu po'rf0rming #& very ciical surgicop.rclloc a.Upen lb. gernou cf Mr. FreêSoumis o9fthmsee- Tihe Docter vas easieed by lires thier medical ment ana vo cm. pleà eed toisa thaI Mr. Scurrch.is jdsowly IXmffrove, ,sminte gorpion. Lut vsek ville allecdlng Sobeel- c liltie girl cf Mr. Garmons vhlle oi -I l publie slreel jenfrotof tieboo*os 'Wurun over by cbotse --sud bbau hd se badly burt îhalllevcs focnd cesasa ary le ampulate one Of bar -fflgus OUr scisool yards sboula b. ma&s large, euough fo ply omi asd thes. Obk ctn notalloslplay on lb. ýubll The largo auaeut Of pgranlb b bmelicé ,icto B"cévcI b. Puti"an ésdoubto lb f4 a mpi1 Wshoaî. Hovoyer, h Iy.on -Bm... M.J. W. eSuitis, n«o h fIis-0 Sf.w 4aysa ago bougisîone ton cf biuna icag twinu, ccd li fiown dh s hait a4onofai W. Ou gi1urday -lusI mru. Wiggins of. Montreal mother of Mr. J'. Wiigz of this towns, met vilh a misforte eb al down slire and break he« thigh. Mr. T. M. lîdmondeon, Boits Oshav b.d the mistortue eoce ridmy evenieg lusîlo gel ons of hie legs sligttlysaprain. ed above the ankie, whioi confines hlm obi hibouse. The Mesurs. Edmonde have over- hauled thhir steam auuilliary power, which je nov ifirst.clmss condition. Tisa, mille are nov ie a thoreugb shape, have a large trnde, and il is tiei- tention of. the new firme b operate day acd aiglit. Master Allen Bietle, wbo vau se bad- ly bitten by a dog a fsv veeke &ge, though net *'able te put bis foot te lie ground, is gradually reqpvering. mnd lakes Ibis opportunity te lhanIk bis mny friende for their good wishes and kind attention. Rev. Dr. Roy, of Cobourg, will de- liver hie eelebrated and pepolar lec- turc entitled "From Ontario te lise Pa- eifie," ithe SimcesStreet Methodist (Jierci, on Tbursdmy evening. Feb. l7th, te, commence at 8 o'clock. We féel. sure lier. will b. a l"arg adier-ce present te hoar Ibis able acd loquent divine on sncb a very interesting sub- jeol. SUNDER*LAN». - Business is quiet el preïent. mi. W. Gordon shipped a car- cf horsts the other day te tise States. A meeting of our cilizens wus beld on Mondmy nigbt te diseuse the advisa- biity cf lelepione communication, Mr. W. Gaîboun Was voted te lb. chair. It wus considcred that, as Ilepione communication was eborîly te b. made belveen Uibridge' mcad Lîndsay, the- present would b. opportune te _mct in connection for Sunderland mise, as il would only take about one mile of pole aiýd vire te make tise conneelion. A réquisition vas gel ep ced forwardsd te thce ompany atIliamillon asking liaI tbe village b. connccîed viti th. telephone system. Tii. citizen@ are entisusiastic over lbe malter acd ils neceseà sured. . Mr. T. 0. Pallison, posîaster ef Toronto, vas bere recently tlb.hepur- pose cf purcbsing somes s o.p frein Mr. W. Suier. Tiie purebase vas omi- plated and on Tuesday Mr. 8bîer ship- ped 25 Shropshire eves It> Mr. Patti. son's farm st aIEtwood te be used for brssding purposes. Whou Mr. Shier firsî vent inte tie shesp.breeding busi- ness bis friende ionsidcred ho vas dig a very envise.and ceprofitable thing. Tbsy nov se the errer cf Ibeir judgm.nI, for lbe remIt bas bec the. very o0o'ite from wviaIt tey predicesd. Mr. Su or lasI vok cao-eoid cab1aVy draft leai of-horses te a 1fr. <JhrisiÎe of BevrnBidge.- [Gleaner.% .... Mr. Pal- tison bas on. of -tie finest stock farme i Gbada, nad Ibis large perchas. je a conmpliment te 1fr. Shicr's judgment and succes as a socok-raiser. TPhescisool board"bmve madc a granl of $400 to purobue .books for th. library, mape acd oliser equipints. Despihe lise tact tisaI vo have buil- or as gcd s buil-. y ard sciseci bous. during 1maI year, moes aceci- modation is nosd.d. On Baterday laut Meser Quintal & Go.'e ver cI I.dsay and boegit liirly- four herses. Tise purcliasers filled listes cars ced veres aippefi off aI once for- Moctreal. 1 Theseleotion of Mn. MoEaohren, reeve of Eidon, 10 tbc wardenship of Victoria wau a spitable recogctioiý b lise long service.acd experiece cf cen geald friend and of persoual quclitie sta ma irehm c popalar memibor. Gonsiderable radt e abelng doe froin Ibis district ln cattis for tise eity mat- keo acd an average of Ibree ocre pet veek is ablpped frrn Licdaay, bongit by Messrs. Daniel BeelIy, P. B. Molli- targoy cnd olisire. Tiseomblle a&» Pria- oipally for lise -Ternto Marketa. Tise polioe oourî smat a.vhole veà kr vorkicg et casse crisig out of SAlVa- tion Army,,-troubles.Pive vers e r- zciled fr trisancd c cumbor of olis. ors remmuded. Tbsre lsa c ouIetr oharge agalcut ot Bell fer nainsbis gbAnt aro neuasofandt sdoce psy tloir lImm reqst o-lise rouccice cfhé tis . Mnr. Adame, W.ho vu in-, - redM Iis elag- Tiser. car'e-sserci ees o f sieoce«if &round. I am «Wole" XMs.Weu. usyaean. - 'ovmg.. k ef intam- motion of the bovels,Jbut bui takem ac burufor lbe botter. lir.'Alaz. Leu k. oe_ VY.rw I n i -, loba, i, home for th isevlter -' Re >9 pouad a - pai oIîheeoI 9fà icire ba& W I iila AleO. opemK anenb~r d seveumi fauresbav' POU NTTLB RASE,ý, itcMing Pikew9 ieworm Rnptim, ani ait iA lage -st *lis'dîwsao, use Prof. Losa BurM Boap. Thse agrrie troubles are growing wonbeA.SPeOis For au obotinaseharrausing 4e h lhr is no beter remedy tban ilH a'ç -ie- toril Balam, which Camesa11 t, brou-. obil and lung diseases. It in pleaaaut t taire ad effeotui for young or old. HRaîr Vio restores, with the gloss and freshnemm of youth, faded or gray bair to a naturai, rlcb brown color, or deep black, as may b. defirei., By its use liglit or red hair may be darkened, tibm bair. thickeuied, andi baltinema oftený, though nfot always, cured.1.14 ,'It checks fallUng of i.Tié hair, and stiu- lates a weak and slckly growth to vigor. It prevents andi cures scuyf andi dantiraif, antid heals uearly exery disease pecuiar to, the $C*1p. A; a 1a.diep' Hair Dressing, the Vi ooat is iinequalled; it contains neitlier oit nor .lye, reuders the liair sof t, g1osps,, andi si',kêm? in appearaxice, andi imparts a tcilcate, ag~dIandi lasting pîerfunxe. M n. C. P. BiticaEit writes fron Kirby 0O Jeo :t, wsx. - Last fail niy hair comme;nced fallixg out, and inl a short time 1 became iioarly bald. 1 useti part of a bottle of AvERis HÂAi ViGoo, wkhicb stopped the fall- ixxg of the bair, anti starued sa new growth. ,I have now a full hea 1Af hxir growînig vgor. onstlv, andi ann coniXxcFM that but for the use ôf your preparat on 1 shoniti have been entircly bald." li. W. Bwy proprietor of the Mc.Arthuw .tOhio) Enquirer says:- "AvitR'S HAIR VIGOR jq a Miost excelient preparation for the hair. 1 speak of lit from xny owxi experience. lit use promotes the growtlx of new hair, andi mnmke.s It glossy and ttofl. Tie VinGt i.s -aso a sure cure for dAndrtiff. Not w!thin înny knowleige bas the grepaxaon cu r îe gve vztireeatisfaction." Me1. A.r Os FAi1.PAi.N, lertder.oi Oie celebrated IlFairbairu %amily"- of Scottisb Vocaies writes front lBoston, s, Feb. 6, 1&-zo. I Ever sinee mv bair bogan ta gîve sil- very evidence of the change wblch fteet1ng tirue procureth. 1 bave useti AVRRi's HÂaI Vînoa, and so have bc6n le o an.i anl appearanCe of youth!lihîss - aumatt.er of coilsiderable consequenck- to misîsters, ora- tors, actors, anti in factievery one who lives i n te eyes of lte public." 'NMas. 0. A. PRzs5CoTT, vrlting froni 18 Eliot SI., (Jharlestosca, Mass., April 14, 1882, aya:- *1Two years ago about two-tblrds of my hair *came off. It thinned very rapldly, andi 1 vas fast growuLngbald.,- On using A yNE5 aÂlaI V iaoa eIbUn stopped andi a new growth commened, and in aot a montit my heati ivas oompletiely covereti wilh short bair. 15 hma continueti to grow, and is nomr as good »a before it feiL 1 regularly usai xnt one bot;lie of thse ViGo, but now une il occaziiflfly am a dressing." W. have huadreds eofsIlsr totlhMosi& t8 the efficacy of ÀYKrEws H à ' V1002. i15 neoda but a trial te convince the mcm &"akep cal of Us valus, Dr. J. C. Ayer &Co., LoweII, Mmss. Solti by a&U Druggiste. TeMigraph Office, NOW OPBN FOR BUSINESS. DIRECT CONNECTIONS The Gommercial Gable Go. TheBaltbnorea&Ohio TeL Go. The PostalTelegrph Go, A" aul olher oiegraPli. aa oeum» prmpt d1aPà t& Uhue b OP.BY. Go. Telegapis. L. ELWI 1! EXOS NVEUBPORE ,BAOENUÇTE TBAJ3. )d'Siçtmade .,to O re o .O ck-of Scotch, Englieli su aada IwesdsBlack Worsteds, etc., to select. foc lUns: of HEÂVY TWEEDS .from 50 té 15 cents ,per- yard, suitable for ýBusiness Suits or Boys' wear. AI PULL STOCK 0F Q]ROCERIIES %U&WAYB ON RAND. Highest market price paid -for Butter and Eggs. BBOOKLIN, -ONT. Ru RNJTuRE ýCottage- or Castie, -AT- PR/CES WHICH WILL ASTONI$H - YOU. CALL ON WMo. .HA1LT, ]BOOKLIN. UJ~ Funerals Fully Supplied." Whi[byWollt.NiIIý , Mfidway belween Rrookli« and Colutmbus, qn the 7tk Gonoe8sion. W. are now prepared to make ail kinds of Woollen Gooda, such as Tweeds,. Full Cloth, Union Flanels, gheeting, Shi.rtings, A]1-wool bed Jlankets, Horse Blankets, and Yar n mail varieties and ,al khIdds - of Knitted -Goods kept in stock for the acommodation 'of p*tons. +iTYeing in aU colore done-to oïder. Highstprie.paid for a-ny qatt c o Ail orders promptly filled. jW. Du BOWEIIMA N ARCADE, 'J TORONTO. A Sol Thoogbly ECquipped for Dsn BOOK-KEEPING) F BUSINESS 8.CORM~SPO1NDENC, BUSINESS ÂBTHMETO OMIQ FI N EBT ROOM.S 1N,CA ,E1DE.1 '('J eaUowotGContinue tumors bsm Wh ~~ieedn&u1cet,cmfge' .b.SWAfNE'B' OIlMINTi Stops 1h. itchlni and-'bleedine, letueLSft 9 .HvHow' W R iore 5 -W. have* reëut1y pul s nov edition. of DÉ. < thisea&v rain)sd.permaânent cure (ç meicine> of Neryous Debiity, Men nag, tc, eslÙ4gfrin excesses. ~i'nice, lu eld euV.kee cents, ortwu postage istarnps. Tise oelebrauttor, in thisai Essay, oleà ardonstratesfroin yeave' ucesal practise, thà t al oonsequencen my be riidilly cur eut tise dangeroussme of, intexu4lm 5U5G~UUI, i ~ mmltpr cure ~flin eaUy. ofeveq y~ eture s DR. we ::?d 1-Ro 1**T,%ý,