Whitby Chronicle, 25 Feb 1887, p. 3

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Tiea oieCunoil t inth ie Town Memncreaàtpreseut. tee've in tht chair. Minutes ciIfst meetlu". ~read atil confiruied. Thre clerk laid on lh. tabe 0dth follov;-. ing &ccoilflL5- liart & 00., stationPry, &., $15.78; Jne. Doble, Cedar for cui- vea $2.50 ; Jas. Strong, digging grâve for M.Wi koford, $2. Thre 0lerk =ad a communication frein J. TuughbY, notifying the Council that the roâal between lJxbridge towuliare and thre village oflEpsioma, ppOsîte lot 8 on th. St con. and lot 4 iu thre 7ttr con., je not paHsable in coneequence cof the narrowfless Of the roadway and nolify- ing thre Counoil te cuàueo th. same-to be imade Passable at once. Fron IL E. Mayuard statîng that ho hadLvi4ted N. Tuoker as requeeled by the counili and foind him net in ur- gent need cf esables, but iu want cf some bed lothiig, &o., whiech b. pur. ohased, and eolo3od an aQop0unt cf $7. 1,5 forétameO. Fromi D. MoKay, declining te act as From W%. E. Yaroold, Esq., D. L. S., in thie matter of tbeï drain con lots 5-, 6, and 7 in the 6tir, 7Lh and 8th conis. and enclubingL account for services in con- nection witb th. sanie for $24. Thre aoeri laid ou the table the min- Utnes Of a meeting cf the trustees cf S. S. No. 4-petitiefliDg in favor cf exqlarg- înug that section by dividing Sec. No. a between Nos. 2 and 4. Aise tbe minutes cf a public meeting held iu tire Cedar Oreek Sehêci flouse, on thre 4th inst at which a vote cf the rate payers was taken which reaulted in 23 voting for petitioning againet aud 9 for dividing. Mesars. W. MoGill, A.. Gilroy, Wm. Parriair and Jus. Kilpalrick were heard before thre Council, againet dividing thre S. S. as prepeeed. The fellowing gentlemen were board in favor cf the change :-Messrs. Wnr. Barns, Wm. Ceates, W. M. Weir. 'Allen Moure, Geo. Jackson, T. Mander- son, Gee. Sil and othere. On motion cf Mr. Christie tb. peti- lions cf Messie. Wm. MoGill and Wm. Barns were laid on tbe table for turther con8ideration. On motion cf Mr. Christie a by-law was irrtrodirced and paseedt appcinting Mr. A.-A. Gilrcy auditer in place cf <Mr. D, Mco1ay. On motion cf Mr. Tink the. ccount ef Mr. Maj#nard wae ordered te b.e paid. On motiô'd of Mr. MeFarlane th. se. cenIcof John Doble was ordarld to be paid. 7â On motion cf Mr. Martin the acceunt cf Jas. Sîrong was ordered te b.e paid. Tbe auditer'e report up le, the Blet Dec., 1886, was laid on the table. The following are the totale: REORIPTS. Balance on -aud ............ 8 1,234 78 'Notes diecouaî.ed at Ont. Bank 2$0(00 0 R ent of Town 0ll......... 0O <oleoorsa rol............... 14,698 23 Non-reeldent tai............. 14079 Total receipte .......... 18,669 54 * EXPENDITURE. Ruade and Bridges. .......... Sohools .................... Salaries ....;&.............. Bille payable................ Pour fund.................. Dog fnnd .................. Miscdlaneoua.......... Prînting .................. Interest and discount .......... Ontarie county............... Balance on haud ........... 8118M5 95 6,968 15 949 50 2,000 00 765 16 6082 587 78 161 72 31 32 1,000 0e 49081 00 Total. .............1,6~5 On motion et Mr. MeParlane tire re- port vas roived sudadopted sud the clork instracted l t have 200 eopies -printed. M.Mrr ieBee On motion o r etmte ev' urder vWs issued w t avor oet3'. Nott for 87, for edifin for Mrs. Wakeford. 'Ou motion et Mi. Tnk lthe tender of H. Dunlop for supplying- cedar for 889.60 wua ceepted ; aisoý e 0. Steel for upplying @tono ai #2.80 per cord. On motion of Mr. Tink A by-law was întroduced And passed eetabliuhing tire ,-second Monday ofeseir mentirh regu- iar meeting days for tire Council.:- On motion of Mr. Christie tire andi- tors were ordered to be paid 84 ech. Ou motion etf1Mr.Chrristie, lire Reeve's eider wusissued in favor ef E. Barretti-for 02.50 for vork doue ou thre gravel road. The Conucil thon adjourned. Washington Letter. <Jîrom cur reguar orresondent.) WtuxmoTotN, Peb. 18, '87.-Oongress bas accmisbed -very litUo during,1h. weok in thlire_«eofimportant vational legisiation. Te ýpeople ci WashÀ*ngta are weli saifld .vitirviral iras been been doue, however, luâamuc as on iderable pregreas vwas made wlth local affaire Mlu vhich thedie Miroir iternst- ed. Wauhmigton, i. tire Prote of Pourgroes. -Tir.-District et Columubia à governed'tirlyby ýOcgr0si, in dependent #,A r1oempeIied le lcok te (ugesforeverytliing. ,Nâlurahly il * inka Congroe.nover doet. onugirfer Îiand is Oaolbroniq .oaplamut of nOglecI. It ije-thougirt thstI'thre-Preoià èî Vis 'veto et tire Deppudent Petolon bil w * b. sustained, althougir the 'Roues Pased the blllby Moro Ihan. a two- tirirds mijoijty, wbl@b wo>ld bôsffi iieutt te pï.il or ibOh. lite. ý le ]Preident'a veoemessege proved la PoUerful oonver*er, s0P40mn'àsbeé# -ire snpportedti.IUa 1 ê* an.they &te take about twet«nfDi cf th Trep Teaonuew &,oiîonIe KXaidhtaj L aonsd ariy chnir,.se d tais. loshave obueided w ità the publie.. tien ut Ibis lètter cf resigination sud the President'a reply,- the gossîie- have turnod te the, task cf appeinîing bit sÎUCcebcor,. Beside 8,isitàat- Secretary Fairchild, th. naisof MinisetcrPeu. dicton aud ei-Senator McDonald, both cf whom are new- in the city, are inen- tioned for the place. Lt i. stated thas tire lew qfficer will b. riominated re - fore the adjournment cf Congrese,e Ibat hoe nay. ho cenfirmaed;altheugh the President lias requeeted Mr. Manning to continue to serve autil the let of April. Thre membere cf Congress Who have doue muet cf Lb. legielation tbis winter are thire.Who belong te thre Houe. cornmittee on Appropriations. They are about the best workers ln Cougrees. They 8aitound a long table covered witlr bIne, and esoir particular member seeme beat on etopping up thre leake in the Treasùry. flou. Samuel RaudaIl, wbo je Chairman in fach as weli as in Daine, site aI lb, bead cf thre table, aud iu hie rather domineering manuel-, doe at least on. haif of the talking. :Re je juet a littie impatient, intoicrant and impolIte as regards lbe suggestions cf hie fellow-commiîleemen who differ frein hum, but lie is liked by thela nev- ertihelese. Neit ho the Chairman site Gern. For- uey, cf Alabama, hugely 'buill but sulent. Beside him may be sèen thre allegod ,watob-dog cf the Treaeury." Judge flolman, cf Indiana, vire objecte to every appropriation, bowever emaIL Rie taike smach sas theC9bairman will shlow, and enlivene the duil cen- mille. rooni with mauy little spalsah iris Chiot. Thoen tire. is Mr. Townshend, cf Ill. wbo attsoke Mr. flolman's meaRre allowances, and swarthy Mr. Burues, cf Missouri, Who taikes wiseey when h. je indueed te epeak ah aill. Mesers. LoFevre, cf Obio. Adams cf New York aud Wilson, of W. Vs., r-pend very lutle timne in lb.e ornmitlee rcom, but Mr. Cabel of Va,, Who is eoonrmically minded, je aiwaye ah bis post, and taites apreminent part Lintthe deliberations. Thre Repubicans have fiv. cf tliri etrongeet,- men on Ibis 'cemruittec. Tbey are Mesorri. Batterwoé.th, cf Ohio, Caution, cf Illinois, Rysu, of Kansas, Loug, Gf Maes., Ilenderson cf Iowa, and mcComas, of Marylaud. Mr. Cati- non ie their leadar, and je a geod match for Mr. Rtàntall on al questions et finance that arise. Gen. Hendereon ia called th.eue legged soldier becae ire le tire most liberal mani on tire com- mitte. sas to any item tiraI concerne soldiers. Mr. Long, besides beiug an excellent worker, àe dieîinguished fer bis ezosi- lent manner. Mr. MoComas je young and haudeomue as well as a man et w.igbî, and lbas a briglr futur, appar- euhiy. R.ei. probably listened te with more attention &han anyyoung man in Congres.. Mr. Ryan ta1k. litle but vorks a great deal in eommiltee, aud Bon. Batterworbh, as hie tfriende, famil. iarly eall ina,iras less ho say at coi- mitte. meeting tran migiri b. expected cf a urember who shows te fiue advan- tage on the floot cf threHoua. Worise than amanl Pox. À GREAT DANGER WHICHENACES Ss u UN5USPICTOUS PUBLIC. Tire Brompten Hospitalfor oonmnmp. tives, iu London, reperts tirat over Myt people out cf .very irundm d onsump. Sives, are victim off oousipated or in- active kîdneys. consuomption is onee opr national dises, and tire aboe, report go.. le prove what hransethen been said ini our colmue during tire lutI eigirt years, that kiduey troubles are net only tire cause of more Iran baif cf lire cases et ounsumption, but cf nicety out ot every irundred other common diseaees They vire have-haken i hiispesihion, tmade, tir claimas atterelaborale investigation, sud their prooft tathey have discovored à specifle for th~e terrible and stealthy kidney diseases, wirioir have- býSOie se .prevalen . among us, i. wisè sud couvincing. W. have recently réceived frei tirezu a fresir supply cf tiroir wonderfal ad - vertising. Ttrey have chai1ang tire ~médical profession snd science te iu- vestigate. Tirey have investigat.d,, aid tires. earefrank haie admitted tire trutir cf.tioir#ttemaeuts. They olsint, Abat- nÎnin t OUn nt. of Ai#6689n. ame Tii. s-ie quantity c f blood tlial Pas3es through the kidneyt. If the kid-_' n.y~ar.di.asd,'and th. bloed soaha op thé disease and takes it 311,îlàtéugh the system. ,Hei2e it.ie, 9 thie* oîaim is Mflde that Warýner'e safée ut~ohe only knewn speciffe forkidn.y dise'ases, cures. 90 par cent. of human ailments, because it, aud it alone, je able@ b maintain the. natural activity of the kidneys, and te. neutralize and remeve th. urie aoid, or kidney poison as fust as- it isl'orinea. If this acid je net removed there .is inactivity of the kidneys, and there wiUl b. produced in the system paralyese appoplexy, dyspepsia, consumption,": beart disease, liead aches, rheumnatism, pneumouis, impotnny; and all thé namelese diseases of délicate women. If the poison matteiis separated from the % blood, a s faut as it is formïed, thosà iliseases, in a majority of cases,'would net éedet. It only requires a partiole c f emaill. poz virus bo produce that ,vile disease, and- the poisonous matter frein the kidneys, paSF,!nR ail througb the systerm and becoming lodged at diffèrebt weak. points, i. equally destructive, although more diegnised. If it were possible for un to ose, mbo the kidneys, and bow quiekly thre blood pasig through thein goeu toe bheart and lunge and thier parts cf the system carring Ibis desdly virus with' il, ail wonId believe' withont bésitation what bas se often been stated in adver- tisemonts in thèse columne, that the kidneys are th. moet important organe in the body. They may regS.rd this article s an advertisement and refuse te believe it, but that je a m atter over wbich we have ne control. Careful inveetigation and science itseif are proving beyond a doubt that this erRan te, in faot, more import- ant than »any other in the systeni as a -healtb regulator, and se snoh sbonldbe olosely watched, for the least sigu cf diserdered action. DES TROY THE WORMS or tlaey may de8troy the children. s Free- mavs'8 Worm Powder8, th.oj e*xel aU kinda of worm.. Tamarae. Ie net an ordinary mixture. In fact ils properties are entirely different from aty preparation used for (Joughs, Colds, Throa t and Luzg Troubles. The German elections Monday do net seem tu have been favorable to Bismnarck. There le notbing equal te Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator fordestroyîng wormis. No article cf its kind lias iven sucli alin faction. $ignor Depretie, the Italian Premier, lia submitted th. names cf bis new Ministry. To &Ù Who are suffori2ng frein the. errors and indiscr.tions of -youihh ne , r . n..; ea.rly di-Gay, lon sf et *, À".I will »end a recipe tiraI will cureYO-1, FREE 0F CHJAGE.- The.greairemed~ wus discevered by a miuiconary I So Âmerica. Send a self-addressed envelêpe te th. Bey. Joira T. lxrL&x, StaSioi News York Oitv. The unssians ari threstening anether ad- vance in 1h. direction ef Afghanistan. Il .mom Tpila. J. D. Cameron, of Westlske, Anslie, Cape Breton, b.d inflWmmuato reum.tipm 'whieh Liagyarcl's Yellowe.ou ail&U othkr trealmeni haêM ild Thre Prencli continus their active M14.tUar1 Anov tmmene asbo n oevered whr,b eiaet olv f Ii lnt. iô norvni tent froc on rocoipb of stanip"t¶ L LIOI& SON m KINlT. wT 7OROiNTO, CANABAS. IFALL SUITS. r - -00- - JOHN Scotch, FERCUISON 18 SHOWING A S1JPBIOR STQCK OP Eng«lisJz and Canadian Tweeds,] ,-nd othor fine linesosf Clotirs, for Spring suits. AUil garments madie up ini lâtest style on.shortest notice. Ready.àmade Men'& and Boys' 8uits,, Gentst, Furnishings and ILi is ju# tLie M&a nefor î te Public. DcciaIl Ride cf, sewirrg. Âlways jOrder. . SiMPle sud& Lats a Lifetime.* Ihe OomioIon Organs and Pianos Are Retter than Arry Other. The Beel Judges say Ils Ton. is the ot Il ie buii with a view te Duxability snd, Beauty. Thre Bout Instrumentto' Buy.' Cal and Se, Ont roodcs. H.ý Wp"FOX>, AGENTE BROCWST. - S- - WT L ondon -and Lanovashiro. Life (Company., This Ccmpauy issues .very de sirableftorni ci~ ~~n Liepiysdlas depoeited wih -tire Rlecîer eeeral iu approved anai siedurities over $100.00- for eaoh 1S100(irO f liability,--brus- affori4g ABSOLUTB se- Partiùes desirous cf assuLriug tircir lives vil find il te tieir advMtrage ho cousuji th. uud.rslgntd before asmuriug elsewliere, J01HN FÂBQUHÂRSON, Whitby,',May]18 8. .dy PA; Underclothing of ailtKide HATS 1 HATSF T! - Latst ylos in EHard and Soft poi Hatà VEBY (IHEÂP.. JoWILitbduso 1 THE NQRTII AMERICAWN LIFE---4-ýL HEAD OZ. CE 2M TO. 08 KflG 8TZiWSTe ?9B FULL .GQYERNMENT.-E on. A. Xackenzi, ez"-Prime Ximise~ot a a JFILLIMAN UOE sPuAINs, CUEBS, Ail> 5PLIET5 PoalfINe. ~eu ovin-niacaus, cuÂrrun UEEL5~ O&LL5. 1 by thre Eirgulaz Ovariau cerition, the cou. în 14

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