T With calm Print.d wgs ra thoughts, ad untfrfng tt1jib~Q~roîceRIGGS& IVORY, NEW GOOD8 I Established 1856. S. B. cor.ing and Yonge aS., Torý>nt Calp8T TEBTE, 8on mubbor. nl[eding ffly ln ontaîle CouÉty, Si eam equipmelt. and beut fnrnished Book and Job prlnting plant ini Esutern O)ntarjo, capable of exeouting ail classes of vork trou' the large poster to the amalleat handbil. SpOGWIl mention islmsde of the ungutpaseed prose isoilitiea of Tan ORISON- OLE, with ita celebrated N. Y. Cottreli sylinder prea and other modern conveni.. sDOOS. Every order recelves prompt, cars- fl jattention. TERMS OF ÂDVERTISING. Firut insertion, per lino, 10 conteu; each uabsequent insertion, 6 cents. Dieplayed Advertisemente ane measured by aBecale of solid Noupareil, and charged socordingly. Advertisements -sent withont written Intructions iueerted until forbidden, and sharged for fulltime. Ordero for d isoontinuiLg advertjsements must be in writing, otherwise the publiah- ers will not be responsible. A liberal discount f or contraot advertiee- mente by the yestr. Copy for changes cf oontriot advertiseents ehould be handed *in not later than Wednesday ; snd notine loi any inteuded changes sbould be given before Tuesday noon. Other advertise. mente .'received up to Thnrsday noon. Business notices in local or news columns tirot insertion 15 cents per lins of Nunpa- reil; 10 cents per lins eaob subseqnent insertion. Five cents per lino per annnm. Correspondence solicited from ail parts cf the Oounty or neighhoring townships. Correepondents ;are reqciested to eend in biheir communications as proinptly au Possible, RENDE RSON & GRAHAM, JOHN STANTON, rpieoo Sxqp't Meohanical Dep't. JOHN B. FAREWELL, LL.B., wing, Court House, Whitby -48 JAMES RUTLEDGE, j)ARILISTER, &o. Office formerly oc- 1> cupied hy Farewell & Hutledgo, next to Royal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. ý DAVID OR-ISTON, B.&.9 A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Chancery, Conveyancer, d&o. OFFIC-In the Offce South et the post Office, in McMWia's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly.lO G. YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., B ARRISER, -&., &o.-Money te Losa Ou,'sc-Smith',s Block, soutii et Market, Broch St., Whitby. JOHN BALL D0W, B ARRISTEIVAT-LAW SOLI01TOR Office-DeveriUla Block, Brook Street, Wltby..1 MONEY 70 OLEND-Prlvate -Pundu- Lu msums np to $800, at -a loy rate 01 En- torout. (ly-5 LYMAN ENGLISil, L Le. lb,, B KRRSTR T W OLI RI DB. MELDBUM, MB. (TORONTO 'Un iverstyj L.R..P.and L.M. (Edin- burgh>, &C. . ,CllIo4 10- Gold, $80. Havý,exetmrated the teetb from Thousands of Persona, absolutely painlesa by the. use of 'Vitalized Air. 46 ate with Langley, Langley & Burke, Toronto,) A RC HI TE C T Designe for Ohurches, Viflas and Cot- tages a specialty. Drawingu- prepsred for remodoling exieting structures. Ovrc-First flat over Howse0g Drug Store. P. O. Box 202, WnRTEy. SIEIBERT BROS., LIVERY and SALE STABLES, BROOK STREET, WIIBY. Good Riga and Good Horsea. 'Terme rua- sonable. 19SEBHERT BROS. D ALWAYS AT THE HEAD. B .PROF. BERNARD B IcSsY, M A., B authorized Euglish Inspector of the Amers. cau Systom of Education, hu selected the DOMINJON BUSINESS COLLEGE, Kingston, Ont., as the typical Business College of Canada. This settles the. dispute. .A fleautiful Calendar Senit Free. cl Addresu 82 PRINCESS ST., K aJ.4n80 Kingston, Ont.1,'k Are pienb.à n t tù Lt-à e. Contain-theirovu Purgative, lae.a anfe, sure, and c1roctuai dafroyer.of worma luGhidrn or £delta DUNN'S BAKIN POWDER THE CONKS BESI FRIEND ..8, THÉ "TBRBACE1," BYlION.ST., PEI4 .r TSHOSPITAL, LONDON, BUG-P b,,. yWAB.0. H.L., U mTHB E ta'SON YWARýREN, KID., C.IL, (McGiIi) W.CUTHBERTSONt M. B. (Toronto,) . Cm., (victoria.) OFFICE: ROLN Ml. C. CRÂAWFORTHt V*T~1NÂRYSURMON. %,utAbeoftà theOntdo 7.toeinary, Vol- '.7 legoe, T onto. ' Orderu by -mail or.OlOgraph\ pToDply *4nldd to. o 4 .DozooAt resldme o. f G. kyrie, ppoulte l'il. BA RGA INSý -OFFBÈËeD Sily erware, Wtehes, Jeweltf W. R.uIIOWSEb CHEIST AND DRUGGISTr,T Ruson hand avery large and select- stock ÃŽ Of Christmas gcoo, omprlslng Ladies&'Work Boxeis, t Whisk Holders, t Odor Cases, Mirrors ini Plush, Toi/et Cases, Large Vases, And an assortment of other articles suitable for prosente. Cail and Examnine Our Stock Be/oe Purchaising Elaewh«.re LAMPS Car and se0 thi re assoment Brass and Bronze 11W3 ili 918119 oi*. Brook md Da4.. Streels BOT-TOM PRICES I SOLI AGENT FOR 2TUE OELEBRÂTZD,' HAR VEY -LAMP. SOEOO rogeus Lflwlg, Brtherhood. FEflIIJARY NEWS -LETTERS. [OL Correspondonco. gca s uarted by Pro. [an -latwinter, ana ii,. tii. l"eusip of Mr., I<ad l. lai meeting last nerigipsy lbornea, -dealerï. »ed heoses -frem the stables te 1 And b&ck to try the uteedu. did the liquor eome fr-om?2 Olir -amaival was a great eseesu, about 25Owere in costume. Tho dreoese vere, very grand. Miss V. Warren of Brooklin yen the prizo for beut costume. Miesa-M. Ireland of Port Perry won the the Iprise.for bout lady ekater. Mr. F. Msae e f Port Porry won the prize for Iist gentlemnan ekater. Monut 9:15 last Friday memnirag people startod for the station in crovds. Thuyý went te se. sir John Macdonald, whêÃ-W'aste pastbrough tevu bound for -à , iiern towne. The train, ws wer*- told, weuld net atrive bll 1 0'616à . L ong before thatý- time the sttibu and platform was 'full. Tii. trati arulÃŽved about 2:20. Sir John adiOesedý a few words te tth. crowd, aft w bii -tiiey gave ibres bearty ciioé , for Ganada'. groat and fanI'ons Sir John à Tii. ladies presented him Tué. youug ladies of the Methodist Obui!li gave ço.of the bout concerts, thatn Ubridge audience bas listened te in--& long yuil., on lasi Wodnesday., Boeul$s the. boit home talontetboy ver. bmn4péd to eelections from ontuide talent au Mus. Oaldwell, who 1"brougiit down tii, bouse," Miss Boueo of Port Perey, bu 'lasprovec horseif a grisat enêciau. As well, w. iiad Mie ný f' Montreal, and M. Me - o#~ erry. Talent o0tbé. tawu- - wqeMm. Gloyer, -Mifs Rtaà rUttà l, Mr. -Winfield, Mm. W. Bustu>, Mr. -.Black, and the Higth schooj Glese club, the. latter reudered a souple of vocal pieces in grand style. Ms ooois vtaiing lier fMonde at sitfiod Mr.J. J. Moore ef Gesnbank was liomelait wià mr. B. Patch or. of Scarboro in a t t"Th e. MAplus." Mrs. T. Ssepiienm of Pinedale lias. bieen Vitinglier relatives litre 'buis Shir ley lias b.d a lbitte exeiboeut ouo.moreMi tii. shape cf a big, wood he. . Messr. Grahm & Dinumore1 socursd a ocotriot for 40 corda cof greà i -*Ca for ti lihsobool at port peèry »ud thoir frîinds b umned ont well teI doliver Itlb f or li. -An W7eilent dis allepruevidd or them aista. OharlZAO&". - EAGLAN. o cry et tii. day. Mv. We. Willard le business. - ors are bavingagood~ ~1887.0N lie1 an et "Mr. 4ii n isfine r adijl-is elected in--N. Ontario To this ondihe eformera generously by 00 lent thoir vtérarej oes whioh -have Toronto went Tory again and elected oerved to e pint tie town oPu MaDy an three candidates by Inajoritieà averag. occasion, and -a long- processaion came ing over 7Ã"0Oaech. lbore from the n4rth ai about halffpaet Sir John and Mr. Blakre werýe each nine. Mr. Smithj wasesoeorted to the elected twice. balcony in front ( f J. -B. P4welI & Do* Is As wus expected, Quebeis the koy store, and deliv ered a short speech te the situation.- Which erparty eau thanking the. elec ors fer their efforts-mn handie the French vtethe beet ,$hîaI bis b haif beut wasi nraia un th& 'h &~. _ to 4a "sde their "vApone Ot war now as well as .ny animouity wbioh the heated«sriJeýmiigbhave ongendered and ail 'work togethéIïg a if no difference cf opinion or foeiin oxisted. -Ho hoped aIl would AOdos. Mes. N. P. Pater. son, Q O., J. 8. Lark, Jas. Butledgo and Dr. Bogart oaqh called in turn and eaoh * si, a few words, congratulating the Consorvatives and referring generou ly ta the. Beform- ors oftbte ridin; as having fouglit the. battle faîrly. AT OPHAWA. Aboat ton e'ciook the procession wau reformed abcl .he4ded by tiie Whitby Cornet band, whicei by-tho.by', deserves credis fer the m anuer. in which it cmda assi in jubilating, ýýa'0vd on to Oshawa. A& that towvn týemendoua bonfires blszh4 bhigh in the. mir and torches yvere innumerablo. Speeche were dolivered by; Meuers. Smitb, Pa.terson, Larke, Gibbq and others, and the boys got back bore between twolve and oee o'clcck. The -crowd at Oshawa, was vory large. OnWdedyaT POr PeSsio sa On edneedour' a rocesui. orstrtd Perry and proceded on -a aitig oxpedition- through Oshiawa, Columnbus^ Raglan, Myrti, Mancheeter, -Princet Albert, and final.Iy reached Port Perry about 9- p.m., with a vcry long pro. cession. Reformers and Coneervatives alik ai ont' Fery illum inated'ith-i residences and places, of- business, and for Miles arotidL camà e- labpo*à ute show tiioy feit ne 111will bewarda the. victors.' Speeches; wére .deliyered A'onx the ba1ibony of'tho Oriental by Meésena. SmiLa,' Paterson, J. A. -McGiliv:ray and ctiiers. Tii.ttip from hon. was matiien tee long and > led offthe, ardor of Meut of the. boys rPery. wus neached. THE VOTE. Thé- following Irý ei. najoities as -flear as vo oould get tue. *Weeabol I " have them ln botter shape neit wek., 2"z BI8Y Colni..... Bagln.~....~.86' Majoity for Rse-8.- Ten 111.....7 ........... hf.aesi EiL..... Inomination thân ov*er thâ êetion. SIti'Sa amighty strange th. ng the Mail je in favor Of p'rohibition and.the. abolition of the sonate, and yet nover said a word for any prohibition candi- date Idring the.fight, nor did it equeak about abolishing the chambor of old political granny women. - The Om ng Horse. As thore afè ibis year a number of' Cleveland, bay h'ree in this district, w.e sgot tat ged prizes hoe offèréd at- the Whitbytfair,,and lin case' Catr sug- gestion ju net carriled ont, we sbiil loffor good prizes ourueivos. To enaýbIé'ithose who are net poeted bun that beoèd of- borse we giVeýtho fallowiigdesorjptien, as from the peu of- two notsd bieed. ors :-IL je the progresive mixture .01 the. blood of horesof higiier breeding witii theseiof the.common -race which, bas produced that claieef.coach hers.s _usually tor.med Cleveland Bay, Imm:, tho prevai1ing cterderved >frqe approximation to .tfii. sperior races, and Clevel and fiu tho ýfertile district cf that name eituated, in the. North- Riding eofYorkehire o he Tees.- Abou thei mdl o au etury ti district Ibecame_ k-nolwn 1er the breeding' of a supen*rio laie of powerfa >l b ofaes, whicii, witii the.graduai disue. C'f -the lieavy -oid coach- hore, oaei roqueeb ,for coaches, cha.riotai andsmi~ iar- eirriaueu 'k .Th Rain mN, k- i i i n5o WS CEEMST ÂD I 4 - «VOL. -XXXI. WIIITBY, ONTARIO, Jan. 22,1878. (tf-5 Golùmitiu 1VANÃœ obi