Whitby Chronicle, 25 Feb 1887, p. 4

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lUit', V Brushes -of ail kin dsà Cm bs Chamois Toilet Articles. Ai JOB LOT AT THE MEDICAL HALL, ODOIR CASES' DRESSING CASES WHISK HOLDERS TRAVELLING. COMPA.NIONS ETC ETC BUITÂBLE, FOR XMEAS G.E. GIBBA RD. ONLY Si oo PER ANNUMl. Whitby, Frlday, Feb. 25, 1887. TE. Ontario House meets agai n 9 Tuesday. Now that the elections are over let us get to work a.nd have oui spring fair arrangements cornpleted. This town don't properly appreciate the value of a fair, somehow. By kickiug up a tremendona furore over the probability of war, Prince Bis- mack l*â sommare a working majority4 of the new Parliament for whioh the.. eleetions were held on Monday. Thinge have corne t a pretty liard pass witli the venerable Chancelar when lie haî to talk figltitnl order to work up an election cry. Heisi fast losing hie ~gril),__ PZOPiaE of either side of politica wlio are iu favor of g-ood goverument as weUl wiahing to support as their respective parties, concede that it ilaa good' thing the Dominion Government should have a emailer rnajority than it liad before. The Conservatives -have no reason to complain, because to have ,, bomnoh strengtli in sucli cases isaa soUre Sigu of weaktnesa. TEE Reform Party never fought a botter fight than on Tnesday lust, There wore no very strong election cries to work the vote for either side, anai ai the issue was ainWy the competency of the min. The Govîrnient liaving posses- sion anti paatronage, ana hlaving revery other advantage, suffered a pretty close shave. -If Mr. Blake eau pick up as nuch lunthe ne:b five years as lie las doue in-the last, lio stands a chance of buing ira i miser yet, )LoTisinisi emin iunUýe towna wili reJoice-that liiie lections%re over, as, b"uses was omipletely stified for à wuek or ai. Thie farine?, boa, having elîcteti thefr candidate, may now feel Batisfid "wO go on with their business ýwihout> interféence,.'For oui part we hope somneone bas a oufficient majority togao on with the Government blirongli ont the fuU parliamentary terin of five years. It isa very ood idea ta eout down the majority to 'sucli an extent that Govîrninent will have tb mkdilsàB4 P's and qs. Tucu s flot. muali danger of,,war lotweê Çanada andth ie United'Sbales fi<ct lha t boliligeullînaien amesrespect- able as.Could have .been Selecteti, ',and their manly conduc t lawardsa ehother offered iio encouragement b canvassers to introduce bitter.,feeling mui l. he campaigu. Ma. SmFrH, the conoer#a1dve canai- date, is to be congratzùlai upon tIi large majority of eleotors who have endlorsed hie caudibure. Jutiging by the last local elect.ion it woult iseem as if not only the conservative p airy support- ed hlm but also many Reformers., 0f course ho was the farmers' candidate, but it can eoarcîly be eaid lie titibetter in the to.wniehips than in the towns. They ail turned in and elected him. ISNT it about time some move Was madie to seonre a successor to the flrm of Pattereon Bros., who are so sbon to leave us for Woodstock. Surely there is a firm of manufacturers eomewhîrî in this Province that would avail ibseif of the oppertunity of securing control of the Whitby fouudry did they but know that the opportuuity! wu avail- able. We understand the Works -wiil close down on the 15th liareh anti if anything la golng ta le doue in the vay of intiuclng ài firin ta locale hie, there is no time ta lise. TEEs Labor candidates' have been burioti ont of sight, whioli proves con- clusively that the intereets if labor anti capital can not ho suntieMet. The two are iueeparably. associateti, anti what affects oui also affects tle other. The Prohibition, or thirti Varty, falteret wheu it came te the final charge'anti scatteredti t the ranke -from which it had assembleti. Prohibit4on anti Labor Reform, te be effective, nmust bring pressure to boa on oui or the other if bue parties directly; anti uit throughi the metiium if a hrti party candidÈte.' The effort 'las beau matie along buat ine eufficiently often to prove -that nothing but, failure awaits bue attenpt., TEE WHITBY OHRo?41CLE vW» laboring under a slight delusion wben it said that lçenial Mr. Goc. Bruce, had tbrongb bis indefatigable efforts succeidedin tn9 30W noekcd off the County V Itra~ assment if Beaverton. It nov turne out that the change w-as maqie betor. the fvahiators hancldin utheir report,- which, w-heu it came bufore the Co"]cilw-a passed without even an ameudment teing matie. Âlthough ni one doubta Mr. Bruce'a gunial- neas, y t it w-as not this genisineeq tbat got thar tis time.-Cannington OIeaner. Perhaps the Canngton GI.oasr kuowe more about what veut on at the eounty eoiineil than our reporter, w-ho was preisent ibrougbout. If the Gleaner wil juet turc up tbe'report of thu procuedinge ho vili fiuni tat the valustore' rebort vas i ferrati baok 10 ttîn tbmek» nome rffgt eorretious in fignriug up the titals, andi lb vas in iverbau'liug the report that the Valu- atone favoneti Mr. Brue'. requesita retinie the valuation of Beavertan $ 20,000. Anud it titi nos require amy "intiefatigable" efforts on the. part of Mn. B. to intiue th. valuatons ta perfom an,,Ippargut aet of justice. THE Toronto papers, the gneat ree- tors if the political situation, dlffer, anti that naburally, -in bleir reports of the gesulta if Tnestiay's viting Tii. fig- ures range ail thi vay finm a minirity of five to a goverunîent najority, of 85. TIat tle giverument vil l e sustaneti no oe serioualy double, but villi vhat najanily niouine appeau ta knav, nor vill .;t b. knovn before the. lirai divi- alan takes place in bue Hanse. It la evitint buat the majirity of 1888-lias been cinsitierably ioetiidt, but ual ,sufficiiutly.tla variant the asuniption lIat a deati loçk vil reaIt, folioveti by anotiier appeal tb lb.ecouintry. 'Queboc Bolters andthîe Intiepeentus tagether boIdthîe, key ta île aituatîou and.. may do just about as îlîy se. fit. 1Tii. r.- suite lave hein funOf surprises even ta thei knoWing anes. Many "feconsatt uincies have proveti anything but safe anti many doutbtful ridinga havée-ubtereti fia uncerWansount. Souh Onléria, if 1ot considîniti doubtful, vas scsrceiy ousidenti safe la eiblmei party, i *houl thei usual number.o!1 1h anti bute. For bireenyîari bas returneti a Rifain ý * 4. ..14'. .-9 ~vout -for lotaie > WeIJ. we welt out~ pardly-, ta se«frienti Gleéa4î MaolLeyanti Mitchiell andi paxrgy4ê to a. goodfend aailaenjay lie couiert providetil by îe Bev. Mr. wosiileyt anthe lii nts of 8St. George's chur4, W. arrive4 rather labe, o ai >êàë4d00 that vo feareti-he 250 who la& borné- tiewn upon the. bables 'before us, l9d matieasnob a wrück & fthiefeaetsi lii*é should have to console ouruelveu wlth the remnants, but lb la a prettyohilly, day when t4ie late - corner ai a Greati- woad boa-meeting linds3 himself lait ont in bhe coti. Bro. Jewell niooner put hie smiling countenance within th. front door of the Towu Hall, thisi a burrieti whisper was passeti around among the kinti ladies who waite& iim atteudance, anti as if by magie a tr 1 ns- for mation took place anti there, arase before us a spreati that would have tirawn boars of jdy from the eyes of a marble statue. Were we long in crawling ont of bliat ulieepskin ceai-> Well, say!1 If that tabîr didn'l look~ as if it lad bien struck by an earthquake within bon minutes after it vas firet sigliteti by the Whitby contingent tIen oui watdli needs repamrng, btha's aIL A.fter canrylng deat anti destruction throughôut 1h. lael ant breatth of lIaI %ab!e v a ghireti O-urselvus bogoherant lowly wendeti aur way t the.sdhool liquýse, vhere the concert was in full blast. Thîre was two iuches of a window asi that was uit occupieti andi we struck a be-lime for it, when the taIl forin if fient Walks roe solemuly anti unjestically befare us, and the opportI;dily vas lost, We~ lad te stand. The programme was lengthy anti varied, anti ai arranged blat the interest of the large audience was sustainît througlout. ' The Claremnont orchestra andtihîe Ejusale mouth orRan baud were on baud anti dit gooti service. Meurie. Frank sud Clark Wiener wene toa funuy for anything. Their efforts ver, lieartily applautiet. Miss Gregg conbribnted, 8everal pleasing instrumentais, Mr Crawshaw accompanying lier on the, accirdion. Misses McKettrick, Me- Dermot, Hylielti, Matili anti Graham eacb bore a promment part lu the. singing anti neceiveti veli eriteti applause. A baIent for sigin**g seems to prevail aming the young folks of Greenwooti as vas evideuceti by the prommnent part lhîy took an the pro-. gramme. A character soug by «Mr. Hyfielti anti a capital- song by Master Willie Clark, yen amang the more, excellent features of île programme. Whitby's riputablon for goda reading anti gooti siging wus vil sutaineti by Miss Edibli Murray anti Mr. 3eweILl Bath vire heartily eneereti. TIi Bey. Mi. Cameron cf Pickering vas invite&i by the 'eliairman, t atidre thîe audience. The Bey. gentleman ir. spondet in a short anti piîly atidreas, expressive ,i f hie pliai, a-i4tbelng presout, anti of thecIndly 'feelming Ia existeti betveen hiqisuifath le Bey., Mr. Westuey. .Duiug an intermnisuianif liv. minutes a p easing ant inlterealing' evant taqk place, beiug lmo b a Io îe preeualion i a silver sugar bwl anti spoon der to the late orgnist Of the =ar, Mm.. 4aa. Duif, frzErly; Mise HyfielètLTIe preetatian VAS made on behlf of lb. cougregatiîon by the Bey. Mi. Weslney vIa epoke in île highest terme of the service rentier- .eti by Mis. Duif, anti expressed, the Lagu.variety of photegrapi i buinsand lub goeeer openat N, k Are Now Clearing Out-.,The Balance of Their 'Large Stock of Winter Dry ;Preparing for a Much Lý'rger Stock of- Spring and Sum'mer Selections of paxicy Dry-Goods, Notions, &o., &o. Goods Staple The Newest Desig Ther£ owest-Pricei The most Dur AI-D a-ndý- aad And in Order To reduce-The PreÉent Stock of Winter Goods, Oonsisting of Blankets, Flannels, Shawls, -Clouds, Gloves, Ho0skry, Manties, Mantie Cloths, Dress-Goods, iPlushes, Velvets, Furs, &C., &c., They have decided to 0lear ail at Special Prices. Mlso Tweeds, Cloths, Ooatings, 8Uitingas--Pantingý, and Over Ooatings, and Everything ini the Tailoring Department,ý AT SPECIALLY LOW PRJCE&. Now is Thel~ime for a Ch.eap Suit. Ail Goods Marked in. Plain Fgur es, Cali Early and Secutre Bargain8 at The Whitby Dry Goods Jimpoium. I?:ý.OS8 th îe many people who have given m pbf *ahoag ile dolng business e. s&a.Ing decîdud te withdraw from buu"as fIo woen-as . possIble,,Mi., Roeut W THOS. WHITE.' LST-On Break Street, between1 4rmUÀst=og's hotelm hsudffia0ce, e broa lai. uvRed for leavlng the. sai HLICTORAL DIMTRI0Ti of the soulw- BING .TO WZT: OOUIITY 01? ONTARIO. :- U L CNOTI CB i~E o y g v a t~ FIRANOrIlS, BAEq ÂA mdidat *0l. 1.OIIOU uow prn&d Burne C Oolnm ,We're bonnd ta have'a fit ta-day, W. dou't mimd if ils amail- ,TheIi$ liwe vnt le profit, trienti, ýëp look you, one andi fa&H 1 Fo-Pr gainîs-vat kains 2:vhy bar. gains,- fiemd 1 Jusl glance vilhin, Our store,- Suob bargaius va vil show you, friemd, As nu'er ver. sein before. W. êOuscientiously believe inclose profits, andi pîenty of 'amn. -Pbease do w-lat ýyou eau te -make 'mputfl W. vaut ta duaw -your notice a Ïoui moniy-savlmg, bargaiuss lu fuit :boots, eueos, elippers ant- ieovuoa.Afe pan euh on biandi, though ou redue- lion of 88â par ent., bas matie a big bole in lb.,», anti put hha, liagong lW our moutîs:' I aum ftle go 'onntheii. ent; Good*bi, myovins, Igood-byi'I They'ra il f'mfetylshfii God- yem vers, gooti-Ie. ser. a Utt1 , 1. tl er, a it.ie." W . eava yen somuething On thîe mont lnifing pooa. Ladie', gentlemten's, boys'. Notice to OCreditoret> 91EZOBED11T( ~A oclirate * BRNARI ,FEB.BUA.RY 25th, 1887.. LOCAL LACONICS.' îIRAI 18 801KG ON IN AND AROIJNO TOI - BUDGET OF LIYELY LOCAL NEW8 BLEANEJ et GOHROi1CLEREOTR "A abieFs amang ye, takin notes, Au, faith he'U prent ft. - 'Waxmoandles. were in great dem on Tuesdaylnight. Tnn rienio-St. JohWe às ohl gie scilin the school bouse at' Bay on the. ýevening of -Friday, Id 41,pa -week from to-day. -BReirulm - l egiven ada ls ls grammlne-ail for 26 oentseueah. go. TiS eD nz àraov n mA'a .4L.t 0lB -of, the iadt Si emaby post, Pr deliver ta the under. mratez fo 1te xut i KEIDALL AMI NTOIAL AGE tir RKEL -ALKRMS NICKE-L STRIF LNUT 83OHOURt WALNUUT 8. Timekee~ iRi 0

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