Whitby Chronicle, 11 Feb 1887, p. 8

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mot, oan Mou rmt meeting r.ad aa The, filowlng oommuniobtlonU wors matig "bttheouneil has lequl au- todng toa é a biF-lawpointing ont .0 IwhB1 streots or parte of streets 18411, b ihoir idewm.ks oloared of .p~~ndg1a~In usimpression lbot Md*valk in the. town. From Jeohn Staalîok, ukin; damages for aheep worried by doge. Prom OoLO 'Donovan asking 10 have a portion cof his taxes refondod as'il the - ,1mrOI qgowr5e 1urq.ed la Qwhor Area mur. 1from P. Larkin, cofietttor, stating -jhat 'bis duties have been extremely bard ho perfor inladrumming Up the -' taxes, and "sking a rau. cf ealary. Prom john Leslie, a"kinig ho b re- lIev.d of bis wàterrat. Prom John Livlaàgetoflei rogàxding -I*e Joo. Hall Workeoàad thp4r being lep Atti nte t h. town whioi ocaV%6 Prom the Bail ElootrieLight Oombe- ra ,akîù g the Gonoil ho -pasn ey4aw or resclution purmitting -1he soempauy ho ereot polos in town. - Ocui. lQqble introdueed and oarried through a by-iaw ho appoint au assessor for 1887. ýTi. blank was fiUed up, with t he aime of Aiez. Pin.e, with a salary Of $80. Cocu. Burns brerzght ini a report of lhe fire and water commrittee recoow mending payaient of Wm. Calverley's account cf 84.70, and the report was pasaed. On motion cf Beeve Smith the 0cm. munlostion cf the collooton was nefnsod 10 the finanee committee and tiat cf the Bail Eleotrio Light Company to 1he Fire and Water owmmittoe. On motion of Co0n. Smith, beave was granted Thos. Deveil 10 place brick and other building material on Dundaa mreet, th. position and arrangement of - 1h. matorial to ba determined by thes Streets comxittee. The. Printing Oomoittee's report was brougl-In laby Mr. Robson and laid or. 1 On motion of Deputy-Beove Burns J. 8tanýliok's accouaI for mutton manu- faoturod by dogsevas sent 10 the Fi- acsCommittee. *The. Concil thon adj'ourned. Whitby Townohip CouniL. Concil cf Whlîby Township met pumsaitt o adjotamont, ail lhe mem- be rs oeut, Iteero la the.chair. X=no f lut meeting renad ap. Beverai acocuts vers reail by the Rleere m»llaid bMore conoil. Me. MXo4la*ilgare nolise liat h. ventla-I neit einlg lîroJco a by- lait te appoint ororucors cf iighvaye, tcne..Ic*rsandl pound-keeprs. Ou motion cf Mr. Wilson seconde by Mr. Galder, the clrk vas ordered to get tbye dozan copie. cf - tubs and regulations- gornng ounoiI, printedl Ior hli ei o f licmeuniers. On.motion cf Mr. Galdor secondai! by Mr. Wilson thh-. oolloolor's rolvas -recclr.dh-is suretWe rebeased. and, an - .,ordcr gnanteil for hie ualozy 490. Ou motiont le okvas requiroil ho no1f putanmbers ofcfocunil le r.- On Motion cf Mn. Willis sooonded by Mr..)À.dlanil lh. lerk vas requinoil lu gîve poer notco ho John Digney liaI' theooneilintend opo.ing'! "Uelu * betwveonlos 8 à 5 inSti on. On inohon cof Mr. Willis, counoil resumédi lto ocaimilice cf tie viclo on by-law go, stop up and- oe oin allovance. for coide. - Ooaimittee roporei prcgreu andl - ke Maleba. ho ait agala, whioh as, On 1motion, of Mn. oa'ee s de& Iay Mr. Wilson the-: followiug porsous Were appolntcd comaiualoueru bo keep. Ou grarel- road, John ,W-ilIis Bnd ýonu.; 8& Keiland, 4th an. Sticons.; Tics. Randle* OChao. ; Ohs. aildorg 7*I aat 8h on.; M. MoT*gganb On Brook r#ad, ,J. R. Matievson freinBrooklih. o ho 8h1aon.; Alox Wil- sont, îh andl ti ýcou. -TownU lnoPe nlg.Dae 1.at pae atemêtt f - ta%$@ ooee durlng 188 nder separai. be'adÎngo tb;c3t m eel rmeut Of g@wnment On uiction of 1Ur.' M.dland tbe counoil adijoumu.4 noutd 1uesday the urs day of Marob ai Iu ooook a.m. $ flrOuuuomsana suauw. - ______eteue another by'lla. in1 ici Boad fEupaio. hrfstlalty. He spok! h IOnueof rman0y o mon - thom. b>'-thé, governm~ i imy loaae, cruel a. vtot ihé The finst tneeting of thé. Dow gj ( an oah trug tavli*<lh Bond wus old onu 'Yfod moodnsa ~ 11ilD f the. *î dihdbeen forceédI o eal, WM b o@nt Ding. in ihseif lecause doeat ethe proalt, mjOr-ý Mombers a&R presont exeept esrsIty of men. 1The saufl.rlng pf J.aIleÊt, Paioeoll, Cameron aujRing. !Mr. .clrnwas enghio. gwcUMOM Fez~~~~~~~~ ndU..A.Psar e meitmolh th. stony hein of even t- in bers.aaU.A .P6 Î0b* M I agents, but In mou a m >cssevona lahm faied ana dealIf hai starvaihhQ.lz Mr. Pâarwel was reporl@4 .t hb'Vs i lidren was quit. cewlmgu, ITb 1ii4b exprosied. a deaine e b k e llsed 4 9 1 X j te; 1lWd, let drà»yoormisai__ *1 Mr. Smith, se cned WIUMrWBD1U ledge, moved tiaI Mr. J. B. Powell b. teIninRmvo sud thast lb. Nîtê.ý appointed chairman of the Board for1 proof positive thal then. vas sematiing 1 1887. Carrisd. roîhen tu 1h. stat. of Doniark.. The. mie )][r. Povell, on boing ccnduoted te tien cf thi. probleai w" onse eiurcli th, -chair, thanked the. Board.,for.- lie muetdeake - 6d u lat i hono oonerre upo ~ womon cf pfgan Siouxtr helo Adaskeà& lie Bmlrop tere h maen Bao6 y riiog f bu oring 1w omen uaj MoerSSmitebiidrea cf lY, 01Pde .AbeWitI hhtsé Dowan fulIidg. vere: poin"e-àa tisaS ioux had ade& eaUi oomiteitriê he standing cern-murain tberebe'ilion. ~!Nor.;w48uI mittec,aSnd after deluberatIon broughl MuionshaUme «est peogrebs.Fiftein in 1h. fllowingrepor9: Jeanao hey h&d oven mimns; nov in the ollowig repo.:-Thon lhey iad 147 commutloa,&is- SoHnooL Maamr.Msr.Dcv ncw MW0. Ho trustea a libeoral resonseë Barclay, Smith, Ormuulon, Par.woll would b. made le the appealsof the churcli sud MoOellan.in bebalf of thefemisions. Ahearty vote, andoo MeClela. - cL ea f thanka was tendered the Rer. gentleman- - SOHOL POPE8Y.-MMl'Lfor hie excellent ad.Iress. slon, King, Fox and Post. FmAtic.-Messrs. Ruledgt, Ormis. a ol tes ,ton, Oamoron and Ring. P.SINTNG.-Moes. Barclay, Perga- sou and Rutledge. Mlr. Ormialon, seeonded b'yMn. But- ledge, moved lia thie Secrolary cfthie Board bo allowed $10 ho psy current expensos for the yoar. Carried. Theie Borary satated ho lie Board tiaI a bocklaid ho b. furaished the tovnaaessBor in whiioh o taesth. ceneus cf sohool - population, and ho would liie permission? ho proparne. Mn. Ormiston moved, seoonded by Mr. Rutbedge, liaI th. Secret" b avo authority le furisi thie lovaassener withh b. neeessary book. Oarried. - Mr. Ormiehon ameod if any mombor cf th. Board fhad takon tb. trouble ho aseontain viiother or not lb. report vas true liaI Mr. Woodhouso, leaciier cf Dufferin.shreet school, -as aiok r, Dot. Mr. MaClellan said ho bolieved Mr. Woodhouowvasiok, but vs u M Mr. Rutiodge saad ho iad'intondodt'o bring up Ibis aialtcr cf the Duffeaut- street sohool. Somae lime ago oo,1a. plaint. had been made to hlm aud Ibo bad put the parties off tho avait the. annual report cf lie Oouuty 1nspectoe, whioi -*as " yfatorable' But tho partia e e.»tol safied vllh Ibis &0~ vie .again .ompliling, and w"t lus. heu dayt i. boa - boeen-t Urgod te bie the. mater lrsgae ItI clàlaaed by thoas *oPlainng hi Mr. Woodbouse hus oot conteo f hl 0 schohL lh bis be true it s dîneseomo- thhng vwu doae. Eltier Mr. W ooýI. houso's repubation or, lie intre « o th. Southi War le sufforilng a retàh vrong, and ho blier..s a commitoe should b. appointed' at eoe te look inho th. malter. Il should ho olear" up ai once somehov.1 The ohairma-"I*lt wolig bbhiot- unfair te Mr. Woodiouueho not enquifro ioto thc malter." S Mr. Molella couil uve yli donuhand viy il vie liaI tie Commt, tion Bohool manageaneul b.d Mas taken lthe mate np Iifu veulîil vuas ef.rc&o Ihean. Re.holghl Ihal- ccmmltloo iasehoktale hià alter la Mr. Sailih sa - le .malter wvasloft ,L.tic bands cf lhe Oommitheeou Sbool Manaeme t anothing d.fl.. nihe baL beeza placd .lu theïr baudik For l tsson hh tey baL.oupn tI li.- posuib*te 0proceed. ' On* tblng la W gard te b)this . *"ree wlo ahouid b. oonsldered, i tbe~ re, voidnot,u$prallyb au "ava- il ranoci ed oIurs eaieted fasu It as from hie her dhutelot ec bool M* iovn, SUitil ihbal ae-a rery [ar shwlg., Ho ea u y Ibis for 1Mr. Waoboum. liaI hel-ias for may yemr.¾ been -a- failhfol -ervant of tifs Board.1 Mr. ]Butleige feels sreth e lnone bl, 1.Most fieuilly feeZ ing1lvià et tlai bo*Ï fr tnM.r.Wodsiu.5d, tbai no i austice. ilii hodoua. ýiS; but ie r-le or uo b"bail ho uae4 bol- iug &nfew.,7 The 641h negular meetigcfleWhllby, Collegiale Institut. vas hld on Weduei. day lait in Âssembly Hall, Mr. Henry An the chair. Aller thie minutes cf the.- ai. meeting ver. read, the following pro. grmme vas r.ndored :-Piano solo, Miss Lizzie Leavens; Addresa, Mr. Henderson;. Bsay, Miss M. Stnaiion; Chorus, Boys' Octoîle; Duel, Mises K.tchnai snd Dock. or; Beading. W. -B. Hastings; Chorus- Gle. Club. Tii. neit meeting wiul be ii.id next Wednosday mfternoon, M&r. Greenwood, in the chair. The following programme wil b. rendered :-Piano solo, sa gTonnie Campbell - Remding, Walter Ticai; Song, Misa Edilli ce; Becitation, Miss Liera, McCîrthy; Chorus, Girls' Octelte; Bed- img, Arthur Burnham; Piano Solo, Mise Leurs, Gordon; Becitat,.on, J. J. Patterson; Song, Miss May Pringlo; Chorus, Gleo Cuba. The final replie meeting of the W.- C. . Deiig Club wau held mnthe assmbly ,hall on Fridzy orening, Pi.)>. 1h. Me. Henry boing necessarily cilai! avay lb. lot Vio-President. Mr. MoBrad' toL the. chair.Wthiave.asca a ugs Mieurs. d. Webster sud W. S. Haigu. In the debate-uBeeolvod, lit almpr. anoo, A!»rogardsthe use o! liquor, opium sud tobaco, biscuus.d more snlse ia vwar,!!'the.speakers où 1he affM=atrvef. T. Albert RSooe., A. T. R#git uaL Thcs. H.L Gr.ouwood ? Ontah. eutlw-M - Konnedy, Gordon Oamipbol_4 ThocSoaua sud Robert Noka. The delalonio!the judgos wvaiAn fivor of th. négative. At lie secondmet h o bohélaion "lUlhaut mighier tti helaavrd." uetâth *» sdt*r-Ti..h . E ziob.àI aoeatl-G. M. oauh L-tM, ~~0~ueanI oàe fcaudmt f ordeo4l tby5 .n, L:ý 1oiSYryh*. Ty phyid poA4à eefuil-re imacw amd Commercua O~eof Whitby CERoNmIOE Whitby, IFeb. '11, 1887.. g g t r i Wood Poci, Turnil olry Ohickt Ducks, Bacon, Wool, Wool, Parani ljýabbs Sballo Be.!,: R E emulto Whea........b 7 Wheah........ O70 Pen owI...a......2 25 à..............0 40 *............0 50 cas....ed......... 057 .080 .... 1000 cover ecl.........4300 Laersem...........050o .spebag.......60 ~00 .4 ou ikin..........O40 lus.........0 10 par lb.......006 perowt..à....... 00 pw-'...........015 ri .percloz.......0 80 onst per l0..... 6O 7s-, per 0.....O10 4 perlb............ 008 verilb.............. 006 SFarmor's .........O0 O8 .e...... 010 .o .... . ... 0 16 unwashod .........O0 12 ips, per busheL... 040 *6, per hesa........O0 OS ,tts, f c '.....0 00 by the cse .... 5 0 ,etil-lO to lic. )nby the carcs.se .... 0 05 sial-1Oc-llC. more.. c,7o, rotail..*Of-08 @070 *250' @050 '0 050 n 088 @ ,5001 0,1 2ow O155; *221 * 20w *015' @ 550 * 050 @-go 10 @ ýO 07- @ .l5 50 @ 0 25 040 @ -008 @ 012 @ 0 iü @ 0 18 0 O10 oi01 @020 @ 018 @ .0650 @ '000 * 000 @ 6 00 @ 006 @ 011 mustAng., ho bh euL outie11. t~. lie aab' to-..Besoir o 1* lte 4a cf 1i nUtsi Mpire -ih ioltn, h t>dàbbý,1% oio e. e f tefisiti*-e t epromitl - OREATEST PHOTDOBRA'PRER. Du»m--At Dunbacton, on bhc 17ti a , W3Eà'BzNW ITY the vite cf WM. Dlxone iss. W LO = tW M ' RM-lu(blaaon 1h. e b hau. ie vufe of Dr. F.treo! a duZgb«blOLWnù.x BIMNz" G0'Baa, lie ulject - Gnfxrm-Iu Piok.eln, on Jeu. 011d tboof!Ibsak.hch, finati iw tlie ligit of d~ viffo of Mn. Ricard GbMfeê, Mfa dmg terlich ft concession cf o aaff lon Pmcx*3»-4iiPiOoflD< O en150.. 98d,i mies north o! Bobcaygeon, cae mor4iing lhe vits of Mr. Jas. ooac~,j. f ia&bouttbinly yeura o. Hi.-fathr Wva daugiter. iumdapnébloem a e aforce oodle a loewsAt Bvmanvfl.,catietItimit. lsall ad on. accouaI of certaIn con- lie vie Of W. i. jpnog$ Shadad Buuk,of spiroes iu'wieh heobualbecovneirnpaca- twndamaeolocSte(- . j HoR vswu owu as Du OBresoff, sud Mm wvr.tli feio4sthe 09-ffrnaîné an 1)>4hoof.b oë the ua butuy vio r7fiy ~~seesu gcera)ly liauva frei Rer.T. anaagJohunn tul~o Bkana imanr ifancy ovaucïd agenuis for photo- je Geeeuývay,ul0"ciOaas. trmplyay ui dragiting, wvici paifiod bis Mc~mMasc--4ithc reslduiopef I sboalubed pareais, sud crc>'moins vere e.' Samue ifas=a'on te SSIi al., by «lbo jaken to culti-ruhe lis penchant. Ahtachool Rer. E*."Bbets, W. Tics. James, 1f ï!- - _hoe vali.abak4 ing pitaueon his4a"P tgyteýj Miss MaI u iAi»t os8ôasa luiaecpliiionaly bolding tlaeixupforlbh cf Bovmnrllbo.edIfeston cf bie -cher aciolaca; tiey DRY DomiionWarcrooms CLEARING WLNTI."j GOODS AT GREATLY REDIJGED, PIRICES. STOCK TAKING SALEI We offer Ladies' Caps and Muffs, Men's Caps, Robes, &û. 8&- AT GREAT REDUCTIONS ff To clear out balance of stock. We have only a few ]Robas left in ]3'k alld Grey. Secu re Jargains. Now is the time fo-r Cheap Overcoýats,' Wool Shirts, Hosiery, Mitts, Gloves, &o..- Jobs in Dress Goods. T-Istablished 1856. etig ffekl In OntaliR 1ui esumetad bort furn I o rning plant * Ë'i t.pb, ,,,,:xecuting al&la nl.lreposter to the amc -Speciil mention i. made 10 7itls celebrated N. Y. 0< press and other moderncc very order receives prompt, TBMS 0F ÂDVERTLBING. Wjs netion, perline, 10 cents- mibsequent insertioii, 5 dents. Dijjp&;yçd Âdvertisemen tsa rae mez by a, scaln cf solid Nonpareil, and c] -- Advertiieenfte sent zwithont ,w lustraio ns inserted until forbiddex cohargea for full time. Ordlera for diseontiuing advertise - 'Muet be in writing, otherwse the pi )rs will not be responsible. 1.ýA liberal discount-for contraot %dvi ments by-the year. Copy for char * contrant advertisements sliould lbe b in not later than Wèdnesdaiy.; and of any'intended changes shoul& be beforé 'Tueslày noon. Othee adi mentsa-roeeved up to Thursday noon. ,Businesi'noticesain local- or newis cc lirstinsertion 15 cents per Uineo f 1 r.)) ;-1O conts Ver linseaoàh su)>. Insertion. Five cents perline per-a Ooirespoiidence solicited from al o! tii. onnty' or neighhoring towi OCoriýepondentà arè 'req4ested to-mw * theW - ommuncations -as proi possible, HENDERSON kGRAU Propi ÏTC[N STANTON, Bup't Mechanical Dep't. JOHN B.e&EELL JAMES RUTLBEDGE, Stafor & orina STOCK.-NLCELY ASSOW[ Wools, 1 1 Il OOD

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