Whitby Chronicle, 25 Feb 1887, p. 2

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&nd items Stolnfrom our Exchangel. Coolluo$or B. P. Qeulson recelved a Y talegrain Wednesday from friendsata iliIeu (Oouaty'off H'ldimaud) -sftatlug ht hie cousn, Mr. Thos. B. Couleen, wu wauddeuly kiled by a Irce falling on himn. He- wae a yeung man of between 25 and 80,yearu of &ge. Mr. Couison loft by.evening train Wo attend the fun. era1 ouý,Thursday. Mr. Maoklem Oook, Lemonville, iu - boring hie w.»l a short time ago, struck wster at a depîli of six fées, which aI onde ruohed le the top aud is now dis- oharging a stream through an iuoh.and- s.hâffÉýbe which Mr. Cook bas insert- ed in tii. well. He intends carryiug lb.e water in tbe spring through iren * pipes le hie extensive barns sud stables. Samuel Jeremiah Clark Skiilen, of Pelerboro aged 14, wue committed bt th. Befortnatory. He.wus ohargea with. having dsmnaged a safe in Mr. Hlilliard'esasw riil Saturday morning luat. about two weeke &go a yeung man named B. Hearn, from Woodbridge, came np here W , huan d- whfie ont csught cclii, w1hioh surued W iefiàm- mation 1cf tb. Iungetesultiug lunlthe young nman's deth.' On Tuesay bie romains were taken 'frem bore by bis friende per Nortiieru Rsilway. Inlutbie police court ou Tnesday, four boys 'W. Wainman, W. Vosse, T. Kiley, and nther, were charged with raisiug a disturbance as the arrny barraoks on- Sanday. It appears that t hey misbebaved .tWemeselvas in tbe merning meeting aud were refused admission lu th. afterneon, wherenpon afler soife words, the boys and the door keeper came le blows. They were remanded tiUl Friday sfternoon. A youtb cf some seventeaun summere had an interview with a black objeot as lbe G. T. R.ý depot a few nighte &go. He is learning te amoke aud taking a pile cf ceaI aI the north end of the station to b. a man etalked up sud Baya: "Say, Bose, give -us & match." Upon net receiviug a repiy h. gram- bled eomething, but did nos disturb the lumps cf ceai aI anl oue. "Aliiatch, Boss, p1ease," is enougli for ihe youth uow. À peculiar sud interestiug ceromony was in progrees st the council chambet, duri* iheii ey evening session of tb. public sehool board. Tii parties *oonoered bolug , Inspector McKay, Coustable Audrev lark., aud s keg cf frozen beer. Tiey hold lie latter on, lie -sîmeet ted-bel steve, under tie influence of vbich, tb. finid oonlaied therein grsdually îbaved ont. A portion being drawu off vas tated by McKsy sud pssaed round for inspection by lioe proseul. A member et the board, conoluded te taste the cern- pouud, but- d.clined dipreselug hie opinion ou lie saine. Whher il vas hier or "crcnk," or "sihorts," or soe- thiug else, we canuel sy vilh cet- taiuty; but lb. odor vbici filled tie liall, vas more snspioioù"Wbau fragrant. A sampie of l-eheluf as aftenvards r' torwatdéd ta Prof. Siuttleoot, a Tornolo alylel. Pires are scarce lu Orillia, sud iu- cendiary fines, or even vbal migit be spctteb.e sci, sill rtrer. But, on Wednesday uight, sbortly afler Ivelve,A'le alarin vas seunded for a fine in sau uuoocupied dweliig ou nupper -Mssisaga street, near Mount slaon The building vas owusi, as fartuasvoe au ascettain, by a Mr. le said -te bave ethen eeld or been negolistiug Ieo eil te Mn. Thomas Bell, cf lb. sain. township. Il i.s tsted liaI cbopplug vas beard, very shortly betore, ànd, lie. firet ou tie spot f ound lhe fire wvas.stsrled lu a bol. near lhe groand * a1 lhe baok, sud iad man up lbe val l t lie roof. But noue *thougit cf examiuing boy ilmight have stud, If it eau b. founi liere le au lu.2endisry lu Oillia, ne effort should b. spsred Ïo bring him te justice. ,The firemien sucecded lu preveuiug the- spread fet lasmes to élier, buildings. Lose - about 8500; Tuesdsy afternoon tie poverful ou- -in-in <larry _& Bobinecn's voollen mn lii vas4adiy dsaged by* 1hebreak- lug,,o thtei.rank-sistt. This eleased theb.pistoni-ted frein' ocutrol vilci r Dsmseied lthtoea OUf lte steawnt obee. Worôtantciiteth enfineerý4hd js "0ffi, ,,&u yeiMfoI eheop i ,& tonswayoo lest w eek, -nC wile sd 58e Fre tOrci 1 CANNINGTON. Thc way building material ie being laid down iu Ibis vilage eue would imagine a nov village vasa&bout to be built. -Lu the neigiborieod cf six or eigil buudred tiousand brick are te be laid, fivo stores wltb plate-glase win- dows are te b. erectcd sud three on four more are speken cf. Bouides five or six d woilinge, a uew leva hall is te, be erected. Ont carpeutte, musons, sud briok.iayers vili have te "bu ie" lu order'te gel lbrough. The broýn mare, Msud,. BartietI, owued by oea. J. B. Sitnsd W. G. Smitihiof Ibis place, as entened ai Montreal Carnivai races, Peint St. Charles, lu lb. tvo-fcrty cia... sud waa driven by eut populat tramner, Mrt. 1. H. Weaver. Thie mare'- fiâished second 10 Moliy"'Slantou. Tiere were sevouteen entries in Ibiiseluelud. ing mauy bheses frein New York,'.Ver- Mout, Stste cf Main. sud Maeschu- selle, many cf wbisb ver. not-elligible lu Ibis cis. Molly 8St~'non havlzsg been proteated as net being éligible in the lwo-forly cia.., Maud *Barlett vii Iberofone receive firal mcuey.- Mn. Smitb vas offéred by two different parties eue tbonesnd dollars for ibis vainable mare, but thiuking il net hait ber value dectiled le accept il. bis lia been eutered te trot at Ottwa inl the races Ibis yack. A delerruineil but uusenoo.asfnl t. tempt vas mode yesterday mea'nig shortly before day- break te s@et fit. Wo tie rame bledsou Cameron atreel, west cf Pesd's drug store, bry',oin. peteon or persona etartiug s fi. lu lie. loftI ver tb, sroiwsy by wbioh >»mus ie gslued te , test crf the bufldigs. The. fit. vas ' diboovred vw"iemluà state oft* iniecy by a couple'btI mon vIbo lid occasion te b.e retuini~home st tist lime, ansud vs x#ingulobed by nt ithhetiiaid of snov. ýThal it lent le proved- by lie tact thekal6s quas- lily of rage vilcih ad buneenlt in thle souti vesI cerner, of the zoom beiug token le lie sentit eut oem, viere an empty, box vaes sanaing, sud set on fit.. The. fine could only have beený slatted s fev minutesait lie Most~ wien discovetedf, fer beyou"d seohig tie floot sud partition, sud buruing & hi. utle box ne *dage vai don..ý- A nigbî.vatchmau 'bas nov iteenent- plcyed le look afler tie builing. Tii slippery condition cof lhe etrects snd promIses about town fezlte.past, faw slavebas noîbeen iîi " aeiOnt. isnow near lbe Dminiofl Bauk, but, w. leva, noue cf;beMn were much The Nott Ontario Fariners'Instituté. wil probably belà oi meeting,,ah $1U- derlaud about the,-lot cf Marob. ' hie, weuudersitand,vs th. deoiio asrrie sIen Pnridaisat sa the Meeting of directore bere. W. are roquestcd te note thst lie tesson Scoct &e fines boe are net paid le that lbe convitions- bavebeen appoaled againet lu ail cases that b~ave coine up lu town with the exception 'of one, sudilu that case the. fine of $50 was paid. Anothet Scott Âct trial cernes off on Saturday, Mr. Bennett of tb. RevoeeHIoues being obarged wlth a contravention cf tb. Scot Ad. We are glad tp hear liaI the report oircnlated some weeks mgo te the efféoo that smre couduatore on the G. T. R. hsd gel lIe otrouble tbrougb eelling cld tickots was fouzÏded on a eliglit mistake liaI could by ne meaus be attacbed le the couducor as an inteutienal wrontz. Aller ait examînatien ijute circuin- stances cf the ose. the conductor ws reinstated in hie position (wbich h. bas ield for a number cf yearic) sud paid for aIl lest lime. The N. O. E. D. Agriolutal Society held itî adjouned meeting boe.ou Fi'iday last. A différence existe be- tween them n d the Port Perry Central as le their mure-of 1h. profite cf lie laIe jeint fair. They laim $140 te be due them, wie the Centra4 Socty clainl Ihe accou I te f avor thein. A cocamittee oonsisting cf lie Presidont, Secretary, T. W. Chapple and H. A. Crosby was appoiuted le attend a meet- ing cf lie Central at, P. P. on 28t1b met., k) endeavor te secure a fair settiemeut of lbe malter. The meeting adjourned, te meet again early in Match. I on6 r0otai m fuerL * e Im NOu ARR VNQ'GI- Acomplete range of desirable goods, and Tr ELAR ES sioaz We have ever ghown. 01, hsd beau "i'atà ilg the m h-le';iU but nsigle hwdht - been trying ho Pr, OPen 1h.e,.e wu ans iderably dsmsged. Oe trreeted by P., (3..PidgePPisuan~ pelle court Ibis motni[lg bis uc6ý Jam»Oes eudry, testified liai tb th'y wss, loese, sud they oeuld eo - n, t4w witi bim. The feiaI li WBhât compo etewspalpable _encugt for the La eviuoed th.enutosî ooutemh for mon- sud thingeilugenel!5l, "naf faces" snd talking luohereb.llY'- rwbeu ever addreseed. H. Was ooma.ittOd 1 h tie Beformatory. 11 LINDSAY.- We lea afrei n au echang"ltaIt Miss Maris Sadler çf Ormiston, QuLebeo, a; relative cf Mr. Needler sud Mr. ,',&ffer cf this town; wae on board tie Vetmout Central train liaI veut over the White Rivet bridge. Mis s adier vsbut sligbtly injcred. A norti yard bousekeepereookedl eme cysters ou Monday uighÏ snd whitoeating lie sabol fisi <oud *agood aized Pearl, a regular be&Utyï. ýW. withhoid th. naine of tlb. da4S who, soud tbe cysters, lest ge- àiûd4 et such s u tof custemers ne w*Uld ýSeri- ouely interfère viti lb. butcher'a traite. In thepe Ibings tb. disorimiualing journaliat uses ab wise diserimination., Mn. P. S. Martin le hsviug plans pnepared by Mr. W. Duffue frein viioli a neal reitideno. vili b. bulit ou Oam. bridge -el., on tic norti baif of lie BMd. don property, wbich lMt. Martin baue comin m possesien cf by arrangement with Dr. DeGrassi. vhe bas bongit 1he preperty... Mrt. J. D. Graba ai . t rauging for matenials sud igetting ent plans for a nov residence le be buill on hie preperly fronting ou Colborue.st. Il i. unaersctood liaI à petition vili b. circuiatod noît veek sud presented le the council aI ithe usaI meeting asking Wo have lb. drain crossing -Wellington. et. directeid along tie street te lie rivq>. Certain nlgits lu tie vateroourse, wbiohi have etoed lu th e way of tIb improve. ment fer a long lime will, il is eaid, b. waived. The drain lu question if made. would tbecf immense benefit lu 1h. iocality, sud beeides, b. lb. mesa cf standing off Reveral suite for damages tbteabened by ratepayere wbose celars bave been fioeded sud property daniag- .d by overfiow cf waler wvib tbe present drain le iuadequate lu carry off. Tho enterptising firin cf SadlerDttn. das & Ce. are agaiu increaising sud exteudiug their <soillfes for thb. m- facture cf fient.. For the pasl lbre weeksa sdozen carpenters lu addinto tie regular miii hauJe have beeau en- gsged sud are still aI verk making he, alteralionesud neoeeary coun.etfi for thp lntroducti.,u cf several »vw &4ur dresuitg machâmes. Theas iii condslï cf -ton Dobson reois, Ivo G obl.k - Oullougi reels, veeel1faVtol sud eue doublé ahI zulddling rdil. Th"y replace tbe old sud cumbersome boite 1 sud effeet s saviug cf one-third motive, power. This meassas eat, eaving cf vater sud fuel, as lie valet power au be ased& exolusively for a« mueh longer period lieu formerly. The. ceaI cfte maiuery, sdded te the oldrel - mov"d sud tbereby rendered nsoleas will amontt neary seven tbouspa& dollars. The Ombaa Savation Army an>.dk ing great pepraio foras lime ae jIL"--u Pb__ 61hn2tb sd .3 Pul11 20C. ANDREW M. NATIONAL PILLS-pzrify th~e BZood. regulate Stomach, Live&r and Bowel.. The Anatrian and Hlungarian militis are to e b.fully equiped sud ready for war. VOtTNG MIEN siiffering frýom the effects of 1iearly evil habits, the resuit of ignorance or folly, who find themselves weak, nervona, ând exhanStOd; a190 MIDDLn AGeznand OLD %Usq, who are broken down from the effects of abuse ur over-work, snd in a.dvanced Hfe feel the consequences- of youthfui exceas, Bend for and EEÀD M. V. Lubon's Treatise on I>isesses o! Men. The book wifl bi sent sealed to any adâress on reoeipt of two 3-S stamps. Addresa I. V. LGBON. 47 Wellington St. E., Toronto. A mine explosion in the Rhondda Valley, Wales, causedl a number of deaths. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old phyoician, retired from practice, having lied plaSd in is hands by an East Ind amiasonary th. formula of a simple -vegetable remody for the speedy and perm- anent cure of Conumption, Brouchitis, <atarnh,ÂAgtbma and &il throat aud Lung Affections, alsosa postive and radical cure for Servons Debility and al Nervoas Oom- plaints, aller having tested ils wouderful curative powers in thousanda eofcases, bas feitIt i i duty to make il known -o bis aufferlcg fellows. Actuited by Ibis motive Mid a deire tu relaeve hum"n--ufterlng$, I llsend f r. etebo ge te eh .dulril, recives In GermantF'rnch o Ng« a -v ufdirections fo -g adusng Sent by mail by ad i h stamp, The. case for tb. Crown ini lhe Dillon trial was Cloued ou Sunday. -Do nottake pill r powýdsrs conlann calomel, for si Ibis lime o01 h. yeak, the resuit may b. serions. I, yen require a dose of ph ysic take Dr. (]arson's Stomacli "»ad'Oowt1pàtlou Bittera; àIlots gently on 1h. ýbowela, purifies 4heb 'idd.unproves lb. oireulatiu, stimulstes liver and kidmqs, sud speedilY cures ilionaness, .headoche, dyspepsia, indiget-. . Seaxoh *0i drug stores frein oeéet l adlada te the other, and yen cannol find -è remedy aqpM ltoiît. Try it ancl u eil In your famliel Sold everywhete iu large botties At 90emta. A MARELOJS STORY, lm Win TWO LEITKES F MMU11E nu, "U8 Cod,$ SLIS "0eSt*~ea Myfather residés st Glever, VI. uebasbeena.greal suffeerfreseSorf- Ui a u laflâ edtter WMU1eU 7«uWb"l bha& aiù bwAoese4 i tblnk is bl6ôo mnat hïve "ontsine the humer for Atimlat ton ye ;but it (Wmotshow,. em4csnt.intbs fe Allan Line ROYAL MAIL STEAMSBIPS, Liverpool, Londonderry, Glasgow. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. DATES 0F SAILINO. Peruviau iteom Portland, Feb. lti. Item Hadfa 'OFb. 121h. Sardinlin, fnrom Porllau, Pcb. 24h. - fro m H alita, Feb. 26th. Polynesisu, frein Portland, Mar. Brd. Iterm Halifax, Mar. 5th. Circassisu, Item Porland, Met. 101h., Peruvian, frein Portland. Mar. 241h. frein Halifax, Mar. 261h. RATES OF PASSAGE 7"oX PORTLLND Ou aR R. - GABIN -$so,-$, su$ ,scori t position et Slsteroom. Reluru zTickets $100, #125,. ud $160. INTERMEDIÂTE .$W0. STEZBAGE't Intermediale snd Steerege paseengers fer Glasgcw ferwardedfree b y rail Item Liver- pool, or by steamer Item Derry. pasogrs taking 1h. Steamer at Port- land"wil eave Wbitby ou the Weduesdy rMeo=na-at Halifax, on te Thuràdsy Pa1rtie sendig for their Moinde lu th«. Old Cjuury eau obtalu PREPID MPAS-ý SAE CEBTIFICATES ai lowest rates. For Tickets sudailU otier Inferup"n ýapply te Gco. B. Yak, t RQSSO THE REMEBIAL 'C MIOUIB"' 15 A POSITIVE CURE For ail lbose Painful Complainte and Weak- nesses se, common te o or best FEMALE POPULATION. On accounulot ite -provýen merits, it is te- day recommrnded sud prescribed by the bdsî = py icin t h.country. ' Il u cr euitly tbe worst fermn of, Failiug c Ie terus, Leucorrhioa, Irrcgulat sud Paiti Menstruation, ail Ovaria troubles, Infl&mmation and tl.oeration, Fleedings, asu Displscemenîs sud the cou- se=elspinal veakuese, sud ie especially aptcd te cChange ef Lite. Il viii dis. soivo sud expel lumors Iotheb.uleras lu an 'early stage ot deveiopmeut. The ten- dency cof Gancerous Humera there is check- ed vety speedily by ils use. It removes tainlss, fialuleucy, destroys ail oravîng for stimulants, sud rehieves veakmuofetthe alomacli. It cures Bloeting. Head-ac4ies, &erveus Prostration, General DcbllitySleeplessucss, Depresion and Indigestion. Tht feelingw. Of =eargdown, cançsiug pain,. weight anu. baokache, h elways permanenlly oured by ils use. *For the cure of Kiduey -Complainte. of elthe se tbli ompounnisnsw of the urineretrelbnomlfaioa ofet Ikduysosu'Fprenta l8e orgalil degoueraticu w 4hIsd eBrgtsla ease.J 0'w trial wili ohcrm ona excite yow RemedJal Cmpouund je preadl- Pinl sud Liquld terni. $1petr.oîle, 7 petd E. Pilla (auget coated) by malu5e.pen box. BEMEDIAL COMXPOtTND CO.> Derby I4àe, YItJ.B., or'BtaslBead, Que.., Canada. Ewuxsnra..LvzrîPumae(sugetatd04w -,ures Torp6di thecf l Lvcr, Rea"ah,' Bilieusuesa . They are éq"tki mild, no' ping, sud shouid b. used ilu ýconrfeotior, Mitbth héRamedial moudBvnal .L col~e "f veeke ill e lite englue beIng pired. Thers are rs number pf Antme steppininl-thie village, seiiing caas otier grain at higi 'fgure to -farut laking licir not es fer lie saute, a ,.ontmetlua te bny baek double1 Per Yard'., EXTRAORDJNARY VALUE. o onfrmned. Th. clerkî,ladou lbe labii ngacoonêe--&t& Go.. std $~, 15-78; ýJno. Doble, Cedar veisl, > 2.60». Jas. Strong, diggt foi Mr.Walseford, $2. LThe. olerk!resd a communicat j. Teughby, notifying tbe Oeui the rcad betw*eeu Uxibridge tewr lb. ,village of Epsem, opposite loi 8Stl. cqn' and lot 4 iu the 7tli neOt pissable in consequence nârroýwn08 cf thé roadway sud ing 1he7 CàuÙcil te cause thb. b. made pa4sable ab Once. Prou H. E. Maynsrd stating hdiitdN. Tuoker as raque -the Co cnil .,,pd found hirm nc gnned 'f eatsablao; but in seoins bcd clothing_, &a., which obagedi sud! encoesd au accour 15 for saine. ProËem D.,MoXËay, declining 1 auditor. Promi W. E. YabrnoldEsq., 1 inu-the 'malter of the drain on1 aud 7 lu the. 6th, 7th and 8th Co euclosing acconut f6r services jiection, with the saine for 024. The. clerk laid on t.he table Il utes pf a meeting of hhetrustesi S. No 4petiliouing lu faver cf ing tiat sect 'ion by divudingSec belween Nos. 2 sud 4. Aise tie minutes cfaà public hld lu Ibe Cedar Creek Sohool ou Lie 4h met ut whioh a ve rate payers wae taken wjhicb'3 inl 23 veting for petitieuing agai 9for dividing. Mesure. W. McGili, A.. Gilrpj Parrieh sand Jes., Kilpatrick weïr befere tie Cou ncil, againti theii . a.88proposed. The fâliowiug.gentlemen weru in fayoth le ohange :-Messi urus, Wm. Coies, W. M. Allen Moore, Gee. Jackson, T. 1l Bon, Geo. SÛR11asd othere. On motion of Mr. Chàîstie I tiens cf Moisan. Wm. MoGilli an Burne wore laid on lb. table for» consideration. On motion ef Mr. Chrietie a was introduoed'sud passed app Mr. A. A. Gilroy suditor lun Mr. D- McKày. Ou mýotion of r. Tink thé cf Mr-. Maynard W813 ordered te *Ou idnof Mr. MoParlane ceunI cf John Doble wasordered On motion cf Mr; Martin the cf Jas. Strong was order té h The suditor's report u Wt] D9e., 1886, was laid on tetable4 T&efollowing S-rt lietotale:- Balance on baud.........* Notes diàooniated at, Ont. Bank 2 Bout of Town HalL..... C. oileotor's roiL .............. 14 BCXPISDITUJEg Readiand Bigs..... 8 Sohools......... D f................ Inlret sd iacun....... O nli cu.... BalmS on haud.~.... otl.......... .l See our New Table Lirnen at

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