i ~Ia~ ai NICoKEL ALAe .MS NICKEL STRIKJNG, WALNUT 30-HOUR WALNUT 8-DAY The Newest Designs, The LowesLt Pr/ces, The most Durable Accurate ÂNîD T/ime kee pers. -AT- BARNARTYS I EIRUARY l8th, 1887. LOCAL LACONICS, WHAT 18 GOING ON IN AND AROUNO TOWN-A BUDGET OF LIYELY LOCAL NEWS ÙLEANED BY CIiRUHICLE REPORTERS 41,A éheis amang yé, takin notes. A.n' f aith holl prent at.. Wst thiuk if eut Indian summer end ont Squav viniér vouid ouly bécome a ltile more'reouciled toeéaeh othéî vé vonld net have eueb disagneeahia véather te complain cf, s v havé bac, of laIe. Wz ré.eélvsd fiom Dakota a fulliao- cenI of thé matriogé cf Misseflouey, laie cf Oshawa, té Mr. Caibervood, of Park Biver, but find vo have not epace for insertion. Mises Honoy'e many frienda cf Oshawa sud Easst Whilby no deubi jein wiih us sud her many frieud* ta-Dakota iu vishiu-g bê-rmany years of- happinées. Soxiapeople faucy they are siigbted il they don't osée 'verylbing ibey veu liké té iu ibis papér. WeIll vs are always in a red hoi chbsé afler nové but vs- can "t gel it ail. Ho w in lbe venld do ihêy expeel ns te find out evsrylhing? If yenvautsoeépereon. ais about jour fiende or your ovu fam. iIy,. or if yen knov a good thiog about oome oeeélue, jusi baiilus on thé sire.t or oail ai thé office and h it il ho ai -righL t wi onid hé a terrible visé neya. paper msn Who kue W éverythiug vith. oui béing told. MaL. JoHs SaUes, of Park Rivé!, Dak., lu writing -to ns to renev hie subeription lé Tas CHRONICLIC, amy -thsy are expéiénciug a nather séveri winier in Dakota, ibis yéaî, thé théx. moméler seldem regislering aboyé zéro, - hileî it bas rinndovu 50 1ev as 44 beiow. Thé fait eofsuow bas been faj aboyé thé average, but, unuike Outanic -thanke té- thé viré fénces-ihere"It very Itile driftiug, sud travelling if seidoùa delayed on account cf esucu baaùks. -Âlthough thé, vinters an somewhai séverér than iu Ontario, tbt remaindèr cf thé ysar la fat mort pleasant thon.lunauj part cf Canada, Mr. Sldod ta s eou.ln-law of Mn. Som. erville, cf Gréenwood., Thé large audience ibai assembleé lu thce chool recua cof AU11Sainte chureh on Itouday evéniug, veri highly déligbted vith thé excellée entertaluméont furniebed thèm hy Mr D. -W. Campbell, thé world widf tre.vei[er. Mn. Campbell entertainéd hie audieuce for nee#iy au bourt i9 vivid desc'lription cf thé lande, hé ha viitéd sud thé sigbte hé had ses: wbilsi wsndering atoand this pla.natii esarch cf heaitb and .»reretion. Mi, Campbelll as a cléar suad foîcihibl *speaker and bis splcy addness bIritlf -of information, .v-as lu iseIf ulvu for thé su»al fée charged byoùiAI Sainte, fîléndo. Thé 'addiess bovevel * provéd t6ltbe but a miner'féaturof thi enter4tiu mént. BMr. Campbell .badý *fins colieciion cf magnificént -viévaý thé more propuérzit seoné*ahéob.d v ceseed, sud them. *hé- pîésqteditelbi audience *nnder' thé ost favotaýbi hé carrléd bis audiénc* sétosthé gréa plains. cf Ameies, ovér the. Bokj Mountains sudsétos thé bro*d pacifi te thé Sandwich lifand. -Prom ~ Sandwich iolsnds, h. wsni !b7 wSAV' thé Cotalilté, sud NZIe 05 Ausrlils sud thetzoé ta ArAbMs. m ing dovu thé IWdBo*.udtharoug#ti suez canal héo t M-04,bi 4 à difsf1*0 way et thé Médit er$sn os&m Ë Atlanti o eGreév«b.#f4int.. - 19 lu thé intéreqtisý Ãrt *p tmtéd sud the0éffi,6* >- > .l- @inotms- into l2Iéidê il bi.d betéivérahi. collan sd néok. TRI upil etAudléy public achool, asiad by fronde from Oshawa in« Raglan, luii ,givé a literaîy éntértuin. ment in- thé séhool-henue, A.udley, on priday événing thé 2Sîh inèt. jaerw is " chance'for eut -youug folks vho désiré " pleasant drivé and an énjoyablé évé. ning.1 Tai spring grain and fat cattie show of thé Whitby and Est Whitby aRri. culturel écety will be héid ai Odblum. bus on Thursday, Match 8rd. Al kinéls cf grain, eeeds, fat éteook, impie. mente, etc., will hé shown and good prize offered. If the- compétition je wcrthy cf thé préminms offéréd thé show will ha a firet-claessoue. AGAIN tibre are complaints cf bad conu ct at thé army on Sunday night, and a fight is said to havé takran place. It lookeï odd that thé only protection thèse people eau gel je their flots. Thé firsi thing we know they wili adepi Lindsay tacties and knoek a few young ruffians on thé bead badly. If soeéof thèse dieturbere had a bout with policé. quagitrate Harper it wonld do them geod. Ma. O'Brien, thé photegrapher in au interview with thé Chronîcle sys hé knows more about photograpbing than about politiesi matters and as qi conse- quence confines himeeif in hie opera- tiens te matière hée underetande and lets othér' thinge go. When ho gels to know more polies than photography hé expecls te beco7e s noted a poli. ticion as hé is a pholographer. He gays there are a gréai many people who make foole of Ihemeelves and vaste their business rnnning afler politicians who oniy care to blêed them or smre- ene else. Sensible man Mr. 0'B. IT seeme thé owuer cf thée hain spoken cf in these coumue iset wéék doos take thé paper, and hé threateus us pretty heavily for ineinnating there Vbas a man in Piekering whc was toc méan to také thé second béat paper in thé world-nameiy, Tas CHRONICLE. It eseémethé cwnér cf thé chain did not read cnt previeus notices about usa chaiuship. Now, if thoe is a wcrse man than thé one who le toc ménte take bis paper il je thé man wbo take il and dcn'l réad it. If we ftnd oui any more men wbo take ibis paper and don't read every word cf ih, their names shal hé put on ont black li. IT béais aIl what a numbér cf imag- r inary tragédies are recalleid te the 9 mids cf a fév liais cf Ibis town by à thé terrible accident ai White VaUey River in Vermont lasi wéek. One >_Young man hère vas on board a train a year or ive &go when thé neli car fté hie wus dérailedl and two hundréd ol ýe ils occupante nover couid hé found yaft.etwarde. (Not-k, car only boldo 0 ixty persens.) Another was on a ytrain whioh.ruu off thé traok sud toi o p thé grouud té sncb au sutent that à coal mine was discovered. A. tbîr vas on a train wbich boitéd ai à Ifteggan slide in Texas,,rean ive milei ildown thée lide, acrees a gorgé, jnmpec ea mountain etresa aud-tan np a tree, .and not a seul Wau hurîkIn taku h paseengéts down a carloan at timo. kt TIm storm - cf Ftiday uight made k-another fait aitempt te disconrage th£ L_ ladies cf thé tabernacle in th séerie& ct f sociale. Excellent prépara e bai .been made te éntérlain a large part] iu thé lecture roem, and for thal malter a goodly numbét of ladie came Ea~.Hefiro s late béat the usme o Smth&soith, whieh iath, a h r. éstééoeédfather, BReévéitlaai le cf thé- flrm, sud vs lesta--On suquir ýd that M!k Ssnîth, or., je té seéd a, poi Stien of bis time wéékiy lu thé fium' id office lu thé city. . ongratulai In Mr. J. J. on .h8su enocoas d plnek au "l -bepeak 4cr hi nthe jucesafulpracilui r.whlcb bis exollnt: trainiug hors ang eil thée offica, cf Meers. McOat4by ail i le 1e o le- C"ai the lRoyal'otl1re.s C&lI on Campbell»'an su e. ihéfr 50 Peêrcent off aigoodeata thé bank-& rups store. C.flon Campbell for hôrse blankêts "Cau.aL LY," the' puisai fleur for paty. Oysters recélved daily at Brown's confectionery. depot. Oampbêile' -ie the placé for men fi aud boy's overcoats at low prioes.. Cali in Oampbellsf aud ses iheir meltotc cloth.p ati le and i2âc per yd. à . few suite Ieft of out ted hot under- wear to close out at'a bargain. Andrew M. Bouis. DmD you #se thé sdvêrtisement in anotber column aeking for ai farm te rent ? Use Dr. Dorenwend's Gr-eat German Hlait Magie for baldnese, gray hait, je for sale by aIl drnggiet... Evi£RYBoDY who reade thié will won- der how wée an ssii table linon for 20c. pet yard. Audréw M. Boss. SPECIÂL effOrs in 'Bnnday eChOol librarieis and prizes ai Mre. AlIin's Whitby Bock and mnusice toeé. B. Brown bais thé largeetsi tok cf oreame, chocolatés, mixed candies, grapés. fige, &a., evér shown in towu. BEMEMBER yeu eau 'buy thé véry béat wbite eotton and émbroidiories for jusi haîf pricesai thé bankrupt store. SA baldhéadéd baby eau do sas well as its'bald beaded grandpa ai oui store vé havé but ene price for aIL. Audrev M. Boss. Thé regulan meeting cf thé W. 0. T. U. wili hé héld this (Friday') afternoonà in the Free Readiug Boom ai half psu thiée.ý ONLY a few dae more te capturé thé great big bargains.e. ithé bankrupt store, gel thèse, qniek_ or yen wiil be late. WB are oppoged te prohibition as we are determinéd:tbat evéry one shaîl boy eut wouderfuily eheap cotten. Audrév M. Boss. THEt regular meeting cf thé Baud cf Pope wili b. héld in thé -W. C. T. U. Beadin;g Boum, on Monday, Féb. 2isi, ai 4 o'clock. Talc annual entertaigent cf thé chli. drén's Mission Baud of thé Baptisichureh will bé givén on Fuiday nex-S vésk from to-day. Largesi vaéiy cf photognapb aI- humesud plah goods éver opéned in Wbitby at Mre. Alne, Wbiiby bock sud music store. OvîsoÂTs, néady made lcthiug, boots and shoe, sud génts furniebinga for 50c. on thé dollar ai tbe hankrnpi storebefore éleuing. Ma. Gzo. Coax&ct, et., of tbis tovu vwu on thé Atlanic- expreuà trsannean Moutreai thée thér day vhén thé' aidé. bar cf thé locomotive broke sud ditchéd part cf thé train.9 IF auy éléotor flnds bimself lu Pc.. session cf a toreh for vhich hé wiIl have ne use on Tueday night héeaum find a parehaSér by applyîug at thé toboggan elide on thé same evsuing. Rz£D évory pagé of TaiCONIomLE and thén lend it té isoe fribnd whé neyer gela a gocd papér. Léuding thé paper dont hurt ne auj. People bot. rov it a févtilmes sud thon take it ON Wédnesday neit, thé day afier thé élection, Grip vili issue a 24 pagé take-off on thé réaunt, et 10 cents pot copy. -Whichévsr. aide vina wiii *ne doubt buy thé wbelé issus. 0Orésta your bookséllér'. Byxona Iéaving Whitby Mr. A. W. Cooper t 8 réi akrupt déaléri M ssii 1 black Cashmere for 50., *1'blaek s11k for 5W., $1 coléréd silk for b0c.0 $1.50 mantie silk for $1, 50c. vashiug, .11k for 25c., sud alidresa goodu for juat- half price. Bumor bath ih thai thée.T. of T. Of thé tevu sme .rruginj or a oOsériésof meetings té b. eoudnotéd by thée*yt Bics. Kamiton, thé uotéd évagieliti singers of thé Provinaé, anud te hé held about the irat wééklu Mth.If ibis, for a rioh itéat. W avait puttisulars. Tétbggan 0lubaof Oshwas&ne Bomavilethiuk, tbéfr ?PSp54ôive tcb;oggau slide iii. béai osai of Toronto but if théy weré -té visit - thé Wbiby alidé on auj W thése frosty evéninga, they vuld'become addisuted with" their own thst tliey would -nà i W.sénow showing-a vr cmlte ana Choies Stck cf NeW - Dry. Goda 'C1-othing, MAN~TLE S, -MILLJNERYe ~&c. Ail goods bonght at thé lowest Cash -priQes int thé best markets. We are- new ina postion to state with-con. fidencé to,.ipur many kind patrons, that- neyer* before in Whitby was theré shown a better class of Dry, Goode ou reliable make, good value ana. firslb qnality. You can rely that our béat efforts are'aiwayis put forth t'o veour patrons entire satisfaction sna goode of thé béat quality and vaine. New Dress, Goods. New llosiery. and Gloves.. Newllousefur-nishings.. New Mantles andShawls. New Flannels an.dShirtings. New Mantle.Cloths NEW WE SIINGS AND, OVE1tCOATINGS. No trouble-.toshowgo, . E verybodyWelome. z The Great Dry Goods, Clothing and Millinery flouse. 1iaae. IV À 1. HOLLIýDAY'S EMPORUUM, BROOKLItNY> Is the right place to make your Selections of- Christmas Goods. His stock is large weil asserted iu the various departmeuts, sud he has new added many Novelties specially for'thé Christmas Trade. Bésides mauy chlice articles in Dry Geoda, hé hftsLam'ice séelection cf THE' BEST QUADRUPLE - PLATED SILVERWARE, Napkin Rings, Knives and Forks,,Pliîted Spoons, -&o., &o. lTllE GIROCERY* DEPARTMENT, Is-well fflled with choice fresh Groceries seleoted espeoially for the ChristmasT4. ç.Yo will find in stock choice new, Valencias, Seedlese and Layer Raisins,,ohoice, New Currants, Lemon an.d Citron Peels, Spices- f ail kin4s, new and-',- fresh , Extracts , of the. best* quality, Canxied Goods, OYs"teri, Finnan fladdies, Oranges, Lemons, Figs, &. o Choice Tea8 and Ofe8 of MJe best valucs, alway8 in l 8OCA. rT. J_ I-IO]LLIDAY.BO LIq Gra#d j.. o~ Trun*ý Railway arnd ean Steamskip UPTOWN TICKETAGENCY, Whitby to Winnipeg Only $21. BýOJND TRIP, 1ST-CLÂS, M5. Whltby to British Columibia $50 Ocean Steerage, -only $l150 icf, Detroi ud PortHuron wi ut céked tbrougli frcm Whitby te péecial attention te tilekétff for nitoba sud Bnltigsh Coi a'.by iR thé so thru sd Sort& etr t~s u le wd teturd ticket te apeso the ~ BUTIuDk sud Gréa esternu'Ivi- péilcheaib drougb.i, arnge, sud"ré. tutuà tiktlt u fon;,- w York, IbIadelphis, Wà aablugeu# ovtoDl Tkfr iOttava. ý 3Mcntral Qebe,' Simon Frser offera better'indueeénts than evez CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASS WRE, Weiea apeoial diacount from thepréesent how pricée Table LmsTaSett8, Combiznation' n Our stock of faey China-.ups and Saucers, Qhina Ii *Plates, Desséeýt Platée,éte.,. muet, be s0ld$ a20 »per " make ,room- for.Spring<ooda. Aargo and welfý of choice. ýamily groeérîes, pecalalgde iný Téta so ason 1able fits,,&t.edu ed.- price éa h E&~ btkand eau. Thýé famÉouna ouià à a-Bà kig, tà kes lte lead againa*t'aU coxmptit~~ - e midi t 1,thé 0 themoelvea oe À uw twod cl thé war pst, hlm., Thé feu